The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: WEDNESDAYSEPTEMBER 24 1924 NORTH ADAMS PITTSIELD 1 fl i WILLIAMS COLLEGE 1 HINSDALE npprred by the health board Hooven also played on will CHESHIRE SUNDERLAND WILLIAMSTOWN I Exclusive HOUSATONIC or the Bride Lena Bequests All to Relatives 4 OUTING CLUB ACTIVE as EDERAL JUDGE AS CANDIDATE to Me is a bur GREAT BARRINGTON i 230 ADAMS TESOX Just across the Square from the Auditorium BUILDING or the uture Time to be an vneral LEE 1 i WENDELL Personal Service i STOCKBRIDGE GRAHAM Corp Springfield Institution for Savings Mrs this Gallup secretary and Miss Dora Radio class had the 23 The merchants stores tomorrow for attending the Great They kept open to ll ill is closed the highway DRURY SENIORS ELECT DAWE CLASS PRESIDENT not ar is Dem vice prin of North town will DEMOCRATIC SPELL BINDERS HERE TONIGHT INTERESTING PROGRAM OR MEETING Shaw of Hud at the corner of streets soon aft Mr ma il 1 UNDERTAKERS 87 HnWAnn Ellsworth exercises for of the public the the dis Mrs Edith Monahan (McGann) Monahan 41 Monahan of 12 reeman city died this morning com Ash 23 Mortimer son of King of 95 pleaded guil Stock judg cattle entered famous oxen of the first tf 23 erdinand William Ed and the this farm Gilbert Stanley of is also a guest of Mr RESHMEN CAPS MAKE APPEARANCE AGAIN orchestra' will furnish KIDNAPING CHARGE DISMISSED IN COURT ORMER LOCAL MAN GUILTY MURDER ir The ot Traps baited with catnip are being used with much success in catching mountain lions in Colorado of of Bridgeport Ct Deficit on Labor Day Celebra tion Lee community celebration Splendid Cattle Exhibit at Agricultural air Horse Show and Racing Comes uneral of Chaffee Lee Sept 23 The funeral of Chaffee was held afternoon at the home Rev Mousley officiated and burial was in airmount cemetery The bearers who were grandsons were Prentice Robert Donald Knowlton and Rich ard Agar of Sheeld anX Wilson Burns Small This Old Institution for Sav ings has helped thousands to reach that Goal and it stands ready to help you Blazing Trails Will Outfit Cabin the Dome Williamstown Sept 23 Adding its campus and intercollegiate pres tige by affiliating with the New Eng land trail conference the Green Mountain club and the United States Amateur Skii association during the summer the Williams Outing club is now prepared for an unusually active year Recognition by the Williams Athletic council has enabled the club to secure an annual budget for car rying out its work thus adding Im petus to the club and giving wider scope to its operations Besides its usual fall activity of blazing and opening trails the club will outfit a cabin on the Dome which has recently been obtained for the use of its members or the winter sea son the Outing club already has ten tative arrangements for participation In several other carnivals besides the annual large meets at Dartmouth and McGill confined to his with a slight Rally Scheduled Curley Walsh Staples and Cassidy Will Speak North Adams Sept 23 Prominent members of the Democratic party will come to Berkshire county tomorrow where rallies will be held in different communities It is understood that North Adams and Adams will be the last pieaces visited the speakers com ing here about 8 Among the members ot the party will be Mayor James Curley of Boston candidate for governor Sena tor David I Walsh who is seeking re election Representative William Staples of Pittsfield who has as his opponent in the senatorial contest Harvey A Gallup ex Senator Thom as Cassidy Cheshire who is seeking a congressional berth Mi chael Eisner of Pittsfield candi date for the state treasury Joseph Roach and James Welch who are seeking re election as representa tives from districts 1 and 2 rank Winslow Warren if Underwood Charles Roadstrand RIVER 112 Da? ar Wf5t Cheshire Sept Stafford Chapter of Eastern Star will hold a public whist party at their rooms Thursday evening Mrs Ella Antisdaleof Lanesboro Is Visiting Mrs A Martin The women of the Methodist church will serve a supper at the church par lors on Thursday night 1 Rev Kingman Golledge is attending a district meeting of ministers In Poultney Vt GARBAGE CONTRACT SITUATION EXPLAINED arriving in Catham at and in Pittsfield 145 and The of Miss Margurite Isringhans played the weeding marches Rev Henry Dickert of the Lutheran church officiated and Earl erry brother of the bride groom was best man A wedding re ception followed the ceremony was the 28th Wedding anniver sary of the bride's rm rents Mrs eiry has been employed in the office of Drs Henry Colt and Brace PaddocK and Mr erry is associated with the erry Sons lumber merchants Mr and Mrs erry are to live at 28 Elizabeth street discussion Selectmen Mooney and Pratt ot Dalton were there' Dalton will keep a 10 ton tractor to be used fox this purpose extending east as far as 'Bonny Rigg The towns bene fitted by its service will pay its por tion of the expenses Mr Trembley cared for the Dalton state highway last winter and Dalton had a splendid road Marshall Crane has selected John Erickson secretary of the A Boys' club to be the speaker on Saturday evening October 4 whin Mi Crane will entertain the mem' hers of the Saturday Evening club' at his summer cottage in Windsor event will be the monthly meetin the club Every Bride counts herself fortunate if her Gifts include at least a few pieces of the beautiful Lenox China This beautiful China shown exclusively here comprises a great variety of stunning patterns PLAIN GOLD ENCRUSTED GOLD COLORED SPRAYS RAISED ENAMEL CONVENTIONAL BORDERS All designs of distinctive individuality and all of the saxne high quality The Maryland is mi of Edward Tierney Tierney 65 died today 160 Gale avenue He class elected Horton presidency and Iris De vice president rancis Cummington annuli fair of tural society opened re today with more than 2000 persons present to enjoy the offerings of a old fashioned cattle show" ing a parade of all the at the fair and the were features day's program Crisp weather condi tions provided 'an almost perfect set ting Button Be Hidden rom Is Atop the Visor Williamstown Sept 23 reshman caps symbols of the time honored at titude of upperclassmen towards the freakish frosh appeared on the Wil liams campus today marking the first step in tlie course in humility ad ministered annually to the entering class by classes gorgeous diameter tates of cated in the center but near the visor where it is ih'much plainer view than would otherwise be the case a re finement which is very much as it should be according to the consensus of upperclass opinion I reshman restrictions are In force this year as they have been in the past and will be rigidly enforced with pleasure by members of the sopho more' class members of they three upper The caps are xlack with a red button two inches in which contrary to the dic our best hatters is not lo Whethcr members or not are invited I Heaphy to attend I and Mrs John Bottomley and David Coe Incorp*rnted MERCHANT TAILOR 26 Vernon St Showing of Overcoatings English and Scotch Novelties or all and Winter Coc Building Every real man lives in the uture planning how he can improve his conditions and his sta tion in life DALTON Whether this building for the future means having a home or a busi ness of his own the straight line to that goal is the practice of Thrift The committee having in charge the Labor day celebration has completed its fi nancial report The total receipts were $3139 and the total expenditure $84833 leaving a deficit of $1694 Miss Ora Brunel! is assisting the faculty of the Lee High school during the absence Dalton Sept will close their the purpose of Barrington fair nifrht until 9 The young peoples orchestra con nected with the Congregational church will furnish music Thursday night for the social to be given in the parish house by the Renfrew de partment of the Congregational Sun day school The county commissioners meeting held in Pittsfield yesterday was at tended by selectmen from some ot the towns in the county The matter of keeping the state highways open this winter wM a matter considerable Shorthorn foul Bemis LcDtie and fl largest total $1372 and team 4 ra 1 rt :1 Lenox Sept 23 Musival people gathered at Sedgwick hall last night to attend a concert and reading un der the auspices of thj Lenox Con gregational church choir Miss Eliza beth Whiting of New York quitecharmed the audience with her read ings from "The Man "from Home" and the violinist Seikierka from Philadelphia was equally fortunate in his numbers The members of the Lenox Congregational church choir Miss Helen Dickie Miss Ruth Bastow Harold II ernaid and John DeBell sang two numbers that pleased the audience James Cameron the church organist was accompanist Tames Renfrew is exhibiting some old coins The collection includes a half pennv of 1804 and a penny of 1819 the latter with 13 stars Miss Alvah Jenkins and Miss Anne inding who have been at their homes have returned to their studies at the Westfield Normal school Miss Emma and Miss Leona Lux left today for Detroit Mich to visit their uncle Samuel Clark Mr and Mrs Stanley Tucker who have been visiting Mr and Mrs Clarence Tucker have returned to Brooklyn themselves The Republicans on the other hand are apparently united behind Harvey A Gallup of North' Adams for senator and inasmuch as the district is normally Republican there seems little reason to doubt that it will swing back into the Re publican column this year In the 5th Essex district quite a different situation is presented That district consists of the strongly Dem ocratic city of Lawrence and four towns surrounding It The dis trict is' normally Democratic but has been held by the Republicans much of the time through the nomination of men of great vote getting' ability The candidate tnxs year is ticularly well known and every reason to believe that ocrats will hold the district In addition to making a held at the Plunkett Junior high i senooi riuay onowing ine invocu i lion avieviions win ut? yivtu 1115 The Maryland ir one of the new patterns that has won instant fnror Doctors To Have Charge of Clinic Williamstown Sept 23 Dr Wil liams Hamilton Dr Edwin os ter and Dr Charles Tefft three well known local dentists will hae charge of the dental clinic for the Williams town school ''children when final ar rangements have been completed for the establishment of the institution unds for equipment have been do nated and it is expected that the clinic will open soon with more than the ordinary attention given to the care of the children's teeth JOHN ROWLAND TO HEAD SOPhom*oRES Hinsadle Sept The funeral of Miss Celestia Barrows tvill be held at 230 Thursday afternoon at the Congregational church Burial will be in Maple street cemetery The women of St Patrick's church cleared about $115 on their rummage sale Saturday and yesterday The Hinsadle grange will hold a special business on Thursday night Applications for membership will also be considered at this meeting Mr 'and Mrs Herman elton and family who have bought the James Blauvelt place on Maple street ar staying temporarily with Loins Bor do on the Creamery road The Blau leave on October 4 for Las Ga tos Cal and on the same day the eltons will move into their new home Ill Sol at the Stickbridge Sept The Stock bridge library association will hold its annual meeting at the library build ing Saturday afternoon at 4 Bowker president "of the library will make a brief address on library de velopment in other countries as well as here riends of the library Mr and were her nrruforrl Karl Schnell 62 died today at the home of Moulton New Lenox He was born in Germany and spent most of his life in Pittsfield He was a meat cutter by trade and had been employed in riederich's market and later the Albany Cash market Tor three years he had made his home in New Lenox The survivors are his widow and one sister Mrs Emma De derer of Brooklyn Harold Joseph Jones four months old son of Mr and Mrs Robert Jones Jr 483 eck's road died this after noon His parents and three sisters survive The annual exhibition ot the Pitts field Art league will be held at the Museum ot Natural Hlstefry and Art October 8 to 15 inclusive Several ar tists of national reputation are mem bers ot league Hampson Co have been awarded the contract to build a two story brick addition to the rear of the Woolworth blodk on North street The annual convention of the Mas sachusetts Savings Bank association will open tomorrow at the Maplewood hotel rank Allen president of the state Senate will be the principal speaker at the dinner tomorrow night 23 Ljhn Cal treasurer was elected of 1927 at a Joel Sept The 56th the Hillside Agricul i MEMORIAL UND CAMPAIGN A SUCCESS $572 captain Team 12 rank Howard cap $78180 Women's division Mrs roivell contain $7251 City division Mayor Power captain $49185: Postoffice division Post master James Butler captain $70 School division Dr Gannon captain $342886 Total $2117726 Grand total $4406215 Contractors Say Contract Unsigned Because They Were Not Told Jt Was "Ready Pittsfield Sept riederlchs who with William Mara has been given the contract for garbage collection at $11500 a year said tonight that the only reason the contract has not been signed is that neither of them has received word from city officials that the contract was ready Under the terms of the contract a bond for $11000 is re quired and Mr redcrichs said that if ready any time The garbage is being disposed of at present on the Zahr farm Hanco*ck road which is proved by the board of health Tin contract says it may be disposed at the Henry farm ward 1 now own COLLEGE TO RECEIVE $60000 rom Provision In Will of Troy Wom an Will Re Scholarship und Williamstown Sept 23 The will of Miss Mary Kate agan of Troy which Is soon to be probated provides for a large benefit sum to Williams college The estate amounts to about $400000 which Miss Sagan received as heir to her brother Thomas agan who was recently fatally in jured in an automobile colision Mr agan was a prominent lawyer iu Troy He graduated from Williams college in the class of and made a wish to the effect that some of his estate be left to the college He went through the institution on a scholarship The clause of the will which re fers to Williams college presented to the president and the trustees thP sum of $60000 to be known as a Thomas agan scholarship fund the income of which is to be vsei each year for worthy students and if possible those from the vicinity ot Troy Democratic Rallies Today A series of Democratic rallies be held in Berkshire county tomor row The first will take place at the north General Iectric company gate at 12S0 and then the speakers will go south by motor to Lenox Lee Hou satonic and Great Barrington wneri they will speak at the fair grounds about 330 Evening rallies will be held at 730 In Great Barrington cor ner of North and Depot streets this city and Adams and North Adams Among the speakers will be Mayor James Curley of Boston Senator David I Walsh Atty Thomas Cas sidy and Atty Michael Eisner of this city Death Edward at his home was born in this cjty and had spent most of his life here The survivors are his widow three sons David Edward and Peter four daughters Sister Mary Robert of Springfield Mrs Richard Maloy of Utica Misses Josephine and Grace and one brother Thomas of this city Mr and Mrs Shumway of 14 Dartmouth' street have returned from a vacation spent at Buffalo Niagara alls the Syracuse state fair ort Plain New York city and Albany Mrs Murrnv Crane is in New York to make final arrangements for the apartment which she has leased at 820 ifth avenue corner of Sixty third street and which she is to oc cupy after October 15 for the winter Mrs rederick Coolidge has closed the mountain house and is stay ing with Miss Gertrude Watson at Onota farm villa Miss May Mukle of London has arrived for a visit with Miss Watson Mr and Mrs Daniel Gregory Mason Arthur Whit ing and Jan Sickesz who were with Miss Watson over the music festival have returned to New York Mrs William Pollock who nas been visiting her sister Mrs John Wy song in Newport has gone to New York to meet her son and daughter in law Mr and Mrs Marshall Ker nochan who are arriving this week They are to spend a part of October with Mrs Pollock at Holmesdale Mrs Charles Abbott of Rumford Me is a guest of Mrs Warren Salisbury at Tor court In Pittsfield Mrs Wilbur Himoai wnu guests have returned to of Team 6 Team 7 Team Tram Two Arrested John Rojczek and John both of Cheshire were arrested early to 1 night by Sheriff Thompson charged with assault and cattery Each acted as complainant against the other The trouble is alleged to have started over a fence built by Rojczek and during the argument he is said to have gone after his neigh bor with a fence rail Cameron Beck Will Ad dress Instructors Dr Mc Pherson to Speak Adams Sept Rev Schumaker will open the the convention schools in northern Berkshire to be Wendell Sept The Ladies' Aid societv will serve a salad supper ri The grange will hold their fair Oc tober 13 A harvest supper will be served followed by dancing In charge of Putnam Charles Gardnet will be the speaker of the afternoon The committee are: Mrs Bowen president Kirs Arthur Glidden secre tary Mrs Charles iske treasurer Mortimer King Killed Army Had Court Record Here North Adams Sept King 23 of Canton Mr and Mrs Nelson Kemp avenue this city ty to the murder of Maj Samuel McLeary on July 2 near CherawS C' when he appeared before Judge eatherstone in the court at Chester field The judge directed that a plea of not guilty be entered for King in accordance with the law prohibit ing pleas of guilty in capital cases The confessed raurdeter is well known here where he wits born When 16 years old he was committed from the locdl court to the Shirley Industrial School for Boys Two years later he was sent to the Con cord reformatory upon charges of breaking and entering the North Adams Country club qnd the Walden store The defendant is said to have deserted from the marine corps in which he enlisted several years ago ast SprlnKfield 23d Kennedy 44 ot 87 Arthur in i jiiiiitiHy Burial In Oak Grovr cemetery 22d the ridlin home 50 Van Born street Wednesday at 2 pressiveness Adams Sept The funeral of Patrolman ILowther was held at his home in New Bedford this afternoon at 2 Rev Dr Groton rector of Grace Episcopal church of New Bedford of ficiated and burial was in Oak Grove cemetery A large number of friends and relatives paid their last respects to the patrolman who was so popular throughout Berkshire county Nv tional guardsmen officers of the state constabulary and ex service men made up a formal escort while the body was carried to the grave on the caissons of Battery 103d field ar tillery Massachusetts National Guard with whom Lowther served overseas The pallbearers were six troopers es corted by the officers of the state constabulary among them Gen Alfred oote state commissioner of pub lic safety The New Bedford post of American Legion held appropriate ex ercises at the grave Will Drawn in 1 904 Pittsfield Sept The will of Boltwood magazine writer historian of Pittsfield vho died tth was filed in probate court r'u ifternoon He bequeaths $5000 to his iunt Miss Harriet Plunkett his nearest relative with whom he made' nis home in the Longfellow house st 156 East street To Edward Boltwood Hull a cousin who is now dead was gtiven $1000 All the rest goes to two cousins Mrs Brace Paddock of i this city and Mrs Samuel Rockwell North Andover The will was drawn January 21 1904 and the 1 executors named are Thomas 1 Plunkett and the late James Hull Mr Plunkett petitioned to be appoint ed executor LEHMANN ERRY WEDDING r' Jlotne Ceremony at Residence of Parents on South John Street Pittsfield Sept Ieonora Henrietta Lehmann daughter ot Mrs John Lehmann of 49 John street was married to Ar Jthur Kenyon erry son ot Mr and is Mrs red erry of 81 Elizabeth at her home 49 South John street this afternoon at znu me bride wore white rench Valen ciennes lace over georgette and her veil was caught with Orange blossoms She carried Ophelia roses and lilies of the valley Her attendant was her sister Mrs Clarence Bosquet who wore embroidered brown canton crepe and carried yellow gladioli Miss Lena Stockbridge visited the fair' this aft ernoon and urged all voters both men and women to vote November 4 Les lie Smith director of fairs for the state department of agriculture con gratulated the people of Cummington on their community spirit shown in the fair Both speakers were intro duced by George Barfows of the Hillside Agricultural society The Northampton American Legion band played on the grounds all day giving up their post tonight as music makers to orchestra which played for the annual "cattle at the Cummington town hall Marshals of the activities were Wallace LeDuc Carl Lombard and Harlow State Detective Jo seph Daly of Northampton ail'd State Trooper George Alexander of the Shelburne rails oarracus charge of law enforcement at grounds Unusual Exhibits In the poultry building in thd next apartment to some Rhode Island Reds a baby porcupine named Major attracted much attention Major is owned by Wellington Clary of Goshen who captured his pet last spring A red fox called uzzy one year old occupied a box near a family of six black and brown puppies with several dignified cats and frisky kit tens on the other side uzzy is the property of orest Clary of Goshen A collection of gilded elks and cle phants carved from wood were ex hibited at the hall of their manufac turer Bartlett of Greenfield An other exhibit which aroused interest was a pair of wooden shoes made in Germany in 1881 and brought to this country the next year by Mrs L2 Bird of Windsor Mrs A Smith of Ringville was a leader among the exhibitors of embroidery and medal lion inlaid work Gladioli were prom inent in the flower show The Sun shine circle Otfn Your Own Room ciuh a group of girls working in co operation with the Hampshire Coun ty Extension service showed an attrac tive room arranged with furnishings and furniture taken from each mem ber's own room at home Celebrates 50th Anniversary Pardee of Claremont the first man to sell whips and horse blankets on the Cummington fair ground yes terday celebrated the 50th anniver sary of his first visit Mr Pardee plans to retire from the fair circuit this year after his half century of activity on the fair groundsof New England The exhibit of the Plainfield grange showing fruits and garden produce was adjudged the best with the Ches terfield grange 2d and the Cumming ton grange 3d Judges Judges of the exhibits at the hall in cluded Norman Whippen Hamp shire County club agent Miss Mildred Boice home demonstration agent for the Hampshire County Extension service Roland A Payne county agri cultural agent Mrs Roland A Mrs Howard Johnson of Hadley and Miss Mabel Sweet of Cummington A class of boys from Ashflcld Hopkins academy at South Hadley nnd the Smith school at Northampton were en tered in the stock judging contest un der the direction of William Howe ot Massachusetts Agricultural college Among the boys was Herman Anfrcw of Southampton winner of a similar contest with 75 contestants last week at the Eastern States exposition The horse will have his day at the fair tomorrow beginning at 9 with a parade of the horse entries followed bv judging of stallions mares and colts Draft and farm horses carriage and family horses will be judged at the grandstand just before dinner At I 30 a saddle race is scheduled and at 2 a ord automobile race will bo tn attraction Trotting and sports will occupy the rest of the day The North ampton American Legion band will play again Wlnnliiff Cattle Awards for oxen and steers today were as follows: at oxen 1st Clar ence Hall: 2d ranklin Streeter: 3d John Guilford: oxen four years old 1st A Smith 2d Hall: 3d A Rice: steers three years old 1st John Guilford: 2d Phinney: steers two vears old 1st and 2d Phinney 3d rank Streeter: steers one vear old 1st Tyman 2d Phinney 3d Arthur Gardner: steer and calves 1st John Guilford The judges were Kinney and Chipman The cattle awards for herds were as follows: Jersey 1st Mellor farm Guernsey Rice: Ayrshire A A Shaw Holstein Burr nnd son family who occupied villa on Whiteholm road this season have returned to Boston Miss lorence Guiles a graduate of the Lee High school has been elected a teacher in the Lanesboro schools The girls riendly society ot ot church met with Mrs Kenyon this evening and discussed plans for the coming winter The Lee Athletic club football team will play the Morningside A of Pittsfield Sunday afternoon at 230 Miss Peggie Perkins has to her studies at the Master's school at Dobb's erry yesterday bv Agricultural college: Holsteins niK two years or over 1st 2d fti Howes bull one year 1 Burr and sons bull calf Wai tel Granger: pure bre 1 stock Cow Is Burr and sons: 2d JI Howil and son milch cow Howes anfl sons heifer three years old 1st Howes nnd son 2d Burr and sons heifer two jears old Howes and sonjheifer one year Howes nnd son: Shorthorn Meadow dale farm winner of all prizes: Herc fords Phinney winner of all awards: Devons rank Bemis all awards kerseys bull two years and over Walter Miller: pure bred stock cow 1st and 2d Walter Miller: 3d Howes and son milch cow 1st and 2d Walter Miller 3d Howes and son: heifer three years old 1st JT Horton: 2d Walter Miller? heifer year 1st Walter Jlillert 2d JI Howes and son: junior heifer calf Walter Miller: Guernseys bull two years or over JI Rice and son bull calf JT Rice and son milch cow Rice and son Ayr shires A A Shaw all prizes Awards Io Children William A Loud nf Plainfield nnl Ashley Gurney of Cummington car ried away the majority of prizes in the and girls' vegetable entries High scorers among the boys and girl in the poultry contests wore ranll Kinney of Plainfield red DupliWCa of Cummington nnd Margaret Kirniel of Plainfield Best displays of pnul 1 try were judged ns follows: 1st or dyceKnapp 2d Tirrell: 3d JIrs 17 Arnold Results of the oxen were: Draft oxen 2700 pounds or over IsU A Rice of Hawley: 2d John OuiU ford of Ashfield 3d Ernest Pike Cummington: draft oxen 3000 pounds 1st John Guilford: 2d JT Sykes 31 Thomas Harrison draft oxen 3500 pounds 1st Ernest Pike 2d ranklitl Streeter 3d John Guilford free for all 1st ranklin Streeter 2d Hall 3d John Guilforo Housatonic Sept 23 JTiss Nicolai of Springfield is spending her vacation with her mother JIrs Nicolai on Kirk street Evans is home for several days attack of the grip Traffic over Snyders for several days while is being reconstructed 'The reports today in detail were ns follows: Tpam 1 A Hall captain $967 Team 2 Edward Dittman cap $1179 Team 3 Robert Easland japtain $65950 Team 4 George rench captain $115775 Team 5 zntioin tXillll UltpUlin 4QQ1 OS rs ffgau Luke Mncken captain $601 A Jlilne captain $53725 Peirson captain $1372 10 Charles Reid captain Team 11 A Whittlesey $680 Tain i Woman's Club to Meet Tomorrow Sunderland Sept The first fall meeting of the Woman's club will bo held Thursday afternoon The roll call which is in charge of the progrqm committee is to be answered by reml niscences or original poems Eloise airchild and JIrs JIary oxall will sing duets Tea will be served bv JIrs Edith Warner JIrs Eloise airchild JIrs Helena JI Hubbard JIrs Emma Woodbury and JTrs lorence Warner JIrs Lillian Dill has been called to Bradford Vt by the death of her father JIr Jlartln made his hnmei with JTrs Dill a few years ago He had been in failing health for a long time The grange meeting torporrow nightwill be in Lincoln hall JIrs Andrew Thomson of South Deerfield will apeak on "American PATROLMAN LOWTHER RECEIVES AST RITES uneral Held at New Bed ford Marked With Im Questionable Propriety of Judge Tuttle's Contest with Couzens rom the Nebraska State Journal The organization Republicans of Jlichigan put up a federal judge Ar thur Tuttle to lake the senatorial nominatiop from Senator Couzens who had proved himself unamenable to organization discipline Senator Couzens is a wealthy man retired from business In the opera tion of a large business he acquired a mind of his own That mind doesn't happen to track well with the organ I Ized political mind and as mayor of Detroit and as a senator he has been a good deal of a trial to that type But he has great ability and takes an energetic and enlightened interest in the problems coming before the coun try He is of a so)'t to help redeem from slothfulness and from the mere political drifting to which it tends The Jlichigan organization made a hard campaign against the senator Thesenator made no great campaign for himself Jlost particularly did he not spend of his ample means a la Newberry to get his case before the state In the outcome JIr Couzens is nominated This is evidently no time forva fed eral judge to be mixing in politics America wants to think of the fed eral judiciary as men set apart their backs turned upon the class and party I quarrels and cleavages which distract the rest of us to serve with single mind at the altar of justice There is much assertion now that the courts do not rise to this bight There is so much of this assertion that in his last I public address the President felt called upon to defend the courts One of the effective backfires and defenses against current scepticism toward the courts Is for federal judges to stick to their place and not play politics as Judge Tuttle has done GOODWEATHER AND GOOD SHOW AT CUMMINGTOI DIED Tn this city 22nd Clarence Bradway uneral from his late home fCji) Dickinson street Thursday at 2 mriends invited CAVANAUGH Tn thisc ity 22d Thomas Cavanaugh uneral at his home 9 grrws street Wednesday at a 1 cki TDAflci tolloTvincr ehurch ot the Sacred Heart at 9 a riends Invited nni ct in Northampton Mass 23d ftcorge Eppcs formerly of this city services in funeral homeS4 State street Wednesday at 2 "Burial in Oak Grove cemetery 1 BALT In this city 22d Hannah Of it Trafton road Tuner al services B' 1 in chapel 37 Howard street fcjj Thursday afternoon at 2 Burial in Springfield cemetery tn this city 22d Mrs Nora widow of Denman Hunt uneral from the rcs denie of her daughter Mrs Beatrice pont 312 Liberty street Wednesday at 8 30 High mass of requiem in St Thoms a church at 9 riends Invited JONHS In this city 23d Alonzo Jones nt the hom*o of Ernest Bugtee 2(18 Long Hill Rtreet uneral held from Third Baptist church riday at 2 iu Burial in Oak2rnve cemetery At West Springfield Mary Ti Kappler 77 widow of Herman Kap pler uneral services chape! ::7 G9 Howard street Sat irday at 3 Burial in Springfield cemetery In this city 22d Henry Key of 4 Main street uneral at funeral home State street Time tu be an nnunced later Other Officers Elected All Distinguished Themselves Here Williamstown Sept Rowland of of bls class last year president of the class meeting of his class tonight Benedict Nott of New York City who was president of the freshman' class last year was elected sophom*ore dele gate in the student council Clement Hooven of Anderson 111 was re elected vice president of his class Joseph A Jeffrey 2d of Columbus was chosen secretary and Harold Commons of Whitinsville was elected treasuii All of the class officers at tained some distinction of the coun i Of the freshman soccer team and is a mem ber of the Alpha Delta Phi Nott played on his class football team last year and has been admitted into the Kanoa Aloha the freshman football team andw is a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Jeffrey one of his team mates has survived the first cut of the football i uis made today and is a member of Cli Phi Commons is member of Zeta Psi and was chosen a member of the honor system com mittee of the college Want to Recover Legislative Places Held by Democrats Expect to Carry Berk shire Senate District rom Our Special Reporter Boston Sept Recovery of seats in the state Senate in Berkshire and in the 5th Essex tricts now held by the Democrats is to be one of the principal aims cf the Republican leaders this fall The Berkshire seat is that which was won two years ago by Senator William A of North Adams largely beeffuse of disaffection follow ing the Republican primaries This I year the situation so far Us harmony is concerned is reversed Senator O'Hearn after a most creditable term as Democratic leadef in the upper branch of the state Legislature as pired to the party nomination for lieutenant governor and while he led both his rivals outside of Boston the Boston democracy rolledNup such a majority for one of its owh members that lost the nomination by more than 21000 votes Accordingly his intimate friends cannot be expected to hold the kind liest feelings for the Boston democ racy and among some of them at least there is a disposition to allow the Boston Democrats to shift for themselves drive for these two districts the Republican leaders expect to make distinct gains in the lbwer branch of the Legislature thev having set 20 additional seats their goal As has been customary in late years President Allen of the Senate and Speaker Young have appointed a' leg islative campaign committee the duty of which is to aid Republican candi dates in doubtful districts This com mittee as for several years past is to be headed by Senator Alvin Bliss of JIalden and assisting him will be the following: Senator Eben Draper of Hope dale John Haigis of Greenfield John A Stoddard of Gloucester and Wellington Wells of Boston Repre sentatives Walter Allen of Wor cester Charles Ashley of Deerfield Ufred JI Bessett of New Bedford George Briggs of Amesbury Wil liam Conlon of Boston Thomas Cworther Of all River JI Syvi' Donaldson of Brockton Bernard Early of Newton John Hull of Leomin ster Alfred Ingalls of Lynn Vic tor Jewett of Lowell Elmer Mc Culloch of Adams Thomas Nck erson of Harwich rank Scott of West Springfield Henry Shattuck of Boston and Samuel Wragg Needham HOSPITAL CASES ILED AT WORCESTER Worcester Sept After four de fendants Dr Charles Andrew super intendent of the city hospital George Chaicot superintendent of public buildings Harry Searles deputy elevator inspector and the city ot Worcester represented by City tor William Mellish had pleaded nolo contendere to indictments growing out of a series of elevator accidents at the city hospital the most serious of which occurred last January when two children were crushed to death JudRe rederick osdick in tne su perior court late today filed the com PlJudge osdick in ordering the cases filed commended the district attorney for securing the indictments declaring the result and publicity had oiled the machinery of the municipal overn ment all over the state He said if the defendants tlreusht in thir heart they were guilty of the deaths at th hospital they should be sufficiently punished RPIIRUCANSTO I non selections win oe given ny uie at the 945 4 1U111 1 I i session will be Cajneron Beck per sonal uirecior oi tne aew torn exchange He will speak on "The Cost of Leadership" JIr Beck is known as one of the country's most prominent speakers and he has th? ability of drawing the attention of his entire audience Rev Neil Jlc rherson pastor of the irst church of Springfield will give the address at 11 ollowing the luncheon which will be served in the new cafeteria solos' will be rendered by Plunkett ot Adams followed by a talk on itations ot a Teacher by cipal Mortimer Thomas Adams The schools of the be closed all day' Goes Over Top With $44 0621 5 Raised More Than fhe Total Sought I Tittsfield Sept 23 The nnd memorial campaign for funds to erect a memorial shrine to World war heroes went over the top with a total of $4106215 This report was made at the final meeting of the campaign which was held at noon to day at the ather Mathew building Amid the inspiring and stirring sur roundings of a dozen service flags from the various churches and clubs the big city service flag hanging as acurtain behind the head table the re ports were made and greeted withwave after wave of cheering and ap plause The campaign which at the i last meeting had reached only $23000 4 rrr mot mAmOntllni 1 1 JI in the final four days of the drive it resulted in the raising of as much I1 more Included In the team reports today were contributions of $10000 from a group of Pittsfield manufacturers as well as another largo sum from Pitts field banks whose directors met yes fji terday To the division of which JIrs Crowell was chairman goes the honor of the largest report of the1 "1 woman tni'llPtl in 1 1 1 I I 1 total of $1289310 in cash and pledges To Mrs red Retallick goes the honor of obtaining the greatest total aggregate of pledges $7'(50 The Rclmols with some still to hear from aggregated $55512 in pledges The most vociferous demonstration of the meeting occurred when Mrs Crowell as captain of the division announced the total forher division since last riday Everyone save the women got to his feet and cheered Team No 9 with Joseph Peir on as captain reported tint next a rt a rrrt ror IVUUJ irutl 4 ran close together liittmnn DR captain reixrrting $1179 and team 4 ttith George rench as captain Jtl Junior Election Also Held Horton Schell Will Lead Class North Adams Sept 23 Class elec tions were held at Drury High school this morning when the 1924 and members met and elected Ralph Dawe as president of the senior class with Miss JIary Barnes as vice presi dent TV alter treasurer and adviser The junior Schell to the alco as Dempsey was chosen as secretary and treasurer and Jliss Jessie Sher man class dviser Death of JIrs Edith of "John avenue this at the home of John Morrisey of Ben nington Vt where she was visiting She had been ill for' some time ormer Resident Dies Patrick Nestor of Schenectady and formerly of this city died at his home today He was born in Williamstown la and came to this city when a young man and lived here until about 20 years ago The funeral will be held at his home and at St Baptist church in Sche nectady Thursday morning at 930 ollowing the ceremony the body will be brought to North Adams ror lai in Hillside cemetery Truck Hits Sedan A service truck by the England Telephone Telegraph nany operated by Raymond ton figured in a collision with a se dan operated by son alls Ns JIain and Holden er 1 today chine was going west while the truck was tiwning from Holden east into JIain Slight damage occurred and no one was injured Announce Train Schedule The winter schedule of the Boston Albany railroad will go into effect at' 201 a Sunday September 28 when daylight saving time ends has been announced as follows: The North Adams local will leave Albany at 1155 a 1248 leaving Pittsfield at 150 arriving in this city at 240 New York express which runs Sun days only will leave this city at 445 Jlore than 50 members of the Ki wanis club with their wives accom panied by the Drury band of 100 pieces left for the Hotel Aspinwall in Lenox this afternoon at 3 to at tend the Kiwanls club convention of the New England district JIrs Jlonahan was orn in Hoosick alls later going to New York city where she graduated from high school and Barnard college The sur vivors are her husband father Wil liam JTcGann and one brother Charles of New city The fu neral will be held at the St rancis church in this city Thursday morn ing at 930 and burial will take place in Eastlawn cemetery Williamstown Announcement was made today ot the marriage of Jliss Ella Cornelia Plumridge of 9 Woodlawn avenue Chelsea and Wells A Walker of 26 Blackinton street this city The ceremony was performed Sundn'Y St Luke's Episcopal church In Chel sea by Rev George A Barrows EDWARD I WILL IS ILED Mrs Dowd of Pittsfield Wanted to Take Her Sister to air She Stated Great Barrington Se'pt 23 Mrs JIary Dowd of Pittsfield was dis missed in district court yesterday on an alleged charge of kidnaping She paid a fine of $510 the costs in an assault case Her mother JIrs an nie Leffingwell of New JIarlboro was the complainant in both cases alleged charge of kidnaping was the result of JIrs Dowd going tc her home and taking her younger sister Hattie to a lumber camp near Pittsfield where JIr Dowd is employed She claimed that her mother did not want her to take the child but she did so with the inten tion of giving her a good time at the Barrington fair this week The cnild apparently did not like the lumber camp and JIrs Dowd was oblidged to take her home again The assault charge was the result of JIrs Dowd striking her mother Anfomoblle Badly Wrecked A closed automobile driven by a New York party was badly wrecked early yesterday morning on the Sheffield road The car skidded and collided with a pole and was over turned The pole fell striking the rear end of the machine The oc cupants were not injured and tney continued their trip by train William Church who recently re turned from a trip to Europe is the guest of George Church at Wheel barrow hill New York Church music for the dance to be held in the town hall Thursday by the Loyal Order of Moose The American Legion will conduct a dance in the town ball tomorrow night The music will be furnished by orchestra of Pittsfield The banks will close at noon Thurs day and riday the same as the local stores jV'adow Jale farm Her4 1 I I lavnn The judges were Loll A binnn Cai ds were made as Parker ot MassachuMJ Holsteins owl James Alexander nf rrrt chapel 37 39 Howard Vol At Wwt Springfield rank Dwlpht Thatcher uneral at Burial In Springfiel 1 cemetery g'L I rv III life l(1 Efe 111 1 1 III! 'P.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

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Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.