The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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5T I 6 CHICOPEE THOMPSONVILLE Jilmitted that he stole the automobile fi Cambridge 400 lfcLD the CARRIERS TO ATTEND CHICOPEE STUDENTS HOME the SB a TO KEEP STATION Calls on IlMrtvnr Parlor nnrl Informs I tion is taken t0 restore their naines 1 Mayor rarKer ano llliornis t0 the 1st Returns have been re 71 0 Councilman Mayo yesterday called LONGMEADOW a JIAAKin ILLI 14 Belgian Linens! Broadcloths! Rayons! re Palmer Linens! Seersuckers! OBITUARY ap for the defendant $2000 ATTACHMENT madras: soisette Two for $150 day will OQ Il dv Personal Service ALDEN VILLE GETS ARE ROM GEORGIA tjfaynes ter tour station sets in received cards notify their names would be the list as removed should without delay Thornes of their Malcolm who that from city Tlie an the Handsome new pat terns: accordion pleated and plain arrived hom*o Conservatory two weeks at will go to 1100' of the postcards sent voters not located by the assessors on their rounds The new lists will go to GRADUATION EXERCISES AT ENIELD HIGH of receiving the cards The city would like to hear from as as possible of the remaining A telephone call will be suffi Cournoyer and fl Racine of Chicopee atudents at Assumption college Worcester have returned to spend the summer months with their parents Mr Racine who is secre tary general ot the editorial staff of the Assumption the college publica tion was corresponding secretary of the reception committee that received Cardinal Charost of rance upon his visit at the college Both young men were presented to the cardinal and were present at the official reception given to the and his train by the Worcester city officials and rench clergy The young men will return to Assumption college to con tinue their ctudies in the fall Qualities that should sell to $350 Acts attracted all elephants under' THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS: RIDAY JUNE 18 1926 HAROLD WHITTEMORE QUITS AS CITY CLERK Harold Law the son of Mr and Mrs Edward Law of 163 Phoenix race is making a two weeks' of New York state ine quality nain sook Not a button to come off! from their weddin CLUB Quofa New English Sport Hose Small gardens around the were also badly damaged No' bathtub float will appear in the section of the Independence day parade and the possibility of such a float was never seriously con sidered by members of the committee in charge of that section according to a statement issued yesterday by Lew Quinto chairman Mr state ment followed the publication of pro tests by Springfield ministers of the suggestion which appeared in the papers Wednesday morning that one of the principalhfloats in the section would be a replica the notorious Earl CarroWoyce Haw ley bathtub In speaking of the ministerial pro test which brought aboqt the assur ance that' there will be no suchvul gar float in the parade said that he is glad this subject Avas so quickly and forcibly attacked by the ministers as he to correct any false impressions that may be given out unintentionally by the committee Regarding the Carroll float suggestion Mr Quinto declared that he does not knowk where the idea for such a feature of the parade originated but that he is absolutely certain that it will not be carried oub Dr John Baker vice chairman of the Independence Day association Grocery Dior 45 erry Street anti is ready for Suriners out as last the the Special purchase Little Mr and AJrs Homer Bergeron returned spent in James attended Syracuse university where he re ceived the degree of master of forestry from the New York State College'of orestry The physical training exhibition of Aldenville public school was held this morning I Received 1 1 00 Answers to 2500 Postals ourteen hundred men and women of Springfield are threatened with the loss o( their votes in the coming con gressional elections unless speedy ac at'tachment for $2000 in an of contract was filed in the Little Smoked Elk and Tan Oxfords: sizes 6M to 11 Grownups as Well as Chil dren Delighted By Poodles Hannaford Elephants and The Riders The lure of the sawdust ring and the smell of tanbark attracted thous ands of men womeh and children to Hampden park yesterday where the Sells loto circus and Buffalo Wild West show combined gave their annual offering a matinee and eve ning performance Coming and go ing the show attracted few as therolling city arrived in the early hours of the morning long before any of the kiddies had crawled out of bed and left long after nearly everyone had retired But with the morning son Hamp den park was the haven of thousands of children from six to 60 who watched the big top and others go up De spite the fact that Sells loto did not present any street parade the at tendance at the matinee and evening performances was not hampered any With the exception of one section every seat under the big top was filled in the afternoon while at the evening performance none were un occupied Billed as the circus beautiful Sells loto presented a performance that was true to its title The opening tournament "The Birth of the Rain was display of the circus world lavishly gowned in an array of 'colors Miss Erma Ward was outr standing in her exhibition of human endurance by making 100 complete somersaults clinging to a rope with one arm She left the arena amid a burst of applause Without a doubt Poodles Hanna ford holds a high place among the worm or equestrian pertormers great riding comedian displayed act of skilled training and was center or attraction Many Dig Other big acts that attention were the 14 the whip of Miss Irene Ledgett build ing an animal bridge on the hippo drome track 36 horses performing in three rings the dancing high school horses the trained wild animal acts in the huge steel arena and the famous flying Wards presenting dar ing aerial achievements The latter act came in for added attention by the performance of Miss Mayme Ward who while blindfolded and bound in a gunny sack made a dou ble somersault in mid air to a catch An action registry of deeds yesterday afternoon the write being returnable in superior court rancis McAlpine is the plaintiff and John Day and rederick Green of Agawam and Arthur Baines of this city are defendants John Moriarty is the attorney for the plaintiff 1400 CITIZENS MAY LOSE THEIR VOTES At HAYNES great selling of Wash Linen Golf Knickers Aid Sprin in the oot Bath OOTEASE The Antiseptic Healing Powder fortired swollen smarting sweating feet It takes the friction from the shoe prevents blistersand sore spots and takes the sting out of corns and bunions A I way use Allen oot Eeaa for Dancing and to Break In New Shoes Sold everywhere JV IL GRAHAM Corp Howard st Undertakers 'SWliUI I IlWX'gJUUMW Suffleld June 17 The annual meet ing of the Lucky Thirteen club a benevolent organization was held last evening at the home of the president Mrs John Adams on Bridge Btreet A business meetin was held followed by the election of officers after which 500 was in order which was followed by a banquet in the banquet Perry of Chicopee catering Music throughout rhe evening was furnish ed by the Sunshine Singing of Holyoke The prizes were won by Miss Isabel A Baron Mrs Edith Phelps and Miss Eleanor PheliSk The fell to 32 in the west ern part of town this morning and a large amount of market garden produce was frozen Several acres of potatoes In the extreme northwest section of the town were Rev David Kebbe par tor of Congregational church of will occupy the pulpit of the West Suffield Congregational church Sun day HOLY NAME HIGH HAS GRADUATION PROGRAM The annual commencement exer cises of Holy Name High were held last night in the parish hall and the young women gPaduates were pre sented their'dlplomas by Mgr John Conlin who for the past four years has watched over the training of last graduates with the keenest interest During the exercises the medal for Irish history awarded Miss Irene Allen by the national organiza tion women's auxiliary of Hiberniahs was presented to her by Mgr Con lin and Miss Helen McCarthy re ceived a1 medal for music having passed a test at the house of the sis ters of Notre Dame at Boston The program of was as follows: Chorus Close of essay and salutatory "Hidden Miss Catherine Ashe chorus Above the dialog Claire Poire Helen Cra Beatrice Cruess Edna Shea Imelda Tremble Margaret Moriarty piano solo Miss Helen McCarthy Oman's Pauline lanagan Catherine Reidy Eileen Linehan Elizabeth Hen nessey' Such' Alice Russell semichorus Agnes Dillon Helen Mc Carthy chorus Gloriosa essay and valedictory Three fold Study" Miss Irene Allen BIG CIRCUS HAS MANY GOOD ACTS 24 Grammar Gradnntca Hazardville June 17 Superinten dent of Schools Anson Handy presented diplomas to 24 graduates of the grammar school at the exercises at the institute last night Principal Richard Kennon was presented with a gold chain and locket engraved with the class numerals by the mem bers of the class The hall was dec orated in blue and silver the class colors ollowing is the list of the graduates: Shirley Bergh Bernece Berozsky Leslie Buck Ear Carson Miriam Carson Harriet Corbett Leona Dobrozensky Beatrice Dolan Henry Gowdy Annie Kertenis Jean Luce Anthony North Margaret Ornifer Edward Pluto Benedict Pu chinsky Henrietta Sarna Adam Sav age Steffie Smith Louis Toumalie Raymond Turgeon annie Wence John Wysocki and Joseph Zawistow ski The salutatory wa? by Miriam Carson and the valedictory by Jean Luce Mr and Mrs George announce the engagement daughter lorence May to Chapin Keery of Somers The heavy frost this morning did much damage to the crops armers reported that some potato fields were destroyed and that tobacco beds left uncovered were almost a total loss village celved by City Clerk Clifford Smith to only to 2500 sistant April printers next week and any of 1925 voters left oft will be liable to lose the vote Voters Ing them dropped from the communicate with the office of the city clerk by telephone mall or per sonally and give the information as to their present home address ail ure to do so will result in the names being left off next week and loss of the right to vote unless the name is restored within proper time prior to the election Of the 2500 cards sent out 600 were returned by tho postal authorities as having no present address in the city Replies were received from 500 those clerk many 1400 cient notice for keeping the name of any of the 1400 on the list Married women are however required to register Plaids oyster white gray and natural rank W' Winslow Warren Underwood Charles Roadstrand RIVER 112 I ur Night CITY RECEIVES 100 ACRES GUT OR PLAYGROUND bearers Cavan Bergdoll Burehill ather inn read the committal serv ice at the grave in st cemetery The funeral of Miss Annie Rice was held yesterday afternoon at 3 at 63 Clarendon street Rev George A Martin officiating Burial was in Oak Grove cemetery I 26th next week to get his Parents are urged applications as or telephone them to the clubhouse in order dhat suitable arrangements may be made by Director Chitjs Jensen new broadcasting has caused a rush of crystal the Panama Canal Zone The city of Shanghai China plans to install an automatic burglar alarm system which is backing the parade said that he too is glad that the ministers protested as it shows that there is much interest in the Claris for the parade and for the "horribles" section Dr Baker continued: "However I hope that the ministers will not eno their interest with the section but that ihey will extend an active co operative and helpful in terest to the developing of the more serious sections the historical In the parade i' far tire parade committee has had a number of offers for assistance in the develppment of the historical sections but as yet we have n6t had any from the ministers These sections are of great importance to the success of the parade and we will gladly welcome any help which the ministers may give us The success of the pa rade depends upon the co operation of all the people of the city and as such is the case the various committees ore eager to receive suggestions and ac tive assistance from all" Dr Baker said that in the face of ftie protests made by the ministers the committee is glad to give up any idea of a Carroll bathtub float as the committee does not wish to have features in the parade which would antagonize residents of this city Jr and Benedict Diplomas Presented to 63 Many Prizes Awarded Dance Tonight Thompsonville June 17 The class of 1926 Enfield High school was graduated tonight at the high school auditorium in the presence of several hundred people A total of 63 re ceived diplomas: The two highest honors were awarded to Misses Bar bara and Harriet Smith daugh ters of Mr and Mrs Miles Smith' The exercises opened with the proces sional They played by the high school orchestra prayer was offered by Rev Dr Lyman Pettit of the irst Presbyterian church The following graduates gave essays: Miss Harriet Smith second honor salutatory with essay Miss Teresa Sheehan Miss Mabel Beman Miss Marion Rich Miss Rosie Testoni Miss Marie Collins The valedictory was given by Miss Barbara Smith first honor pupil Selections were sung by the Glee club under direction of Denslow King and the high school orchestra furnished music The di plomas were presented by Dr Thorn ton Vail president of the town school committee The announcement of the awards and prizes was made by Principal Parkman and the conferring of the prizes by Superin tendent Anson Handy The class gift to the school was the customary check which will be added to the school fund The awarding of the prizes and awards proved one of the interesting features as none of the prize win ners had knowledge of their good for tune until called to the stage by Principal Parkman The prize awards: Two prizes each $5 offered in memory of the late Dr Thomas Grant Alcorn by his sisters Misses Isabel and Emma Alcorn to the two members the freshman Class who in the judg ment of the teachers made the great est improvement in studies during the year awarded to Miss lorence Mur ray and Douglas Thompson two prizes $5 and $2 offered by Superin tendent Handy for excellence in orig inal declamation as determined by a prize speaking contest won by Miss Louise Galimberti 1927 2d Miss Dor othy Parker 1926 prize $5 offered by the alumni association' to that mem ber of the senior or junior classes who in the opinion of the teachers comes nearest to the Ideals which En field High school desires awarded to Miss Harriet Smith 1926 prize $5 offered by the Alumni association to the member of the freshman class who wrote the best paper on one of three previously assigned topics to be done in the school and in the presence of a teacher awarded to Miss Claire Sloans 1929 honorable mention Miss Naomi Thompson and Miss Ethel Drake two priaas each $5 offered by the class of 1917 to be swarded to the two members of the sophom*ore class who do the best work in Eng lish during the year awarded to Ce lestina Tina anj Anna Cyganus one prize $5 offered by the class of 1923 for excellence in stenography awarded to Miss 'Margaret urey prize $5 of fered by the class of 1923 to the pupil who excels in debating awarded to Miss Rebecca Gager: prize $5 offered by the music department for best work in music awarded to Miss Ros Church Vacation School The irst church vacation school will open on the 28th at the Commu nity house Miss Dorothy Strong a graduate of the Wheelock Kindergar ten Training school and a member of the faculty of Brush Hill school Milton will take charge of the children from six to eight years old Mrs Benjamin Lewis who has been a teacher for 14 years with great suc cess will have charge of children over nine years old Mrs Lewis is a sister of Mrs Chester Johnson of Benedict terrace and is moving to Longmeadow from Ithaca Mrs John Landers entertained little folks in her home Thursday aft ernoon in honor of the birthday of her four years old daughter Aileen Mr and Mrs Russell Dale of War ren terrace attended their 15th class reunion at Middlebury college Mid dlebury Vt recently John Putnam of Roseland ter race has been entertaining his cousin Miss Clara Enos who has charge of the girls at Simmons college and her friend Miss Madeleine Lawrence of Boston a member of the Cimmons col lege board of trustees Miss Lawrence and Miss Enos left yesterday to go to Miss Enos's home 'at Chaumont Miss Margaret Daniels daughter of Mr and Mrs rank Daniels of Lin coln park attenaed graduation exer cises of the University of Pennsylva nia yesterday Town meeting will be held to night in the Community house Two appropriations to be discussed one for the Rooney Russell drain and the other for alleged land dam ages to property on Converse street A rehearsal of the day program of the irst church will be held this afternoon after school at the Community house Children's be celebrated Sunday Mr and Mrs Tyler their two younger sons of terrace will leave tomorrow on a mo tor trip through the Allegheny moun tains They will lie gone two weeks and on their return will go to their cottage at Nest Beach Ct where they will be joined by their eld est son Austin Maloy of Berwick road is attending te convention of the Unit ed States' railway superintendents at Montreal this week Mrs Maloy will go tonight to enjoy the social activi ties of the Convention with her hus band over tho week end They will visit Quebec and the shrine of St Anne de Beaupre before returning home Their younger son orest will spend the week end with his grand parents at Deerfield 'Miss Naomi Tromb'ey daughter of Mrs and Mrs Theodore Trombley oc rnmgton street nas from the New England of Music She will sr md Longmeadow and then New York and Philadelphia to visit friends Middy Oliver and lapper Models: full cut well made fast color suits: all sizes from 2 to 10' Main Street MAIL AM) TEDEPHOxVE OHDERS CAREEUDLY ILLED Damages of $1409 were yesterday awarded by a jury in the case Of Richard Dice against John Mitchner The action was to recover for money advancedas defendant's fare from Macon Ga to this city The case was heard by Judge Callahan and a jury Alford Tavernier was the attorney for the plaintiff and William Martin was for the de fendant I THIEVES ENTER HOME ON MEDORD STREET Thieves entered the home of Mrs Margaret Welsh of 22 Medford street at 920 last night and stole jewelry valued at $75 and a small amount of cash A diamond ring with five smail stones having an English setting with the wording from "Sandy to March 19 '94 written on the inside of tlie band was taken as well as an opal ring with five opals There was one large ojal in the center of the ring A wrist watch and 50 cents in change was also taken NOTICE SIMON JOSEPH have trip New York city and Canada Norman Gibson of Aldenville the graduation exercises at university the degree MOSSEY GETS VERDICT IN AUTO ACCIDENT A superior court juryyesterday de cided in favor of A Mossey de fendant In an automobile accident suit brought against Mossey by Lor enza esta This was the first ses sion of the court and Judge Cal lahan presided The action was for damages resulting from an automobile collision near Birnie avenue and Douglas street The plaintiff sued for property damage Henry A Moran was attorney for esta and I Tay lor ana urcen nennett Lyon peared URTHER TESTIMONY GIVEN IN $31000 CASES urther in the three au tomobile accident cases now on trial beforeJudge William A Burns and a jury in the second session of superion court was heard yesterday The es tate of Joseph Macri late of this city Antonio Curto who had two legs broken and Edward Morreau are su ing Wilfred Chouinard of Thomp sonville Ct for $20000 $10000 and $1000 respectively Patrolman Joseph A Burke testified yesterday afternoon that he was on duty near Gardner street when he heard a crash that sounded like an automobile accident and he jumped into an automobile and drove to Columbus avenue and Margaret street Joseph Macri who was fatally 'injured was rushed by the officer to Wesson hospital The officer then returned to the scene ray photographs of the injuries to the legs of Curto were shown by Dr Robert Hovey The accident oc curred the night of March 14 1924 William McKechnie Louis Gained and Alfred airbanks are the attorneys for the plaintiffs Ed ward Hutchings and Loujs Doherty are counsel fo the defend this Outspoken Protests By Local Ministers Shows That It Would Be Great Mistake to Have Replica of Vul gar Theatrical Press Agent in Independence Day Celebration YOUTH ARRESTEDADMITS STEALING CAR AT CAMBRIDGE Athletic Union Suits 95c ant The trial will be resumed morning SPANISH WAR VETERANS AT MARBLEHEAD CAMP This city was represented at the annual state convention of Spanish war veterans at Marblehead yester day by about two score members of Gen Lawton camp United Spanish War Veterans and Etta A Vesper auxiliary The delegates were: William A Reardon Champagne and Jo seph Drolette accompanied by Comdr Matthew Ryan senior vice commander rank A Beaudry de partment historian Ralph Brown and past commanders Thomas Croke and Jere Shea Thp local delegates present a res olution at the Marblehead encamp ment thanking William Mattocks editor of the National Tribune and his associates for their work in se curing the passage of the amended pension bill QUOTA CLUB MEETS AT TEKOA COUNTRY The bi weekly meeting of the club was held last night at the Tekoa Country club at Westfield with 20 members present There was a re port from the delegates and members who attended tho national convention at Philadelphia las: week Music was enjoyed The president reported that a Quota club has been formed at Win nipeg Can thus making the organ ization an international one SO dozen Sport and Collar attached Broadcloth: To Enter Electrical Business Already in ield' West field June Harold Whitte more for the past few years city clerk tendered his resignation to Mayor Louis Keefe this morning The resignation was addressed the mayor and city council and was read to tho council at Its meeting tonight It will take effect July 1 Whittemore was appointed to the office in June 1922 and was named to fill the va cancy created by the resignation of Atty Burke The term ofi ap pointment is for three years and will expire in two more years Mr Whitte more has become a partner in the Richardson Electrical company and will hereafter devote his time to that business Under the charter the mayor may appoint a successor in office to fill out the unexpired term He may if he sees fit throw it into the council as was the case when Whttemoie was named under the Mayoralty of George Searle One candidate has already loomed tip for the position in ot Councilman rank He has been interested in the position for some time It has however been dis closed that he would be prevented by the statutes from being appointed to the position as he now holds a city elective position and could not even resign to accept the city clerkship should the position be tendeieu him Mayor Keefe will have about two weeks in which to make the appoint ment and under the communication addressed to the council tonignt lie cautions against the consideration of an appointee that would not possess the necessary qualifications How ever it is expected that there will be an open field in the event that the mayor does not signify his choice soon Wffttyour BOKN WI A The 15th a son unes 4 (lek Gaylord Jr to Dr and ltrs prylord of 173 Thompson street city alie Mazzini 1927 two prizes $5 and $250 offered by the English depart ment for the best work in extem poraneous composition won by Alary Logiudice 1928 2d Miss Marie Laino honorable mention Miss Ruth Cooley and Miss Mabel Goldthorpe prize $5 offered by board of director of the Enfield Echo to the pupil doing the i best work in the interest of the school publication awarded to MiW Barbara Smith two prizes $3 and offered by the Echo board to the two pupils submitting the best articles the Echo awarded to Alias Rose Collins 2d Miss Mabel Beman gold ngedal offered by the Hartford Alumni association of the Rensselaet Polytechnic institute to the fiupil maintaining the highest standing' in mathematics and science awarded fto Clyde Terwilliger prize gold medal awarded by the Remington Typewrit er company to the pupil who writes at the rate of at least 55 words per minute for 15 consecutive minutes with an error allowance of not more than five words awarded to Teresa Sheehan' Miss lorine Allen and Miss Rose Verdina prizes offered i by the Dramatic association for best posters $3 awarded to Donald Bar ker $2 Miss Eunice Green $1 Sid ney prizes offered by the musical association to pupils prepar ing best posters for annual Glee club concert $3 Miss Margaret WLshart $2 Donald Barker $1 Miss Bunice Green The following number of credentials offered by the different tpewritee companies have been awarded to tu rlAnts thft snhnnl VAar: cates 122 bronze jiins 35 silver pins 12 gold pins 3 The closing event of commencement week will bo the farewell dance to be held at th auditorium tomorrow night Tow Mtiii The selectmen have decided to post pone the special town meeting sched uled for Tuesday night until after auditors complete examination of records for former Tax Collector Clark Hamilton The special was called to take action on an ap propriation of $37500 for additions to then Hazardville school Mr and Mrs Eben Sullivan Present Tract Along Sputh Branch of Mill River or Children Gift of a tract of 100 acres of land along the SoYith branch of Mill river to be used as a playground park for the children of Springfield was an nounced yesterday The land is given by Eben Sullivan and his" wife Nellie Sullivan of Parker street for the purpose of providing ample fa cilities for park and playground pur poses when that part of the city de velops for residential purposes It is one of the largest gifts of land re ceived by the city in many years for park purposes Among the city offi cials who learned of it tWere were warm expressions of appreciation Jor the public spirit shown by the givers Yesterday afternoon ff delegation of city officials including representatives of the planning board park board board of survey and board of public works inspected the property as a preliminary to detiiflte action by the city In accepting the gift The nego tiations now be completed be tween the present owners and the jark commissioners The announce ment of the gift was made by Woodruff engineer of the planning board who has brought the negotia tions to the point where the owners are ready to give the land Through this gift the city: will ac quire a valuable strip of wooded laud along the south branch and it is like ly that much if it will be left in its natural state of beauty development being undertaken as needed The brook flowing through the proierty is well stocked with trout and there is much heavy woodland along the U3 17! SI Beside the land the city will get a sizable tract that' will have an important bearing upon the objective of saving Watershops pond from final loss to the city through the drying up of jts tributaries The cutting off of all the wooded areas and development of residential sections along the wa tershed would in time reduce the pond to small dimensions and destroy its beauty Mr and Mrs Sullivan are the own ers of a number of tracts Of land in now to be given the city The gift now to be given the city The ift will be of distinct benefit to the part of land retained by them and at the same time will amply meet the needs of the city in that section Other property owners are favorable to the proposition and It is believed they will come through with similar proposi tions that will mean the acquirement of much more land along the south branch Engineer Woodruff says there is no question about tlie gift of this land for park purposes enhancing the value of land in the vicinity When the owners lay out their tracts for de velopment it will be observed that many of the lots front on the new park and the proposed parkways The location is near air Oak road which will give access from Parker street City officials who viewed the land yesterdav were impressed with the beauty of the tract tend consists of a strip about 400 feet wide along the banks of the stream There is heavy pine oak and elm growth on a part of it and all of it is wooded to some extent Officials Relighted With the Gift The givers of the land are people of culture who have traveled extensiveiy but who are now living in this city Observing congested conditions in some parts of the city and realiz ing the need in future years of a playground park to meet the needs of the Sixteen Acres section of the city they made overtures for the gilt of the land for the purpose Navy Department Says Is Has No Money to Send Them rom Newport to Big Pa1 rade on July 5 The J00 bluejackets sought by the Independence day committee for the celebration here will not be able to come unless their trip is financed from local sources according to dis patches receive'd here last night' The local committee had petitioned the naval authorities at Washington tor sailors to come here for the day from the Newport training station and lo cal congressmen have been to mem bers of the navy department about the matter but it has been decided that the department has neither the money or the authority to send them On receipt of this news list night Dr John Baker vice chairman of the association announced that local ex navy men will lie asked to con tribute toward a fund to bring fhe navy men here Ben A Hapgoodr Svcretary treasurer of the association will receive the fonds at his office in tlie Chamber of Commerce Tho parade committee will meet to day at 4 at the Chamber of Commerce rooms and tonight at 8 there will be emclment for those who wish to take part in the comic division under tho direction of Lieut Louis Quinto and Lieut Harry Baker Every 10th one who enrols will be given a pass good for two seats at Poli's thea'er by courtesy of Gordon AVrignter manager MISS IRIS AULD WINS A HISTORY MEDAL Sliss Iris Auld daughter of John Auld of 820 State street a member of the 2A class in the High School of Commerce won the Washington and ranklin medal offered each high school by the state society of the Sons of the American Revolution for the pupils in the school evincing the greatest proficiency In American his tory during 4 lie year The announce ment was made at the school as sembly yesterday morning and the medal was formally presented to Miss Auld by Arthur Newell of Holyoke a member of the state society Honor able mention went to Lloyd Mason nephew of Mr and Mrs Harold Dudley of Cotton place fiixeuai home North Main St 1 I'll i ne Jtlvcr 452 SILVER LOVING CUP OR BEST CAMPER A silver loving cup given by Milton Allis former president of the Springfield club will be award ed to the boy camper who wins the contest conducted at the clul farm next week Requirement to win the cup are cleaniines populate ity and service Each boy casts Tiis Tot for every week the camp i in session and a record is kept The winner will be announced the day before tiie closes for the season A large delegation is expected to arrive aj the camp when It opens the Chef Cralts will leave early kitchen in order tp send in their soon as possible Leal Residents Invited to jAltend and SeeExhibitionsat Gamp Shermah (The New England Lite Baring In (itute in session at Brimfield will bld "open at Camp Sherman ibe local Boy Scout camp 2 to 5 a'fid invites all local per jns particularly those intercTted inoy Scout workJo come anjl see an 'fhibition of life saving and first aid JVspeciAl program will be given for )e benefit and there 'will be opportunity to swim for those whoJish it Thanks to the local "Lionsub the camp has now the finestach in New England according to ipau Harris of the institute' program tomorrow will Include diving exhibition under the direc onuof Capt Carroll Bryant of the Aitpnal Red Cross Washington Acknowledged to be the greatest lying authority in canoe ii' demonstration with seven canoes tithe Boy Scouts with Capt Bartlett Williams college In chargeswim efing under water directed by Capt Efobert Miller and first aid tinder fie supervision of Dr ShieldsWashington North Enders HtfPE John Duane ef the branch the New England1 asaocia tion for Letter Relief will head delegation of Chicopee letter carrier to a state convention at Brockton on Sunday Assistant Post master A Harrison and Carriers George Rourke William MoreAi Jame A Braziel and rancis Healy will also attend The delegates will leave tomorrow rorsa and retui a Sunday night I Chasse said that he given lift fly Hartwell who saw him walking the road Cambridge police rierlfled the report that the machine las stolen saying that It was taken jt 520 Wednesday night The ma )iii was a ord touring car bearing Massachusetts markers 463916 I Timothy Shean 19' of Mittineague 14'est Springfield was arrested on liigh street Agawam after a chase Officers William Hartley and jeorge McCarthy charged with oper automobile while under the afluence of liquor and being drunk West side police received a calLiat a man was creating a disturb Ince at Sand hill The officers re I bonded with the police ambulance lit found Shean gone when they ar lived there Some men standing near ly pointed but the direction that Lneaif took and they "gave chase latching him In Agawam UE SAVING INSTITUTE TO HOLD OPEN HOUSE TO CONER TODAY ON WAVE SYSTEM Aiderman Emile Erard chairman of the rules of the road committee of the board of aidermen has called a conference this afternoon at 430 to discuss the feasibility of the adopting the wave system of traffic control for a trial onf Dwight street a suggestion recently made by the Automobile club of Springfield Mayor Barker and Traffig Expert Battis Woodruff of the planning board have been invited by MrErard to sit with the committee TRIP 3 MUST BE PAID JHEI) tn this city 17th JJni Ellen1idihy widrtw of John Cudahy uneralpni her residence 19 Arch street Satuf efy time to bo announced later riendsl Invited 'l 41E1DR1CU At Holyoke 16th hire Bor Wa Lelnini? reidrlch 17 wife of Ernest TyBJT 1' raidrich uneral at the home 2049 i''lufiwiuPtun street riday nt 230' Steup will olllclate and burial bo In orestdale cemetery At Buffalo 16th rUry McDonald widow of John MoDon Jd uneral at the parlors ot tha Dlcklnsrin a greeter compahy 303 307 State street Sat 14 day at 230 in Burial In Oak Grove finetery 'YlllTR At North Agawani 15th MrsMary White 81 uneral frortJ the late t'time 40 ntver street North Agawam rl yVY' morning at S15 requiem high mass I blfowlng in St William's church at 9 o'clocklufial In St Thomas cemetery fJEarlcs Hartwell of Albany I Charged With Being gi ll tivetrdiTi Hisi Passenger Held it Driving an automobile in the wrong I direction on Elm street a one way thoroughfare resulted in Charles Hartwell 17 of 17 Crystal street Al pany being arrested assji fu lirltivo from justice at 11 last night William Chasse 26 of Somersworth JjL HI who was a passenger in the Jmachlno at the' time was booked asi suspect Noticing the machine proceeding in rjhe wrong direction Offifer rancis JTCenneyi Stopped the driver The officeremanded to see registra Jnon and licensh (which he was unable hi produce HayttielV explained that fiiis sister owned the machine Be coming suspicious the offlcerrtook the liair to headquarters where following liuesttoning Hartwell brokevdown unit SKICT ROUNDS JHICHITBCTS committee WeiSnesday night selected Walker A Kings toury of Boston as landscape ar chitects for the preparation of plans and specifications for grading the high chool grounds A commit tee including Dr letcher Daniel Harrington Ernest Dalton Wil Haiti Aldrich and George Benoit 'chairman of the school committee will meet with the architects on Tuesday to go over grounds and plans Tbe committee gave permission use Spencer street Willimansett and Memorial school grounds in airview for playground activity and also gave the use of the new school site onMc Kinstry avenue for fireworks Him of Situation I iThn Plainfield street fife station not pass! With this war cry Afid a deal qf determination the resi dents of the North end under the di iction of Councilman George Mayo Jrj have set out to win their $ght for the retention ot the fire sta tion which they firmly believe the 4ity Owen them 'Councilman' Mayo yesterday called City hall to confer with Mayor lYirker to apprise him of the atti de with: which the North end peo will persevere in holding off the Mayor and other city officials who believe that' the station mignt be ijrapped' in favor ot the Hooker street ISationj Atty RAymond King has been f'jtalned as counsel for the North end Jis and he probably demand a Sparing at which botlj sides of the Atiestlon may be argued and a com omise agreed upon STEUP TO 1 1 PREACH AT TRINITY (Trinity Lutheran church 24 King iqreet will hold Itsannual missionaryilly on Sunday There will be an iiiglish language service at 915 at which the sermon jvill be delivered by Jtfcv Steup of New York Jpe same speaker will be heard at mie German language service at 1030 Twv Mr Steup who has been in the ministry for 52 years is the father of flje pastor of 'the local Lutheran tefturch ij At the afternoon service at 330z Rev A Derwig of Middletown Ct will breach tho sermon Tho organist William Kuriz has arranged special Jfiisic The soloist at all three serv 103 will be Mrs Gertrude Kresser Lllen Cudahy Mrs Ellen Cudahy widow of John Cudahy died at her home at 19 Arch street last night following a brief ill ness She leaves two sons William and Charles two sisters Mrs John Haley of Hinsdale and Miss Anna O'Brien all of this city two brothers Janies of Hinsdale and Wil liam O'Brien of Pittsfield The fu neral will be' held at the home tomor row time to be announced Burial will be at St Michael's cemetery Yrs Arthur Glynn Mrs Rebecca A Glynn 50 wife oi Arthur Glynn of 54 Loring street died at the Mercy hospital yesterday She was born at Richmond Va Be sides her husband she leaves one son Joseph Seacon one brother Robert Allen of Richmond Va and two sis ters Nirs Martha A Davis and Mrs rances Wormly of Richmond Va Mrs Glynn was a member of the Third Baptist church The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 at funeral home Rev Waller officiating Burial 'will be in Oak Grove' cemetery The funeral Mary Byllock widow of John McDonald who died Wednes day at Buffalo YA will be held at the parlors of the Dickinson Streeter company tomorrow afternoon at 230 Rev rank Wheelock will officiate and burial will be in Oak Grove cemetery I Tho funeral of Mrs Margaret (Shea) Deveau was held yesterday at the funeral home ot Broughall followed by high mass of requiem at Sacred Heart church Rev Thomas inn was celebrant The were Michael and Thomas a ugh red and Henry Patrick Shea and red SENIOR PROMENADE EVENT TONIGHT The patrons and patronesses for the annual senior promenade to be held tonight at 8 will Include Super intendent John Desmond Jr Mr and Mrs A itzGerald Mr and Mrs Duquette Mr and Mrs Lomtne Mr and Mrs Daly Miss Rogerson Miss A Williams Miss Short Miss A Paine and Airs Al Wheeler Alore than couples are expected to attend mayor Approves buying TWO pieces of apparatus Mayor Shea ire Chief Arthur Montmeny and the fire committee of the board of aidermen approved buy ing of two triple combination fire trucks from the Mack Motor company of Springfield The apparatus is io cost $16500 and the city will be al lowed a rebate of $3500 for the return of equipment and bodies of twtrubks now in use The new trucks will be a 450 gaft lon chemical tank land a 700 galion tanker Both will be equipped with pumps and ffose carrying bodies May or Shea signed the coitracts yes terday and delivery Is scheduled the first of the month Bathtub loat Will Be Dropped Out By Big Parade Committee.

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.