The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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12 1 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: THURSDAY MARCH 23 1916 HAMPDEN COUNTY WEST SPRINGIELD CHICOPEE HOLYOKE OLD LANDMARK GOING DIER OVER CONCERT LONGMEADOW PRETTY HOME WEDDING few OBITUARY ALUMNI ROLIC ON COMMON BRYANT TjcDUC wedding bride by by 47 SNOWSTORMS NOW PALMER of Snow Shovel Again HAMPSHIRE COUNTY SOUTH HADLEY ALLS by members for OLD VERSUS YOUNG MEN ENIELD LUDLOW GRANVILLE CENTER WORONOCO on MONSON and merchant WALES NORTH WILBRAHAM HUNTINGTON WILBRAHAM HOLLAND more OUR TRAINMEN KILLED Special Notices the BRIMIELD school alls church of church of the Will by Judge Thomas Riley Ireland in Memorial hall The lecture will be 11 150 stereopticon views wag Elm was for will should be proved The of the old structure is regret on the part of older residents of the a part of the Edward Reading the next and ar the next be held at 4 each the to and The the three Helen held last favored for some reason rar O'Connor made application last evening his name having presented several times before Meth Pathe 1 1 for licenses of class five for fourth class cluba and four druggists' The applicants were as fol The Baptist choir has begun re hearsals for the Easter cantata "The conquering The Baptist choir of Russell will assist the Huntington choir rancis Brackett is director and Miss lorence Cross organist A prize social will be held in the vestry of the Baptist church Satur day evening for the members of the Sunday school The food sale of the aid so ciety of the Baptist church will be held to morrow afternoon at 3311 Brady and Miss Mary present making arrange officers to be installed are Captain Miss Alice Hart LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICANTS An orange supper will be given Sat urday evening by the Red Bridge Christian endeavor society at the com munity house The society has sent an invitation to the people of North Wilbraham to attend the supper Harold A Chadsey of Chicopee alls president of Hampden Christian en deavor union and the president of the Hampden East Christian endeavor union are to visit the Red Bridge so ciety Sunday evening The home economics sewing society held a gathering Tuesday afternoon at the schoolhouse under the direction of Miss Edna Burroughs Coal is so short that families have been obliged to fall back upon the 25 pound bags which are sold at the grocery store and are glad to get even this amount a number of unusual ones meeting of the committee the town hall April 3 at 8 the evening part of next month they supper and sale Moose Elect Officers Ixjyal Order of Moose Dr Heber Claflin 77 of Chicago is a brother of Lady Tennessee Cla flin Cook of London Her veil blossoms of er the meeting refreshments served and a social good time lowed There will be a meeting of the our men were killed and several Injured in a collision between two freight trains at midnight Tuesday night at Vai Brillant on the Inter colonial railway in Rimouski county News of the wreck reached Quebec yesterday The victims were members of the crew of a west bound freight which plunged head on into an east bound train which had stopped at Vai Brillant station The accident was at tributed to the freezing of a switch organized Over 150 who their intention and deposited Another big WESTIELD SIX AT TOWN MEETING aid that put in an appearance in the early morning hours and hung about the city all day was the 47th duly quali fied snowstorm that had visited Hol yoke since the season opened It was called to his attention that Springfield had not so great a total reported but he said that Holyoke had two or three storms which Springfield knew noth ing about As Mr erry has full charge of Holyoke weather he is in a position to keep a more accurate count than those who cut a notch in a fence rail every time a snowstorm happens along for this year the fence rail would give out before all the storms could be recorded and the chances are that the rail would be split up and burned owing to the lingering of the season Nearly all the householders slipped up on their calculations in getting in the winter's supply of coal and the coal dealers are being called upon to add to the customary tonnage The storm of yesterday had not caused much trouble to the street railway up to last evening although owing to the snow's drifting it was feared that there might be trouble during the night The Chicopee schedule was off tor a time last evening owing to the breaking down of one of the cars An unusual accident occurred the Boston and Albany railroad a few days ago when one of the trucks beneath a car on an east bound freight train left the rails at Russell and pounded down over the ties to Wor onoco 21 miles cutting off nearly all of the tie bolts on one side of the rails When the train reached the station at Woronoco the offending car hit the platform and was knocked back on the track again Mrs Dexter Mitchell and daughter Dorothy have returned from Rich ville where they went to at tend the funeral of Mr brother Mr Mitchell remained for a longer stay Roy Rogers of Warren has taken a position at the No 2 mill and moved to Valley View avenue with his fam ily Mrs Ruby VebbeT has left her work at the boarding house and returned to her home on Huntington tee of which Aiderman Donnelly Is chairman can make a report at the next aldermanic meeting Edward Tierney son of Dr and Mrs Tierney of Northampton street has received a surgical appoint ment at the Carney hospital in Bos ton and will assume his duties August 1 The appointment is for a 16 term and the examination for the appointment was taken by 30 members of this graduating classes from Tufts and Yale The city received very favorable terms for the $400000 temporary loan notes yesterday morning the success ful bidder being Blake Bros Co of Boston whose bid was 305 and $3 premium Other bids were Loring Tolman Tupper 307 Curtis San ger 318 Moseley Co 318 Alexander Kasprzynski who is held on a charge of arson in connection with the fire in his store riday night had liis case continued until to mor row in the police court yesterday Two had their cases disposed of and the cases before the juvenile court were continued for a week owing to the absence of Judge Chapin Superintendent Bray has finished the annual inspection of the parks for the browntail moth and reported that there were fewer nests than were found last year although they are more wideiy scattered A number of nests were found in the Smiths erry and the Ashley ponds districts The general committee in charge of the arrangements for the coming con vention of the United commercial travelers will hold a meeting in the chamber of commerce rooms to mor row evening at 730 There will be a vaudeville show and benefit dance given at the Sons of Herman hall Saturday night The Elite orchestra will music and John Brown will prompt There will also be a waltz contest Owing to the serious Illness of Mrs Bowden of Springfield the reg ular meeting of the civics class sched uled for the chamber of commerce rooms this afternoon has been post poned Henry Waters head clerk at the local New Haven railroad freight of fice has been transferred to New Haven Ct and will be succeeded rank Mohan of Willimansett Doutj Siacy Wedding Earnest Stacy son of Nir Mrs James I Stacy of South Monson and Miss Henrietta Douty daughter of Mr and Mrs Edward Douty of Shumway hill iskdale were married at the Sturbridge Congregational church parsonage Tuesday afternoon The ceremony was performed by Rev William A White pastor of the Con gregational church of Sturbridge After their wedding trip Mr and Mrs Stacy will make their home with Mr parents in South Monson A horse owned by Walter Holmes became frightened at a trolly car on Main street yesterday afternoon and ran away The horse was hitched to a light sleigh He was standing un hitched In front of the McCray black smith shop when the 145 trolly to Palmer frightened him The horse turned and crossed the track just in front of the car The motorman did everything he could to stop the car but ran into the sleigh The horse ran up Main street and was stopped near the Methodist church Little damage was done It is expected that there will be a good attendance at the lecture that will be given of Malden on this evening lustrated by There will be in addition several solos by local and out of town singers The regular weekly Lenten readings which are being held in the Congrega tional church parsonage each week was held yesterday afternoon They will be continued Wednesday afternon during Lenten season A snowstorm that added four inches of snow to the heavy fall this month visited Monson yesterday This makes the 16th day this month that snow has fallen In town Rev McLaughlin of Palmer will occupy the pulpit in the Universa list church Sunday morning in ex change with Rev Abram Conklin the regular pastor The social and literary club of the Universalist church will hold their next meeting in the parlor of the church Tuesday evening The Marcus Keep relief corps held their last March meeting in the Grand Army hall last evening slipped on the ice near her yesterday and dislocated her shoulder She was attended by Atwater William A Hopkins died Monday He was born at Putnam Ct Novem ber 30 1853 He married lora Mor rison at Lemington Vt They had one child William Norman of Westbrook Me who survives him Mr Hopkins was employed on the New York Cen tral railroad for 30 years Hft came from Springfield to' Holland nine years ago where he was proprietor or Holland hotel until his death The community was greatly shocked yesterday morning hearing of the death of Stevenson of Pitts field Mr and Mrs Nt Stevenson have a summer home in Granville and take a deep interest in all of the com munity interests Mr Stevenson has been especially active in establishing a water system in the corporation of the Woodlawn cemetery and in the opening of Oriole inn last year Mrs IV Sawyer of Boston has been taken very sick at the home of Storr She came early in eb ruary to visit Mrs Stow Saw yer who was called to town by the illness of Mrs Sawyer returned to Boston on Monday Cards have been received from Rev and Mrs Prewitt since their ar rival in Bowling Green where Mr rewitt has charge or the the Disciples This is a over 500 members Eugene Shaw the local has received the appointment as post master at Granville Center The public schools will open for the spring term on Monday The funeral of Varen Grace was held at the home of his aunt on Jack son street yesterday afternoon The burial was in the Calvary cemetery The funeral of Miss Cora oucher was held at her home on Cabot street yesterday morning with requiem mass in the Precious Blood church Rev Gelineau officiating The burial was in Aldenville Chamber of Commerce Refuses to Approve Sale of Tickets for En tertainment rom Which Wom Relief Corps Will Benefit The chamber of commerce has re fused indorsem*nt to the sale of tick ets for a concert to be put on by the National society for broader education the society having headquarters in Pennsylvania This concert is being represented as under the auspices of the relief corps but the chamber understands that aside from a certain payment the receipts will not go to the corps but to the Penn sylvania concern The local corps will get a stated sum and the receipts from the tickets sold at the door it Is said while the proceeds of the sale of tickets by solicitors will go to the Broader educational society In this action the local chamber seems to be In line with action taken by a num ber of other cities where a similar plan was tried The relief corps and those in charge of the proposed concert do not take kindly to the stand of the chamber of commerce and say that they dn get a financial benefit from the concert and that the people at tending the concert will get the worth of their money The question to be considered seems to be largely an eth ical one and in talking it over yes terday many people seemed to think that the relief corps would be the ones to suffer most from the adoption of such an arrangement and If they are willing to take the chance in the future it does not concern the general public to any great extent The plan seems to be similar to the methods used in presenting "The Cho sen in the city some time ago although the associations concerned got a rather better allotment of re ceipts than the present plan if state ments made are correct They Vote Unanimously to Give Treasurer Authority to Borrow in Anticipation of Taxes The special town meeting in the town hall yesterday morning at 10 was attended by six voters Moderator Clarence A Brodeur called the meet ing to order and the warrant was read by Town Clerk George Searle Hall chairman of the committee on appropriations explained that the committee had gone over the matter of authorizing the town treasurer to borrow money in anticipation of the payment of taxes and a motion that he presented giving such authority subject to the approval of the select men was unanimously passed The meeting was in session three minutes The warrant for the April town meeting closes this week and all articles must be in the hands of the town clerk on or before Saturday The warrant must be posted by Mon day a week before the meeting The committee on appropriations has made a good start but the members hays a busy time in store getting the budget in shape for the town meetings in April In order to keep the tax rate down to a reasonable figure the com mittee will not be able to recommend many large expenditures this year outside the regular departments No Report on Ante ire Truck The prudential committee of the fire district have not yet reported on the recommendation as to automobile ap paratus for the fire district although it has unofficially been reported that they favored an automobile truck and chemical which would cost about $2000 If a pumping engine is not to be in cluded there seems no reason' for a 82000 expense for a chemical truck and there are doubts whether an auto mobile apparatus where there is no permanent fire department would prove as satisfactory as a horse drawn red A Eldred of Springfield will give an exhibition of sleight of hand at the Congregational church vestry to morrow evening Mr and Mrs William Judge of Gaylord street will leave the last of the week for Hartford Ct where they will make their home Mrs Loveland has returned from a visit to her sister in Put ney Vt Albert Jenks of the Hampden county improvement league visited town Tuesday and gave an informal talk on the pruning and spraying of trees George Needham is planning to put out 250 young trees this spring and Dr Marshman and erry will start new orchards The funeral of the two years old son of Mr and Mrs Walter of Stafford was held at the home of Mrs John Heck yesterday afternoon The body was placed in the tomb at the Laurel Hill cemetery John and Henry Lynch are ing with attacks of tonsilitis Sound Renewed bad walking prevails in West Springfield and patrolmen who thought their job in this particular was over must again gently impress it upon the minds of delinquents that the town has a by law that says busy with the arrival did not bring the annual in spection of the garden hose but finds residents still plying the shovel broom and then the ax on the side walks Townsfolk say that it has been a long while since the drifts were as high as they are this season It is remembered that in 1888 the year of the blizzard they were higher but since that time this year seems to set the pace Mrs Effie De Wolf Mrs Effie De Wolf 63 died at the home of her daughter Mrs Silas A Duplisea of 40 Bliss street yesterday morning She leaves besides Mrs Du one sister Mrs Mary Howard of Brockton The funeral will be held at undertaking rooms at 2 to mormilkafternoon The bu rial will be in Oak Grove cemetery The subcommittee of the school board which has charge of furnishing the new high school has decided upon the various items and specifications that have been sent to firms for bids The committee has at its disposal 83000 appropriated for the purpose and the balance of thehigh school building fund of about $5000 making a total of about $8000 The aid society of the Mit tineague Methodist church will hold its regular monthly business and work meeting at the church at 230 to morrow afternoon a vegetaoio sale will be held at 3 o'clock The seniors of the West Springfield high school elected Yeomans of Springfield as their class photographer for the year 1916 at a meeting held in the schoolrooms yesterday Joseph A DeMers recently appointed patrolman to the West side police force has gone to visit relatives in Canada above Montreal He will return the last of the month Phoenix lodge of Odd ellows will be the guest of Tekoa lodge of West Springfield at a banquet to morrow evening Trying to Keep Rest Room Project Allie The members of the civics depart ment a mere handful of women have been loyally backing the movement to keep the rest room project alive Yesterday it was decided to con tinue the solicitation of funds but it is hoped the town will take hold of the project eventually The women feel that the town is not complying with the law relative to public sani taries so far as the women are con cerned There is a sanitary in the town hall building but in winter it is not accessible It was suggested at the meeting yesterday that an article be placed in the town meeting war rant to see what can be done about maintaining a public sanitary for women and this may bring about financial assistance from the town for the rest room by designating the rest room as the public sanitary for wom en' It was reported yesterday that the number of visits to the rest room since last November have been as follows: November 682 December 712 Jan uary 702 ebruary 399 It seems to be pretty definitely settled that in the redistricting for the senatorial districts Westfield will be taken out of the 2d Hampden district which includes Holyoke and put over into the big district known as the Hampden Hampshire and Berkshire district Some of the smaller towns in the three county district will be put into another grouping to make way for Westfield This will put West field into a republican district and there will then be a fair chance in the future of having a Westfield man in the state Senate once in a while The normal school assembly hall was filled Tuesday night at the travelog on South America given by Charles Plunkett of Adams before the members of the Philomathean club and their guests Many excellent stereopticon pictures were shown of different countries in South America visited by him Miss Sarah Cook son gave two piano selections tn 'an acceptable manner Miss Doane president of the club presented Mr Plunkett The tuners! of Joseph Kissel was held yesterday morning followed by rnaso in the church of the Holy Trin ity celebrated by Rev Gabriel Van Roth The burial was in St Cemetery and the bearers were Adam Alex and rank Kissel Joseph Mar kowski Thomas Velenskl and Joseph Stahelek Members of St Joseph and St Trinity societee turned out In large numbers and marched in a body to the church and to the cemetery The water commissioners met yes terday afternoon and organized for the year with Harry Lane as chair man and George Searle as clerk Henry Sanderson was reappointed superintendent of the department The commissioners voted to take im mediate action and shut off the water from those houses where the rentals for the six months ending January 1 have not been paid The members of the board of health! met yesterday afternoon and voted to turn over the $72 on deposit in a local bank from the sale of the pure food book to the Westfield board of trade All accounts will also be turned over to that organization The board of health has not had any part for a long time in the distribution of the Westfield book of pure foods nor will it in future The marriage of Philip Cushing of Washburn Wis and Miss Theo dora Simmons of New York will take place this afternoon at the College club Commonwealth avenue Boston Mr Cushing is a son of the late George Cushing and is now with the DuPont powder company Both Mr Cushing and Miss Simmons grad uated from tne westneid nign in 1907 The Philathea class of the odiaf church has enaaeed the scope company to 'give a motion pic ture evening in the church vestry Wednesday night A general program including travel comic and European Neighbors to the number of 0 pleasantly surprised Dr and Mrs Janies Pease Tuesdaj" evening at their home in Stony Hill road The occa sion being their 33d wedding anni versary gave the friends the oppor tunity of presenting them with a potted azalia with jardinier also an anniversary book in which the guests wrote their names A short program of games and music was enjoyed Re freshments were served followed by whist playing Dr and Mrs James Pease were given a surprise Tuesday evening by the Maple str eet social club in honor of the 33d anniversary of their mar riage and were presented with an an niversary book and a beautiful azalea Refreshments were furnished by the club Mrs Mary Grant of Maine has been a recent guest of Mr and Mrs A Bodurtha A dress rehearsal of "King to be given to morrow evening by' the senior class of the Hitchco*ck free academy in the town hall was held yesterday The costumer is Buchholz of Springfield Tickets have had a good sale in advance many having I been bought by people in adjoining The their annual election of officers evening and elected the following of ficers: Dictator Josenh Ross vied dictator Charles A Williams pre late George Smith: secretary Jo seph Doran: treasurer Charles Embury trustee Joseph Pa quette inside guard Charles Sittard outside guard Charles Blood The newly elected officers will be installed Wednesday evening April 5 Dur ing the meeting the lodge presented Henry Mescart one of the retiring trustees with a handsome traveling bag the presentation speech being made bv John Cronin Mescart who is employed by the National blanit book company will leave within a few days for South America where he will travel that country for them Laborers Organize The laborers at a meeting in Tem perance hall last evenin with temporay officers were present signified of becoming members their initiation fee meeting will be held next Wednesday in Temperance hall The laborers plan to present demands for shorter hours and an increase in wages to take effect May 1 At the present time the laborers work nine hours a day while the building trades unions work eight hours The laborers will present demands for the same hours as the building trades union are re ceiving ound Dead in Bed Thomas Sheehan a laborer employed by the board of public works was found dead in bed at his boarding house 63 Hampden street last even ing Medical Examiner Woods found death due to natural causes He had been a resident of Holyoke for the past 30 years He leaves two daugh ters Mrs Callahan and Miss Julia Sheehan a brother Daniel and two sisters Mrs Mary Galli van of Hol yoke and Mrs Patrick Sullivan in the West The body was taken in charge by Dillon Bros and the funeral will be held at the home of his sister Mrs 714 Dwight street the time to be announced later No Change in Wire Mill Strike No change is reported in the wire mill strike although several conflict ing statements are made regarding it The union claims that the men are holding out and there is also a claim that a number of the men have re turned to work It was stated yester day that some of the workers have left for Worcester and are seeking em ployment in a wire mill there which is under the same status as to recog nizing the union as the local mill This however is denied Will Look Over Market Sites lood state agent for the pub lic markets will be in Holyoke this afternoon at 2 and with the members of the aldermanic committee will visit a number of prospective sites for the local municipal markets It is ex pected that a definite decision will be made as to sites so that the commit Union Church Annual Meeting The annual meeting of Union church was held in the church last evening Reports of the various of ficers and organizations were read and accepted The total membership of the church is now 312 24 new mem bers being added during the year The following officers were elected for the coming year: Clerk James Elphin stone treasurer 1 Albert A Gove deacons Robert Kyle Albert A Gove James Elphinstone David Wilson standing committee Rev Noyes chairman ex officio Thomas isken Mrs Pease Mrs David Wilson Robert Kyle ushers Thomas isken Edward McDowell John Scott John errier and Murray Gray A meeting of the club was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs Catherine Gates There was a good attendance despite the bad weather The program consisted of the usual roll call reports from ab sent members current events and a paper on by Mrs Bertha Taylor Mrs Taylor gave an interesting description of the field fisheries industrial conditions agri culture development of trade condi tions forests and flowers of Alas ka The program closed with a piano solo by Miss Catherine Gates The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Ella Hatch Thursday after noon April At the Methodist church prayer meeting this evening the pastor Rev William Osborn will take for his subject "Good prayer meetings and bow to have them Mr Os born has received the 1916 catalog of Bibles and will send for an order April 1 Anyone wishing to get one should notify him before that time The Christian endeavor society of the Union church will meet in the church vestry this evening at 730 to plan for the service to be held at the Bpringfield almshouse Sunday A Shop league basketball game will be played in the Stevens memorial building this evening between the Ma chinists and Office Clerks The whist club will be entertained' by Mrs Charles Quinby at her home on Winsor street this aft ernoon The Ludlow lodge of Odd ellows will hold an informal ladies' night this evening in fraternal hall towns Special cars will be run east and west after the play The Hitchco*ck free academy has held its usual session this week as no cases of scarlet fever have de veloped since the illness of Miss Esta brook who came down with the dis ease about two weeks ago ormer Jared Ely Tavern on Elm Street Was Built 125 Years Ago Workmen tearing down the "old red at the corner of Elm and Southworth streets West Springfield will render within a short time one of the old landmarks a thing of the past It has stood for over 125 years and there is lore of the gay scenes there when it was the tavern of Jared Ely It was also the home of Charles Ely and later of Edward Southworth the founder of the paper industry in this section The colonial style of the house has held increasing charm with its in creasing age The small window panes and paneled walls in the in terior and many other features tell of a period long since passed A legend associated with the building is that its paneled walls hide some treasure The workmen engaged in its destruction are willing the truth oi tne rumor tearing down the cause of many of the town It is Southworth estate There will be a meeting of the irst Congregational church of Thorndike after services this evening in order tc elect a new clerk the vacancy being caused by the death of Mr Davis mer clerk The Palmer grange will meet morrow evening when the third fourth degrees will be conferred third degree will be worked by degree staff and the fourth by the officers Refreshments will be served The Dorcas society of the Universa list church met with Mrs A Cotton of Pine street yesterday afternoon The next meeting will be held with Mrs Lyon of North Main street The friends of Mrs Robert Wake man gave a party in honor of her birthday last evening followed by a quilting bee and refreshments Parker has returned to St Johnsbury Vt after passing a week with his daughter Mrs Robert Wakeman of Thorndike Master Charles Davis of Thorndike has taken up his residence with A McCrea of Huntington and has started school there Robert A Tabor of Thorndike has returned from Newport I where he has spent the past few days William McKenzie of Thorndike has been elected president of the Western Massachusetts Tufts club Elmer Thomas of Church street has taken a position in Springfield City Claims at Least Two More Than Springfield erry local weather observer yesterday that the snowstorm The Two Teams of Holyoke Cam paigners for Eastern States May Be Made Up in That Way It was said at the offices of the East ern States exposition in the chamber of commerce yesterday that the work qf organizing for the five day campaign next month has gone forward so well that already quite a percentage of the experted number of team captains have pledged their co operation and one full team has been organized There is some talk of a little side con test when the teams "take the field" between one made up of young men and one of older citizens This has been cahsed by a discussion a few days ago of the relative efficiency of the business men of long experience and their sons who are just beginning their careers in the commercial life of the city Lucius Wilson the camp'aign director will go to Hano ver riday evening to address the students of the Tuck school of business administration of Dartmouth His topic will be management of a commercial organization" The in vitation to Mr Wilson to make this address came from Prof Alfred Smith head of the Tuck school A Balfour the noted British jaolitician is now GG High School Association Plans Event for June Tentative plans for an "alumni to be held on the West Spring field common early in June were made at a meeting of the general clock com mittee of the high school alumni as sociation held in' the town hall last night Reports from the various sub committees showed that more than half the $400 necessary to buy a clock for the tower of the new high school has already been raised The last dance of the season will be held in the town hall May 10 and will be more elaborate and formal than its prede cessors The if per mission can be obtained from the au thorities will be held on the common for two or three nights and will have all the usual county fair attractions as well as The next will be in in Miss Viola Elizabeth Bryant and Ash ley Cudworth LeDuc Married In Home Miss Viola Elizabeth Bryant daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Ashley Bryant of 38 Day avenue and Ashley Cud worth LeDuc of Danvers son of Ulric LeDuc of Chesterfield were married yesterday at 130 at the home of the bride Rev John Lockwood paster emeritus of the irst Congre gational church who married the parents officiated and the single ring service was used The wedding march from was played by Herbert Anderson of Ware a classmate of the groom at the Massachusetts agricultural college at Amherst The bride wore a gown of white embroidered Swiss muslin and a veil carrying a bouquet of 22 bride roses The bridal couple stood under a canopy of laurel in the north living room and were unattended The general scheme of decorations was in green and yellow and ropes of laurel and daffodils were used About 30 guests were present all rela tives and Atwater catered for the re ception following the ceremony Many useful and pretty gifts were received including silver linen cut glass and other household articles The bride has always lived in Westfield She gradu ated from the high school in 1911 and from the Westfield normal school in 1913 After leaving the latter school she taught at Norwich Hill and of late at the Ashley street school Mr LeDuc Is instructor of mathematics in the Essex County agricultural school at Hawthorne and was a gradu ate of the Massachusetts agricultural college in the class of 1915 After a short wedding trip Mr and Mrs Le Duc will make their home in Dan vers Twenty nine More ile Applications 1 1 for irst Class The third session for receiving ap plications for liquor licenses was held last evening and a few new applicants appeared There were two applica tions for 20 High street this location being rick again been and the Cuckoo club nna the Kos ciusko club again nu in applications Last evening there were two applica tions for hotels the first four for licenses lows: Hotels Lenoi Stac hotel Rear don Maurice Lynch and James Kelly 107 101) Ely and 100 Lyman streets Hotel Gorman Edward 1 Gorman and Uli hard Powers 122 121 High street irst Joseph Russell and Omer oucber Russell a oucher 13 and 63 East street: rancois Dietrick 17 21 Hamilton street: John O'Donnell and Michael 1 Donoghue John 1 O'DonnellV Co 103 105 Hampden street: James mid James Geraghty lames Geraghty t'o 114 Hampden street: George IL itnrns and James 1 ITIndlville Burns Prindivllle High and 153 Lymnn streets Adam and Stanislas Ostrowski and John Starzky Adam Ostrowski A Co 100 High street: Charles and George Duval Duval t'o 126 High street: Patrick 280 Hampden street: Patrick ami James Daly Daly Co 162 High street: Thomas1 Dowd and Thomas Grady Dowd Grady 415 High street: John and John Hartnett Jr John Hartnett Co'87 High street: Hortnlsdas Thomas and Ixm Thomas Bergeron 20 High street Joseph Jttbinr file Jr and Edouard Itoussemi Jtiblnvllle Rousseau 273 Mnln and 12 Spring streets ourth Thomas ami Michael I'lcnry Thomas Cleary Co 120 126 Maple street: rank Tourville and Eu gene Drngon Tourville A Co 40 53 Sargeant street James If McDonnell 295 Park street rank A oley 411 High mid 10 Essex street Martin Lavelle ill Irman street Monument National 180 Appleton and 108 Race street Turn Vereln Vor naerts 2 Vernon street Ward 4 Cuckoo club 20 High street Tadeusz Kosciuszko club 64 Union street The final session for the receiving of applications will be held this even Anniversary Committee Starts Organ ization A preliminary meeting of the com mittees of Palmer historical society and the Palmer business and social club and Hobson superintendent of public schools was held at the Pal mer business and social club's rooms yesterday afternoon to arrange for the anniversary celebration Those pres ent were Parsons Hol brook Bodfish Carpenter Allen Waid Hobson and Brainard Holbrook was elected treasurer and Hob son secretary A committee composed of Parsons Bodfish and Waid were chosen to appoint the following committees finance pub licity amusem*nt and speakers The celebration will be held early in June a definite date being given later The committee which will be known as the committee on the bicentennial anni versary of Palmer will hold another meeting soon The Thorndike Campfire girls held a ceremonial meeting at the home of Miss Harriet Tabor last evening Aft were fol war films will be presented There will also be shadowgraphs under the direction of Miss aye Keene by local entertainers The funeral of Napoleon Deschamp was held yesterday afternoon at his late home 10 Crane avenue with Rev Robert Keating Smith of the Epis copal church officiating The bear ers were Andrew Burke Clifford Peasley Napoleon Levere red Knowlton Joseph Dubian and Charles Bush The parent teacher association of the Ashley street school will have a musical entertainment at 730 to night in the school building to which every body interested islnvited No admis sion will be charged but a silver col lection will be taken Refreshments will be served Coburn sealer of weights and measures has been having a busy time for a couple of weeks testing milk bottles for the local milk deal ers The sealer is obliged to keep a detailAl report of all the tests The great majority of the bottles are full measure Nearly the full quota of loop mold ers were at work at the north side foundry of the Smith company yesterday and everything will no doubt be moving along smoothly again in all departments 'in a days A sleigh loaded with tobacco overturned in the car track on street yesterday morning but soon righted without any apparent! serious damage to the tobacco Tlie regular meeting of Whip Cltjr council Knights of Columbus will be held at the headquarters in the Co lumbus building at 8 to night fol lowed by a mock town meeting Thomas Joyce who has been in Noble hospital since July is now able to walk a little He lett yesterday for Holyoke where he entered the Beaven Kelley home James Malloy who recently passed through a serious operation has left Noble hospital and is now at his home on Bush street He 19 steadily improving Mrs Patrick Coleman of Mechanic street home right Dr Joseph Dopick has sold a three story brick block at 36 ranklin street through the Ray Bartlett agency to James A Maloy of Broad Brook Ct There was a short session of the dis trict court yesterday morning and a man surrendered by the probation offi cer was sent to the state farm The medical wards at Noble hospi tal are being greatly improved with new coats of paint New ceilings are also being installed Donald Richards who has been in Texas for some time has returned Miss' Grace Ethel Demond and Newton Ashley Dickinson Mar ried at Home of Brother A pretty home wedding took place last evening at 237 Longmeadow street when Mjss Grace Ethel Demond of Chicopee alls and Newton Ash ley Dickinson of Westfield were mar ried at the home of Miss brother rank Demond Rev Hen ry Lincoln Bailey officiated using the Episcopal service The ushers Bur ton 'W Bartlett and Harold Bartlett cousins of the groom made an aisle from the foot of the stairs toithe liv ing room through which the couple passed The ceremony took place at 7 A program' of music' including the wedding march was furnished by Ralph Burnett violinist 'and his sis ter Mrs Helen Burnett Dlngham of Chicopee pianist The bride was given away' by1 her brother rank Jones Demond She was gowned in a handsome dress of charm duch*ess sat in trimmed with cut run filet lace and pearls It was fashioned with the princess effect en train was caught up with orange and she carried a bouquet roses The bride was attended nieces of the bride and groom Demond and Marion Dickinson mak ing an attractive picture carrying bas kets of sweet peas and Myrtle Dick inson as the ring bearer The best man: was his brother Everett Luther Dickinson ollowing the cer emony a reception was held The rooms were springlike and attractive with decorations of palms southern smilax and spring flowers contrast ing with the outside snow Guests were present from Holyoke Belcher town Chicopee Blandford Westfield Montague and this city The bride is a graduate of the Westfield state normal school and has been a teach er in theChicopee schools a number of vears Mr Richardson was gradu ated from the Westfield high school in the class of 1891 and has long held a responsible position with Ab bey of After the festivities of the evening Mr and Mrs Dickinson left for New York the bride wearing her travel ing suit of military gray silk pop lin with hat of the same shade They will take a wedding trip to lorida making stops in New York and Washington On their return they will make their home in West field The popularity of the couple can be judged by' the room full 'of beauti ful presents displayed Among them were a set of sterling silver spoons from the class of of the Belcher town high school a silver percolator from the teachers of the Belcher school where Mrs Dickinson taught and a handsome cut glass dish from the pupils A unique rope tray from East Northfield and a set of Haviland china were especially valuable Mr Dickinson received a check from his employer and from his business as sociates an elegant cut glass vase and articles of silver Edwin abian who has been spend i ing some time in Boston and Montreal will' return to the home of his son Valentine abian of Edgewood avenue this week Mr and Mrs Ernest Strong of Lincoln park entertained their son Ernest of New York city for the week end There will be a rehearsal or tne operetta at the irst church chapel Saturday evening Mrs Hunter are eri Mrs Ellen Tuttle and Miss Marion Tuttle of Ct Mrs Tuttle is a sister Qnabhin Club to Print Cook Book An enjoyable meeting of the Quab bin club was held in the home of Mrs Bradford Tuesday afternoon with Mrs Bradford and daughter Mrs Howe hostesses It was observed as "Bible Twenty one mem bers and three guests were present Bible quotations were given in re sponse to the roll call Mrs Harwood Mrs Barlow and Mrs Hess were appointed a nominating commit tee by the chair to receive each mem choice of names to fill the vari ous club offices not later than Mon day evening the 27th Miss Palmer chairman of the committee to revise the club constitution gave her final report to be acted upon in two weeks One article recommended that the club be divided into active and asso ciate members instead of active and honorary as heretofore The first pa per of the afternoon was by Mrs Munsell on' famous churches and Mrs Hann followed with a reading entitled burial of After a short re ebss Mrs Barlow read a paper on Bible as closing with sev erai uramas num The lonowmg wvro appuiiucu committee oy tne cnaif io arrange i the club tea to he neia at tne parso age April 4: Mrs Hewitt Alj Chandler Miss Gross and Brown Mrs Howe Mrs EJ and Mrs Hamilton were appoint'! committee to collect recipes for efl ing put them into book form I have them printed before the anniversary celebration and on a tnen wnen uie uiuu nem social hour louowea ana were served Samuel Hall of Clinton who was a resident of Bnfleld for a good many years has bf'en in town this week calling on friends Mr Hair has len engaged in the woolen manufacturing UUBlHCOO Mr and tertai Ing daughter Branford of Mrs Hunter There will be a meeting to morrow evening in grange hall of the dif ferent committees for the 190th anni versary celebration to plans inney of South Athol is sub stituting as station agent at the Bos ton and Albany railroad station Mr and Mrs Eugene Wright and son Everett have moved to Athol where Mr Wright is employed Mr and Mrs A McDaniels are epending the week at Burlington lats Calendar Upset i Police officers located in the city hall headquarters were convinced for a time last night and Tuesday night that they were when first one of them and then another agreed that something was flyipg in and out of the office Tuesday evening the officers first had their attention attracted to it Last night the noc urnal visitor again put in an ap pearance and after considerable dis cussion and some investigation it was decided that the flyer was a bat Later in the evening their conclusions were proved correct when the bat came to grief after hitting an object that pro jected from the ceiling outside the of fice The appearance of a bat at this season of the year is very unusual but as one of the officers expressed it it apparently knew that spring had arrived and decided to come out of its winter sleep ireman Byrnes Painfully Hurt rank Byrnes of the Grape street engine house was painfully injured early Tuesday evening in the station house when caught between the rear of an automobile and a heating boiler According to Dr John Gallagher who attended him ireman Byrnes sustained a fracture of one rib on this right side contusions on the chest and bruises on the back and shoulders The accident happened as rank Cavan augh another fireman was backing a ord touring into the house to be used by Chief John Pomphret while the chief's own machine was being re tired Mr Byrnes W'as in the rear of the machine directing Mr Cavanaugh who was at the wheel how to manipu late the machine so that it would be properly placed At Mr home last night it was reported that he was resting comfortably Snow Costs City Over $6000 Superintendent Edward Bourbead announced last night that up to date the department has been forced to spend more than $6000 in clearing away snow after storms during the present winter The amount over the $6000 is considerable but the total is problematical The prospects for more work along this line was good yester day afternoon and unless the storms cease the opinion was expressed that well over $7000 may have to be ex pended Recently elected officers of the Ladies of Columbia will be installed in the rooms of Elder council Knights of Columbus in the alls on Monday will be given after the exercises an will be given after the exercises an entertainment committee in charge of Miss Anna Roach is at ments The as follows: first mate Mrs Nellie Walsh finan cial clerk Miss Margaret Sullivan purser Miss Charlotte Sullivan re cording clerk Miss Rose Hickson pilot Mrs William Trumbull boat swain Miss Minnie Carrrigan The United Hebrew association of Chicopee recently organized among Jewish residents is completing ar rangements for a concert and ball in the city hall April 26 A committee consisting of Moses Kantor chair man Louis Kantor Cohen Ben jamin Minkoff Abraham Rome and A Isenstadt has been appointed to make the necessary arrangements There is now a membership of 25 the officers being: President Ephraim Gran stein: vice president Moses Kan tor and treasurer Cohen A play Mysterious Disappear will be given to morrow night in the Third Congregational church in connection with the annual supper given by the men of the church The supper begins at 530 and at 630 the curtain is scheduled to go up for the play The cast includes John I Lorimer Emerson Gaylord Miss Maude Smith Miss Marguerite Leonard Miss Blanche Coleman A Lorimer and Edward Wilcox The Independent Anchor club has received through the office of Attorney Thomas A McDonnell a charter from the secretary of the state The officers and directors are as follows: Presi dent Thomas Linehan vice president William ournier treasurer James secretary James Dynan Denis Murphy Michael Griffin Pete Bernier Thomas Riley Lawrence Lee Oliver Brassard George Linehan At the home of Miss Bessie Linne han 175 South street it was reported by her sister Mrs Luke Meehan that Miss Linnehan when last heard from was recovering from the effects of injuries received in the wreck at Milford Ct Tuesday morning eb ruary 22 However it is not known by her relatives when she will be able to leave the Bridgeport hospital where she was taken after the accident Chicopee alls aerie of Eagles has named a committee to make arrange ments for taking part in the field day in Holyoke in July Now Is The Time To Buy LAMB SHOULDERS Quality extra fine and prices very low Any size A A LeDUC 215 Broadway Chicopee THE QUALITY STORE High School Notes The president of the junior class has appointed tho following committee to mrange for the annual junior senior "prom Russell Bradley Blanche Conant CharlesBall John Geraghty Elizabeth Wei her and Jean Martin Dewi Mason a representative of the institute at Rochester gave very interesting talK on "The value of household and indus trial before the high school stu dents yesterlnv at the regular auditorium exercises A special meet ing of the Phi Alpha is scheduled for 1jit' afternoon in the high school when ti subject of whether or not girls will be allowed to attend the annu tl Phi Alpha banquet which takes place a week from to day will be discussed The committee voted to bar girls from the banquet but it is thought that the majority of the members want them to attend The sale of tickets at the high school for the lecture on the 29th of ex President William Taft have been great and it is thought that there will be a packed house on hand to greet the former president of the United States when he appears for the first time 'on the high schol lecture course A meeting of the club committee in charge of meeting was held yesterday rangements were made regular meeting which Wednesday No urther Contract Club rom statements made bV of the women's club relief board yes terday there will be no further con tract with the national society for broader education At the meeting of the corps held last evening a state ment was made that the corps had signed the contract with the society and will fulfil their contract but will take no active part in the concert As they had signed the contract they felt obliged to fulfil its terms The corps will receive $50 for the use of their name and two concerts will be given solicitors going through the city and using the name of the corps in soliciting for the sale of tick ets Tlie solicitors have a list of names which are handed down from former canvasses aand which prove an aid to them in the sale of tickets It is un derstood that this same society is working a similar plan in Springfield and that the concerts there will be held April 26 and 27 coming to Hoi i yoke the two nights following It was decided at the meeting of the corps last evening to celebrate their 3Jth anniversary April iz ana latter hold a ing from 7 to 9 at the board rooms and several new applications are ex pected PRIZE SPEAKING CONTEST Program for Annual High School Event is Announced The program for the annual prize speaking contest which takes place on the 31st of this month in the high school gymnasium has been made out by Miss Margaret Powers of the elo cution department who is coaching the contestants There are eight con testants and the winner will compete at the preliminary contest at Troy on April 29th Should the Hol yoke candidate be successful at Troy he will then compete at the final contest at Hamilton college on May 7 in the morning The program for the contest follows: bronze but by Edmund Welch man without a by Prew Savoy "The predatory rich by Reuben Roberts patriot ism" bv Morris Housen White River Junction disaster" by rancis Callahan "Napoleon the by Philip "A vision of by rank Lynch 10 and plea for William reeman by Harry Berman.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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