The Hippocratic Oath (5/18/24 Chapter 50 is up!) (2024)

The switch to the secret door of the Game Corner…was under a poster on the wall. Comet couldn't help but to wonder how Moon would react when he told her.

The thought of Moon made Comet's pulse quicken as he followed Bryson and Howie down the stairs. Was he crazy for doing this? Should he just call Moon so that the Kanto Bough can take over?

But Howie and Bryson trusted him. No one else would have an opportunity like this. At the very least, he could see where and how Cadence was being held so he could relay that information to the Bough. He wouldn't cause any trouble unless he had to…despite how badly he wanted to rip both newly-dubbed Rockets limb from limb.

Comet glared daggers at the back of Howie's curly red hair and Bryson's stupid sideways cap. Maybe when all this was over he could convince Oak to let him have five minutes alone with them before they were put away.

Once downstairs, all three boys changed into Rocket uniforms. Comet tried to tuck as much of his hair as possible into the black cap they gave him. Just in case his dyed hair wasn't enough to disguise him. He had enough run-ins with the Rockets that, with Comet's luck, one of them just might recognize him.

They led Comet through a small hallway. The basem*nt really wasn't that big at all, hardly enough to warrant the name 'hideout'. The Rockets probably just assigned Bryson and Howie there for some extra pocket change. Comet noticed several people milling about in the hallways with Game Corner uniforms on. They either were a part of Team Rocket's operation here or they were too apathetic to even notice or care. Neither explanation would surprise Comet. He felt at his significantly lighter wallet bitterly. Rip off artists.

Finally, they arrived at the room where they were holding Cadence. And the sight made Comet's fists and his heart clench.

Cadence sat on the floor, bound up and gagged. Their bag and belt lay on the other side of the room in a disorganized pile. To Comet's great relief, there was still a Poke Ball on Cadence's belt. He was surprised the Rockets didn't immediately confiscate Wartortle.

"See?" said Howie triumphantly. "Team Rocket is serious now."

Bryson rubbed his hands together. "I wonder what they're gonna get Oak to trade for his little pet."

Cadence didn't look up as the two grunts gloated. Working again to control his furious breathing and urge to enact extreme physical punishment, Comet turned to Bryson. "Do you know why the kid was in Celadon?"

At the sound of Comet's voice, Cadence looked up. Their eyes widened, and Comet tried to put words into the stare he gave back. You don't know me. I'm just another Rocket.

Howie's brow furrowed. "Why does that matter? He's here now, isn't he?"

Comet rubbed his temples in mock irritation. "...He's one of Oak's important team. They do missions all the time. What if he was stationed in Celadon for a purpose?"

It hurt Comet to refer to Cadence as male. But he couldn't make Bryson and Howie suspicious. He could only hope Cadence understood what was happening. It seemed like they did, but it was hard to tell with the gag.

Then, a terrible realization struck Comet. Cadence knew Comet used to hang out with Bryson and Howie. Cadence had been the one to catch him all those years back-after Steel did, that is. Would Cadence think he was going back to his old ways? Arceus, he would have to tread very carefully here.

Bryson was frowning now, arms folded. He had always considered himself 'the brains' of their little gang, though that didn't mean much when compared with clown-hair Howie. "Why does it matter if he was here on a mission?"

"Because this might have been a part of that mission. Maybe he let you guys capture him so the rest of Oak's pets could come in guns blazing and blow this whole operation."

Bryson and Howie looked at each other. Now the smiles were off both of their faces. Comet nodded toward the pile of Cadence's belongings. "Why didn't you check his stuff yet?"

"The boss said not to touch any of it until someone in charge gets here to look at it first," said Howie slowly.

"Well, the boss isn't gonna be too happy anyway if there's a com link or something in his bag. Take the gag out. Let's see if he has anything to say about it."

Fortunately, Bryson and Howie were too shaken up about potentially spoiling their little accomplishment to argue with Comet. Bryson took the brace off and asked, "So what were you doing in Celadon City?"

Cadence worked their jaw before replying. They carefully avoided eye contact with the others in the room. "I promise, it wasn't anything to do with the Kanto Bough. I was just going to the Pokemon Center to meet a friend. I was going to give him a gift."

There was a slight emphasis on the word 'gift', and that was when Cadence made eye contact with Comet. He nodded at the two grunts. "Get me the bag."

Still shocked into unquestioning obedience, Howie handed him Cadence's bag. Comet glanced at Cadence while Bryson and Howie stared worriedly at the bag. Cadence mouthed 'right side pocket'. Comet made a show out of fishing around in the various compartments before reaching into the right side. Inside, he felt something hard and cold. He dared not pull it out for the grunts to see, but he spared a peek inside. It was a gray stone, its surface uneven with ridges and bumps.

A Moon Stone.

Comet froze with his hand on it. If he let Spikepelt out now and used that stone…there was no way this wouldn't turn into a fight. Although that seemed to be what Cadence was insinuating…

Everyone in the Kanto Bough knew the story of Red's Charizard. As a Charmander, he was as cooperative as could be. But once he evolved, he become belligerent and difficult to train. It took years before Red could completely trust him to listen. Spikepelt got a heck of a lot more sassy after he evolved and gained access to new words. What would he be like as a…Comet shuddered at the thought.

A voice broke Comet from his thoughts and nearly made him drop the whole bag.

"Alright, boys. Let's see exactly how much of my time you'll be wasting here."

Walking through the doorway was none other than Cat. This time, she was wearing a form-fitting evening gown of a deep emerald green. The material shimmered as she walked, and the bottom had a long slit that exposed a substantial portion of her thigh.

Comet fidgeted with the Rocket hat, sending silent fervent prayers to Arceus that she wouldn't recognize him. Bryson and Howie knelt on either side of Comet. "Mistress Cat!" they both said simultaneously, heads bowed. Comet clumsily followed suit, still gripping Cadence's bag tightly to his chest.

Cat surveyed the room with an air of bored disinterest. There was a slight flicker of surprise in her eyes when she saw Cadence, but she disguised it quickly. She then turned to the grunts. "Perhaps you've done…"

She trailed off, her eyes on Comet. And that's when her impassive mask completely faded.

"Who is this?"

Howie wrung his hands nervously. "A new recruit, Mistress Cat. An old friend of ours."

"Did lots of small jobs with him in the past. Mostly just pickpocket, mugging, hitting up Marts," Bryson added, "He'd be a good Rocket, Miss."

Cat began to circle Comet, eyeing him up and down. Sweat trickled from Comet's temple. He was toast. Burnt toast. Comet's hand twitched toward Spikepelt's Poke Ball.

But after all that, Cat threw her head back and laughed. It was a loud, throaty, genuine laugh that made her wipe at her eyes when she was done. Bryson and Howie stared at her with twin expressions of confusion and fear. Even Cadence risked a questioning glance at Comet. But with no idea what to expect next, all Comet's focus was on trying not to appear suspicious. What would a Team Rocket grunt's face look like?

After she was done laughing, Cat turned to Bryson and Howie put one hand gently on the side of each of their faces.

"There aren't enough brain cells between the two of you to compete with a Bidoof's ass, are there?"

The two grunts took on a calculating expression, but before they could reply, Cat took her hands off their faces to gain enough momentum to slap them both as hard as she could. The force of her slap knocked their heads together, and they collapsed to the ground in a moaning heap. She stared down at them, still smiling in what looked to Comet like true delight. "I mean, I knew grunts were stupid. But to fail this spectacularly after managing to capture one of the Kanto Bough? This is a whole new level of incompetence. Truly astounding. I almost want to promote you just for the laugh."

Bryson finally recovered enough to glare up at her. "What?! What did we do?!"

Cat pinched Comet's cheek. He stiffened, grip tightening on Cadence's bag. Cat smiled wickedly at the two grunts and raised her voice to a pitch like she was talking to a preschooler. "Do you boys know who this is?"

Comet inhaled. Black toast.

Howie piped up, "That's Comet, our buddy from years ago!"

Cat's smile widened and her pinch grew tighter on Comet's cheek. He tried not to wince. "And do you know what he has been doing since all those years ago?"

For a few heartbeats, neither grunt spoke. Then Howie opened his stupid, buck-toothed mouth. "Playing at the Game Corner?"

"Clearly being even slightly aware of the world is too mentally taxing," Cat muttered, and then louder, "He was also a member of the Kanto Bough, you blithering numbskulls!"

Then, their eyes were on Comet, mouths agape.

"Allow me to further explain so that you don't overexert your tiny minds," Cat continued dryly, "You didn't capture a member from the Kanto Bough. They let themselves be captured, so the rest of the team can come to the rescue and find out all about your little hideout here."

Comet glanced at Cadence. Wrong on two accounts, but maybe it was for the best that Cat believed this was all part of their plan.

Howie's face went pale as the realization of just how much trouble they were in sunk in. Bryson, on the other hand, grew angry. He trembled with rage as he glared up at Cat, one hand still clasped to his cheek where she had slapped him. "You don't have to act all high and mighty about it! You only think you're above us because you're Giovanni's bitch!"

In that instant, the tension in the room doubled. Howie stared horror-struck at Bryson, who didn't seem to notice the hole he was digging himself into. The smile on Cat's face froze and left her eyes. "My, my," she whispered, "The grunt grows a spine. Don't choke on it."

Heedless of Cat's warning, Bryson continued. "If you weren't shacking up with the boss, you would be just another grunt! In a way, you're actually lower than a grunt. At least we get to pick our own Pokemon. You just get whatever Giovanni lets you play with!"

Howie laid back down on the ground. Whether he was pretending to be dead or just trying to put more distance between him and the rapidly stiffening Cat, Comet couldn't tell. Cat turned her attention to Comet, releasing his face. "Really, you should tell your little professor to study these two. There has to be some sort of scientific abnormality happening between their ears." She slowly walked over to stand next to the doorway. "Alright then," she said to the two grunts, "If I'm no better than you, you must not need my help to fix your mess."

Comet gripped Spikepelt's Poke Ball, feeling a lot braver now that Cat wasn't right next to him. Howie slowly sat up. "Wh-what do you mean?"

Cat folded her arms and nodded at Cadence. "Proceed. Pretend like I'm not here." Then she locked eyes with Comet. Behind her nonchalant demeanor, he could see the cold fury in her eyes. "Go ahead. Save your friend."

The room was still. This was not at all how Comet was expecting things to go.

When it seemed like no one was going to make the first move, Cat raised an eyebrow. "Riveting. I'll die of suspense." She gave a loud clap. "Go!"

The trance was broken. Bryson and Howie leapt to their feet, flinging Poke Balls. A Golbat and Raticate emerged, immediately running for Comet and Cadence.

Comet sent out Spikepelt and threw Kessie's Poke Ball too for good measure. Despite knowing nothing about the current situation, Spikepelt was immediately ready for battle, ducking into a crouch.

To Comet's surprise, Kessie reacted in much the same way. She emerged airborne from her Poke Ball for the first time, her wing awkward but beating strong. She looked eager to fight…until she saw the Golbat.

Kessie gave a shrill chirp of fear before fumbling with her wings and dropping to the floor. Spikepelt tried to look encouraging, but she kept taking steps backward, trembling as she stared at the menacing bat.

"Don't worry, Kess," said Comet, "We've faced way tougher than these guys!"

But Comet knew his words wouldn't matter. Golbat was the species that killed her trainer and broke her wing, and the memories were just too strong. She cowered low to the ground, eyes locked on Golbat.

Comet withdrew her, and Bryson and Howie sneered. "How did this guy get to be one of Oak's pets with a team like this?" said Bryson, relaxing somewhat. Their smug smiles were back.

Cat still watched from next to the door, her own smile gone. That would be quite a blow to her ego if Comet actually lost to the grunts after all that.

But he wouldn't lose. Comet knew that. Hell, Phoenixfall by herself could easily take out both the Golbat and the Raticate and then some. But Comet wasn't ready yet to face her disappointed eyes. And Crystalpool…she was still too fresh from the Melting Fever, and she was probably still upset with him too.

And so, despite his better judgment…


He tossed the Moon Stone. Spikepelt saw it coming toward him, and his eyes widened in shock. Then his mouth opened up in a wide grin, and he jumped up and caught the stone in his mouth in mid air. He was already glowing before he hit the ground.

The white light emanating from the Nidorino illuminated the terrified faces of Bryson and Howie. Behind them, Cat's smile returned. The light grew taller and taller, and even the Golbat and Raticate started to back up apprehensively.

Then it faded, and a Nidoking stood in its place. Spikepelt couldn't even disguise his wonder. He blinked down at the cowering enemy Pokemon, then looked up at the ceiling. He still wasn't as tall as an average Nidoking, but he was certainly a lot taller than he was before. He stared at his front paws and shifted his weight from one leg to the other.

"Now, Spike," said Comet cautiously, "We have to work together on this now. I'm sure it's tempting to just completely let loose, but…" Comet swallowed. "You now have the power to bring this entire building down. So no ground attacks here, okay?"

Spikepelt was still staring at his paws. Comet took a deep breath. "But besides that…I trust you, Spike. You want me to listen to you more in battles, so here it is. No ground moves. But other than that, I'll leave it up to you."

That brought the newly evolved Nidoking out of his stupor. He turned around and stared at Comet in pure shock. Even in this new form, he still looked young when he made that face. The thought brought some relief to Comet.

Bryson whirled around to snarl at Cat. "You're really just going to let this happen and do nothing?!"

"You're doing great. Everything looks under control to me. What could I, the lowest of grunts, do to make this situation any better? I am in awe of your battling prowess," Cat drawled. Her smile took on a predatory look. Comet could still see cold anger in her eyes. There was something brewing in her, and he sincerely hoped he wouldn't be on the receiving end of it after all this.

Unlike Bryson, Howie had no anger in him to mitigate his obvious fear. His eyes were still locked on Spikepelt, and he trembled violently. "Y-you're really not gonna help us?"

Cat tilted her head in mock innocence. "Oh? Shall I clap for you? Will that raise morale?"

Howie groaned pitifully and turned back to Comet. "Come on, old buddy. You'll let us go, right? We won't do it again, I promise!"

Something about the groveling and fear awakened something in Comet. Something that he hadn't felt since Waterfall and Goldenflame were alive. He looked at the towering, menacing Pokemon in front of him. They were a team. He was a trainer again.

Spikepelt looked back. Comet was smirking, and pointed a finger at the enemy Pokemon. "Cut f*cking loose, Spike!"

That broke through the Nidoking's shock at his sudden evolution. A wicked smile spread on Spikepelt's face, and he laughed. And not just a laugh only Comet could understand. Spikepelt laughed out loud, and his voice was much deeper now. The Golbat and Raticate tried to back away…

Spikepelt lunged. He grasped the screaming Golbat in both hands and threw it at the Raticate. Then he whirled around, swinging his great tail and slapped them both into the wall. Bryson had already turned his back on the fight, but Howie had both hands clapped to the side of his face in distress. "Come on, Raticate! Do something!"

Half disoriented, the Raticate tried to leap at Spikepelt, fangs bared. Spikepelt casually backhanded it out of the air, and it hit the wall with a crack. The Raticate lay on the ground whimpering. Above it there was a dent in the wall. Spikepelt winced and turned around to glance at Comet. "Sorry. I didn't think I hit that hard."

Comet blinked. "I'm just glad the place is still standing, Spike."

"Alright, then! I'll keep kicking ass!"

While Spikepelt proceeded with his trouncing of the grunts' Pokemon, Comet tended to Cadence. "I'm sorry you had to do this," they said miserably as Comet untied his restraints. "They shouldn't have been able to capture me. I just wasn't expecting it...they told me they needed help, and I just didn't suspect…I don't deserve to be in the Bough."

Comet ground his teeth and began to contemplate that it might not be fair that only Raticate and Golbat are getting a beating. "Don't say sh*t like that, Little Sib. It was a dirty trick; any of us would have fallen for the same thing." Comet handed them Wartortle's ball and their backpack. "Plus, if it weren't for you and that Moon Stone I would have been tied up right next to you. Thanks for that."

By the time Comet got Cadence to their feet, Golbat and Raticate were both unconscious and their trainers were kneeling on the floor in front of Cat. She stared down at them like someone would stare at a Weedle.

"Fine," Bryson was saying, face pale, "You win. We f*cked up. Just…just don't tell the boss. Please don't tell Giovanni."

Cat laughed again. But this time, it wasn't the loud laugh that she had before. This laugh was quieter, smoother. She reached out and grabbed the front of Bryson's shirt, lifting him up to eye level with her. Her voice came out in a low purr.

"Giovanni is not the one you should be afraid of."

It happened almost too quickly for Comet to see. Cat reached into the folds of her dress, drew a knife, and slammed it into Bryson's belly.

Bryson grasped the knife hilt, mouth open in shock and pain. He stumbled toward Cat, bleeding. His lips worked as he tried to speak or scream. His left foot trod on his right shoelace, and he dropped to the ground, hat falling off his head and landing beside him.

Howie began to tremble. "B-Bryson?"

Comet was too stunned to act, but the same could not be said for those who surrounded him. He heard Cadence send out their Wartortle behind him. In front of him, Spikepelt stepped to put himself squarely between Cat and Comet. The Nidoking was more still and serious than Comet had ever seen him.

Cat glanced up at the menacing Spikepelt almost as if he were an afterthought. "Oh, relax. No need for all that. Don't forget, I was never needed here at all. This was clearly how these two idiots wanted things to go. You may as well leave."

Comet wasn't sure what shocked him more- that Cat just stabbed a person or that she was going to let them go. He and Cadence shifted, uncertain.

Cat waved them toward the door. "Go on! You've won! You've earned your safety…for now." she looked Comet directly in the eyes. Hers looked like blue steel. "But let this be your warning. Stay out of Team Rocket's affairs. I show you mercy now only because of these grunts' failure. Next time…" she glanced down at Bryson's prone form. "I will not be so forgiving."

Comet and Cadence wasted no time leaving Cat and the grunts behind. As he ran up the stairs to the Game Corner, Comet idly wondered if he should feel sorry for Bryson. Then, he remembered how he treated Cadence and made the determination that he got what was coming to him.

"I'm so sorry, Comet," said Cadence, following behind him, "You shouldn't have had to risk yourself for me like this…"

"I already told you, don't worry about it. We're out of the woods now, and that's all that matters." Truthfully, it felt good to be rescuing someone again. Really good. Laying the smackdown on some baddies with a huge fully evolved Pokemon at your side…that was the life Comet missed more than anything.

They made their way through the Game Corner's main floor, moving more casually now that there were other people around. Comet had withdrawn Spikepelt once he was out of Cat's line of sight. He was now far too big to easily follow Comet around indoors. In a way, that thought made Comet sad. He never felt that way about Waterfall and Goldenflame evolving. There was just something about Spikepelt that made Comet feel like he should have stayed a Nidoran forever.

But he had listened. No ground moves. He didn't bring the building down. Maybe there was a mutual respect starting to grow there after all.

"As soon as we get out of here we have to tell the rest of the Bough where you are," said Comet as they neared the door. "They've been looking all over the place for you."

Before Cadence could reply, Comet opened the door to the gusting wind and the sight of flashing red and blue lights.

"Perfect timing," said Cadence, but they trailed off at the look on Comet's face. "Wait…are you still-"

Comet made a break for it, but it was no use. The Jennys already had the whole entrance surrounded. Jenny 6's voice rang out above the wind and the other officers. "There's nowhere to run this time, Comet's Fury! I finally have you."

Another officer hit Comet from behind as he tried to run, bringing him to his knees.


He couldn't let them have him now. Not after all he's been through. If Oak finds out…

He threw out an elbow that thumped solidly against the chin of the Jenny who had knocked him down. She grunted and stumbled back, but two more took her place, grabbing his arms.

"Wait! Stop!" Cadence cried, "You have the wrong person! Team Rocket is in the basem*nt!" They tried to pull one of the officers off of Comet, but then another Jenny came up behind them and put their arms behind their back.

Comet snarled, "Let them go!" and redoubled his efforts. One of the officers lost her grip on his arm from his thrashing, and he ran toward Cadence while they were handcuffed.

"You're only making this worse for yourself," said Jenny 6, before she entered the fray herself. One hand grabbed his shoulder, while another grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled…

Something briefly tugged against his neck, and then Comet heard a small snap.

Waterfall's scale clattered to the ground, separated from the cord that had been around Comet's neck. The tuft of golden fur sat next to it for only a moment before the wind picked it up.


It was like blowing on a dandelion. The fur flew apart and scattered, twirling in a teasing dance as Comet tried desperately to catch whatever strands he could. But all of it slipped through his fingers, and it was carried away in seconds.

Comet fell to his knees, all the fight leaving him like a candle snuffed out. He stared at the empty space in the sky where Goldenflame's fur had been. The last tangible piece of her he had left, destroyed in an instant.

She was gone. Gone completely and gone forever.

He didn't struggle at all when the officers put him in their car and drove him away.

In a way, Comet losing Goldenflame's fur was the saddest thing I wrote in this story, at least to me. I have a thing about losing inanimate objects. It always hit me kind of hard as a kid watching a tv show or a movie where a kid loses a balloon or leaves a plushie at a park. Even little throwaway gags in cartoons where a kid drops their ice cream cone and starts crying made me more upset than I probably should have felt.

Death is a part of life. Everyone has to die sometime. It's sad, but we know it's going to happen. But there's no reason why a kid shouldn't be able to finish their ice cream cone or take their balloon home and have it until it deflates. Comet should have been able to keep Goldie's fur forever. It's just a feeling of...unfairness, of waste. It bothers me terribly, and I hurt my own feelings writing this scene.

...I probably explained this horribly. I hope you guys don't think I'm a psychopath who thinks dropping an ice cream is worse than death. It's very clearly not. I am just particularly bothered by the unexpected loss of inanimate objects. And so, this event signifies the beginning of Rock Bottom for Comet. We'll be here a while.

The Hippocratic Oath (5/18/24 Chapter 50 is up!) (2024)


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.