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February 1-2, 1967 Manned Spacecraft Center . I . . . . I

Houston, iexas f - -r--


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Gemini Sumary Conference - [PDF Document] (2)


T H I S D O C U M . E N T H A S B E E N R E P R O D U C E D


T H E S P O N S O R I N G A G E N C Y . A L T H O U G H IT


A R E I L L E G I B L E , I T I S B E I N G R E L E A S E D


A S M U C H I N F O R M A T I O N A S P O S S I B L E .

Gemini Sumary Conference - [PDF Document] (3)

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N6 8-14 94 1


/- February 1-2, 1967 Manned Spacecraft Center

Houston, Texas


- _ Washington, D.C. . *

Gemini Sumary Conference - [PDF Document] (4)

_ _ . . . . . . - . . - .

Color illustrations reproduced in black and white. - -

A X - ' -& .

-- --_

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Gemini , Unmanned I 64 orbits

G . Qualification

Gemini Unmanned I1 Suborb ita I

> 1.

Quit i f i c i t ion

Gemini Manned 111 ; 3 wbits

... Q w l ification. , . , ... ' > .

Gemini . Manned IV 4days .

.. L Long duration



Jan. 19, 1965

Mar. 23, 1965

Juna 3, 1965

Aug. 21,


Gomini . Manned

VI * . .,. 2 dayI * - . Rmdszvous

- .' ' .A- (Canceled.aft6 . ; fai lwe of e . . G m i n i Agena

* -

C. . ,

. Torget Vehicle) . .

Gomini Manned 14 dayr

Long duration VI I

Oct. 25, 1965

Doc. 4, 1965


Demonstrated structural integrity, and I aunch vehiclo systems performance.

Demonstrated spacecraft systems performance.

Demonstrated manned qualification of the Gemini spacecraft.

Demonstrated spacecraft systems performance and crew capability for 4 days in space, and demonstrated extravehicular activity.

Demonstrated long-duration flight, demonstrated rendezvous radar capability, and rendezvous maneuvers.

Demonstrated. dual countdown procedures (Ge- . mini Atlas-Agena Target Vehicle and Gemini

Launch Vehicldspacecraft), and fl ight per- formance of tho Target Launch Vehicle and flight readinorr of the Gemini Agena Target Vehiclr secondary propulsion system.

Demonstrated 2-weok duration flight and station keeping with Gemini Launch Vehicle Stage II, ovalwtad shirt-sleeve environment, acted as tho rondezvour target for Spacecraft 6, and demonrtrated controlled reentry to within 7 milos of planned landing point.


Doc. 15, Demonstrated on-time launch procedures, closed- 1965 loop rendezvous capability, station-keeping

technique with Spacecraft 7.

(Continued inside back cover)

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The Gemini Summary Conference was held on February 1 and 2, 1967, a t the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Tex. The conference emphasized the highlights of the Gemini Program and especially the flight results of the last five missions. This report contains the 21 technical papers presented a t the conference as well as an introduction by George E. Mueller and concluding remarks by George M. Low.

The technical papers are divided into five sections: the first describes the rendezvous, docking, and tethered-vehicle operations involving the spacecraft and a target vehicle; the second presents various aspects of extravehicular activity ; the third concerns the operational support of the missions; the fourth covers the experiments conducted during the missions ; and the fifth compares the astronaut flight and simulation experiences and relates the Gemini results to the Apollo Program.

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ......... .-


1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 1 By George E. Mueller

Space Orbital Maneuvering

2. SUMMARY O F RENDEZVOUS OPERATIONS ............................................ 7


4. ONBOARD OPERATIONS FOR RENDEZVOUS ............................................ 27


By W. Bernard Evans and Marvin R. Czarnik

By Edward L. Pavelka, Edgar C. Lineberry, and Warren J. Kennedy

By Paul C. Kramer, Edwin E. Aldrin, and William E. Hayes

CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................ 41 By Homer W. Dotts, Roger K. Nolting, Wilburne F. Hoyler, John R. Havey, Thomas F. Carter, Jr., and Robert T. Johnson

6. OPERATIONS WITH TETHERED SPACE VEHICLES ................................ 55 By David D. Lang and Roger K. Nolting

Man's Activities in Space

7. L I F E SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR EXTRAVEHICULAR ACTIVITY ........ 67 By Harold J. McMann, Elton M. Tucker, Marshall W. 'Horton,


EXTRAVEHICULAR ACTIVITY .................................................................... 79 By David C. Schultz, Hilary A. Ray, Jr., Eugene A. Cernan, and . Antoine F. Smith

By Harold I. Johnson, William C. H u b r , Edward H. White, 11, 9. EXTRAVEHICULAR MANEUVERING ABOUT SPACE VEHICLES ...... 91


11. SUMMARY O F GEMINI EXTRAVEHICULAR ACTIVITY ........................ 127 By G. Fred Kelly, M.D., and D. Owen Coons, M.D.

By Reginald M. Machell, Lar ry E. Bell, Norman P. Shyken, and James W. Prim I11

Operational Experience

12. RADIATION ENVIRONMENT AT HIGH ORBITAL ALTITUDES ............ 149 By Peter W. Higgins, Joseph C. Lill, and Timothy T. White

By David M. Box, Jon C. Harpold, Steven G. Paddock, Neil A. Armstrong, and William H. Hamby


.:. 13. CONTROLLED REENTRY .................................................................................... 159

DEPARTMENT O F DEFENSE ........................................................................ 167

15. MISSION SUPPORT BY T H E DEPARTMENT O F DEFENSE .................. 185 By Alfred J. Gardner

By Royce G. Olson .

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16. PRE-GEMINI MEDICAL PREDICTIONS VERSUS GEMINI FLIGHT RESULTS ................................................................................................................ By Charles A. Berry, M.D., and Allen D. Catterson, M.D.

Gemini Onboard Experiments

17. GEMINI EXPERIMENTS PROGRAM SUMMARY ........................................

18. SPACE PHOTOGRAPHY ........................................................................................

19. SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS SUMMARY ............................................................

20. DOD/NASA GEMINI EXPERIMENTS SUMMARY ........................................

By Norman G. Foster and Olav Smistad

By Richard W. Underwood

By Jocelyn R. Gill and Willis B. Foster

By Wilbur A. Ballentine

Gemini Summarization

21. By Thomas P. Stafford and Charles Conrad. dr.

22. GEMINI RESULTS AS RELATED TO T H E APOLLO PROGRAM ............ By Willis B. Mitchell, Owen E. Maynard, and Donald D. Arabian

23. CONCLUDING REMARKS ..................................................................................... By George M. Low



APPENDIX A-NASA CENTERS AND OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ..............................................................................................................










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1. INTRODUCTION By GEORGE E. MUELLER. Associate Adriiiriis/ralor 10,. il/lnrincil Space Fl ight , r\ A S A

The Gemini Program is over. The papers in this report summarizing the program were prepared by some of the people who con- tributed to the overall success. In each case. the authors were actual participants and pro- vide a cross section of what may be called the Gemini team. As is true in any undertaking of this magnitude, involving many diverse organizations and literally thousands of peo- ple, a vital element of the Gemini success may be traced to teamwork. In the purest defini- tion of the word, wherein individual interests 'and opinions are subordinate to the unity and efficiency of the group, the Gemini team has truly excelled.

Much has already been written concerning the Gemini achievements, and many of the achievements are presented again in greater depth within this report. By way of introduc- tion, and to set the stage for the following papers, a few words are necessary to assess the achievements in the context of the goals of the national manned space-flight program. Only in this way is i t possible to evaluate the significance of the Gemini accomplishments.

The Gemini Program was undertaken for the purpose of advancing the United States manned space-flight capabilities during the period between Mercury and Apollo. Simply stated, the Gemini objectives were to conduct the development and test program necessary to (1) demonstrate the feasibility of long- duration space flight for a t least that period required to complete a lunar landing mission ; (2) perfect the techniques and procedures for achieving rendezvous and docking of two spacecraft in orbit ; (3) achieve precisely controlled reentry and landing capability ; (4) establish capability in extravehicular ac- tivity; and (5) achieve the less obvious, but no less significant, flight and ground crew

proficiency in manned space flight. The very successful flight program of the United States has provided vivid demonstration of the achievements in each of these objective areas.

The long-duration flight objective of Gemini was achieved with the successful completion of Gemini VI1 in December 1965. The pro- gressive buildup of flight duration from 4 days with Gemini IV, to 8 days with Gemini V and 14 days with Gemini VII, has removed all doubts, and there were many. of the capa- bility &f the flight crew% and spacecraft to function satisfactorily for a period equal to that needed to reach the lunar surface and return. Further, ,this aspect of Gemini pro- \Tides high confidence in flight-crew ability to perform satisfactorily on much longer missions. The long-duration flights have also provided greater insipht into, and apprecia- tion of, the vital role played by the astro- nauts, the value of flexibility in mission planning and execution, and the excellent capability of the manned space-flight control system. As originally conceived, the Gemini Program called for completion of the long- duration flights with Gemini VII, which was accomplished on schedule.

One of the more dramatic achievements has been the successful development of ;I

variety of techniques for the in-orbit ren- dezvous of two manned spacecraft. The prep- aration for this most complex facet of Gemini missions was more time consuming than any other. That it was performed with such per- fection is a distinct tribute to the Gemini team that made it possible: the spacecraft and launch-vehicle developers and builders, the checkout and launch teams. the flight crews and their training support. and the mission-planning and mission-control people.


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The ability to accomplish a rendezvous in space is fundamental to the success of Apollo, and rendezvous was a primary mission ob- jective on each mission after Gemini VII. Ten rendezvous were completed and seven different rendezvous modes or techniques were employed. Nine different dockings of a spacecraft with a target vehicle were achieved. Eleven cliff erent astronauts gained rendezvous experience in this most important objective. Several of the rendezvous were de- signed to simulate some facet of an Apollo rendezvous requirement. The principal focus of the rendezvous activities was, however, designed to verify theoretical determinations over a wide spectrum. Gemini developed a broad base of knowledge and experience in orbital rendezvous and this base will pay generous dividends in years to come.

A related accomplishment of singular importance to future manned space-flight programs was the experience gained in per- forming docked maneuvers using the target- vehicle propulsion system. This is a striking example of Gemini pioneering activities-the assembly and maneuvering of two orbiting space vehicles.

The first attempt at extravehicular activity during Gemini IV was believed successful, and although difficulties were encountered with extravehicular activity during Gemini IX-A, X, and XI, the objective was achieved with resounding success on Gemini XII. This in itself is indicative of the Gemini Program in that lessons learned during the flight pro- gram were vigorously applied to subsequent missions. The extravehicular activity on Gemini XI1 was, indeed, the result of all that had been learned on the earlier missions.

The first rendezvous and docking mission, although temporarily thwarted by the Gemini VI target-vehicle failure, was ac- complished with great success during the Gemini VIL‘VI-A mission. This mission also demonstrated the operational proficiency achieved by the program. The term “opera- tional proficiency” as applied to Gemini achievements means far more than just the acceleration of production rates and com-

pressing of launch schedules. In addition and perhaps more importantly, operational pro- ficiency means the ability to respond to the unexpected, to prepare and execute alternate and contingency plans, aiicl to maintain flexi- bility while not slackening the drive toward the objective. Time and again Gemini re- sponded to such a situation in a manner that can only be described as outstanding.

A few comments are in order on what the Gemini accomplishments mean in terms of value to other programs. There is almost no facet of Gemini that does not contribute in some way to the Apollo Program. Aside from the actual proof testing of such items as the manned space-fl ight control center, the manned space-flight communications net, the development and perfection of recovery tech- niques, the training of the astronauts, and many others which apply directly, the Gemini Program has provided a high level of confi- dence in the ability to accomplish the Apollo Program objectives before the end of this decade. The Apollo task is much easier now, due tc? the outstanding performance and ac- complishments of the Gemini team.

Similarly, the Apollo Applications Pro- gram has been inspired in large part by the Gemini experiments program, which has sparked the imagination of the scientific com- munity. In addition to the. contributions to Apollo hardware development which provide the basis for the Apollo Applications Pro- gram. it has been discovered, or rather proved, that man in space can serve many extremely useful and important functions. These functions have been referred to as technological fallout, but it is perhaps more accurate to identify them as accomplish- ments-that is, accomplishments deliberately sought and achieved by the combined hard labor of many thousands of people. Some of these people have reviewed their work in this report.

The Manned Orbiting Laboratory Pro- gram has been undertaken by the Depart- ment of Defense for the purpose of applying manned space-flight technology to national defense and is making significant use of the

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Gemini accomplishments. This may be con- sidered as a partial repayment for the marve- lous support that NASA has received and continues to receive from the DOD. The success of the NASA programs is in no small measure due to the direct participation of the DOD in all phases of the manned space-flight program. This support has been, and will continue to be, invaluable.

The combined Government 'industry 'uni- versity team that makes up the manned space-flight program totals about 240 000 people. In addition, thousands more are em- ployed in NASA unmanned space efforts, and in programs of the Department of Defense, the Department of Commerce, the Atomic Energy Commission, antl other agencies in- volved in total national space endeavors. These people, in acquiring new scientific knowledge, developing new techniques, antl working on new problems with goals ever enlarged by the magnitude of their task, form the living, growing capability of this Nation for space exploration.

For the last quarter century, this Nation has been experiencing a technological revo- lution. Cooperative efforts on the part of the Government, the universities, the scientific community, and industry have been the prime movers. This cooperation has provided tre- mendous capability for technological research and development which is available now and which will continue to grow to meet national requirements of the future. The influence of this technological progress and prowess is, and has been, a deciding factor in keeping the peace. Preeminence in this field is an

important instrument in international rela- tions and vitally influences this country's dealings with other nations involving peace and freedom in the world. Political realities which can neither be wished away nor ig- nored make the capability to explore space a matter of strategic importance as well as a challenge to the scientific and engineering ingenuity of man. This Nation can no more afford to falter in space than i t can in any earthly pursuit on which the security and future of the Xiition and the world depend.

The space effort is really a research and development competition, a competition for technological preeminence which demands and creates the quest for excellence.

The Mercury program, which laid the groundwork for Gemini and the rest of this Nation's manned space-flight activity, ap- pears a t this point relatively modest. How- ever, Mercury accomplishments at the time were as significant to national objectives as the Gemini accomplishments are today antl as those that are planned for Apollo in the years ahead.

That these programs have been, and will be, conducted in complete openness with an international, real-time audience makes them all the more effective. In this environ- ment, the degree of perfection achieved is even more meaningful. Each person involved can take richly deserved pride in what has been accomplished. Using past experience as a foundation, the exploration of space must continue to advance. The American public will not permit otherwise, or better yet, his- tory will not permit otherwise.

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VI11 ........................ IX-A ......................

By W. BERNARD EVANS. Ofice o/ Vehicles and Missions, Gemini Program Ofice, NASA Manned Spacecrafl Center; and MARVIN R. CZARNIK, Dynamics Group Engineer, McDonnell Aircraft Corp.

Fourth orbit (M = 4 ) Third orbit ( M = 3) Optical re-rendezvous Re-rendezvous from above


XI ............................

One of the major objectives of the Gemini Program was to develop and to demonstrate techniques for the rendezvous and docking of space vehicles. This objective is of vital importance since rendezvous and docking is mandatory for success in many future manned space-flight programs. For example, lunar orbital rendezvous has been selected as the primary mode for the Apollo lunar-land- ing mission which requires one rendezvous and two dockings. Other programs requiring rendezvous are planetary missions, manned space stations, and unmanned satellite in- spection and repair missions.

During the Gemini Program, the following types of rendezvous techniques were evalu- ated : fourth orbit ( M -.= 4 ) , third orbit ( M = 3 ) , first orbit (M -== 1) , optical ren- dezvous, rendezvous from above, stable orbit rendezvous, and optical dual rendezvous. These techniques were used successfully in the completion of 10 rendezvous oper- '1 t' ions (table 2-1). A major factor in achieving success during these operations can be


First orbit ( M = 1 ) Stable orbit

TABLE 2-I.-Mi~.wion Suvtmary

Gemini mission I Type of rendezvous

attributed to the implementation of an ex- tensive analysis, simulation, and training program leading first to the Gemini VI-A rendezvous mission, and subsequently to more complex missions. During the Gemini I11 mission, the spacecraft propulsion sys- tem and the guidance and control system were evaluated. On the Gemini IV mission, a plan was developed and an attempt was made to station keep and rendezvous with the spent second stage of the launch vehicle. 'During Gemini V, a phantom rendezvous and a space- craft radar-to-ground transponder tracking test were performed. The phantom rendez- vous involved a series of maneuvers based upon ground tracking and computations, and precisely duplicated the maneuver sequence and procedures planned for the midcourse phase of the Gemini VI-A mission.

Sufficient data were obtained from the spacecraft radar tracking test during the Gemini V mission to adequately flight- qualify the radar for the Gemini VI-A flight. Even though the rendezvous operations planned for the first three manned Gemini flights were not all successful, they were ex- tremely valuable to the program since they provided flight experience and indicated areas requiring further analysis, simul. t' ion, and training.

On December 15, 1965, the Gemini VI-A crew, using the Gemini VI1 spacecraft as the target vehicle, completed the first space ren- dezvous operation. Although this mission did not include a docking, i t was successful and after lift-off proceeded almost precisely as planned. On the following mission, the Gem- ini VI11 crew successfully performed the first rendezvous and docking with a Gemini Agena Target Vehicle. Subsequent, more complex,

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XI1 missions. These successes have provided confidence in the ability to accomplish such operations. However, rendezvous must still be recognized as a highly precise operation that is rather unforgiving of errors which occur during the final approach, details of which will be discussed in this paper.

+Y rendezvous operations were successfully per- I I I I I I 1 I I I I

formed during the Gemini IX-A,' X, XI, and - + x

Horizontal displacement

la) Lower c i r cu la r orbit.

+Y T

Review of Rendezvous Operations Development

An explanation of rendezvous can be greatly simplified by a description of the relative-motion concept. Figure 2-1 shows a coordinate system centered on the target ve- hicle in a circular orbit with the x- and Y-axes in the target orbital plane. The Y- axis rotates with the target vehicle and is positive radially upward: the X-axis is curvi l inear a n d positive opposite the direc- tion of motion. The out-of-plane parameter is the Z-axis, which completes the right-hand coordinate system. The motion of the space- craft with respect to this reference is illus- trated in figure 2-2..

Figure 2-2(0) shows the spacecraft in i t

lower circular orbit. I t should be noted that

Target _. vehicle - -=

FIGURE 2-l.-Tarpet- ..tered coordinate system.

I 1 I I I I I I I I +X

Horizontal displacement

Ibl Lower elliptical orbit.


Horizontal displacement

IC) Hiqher c i r cu la r orbit.

FIGURE 2-2.-Motion 'relative to a target-centered coordinate system.

the radial displacement 1- is constant while the trailing displacement ,Y decreases with time, since the spacecraft in the lower orbit has a higher angular rate. Figure 2 - 2 ( b ) shows a lower elliptical orbit. As can be ex- pected, this orbit has ;I catchup ra te ; how- ever, the radial (lisplacement also changes, with' the low points representing perigees, and the high points, apogees. Figure 2-2(c) illustrates ;i spacecraft in a circular orbit hir.her than the target orbit. The radial dis- tance is constant. :is in the case of the lower circular orbit ; however, in this case the trail- i n g displacement changes since the target now has the higher angular rate. The follow- ing paragraphs use this coordinate system in describing the Gemini rentlezvous oper ;I t' ions.

The development of the operational ren- dezvous missions required extensive analyses its previoiisly described in reference 1. For

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Gemini VI, many concepts were evaluated and three were selected as candidates for the Gemini VI mission. The first was the tan- gential concept which included the tangential approach of the spacecraft to the target ve- hicle following four orbits of ground-con- trolled midcourse maneuvers. The second concept had a similar catchup sequence, ex- cept that the final midcourse maneuver established a coelliptical approach trajectory, and the spacecraft closed-loop guidance sys- tem was then used to establish a collision course. A third concept featured rendezvous a t first spacecraft apogee. Following a tan- gential approach of the spacecraft to the target, the spacecraft would be inserted on a collision course with the target, and the spacecraft closed-loop system would be used to correct insertion dispersions.

After the three concepts had been selected, analyses were performed to determine the concept best suited for the Gemini VI mis- sion. In. June 1964, prior to the flight of Gemini 11, the coelliptical rendezvous con- cept, was selected for the Gemini VI mission.

Description of Initial Rendezvous Operations

Gemini VI-A, VIII. and X

Figures 2-3 and 2 4 present typical rela- tive trajectory plots of the fourth-orbit ren- dezvous conducted on Gemini VI-A, VIII, and X. On each mission, the spacecraft was inserted into an orbit essentially coplanar with the target vehicle. The first orbit was left free of rendezvous maneuvers to allow the crew sufficient time to verify satisfac- tory spacecraft operation. A number of mid- course corrections were performed before completing the rendezvous during the fourth spacecraft orbit near the end of the fourth darkness period. At the first spacecraft peri- gee, an apogee height-adjust maneuver N U was performed to correct for in-plane inser- tion dispersions. At the second apogee, a phase-adjust maneuver N,., was performed to raise the perigee, thus providing the catchup rate required for proper phasing of the terminal-phase initiation near the fourth darkness entry. An out-of-plane correction

,Velocity match ITPFJ (I AV = 42 fpS .

111 05:36:28 ,Terminal-ohase initiation

'~ 40

go- 160

1 1 1 > 5 1 ,I' I \ 01:35:01, \ nn.nn.n v < Spacecralt g.e.1. 00:10---


0 160 320 480 640 800 960 Ahead+Behind

Horizontal displacement, n. mi.

-I 1120

FIGURE 2-3.-Typical relative trajectory of spacecraft from insertion to rendezvous in tarpet-vehicle curvilinear coordinate system. Gemini VI-A, VIII, and X missions.

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,--Look angle to W

)II target vehicle 40" 34 1 9 ,Velocity match (TPF) AV = 42 fps: 05:36:28 ..-33.6" correction

angle = 27" wt - 130".

AV * 5 fps; 05:16:&

-"4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Ahead+Eehind

Horizontal displacement. n. mi.

FIGURE 24-Typical relative trajectory of space- craft from terminal-phase initiation to rendezvous in target-vehicle curvilinear coordinate system. Gemini VI-A, V I I I , and X missions.

P,. was applied a t the nodal crossing after the second apogee to correct out-of-plane inser- tion dispersions. At the third spacecraft apogee, a coelliptical maneuver N.,./: was per- formed to produce a constant altitude dif- ferential of 15 nautical miles. The onboard system then provided solutions for the terminal-phase-initiation (TPI ) maneuver, which would occur when the line-of-sight ele- vation angle reached the nominal value of 27". Two vernier corrections followed a t 12- minute intervals. Finally, braking (terminal- phase finalization (TPF) ) and line-of-sight rate control were effected by a manual op- eration based upon radar and visual data.

The transfer trajectory was selected to satisfy several of the mission requirements in the area of onboard procedures. First, in order to provide a backup reference direction for the terminal-phase-initiation maneuver in case of a guidance-system failure, the maneuver had to be performed along the line of sight to the target. The second re- quirement was a low terminal line-of-sight angular rate and a low closing rate. Finally, the terminal-phase-initiation point had to be below and behind the target vehicle; and the final apnroach, from below and ahead of the

target vehicle, in order to optimize the light- ing. These factors were evaluated, and a 130. transfer was selected.

The selection of the nominal coelliptical differential altitude of 15 nautical miles was based upon a tradeoff between two consid- erations. First, the range to the target at the terminal-phase-initiation point had to be small enough to assure visual acquisition. Second, a large differential altitude was re- quired to minimize the effect of insertion dis- persions and catchup maneuver errors on the location of the terminal-phase-initiation point. For example, a differential altitude of 15 nautical miles resulted in a 3-sigma dis- persion of 2 8 minutes in the timing of the terminal-phase-initiation maneuver. Early error analysis indicated a cl5-minute vari- ation in terminal-phase-initiation timing for a differential altitude of 7 nautical miles. Flight experience demonstrated that the launch vehicle and spacecraft guidance sys- tems accuracies, crew procedures, and ground-tracking accuracy were better than had been expected; as a result, the altitude differential was reduced to 5 and 7 nautical miles in the later rendezvous oper a t ' ions.

Gemini IX-A and XI1

A second primary rendezvous technique was utilized on Gemini IX-A and XI1 (figs. 2-5 and 2-6). This technique resulted in ren- dezvous in the third spacecraft orbit near the end of the third spacecraft darkness period. A phase-adjust maneuver Ai,., was performed a t first spacecraft apogee to pro- vide the correct phasing a t the second apogee. Approximately three-fourths of an orbit later, the first of a set of two maneuvers was performed : a combination -phasing, height- adjust, and out-of-plane correction. The first maneuver N,.,., combined with the following coelliptical maneuver, provided a fixed ren- dezvous time with minimum propellant usage. The out-of-plane portion of the first maneuver established a node a t the following coelliptical maneuver point. The coelliptical maneuver N..!; eliminated the out-of-plane

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1. Spacecraft insert ion;

Horizontal displacement, n. mi. 4. Coelliptical maneuver

N . 2, AV 9 52.7 fps; 00:06:21

N = 1, AV = 53.4 Ips;

3. Corrective combination N = 1.75, AV 9 0.8 fps;

2. Phase adjustment 02:20:32 5. Terminal-phase init iat ion

00:59:39 AV 9 32.4 Ips; 03:27:07, wt - 130'

6. Velocity match (TPF) 01:57:00 AV 41.6 fps: 03:59:52

FIGURE 2-5.-Typical relative trajectory. Gemini. IX-A and XI1 missions. -

, L a angle to target vehicle 40" 111 Velocity match ITPF) ,' AV 11.6 fos A = 5-minute time

marks begin- n ing at 03:30:00

___-- - 33.6 ' correction AV = 4 fps. 03:51:07

Ahead+ Behind Horizontal displacement, n. mi.

FIGURE Z-&-Typical relative trajectory, terminal phase. Gemini IX-A and XI1 missions.

motion and established coelliptical orbits with an altitude differential that varied within certain limits. The terminal phase of this technique was the same as the fourth- orbit technique, except that procedural changes were necessary to accommodate the variable altitude differential.

Gemini XI

The third primary rendezvous conducted during the program was the first-orbit tech- nique used for Gemini XI (figs. 2-7 and 2-8). The limited time available to conduct the first-orbit rendezvous prohibited the multi- correction catchup phase and coelliptical ap- proach used on other missions. Instead, a correction was made at spacecraft insertion to remove out-of-plane motion and to adjust

.- e - = IO-minute time marks

,--Velocity match (TPF) AV = 25.5fps

/ g.e.1. = 01:14:52 ,,Terminal-phase in i t iat ion

90 seconds before apogee

9. e. t. = 00:49:43

% 0 40 80 120 160 200 240

Horizontal displacement, n. mi. Ahead+ Behind

FIGURE 2-7.-Relative trajectory. Gemini XI mission.

,/' 9. e. 1. - 01:'19:52

A - - 5 m i n u t e t ime marks 0

AV - 131.2 Ips

4 0 4 8 12 16

Horizontal displacement, n. mi. Ahead +Behind

FIGIIRE %X.--Kelative trajectory, terminal phase. Gemini XI mission.

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apogee height and phasing. This correction was based upon onboard navigation infor- mation obtained from the spacecraft guidance system. At 90' after insertion, a second out- of-plane correction, also based upon onboard information, was performed. Terminal-phase initiation occurred just prior to first space- craft apogee with the spacecraft 10 nautical miles below and 15 nautical miles behind the target vehicle. A 120' transfer was used k i t h two vernier corrections at 12-minute inter- vals after the terminal-phase initiation. After a manual braking and line-of-sight phase, rendezvous was completed within the first orbit.

Description of Re-Rendezvous and Dual Rendezvous Operations

The first of three re-rendezvous techniques. was an optical rendezvous from an equiperiod orbit and was conducted on the Gemini IX-A mission (fig. 2-9). The purpose of this rendezvous was to evaluate the optical ren- dezvous procedures, and particularly the terminal-phase lighting, required for the dual rendezvous scheduled for Gemini X. An upward radial velocity change was used to separate the spacecraft from the target ve- hicle into an equiperiod orbit. Approximately one-half orbit after separation, a correction

r--- Radial separation ' AV = 20 fps; 004GOO beginning at GO4680

A = 5-minute time marks

.g 4r :i I ;Darkness

41 I I I I I I I 2 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 Ahead +Behind

Horizontal displacement, n. mi.

FIGURE 2-9.-Relative trajectory of spacecraft for (equiperiod) re-rendezvous in tarKet vehicle curvi- linear coordinate system. Gemini IX-A mission.

was applied based upon the time the line of sight to the target vehicle crossed the local horizontal. The time and the magnitude of the terminal-phase-initiation maneuver were determined from visual angle observations, and an 80' transfer was initiated when the Sun was nearly overhead. Two vernier cor- rections also based upon visual angle meas- urements were applied, and rendezvous occurred just prior to sunset. I t was a re- quirement that the spacecraft be in a station- keeping mode prior to entering darkness with a passive target.

A second re-rendezvous ' technique (figs. 2-10 and 2-11) was developed to evaluate a terminal-phase condition with an Earth back- ground. Two midcourse maneuvers were used to insert the spacecraft into a coelliptical orbit 7.5 nautical miles above the target ve- hicle. Except for a reversal in approach di- rection, the terminal phase was identical to that employed on the earlier coelliptical ap- proach from below. Experience gained during this rendezvous indicates that the probability of success would be very low in case of a radar guidance system failure because of the extremely poor target visibility.

During the Gemini XI mission, a third re- rendezvous exercise was performed. This rendezvous was ground controlled except that the terminal braking and line-of-sight con- trol phases were performed by the crew using visual observations (no radar) . After the initial separation maneuver, the spacecraft was in a nearly circular orbit at the same altitude as the target vehicle, but with a trail- ing displacement of approximately 25 nauti- cal miles. Since the relative motion of the vehicles in this configuration was approxi- mately zero, the rendezvous was referred to as a stable-orbit rendezvous (fig. 2-12). A ground-computed maneuver was performed which placed the spacecraft on a trajectory to intercept the target vehicle in 292" of tar- get orbital travel. With 34 of orbital travel remaining, a second and final ground-com- puted maneuver was applied. The rendezvous was then completed by the flight crew using visual cues. The terminal-phase portion of

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V - 1-hour time marks

Sequence of events

VI 3. Coelliptical maneuver

.- e "

1. Phasing maneuver 2. Height maneuver

4. Terminal-phase initiation 5. Terminal-phase finalization


8 % I I I v v v v B t o B

0 W m -

I I I 1 I I I 1

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10


1 - I

10 Horizontal displacement, n. mi. Ahead +Behind

FIGURE 2-l0.-Relative trajectory profile for re-rendezvous from above. Gemini IX-A mission.

I , Terminal-phase initiation, lor Av - 16. fDS:

Terminal-phase 'F AV . 23.3 fOS:

2 t

. . ----_ k:32:50- ...-

' \6 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 A h e a d 4 B e h i n d

Horizontal displacement, n. mi.

FIGURE 2-1 1.-Relative trajectory re-rendezvous from above. Gemini IX-A mission.

this rendezvous had the same characteristics as the tangential concept previously de- scribed. Theoretically, the propellant re- quired is small when compared with the coelliptical approach ; however, with minor dispersions at the intercept maneuver point, the lighting conditions, approach angles, and

i/isual braking 1:13:10

Intercept maneuver 0:W c W E

u 5 n ...

34O Correction 1:04:40 .- e L W

> I I I 1 I I

5 0 5 10 15 20 25 A h a d -I- Behind

Horizontal disolacement. n. mi.

FIGURE 2-12-Gemini XI stable orbit re-rendezvous.

propellant consumption for the braking phase can vary widely. The reason is that, for most cases, the spacecraft will end up ap- proaching the target from above, resulting in poor target visibility. This type of ren- dezvous generated considerable interest in its application to certain rendezvous opera- tions. particularly where a highly precise ground-tracking system is used to provide

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the terminal-phase maneuvers. The commit- ment to conduct such a rendezvous reflected the confidence that was established during Gemini in the capabilities of the 'ground- tracking, computation, and control facilities.

In addition to the primary and re-rendez- vous missions, a dual rendezvous was per- formed by the Gemini X crew. The target vehicle launched during the Gemini VI11 mis- sion was left in orbit and was the passive target for the dual operation. One problem encountered during the development of the Gemini X mission was obtaining precise state vectors for the passive target vehicle, and making accurate predictions f a r enough in advance to find acceptable launch windows. Because of the inaccuracies in drag predic- tion, it was necessary for launch date, lift-off time, and catchup sequence to be flexible. The catchup sequence included a series of maneuvers by the docked Gemini X space- craft and Gemini X target vehicle for gross catchup, and another series of maneuvers by the undocked spacecraft for fine catchup. The capability for large changes in altitude dur- ing the gross catchup sequence allowed an acceptable wide variation in the initial-phase angle. The terminal approach was coelliptical with an altitude differential of 7 nautical miles ; the terminal-phase guidance employed was the same as for the optical rendezvous conducted on Gemini IX-A.

Rendezvous Considerations and F I ig h t Results

In developing the rendezvous missions, many factors were considered, primarily launch procedures, system requirements, and crew procedures.

Launch Proced u res

Development of the launch procedures re- quired extensive analyses to define methods of controlling out-of-plane displacement, establishing launch-window length. and de- veloping a countdown method.

Selecting a target orbit inclination slightly above the latitude of the launch . e makes

the out-of-plane displacement relatively small for a long period of time (fig. 2-13). By varying the launch azimuth so that the space- craft would be inserted parallel to the tar- get-vehicle orbital plane, the out-of-plane displacement of the launch site at the time of launch becomes the maximum out-of-plane displacement between the two orbit planes. The out-of-plane displacement could also be minimized by using the variable launch-azi- muth technique with guidance in yaw during second-stage powered flight. This is accom- plished by biasing the launch azimuth of the spacecraft so that the launch azimuth is at an optimum angle directed toward the tar- get-vehicle orbital plane (fig. 2-14). As a rewlt, the out-of-plane distance would be re- duced prior to the initiation of closed-loop guidance during the second-stage flight. This technique would effectively use the launch- vehicle performance capability to control the out - of - plane displacement. Sufficient per- formance capability existed in the Gemini Launch Vehicle to control the out-of-plane displacement to within k0.55" (table 2-11). The maximum allowable wedge angle of t 0 . 5 5 was not needed on any of the rendez- vous missions. By selecting an inclination qf

FLaunch window I ,Launch-site

iDirection of rotation----- \ I

---- I


A Point where target plane crosses launch site resulting in zero displacement

FIGURE 2-1X-Variable azimuth launch technique.

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--- Unbiased - Biased trajectory


---_ Target vehicle orbi t plane;

FIGURE 2-l4.-Typical Gemini rendezvous launch. Biased launch azimuth and Stage I 1 yaw steering.

TABLE 2-II-Ynir Steeling Slcm?na?*y

Targeted out-of-plane Gemini mission displacement, deg

VI-A ...................................................... 0.20 VI11 ............................ .............................. 21 IX-A ...................................................... -.50 X ............................................................ -.077 XI XI1 .......................................................... ............................ I--- i ............................ -.131 -.16

28.87", 0.53' above the launch-site latitude, and by using a variable launch-azimuth tech- nique, the out-of-plane displacement could be controlled to within 0.53' for 135 minutes.

During the early planning phases of the Gemini Program, a relatively large launch window (table 2-111) was considered man- datory ; however, later experience indicated that reliable countdown procedures could be developed, and it is now the general opinion that large launch windows are not required. Since Gemini V, the launches have either been essentially on time, or the launch has been scrubbed. By suitable planning. minor launch delays can be easily absorbed in the count, and if major problems occur, large launch-window lengths are not particularly helpful. An on-time launch capability pro- vides a tremendous potential in planning op- erational rendezvous missions and indicates

TABLE 2-III.-Genzini Launch Perf ormarice

Launch Mission attempts ~ Launch date

I .................. 1 ................ ~ Apr. 8, 1964 I1 ................ 2 ................ Jan. 19, 1965 I11 .............. 1 ................ Mar. 23, 1965 IV .............. 1 ................ June 3, 1965

VI .............. 1 1 ................ I VI1 ............ I 1 ................ 1 . Dec. 4, 1965

2 ................ I Mar. 16, 1966 IX 1 ................ I (")

June 3, 1966

XI .............. ~ 2 ................ Sept. 12, 1966 XI1 ............ 1 3 ...... Nov. 11, 1966

1 V ................ 1 1 I 2 ................ Aug. 21, 1965

VI-A .......... ' 2 ................ ~ Dec. 15, 1965

IX-A .......... j 2 ................ I X ................ / 1 ................ 1 July 18, 1966

.............. j

I a Target-vehicle failure. " Target launch-vehicle failure.

Launch- time


On time -4 min -24 min -16 min On time

On time On time On time

On time On time On time On time



that rendezvous operations, booster perform- ance permitting, are operationally feasible a t any orbital inclination.

Initial analyses of countdown methods indicated that the highest probability of mis- sion success could be achieved by simultane- ously counting down both vehicles. Even though simultaneous countdowns have been used extensively in Gemini, nothing in the results clearly indicates that this is a neces- sity.

Systems Requirements

A primary consideration in the develop- ment of the rendezvous operations was the area of systems requirements. The require- ments for the systems design were based upon design-reference missions. As the de- signs became established, however, the op- erational missions were developed to exploit the systems capabilities, and. of course, the missions were ultimately limited by the sys- tems capabilities. For example, a desired objective during the Gemini XI1 mission planning was to complete a rendezvous tlur- ing the second orbit ( M -= 2) . Accomplish- ing this objective within acceptable disper- sions would have required a trajectory cor-

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rection based on radar range a t a point out- side the spacecraft radar-range capability. As a result, the second-apogee rendezvous plan was eliminated.

Crew Procedures

Further requirements were imposed to achieve workable crew procedures. The ma- jor requirements in this area were the fol- lowing :

(1) Sufficient time for the crew to com- plete the necessary activities

. (2) Approach trajectories which are rea- sonably insensitive to insertion dispersion and to errors in midcourse maneuvers

(3) Lighting conditions which are com- patible with backup procedures

(4 ) Low terminal-approach velocities and line-of-sight angular rates

(5) Backup procedures for guidance-sys- tems failures

The requirement to allow sufficient time for crew procedures had an effect on several of the .Gemini missions. For example, the first orbits of the Gemini VI-A and VI11 mis- sions were free of rendezvous maneuvers, allowing the crew sufficient time to verify the satisfactory operation of all spacecraft sys- tems. The Gemini X primary rendezvous was changed from a third-orbit to a fourth- orbit rendezvous to allow the crew sufficient time 'to conduct the heavy procedural work- load required by the star-horizon onboard orbit determination.

The second procedural requirement, ap- proach trajectories which are reasonably in- sensitive to insertion dispersion and errors in midcourse maneuvers, was also important i n the development of the fourth-orbit ren- dezvous. An objective was to develop a mis- sion which could effect a near-nominal ter- minal-approach trajectory notwithstanding insertion dispersions, spacecraft equipment degradation, or ground tracking and compu- tation errors. This objective established the need for the development of backup termi- nal-phase procedures in the event of a guid- ance-component failure.

The need for lighting conditions (fig. 2-15) compatible with backup procedures affected all the rendezvous missions. The de- sired lighting situation for an active target was that the crew (1) see the target by re- flected sunlight prior to and at terminal- phase initiation, (2) see the target acquisi- tion lights against a s tar background during the terminal transfer, and (3) see the target by reflected sunlight for docking after exit from darkness. This lighting situation en- abled the crew to maintain target visibility throughout the terminal-rendezvous opera- tions, and established the capability for mak- ing inertial line-of-sight angle measurements in the event of a guidance platform failure. The lighting requirement was a factor in se- lecting the location of the terminal-phase- initiation point, the central angle of the transfer, and the terminal-approach angle. The desirable lighting conditions for ren- dezvous with an active target were different than for rendezvous with a passive target (fig. 2-16). Since a passive target would not

After terminal-phase ,Prior to and at terminal-phase

reflected sun I ight) initiation (target ,e' initiation (target visible in

lights visible),.


Earth \ I I .Sun

Docking (target visible in reflected sunlight1

T - Target vehicle S - Spacecraft

FIGURE %15.-Desired lighting situation for primary rendezvous.

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Desired sun direction at terminal-phase initiation

Sun direction for early terminal- terminal-phase initiation phase initiation

Sun direction for late

Darkness ----Line-of-sight / Spacecraft orbit--

FIGURE 2-16.-Desired lighting situation for passive rendezvous.

be visible in darkness, the terminal-phase portion of the Gemini X dual optical rendez- vous was conducted entirely in daylight. The desired terminal-phase initiation occurred near the midpoint of the daylight period. Earlier initiations would have placed the sunline too near the line of sight to the target, thereby obscuring target visibility. Later initiations would not have allowed adequate time in daylight for completing the rendez- vous. Gemini experience has shown that lighting is not a major constraint for an ac- tive rendezvous provided the spacecraft guidance system does not fail during the ter- minal approach ; but lighting is a major con- straint for an optical rendezvous.

The fourth requirement was that the ter- minal trajectory allow a low terminal-ap- proach velocity and low line-of-sight angular rate. The requirement was important in se- lecting the trajectory parameters for the coelliptical and the first-orbit rendezvous plans. The 130 transfer utilized on several of the missions was chosen primarily because of the low line-of-sight angular rate near intercept. The biased apogee approach was selected for Gemini XI because the direct tangential approach would have resulted in a high closing velocity.

Throughout the Gemini Program, there was a question of the level of effort to be applied to the development of backup pro- cedures to accommodate guidance-system failures. During the Gemini XI first-orbit

rendezvous mission, a problem with the radar system developed just prior to the final ter- minal-phase midcourse correction. . Even though a backup solution for this maneuver was computed and applied, rendezvous could have been accomplished without the correc- tion, since the correction required in this particular instance was small (2 ft/sec) . However, on Gemini XII, a failure of a pri- mary guidance-system component required the use of the backup procedures. The radar system failed prior to the terminal-phase- initiation maneuver on this mission, and backup procedures were employed through- out the terminal phase to complete the ren- dezvous.

The terminal phase of a rendezvous opera- tion involves precision maneuvers and care- f u l control of closing and line-of-sight rates. Table 2-IV compares fuel expenditures en- countered during terminal-phase operations with the theoretical minimum. A consider- able variation exists between the ratio of actual-to-minimum propellant for various types of terminal-phase conditions, and also for different flights using the same or similar terminal-phase conditions. This variation reflects the critical nature of the task, in that fairly small velocity vector errors can cas- cade to high propellant consumption or fail- ure to complete the rendezvous. The braking operation is particularly critical. Braking too soon will increase line-of-sight control requirements, and require more time to con- trol the spacecraft during the closing se- quence. .

An additional comparison of rendezvous performance is shown in table 2-V where the actual terminal-phase vernier corrections are compared with the preflight minimal pre- dicted. This comparison provides an espe- cially good measure of guidance-system per- formance, since the maneuvers were nomi- nally very small and became large only with degradation of guidance-system performance or with control difficulties.

A number of terminal-phase rendezvous operations were satisfactorily completed during the Gemini Program by using optical

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2-IV.-Rendezvous Propellant Usage -

I Propellant usage, lb

A h = 15 n. mi. .................................. A X = 25 n. mi. ....................

Coelliptic : Ah = 15 n. mi. .................................. A X = 25 n. mi. ....................

Coelliptic : A h = 12 n. mi. .................................. A X = 22 n. mi. ....................

Ah = 2.5 n. mi. .................................. A X = 3.5 n. mi. ..................

Gemini mission I Type of rendezvous

I I 130 ............... 81

160 .............. 79 I ____~_ -

113 ............. 68

___- --

61 ............... 20

VI-A .................... ' M = 4 ....................

X ..........................

I VI11 ...................... ' M = 4 .................... I


M = 4 .....................

I i--- -

X ..........................

XI .........................

XI ........................

XI1 ........................

I Optical dual .........

M = 1 ..................... -

Stable orbit ...........

- __

M = 3 .....................

Spacecraft at apogee of

Ah = 10 n. mi. A X = 15 n. mi. ....................

87/151 orbit: .................................

Conditions at start of terminal phase I Actual 1 Minimum

.............. 290 191

I i Second

I .................................. ................................. ............................ ................................. .................................

I Firs t

VI-A ..........................I 11 7 VI11 1 15 i 9

I I--

I Firs t Second

! ................................. .................................... .................................................................... I, 1 ' 2

A h = -7.5 n. mi. 137 .............. 39 A X = -10 n. mi. ................


I- ----I- --

................................................................. 20 ................................. 23 ................................. 2 .................................... 3 ............................................................... 6 .................................................................. 0 ................................... 2 2 1

A h = 15 n. mi. 360 .............. 84 A X = 30 n. mi. ....................


XI1 ................................................................ 2 I ................................. 5 i ................................. 2 I I I

I I -

................................... 3

Ah = 7 n. mi. 180 .............. 73 A X = 12 n.- mi. ....................

Coelliptic :

I-- I

AS^ = 0 n. mi. ................................... 87 .............. 31 A X = 25 n. mi. ....................


.............. 112 .............. 55 ! I .................... Coelliptic :

A h = 10 n. mi. A X = 20 n. mi. ....................


.............. 1.60

.............. 2.02

.............. 1.66

.............. 3.05

.............. 3.51

.............. 4.28

.............. 2.46 -

............. 1.52

.............. 2.81


............. 2.04

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techniques alone (no closed-loop radar-com- is operationally feasible with an active or a puter operation). Optical rendezvous requires passive target. It has also been demonstrated careful control of lighting conditions, and a that the operation can be performed using stabilized reference such as an inertial plat- onlv onboard guidance information after


form is highly desirable. During simulations, rendezvous have been effected without plat- form information ; however, the probability of success is relatively low.

li&ff ; using only ground-supplied informa- t ion; or by using a and ground-supplied

of onboard

Conc 1 ud ing Remarks Reference The rendezvous operations conducted on 1. ANON. : Gemini Midprogram Conference, Includ-

Gemini have demonstrated that rendezvous ing Experiment Results. NASA SP-121, 1966.

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Mission Plarrriirig arid Arralysis Division, NASA Martried Spacecraft Center; arid WARREN J. KEN- NEDY, Project Engineer-Gernirri Ageria, Lockheed h!i.ssi/es & .$pace c o .


This paper discusses the ground control and monitoring function performed in sup- port of the Gemini rendezvous missions. Included are discussions of the support philosophy adopted for Gemini ; the resulting influence upon mission design ; and compari- sons between predicted and actual flight results.


The concepts adopted for the ground sup- port of Gemini were in keeping with the basic mission-design criterion of maximizing the probability of achieving rendezvous. A flex- ible ground system was developed to permit the flight-control team to react to anomalous situations routinely, while still preserving standardized conditions for the terminal- phase rendezvous. Since the possibility ex- isted for a multitude of anomalous situations, a real-time mission-planning capability was implemented in the Mission Control Center- Houston. This capability consisted of com- puter-driven displays which permitted the flight controllers to assess current conditions, and to select a maneuver sequence compatible with mission constraints. In effect, the role

-of the flight controllers was to provide a series of midcourse maneuvers which achieved a particular relative separation and velocity between the spacecraft and the tar- get vehicle. Following the final midcourse maneuver, the role changed more to monitor- ing the onboard-computed intercept maneu- ver and the final terminal-phase operations. The following discussion will compare, from

a ground-support standpoint, the primary rendezvous missions as well as the re-rendez- vous operations which may be conducted during a flight.

Gemini Rendezvous Missions

The ground support of a rendezvous mis- sion was planned so that all information that the flight crew would nominally request, plus additional backup information, would be available a t an optimum time in the flight plan. Once the basic mission plan was devel- oped, a large number of final details had to be refined in simulations of the mission with the actual flight-crew personnel. The primary maneliver updates from the Mission Control Center-Houston had to be scheduled at a time that would afford maximum radar track- ing history in the mission computers at the Manned Spacecraft Center. Houston. The Gemini rendezvous missions were separated into two distinct mission phases, the mid- course maneuver and the terminal rendez- vous. For the midcourse phase, the flight- control team was the primary source for the maneuver computations. The purpose of these maneuvers was to effect a rendezvous between the spacecraft and a point in space that would result in the desired spacecraft displacement and velocity with respect to the target vehicle. To accomplish this, pre- established maneuver points were selected so that the propellant requirements for this mission phase were minimized, and sufficient network tracking was available for maneuver updates. Of course, the first rendezvous mis- sion, Gemini VI-A, had the most uncertain conditions. Consequently, for this mission, a

Preceding page Hank 21

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plan was selected which afforded rendezvous in the fourth spacecraft revolution with the following salient features :

(1) The Gemini Launch Vehicle was tar- geted to provide the desired altitude differ- ential between the target and spacecraft orbits at spacecraft apogee. Also, a dogleg launch trajectory was flown in order to insert the spacecraft into the plane of the target orbit.

(2) The first spacecraft orbit was fr'ee of rendezvous activity so the crew could make the necessary systems checks, and the ground controllers could determine the precise space- craft orbit.

(3) Preestablished maneuver points were selected to account for expected dispersions in lift-off time and spacecraft insertion con- ditions.

(4) The site chosen to update a maneuver had acquisition so that adequate time re- mained for the crew to orient the spacecraft to the maneuver attitude.

The midcourse maneuver sequence can be seen in figure 3-1. Tracking during the first revolution indicated that the altitude differ- ential at spacecraft apogee exceeded the ac- ceptable tolerance ; thus, the initial mid- course translation was a height adjustment performed a t spacecraft perigee near the end of the first revolution. The second midcourse

maneuver was a phase adjustment which oc- curred at the second spacecraft apogee. Out- of-plane errors were removed with a maneu- ver at the common node following the second apogee. Subsequent radar-tracking informa- tion indicated the need for an additional adjustment to the altitude differential a t spacecraft apogee. This maneuver was per- formed at perigee near the end of the second revolution. The final midcourse translation was a coelliptic maneuver performed at the third apogee. The purpose of this maneuver was to place the spacecraft orbit at a con- stant altitude difference below the target- vehicle orbit. The same basic mission plan was also successfully used on Gemini VIII. For the Gemini IX-A mission, the mid- course-maneuver sequence had the additional requirement to more nearly duplicate the Apollo time line and midcourse phase planned for the lunar rendezvous operations. This led to rendezvous in the third spacecraft revolu- tion with a somewhat different maneuver se- quence (fig. 3-2). The phase-adjustment maneuver was performed a t the first space- craft apogee. Since the phasing maneuver uas based upon a minimal amount of track- ing. a second midcourse maneuver designed to achieve phasing, height, and plane require- ments was scheduled in the second revolu- tion. The location of this maneuver was

A = 10-minute time marks I ,Velocity match

,.Phase adjustment ,,Apogee ,.Terminal-phase initiation

- CL $ 40- m " - .- L

Ahead+ Behind Horizontal displacement, n. mi.

FIGURE 3-l.-Relative trajectory of spacecraft froni insertion to three-revolution rendezvous in target-centered curvilinear coordinate system.

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- .3 60 - - L 0) >

8080 0 8b Iko 2 i O 3iO 4bo Ahead+ Behind

Horizontal displacement. n. mi. 1. Spacecraft insert ion 00:06:21 2. Phase adjustment OO:59:39 3. Corrective combination

4. Coelliptical combination 5. Terminal-phase init iat ion 6. Velocity match

FIGURE 3-2.-Relative trajectory of spacecraft from insertion to two-revolution rendezvous in target- centered curvilinear coordinate system.

selected to afford a maximum amount of tracking over the continental U.S. stations. The final maneuver in this sequence provided a constant altitude differential between the two orbits, and also placed the Gemini space- craft in the plane of the target vehicle.

The initial rendezvous maneuver sequence utilized on Gemini X was identical to that of Gemini VI-A. However, the ground control- lers had the additional tasks of evaluating onboard maneuver calculations based upon star measurements and upon the Inertial Guidance System ascent vector; and of giv- ing a go-no-go decision on these solutions based upon retaining acceptable terminal- phase conditions. The flight plan also included a rendezvous between the spacecraft and the passive target vehicle, which had been launched during the Gemini VI11 mission and then placed in a higher parking orbit. This plan created an additional complexity, as compared with the earlier rendezvous mis- sions, and necessitated an on-time launch for both the target vehicle and the spacecraft. Table 3-1 shows the variation during the 4-month period preceding flight in lift-off time required of the Gemini X target vehicle, as well as the required aponee altitude for dual rendezvous phasing. After the crew com- pleted the initial clocking with the Gemini ,Y

TABLE 3-L-Dual Rendezvous Planning

’ GeminiX ’ ! target-vehicle ~

I launch time,

target-vehicle mean time, Required Gemini VI11 Greenwich

vector hr :min :sec apogee, n. mi. I

3/19/66 .............................. 3:40:58 ........................ 226 3/30/66 ............................. 3 :40:54 ........................ 246 4/25/66 ............................. 3 :37 :30 ......................... 470 5/16/66 .............................. 3 :37:30 ........................ 400 6/ 9/66 .............................. 3:46:30 1 ........................ 390’ 5/24/66 ............................. .) .41 :55 ........................ 360 6/20/66 .............................. 3 :40 :26 ........................ 420 7/18/66 ............................. 3 :39 :46 ........................ 409

‘Column shows dates when the passive Gemini VI11 targct vehicle was in proper position for lift-off of the Gemini X mission to accomplish dual rendez-


.) .


target vehicle, they initiated midcourse ma- neuvers (fig. 3-3) to achieve desired condi- tions for the terminal phase of rendezvous with the passive Gemini VI11 target vehicle. The Gemini X target-vehicle propulsion sys- tem was used to perform these maneuvers while-the spacecraft and target vehicle were docked ; the spacecraft propulsion system was user1 after undocking.

240 r

Ahead +Behind

4. Coelliptic maneuver, Horizontal displacement. n. mi.

1. Phasing maneuver, 9. e. 1. 07:38:34

2. Height maneuver, 5. Terminal-phase 9. e. 1. 20:21:02 ini t iat ion,

3. Plane change, g. e. 1. 2130349

9. e. 1. 22:37:54

9. e. 1. 47:30341

FIGURE :L::.-Rclative trajectory of Gemini X dual rendezvous in target-centered curvilinear coordi- nate system.

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The ground support of the first-orbit ren- dezvous during the Gemini XI mission (fig. 3-4) was approached in a considerably differ- ent manner than during prior rendezvous missions. The only midcourse maneuver scheduled was a plane-change maneuver to account for insertion dispersions. The loca- tion of this maneuver was approximately a quarter of a spacecraft revolution after in- sertion. The major role of the flight control- lers for this mission was to evalute the predicted relative conditions a t the time of the terminal intercept maneuver, and to give a go-no-go decision for the first-orbit ren- dezvous. The basis for the go-no-go decision was dependent on the resultant propellant cost for the terminal-phase operations, and on the relative conditions which would pre- clude the use of onboard backup charts re- quired in the event of degraded systems performance. In addition to providing a go-no-go decision, a contingency maneuver plan was computed in the event that the de- cision was no-go. This plan was based upon rendezvous in the third revolution.

For the Gemini XI1 initial rendezvous, the midcourse maneuver sequence was identical to that of the Gemini IX-A mission. The additional complexity involved for this misr pion included ground evaluation of the on- board-computed plane-change maneuver and the final maneuver to establish the constant altitude differential.

Following the final midcourse maneuver update, the ground provided a backup termi-

.-. P E 8, M r I Velccitv match (TPF)

- = 10 -minute time marks ----Terminal-ohase initiation

Spacecraft insertion

Ahead + Behind Horizontal displacement. n. mi.

FIGURE 34-Relative trajectory of Gemini XI from insertion to rendezvous in tarpet-vehicle curvi- linear coordinate system.

nal-phase-initiate maneuver to serve as a comparison between the onboard closed-loop and backup solutions. In addition, supple- mental information, such as the variation in altitude differential, was passed to the crew.

Re-Ren d ezvous Operations Three re-rendezvous operations were in-

cluded in the Gemini Program to increase the rendezvous experience. These exercises investigated such factors as variation in lighting and terminal-approach conditions. The equiperiod re-rendezvous of the Gemini IX-A mission was used to study proposed lighting conditions for the dual rendezvous of Gemini X. The second re-rendezvous of Gemini IX-A investigated a terminal ap- proach from ahead and above the target ve- hicle in support of future Apollo rendezvous operations. The re-rendezvous of Gemini XI was a totally different technique from any previously flown. The spacecraft mas given phasing maneuvers from the ground such that no relative phase rate existed between the two vehicles prior to the intercept ma- neuver. In this configwration. the spacecraft trailed the target vehicle bv approximately 25 nautical miles in the same orbit (fig. 3-5). The vehicles remained in this configu- ration for approximately 12 hours, at which time a ground-computed intercept maneuver was applied. with the final terminal-phase control performed visually by the crew. This technique was flown to compare the propel- lant cost with that required for long-term. close-range station keeping. .2 0 E

& 01:13:10 0o:Oo "Visual braking Intercept maneuver,'

". .- '34" correction



I 1 I 1 q. ; 5 10 15 20 25 Ahead + Behind

Horizontal displacement. n. mi.

FIGURE R-5.-Gemini X I stahle orhit re-rendezvous.

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........................................................ VI-A ~ 117 I VI11 .......................................................... 117

Flight Results

I .............................. ........................... ................................ 159 i 2.1 1 1.1 .............................. 150 ........................... 9.7 / ................................ 1.2

The effectiveness of the ground-computed midcourse maneuvers can best be evaluated by the propellant required for midcourse maneuvers, and how accurately the condi- tions for terminal-phase initiation were met. As shown in table 3-11, the lighting condi- tions obtained were within desired limits ; above-nominal midcourse propellant usage was largely due to dispersions in insertion conditions. The variation in altitude differ- ential following the coelliptic maneuver was well within the limits for the use of onboard backup charts on all flights. The ground- computed terminal-phase solutions were con- sistently in very close agreement with both onboard solutions for all missions.

Gemini Agena Target Vehicle

Prior to spacecraft launch and subsequent rendezvous operations, the Gemihi Agena Target Vehicle was monitored and evaluated to insure proper configuration for use as a passive target. Of prime concern, other than total electrical failure, was the verific a t' ion of insertion into the proper orbit. Any sig- nificant error in insertion would require cor- rection by a plane-change maneuver from the target-vehicle propulsion system.

Upon achieving a nominal insertion, com- plete checkout of vehicle performance and attitude conditioning was accomplished by the target-vehicle flight controllers. This

normally consisted of correcting the memory system and configuring the target docking equipment for the rendezvous by real-time commands. The target vehicle was further commanded to an orientation of -90' from the flight path (docking adapter to the north) in order to present a larger target to the spacecraft radar system and to provide a larger target for visual acquisition in sun- light exposure.

From target-vehicle lift-off to spacecraft rendezvous, three major parameters were evaluated to assure a safe target. The pro- pellant-tank differential pressure was of prime concern because a reversal pressure would cause the loss of the target vehicle. The battery temperature was continuously . evaluated to predict a rate of change, since the target would be lost if the temperature became excessive. The Attitude Control Sys- tem pressure was evaluated to assure a non- leak condition which would provide adequate control to preclude vehicle instability and associated unsuitability for docking.


Effective ground support and control has been demonstrated in the successful accom- plishment of the rendezvous missions of the Gemini Program. Of key importance in this success was the flexible real-time planning capability which afforded the necessary re- sponse to a variety of mission situ a t' ions.

TABLE 3-II.-Re~ndezvous Midcourse Phase Swn. jna ~- __~___._

! Variation in i

terminal-phase Variation in initiation time, altitude differential,

Velocity ~~~ -~ Gemini mission ,--------

, Nominal, ft/sec 1 Actual, ft/sec ! min n. mi.

a Positive values indicate late terminal-phase initiations.

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4. ONBBARD OPERATIONS FOR RENDEZVOUS By PAUL C. KRAMER. Flight Crew Support Division, N A S A Mariner1 Spacecraft Center; EDWIN E. ALDRIN,

Astronaut, Astronaut Ofice, X A S A Manned Spacecrall Center; and WILLIAM E. HAYES, Dynamics Engineer, McDonnell Aircraft Corp.


An overall plan for onboard rendezvous operations for the Gemini missions was de- veloped in parallel with the mission plan. The purpose of this plan was to make optimum

-use of crew time in orbit to maximize the probability of a successful rendezvous. The evolution of the plan began with a prelimi- nary time line of events based upon the known guidance-equipment requirements and upon the estimated crew timing. A prelimi- nary set of flight charts was developed to aid thetcrew with primary and backup pro- cedures and to establish a backup guidance capability. These charts, which consisted of a few simple graphs and tabulation sheets, enabled the crew to calculate accurate solu- tions for the terminal maneuvers even with an inoperative guidance-equipment compo- nent. As such, the charts significantly con- tributed to the probability of mission success. Following the development of the charts, a n engineering evaluation was con- ducted on a realistic man-in-the-loop simula- tion. During this evaluation, the procedures and charts were subjected to the expected equipment errors and trajectory dispersions, and revisions were made as necessary to im- prove effectiveness. The resulting plan was presented to the flight crew ; the charts were evaluated during a period of training on the simulator. The crew spent several weeks training on both the primary procedures and on the various failure modes.

General Rendezvous Operations The operation of the guidance system for

rendezvous was divided into primary, moni-

Preceding page blank

toring, and backup procedures. Primary pro- cedures were the crew tasks necessary to define and execute any given maneuver. Mon- itoring and backup procedures were used to assess the operation of the system and to complete the mission in contingency situa- tions.

f’rimary Procedures

The spacecraft onboard operations were broadly categorized into insertion correc- tions, midcourse or catchup-phase correc- tions, terminal-phase closed-loop correc- tions, and braking and line-of-sight control. Since these basic operations were common to most missions, each category is described first as it applies to a general rendezvous mission. Then, the rendezvous operations on specific missions are discussed.

Insertion corrections.-An insertion cor- rection based upon onboard navigation in- formation was computed and displayed to the crew by the Insertion Velocity Adjust Routine ( W A R ) . This correction was de- signed to achieve the planned apogee altitude and to eliminate the out-of-plane velocity. Although providing a very early opportunity to reduce trajectory dispersions, the correc- tion could possibly include significant navi- gation errors ; therefore, the application of the maneuver was not always advantageous. For missions with relatively long catchup times, it was usually preferable to omit the correction, or to apply only the in-plane com- ponent and then use the ground-tracking in- formation that was available later to deter- mine a more accurate correction. Conversely, when an early rendezvous was desired, both components of the correction were applied,


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and a third component was manually com- puted and applied. This third component was a radial correction based upon a computer readout of downrange travel, and was de- signed to correct the phasing a t first apogee. One of the procedural problems related to the insertion correction was a method for avoid- ing recontact with the launch vehicle after separation and for applying the Insertion Velocity Adjust Routine maneuver. The prob- lem was resolved by prohibiting a certain band of velocity changes most likely to result in recontact, and by establishing visual con- tact with the launch vehicle before making retrograde corrections.

Midcourse phase.-The onboard opera- tions required for the catchup phase of a rendezvous mission basically consisted of de- termining and applying the midcourse ma- neuvers. Other onboard operations during this phase were routine procedures such as platform alinements and system checks. For most of the rendezvous missions, the mid- course maneuvers were computed by the ground complex and transmitted to the spacecraft. The crew tasks in this case con- sisted only of achiev'ing the correct attitude and of applying the thrust a t the proper time. A typicaI sequence of catchup maneu- vers is shown in figure 4-1.

To demonstrate an onboard navigation capability, the Gemini X mission procedures required the flight crew to compute catchup maneuvers using the onboard orbit determi- nation and prediction capability. The same basic maneuvers were computed as on the earlier four-orbit rendezvous mission, except


- c al E 40- - -

5 8 0 I I I 1 izoo 1000 800 600 400 200 o Behind--(

Trailing distance, n. mi.

FIGURE 4-1.-Typical midcourse maneuvers.

that the height-adjust maneuver usually per- formed a t second perigee was replaced by an insertion correction. The crew procedures for onboard determination of the midcourse maneuvers involved a sequence of computer and sextant usage. The first maneuver was made a t insertion. After this correction, an auxiliary tape memory module containing the mathematical flow for the orbit determi- nation, navigation, and prediction modes of operation was entered into the onboard com- puter. First, the orbit determination mode was selected and initialized, and a series of s ta r measurements was made and entered into the computer. After processing these data, the computer produced an updated state vector which was used in the orbit prediction mode to predict the spacecraft velocity at the following maneuver point, and the position a t the following apogee if no maneuver was made. With the aid of the flight charts, this information was used to predict the desired velocity a t the next maneuver point-thus the velocity change. The other maneuvers were determined in a similar manner, and all of the solutions were compared with the corre- sponding ground computer values. If the diE ferences were within the bounds established before flight, the onboard-determined ma- neuvers would be applied ; if not, the ground- supplied maneuvers would be applied.

Several problems arose in connection with these procedures. For example, a group of stnr-to-horizon angle measurements from an earlier mission indicated that the apparent altitude of the Earth horizon changed with time, possibly as a result of varying moon- light conditions. These variations were large enough to have a significant effect on the ma- neuver solutions, and a series of measure- ments was required to calibrate the horizon. A second problem was the definition of a measurement schedule for orbit. determina- tion. The timing, as well as the type and the direstion, of the measurements had to be established. Studies revealed that the meas- urements should be spaced over two darkness periods, and that n variety of directions should be used. The selected schedule con-

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sisted of four in-plane and two out-of-plane measurements, but the crew timing require- ments and the inaccuracy of the resulting out-of-plane orbit determination led to the decision to use dummy out-of-plane measure- ments. The effect was that the out-of-plane component of the vector was not updated.

Terminal phase.-The terminal-phase ren- dezvous operations employed the onboard computer in conjunction with the inertial platform and radar. In the rendezvous mode, the computer gathered radar and platform data, and operated on the data in the sequence outlined in figure 4-2. Initially, data were sampled and stored a t a crew-optional fixed- time interval ; both 60 and 100 seconds were used. After sufficient data had been stored, an estimate of the total velocity change re- quired for a two-impulse rendezvous transfer was computed and displayed to the crew. The estimate was updated with each succeeding data point for use as an aid in determining the best point to initiate the transfer. The crew initiated the maneuver sequence by de- pressing the START COMP button on the instrument panel. At this time, the velocity change (in components along the three body axes) for terminal-phase initiation was dis- played to the crew, along with the proper attitude for application of the thrust. The maneuver was achieved when the command pilot depressed the maneuver controller un- til the displayed velocity change counted down to zero. Since equipment and applica- tion errors could produce significant disper- sions in the resulting transfer trajectory, vernier corrections to the transfer were com-

puted a t regular intervals and displayed to the crew. The time of the transfer and the number of vernier corrections were mission- planning options. Generally, based on a tra- jectory that would result in an intercept in 130" of orbit travel (d = 130'), a transfer time of about 30 minutes was selected with two vernier corrections.

Brakiiig a d line-of-sight coutrol phase.- The braking and line-of-sight control phase which followed the final vernier correction was manually controlled. Simply stated, line- of-sight rate control was achieved by deter- mining the direction of the rate and thrust- ing normal to the line of sight to null this rate. The direction of the motion could be determined by either of two methods. The first method was to fix the attitude of the target vehicle with respect to a body-fixed reticle. When movement was apparent, thrust was applied radially in the direction of motion. The second method, which could be employed when stars were not visible, made use of the Flight Director Attitude In- dicators in an inertial mode. After the com- mand pilot had boresighted on the target, the pilot entered a logic choice into the com- puter which centered the flight director indi- cator needles and subsequently deflected them proportionately to spacecraft inertial- attitude changes. The command pilot was then able to hold the attitude that would keep

-the needles centered, and to observe the tar- get drift with the optical sight. Nulling the target motion was then accomplished in the same manner as the first method.


Monitorinl: and Backup T e c h n i q u e s

Time, min Backup data


COMP thrust _- n n n o o o o o o ~

AV display TPI = Terminal-phase initiation

FIGURE 4-2.-Terminal-phase computer sequence.

One important crew function during ren- dezvous was to monitor the performance of the guidance system to assure that the trans- lational maneuvers were accurately computed and applied. Monitoring can be defined as the assessment of guidance-systems operation to the extent necessary for detection and iden- tification of performance degradation in suf- ficient time for corrective action. During rendezvous, monitoring was accomplished by

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0.01 n. mi. .................

ft/sec .........................

sampling basic flight data at specified points in the trajectory, and by calculating with the aid of charts and graphs a solution to each maneuver for comparison with the closed- loop and/or ground solution.

Backup charts.-The data used for moni- toring and backup are shown in table 4-1. The use of sensor information varied, de- pending upon the maneuver to be calculated. A typical case was illustrated by the terminal- phase initiation procedure. The spacecraft attitude was maintained in zero roll and bore- sighted on the target using the optical sight. This alined the X-axis to the target line of sight. The radar and platform data could then be used to calculate velocity increments AV along and normal to the target line of sight. The A V along the line of sight was ob- tained in terms of relative range rate R by the equation

AR - R,,, - R A m

Radar .....................

Radar .....................

where LR was the increment in velocity along the target line of sight required to transfer to the desired intercept trajectory XI,,,, was the range rate of the desired t ra- jectory a t the point of data sampling immediately prior to terminal-phase ini- tiation, and was defined by target elevation angle and range for the type trajectory de- sired RA,.T was the actual range rate a t the point of data sampling immediately prior to terminal-phase initiation A typical terminal-phase trajectory is one

which intercepts in 130" of target orbit travel. Figure 4-3 shows the relationship of RnE,, a t terminal-phase initiation with pitch angle 0 and range for this transfer. The rela- tionship is nearly independent of the target orbit: thus, figure 4-3 is valid for altitudes within 20 nautical miles of the nominal.

0.1" ...........................

TABLE 4-L-Monitoring Data

Inertial measuring unit.


Range .......................

Range rate ...............

0.1" ...........................

Pitch angle ...............

Inertial measuring unit.

Yaw angle ...............

0.1" ...........................

Roll angle ..................

Radar ..................... Target boresight ......

Units ! ' Sensor

0.1" ............................ Inertial measuring unit.


1 Optical sight ......I



Manual data unit ..

Manual data unit ..

Manual data unit ..

-Manual data unit ..

Manual data unit ..

Visual .......................


Analog page

Analog gage

Flight director attitude indicator, stars

Flight director attitude indicator, stars

Flight director attitude indicator, stars


Flicht director indicators

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M E = 20

e i m

and approach conditions. Crew procedures approaching terminal-phase initiation were to track the target and observe the increase in elevation angle. Pertinent data were re- corded on logging sheets at each interval as sampiis were taken by the computer for the computation of the closed-loop solution for

.g:i: The AI' in-plane, normal to the line-of-

sight increment in velocity, defined in terms of line-of-sight angular rate A and range R by the equation

lvs= < ~ R E Q ~ ' A C T > R where

l V s was the in-plane, normal to the line- of-sight increment in velocity required to transfer to the desired intercept trajectory fl,,,,, was the in-plane line-of-sight angular rat'e of the desired trajectory at the point of data sampling immediately prior to ter- minal-phase initiation, and was defined by target elevation for the trajectory desired

was the actual line-.of-sight rate at the data sampling point immediately prior to terminal-phase initiation R was range to the target a t the measure- ment point

Since could not be measured directly with sufficient accuracy, an increment in 8 over a measured time interval was used.

where 8, and 8- were target elevation at the be- ginning and end of the measuring interval, respectively At,: was the measurement time interval

For use in flight, the equations for l R and LVs were mechanized graphically (fig. 4-4). This chart was part of the onboard data pack- age for Gemini IX-A. The technique used throughout the Gemini Program was to ini- tiate terminal-phase initiation at a reference target elevation angle. This provided a stand-

21.4", certain samples were utilized for the terminal-phase initiation monitoring and backup solutions. The significant data points were labeled A , B, C, and D, a x \ are defined as follows :

A = Data point immediately prior to 21.4' target elevation

B = First data point after 21.4"; first used to calculate the bacbup solution

C = Next data point after B ; (:sed to ini- tiate the closed-loop sequc I ce for ter- minal-phase initiation

D =Next point after C ; providtid the final data for the backup solutions for ter- minal-phase initiation

Figure 4-4 illustrates the sequence for ob- taining a backup solution to terminal-phase initiation. Range and pitch angles were re- corded each 100 seconds until 8 exceeded 21.4'. This angle was designated point 13 and recorded. After the next sampling point .C, the START COMP button was depressed to initiate the closed-loop sequence for terminal- phase initiation. Range, range rate, and pitch angle for the second point beyond B, point D, completed the information needed to cal- culate the backup solution. The pl*ocedures for obtaining the backup solution are as follows :

(1) Boresight on target (2) Monitor 8, R, and R every minute (3) When 19>_21.4~, record data for point

(4) Push START COMP button after next

( 5 ) Record data at point D

B on terminal-phase initiation chart

data point

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FIGURE 4-4.-Terminal-phase initiation.

(6 ) Enter terminal-phase initiation chart to calculate AR, 1Vs , and terminal-phase ini- tiation time

(7) Compare AR and A V ~ with closed loop and Manned Space Flight Network A similar technique was used for midcourse corrections except that measurements were triggered on time after terminal-phase ini- tiation rather than on pitch angle.

Fnilzire modes.-Throughout the Gemini Program, manual techniques were utilized wherever practical to maximize the proba- bility of mission success. Thus, the crew was prepared at all times to continue the mission with degraded or failed systems components. This required frequent reference to monitor- ing c; a and substitution of alternate sources whei: Lailures occurred. The different situa- tions that could exist for all possible combi-

nations of partial and complete failures were too numerous to permit specific training for each. Therefore, procedures were developed only fv - total failure of each of the three ma- jor guidance system components : radar, computer, and platform. Partial failures were then handled by utilizing whatever valid data were available from the degraded component.

For total failure of any guidance compo- ' nent, the closed-loop solution would no longer be available. In this case, it was necessary to rely on the ground or backup solution ob- tained by a1tern:ite methods. For all failures, procedures were designed to obtain a maneu- ver solution in components along and normal to the target liiie of sight. Table 4-11 sum- marizes the sensors used for the significant failures. For radar failures, a redundant source of range information was not avaii-

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None ..................

Radar .................

Computer ...........


AV source

Closed-loop guidance

Manned Space Flight Net- work or nominal

Analog gage,

TABLE 4-II.-FaiEure Modes

Inertial meas- uring unit

Manual data unit, R, R

Up/down, AV source

Closed-loop guidance

Manual data unit, 8, Ae

Flight director attitude indi- cator, e , ~e

Sextant nomi- nal, 8 , stars A 8

able and only up/down maneuvers could usu- ally be calculated on board. One exception was the first-orbit rendezvous on Gemini XI where a terminal-phase initiation correction along the line of sight could be based on the insertion vector obtainable from the Inertial Guidance System. The computer failure case would not cause loss of information in either axis, but would result in less accurate maneu- vers because the readout on the Flight Di- rector Attitude Indicator and radar analog gage was less accurate than from the com- puter readout.

In training, the platform failure proved the most difficult to resolve because accurate attitude angles could not be obtained late in the terminal phase. Fortunately, this failure was not encountered in flight. On most mis- sions subsequent to Gemini VI-A, a hand- held sextant was prcvided for determining time of arrival a t terminal-phase initiation in case the Inertial Measuring Unit had failed. The time could be determined by not- ing the time when the angle between the tar- get and horizon lines of sight corresponded to the planned pitch angle a t point B. For the platform failure case, the up/down velocity increment for terminal-phase initiation and vernier corrections could be calculated from

the change of the target line-of-sight angle as measured against the s ta r background. At the s tar t of an incremental angle measuring in- terval, the reticle pattern of the optical sight would be fixed against the star background with the target a t the top of the reticle. Dur- ing the measuring interval, the pilot would attempt to maintain the attitude relative to the stars. At the end of the measurement time, noting the position of the target on the reticle provided the delta angle needed for calculating the up/down incremental ve- locity.

Mission Results

During the Gemini Program, a total of 10 rendezvous was accomplished (table 4-111) , providing as broad a spectrum of ter- minal-phase conditions as possible. On sev- eral missions more than one rendezvous was performed. This allowed a rapid development of the rendezvous technology, including prob- lems, tradeoffs, and solutions. The guidance and navigation system proved versatile, as rendezvous plans were shuffled within weeks of launch, and as lessons learned on each mission were incorporated on the next. Since the rendezvous plans and procedures were functions of mission objectives, each type of rendezvous and its characteristics are 'treated separately in the following paragraphs.

Itendezvous in the Second. Third, and Fourth Orbits

The terminal phase of many of the Gemini

(1 ) Approach to terminal-phase initiation through a nominally circular catchup orbit, below and behind the target

(2) Tjme of terminal-phase initiation de- termined approximately by phasing maneuvers prior to the circular catchup orbit, then fixed precisely by observation of target elevation above the local horizontal

(3) The intercept orbit traveled 130" cen- tral angle not including braking

mission rendezvous followed a set pattern :

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Separation Orbit altitude, travel,

TABLE &III.-Gemini Rendezvous Summary

IX-A: Initial rendezvous ............


Augmented target dock- 1 Below ................................. 12.5 .................... 130 ing adapter.


Above I

................................... 7.5 .................... 130

................................. .................... VI-A .............................................. 1 Gemini VI1 spacecraft ........I Below 15 130 I !

~ ~~~

X: Initial rendezvous ..................

Re-rendezvous ......................

Gemini X target vehicle ...... Below ................ / ................. 15 !....................130 I

Gemini VI11 target vehicle.. Below .................................. 5 1 .................... 80

............ ! No. 2 re-rendezvous

Rerendezvous ...................... Stable orbit 0 .................... 292

10 1 .................... 130 XI1 ................................................. 1 Gemini XI1 target vehicle ....I Below .................................. I

(4) Two vernier corrections a t fixed times after terminal-phase initiation

(5) An approach from below and slightly ahead of the target through a series of braking maneuvers at fixed ranges along an inertially fixed line

The major variables available for mission planning purposes can be summarized as fol- lows :

(1) Time of terminal-phase initiation (2) Target elevation angle a t terminal-

phase initiation (3) Orbit travel between terminal-phase

initiation and terminal-phase finali- zation

(4 ) Time between vernier corrections (5) Braking schedule.

, (6)- Altitude dif€exe,.tizl between target and spacecraft

The time of terminal-phase initiation was grossly controlled by lift-off time and by phas- ing maneuvers prior to the circular catchup orbit, with phasing maneuvers determined on the ground. Primary considerations in

establishing a time for the terminal-phase initiation were number of phasing orbits de- sired and sunlight conditions. Three phasing orbits were required for the early flights of Gemini VI-A and VIII. As ground and on- board operations evolved, the number was decreased to two for the later flights, Gemini IX-A and XII. A further decrease in total time to rendezvous required modification of terminal-phase procedures on Gemini XI. Terminal-phase lighting tradeoff s centered around the following :

(1) Target visibility a t termifid-phase initiation in reflected sunlight

(2) Availability of siars during braking phage t o aid line-of-sight control

(3) Approach to docking in sunlighc These considerations placed the terminal- phase initiation time near sunset with mid- course corrections and line-of-sight control during the night period.

Figure 4-5 depicts the lighting conditions for the typical rendezvous from below the target vehicle. Elevation angles of the target

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Sun LOS TPI -20 min


Closed-loop guidance and applied maneuvers"

Terminal-phase initiation, fps 1st vernier, fps I d vernier, fps

Sun First LOS TPI vernier., LOS. Line-of -siqht


// 1 TPI = Terminal-phase

FIGURE 4-5.-Terminal-phase lighting conditions.


.____ Forward,


4F 4F 3F

(OF) 1F


vehicle and Sun are shown. With the longi- tudinal axis of the target 'vehicle controlled to 90" out of plane, the target vehicle was easily visible in reflected sunlight during the time period when the critical measurements for terminal-phase initiation were made. Thus, the flashing acquisition lights were not relied upon for visual sighting at the longer ranges. As the terminal phase progressed, the Sun etevation and the target line of sight ro- tated counterclockwise (fig:4-5). After sun- set, motion of the target vehicle in relation to the stars provided confidence in the tra- jectory status. After the last vernier correc-

.. tion, the star field was also useful for

Nominal, forward --

32 32 27



maintaining the collision course. With the terminal-phase initiation near sunset, the spacecraft would pass the last braking gate at a range of 3000 feet a t sunrise. The tar- get, in perspective, indicated approach angle and closing velocity.

Careful selection of the orbital travel from terminal-phase initiation to terminal-phase finalization and the target elevation at termi- nal-phase initiation provided an approach that had a line-of-sight angular rate of nearly zero and terminal-phase initiation maneuver along the line of sight. The small line-of-sight drift rate after the last vernier correction assisted the crew in maintaining a simple and efficient collision course which helped to minimize propellant usage. The spacecraft roll axis was boresighted on the target throughout the terminal phase. Selecting a trajectory for which the terminal-phase ini- tiation angle coincided with the target ele- vation angle allowed the maneuver to be per- formed nominally along the roll axis with no attitude deviation. Dispersions in the catchup orbit and guidance system errors appeared at terminal-phase initiation as maneuver components normal to the line of sight, and as deviations from the planned forward impulse. Table 4-IV summarizes the terminal-phase initiation and the midcourse maneuvers for

Up, down

7 u 6U 2U

(14D) 22D (2U)

Right, left

__-_ SL 1R 3R




x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XII.. ...... ..

Actual, forward

31 25

(27) 26 41

Up, Right, Forward, down 1 left 1 aft 1

4 u 3 u

.(1U) 8U

(OU) 1 u


7F 12F 2A


UP, down

3 u 7 u 2D


1 Right, left


6R 3R OR



Parentheses indicate applied maneuvers when different from closed-loop solutions.

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the Gemini IV, VIII, IX-A, X, and XI1 mis- sions. The times of vernier corrections were selected to be compatible with crew loading and the anticipated accuracy of the guidance system. Vernier corrections 12 and 24 min- utes after terminal-phase initiation allowed sufficient time for crew activities, such as system monitoring and platform alinement vhere necessary, but were close enough to prevent appreciable trajectory divergence.

The relatively low deceleration capability of the Gemini spacecraft (approximately 1 ft'sec2) dictated that closing velocity be reduced in several stages to enable the crew to devote proper attention to line-of-sight control. Early training simulations indicated that braking to a maximum closing rate of 40 f t 'sec at a range of 2.5 nautical miles, and then down to 5 to 10 ft/sec a t a range of 0.5 nautical mile, represented a simple and effi- cient schedule. . .

The separation altitude selection was a tradeoff between total propellant and sensi- tivity of time of arrival a t terminal-phase initiation to dispersions in' the catchup orbit. As previously discussed, there were advan- tages to certain sunlighting conditions dur- ing the terminal phase; and for a given error in the catchup orbit, the dispersion in arrival time decreased as separation altitude in- creased. However, propellant requirements for the terminal phase increased in propor- tion to differential altitude. (An altitude dif- ferential of 15 nautical miles was selected for Gemini VI-A.) As knowledge of lighting conditions was gained, and as the capability for ground tracking evolved, the altitude dif- ferential was varied (table 4-111).

Rendezvous in the First Orbit

The first-orbit rendezvous accomplished during the Gemini XI mission was more de- manding of onboard operations than previous rendezvous missions. The previous missions utilized several orbits of ground tracking and computation to eliminate the effects of in- sertion dispersions on the terminal-approach trajectory. Because of the very short time

available for the 'first-orbit rendezvous mis- sion, the multiorbit midcourse corrections and circular catchup orbit could not be used. As a result, the flight plan included onboard operations capable of absorbing the expected insertion dispersions in a relatively short time. The trajectory plan selected for the first-orbit rendezvous had a terminal ap- proach similar to the approach employed on the coelliptical rendezvous missions. How- ever, it appeared that insertion dispersions would radically affect this approach as shown in figure 4-6. Terminal-phase initiation oc- curred near the first spacecraft apogee with a 120" central angle of transfer.

In providing a capability for absorbing the insertion dispersions, several procedural methods were required which were not em- ployed on previous missions. At insertion, the horizontal and out-of-plane velocity changes were planned as usual. These corrections,. however, did not remove the trailing dis- placement error at first spacecraft apogee resulting from downrange and flight-path angle errors at insertion. This error could have had a serious effect on the terminal-ap- proach trajectory; to reduce the error, the pilot read (from the computer) the navi- gated downrange angle traveled a t insertion. From this angle, a required value of altitude rate was determined and compared with the

TPI - Terminal-phase initiation

i r i -

D i sper sed h i g y )

Nominal .. I

60 I I I I I 80 60 40 20 0 20

Trailing displacement, n. mi.


Behind + Ahead

FWURE 4-6.-First-orhit rendezvous trajectory.

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Insertion Velocity Adjust Routine AV, fps

actual altitude rate read from the computer. The velocity difference was applied along the local vertical to achieve an altitude rate resulting in the desired trailing displacement a t the terminal-phase initiation point. Al- though this correction required split-second timing on the part of the crew, it was very effective.

The second onboard-computed maneuver was an out-of-plane correction to be per- formed 90" after insertion. Since the maneu- ver a t insertion was to eliminate the out-of- plane velocity at that point, the node oc- curred 90" of orbit travel later. By observing the out-of-plane displacement a t insertion, the pilot computed the required maneuver. At the expected time of the node, the cor- rection was applied.

Although the .primary procedures for the terminal phase of the first-orbit rendezvous were similar to the procedures for previous rendezvous missions, the effect on the larger terminal-phase dispersions had a significant impact on the design of the backup and the monitoring procedures. The backup pro- cedures utilized measurements of range and line-of-sight angle changes over a fixed time interval. These measurements were used with flight charts to determine the velocity changes and the relative position of the spacecraft a t the time of the terminal-phase initiation maneuver. Gemini XI was the first mission to utilize a backup capability -" lor an out-of-plane correction a t terminal-phase ini- tiation. The correction reduced the disper- sions caused'by navigation errors during the earlier corrections.

Two vernier corrections were scheduled a t 12-minute intervals during the terminal

Plane change AV, Terminal-phase fPS initiation IV, Ips 1st vernier AV, fps Zd vernier AV, fps

---- -__ -__

transfer. The backup computation of these maneuvers was significantly different than for previous missions because the variation from the planned position of the spacecraft a t terminal-phase initiation was taken into account. For example, with a radar failure, the earlier charts assumed a planned range in computing the correction instead of using a predicted range based upon the actual spacecraft position a t terminal-phase initia- tion. The use of predicted values provided better accuracy for large dispersions. Table 4-V is a summary of the maneuvers for the first-orbit rendezvous.

39 forward 5 down 1 left

Rendezvous From Above the Target Vehicle

0 0 3 left

A re-rendezvous was conducted on the Gemini IX-A mission to simulate the trajec- tory of a Lunar Module following abort dur- ing powered descent. The trajectory was similar to that utilized on the fourth-orbit rendezvous mission except that the spacecraft approached the target from ahead and above. The procedures for rendezvous from above were very similar to the procedures for a fourth-orbit rendezvous : the only significant differences were in the backup measurements used in the event of a platform failure. Since the spacecraft approached the target from above, there was no star background during the terminal phase. As a result, the hand-held sextant would have been used to make angle measurements with respect to the Earth horizon. These measurements, like those with respect to the star background, required visual acquisition of the target.

A significant lesson was learned from the rendezvous from above ; the terminal-phase

TABLE 4-V.-Gemini X I Rendezvous Maneuvem

140 forward 27 down

5 left

1 forward 4 U P 4 right

1 forward


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Terminal-phase initiation AV, fps

- 19 forward 4 down 2 left

lighting conditions were more critical than for rendezvous from below. During the early Gemini IX-A mission planning, i t was de- cided that terminal-phase initiation should occur after sunset so that the flashing lights on the target vehicle could be used for visu- ally acquiring the vehicle against the dark Earth background. It was believed that sun- set was preferable to an early morning ter- minal-phase initiation, with acquisition using reflected sunlight (over- the-shoulder lighting) because of the bright Earth back- ground. However, during the Gemini IX-A flight, the nose shroud on the target vehicle (Augmented Target Docking Adapter) did not completely separate, and i t was believed that the acquisition lights located in the shroud region might not be visible. The time of terminal-phase initiation was then changed from after darkness to early morning to per- mit reflected light viewing. Actually, the tar- get was nut visible a t long range against the bright Earth background, and could not be tracked visually until the range had de- creased to 3 nautical miles. If the radar had failed during this exercise, terminal-phase corrkctions would not have been possible. Furthermore, the rapidly moving terrain background made control of the line of sight more difficult than with a star field or even with a dark Earth. This experience demon- strated the importance of terminal-phase lighting, and pointed out the value of the flashing acquisition lights as a backup to the radar for target tracking. A summary of the terminal-phase maneuvers for the rendezvous from above is shown in table P V I .

1st vernier AV, fps


4 aft 1 UP 5 left

TABLE &VI.-Terminal-Phase Maneuvers f o r Rendezvous from Above

2d vernier AV, fPS

2 forward 10 down 7 right

Rendezvous With B Passive Target

After the initial rendezvous on Gemini X, an exercise was undertaken to intercept the passive target vehicle that had been in orbit since the Gemini VI11 mission. This rendez- vous with a completely passive target pre- sented several unique problems, and was more demanding of the crew than any other terminal phase. For the exercise, there was no closed-loop guidance and no radar or ac- quisition lights ; the terminal-phase maneu- vers had to be based on backup charts and observation of the target in reflected sun- light. Approximately 27 minutes of favorable lighting time were available in each orbit (from about spacecraft noon until sunset) , and the entire terminal phase, including ar- rival dispersions, braking, and stabilizing position for formation flight through the night period, had to take place within about 108" of orbit travel. Position was maintained after darkness using the docking light on the spacecraft. as a source of illumination. The light had a cone angle of about 6" and was effective up to a distance of 300 feet. The short period of visibility indicated that orbit travel between the initiation and the finali- zation of the terminal phase would have to be reduced considerably from the 130" used on previous rendezvous. An orbit travel of 80" and a differential altitude of 7 nautical miles were selected. The terminal-phase tra- jectory is shown in figure 4-7. This combina- tion had several advantages in addition to a

c- -In2 - - m .-

- .- Terminal-phase

3 c 6 - initiation,, .- c

I I 1 I I I I

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Behind+

Trailing distance, n. mi.

FIGURE I-'l.-Passive target rendezvous trajectory.

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short terminal phase. The 80" orbit travel intercept was a relatively high-energy trans- fer trajectory and, therefore, was less sensi- tive to initial-condition dispersions and errors in maneuvers. This was particularly significant because no vernier corrections could be calculated along the line of sight without radar information. Second, the re- duced differential altitude assisted 'vis- ual acquisition and, combined with the 80" terminal phase, resulted in closing rates about the same level as the 130" intercept with lbnautical-mile separation. Thus, simi- lar braking schedules could be used on both rendezvous planned for the mission. The time factor was extremely critical during the braking maneuver ; at sunset, all visual con- tact would suddenly be lost beyond the range of the docking light. Because of the time- critical nature of the exercise, the flight charts included the capability to perform terminal-phase initiation for a range of ele- vation angles covering a time period of 10 minutes on either side of the nominal. The plan was based upon the nominal elevation angle being used if term:nal-phase initiation occurred between visual acquisition and 25 minutes before sunset. A solution was sent from the ground in case visual acquisition occurred too late for an onboard solution.

Stable Orbit Rendezvous

During the Gemini XI flight, a small posi- grade separation maneuver was made, fol- lowed later by a retrograde maneuver of the same magnitude. The purpose of these ground-computed maneuvers was to estab- lish a trailing position about 25 nautical miles behind the target vehicle and in the same orbit. This location enabled the crew to perform experiments and to sleep while maintaining a position for a simple, economi- cal re-rendezvous. Since the re-rendezvous was initiated from a point in equilibrium relative to the target, the plan was called the Stable Orbit Plan. The maneuver to transfer from the stable orbit to an intercept trajec- tory was sent from the ground, and was

based on the ground track of the spacecraft during the crew sleep period. A terminal- phase trajectory covering 292" was selected, resulting in an elevation time history identi- cal to the familiar 130" transfer. Thus, the backup charts from a previous mission could be used for trajectory monitoring. The radar was not operative during this exercise ; therefore, onboard corrections along the line of sight were not possible. However, an up/ down vernier correction of zero was calcu- lated, which agreed with the up down component of the ground solution. The ground-computed maneuver was applied, and braking was accomplished while track- ing the target vehicle in reflected sunlight.


The Gemini experience has led to a num- ber of significant conclusions with respect to onboard rendezvous operations.

( 1 ) The extensive participation of the flight .crew in rendezvous operations is feas- ible. They are capable of directing the pri- mary operations of the guidance system and of performing certain phases of the mission without the guidance system. In addition, they can detect and identify system malfunc- tions and take action to assure the success of the mission.

( 2 ) The crew can monitor the perform- ance of the guidance and navigation system, and determine and accomplish all rendezvous maneuvers with the following basic flight in- formation: ( a ) range to the target, ( b ) range rate, ( c ) body-attitude angles meas- ured from horizontal in-plane references. and ( d ) means for tracking the target (visual or radar).

(3 ) Fliaht charts can be developed which provide the crew with the ability to compute solutions for the terminal maneuvers in spite of an inoperative guidance-equipment com- ponent. These charts can be macle simple to use and can provide accuracies comparable to the primary system.

(4) The onboard operations c;m be simpli- fied by the proper selection of approach tra-

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j ectories and lighting conditions. A terminal approach is desirable, which is insensitive to trajectory dispersions and equipment errors. The lighting conditions determine the visi- bility of the target vehicle and the s tar back- ground, thus affecting backup procedures.

( 5 ) Visibility through the spacecraft win- dow is an important consideration in termi- nal-phase rendezvous operations. Visual

tracking of the target is a backup to the radar, and the s tar background is a valuable aid for maintaining a collision course in the braking phase.

(6) A comprehensive program of proce- dural planning, evaluation, and training is necessary to the success of the mission. Man- in-the-loop simulation is an important par t of crew training.

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By HOMER W. DOTTS. Deputy Manager, O.@ce 01 Spacecraft Marragemertt, Gemini Program Ofice, N A S A Manned Spacecraft Center; ROGER K. NOLTING, Dynamics Eirgineer. McDonnell Aircraft Corp. ; WIL- BURNE F. HOYLER, Ofice of Spacecraft Management. Gemini Program Ofice, VASA lk'anned Space- craft Center; J O H N R. HAVEY, Aerodynamics Group Emqineer, McDonnell Aircraft Corp.; THOMAS F. CARTER. JR.. Mission Planninp and Analysis Division. W A S A i? Sprccecmtl Cenler : r i n d ROBERT T. JOHNSON, Chief Systems Engineer, Gemini Agerta, Locliheed Missiles R- Space Co.


In addition to a successful rendezvous be- tween the Gemini spacecraft and the target vehicle, one of the primary objectives of the Gemini Program was to accomplish a dock- ing maneuver to join the two vehicles as a single spacecraft configuration. The next ob- jective was to evaluate the characteristics of the control system on each vehicle in con- trolling the combined vehicle. A further goal was the use of the Primary Propulsion Sys- tem of the target vehicle to enlarge the manned spacecraft maneuvering capability. These objectives were all determined feasible, and this paper will describe the implemen- tation of the plan and the achievement of the successf u 1 results.


Development of the Docking System

The initial effort in the development of the Gemini docking system was the evaluation of the numerous classical concepts and also of the designs generated during the various studies (fig. 5-1). Each concept raised new questions which had to be studied and re- solved. Should the vehicles come together on a collision course or a noncollision course? Should the front end or a f t end of the space- craft be joined to the target vehicle? What differential velocities, mismatch angles, and distances should be considered ? How could structural continuity, capable of withstand-

ing orbital maneuvering dynamics, be achieved? How should the propulsion system on the target vehicle be controlled? How could positive separation of the spacecraft from the target vehicle be guaranteed? How could remotely actuated structural attach- ments be provided on the spacecraft without disturbing the reentry heat-protection con- figuration ?

By systematic evaluation, it was concluded that the docking maneuver must be made with the spacecraft facing the target vehicle, so that the flight crew could adequately con- trol the differential impact velocities and at- titudes. This was not the best configuration for orbital maneuvering because of the backward acceleration of the crew, and be- cause the structural arrangement was stress limited in the middle. However, these consid-

I Collision course I Noncollision course

Probe and d r o g u e w

FIGURE 5-l.-Gemini docking concepts.


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erations were secondary when compared with the advantage gained by providing a full view of the target vehicle prior to and after dock- ing. With this advantage, impact velocities and attitudes became reasonable values and were determined through simulation exer- cises. Also, implementation of all target-ve- hicle control and status display and electrical disconnects was simplified ; however, the structural mechanical attachment was some- what more complicated because of limited bending stiffness.

The evolution from concept to design and the analysis of results from further simula- tions resulted in the following design cri- teria: closing velocity of 1.5 ft'sec, angular misalinement of lo'.', and centerline displace- ment of 1 foot with the requirement for multiple docking capability.

TarKrt Dockin* Adapter

A general arrangement of the selected con- figuration is shown in figure 5-2. The se- lected collision-course maneuver was similar to a jet pilot's experience in refueling opera- tions, was the simplest design approach, and was acceptable from a control and safety standpoint. For similar reasons, the probe and drogue design was chosen and a docking bar was installed to provide the indexing

Approach \- Discharge fin+

FIGURE &2.-Docking and rigidizinp sequence.

feature. The electrical and the primary me- chanical power devices were installed on the target vehicle because this vehicle was less weight critical than was the spacecraft.

The prime contractor for the spacecraft was selected to manufacture the docking adapter to be mounted on the target vehicle. An interface plane was chosen so that the adapter contained all equipment directly as- sociated with docking. Only electric power, telemetry data, and command system signals crossed the interface. A simple butt joint, consisting of mating skin-former angles and tension bolts, provided easy attachment of the docking adapter to the target vehicle.

The final docking approach (fig. 5-2) was entirely visual, with the target vehicle pow- ered up and stabilized. Visual cues were pro- vided to indicate the status of the target vehicle for nighttime as well as daylight docking. Docking was accomplished when three latches in the target-vehicle docking cone engaged corresponding fittings on the spacecraft. Engagement of the latches com- pleted a circuit that automatically secured the cone against the rigid structure ; this was the rigidized mode. Undocking was the re- verse of this procedure, with provisions for emergency undocking furnished by pyro- technic devices which would dislodge the three spacecraft fittings.

Figure 5-3 shows some of the major com- ponents of the Target Docking Adapter. Seven dampers were clustered a t three loca- tions and damped relative motion in all three axes ; they also returned the cone to the ready configuration. A small electric motor pro- vided the power to retract the cone by means of a torsion cable drive to three-gear motors which operated the overcenter bellcrank and linkage devices. Final motion caused the latches to close down on the spacecraft fit- tings, effecting a rigid connection. Undocking was simply a reversal of this sequence. Some of the other major components were the tar- get-vehicle status display indicators, acquisi- tion lights, and spiral and dipole antennas.

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Acquisition light

Dipole antenna* :, 5 s

1, Spiral antenna

,;Target vehicle status ,// display indicators

Spiral antenna

FIGURE =.-Target Docking Adapter assembly.

Characteristics ut' the Docking System

The basic characteristics of the docking system were determined with a simple 2- degree-of-freedom model (fig. 5-4 ) . By ap- plying the conservation of momentum and energy laws, the energy absorbed by the docking system to provide for an inelastic impact is shown to be

(1) where

and V,, is the initial relative velocity between vehicles, M, is the spacecraft mass, and M , is the target-vehicle mass. Roughly, the ratio of masses for spacecraft and target vehicle is 1; therefore, about half of the kinetic energy associated with the relative motion of the vehicles must be absorbed. For a typical

x,-0 *" I

,&q& Before impact o

' -v I

After impact I

1 I I I I I I I I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Mass ratio, M,IM,

FIGURE 5-4.-Two-degree-of -freedom energy requirements.

closing velocity of 0.5 ft/sec, the system would absorb only about 15 ft-lb of energy.

The 2-degree-of-freedom model also deter- mined the type of shock absorbers that should be used. The following design objectives were utilized : (1) minimum peak load, (2) mini- mum rebound characteristics; (3 ) reusa- bility, and ( 4 ) maximum reliability. Con- sequently, the 'longitudinal members con- sisted of a spring for reusability and relia- bility. and of an orifice damper in parallel. The spring and the instroke orifice sizes were matched to produce minimum peak load on the instroke. On the outstroke, the damper fluid was metered through a much smaller orifice which minimized rebound. Since the longitudinal springs were sufficient to return the docking cone to the extended position, springs were not necessary in the lateral members.

After the basic design of the shock ab- sorber had been determined, the analytical study was extended to include all the 8 de- grees of freedom of a pitch-plane rigid-body system, consistent with the constraint of the spacecraft being- in contact with the target- vehicle docking cone. The 8 degrees of free- dom included the following :

( 1) Target-vehicle horizontal translation, vertical translation, and pitch

(2) Docking-cone horizontal translation, vertical translation, and pitch

(3) Spacecraft pitch and translation along the surface of the docking cone

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Initially, no control-system effects were in- cluded. This model permitted detailed investi- gation of the forces and motions which oc- curred during free docking.

Figure 5-5 presents a set of typical re- sponse parameters plotted against time for the case of the spacecraft impacting the docking cone with a horizontal relative-ve- locity component of 1.5 ft/sec and a vertical relative-velocity component of 0.5 ftlsec, the design-limit velocities. The initial point of impact a t time 0 is near the leading edge of the top inner surface of the docking cone, 26 inches along the docking-cone surface from the latch plane. The motion of the space- craft-leading edge down the cone surface to the latch plane is represented by the curve labeled D. The force F between vehicles varies from a peak of nearly 300 pounds for this case, to a small grazing valde after about 0.4 second. The figure also shows the inertial angular rates produced by F for each vehicle; these rates were initially zero. At about 1.5 seconds the spacecraft reaches the base of the docking cone, and the mathemati- cal model no longer applies. The impact essentially has 2-degree-of-freedom charac- teristics after this point. The damper strokes are not shown on the figure but are available

0 0 .a .a 1.2 .a .a 1.2 1.6 .. . Time, sec

FIGURE 5-5.-Typical response with stabilization systems off. Initial conditions : horizontal ve- locity = 1.5 ft/sec; vertical velocity = 0.5 ft/sec; D = distance traveled by spacecraft leading edge along the dockina cone ; 8 Q = spacecraft inertial angular rate; 8 A = target-vehicle inertial angular rate; F = force between the spacecraft and target vehicle.

from the program. The maximum single- point contact load between the vehicles was determined to be approximately 800 pounds, and occurred when the spacecraft impacted on the bottom side of the docking cone ap- proximately 1 foot from the latch plane.

Figure 5-6 shows the effect of having the stabilization systems of both vehicles on dur- ing docking. This case has the same initial conditions as the previous case when the stabilization systems were off. The main dif- ference in vehicle response between the two cases is that the spacecraft attitude rate is now reduced to the 0.2 deg/sec deadband level instead of maintaining the 3.5 deg./sec level shown in figure 5-5. The target vehicle, on the other hand, acquires a slightly higher attitude rate with the systems on. The higher rate occurs because the spacecraft system is the more powerful and, in stabilizing the spacecraft, i t overpowers the stabilization attempts of the target-vehicle system. Conse- quently, by the time the spacecraft reaches the latch plane, larger angular eccentricities between the vehicles result with the stabili- zation systems on rather than off and assum- ing the same errors at initial contact. This becomes less important when the ease with which the pilot can control initial errors in


ea- P

ai v d

, " B

.- c u



Time, sec

FIGURE 5-6.-Typical response with stabilization sys- tems on. Initial conditions : horizontal velocity = 1.5 ft/sec; vertical velocity = 0.5 ft/sec; D = dis- tance traveled by spacecraft leading edge along the docking cone; 80 = spacecraft inertial angular rate; 8 , = target-vehicle inertial angular rate; F = force between the spacecraft and target ve- hicle.

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the stabilized mode is compared with the un- stabilized mode. Simulator training showed better pilot control when docking in the spacecraft rate-damping mode (the stabi- lized case) than in the direct mode (the unstabilized case).

While the 8-degree-of-freedom study was being made, a docking test was conducted with a lh-scale dynamic model. The objec- tives were to confirm the design of the dock- ing system by providing the following information :

(1) Stability of the shock-absorbing modes

(2) Maximum loads in shock-absorbing system components

(3) Time histories of the accelerations of each vehicle in all rigid-body 6 degrees of freedom

(4) Angular and linear misalinement lim- iting values for latching the two vehicles

(5) Adequacy of the proposed spring and damper characteristics of the shock-absorb- ing system

(6) Adequacy of the mathematical model used in the analytical studies Each vehicle was represented by a %-scale model with a rigid-body mass and moment- of-inertia simulation. Other scale factors used in designing the models are listed in table 5-1.

The kinematics of the model's shock-at- tenuation system closely duplicated the kine- matics of the full-scale system, and the springs and dampers were dynamically scaled. The docking-cone surface was coated with the same dry-film lubricant planned for use on the full-scale system; similarly, the leading edge of the Rendezvous and Recov- ery Section of the spacecraft model was cov- ered with a layer of fiber glass.

' Each model was supported at the center of gravity by a low-friction gimbal device sus- pended by a 30-foot cable from a zero spring- rate mechanism. The device provided each model with the rigid-body 6 degrees of free-

TABLE 5-I.-Docking Model Scale Factors I ~ Scale factor,

Parameter i model/prototype

Assigned : ~

Length ....................................... i Time I

............................................ Mass

Velocity ..................................... ~

Acceleration ............................... Spring rate ............................... , Kinetic friction I

Preload force ............................. Moment of inertia ................... Angular velocity ........................ Angular acceleration ............... ' Velocity-squared damp


i Derived :


constant. ~

1/4 1/4 m o o 1/1 4/1 4/25 1/25 1/25 1/1600 4/1 16/1


dom required for simulating the orbital condition.

The tests confirmed the docking-system de- sign in every aspect. The 8-degree-of-f reedom analytical model was verified. This was de- sirable before the equations of motion were extended to include the stabilization systems of the vehicles, since a model test with active stabilization systems was not practical. The test indicated that angular eccentricities be- tween the vehicles of about 5" a t the latch plane would permit automatic latch.

The final development test of the docking system was a full-scale test using a Target Docking Adapter and a spacecraft Rendez- vous and Recovery Section of the normal pro- duction configurations. The test setup was similar to the 1h-scale test except that zero spring-rate suspension mechanisms were not used. Each vehicle was suspended as a simple pendulum 57 feet in length, the maximum working height available. Also, the Target Docking Adapter contained an operational rigidizing mechanism which automatically actuated when all three docking-cone latches engaged the spacecraft. All systems per- formed satisfactorily during the test and favorably agreed with previous analytical and 1/k-scale-model studies.

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Design Considerations for Maneuvering the Docked Vehicle

During maneuvers, the critical loading condition on the docked vehicle was the bend- ing moment a t the spacecraft/targebvehicle latch joint. Two separate conditions pro- duced design-limit loads. The first was the target-vehicle Primary Propulsion System engine performing a hard-over gimbal mo- tion and remaining in the hard-over position. This malfunction produced the maximum bending moment a t the latch joint, 117 500 inch-pounds. The bending moment, combined with the associated axial load of 11 000 pounds due to engine thrust, defined the de- sign-limit load for the compression load paths of the docking:adapter structure and also for some stringer structure in the spacecraft Rendezvous and Recovery Section.

The second design condition resulted from terminating the Primary Propulsion System thrust a t various times after initiation of the hard-over movement, and then. determining the- thrust termination time that yielded maximum bending a t the latch joint with thrust completely terminated. The maximum bending moment (97 000 inch-pounds) with no accompanying axial load defined the de- sign-limit load for the tension linkages in the

Using the test setup shown in figure 5-7, the Target Docking Adapter and the space- craft Rendezvous and Recovery Section were qualified for ultimate load levels correspond- ing to the limit loads previously described. Instead of the usual 1.36 factor of safety for defining ultimate loads from limit loads, a factor of 1.5 was employed to account for the possible use of heavier spacecraft later in the Gemini Program.

A bending moment was applied in incre- ments from 10 percent to ultimate about the horizontal axis, so that the bottom docking latch was placed in tension ; no axial load was applied. The loading qualified the tensioii linkages in the dockir --adapter mooring structure.

'. mooring structure.

FIGURE 5-'7.-Maneuvering loads qualification test.

Starting from zero loading, limit axial and shear loads were applied. Limit bending mo- ment was applied, in increments of 10 per- cent, about the horizontal axis to place the bottom docking fitting in compression. The axial and shear loads were then increased to ultimate levels. Finally, the bending moment was increased to failure. Failure, in the form of buckling of two stringers adjacent to the bottom docking fitting on the spacecraft Ren- dezvous .and Recovery Section, occurred a t 227 percent of limit bending moment. This loading qualified the compression load paths of the Target Docking Adapter and the Ren- dezvous and Recovery Section.

Considering that the Gemini spacecraft would be a rather awkward payload for an Agena, it was reasonable to expect that the original Agena control system might be un- satisfactory. Based upon an initial estimate of 5 cycles per second for the first body bend-

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ing frequency of the moored configuration, stability studies indicated that an inadequate gain margin existed in this mode. The Agena autopilot system was modified by adding a 5-cycle-per-second attenuation filter to the electrical compensation networks. Later esti- mates, however, indicated that the actual first bending frequency was considerably lower than the estimated 5 cycles per second and was closer to 3 cycles per second. This seriously affected the performance of the newly designed control system.

As shown in figure 5-8, the new control system failed to provide a minimum desir- able gain margin of 6-dB and 25" phase mar- gin in the dominant rigid-body mode for the applicable damping values of the first bend- ing mode of the system. As computed here, gain margin is 10 times the common loga- rithm of the ratio of the upper critical gain to the lower; that is, a ratio of 4 gives 6 dB. The upper critical gain corresponded to in- stability of the first bending mode, and the lower gain corresponded to rigid-body in-

- stability. The clashed portions of the figure are extrapolated values obtained from the actual damping regime that was studied. To improve the gain margin available, the con- trol system was modified by altering the con- figuration of the lead-lag network to accommodate the 3-cycle-per-second first bending frequency. The gain margins were significantly increased.

To determine the structural dynamic char- acteristics of the docked configuration, a

16 r

/*-- /--- U /-- Modified control system c */ .-

Minimum desirable gain margin.. c

Standard control s y s t e m y - - -


1 I I 1 I I I 1 0 .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

First bending mode damping ratio, percent

ground vibration test was conducted using the test setup shown in figure 5-9. The space- craft was moored to a Target Docking Adapter bolted to a target-vehicle forward auxiliary rack that was cantilevered from the laboratory floor. Data from this cantilevered configuration were then related to the actual spacecraft /target-vehicle free-free configura- tion, which could not be conveniently simu- lated in the laboratory. Various axial load and clocking-adapter bending-moment condi- tions were simulated to correspond with in- puts from the target-vehicle Primary Propulsion System. The data of primary im- portance were those needed in the Primary Propulsion System stability study-minimum first bending-mode frequency and damping, and maximum cross-axis coupling. The mini- mum first free-free bending-mode frequency was determined to be 3.3 cycles per second. The damping ratio (C'C, . ) of the first mode varied considerab!y with test conditions from

FIGURE 5-8.-Primary Propulsion System stability FIGURE 5-X-Moored configuration ground vibration study. test.

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3 (Ambient temperature )

a minimum of nearly 3 percent to a maxi- mum of almost 5 percent. A minimum damp- ing ratio of 2.34 percent was used in the study to account for possible high-tempera- ture effects on the docking-adapter dampers. The cross-axis response in the test configura- tion was frequently 50 percent of the in-axis response, indicating that spring coupiing coefficients of 3 to 6 percent should be in- cluded in the stability study equations of motion. Inclusion of the spring coupling effect in the study showed it to be only slightly destabilizing ; this effect is included in figure 5-8.

' coefficient, percent

3 to 6

Inflight Bending-Mode Test

When i t became apparent that the original Agena control system was going to perform marginally during the docked Primary Pro- pulsion System firings, a simple test was de- vised to determine inflight values of the first bending-mode frequency, damping, and cross-axis coupling. Determination of these parameters under actual flight conditions would have increased the confidence in the gain margins for this system (fig. 5-8). When the decision was made to replace the standard control system with a modified sys- tem, the inflight bending-mode test was re- tained in the flight plan as a final check on the docked configuration structural param- eters.

The test was performed during the Gemini X mission. After the spacecraft and target vehicle were docked and rigidized, the com- mand pilot fired a pair of spacecraft pitch- plane attitude thrusters for 3 seconds; this was immediately followed by a 3-second fir- ing of the opposing pair of pitch-plane thrusters. The procedure produced three separate sets of vibrational motions for the first bending mode of the vehicles. Each set contained about 10 cycles. The same pro- cedure was repeated in the yaw plane of the docked vehicles. Accelerometers having full- scale values of 0.02g were located in the spacecraft adapter section to sense the vibra-

tions. The accelerometer signals were trans- mitted through the spacecraft telemetry system to a ground network station. The net- work station relayed the signals, in real time, to the Manned Spacecraft Center where the data were evaluated prior to the first firing of the target-vehicle Primary Propulsion System.

Table 5-11 compares the inflight test data with corresponding data from the cantilever ground test. The first bending-mode fre- quency was 4 cycles per second and was about 10 percent higher than the frequency indi- cated from the ground test at corresponding amplitudes of vibration. Due to the thrusters firing, the moored vehicle was bent through an angle of 1 minute a t the docking-adapter latch. The observed damping ratios varied from approximately 4.5 to 6.5 percent and were considerably higher than the ground- test value of about 3 percent. The differences could have been caused by low temperatures that sharply increased the contribution of the dampers to the total damping of the first bending mode. The temperature of the dampers was unknown. Cross-axis coupling was evident and was approximately the same level as indicated in the ground test. Since all measured values of frequency and damp- ing were higher than the predicted values, and cross coupling was equal to the predicted values, the configuration was considered safe for maneuvers using the target-vehicle Pri- mary Propulsion System.

TABLE 5-II.--Comparison of Inflight Data With Ground-Test Data

I I I I i

I I Frequency, ' Ground

I Inflight I 4.0 I 4.6 to 6.5 I p 3 t 0 6


i 1 (Temperature I unknown) I I

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Target-Docking Simulatioiie and Training

The next evaluation of the target-docking systems was simulator training by the flight crews to develop proficiency for the docking and docked maneuvering phases of the actual flight. The first training phase was performed on the Translational and Docking Simulator which provided a full-scale simulation of close-in formation flying and docking maneu- vers.

Differences' in orbit-plane positions be- tween the two vehicles were provided by lateral translation of the spacecraft mockup. A displacement of 22 feet either side of the center position was available. Differences in orbit altitude were represented by the verti- cal movement of the target-vehicle mockup with a total displacement capability of 33 feet. Closing or opening rates were simu- lated by moving the target vehicle toward or away from the spacecraft along a 125-foot horizontal track. Docking, latching, and rigidizing were accomplished with hardware similar to that to be used on the flight ve- hicle. Relative attitudes of both vehicles were provided by the ability of the spacecraft to move in all three axes: 45" to either side in yaw. 45' to either side in roll, and 40 down and 50- up in pitch.

The realism of the docking simulator was successfully demonstrated by comparing the conditions observed through the window of the trainer with those observed during the

the systems in the target vehicle, and of the mooring system of the Target Docking Adapter. Visual observation of the target- vehicle status display (fig. 5-10), located above the docking cone, provided this infor- mation. Figure 5-10 shows a normal system condition as observed before docking. Green DOCK and PWR lights indicate that the mooring system is satisfactory for docking. The target-vehicle systems are verified by the green MAIN light, indicating that the hy- draulic system pressure and the differential pressure between fuel and oxidizer are nor- mal; by the green SEC HI and SEC LO lights, indicating that the Secondary Propul- sion System is in a satisfactory condition; and by the green ATT light indicating that the target-vehicle colcl-gas attitude system is activated. Upon clocking, the green DOCK light is deenergized; when the vehicles are rigidized a green RIGID light is observed.

The second training phase was directed toward utilizing the target-vehicle systems, principally for attitude and translational maneuvers of the combined vehicles. This training was performed on the Gemini Mis- sion Simulator a t the Manned Spacecraft Center. The flight-crew control of the target vehicle and of the mooring system was through the encoder and docking-adapter controls, as illustrated on the spacecraft in- strument display in figure 5-11. The docking- adapter controls on the center control panel

actual flights. The simulated closing and docking sequence started from a position slightly left of and below the target vehicle. The command pilot first maneuvered the spacecraft to aline the two vehicles, then translated forward with a relative velocity of approximately 1 ft,;sec. The docking cone and docking bar adjusted for small aline- ment errors a t impact and the docking cone absorbed the impact loads. After impact oscillations were damped, the spacecraft and target-vehicle mockups were rigidized and prepared for combined maneuvers.

Another part of the docking training was crew recognition of the status and safety of FIGURE 5-10.-Tar~etet-vchicle status display panel.

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041 471 371 271 201


Record da ta Attitude Control System gain high, docked Atti tude Control System pressure high Power relay reset Agena s ta tus display on bright

Docking Adapter

Encoder v H2 control * U T O I P u L S E

FIGURE 5-11.-Spacecraft instrument display.

were utilized for backup to the automatic rigidizing sequence and encoder-commanded unrigidizing signal. The crew used the en- coder (located below the right-switch/cir- cuit-breaker panel) to send commands to the target-vehicle propulsion, guidance, and

electrical power systems. Approximately 100 commands could be sent to the target vehicle, and the sequence of the commands was sig- nificant.; consequently, this phase of training was a major task.

Table 5-111 shows an example of the se- quence of commands required to perform a posigrade maneuver with the Primary Pro- pulsion System. Before this sequence could be initiated, the spacecraft had to be con- figured for the maneuver. The spacecraft and target vehicle were then maneuvered to the proper heading ; the Attitude Control System was adjusted for a Primary Propulsion Sys- tem firing and for the desired velocity input ; and the engine was activated. Sixteen seconds after the command to fire the Primary Pro- pulsion System, the Secondary Propulsion System fired to establish the proper ullage configuration. The Primary Propulsion Sys- tem initiate would not occur until 84 seconds after the PPS ON command, with automatic

TABLE &III.-Posigrade Maneuvey With the Primary Propulsion SzJstem

Spacecraft I commandno. , Command title Function

361 310


Time = translation minus 30 min

' 460 310

370 460 271

Time = translation minus 3 min

Geocentric ra te normal Roll horizon sensor to yaw Inertial Reference Package ON HoGzon sensor to yaw In phase

Attitude Control System gain low Roll horizon sensor to yaw Inertial Reference Package ON .

Attitude Control System pressure low Attitude deadband narrow Power relay reset

Establish proper heading fo r posi- grade maneuver

Establish necessary attitude con- trol for Primary Propulsion Sys- ter firing

Final system commands to lockout Target Docking Adapter, and prepare s ta tus display panel

I - I

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TABLE 5-III.-Posigrade Maneuver With the Primamj Propulsion System-Concluded I

Spacecraft 1 command no. Command title Function


Time = translation time

501 1 Primary ~ropulsion System ON I

i I Secondary Propulsion System ON

I Time = translation plus 16 sec

occurs I

Primary Propulsion System ini- Time = translation plus 84 sec tiate occurs


When inertial velocity indicator zeros: ENGINE, STOP Primary Propulsion System shut-

down, backup to automatic shut- i down i

Time = end of translation plus 2 sec

500 I Primary Propulsion System cutoff ' Disable the Primary Propulsion 460 1 Attitude Control System gain low System and reset attitude con- 370 451 271 Power relay reset I

1 Attitude Control System pressure low trol for nonthrusting operation Attitude Control System deadband wide

shutdown occurring after the desired velocity was achieved. A backup to the engine shut- down was performed by the flight crew by placing the engine switch to STOP. After shutdown the Primary Propulsion System was deactivated and the Attitude Control System was transferred to a nonthrusting configuration.

Crew training for the rendezvous and docking portions of the Gemini X, XI, and XI1 missions consumed an average of 89 hours per mission. This time would be ap- proximately doubled if i t included the docked maneuvering simulation training a t Kennedy Space Center.

Docking and Undocking Flight Experience

Actual flight experience with docking and undocking of the spacecraft and target ve- hicle demonstrated that the design was sound, that testing had been adequate, and that crew training had provided a high de-

gree of proficiency. Gemini VI11 was the first mission in which a Gemini Agena Target Vehicle was placed in orbit. After a success- ful rendezvous and final station keeping, the following events occurred. The spacecraft was maneuvered to a position directly in line with the Target Docking Adapter at a dis- tance of approximately 3 feet. The spacecraft attitude control system was in the rate com- mand mode. After the command pilot had in- spected the status panel, the docking cone, and the latches, he initiated the final ap- proach by firing the aft-firing maneuver en- gines. Contact occurred with less than 2 inches of linear displacement, and with very little angular misalinement a t a velocity of about :y$ ft/sec. Onboard sequence pictures of the event show a smooth operation with no evident reaction by the target vehicle. The latches appeared to engage immediately, fol- lowed by cone retraction and illumination of the rigid light. The Target Docking Adapter data indicate accelerations less than l g

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peak-to-peak in the horizontal and vertical axes, and less than 1/lzg in the longitudinal axis. About '12 hour later, a spacecraft atti- tude-control problem caused an unscheduled emergency undocking. Although the com- bined vehicle rates a t this time were 3 deg/ sec in pitch, 2.5 deg/sec in yaw, and 5 deg/ sec in roll, the undocking was smooth and orderly.

With one minor exception, all docking and undocking operations during the Gemini X, XI, and XI1 missions were equally smooth and uneventful. The exception was the second docking during Gemini XII. Flight-crew ob- servations, onboard sequence pictures, and telemetry data indicate that the following probably occurred during this docking. Final approach of the spacecraft to the Target Docking Adapter was a t a low velocity, and the point of contact was somewhat low. These factors caused the bottom docking latch to engage: however, the relative motion be- tween the two vehicles stopped and the upper two latches did not engage. Sensing this, the command pilot immediately fired the aft- firing engines : but because the two vehicles were in contact, the thrust was insufficient to complete the dock. After about 40 seconds of unsuccessful maneuvers, a pitchup maneuver coupled with forward-firing engines caused successful separation. This condition had been encountered during tests and i t was recognized that it could occur in flight; how- ever, tests demonstrated that maneuvers, such as successfully employed in this case, would either separate the vehicles or would complete the dock, and no design changes were made.

An unexplained anomaly occurred after the second undocking maneuver during the Gemini XI mission. The undocking was ac- complished by direct hardline signal from the spacecraft. Postseparation telemetry data in- dicated that the latches of the Target Dock- ing Adapter had not reset; this was con- firmed by crew observation. The crew re- cycled the unrigidized sequence usinrr 3 radiofrequency command, and proper re setting followed. No further difficultie~ oc-

curred but the hardline command was not used for the remaining undockings on this flight.

On all missions, while in the docked con- figuration, attitude control was excellent when using the various modes provided by both vehicles. Spacecraft rate command was used for random maneuvers when relatively fast operation was desired ; very precise, but slow, cardinal-heading changes were made using the target-vehicle gyrocompassing ma- neuver. Spacecraft fixed-attitude control modes, such as platform or platform with orbital rate, provided good general control of the vehicles. However, for very precise pointing of the docked vehicles such as was required during photography, the target- vehicle Attitude Control System in the iner- tial mode was f a r superior to anything ob- tainable from the spacecraft systems. Be- cause of the constant need to conserve space- craft propellants for later phases of the mis- sions, the target-vehicle control system was used whenever possible. . One of the most exciting aspects of the entire Gemini Program, and the primary rea- son for rendezvous and docking, was the capability to utilize the target-vehicle pro- pulsion systems to greatly increase the maneuvering potential of the manned ve- hicle. This capability was not exercised on Gemini VI11 because of the spacecraft con- trol problem However, Gemini X made very good use of this capability. First, as previ- ously stat.-rl. an inflight test was performed to assurc that the dynamic characteristics of the docked configuration would permit safe use of the target-vehicle Primary Propulsion System. Three Primary Propulsion System maneuvers and three Secondary Propulsion System maneuvers were performed on Gemini X. The maneuvers were all part of 1114 highly successful and spectacular dual rendavous of the docked vehicles with the Gemini VI11 passive target vehicle which had been in orbit 4 months. Table 5-IV outlines the purposes of these maneuvers, the in- creased velocities realized, and the resulting orbital changes. It should be noted that the

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orhit apqgee ' perigee, n. mi.


actual velocities gained during the Gemini X firings were greater than the command val- ues. The error was caused by a characteristic of the target-vehicle velocity meter that al- lowed velocity errors to build up when the meter was activated for relatively long periods (4 minutes) of time prior to a firing. On subsequent flights, the velocity meter was activated only 20 seconds prior to a firing and was set with a positive null torque instead of a negative value.

The modified lead/lag stabilizing networks of the target vehicle were first utilized in the Gemini VI11 mission. Larger-than-expected initial yaw-attitude transients were noted during the undocked Primary Propulsion System firings. The transients, in conjunc- tion with the slow response of the autopilot, were directly related to the offset angle be- tween the vehicle center of gravity and the geometric alinement axes measured from the engine gimbal point. Relatively large vehicle displacements and rates were required to position the engine so that the thrust vector would pass through the center of Eravity.


Primary Propulsion

The vehicle excursions represent the normal control-loop linear response in the presence of center-of-gravity offsets. A typical atti- tude response is presented in figure 5-12. The target vehicle for the Gemini VI11 mission had particularly large yaw center-of-gravity offsets because running light batteries were added to assist in-orbit visual sighting by the flight crew. In-plane and out-of-plane velocity errors resulted from attitude transients caused by Primary Propulsion System firing and from affected orbital maneuvering accu- racies.

On missions subsequent to Gemini VIII. the center-of-gravity offset problem was minimized by adding ballasts on the target vehicle to locate the center of gravity a t the approximate intersection of the lateral geo- metric alinement axes. Offsets were reduced to within alinement and center-of-gravity location uncertainties of the system. From target-vehicle insertion firing data, the mag- nitude of the heading errors resulting from alinement uncertainties could be approxi- mated to provide inflight programing correc-

___ - .-_._

7 ::ix :34 -[ 13

TABLE 5-IV.-Dockcd Manewers D W n g Gerni/ri X


Phase adjust, N ~ A I

Height adjust, N C A Z

Circularization, N nR

Phase adjust, N ci

Plane change, N P r

Phase adjust. N ci


Propulsion System

Propulsion System

Secondary Propulsion System

Secondary Propulsion System

Secondary Propulsion System



I '70:20:1? i

~ 22:37:06

22:4.5:36 i I i 11:04:26 I i ! 41::15:50

Desired velocity.


-. . .



: 0 7.7 I I

18 i 14.8

Actual velocity.

ft :set

- -







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Initiation of maneuver Length of

Effect of maneuver ground elapsed firing, time, hr:min:sec sec

-- __--__--- __ - - - -


g 6 m

__- -

Desired Actual Resulting orbit velocity, velocity, apogee/perigee,

It /sec ft /sec n. mi. _- -

As full engine operation was reached, visible light was almost completely extinguished. Upon termination of the firing, the engine tailoff produced a display as spectacular as the ignition phase.

Plane change Raise apogee Lower apogee

V I I I I I 0 5 10 15 M 25

Firing time, sec

4:28:48 40:30:15 4352355

FIGURE 5-12.-Typical docked attitude response during tiring.

3 " 5 22.5

tions for subsequent firings. Vehicle dynamic performance and the stabilizing influence which the modified leadl'lag compensation network had upon the first body bending mode were as predicted in early stability studies. Except for the slow response, the maneuvers were satisfactory in all respects. The crew reported that the experience of accelerating backward produced no discom- fort, and described the maneuvers as very thrilling. Table 5-V shows the three Primary Propulsion System maneuvers that were per- formed during Gemini XI to achieve the high-altitude apogee of 742 nautical miles. It should be noted that the modified velocity meter procedures resulted in very accurate velocities on this flight.

Onboard sequence pictures of the long firing to achieve the high altitude confirmed the crew description of visual effects of fir- ing the Primary Propulsion System. The en- gine start was characterized by sparks, a yellow glow, and considerable visible flame.

110.0 109.8 164.2/154.6 920.0 919.6 741.5h56.3 920.0 919.47 164.2A54.6

Concluding Remarks

From the experience in the Gemini Pro- gram relative to the operational characteris- tics of the docked configuration, several sig- nificant conclusions are apparent.

(1) The maneuvering and subsequent docking of spacecraft in orbit is practical and, when a proper design exists, is a relatively easy task.

(2) The joining of manned vehicles to un- manned craft containing large propulsion units can provide large maneuver capability where launch payload constraints prevent a combined launch.

(3 ) The development of docking and docked maneuvers of the Gemini spacecraft and theGemini Agena Target Vehicle was in many respects a remarkable example of en- gineering success. It was a venture into an entirely new area of operation. No prior tech- nology was applicable. It had all the impedi- ments and interfaces of a combined effort by several large prime contractors, their sub- contractors, and several Government agen- cies. Yet, most of the potential problems were eliminated in the drafting room, a few were discovered and corrected during test, and some were removed at the conference table. The efforts were culminated during the flight operations when all design parameters were easily met and problems were few.

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6. OPERATIONS WITH TETHERED SPACE VEHICLES By DAVID D. LANG, Flight Crew Support Division, N A S A Manned Spacecraft Cenler; and ROGER K.

NOLTING, Dynamics Engineer, McDonnell Aircrall Corp.


Basically, two modes of tethered space- vehicle operations were explored in the Gemini Program. One mode of operation consisted of intentionally inducing an angu- lar velocity in the tethered system by trans- lational thrusting with the spacecraft pro- pulsion system. The other mode involved tethered, drifting flight during which the effect. of gravity gradient on the motion of the system was of'interest. These two modes of tethered-vehicle operation will be indi- vidually discussed.

Rotating Tethered Vehicles

The tether evaluation in the rotational mode was accomplished during the Gemini XI mission. This exercise was to evaluate the basic feasibility of rotating tethered-vehicle operations as the operations might apply to generating artificial gravity or to station keeping. The exercise consisted of connect- ing the spacecraft and target vehicle with ii

100-foot Dacron tether, and then using the translational thrusting capability of the spacecraft propulsion system to induce a mu- tual rotation. The result of this mutual rota- tion was that the vehicles essentially maintained a constant separation at the ends of the tether. Figure 6-1 is an illustration of the spacecraft /target-vehicle tethered con- figuration.

Analytical Studies

The analytical studies made in support of the rotating tethered-vehicle exercise con- sisted of two distinct phases. The first phase

was a general exploration of the properties of tethered-vehicle dynamics. The second phase consisted of an analysis of the specific spacecraft 'target-vehicle tethered configura- tion of the Gemini XI and XI1 missions. Pri- marily, the analytical studies were made using a 12-degree-of-freedom digital com- puter program. This program numerically integrated the equations of motion of two rigid bodies, each having 6 degrees of free- dom and connected by a n elastic tether. The program allowed the bodies to have arbitrary mass properties, and the tether attachment points to be arbitrarily specified. The tether was mathematically described as a massless spring obeying a linear force-elongation re- lationship, and as exhibiting a linear dash- pot-type damping property. Since a model for the dynamic behavior of the tether was not included in the analysis, tether motions were not predictable from these studies. In this particular analysis, it was assumed that the only significant external forces o n the system were control forces exerted by the spacecraft control system. This assumption eliminated gravity forces which were shown

FIGURE ti-1 .-Gemini spacecraftltarKet-vehicle tethered confieuration.


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to have negligible effect on short-term tether operations such as spinup and despin ma- neuvers. These studies predicted the dynamic behavior of tethered-system response to ini- tial conditions and to simple, digitally simu- l a t d , control-system inputs ; however, there was need for a study to reflect the interaction of man with the tethered system.

To supplement the digital studies, a 12- degree-of-freedom, real-time, man-in-the- loop simulation of the tether problem was implemented. This simulation was used to study the effects of pilot real-time inputs into the motion of a tethered-vehicle system by means of an attitude and translational con- trol system. Information about the dynamic behavior of the tethered system was obtained from manual attempts to spin up the system, to control oscillations, and to despin the system.

P?.operties of tQthcred-vehicle d?jwamics.- The first study phase resulted in the estab- lishment of the basic feasibility of the tethered-vehicle exercise. Two ricid bodies connected by a single elastic tether were found to have no alarming dynamic charac- teristics. The tethered system, however, was found to exhibit oscillational motions that were very complex and peculiar but which could be controlled to some extent with the spacecraft attitude-control system. The most interesting results of the first phase of the study were that tether damping was not very effective for reducing the attitude oscillations of a rotating tethered system, and that tether damping was quite effective in eliminating a slack/taut tether oscillational condition. These two properties of tethered-system mo- tion are illustrated in figures 6-2 and 6-3.

Figure 6-2 illustrates two spinup starts which were identical, except that damping was present in the tether in one case, and no damping was present in the other case. The figure also presents :i time history ( - f tension in the tether, and the yaw angle of the space- craft relative to the target vehicle. it can be seen that while the tension in the tether was strongly affected by damping, the attitude

oscillation was relatively insensitive to tether damping.

Figure 6-3 illustrates the effectiveness of tether damping in eliminating a slack,'taut tether mode of oscillation. This run started with an initially slack tether that quickly be- came taut, causing the slack: taut tether oscillation. A time history of the distance be- tween tether attachment points is provided. Since the unstretched tether length was 100

--- Without damping - With damping

8: V

": *Or

I I I 1 I 0 50 100 150 200

l ime, sec

FIGURE fi-Z.-Effc.ct of tether damping on the attitude oscillations of tethered systems.

Slack tether Unstretched tether length = 100 ft

a U c

.- 100 150 200 n Time, sec

FIGURE fi-:i.-Effect of tether datnpmK on slack/taut oscillations.

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feet in this run, any time the distance be- tween the tether attachment points was less than 100 feet the tether was slack. It is ap- parent from figure 6-3 that with no tether damping, the slack, taut condition continued throughout the run ; but with tether damping, the slack/taut condition was quickly con- trolled and resulted in a constantly taut tether condition.

Spacecraft tni*get-vehicle tethered config- tiration.-The second phase of the analytical study involved choosing a specific configura- tion for the spacecraftltarget-vehicle teth- ered system. The selection of a specific con- figuration primarily involved the hardware and operational aspects. This freedom of choice was possible because the first phase study verified that a rotating tether-system operation was feasible and safe; besides, at this point in time, any possible configuration could be thoroughly studied. The tether length was specified as 100 feet as a compro- mise between maintaining safe separation of the spacecraft and the target vehicle and for minimizing fuel usage to obtain a given angu- lar rate for the system. The tether size and material were dictated by an early program objective of producing significant artificial gravity effects (high tether loads). The tether spring rate of 600 pounds per foot was intentionally high so the tether could be broken by impact loading as a backup means of jettisoning the tether and the. target ve- hicle if the primary jettisoninn procedure should fail. Dacron webbing with a breaking strength of 6000 pounds was chosen as the tether material. The tether attachment points on the two vehicles were determined on the basis of minimum hardware implication on the Gemini Program. Attaching the tether to the spacecraft docking bar also provided a convenient scheme for jettisoning the tether. After it was decided that large artificial gravity effects would not be attempted in the Gemini Program, an 800-pound break link was installed in the tether to lower the re- quirements on the spacecraft propulsion sys- tem for impact breaking. of the tether. The final tethered-vehicle configuration was then

studied analytically to determine specific dy- namic behavior.

Operational Aspects

The operational procedure for spinning up the tethered spacecraft/target-vehicle sys- tem consisted of backing the spacecraft away from the target vehicle until the tether was almost taut, then firing the translational thrusters to provide thrust on the spacecraft normal to the line between the vehicles. This imparting of angular momentum to the tethered system generally resulted in a net change in velocity of the center of mass of the system, and subsequently changed the orbit of the vehicles. This effect would not have been present if the system spinup had been accomplished with a pure couple; how- ever, due to the passiveness of the target ve- hicle in the exercise, the spinup moment on the system had to be supplied solely by the spacecraft translation-control system.

The first complication associated with the operational implementation of the spinup tether exercise involved the fact that the spacecraft lateral translation thrusters had a significant component of thrust in the for- ward longitudinal direction. As a result, an attempt to spin u p the system by firing only the lateral thrusters resulted in a significant closing rate between the vehicles. This clos- ing rate produced an appreciable period of tether slackness. culminating in an extensive slack taut tether oscillatory mode. The alternatives to this spinup procedure were to orient the spacerraf+ 4') that its lateral thrust vector was. in fact . .iormal to the line be- tweeri the vehicle:. or to simultaneously thru.:t aft a n d latwvill*h, thus holding the tether in tension durinp the spinup maneu- ver. Both methnds had merit, depending upon the der.ree of spin rate desired for the sys- tem. Siiice the later:,I 2nd aft firing technique was ;tpplicable in ; i l l cases and was opera- tionally simple. it Y . Y . ~ chosen as the opera- tional technique for spinup of the system. For lona-duration spinups, the aft thrusting could be terminated eventually, because the

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tether would remain taut during the re- mainder of the spinup due to the motion of the system.

During the spinup procedure, attitude con- trol was required to maintain accurate thrust- ing to establish a desired spin plane. After the spinup was accomplished, neither the safety nor success of the exercise required further attitude control. Because tether damping did not prove to be an effective means of damping attitude oscillations. ac- tive attitude control was required when it became desirable to rapidly reduce spacecraft oscillations. I t was found through simulation that the spacecraft control system could ef- fectively reduce the attitude oscillations of the spacecraft ; also, when the target vehicle was oscillating, those oscillations would ulti- mately be propagated through the tether to the spacecraft.

It was evident from the analyses that a differential rolling motion of the spacecraft relative to the target vehicle would probably be excited during the spinup maneuver. This mode of oscillation would be difficult to con- trol with the spacecraft attitude-control sys- tem. Probably more difficult t o control would be a rolling motion in which the target ve- hicle and the spacecraft were rolling to- gether. Stopping this latter mode would require inducing a relative roll oscillation so that the tether could be used as a torsional spring which, although weak, would exert a roll moment on the passive target vehicle. Since mild rolling motions would not jeop- ardize the tether exercise, there was no rea- son for undue alarm.

From a safety-of-operation standpoint, establishment of a despin procedure was necessary. Such a procedure would enhance the probability of successful jettisoning of the tether at the termination of the exercise. The despin maneuver was essentially the in- verse of the spinup maneuver. One pro- cedure for despinning was to locate the spin plane of the system, either visually or with body-rate information available in the space- craft, and then apply thrust in the spin plane and opposite the direction of spin. An alter-

native despin procedure involved applying thrust to reduce the line-of-sight rate to zero by visual observation of the spacecraft/ target-vehicle line-of-sight motion. The de- spin maneuver invariably left the target vehicle with residual angular rates when the tether eventually became slack ; however, this could be controlled by activating the tar- get-vehicle control system in the despin pro- cedure. An interesting phenomenon was discovered during the operational studies of the despin maneuver. Due to the location of the spacecraft attitude-control thrusters, and to the fact that attitude control of the space- craft caused translation (the attitude-control moments not being couples), i t was possible to automatically despin the rotating tethered system. By activating the rate-command atti- tude-control mode in the spacecraft and by commanding zero attitude rates, the attitude- control system would attempt to drive the spacecraft body rates to zero and produce a net translational thrust which slowly, but surely, would despin the system.

Crew Training

The crew training in preparation for the spinup tethered-vehicle exercise was pri- marily familiarization through simulation practice. To provide a realistic simulation of the interaction of two vehicles tethered to- gether, a real-time simulation of the tethered- vehicle system was implemented.

The simulation facility consisted of a high- fidelity crew-station mockup, a planetarium- type projection visual display, and a hybrid-computer complex. The equations of motion describing two unconstrained rigid bodies (6 demees of freedom per body) con- nected by a massless elastic cable were solved in real time on the hybrid-computer complex. This mathematical model included the off- symmetrical tether attachment points on the spacecraft and target vehicle, as well as the actual inertia properties of the vehicles. Best estimates of the tether-spring constant and dampinK characteristics were used for the training simulations. Included in the solution

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of the governing equations of motion was a simulation of the spacecraft attitude and translational control system. This simulation allowed real-time astronaut control inputs to properly effect the motions of the tethered vehicles. All basic flight instrumentation, as well as engineering parameters, were dis- played in real time in the crew station.

The visual presentation consisted of a planetarium-type gimbaled Earth-scene hori- zon and star-field projection. The visual presentation of the target vehicle consisted of two spots of light from dual-target pro- jectors. The two spots represented the ends of the target vehicle. This presentation al- lowed a visual recognition of maneuvering relative to the target vehicle, as well as ob- servation of the attitude oscillations of the target vehicle. In flight, the tether would supply a visual cue concerning the separation distance between the two vehicles ; however, in simulation, visual representation of the tether was not possible and the cue was sup- plied by a display in the crew station.

The training simulations usually began with the spacecraft undocked, but close to the target vehicle. The astronaut was then required to translate away from the target vehicle to a tether-extended position where the spinup maneuver would be initiated. After the system achieved the desired spin rate, the astronaut was free to observe the subsequent motions and obtain a feel for the behavior of the tethered system. Attitude control could be attempted in a direct, pulse, or rate-command mode of attitude control. Typical training exercises consisted of in- tentionally inducing large attitude oscilla- tions in the spacecraft by means of the attitude-control system, and subsequently reapplying control moments to reduce these oscillations. Following these maneuvers, the astronaut could finish the exercise by prac- ticing the despin procedure. Practice in breaking the tether with impact loading was also possible, since tether tension levels re- sulting from various maneuvers were dis- played to the astronaut.

In addition to the crew training usage of

the tether simulation, valuable engineering knowledge was gained concerning the gen- eral behavior of the tethered systems as well as of the specific configuration selected for Gemini. I t was possible to observe in real time the response of a tethered system to very complex forcing functions (that is, in- puts by a pilot). Although not directly asso- ciated with the flight maneuvers, the functions nevertheless yielded insight into the system behavior. The simulation allowed the design engineer to personally intervene in the scientific solution of the tether motion by way of a control system. The simulation was used to determine system response to control thrusters stuck in the ON position. Before the Gemini XI mission, the simula- tion was used to determine the effects of a degraded thruster prior to and in support of the actual spinup. Fuel usage for the spinup procedures was also determined in this train- ing simulator.

Flight Itesults

During the Gemini XI mission, a total lateral thrusting of approximately 13 seconds was applied to the tethered system and re- sulted in a system spin rate of approximately 0.9 degree per second. Slack taut tether oscillations were induced during the spin following the termination of af t thrusting. This was due primarily to the fact that the tether tension associated with the low spin rate was smaller than the tether tension in- duced by thrusting a f t ; hence, a t termin a t' ion of aft thrusting, the tether simply catapulted the vehicles toward one another. After approximately 1 orbits of the Earth, the spinup operation was terminated with a despin type of maneuver and the tether was jettisoned.

The results of the rotating tethered-vehicle maneuvers during the Gemini XI mission were essentially as anticipated. By compar- ing the motion pictures of the maneuver taken during the mission with the observa- tions in the training simulation, it is evident that the simulation was quite accurate in

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predicting the general behavior of the tethered system. The flight crew found that the active damping of oscillations with the spacecraft attitude-control system was easier in flight than in the training simulation. This effect was probably due to the degraded sen- sory information available to the astronaut in the simulation as compared with the actual flight. It was observed that cable slack/taut oscillations damped out more rapidly in flight than in the simulation. This discrep- ancy was traced to a conservative value for the tether damping constant which corre- sponded to a room-temperature tether rather than a cold tether which would have a higher damping constant. As anticipated by analy- sis, the differential roll motion between the vehicles did, in fact, occur and was approxi- mately to the extent predicted.

An interesting event occurred during the deployment of t he tether. Near the end of deployment, a cable-dynamics phenomenon known as the skip-rope effect became signifi- cant. This behavior, although obviously pop;-' sible, had not been predicted by the .tether analyses employed in the design of the tether maneuver, since the studies did not include tether degrees of freedom. After the skip- rope mode of oscillation subsided, the spinup maneuver was successfully conducted with no evidence of significant cable-dynamics effects, thus confirming the analytical as- sumption that cable dynamics were not sig- nificant in the rotational behavior of this particular tethered system.

G r a v i t y G r a d i e n t

The gravity-gradient tether exercise was accomplished during the Gemini XI1 mission to study the feasibility of using gravity- gradient effects in the stabilization of manned spacecraft. The exercise consisted of tethering the orbiting vehicles together, then arranging the vehicles one above the other at the ends of the extended tether (that is, along a local vertical). By imparting the proper relative velocities to the vehicles in this arrangement, the vehicles would pro-

ceed into a constantly taut tether configura- tion and the tethered system would be captured by the gravity gradient. This cap- tured behavior would be manifested by oscillation of the system about the local vertical.

Analytical Studies

Analytical studies of the gravity-gradient tether exercise ranged from simple feasi- bility studies to fairly sophisticated analyses. While the operational feasibility of gravity- stabilized satellites was well established, the stability of two rigid bodies tethered to- gether in orbit was questionable. Therefore, analytical studies were first aimed at ex- ploring the basic behavior of a tethered system in a gravity field, and then at estab- lishing the operational aspects of obtaining a gravity-gradient-stabilized tethered sys- tem.

The first feasibility studies were conducted using a mathematical model that consisted of two point masses (each with 3 degrees of freedom) subject to an inverse-square cen- tral force field. The two point masses were assumed to be connected by an elastic tether which satisfied a linear force-elongation re- lationship. The equations describing this sys- tem were numerically integrated in a digital computer program to yield time histories of the significant parameters in the analysis. This phase of the analytical study established that at least two point masses could be tethered together and gravity gradient sta- bilized. This study, of course, had applica- bility to the actual situation since it could be argued that two rigid bodies connected with a tether of sufficient length would exhibit particle-like behavior. Since there was no effective damping mechanism in the pro- posed tethered system, and since the gravity- gradient exercise could continue over but a few orbits, the success of the exercise was strictly a matter of giving the tethered sys- tem the proper initial conditions. This being the case, the first phase of the study consisted of determining the response of the tethered

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system to various combinations of initial conditions.

The initial conditions for a perfect start were established ; these included a slightly taut tether, and a relative velocity of about 0.138 ft/sec for a 100-foot tethered space- craftbarget-vehicle combination. The per- fect start, of course, also included an initial alinement along a local vertical and an ap- proximately circular orbit for the system. Response to the perfect start consisted of continued alinement of the two point masses along the local vertical and of a constantly taut tether. Perturbations to this perfect start involved off-nominal relative velocities which were not compatible with continued motion along the local vertical, or an initially slack tether with or without range rate be- tween the bodies. The tethered point masses were found to be reasonably tolerant of off- nominal starting conditions. For small per- turbations, the solutions to the motions of the tethered point masses were in agreemert with linearized dumbbell-satellite theory. This point-mass analysis was eventually modified to include an oblate earth as the at- tracting force on the point masses. This change was found to have negligible effect on the behavior of the tethered system. From the first phase of study, it was concluded that gravity-gradient stabilization could possibly be obtained with the spacecraft and target vehicle in the tethered configuration. Figure 6 4 illustrates typical results obtained from the point-mass analysis on the sensitivity of the system motion to initial relative velocity between the point masses.

The second phase of the analytical studies was conducted using a mathematical model consisting of two rigid bodies in planar mo- tion subject to an inverse-square central force field, and connected by an elastic tether. The equations of motion describing this mathematical model were integrated numeri- cally in a digital computer program to pro- vide time histories of significant parameters. This phase of the study was implemented to answer questions concerning the rigid-body

attitude response of the spacecraft and the target vehicle during the gravity-gradient exercise, and to confirm the validity of the cor,clusions drawn from the point mass analysis. From the results of this rigid-body study, it was found that ( 1 ) there was good agreement between the rigid body and the particle analysis concerning capture limits and tolerance to starting perturbations ; and (2 ) there could be considerable rigid-body rotation of the target vehicle and the space- craft during the gravity-gradient exercise. Figure 6-5 illustrates a typical time history provided by the planar rigid-body analysis. Of importance was the determination that the capture sensitivity of the system was not significantly related to the rigid-body- attitude initial conditions. This fact was certainly welcome from the operational standpoint of setting up a captured system. On the other hand, the large rigid-body ex- cursions of the vehicles would. have an op- erational implication on such things as observation of the total system motion during the gravity-gradient exercise. While this rigid-body study provided valuable informa- tion, there were still a few questions concern- ing the rigid-body response of the vehicles and the stability of the system with all de- grees of freedom present.

To answer these questions, a final study phase was implemented. The final phase con-

Velocity error = 0.015 ftlsec 4-Q Velocity error = .060 ftlsec Velocity error = .150 ftlsec

--- ------- m


l i m e , sec

FIGURE &&--Effect of off-nominal relative velocity on motion of gravity-gradient tethered system.

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40 r


* k t ; u t n e s ; I , I , L I114 orbit 2 Slack tether region z -2

L 0) 50

0 200 400 600 800 loo0 1200 1400 1600 Time, sec

FIGURE 6-5.-Effects on rigid-body attitutlc responsr during gravity-gradient motion due to initial

- tether slackness of 1 foot.

sisted of solving the equations of motion de- scribing two rigid bodies (each with 6 degrees of freedom) in an inverse-square central force field and connected by a linear elastic tether. This study confirmed the ap- plicability' of the lesser analyses that had been performed, in that good comparisons of capture limits and response to perturb a t' ions were obtained. As expected, the results of the final study indicated that a captured sys- tem would still be likely to have large rigid- body-attitude excursions : however, of even more significance, was the finding that there were no unforeseen instabilities in the be- havior of the proposed gravity-gradient ex- ercise. This final phase of study was primarily concerned with the spacecraft./target-vehicle configuration which would be used in the mission.

This concluded the analytical study phase of the tethered-vehicle gravity-gradient ex- periment. With the theoretical validation of the exercise completed, the problem then was

to devise an operational technique to provide the proper initial conditions for the tethered system.

Operational Aspects

The objective of the gravity-gradient- stabilized tethered-vehicle exercise was to orient the vehicles one above the other (along a local vertical), and to provide proper start- ing conditions so that the subsequent motion would, at worst, be a limited amplitude oscillation of the system about a local verti- cal, and, at best, a continued perfect orienta- tion along a local vertical. The proper starting conditions consisted of a slightly slack tether and a relative velocity of 0.138 ft/sec. Although it was relatively easy to position one vehicle directly over the other with a slightly slack tether, it was much more difficult to obtain a relative velocity of 0.138 f t sec between the vehicles. A deviation of more than 0.23 ft/sec from the perfect rela- tive velocity would mean that the gravity- gradient torque on the system could no longer contain the oscillations of the system around the local vertical: the system would then cartwheel, or be spun up.

The problem of obtaining the correct rela- ti\re velocity between the spacecraft and the target vehicle was approached as follows. The perfect initial relative velocity corre- sponded to that relative velocity which would exist between the separated bodies if they were both attached to the same radius vector from the center of the Earth and rotating at orbital rate. It was decided to make use of this fact in the starting procedure. The capa- bility existed on board the spacecraft to pro- vide information to the flight crew from which the longitudinal axis of the vehicle could be made to coincide at all times with the local vertical direction. By positioning the spacecraft directly above the target vehicle with the longitudinal axis of the spacecraft maintained continuously along a local verti- cal, deviations from the perfect relative-ve- locity conditions would be manifested as drift of the target vehicle relative to the space-

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craft. This drift could be detected quantita- tively by the flight crew using the optical sight, and could be converted to an equiva- lent drift rate. From the drift rate, the deviation in relative velocity from the perfect start could be determined; hence, an appro- priate velocity correction could be applied with the spacecraft translational thrusters. A perfect relative-velocity start would result in a zero-drift rate of the target vehicle rela- tive to the spacecraft, as long a s the longi- tudinal axis of the spacecraft was continu- ously along a local vertical. Figure 6-6 shows a flight chart from which the flight crew could take quantitative drift measurements (as angular drift in the optical sight) over a measured period of time and find the equivalent drift rate in the form of a relative- velocity correction. The flight chart indicates the expected maximum oscillation of the sys- tem from a local vertical for a given error in relative velocity. After the flight crew had ascertained that an acceptable initialization had been accomplished, the flight plan re- quired that all thrusting be terminated and the drifting system observed to determine the success of the initialization. While a per- fect starting condition dictated a very slightly taut tether, i t was operationally more feasible to s ta r t the system with a definitely slack tether, and a zero-closure rate. This was due to the minimal perturbation to, and

I Half amplitude

molion after 112 min

0 2 4 6 a 10 12 Target vehicle drift in reticle. deg

FIGURE 6-6.-Starting procedure chart for Gemini XI1 gravity-gradient tether exercise.

rapid recovery of the system from, an ini- tially slack tether. The gravity-gradient ef- fects would soon draw the tether taut (this being the stable configurations for the tethered system) for the remainder of the operation. The penalty paid for an initially slack tether was an increase in the angle of oscillation of the system relative to a local vertical.

( 'rcw Training

Crew training for the gravity-gradient tether exercise consisted of briefings and simulator exercises. The significant flight- control task involved measuring the drift of the target vehicle in the optical sight, then applying the proper translational thrust to correct the relative velocity of the vehicles. The training was accomplished in the Gemini Mission Simulator, which had the capability to start a flight simulation run with the spacecraft docked with the target vehicle. The simulation exercise could then proceed with the undocking, followed by a maneuver to reach a position approximately 100 feet above the target vehicle. From this position, the use of the flight chart for the gravity- gradient starting procedure could be prac- ticed. The mission simulator did not include tether dynamics or a visual simulation of the tether. This deficiency did not greatly hinder training for the gravity-gradient exercise', since the cable was not supposed to be taut tlurinn the startinn procedure. The signifi- cant task to be practiced in training was to maintain a local vertical with the aid of the spacecraft instrumentation, and to detect and remove target-vehicle drift rates relative to the spacecraft.

F l i Kht Itcsu I t s

There were three orbits allotted to the gravity-gradient tether exercise on the Gemini XI1 mission. Approximately half of this orbit time was used in establishing the starting conditions for the exercise. The re- mainder of the allotted time was spent ob- serving the subsequent motion of the system.

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The initialization of the system consisted of various translational and attitude thrusting maneuvers by the spacecraft, and an active stabilization of the target vehicle using the target-vehicle control system. After the flight crew had ascertained that acceptable initial conditions had been achieved, the crew de- activated the target-vehicle control system and terminated all spacecraft thrusting. The resulting motion was one of limited ampli- tude oscillations relative to local vertical. It was evident that the system was indeed cap- tured by the gravity gradient. After initial perturbations, the tether became constantly taut, and the attitude oscillations of the spacecraft were of sufficiently limited ampli- tude that the crew were able to view the tar- get vehicle almost continuously. Under these conditions, the target vehicle was never ob- served to rise toward the horizon by more than approximately 60” from local vertical.

The initialization of the gravity-gradient exercise was greatly hampered because some of the control thrusters on the spacecraft were malfunctioning. Attitude control had degraded to the extent that the preflight planned procedure for setting up the gravity- gradient exercise coulcl not be accomplished. Despite this handicap, the crew was able to devise a backup procedure consisting of ju- dicious use of’ remaining thrust capability to provide initial conditions for a successful gravity-gradient capture.

The simulation training for the gravitv- gradient exercise was adjudged by the crew to present a more difficult problem than the actual’ flight situation. The crew concluded that, with a properly functioning control system, the gravity-gradient-capture initial conditions could have been accomplished with relative ease and certainty.

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The Gemini Program has provided the U S . Space Program with the initial steps in the study of manned extravehicular activity. Extravehicular activity was planned for G of the 10 manned Gemini flights and was actually performed during 5 flights. One pre- requisite for attempting extravehicular op- erations was a reliable life-support system to provide the extravehicular pilot with a habitable environment while outside the pro- tective confines of the spacecraft. The life- support system consisted basically of ;I space suit, a portable environmental control sys- tem, and an umbilical link with the space- craft. This paper will trace the development of the suits, the environmental control sps- tem, the umbilical, and the related compo- nents from the original concepts through the modifications imposed by specific missions.



All elements of the extravehicular life- support systems were subjected to compre- hensive unmanned and manned testing. Unmanned testing was performed individ- ually on the space suits, the portable envir- onmental control systems, and the umbilicals, and most manned testing concentrated on end-to-end tests. These manned tests included operation with the flight spacecraft for final verification of satisfactory performance.

The unmanned tests included humidity, vi- bration, explosive decompression, accelera- tion, oxygen compatibility, exposure to

simulated space environment, temperature cycling, and shock. In some instances, tests were performed on a single life-support sys- tem element to fulfill some special require- ment. For example, the space suits were tested for their ability to retain integrity during seat ejection tests.

The manned test series was performed at the Manned Spacecraft Center and a t the spacecraft contractor facilities. Qualification tests for demonstrating the adequacy of metabolic heat rejection under induced work- loads up to 2400 Btu h r were performed in high-altitude and space simulation chambers. Operation of the self-contained oxygen sup- plies of the Gemini IV and Gemini VI11 through XI1 chest packs was verified as a suitable emergency mode should the extra- vehicular crewman lose the spacecraft oxy- gen supply. The crews practiced the various steps required to return to the spacecraft En- vironmental Control System in a decom- pressed cabin environment. This type of testing was performed in ;I viiciiiim chamber equip ped with operational 1 i fe-si1 pport sys- tem gear and ;I boilerplate Gemini spacecraft.

Space Suits

During an extravehicular mission the space suit becomes, in effect, a small, close-fitting pressure vessel which has to maintain a structurally sound pressure environment and provide the pilot with metabolic oxygen and thermal control. The space suit must also provide the body-joint mobility necessary for

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the pilot t o perform the assigned extrave- hicular tasks.

The basic Gemini space suit was a multi- layer fabric system generally consisting of a comfort liner, a gas bladder, a structural re- straint, and an outer protective cover. To permit easy donning and doffing of the suit and components, quick disconnects were lo- cated a t the wrists for glove connections, at the neck for helmet connections, and at the waist for ventilation-gas connections. Suit entry and body waste management were pro- vided by a structurally redundant pressure- sealing zipper. Internal to the suit, a gas dis- tribution system directed a flow of oxygen to the helmet area for metabolic use and thermal control, and over the limbs and body for thermal control.

Accessories provided on the suit included handkerchiefs, pencils, survival knife, scis-

sors, neck dam, wrist dams, parachute har- ness, and stowage pockets for the flight-data books and charts (fig. 7-1). Equipment added to the space suit for extravehicular missions included : (1) extravehicular cover- layer, (2) pressure thermal gloves, (3) visor temperature-control coating, and (4) sun visor.

(;ernini IV Mission

The Gemini IV mission objectives included short-duration extravehicular activity and evaluation of the basic extravehicular equip- ment. The basic (G3C Series) Gemini suit was adapted for extravehicular use (fig. 7-2) by incorporating the following :

(1) The extravehicular coverlayer con- sisted of nylon felt material for micrometeo- roid protection, seven layers of aluminized

/ -

----Neckdam stowage

-- --Parachute harness--

- -__ Handkerchief and ‘“--+encil stowage


--::. ‘-.Flinht nlan ctmuano

. _. -,. .- -2 1

FIGURE 7-l.-Gernini G4C extravehicular space suit.

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Gemini lS! coverlayer construct ion

HT-1 Nylon outer protective layer -___

HT-1 Nylon micrometeoroid ___------ absorber _----------

Super insulation --------- /---

---- w HT-1 Nylon inner __-- micrometeoroid ___--- stopper layers-&--------------------

2 Total weight = 33.9 ozlyd

Total thickness = 0.200 in.

Gem i n i 3rm cove rlayer construction

H T - I Nylon outer _____------ ------protective layer /I __-- ______---- Superinsulation

Coated Nylon inner micrometeoroid - _ -_ -_ --_ - _ - _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I . -- stopper layers

Total weiqht = 26.3 ozhd 2

Total thickness = 0.037 in.

r - -*.- ' >

2 \ ' i t 1 J w

FIGURE 7-2.--Gcmini 1V anti VI11 e x t r x v e h i c u l a r SPIICC' s u i t .

Mylar superinsulation, and an outer cover- ing of high-temperature nylon cloth.

(2) The extravehicular visor was a two- lens assembly with the outer lens providing visible and infrared energy attenuation, and the inner lens providing impact protection and thermal control.

(3) Thermal overgloves were provided for protection from conductive heat transfer.

During the Gemini IV mission, no difficul- ties were experienced with any of the space- sui t equipment. The mission tlemonstratetl the following :

(1) The adequacy of the micrometeoroitl and thermal protection of the coverlayer

(2) The acceptability of the visible light attenuation of the sun visor

(3) The adequacy of the thermal-control coating on the impact visor to maintain the

pressure-visor surface temperature a t the proper level

( 4 ) The adequacy of the pi-essurized suit mobility to permit the pilot to egress and in- gress the spacecraft

( 5 ) The need for reduced coverlayer bulk to improve unpressurizetl suit comfort

(; VI11 Mission

The space su i t (fig. 7-2) used for the (kmini VI11 mission was basically the same as the s u i t provided for the Gemini IV mis- sion, with the following exceptions :

(1 ) The micrometeoroid protective layer was improved to provide significant retluc- tions in coverlayer bulk (fig. 7-2).

(2) The thermal protection for the gloves, previously ii part of the overglove, was in- corporated into the basic pressure glove to

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provide integrated thermal-conduction pro- tection.

The Gemini VI11 extravehicular equipment was not evaluated in flight due to early ter- mination of the mission.

Gemini IX-A Mission

The Gemini IX-A mission imposed some very difficult requirements upon the space- suit assembly. To use the Astronaut Ma- neuvering Unit in conjunction with the space suit, it was necessary to redesign the lower portion of the extravehicular coverlayer to protect the pilot from the high-temperature (1300" F) impingement by the thruster plume of the Astronaut Maneuvering Unit. The suit was modified as follows:

(1) To afford protection from the high- temperature plume, the extravehicular coverlayer in the leg areas included a stain- less-steel fabric outer covering to provide thermal energy distribution and erosion pro- tection. A high-temperature superinsulation was used below the outer cover ; the superin- sulation consisted of alternate layers of double aluminized film and lightweight fiber glass.

(2) To further protect the visor from im- pact damage, the plexiglass pressure visor was replaced with a coated polycarbonate pressure visor. This modification also per- mitted the use of a single-lens sun visor.

Due to fogging of the pressure visor dur- ing the latter portion of the extravehicular activity, the Astronaut Maneuvering Unit experiment was not completed ; consequently, the plume protection provided for the? legs could not be evaluated. However, the mission indicated the need for an inflight application of antifog solution to preclude visor fogging.

Gemini S. XI. and XI1 Missinns

The space suits for the Gemini X, XI, and XI1 missions were generally of the same con- figuration as the suits provided for the Gemini VIII and IX-A missions. The spe- cific experiments and operations of each

flight required only minor modifications to the suits. These missions continued to expose man to the extravehicular environment, and each exposure offered areas for improve- ment of the space-suit equipment.

Environmental Control Systems

Two different portable environmental con- trol systems were developed for use in Gem- ini extravehicular activity. These included *

the open-loop system used on Gemini IV and the semi-open-loop system used for Gemini VI11 through XII. The basic functions of both systems were identical : (1) to provide metabolic oxygen within the suit, (2 ) to pro- vide the necessary controls to maintain suit pressure a t the proper level, (3 ) to provide ventilation gas for carbon-dioxide washout, ( 4 ) to provide a means of removing the ther- mal load generated by the extravehicular pilot, and ( 5 ) to provide an emergency oxy- gen supply to assure pilot safety in case of loss of the primary oxygen supplv. The Gemini IV Ventilation Control Module Sys- tem was composed of a Ventilation Control Module, two multiple gas connectors, a 25- foot umbilical, and a restraint system.

The Gemini VI11 through XI1 Extrave- h k u l s r Life-support System consisted of a chest pack. two multiple gas connectors, two hoses connecting the multiple gas connectors to the inlet and outlet ports of the chest pack, and a restraint system. In addition, an um- bilical was an integral part of the system when operating from the spacecraft supply systems. For Gemini VIII, IX-A, and XII. ;I %-foot umbilical and an electrical cable were utilized. For Gemini X and XI, a 50- foot and a 30-foot umbilicnl. respectively, performed the combined function of the elec- trical cable and &foot umbilical.

Vcntilrtion Chntrol Module System

The Ventilation Control Module (fig. 7-3), flown on Gemini IV, was mounted on the pilot's chest by Velcro straps attached to the

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Communications and r-- bioinstrumentation I connector I I I I I ;.-Tether


‘:-abin repressurization valvt?

Spacecraft oqgen tank


FICURE ‘i-X-Geniini IV Exti.avehicul;iy L i f e - S u p p o r t System.

parachute harness, and was connected to the suit-ventilation outlet fitting through a multiple gas connector. The Ventilation Con- trol Module was an open-loop system; the gas was not recirculatetl throukh the system. In operation, oxygen flow of approximately 9 lb/hr was supplied to the suit to provide ventilation and for oronasal carbon-dioxide washout for metabolic rates not greater than 1000 Btu ‘hr. The oxygen was supplied from the primary spacecraft oxygen supply through a %-foot umbilical and a flow re- strictor. The exhaust flow from the suit was controlled by a demand regulator so that suit pressure was maintained a t approximately 4 psia. The emergency oxygen supply in the Ventilation Control Module was capable of supplying oxygen for 7.5 to 9 minutes. The pilot could have activated an emergency oxygen valve to initiate oxygen Bow directly into the helmet by means of an adapter in- stalled in the helmet feed port. If a leak had developed in the suit, a makeup flow of oxy- gen, sufficient to maintain suit pressure, would have been initiated automaticall,v from the emergency supply.

Ext ravchicu lar I,ife-Suppurt System Ches t Pack

The Extravehicular Life-support System chest pack (fig. 7-4) was flown-on the Gem- ini VI11 through XI1 missions. This system was designed to provide greater heat-rejec- tion capability than the Gemini IV system, while requiring no more oxygen makeup flow from the spacecraft. The chest pack was se- cured hy Velcro straps attached to the para- chute harness. a n d wis connected to the suit ventilation inlet and outlet fittings through two multiple gas connectors. The chest pack was ;I semi-open-loop system : approximately 75 percent of the ventilation gas was recir- culatetl through the system (fig. 7-5). The chest pack was designed to xcommodate average metabolic rates of 1400 Btu h r with peaks of 2000 Btu hr. Tests showed that the system II.‘;LS capable o f higher heat loads, piw- vitlecl the higher loads were not imposed at startup. Normally, oxygen was supplied at approximately 90 psig from the spacecraft through i i quick-tliscoiinect titting ;ittached to the cabin repressurization valve ; however, the Extravehicular Support Package and the Astronaut IJnit backpacks c a ~ -

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.Chest pack restraint straps

-----Oxygen supply fitting


*.- .

FIGURE 74-Gernini VI11 through XI1 life-support system.


umbilical oxygen

I .

‘Backpack oxygen

l ine

e!! , ‘\Suit outflow

3 3 , Suit out control valve

FIGURE 7-5 .Pemin i VI11 through XI1 Extra- vehicular Life-support System.

ried a self-contained oxygen supply for chest- pack use, which would permit the extrave- hicular pilot to maneuver detached from the

spacecraft oxygen system. The primary oxy- gen was supplied through a three-position flow-selector valve to an ejector where the 90 psig gas expanded to 4 psia. The gas expan- sion drove the recirculated secondary vent gas through the heat exchanger of the chest pack. The flow-selector valve permitted the pilot to select a medium or high flow (18 to 22 acfm) depending on cooling requirements. In case of blockage in the ejector, or if addi- tional cooling or carbon-dioxide washout were required, the primary oxygen flow could be bypassed around the ejector through a valve. Suit pressure was maintained at a nominal 3.7 psig by a poppet-type outflow valve. An acceptable carbon-dioxide level was maintained by dumping overboard through the outflow valve an amount of vent gas equal to the amount of primary oxygen introduced to the system through the ejector.

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If a leak in the suit loop had developed and caused the suit pressure to drop below 3.4 psig, makeup primary oxygen would have been automatically metered to the system through a demand regulator to maintain suit pressure.

The majority of the cooling for the Extra- vehicular Life-Support System was provided by the recirculating ventilation gas from the suit passing through an evaporative heat ex- changer. In the condenser portion of the heat exchanger, the gas was cooled to approxi- mately 45" F by the evaporation of stored water. Since the gas from the suit was about 85" F with a relative humidity of 85 percent (nominal), this cooling removed the water vapor by condensation. The condensate was then wicked to the evaporative portion of the heat exchanger to provide additional evapo- rative water. This type of boiling-condensa- tion-reboiling technique is called bootstrap- ping.

If the normal oxygen flow to the chest pack had been interrupted, decreasing pres- sure in the umbilical would have automati- cally actuated a 30-minute emergency supply of oxygen. A visual and audio warn- ing system on the chest pack indicated when oxygen was being used from the emergency supply. Visual and audio warning also de- noted decreasing suit pressure. A special regulator acted to maintain suit pressure above 3.3 psi in the event of a suit leak, and the supply to this regulator was arranged such that makeup flow could be drawn from the spacecraft, the self-contained emergency supply, or simultaneously from both sources. Additional warning devices were available if the Astronaut Maneuvering Unit had been used.

Mission Itesults and Implieatinns

The Gemini IV extravehicular activity lasted 36 minutes, and the pilot reported good thermal control except during high work periods such as ingress. Ingress into the spacecraft and closure of the hatch were dif- ficult tasks, and caused the pilot to become

overheated. The Ventilation Control Module System operated within the specified limits ; however, high metabolic heat loads could not be sustained because of the inherent limited rate of heat rejection.

The semi-open-loop system was flown on Gemini VI11 ; however, because of the early termination of the mission, extravehicular activity was not conducted. Gemini IX-A was the first mission to evaluate the perform- ance of the semi-open-loop Extravehicular Life-support System. Due to the formation of fog on the visor and the resulting reduced visibility, the planned extravehicular activity was not completed. Higher-than-expected workloads were evident throughout the 2 hour 7 minute extravehicular period. The chest pack was designed for a nominal metabolic rate of 1400 Btu/hr and a maxi- mum of 2000 Btu/hr for short periods. Medical data, crew comments, and metabolic simulations all indicated that much higher workloads were experienced. Tests after the mission showed that visor fogging occurred a t metabolic rates above 2400 Btu/hr, al- though no fogging occurred a t lower rates. The high rates, in effect, overpowered the capabilities of the evaporator-condenser. Even in medium flow the cooling capability for physiological comfort was adequate, but the evaporator-condenser could not overcome the thermal load sufficiently to prevent fog- ging. Visor fogging was further induced by high respiration rates (30 t o 40 breaths per minute) which humidified 55 t o 75 percent of the total gas flow to the helmet to near saturation. This high humidity raised the dewpoint enough so that visor fogging oc- curred even at normal operating tempera- tures. The pilot commented that the only time he became uncomfortably warm was during ingress. From this statement and from post- flight examination of the evaporator-con- denser, it was evident that the evaporator- condenser performance was degraded due to dryout at some period during the extrave- hicular activity. That period probably oc- curred very close to ingress.

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The Gemini X extravehicular activity was terminated early because of spacecraft prob- lems unrelated to the Extravehicular Life- Support System. Comments by the pilot and the biomedical data gathered during the 39- minute extravehicular activity indicated that the Extravehicular Life-support System op- erated completely within specifications.

The Gemini XI extravehicular activity was prematurely concluded after 33 minutes. The pilot stated that the Extravehicular Life- Support System provided adequate cooling : however, the pilot stated that he was fa- tigued after a relatively brief period of ac- tivity outside the spacecraft. Because of a problem in securing the sun visor during the preparations for the extravehicular activity, the pilot experienced high workloads and profuse perspiration. After egress, difficul- ties involved in the pilot's attempts to attach the extravehicular camera and the space- craft/target-vehicle tether resulted in high respiration rates and rapid fatigue. It is be- lieved that the chest pack was saturated with warm, moist gas before proper evaporator- condenser operation could reduce the tem- peratures resulting from the problems before egress.

During the 2 hours 8 minutes of Gemini XI1 extravehicular activity, the Extra- vehicular Life-support System operated completely within specifications. The prob- lem of excess workload was resolved by the use of improved restraints for body position- ing and frequent rest periods. This mission proved that at workloads within the design limits, the Extravehicular Life-support Sys- tem would function normally, and would pro- vide a comfortable sui t environment.

In summary, the Ventilation Control Module System operated satisfactorily within the design capabilities. Other than the pos- sible depletion of heat-exchanger water at the end of Gemini IX-A extravehicular ac- tivity, the Extravehicular Life-support System performed exceptionally well. It is evident, however, that future systems of this type will require increased cooling and meta- bolic heat-rejection capabilities. Crew com-

ments have also indicated the desirability of eliminating bulky packages from the chest area, and of reducing the volume of self-con- tained life-support systems. Umbilicals from the spacecraft permit the use of smaller life- support packages, and the use of umbilical systems should be considered for future ex- travehicular applications.

I Jm hi 1 icals

Several types of umbilicals have been used in accomplishing the Gemini extravehicular activities. These include the %-foot umbilical used on Gemini IV, IX-A, and XII ; the 50- foot umbilical used on Gemini X ; and the 30-foot umbilical used on Gemini XI. Except for the Gemini IV umbilical, which inter- faced directly with the space suit, all um- bilicals were designed to interface with the Extravehicular Life-support System chest pack.

The 25-foot umbilical (fig. 7-6) used for Gemini IX-A and XI1 supplied gaseous oxy- gen, either directly to the space suit or through the Extravehicular Life-support System. The 50-foot and 30-foot umbilicals (fig. 7-7) supplied gaseous oxygen only through the Extravehicular Life-support System and supplied gaseous nitrogen to the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit. The gaseous oxygen was supplied from the spacecraft pri- mary supply a t a nominal flow rate of 8 to 9 l b ' h r at 90 psia and 65" F. The gaseous nitrogen was supplied from tanks in the spacecraft adapter section (at the inlet to the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit) a t a nom- inal flow rate of 2 lb 'min at 75 psia and 0" F.

During the standup extravehicular ac- tivity, short hose extensions connected the: pilot's space sui t to the spacecraft Environ- mental Control System. In this closed-loop operation, no interface with the Extrave- hicular Life-support System was required, and the normal spacecraft ventilation flow rates were provided.

All of the umbilicals were of similar ma- terials and of the same basic design. Each umbilical consisted of wire-reinforced, sili-

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-1132x6 (11 ft)-

Note: All dimensions in inches unless specified otherwise.

Suit end Spacecraft end

FIGU!E 7-G.-Extravehicular Lifc-Support System, %foot umbilical.

- cone rubber-lined hose ; a 1000-pound test nylon structural tether : and wiring for voice communication, electrical power, and meas- urements of heart and respiration rates. For the %-foot umbilical, the oxygen hose was 3/16-inch inside diameter. For the 50-foot and 30-foot umbilicals, the oxygen hose was %-inch inside diameter antl the nitrogen hose Yn inch.

The umbilicals utilized multilayers of My- lar superinsulation for thermal protection. The temperature of gaseous oxygen supplied to the Extravehicular Life-support System had to be maintained above -15.' F to pre- vent freezing in the ejector. Because of the proximity of the cold nitrogen line to the oxygen line, thermal control was more criti- cal for the 50-foot and 30-foot umbilicals than for the 25-foot umbilical.

The umbilicals were covered with nylon fabric, and chafing protection was provided where required, particularly in the area where the umbilical emerged from the cabin and contacted the hatch sill. The structural

tethers were designed so that during the worst conditions of stretch under applied load, no strain was imposed on the oxygen and nitrogen hoses, or on the electrical wir- ing antl connections. In all umbilical designs, the load was transmittetl to the spacecraft through ii tether attachment point located on the egress hantlle just inside the cabin. The loads were applied through the parnchute harness of the extravehicular pilot. The 25- foot umbilical was attached by ;I hook to the upper part of the parachute harness ; the 50- foot antl 30-foot umbilicals were attac*hetl to the parachute h:irness a t the pilot's hip.

The extensive test program for the 25-foot umbilical contributed to the development of the 50-foot and 30-foot umbilicals. The iwi-

terials and the design experience gainetl from the development of the 25-foot umbili- cal were used extensively in the fabrication of the longer umbiliculs. Based upon the pre- vious experience, the test program was re- tlucetl to Pressure-temperwtu1.e perforni;ince, leak tests. electromagnetic interference, ant1

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Spacecraft end


Suit end Nitrogen umbilical

connect assembly (mates Hand Held

Maneuvering Unit)

‘s\ h a t e s chest pack)

‘.Electrical connector (males chest pack)

parachute harness)

Note: All dimensions i n inches unless specified otherwise.

Section A-A

FIGURE 7-’7.--Extravehicular Life-Support System, 30-foot umbilical. The 50-foot umbilical is similar.

static and dynamic structural tests. As in the case of the %-foot umbilical, extensive un- manned altitude-chamber tests were con- ducted, as well as several manned chamber tests for end-to-end con-firmation of the um- bilical and the interface with other equip- ment.

The Gemini Program has shown that ex- travehicular activity with umbilicals is a useful, operational mode. The umbilical pro- duced no unfavorable torques or forces on the extravehicular pilot; in fact, the pilot was hardly aware of the umbilical. Because of the length and bulk, some difficulty was ex- perienced with the !%foot umbilical during ingress. Therefore, any umbilical should be kept as small as practicable. Assuming that future spacecraft will be larger than the

Gemini spacecraft, umbilical size may not be a problem ; however, excessive length would still be undesirable. The donning of the um- bilicals proved quite easy and allowed a complete system checkout prior to the extra- vehicular activity. Incorporation of the pro- pulsion system supply proved satisfactory ; this has many possible future uses, such ;is a power supply for tools.

The umbilical concept is particularly ap- plicable to near-vehicle operations or opera- tions in close quarters where the bulk of a self-contained life-support pack would be un- desirable. Umbilical-based life-support sys- tems would be less useful for operations that involved approaching a tumbling vehicle. However, the ease of development and the successful utilization of umbilicals during the

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Gemini Program indicate a promising ap- similation of information from preceding proach to extravehicular activity for future flights into a comprehensive program for sys- space programs. tem testing and flight-crew training. The

input to this program from the NASA/In- dustry Life-support System Team aided in the generation of extravehicular tasks within a planned time, mobility, and workload en- velope.


The success of the Gemini XI1 extrave- hicular activity was largely due to the as-

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By D ID C. SCIIULTZ. Flight Crew Siipporl Division, V A S A Manr~erl Spacecraft Center; HILARY A. RAY, J f i Ofice 0 1 Spacecrall Managemenl. Gemini Program Ofliicc., t%'ASA Manned Spacecraft Center; ELGENE A. CERNAR, 4stronau~, Artronaul Ofice, N A S A Manned Spacecraft Center; and ANTOINE F. S M I T H . Flighf Crew Support Division, N A S A Manned Spzcecralt Center


One of the foremost conclusions obtained from the experience with extravehicular ac- tivity during the Gemini Program was that man's capability to perform work was dras- tically reduced without the proper restraint provisions. Howelier, with the proper re- straint provisions his capability was quite comparable to his ig capability. .


This paper describes the body positioning and restraint problems encountered during extravehicular activity in the Gemini Pro- gram, and the types of restraint equipment which were used.

The requirement for body restraints dur- ing extravehicular activity was indicated on Gemini IV. After depletion of the propellant in his maneuvering unit, the pilot evaluated the umbilical as an aid in body positioning and in moving through space. It was con- cluded that the umbilical was reliable only as an aid in moving to its origin, and that handholds would be required for other extra- vehicular maneuvers. The significance of the requirement was emphasized when body-re- straint problems contributed to the prema- ture termination of the Gemini IX-A and Gemini XI extravehicular activities. The Gemini XI1 mission verified that, with ade- quate restraint provisions, man can perform a great variety of tasks, some of considerable complexity. On Gemini XII, 44 pieces of

equipment were provided for extravehicular body restraint in contrast to the 9 pieces of body-restraint equipment provided for Gem- ini IX-A extravehicular activity.

Control of I h d y Position

Foot ltes t raints

The first major work task attempted dur- ing Gemini extravehicular activity was the checkout and donning of the Astronaut Ma- neuvering Unit on Gemini IX-A. The origi- nal restraint provisions for this task were two handbars and a horizontal footbar. Vel- cro on the footbar was intended to mate with Velcro on the pilot's boots ; however, the need for additional body restraint for this task was demonstrated in the zero-g airplane (fig. 8-1). A pair of foot restraints was added to the horizontal footbar, and on subsequent fliahts in the zero-g airplane, checkout of the Astronaut Maneuvering Unit was easily ac- complished (fig. 8-2). The pilot would force his feet into the restraints, and the frictional force would contain his feet, allowing him to have both hands free for working.

However, during the Gemini IX-A extra- vehicular activity, the pilot was not able to maintain body position using only foot re- straints. The attempts at two-handed tasks. primarily the tether connections, were ex- ceedingly difficult because every few seconds the pilot had to stop working and use his hands to regain proper body position. The foot restraints were even less satisfactory when unstowing the Astronaut Maneuvering

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FIGURE g-l.-Donning of Astronaut Maneuvering Unit without foot restraints.

FIGURE 8-2-Donning of Astronaut Maneuvchring Unit using foot restraints.

Unit controller arms. When the pilot bent for- ward and applied a downward force to the controller arm, he created a moment which forced his feet out of the restraints. The in- adequacy of the foot restraints caused the pilot to exert a continuous high workload to maintain control of body position, in addition to the work involved in performing the tasks. Heat and perspiration were produced at a rate exceeding the removal capability of the life-support system, and fog began accumu- lating on the space-suit visor. This fogging progressed until the pilot's vision was almost totally blocked, forcing him to abandon his attempts to don and use the Astronaut Ma- neuvering Unit.

As a result of this experience during Gem- ini IX-A, new requirements for foot re- straints were developed and the investigation of underwater simulation of zero-g was ini- tiated. Numerous equipment modifications were also incorporated to simplify the extra- vehicular activity tasks on subsequent mis- sions.

Analysis of the Gemini IX-A body-re- straint problem resulted in the following cri- teria for design of new foot restraints: mo- tion must be restrained in all 6 degrees of freedom, and restraint of the feet must in- volve no mechanical devices. Molded fiber- glass foot restraints incorporating these fea- tures were designed for the Gemini XI and XI1 spacecraft. The restraints were custom fitted to the pilot for each flight, and were mounted on a platform attached to the inside surface of the spacecraft adapter equipment section (fig. 8-3). During the zero-g airplane training, the Gemini XI and XI1 flight crews used and evaluated the foot restraints and found them completely adequate for all tasks envisioned. The Gemini XI1 flight crew also trained with the restraints in the under- water zero-g simulation facility with the same results.

Underwater Zero-Gravity S imulat ion

The initial evaluation of the underwater zero-g simulation was conducted by the

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FIGURE 8-3.-Foot restraints used during Gemini XI1 extravehicular activity.

Gemini IX-A pilot shortly after the mission. The configuration of the mockup equipment was similar to that of the Gemini IX-A spacecraft, and the pilot. repeated the Astro- naut Maneuvering Unit- checkout and don- ning procedures previously attempted in flight. The pilot concluded that the under- water zero-g simulation very nearly dupli- cated the actual weightless condition and the accompanying problems experienced in flight. The extravehicular tasks planned for Gemini X, XI, and XI1 were then performed in the underwater zero-g simulation, and recommendations were made concerning the required restraints and the feasibility of pro- posed tasks. Underwater simulation of zero-g has great applicability to extravehicular ac- tivities, particularly to the problems of borlv positioning and restraints.

Handhnlds and Tether 'Devices

Several restraint problems were encoun- tered during Gemini X extravehicular ac- tivity, but performance of the planned tasks was not seriously affected. The pilot had diffi- culty controlling his body position while us- ing the edge of the target-vehicle docking cone as a handrail to move to the area of the Experiment SO10 Agena Micrometeorite Collection package. Attachment of the um- bilical nitrogen fitting was also a difficult

task because the handrail provided for re- straint did not properly deploy. The tasks were accomplished with one hand, while the other hand was used for restraint.

For the Gemini XI mission, the tether for the spacecraft/'target-vehicle tether evalua- tion was assembled and stowed so that the pilot could attach it to the spacecraft dock- ing bar with one hand. With the other hand, the pilot could use one of the three hand- holds on the back surface of the docking cone for maintaining his position. However, the pilot had trained to have both hands free, and he had been able to wrap his legs around the spacecraft nose and wedge his legs into the docking cone. The pilot could force himself into position by arm force using the hand- holds provided. In the zero-g airplane, the task was so easy that the pilot was able to move from the hatch, force himself into the

. restrained position, and make the complete tether hookup in a single parabola (about 30 seconds). In flight, however, the restraint technique proved extremely difficult, and the pilot expended a great deal of energy during the 6 minutes that were required to move from the hatch and make the tether hookup. This was the major factor in his inability to continue the flight plan for the extravehicu- lar activity. As in the case of the Gemini IX-A pilot, the prime expenditure of energy by the Gemjni XI pilot was the continuous struggle to maintain body positiop in order to perform the required tasks. Apparently, t he frictional forces exerted by the pilot in wedging his legs into the docking cone were not sufficient to overcome the tendency of the pressurized suit to expand and push him out of the docking cone.

As n result of this experience, it was de- cided that the Gemini XI1 flight crew would include underwater zero-B simulation in the training for extravehicular activity. As a re- sult of the problems encountered during Gemini extravehicular activities, the extra- vehicular objective for Gemini XI1 was changed to an evaluation of body restraints instead of the evaluation of the Astronaut Maneuvering Unit. The objective of the re-

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straint evaluation was to determine what type of restraints were required for repre- sentative extravehicular tasks.

Restraint Equipment

The use of restraint devices for extrave- hicular activity on the Gemini Program is summarized in table 8-1. Descriptions of these devices and results of their use follow.

Rectangular Handrail

Two rectangular handrails (fig. 8-4) were installed along the spacecraft adapter section to assist the extravehicular pilot in moving from the co*ckpit to the adapter equipment section where various tasks were to be per- formed ; for example, donning the Astronaut Maneuvering Unit. The handrails. were flush with the spacecraft surface a t launch, and were 1.5 inches above the spacecraft surface when deployed. The a f t handrail deployed automatically when the spacecraft separated from the launch vehicle. The forward hand- rail was manually deployed by the extrave- hicular pilot.

The Gemini IX-A and XI1 pilots used the handrails to travel the 8 feet from the co*ck-

pit to the af t end of the spacecraft. The lim- ited suit mobility and interference by the life-support system chest pack required the pilots to traverse the handrail by moving the hands one after the other to the side, rather than hand over hand. The Gemini X pilot used the handrail to travel from the hatch to the end of the adapter retrograde section and re- turn, and then as a handhold while making and breaking the nitrogen connection on the 50-foot umbilical. Comments by the pilots indicated that the configuration of this hand- rail was the best for travel between two points on the spacecraft surface. A rectan- gular, rather than a cylindrical, cross section


Equipment ada ple r

handrail automatically


Retroadapter handrail manually deployed

FIGURD 8-4.-Extendable handrails.

TABLE 8-I.-Restraint Devices Used During Gemini Extravehicular Activities

Restraint device configuration I .-

Gemini mission ~. __

Rectangular handrail Large cylindrical handrail (1.38 in. dia) Small cylindrical handrail 10.317 in. dial Telescoping handrail Fixed handhold Rigid Velcro-backed portable handhold Flexible Velcro-hacked portable handhold Waist tethers Pip-pin handhold /tether-attach device Pip-pin antirotation device U-bolt handholdhether-attach device Foot restraints Standup tether Strap.. on space-suit leg

I X ; x

' x I x i x

X / X X


?( X

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was preferred because the rectangular shape offered more resistance to rotation for a given hand force, and allowed better control of body attitude. In a pressurized Gemini suit, the width of the rectangular handrail (1.25 inches) was a good size for gripping.

Large Cylindrical Handrails

A pair of large cylindrical handrails (fig. 8-5) w;is furnished in the adapter equipment section to permit the pilot to move from the rectangular handrails to the work area, and to provide restraint while positioning his feet in foot restraints or while working. The two handrails were symmetrically located on each side of the work station. Although the pilots indicated a preference for rectangular cross section, they were able to use the cylindrical handrails to introduce the significant body

FIGIJREI 8-5.-Handrails and foot restraints in the Gemini IX-A spacecraft adapter equipment sec- tion.

torques required to position their feet in the foot restraints. The diameter (1.38 inches) of the cylindrical handrails was the most favorable size.

Small Cylindrical Handrails

There were two segments of small cylin- drical handrails (figs. 8-6 and 8-7) rigidly mounted on the forward surface of the cy- lintlrical portions of the Target Docking Adapter on t h e Gemini XI1 target vehicle. The handrails were small enough to be used its waist tether-attach points, as well as for handholds. Although the handrail was not .

evaluatccl extensively, the configuration was iisable its a handhold, and the pilot considered the size ;t good feature since i t permitted direct attachment of the waist tethers.

. - . . . - . I

FIWJRE 8-L-Handrail on left side of target vehicle.

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FIGURE B-'l.-Handrail on right side of target vehicle.

Telescoping Cylindrical Handrail

The Gemini IX-A and XI pilots used the spacecraft Reentry Control System thrusters as handholds for travel from the spacecraft hatch to the spacecraft nose; however, the thrusters were neither well located nor easy to use for that purpose. On each of these missions, the extravehicular pilot went over the top of the docking bar on his first attempt to propel, himself from the thrusters to the spacecraft nose.

During Gemini XII, the telescoping hand- rail (figs. 8-8 and 8-9) solved the problem of travel from the spacecraft hatch to the spacecraft nose. The telescoping handrail was stowed in the compressed condition near the hinge of the right hatch, located above the pilot's right shoulder. After the cabin was

... Tether attach ring

FIGURE 8-8.-Telescoping handrail compressed.

FIGURE 8-9.-Telescopin~ handrail attached t o vehicles.

depressurized and the hatch was opened for standup extravehicular activity, the pilot un- stowed and manually extended the handrail. The pilot then installed the small end of the handrail in a special receptacle in the target- vehicle docking cone. antl the large end on a mounting bolt in the spacecraft center beam, between the hatches. During the umbilical extrzivehicular activity, the pilot used this handrail for two round trips between the spacecraft hatch and the spacecraft nose, antl iis a handhold for several changes in body ;ittitide. The nonrigidity of the handrail was considered undesirable by the pilot; when the hantlrail flexed, the pilot no longer had al)solute control of body position and attitude. While attaching the spacecraftjtarget-vehicle tether, the pilot also used the ring on the telescoping handrail for a waist tether-attaih point. At the conclusion of the umbilical cxtravehicular period, the pilot removed and jettisoned the handrail.

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N4..,. ~ ~

\ Fixed Handhold

Three fixed handholds (fig. 8-10) were ft - 4- -4 provided on the back of the docking cone on the Gemini XI target vehicle to provide re- straint for the spacecraft/target-vehicle tether attachment. Two identical handholds were provided on the back of the docking cone on the Gemini XI1 target vehicle. The handholds proved very useful in flight, and the friction coating was a good feature.

"'8"' - _ -

Flesible Velcro-Backed Portable Handhold

Flexible Velcro-backed portable handholds (fig. 8-11) were evaluated as restraints and as maneuvering aids during the Gemini IX-A mission. Two fabric-backed nylon Velcro pile pads were carried in the spacecraft. The pilot attached the pads to his gloves with an elastic strap wrapped around the palms of the hands. There were about 80 patches of

. nylon Velcro hook on the surface of the space- craft to engage the pile handholds. Some of the significant results included the following : (1) the elastic attachment was not adequate, as one of the handholds was pulled off his glove; (2) the contact forces were not suffi- cient to accommodate controlled maneuver- ing or control of body attitude, but were suffi- cient for station keeping ; (3 ) the unprotected Velcro hook on the spacecraft nose was de- graded by launch heating.

FIGURE 8-ll.-Flexible Velcro-backed portable handhold.

Rigid Velcrn-l<acked I'nrtable Handhold

For Gemini XII, four trowel-shaped, rigid, Velcro-backed, portable handholds (fig. 8-12) were installed in the extravehicular work areas. The handholds were coated with re- silient material, with a tether-attach ring at one end. Two of the handholds had about 9 square inches of nylon-pile Velcro, and two had about 16 square inches of polyester-pile Velcro. The handholds were stowed for launch on a.surface of hook Velcro and fur- ther restrained by a pip-pin device. Four ilrens of polyester hook Velcro on built-up flat surfaces were located on the target ve- hicle to engage the Velcro on the handholds. Polyester Velcro has greater adhesive force than nylon Velcro, and does not require pro- tection from launch heating.

Detailed eva luat ions of the rigid Velcro- I,acked portable handholds were not included in the flight plan for Gemini XI1 extrave- hicular activity. Analyses and simulntioiis indicated it number of limitations concerning

Tether altach ring

FIGURE 8-lO.-Target vehicle extravehicular work FIGURE 8-12.-Rinid Velcro-backed portable station and handhold. handhold.

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the usefulness of the devices. For example, best utilization requires that the Velcro be placed in shear rather than tension, and this complicates the usage. Also, the restraint force should be significantly greater than the required applying force; this is not true of nylon Velcro. Polyester Velcro is better, but has not been evaluated as thoroughly as the nylon. The use of steel Velcro would make these devices feasible, but the potential haz- ard to the space suit is not tolerable at this time.

Waist Tethers

The Gemini XI1 waist tethers (fig. 8-13) were made of stiff nylon webbing with a length-adjustment buckle and a large hook for attachment to the various tether-attach rings. The waist tethers were looped around the pilot’s parachute harness and were fas- tened with two large snaps. A large fabric tab was provided to facilitate opening the snaps of a pressurized suit. A D-shared ring was provided for making length adjustments, and was used several times by the pilot. The adjustment buckle, a conventional single-loop huckle, allowed length adjustment between approximately 32 and 21 inches.

The tether attachment to the pilot, slightly !!elow waist level, was considered well located hy the pilot. A special device, consisting of a thin metal plate with a ring on each end for attaching the waist tether hooks, was pro- vided to restrain the waist tethers while not in use. The device was slightly longer than the front width of the life-support system chest pack and was attached with Velcro. The pilot used a variety of devices for attaching

Hook Adjustment

buckle /- 12 inches - I Y 1 _ _

FIGURE 8-13.-Waist tethers.

the tethers in the spacecraft adapter section and on the target vehicle. The pilot used about six different pairs of tether-attach points which had been selected during train- iny. At one time, because of the lack of good control of body attitude, the Gemini XI1 pilot experienced a slight difficulty in moving a tether to a new attach point. With one hand occupied in making a waist tether attach- ment, the pilot had to use the other hand to control body attitude. Therefore, a pair of handholds or other restraints near each pair of tether-attach points was desirable. Also, it was determined that the waist tether- attach points should be as f a r apart as pos- sible, consistent with the pilot’s reach in the pressurized suit. The attachments were easier to make when the attach points were located a t the pilot’s sides rather than di- rectly in front of him: and torques were can- celled hetter with widespread tether-attach points. The pilot observed that few adjust- ments were required to the tether length; consequently, provisions for adjustments coiild be eliminated from future body tethers.’

With only the waist tethers for restraint, the pilot was able to use a conventional torque wrench to install and tighten a bolt to about 200 inch-pounds on the spacecraft adapter section work station (fig. 8-14). Again, with only the waist tethers for restraint, the pilot was able to pull nylon Velcro pile strips 4

FIGURE 8-14.-Gemini XI1 extravehicular adapter work station.

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inches long and 5 inches wide from both nylon and steel Velcro hook, and to disconnect and reconnect three electrical connectors. The pilot also made a variety of hook and ring connections, including hooks and rings of the same sizes which had proved impossible for the Gemini IX-A pilot to connect.

The waist tethers, when attached to the tether-attach points on the target vehicle (fig. 8-15), provided the required restraint for the Gemini XI1 pilot to attach the space- craft/target-vehicle tether : activate the Ex- periment SO10 Agena Micrometeorite Col- lection package ; and disconnect and connect fluid connectors and an electrical connector. The pilot used the Apollo torque wrench to exert greater than 100 inch-pounds of torque ; he concluded that man’s capability is even greater, and could be determined in the underwater zero-g simulation. The pilot was able to perform these tasks with one waist tether attached and one hand on a handhold, and then to repeat the tasks without using waist tethers. He strongly-‘ recommended, however, that body tethers be included in the restraint systems for future tasks involving torque. It is probable that body tethers will provide a greater capability for applying torque; minimize the effort required in con- trolling body position; and, if a tool should slip, eliminate the possibility of ‘it drifting away.

One of the best features of body tethers is the elimination of the constant anxiety of

drifting into an unknown and uncontrolled body position, while performing work or while resting. The waist tethers permitted the Gemini XI1 pilot to relax completely dur- ing the designated rest periods and a t any other desired time. During previous umbilical extravehicular activity, the pilots had been required to hang on with one or both hands and rest, as well as possible, in this condition. Of course, the work required to control body position eliminated the I: ,~ssibility of com- plete rest.

l’ip-Pin Handhnld/Tether-Attach Devices

Seven pip-pin handhold, tether devices (fig. 8-16) were used during Gemini XII. These devices used a conventional pip-pin mechanism with ball detents for attachment to the spacecraft. The T-shape of the pip-pins facilitated their use as handholds, and a loop M‘LLS installed for tether attachment. The pilot iised the devices as handholds during changes in body position and as waist tether-attach points during some of the work tasks on the tnrjret vehicle.

The T-shaped pip-pins were a convenient shape and size for hand gripping. When the rotational freedom of the devices was re- moved, the devices made excellent handholds, ilntl allowed complete control of body atti- tude. The elimination of rotational freedom also made waist tether attachment much easier.

Tether attach rim

FIGURE &15.-Tarmt vehicle extravehicular work station. FIGURE 8-16.-Pip-pin device.

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Pip-Pin Antirotation Devices

The pip-pin antirotation devices (fig. 8-17) were installed over 11 of the pip-pin attach- ment holes. Without the antirotation device, the pi.p-pins were free to rotate, and would do so when given any small torque. Experi- ence during Gemini XI1 showed that the anti- rctation devices were valuable when the pilot applied torque to the pip-pins, such as per- forming most tasks while tethered. However, with the antirotation device in place, the pip-pins had to be installed in one of eight specific orientations, which complicated the installation. Therefore, if pip-pin devices of this type are to be used, antirotation devices a re very desirable, but the requirement for such precise alinement is undesirable.

U-Bolt HandholdITether-Attach Devices

Nine U-bolt handhold/tether-attach devices (fig. 8-18) were installed in the extravehicu- lar work areas on Gemini XII. The pilot used

FIGUR~ 8-17.-Pip-pin and Velcro attachment points.

FIGURE 8-18.-ExtravehicuIar restraint provisions on target vehicle docking cone.

two of the U-bolts installed in the spacecraft adapter as waist tether points during the work without foot restraints, but the close proximity (about 4 inches) to the bolt plat- form caused some incmvcnience during the bolt torquing. The pilot found the U-bolts on the target vehicle useful for waist tether attachment and as handholds during work tasks and position changes.

Foot Restraints

The Gemini IX-A foot restraints (fig. 8-5) were not adequate for body restraint even in the absence of external forces. The molded foot restraints on the Gemini XI1 spacecraft, however, were considered by the pilot to be f a r superior to all other restraint devices he evaluated. With his feet in these restraints (fig. 8-19), the pilot was able to nearly dupli- cate his lg proficiency in performing tasks. He applied torques in excess of 200 inch- pounds, and performed alinement (fluid con- nector) and cutting .operations. In addition to performing work tasks, the Gemini XI1 pilot evaluated the body-attitude constraints imposed by the foot restraints. The pilot was able to force himself backward (pitch up) about 90" ; however, a significant effort was required to maintain that position. He was able to roll +45", and his yaw capability was almost r 9 0 " .

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FIGURE 8-l9.-Gemini XI1 adapter provisions for extravehicular activity.

Standup Tether

To prevent stressing the pilot’s oxygen and electrical connections with the spacecraft, standup tethers (fig. 8-20) were used during the standup extravehicular activity on Gem- ini X, XI, and XII. The standup tethers were attached to the extravehicular pilot’s para- chute harness and to the left side of the pilot’s seat. The tethers were constructed of thin nylon webbing and had a conventional single- loop adjustment buckle. The command pilot held the free end of the tether and usually performed the required adjustments, al- though on Gemini XI1 the extravehicular pilot was also able to make adjustments.

Space-Suit Leg Straps

For Gemini XI, a strap (fig. 8-21) about 9 inches in length was sewed on the left leg

I . -_ .li Adjustment buckle 1


FIGURE 8-20.-Standup tether.

FIGURE 8-21.-Space-suit leg strap.

(in the calf area) of‘the pilot’s space suit. When not in use, the strap was folded inside ;L Velcro pocket on the space suit. During the iimbilical extravehicular activity, with the pilot standing in the seat, the command pilot opened the Velcro pocket and pulled out the strap. The strap was intended to serve the same purpose during umbilical extravehicu- lar activity that the standup tether served during the standup extravehicular activity.

On the Gemini XI1 mission, identical straps were sewed on both legs of the pilot’s space suit. The straps were not used, however, be- cause the command pilot found it easier to hold the pilot’s foot to secure him.

Concluding Remarks

Provision of adequate body restraints is one of several factors which can assure the siiccess of an extravehicular activity mission.

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Based on the extravehicular experience accu- mulated in the Gemini Program, i t was con- cluded that thorough analysis and detailed training for extravehicular activity must be continued, and that the body-restraint re- quirements indicated by the analysis and the training must be met. During the extra- vehicular activity, restraints must be pro- vided for rest as well as for work tasks.

The restraints that were found to be most

satisfactory during the Gemini Program in- cluded :

(1) Gemini XI1 foot restraints, for rest and localized work

( 2 ) Gemini XI1 waist tethers, for rest and localized work

( 3 ) Rectangular handrail, for translating ~ L C I W S :I spacecraft surface

( 4 ) Pip-pin devices, for combination tether-attach points and handholds

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By HAROLD I. JOHNSON, Flight Crew Support Divisiort, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center; WILLIAM C . HUBER, Engineering Division, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center; EDWARD H. WHITE 11, Astronaut,

Astronaut Ofice, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center; and MICHAEL COLLINS, Astronaut, Astronaut Ofice, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center


The purpose of this report is to summarize what has been learned from the Gemini Pro- gram concerning extravehicular maneuver- ing in the near vicinity of the spacecraft. Maneuvering with the Hand Held Maneuver- ing Unit was scheduled for the Gemini IV, 17111, X and XI missions, and with the Astro- naut Maneuvering Unit for the Gemini IX-A and XI1 missions.

The evaluations of the maneuvering equip- ment planned for Gemini VIII, IX-A, X, and XI were not completed because of problems with spacecraft equipment before the evalua- tions were scheduled. Because of increased emphasis on the evaluation of body-restraint problems, the Astronaut Maneuvering Unit was not carried on Gemini XII.

Even though only limited extravehicular maneuvering was accomplished during the Gemini Program, a number of significant maneuvering systems were readied for flight and were actually carried into space. One pur- pose of the first portion of this report is to describe, in general, the maneuvering equip- ment used for extravehicular activity during the Gemini Program. The second portion de- scribes the ground training equipment and the methods used in preparing the flight crews for extravehicular maneuvering. The third portion recounts the brief, but interest- ing, flight results obtained with the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit during Gemini IV and Gemini X, and draws a comparison be- tween flight performance and ground train- ing indications.

Gemini Extravehicular Maneuvering Units

Prior to the development of the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit utilized on the Gemini IV mission, several experimental hand-held gas- expulsion devices were evaluated at the Air Bearing Facility, Manned Spacecraft Center. While working with the early Hand Held Maneuvering Units, some preconceived ideas were abandoned and some new ideas were generated. The following were learned from the early concepts:

(1) For translating, the tractor mode was inherently stable and easiest to control.

(2) Tractor nozzles placed f a r apart and parallel provided much less yas-impingement loss than nozzles placed side by side and canted outward.

(3) Due to lack of finger dexterity in pres- surized gloves, the trigger operating the pusher and tractor valves had to be operated by gross movements of the hand as opposed to finger or thumb manipulation.

( 4 ) Because of the constraints placed on arm and hand movement by the pressurized suit, together with the need to easily aline the thrust with the operator's center of yrav- ity, the handle of the space gun had to be on top, and certain angles had to be built into the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit to insure easy aiming of thrusters when the pilot's arm anti the hand were in a natural hard-suit position.

( 5 ) Precise attitude control was enhanced by utilizing a proportional thrust system, rather than an off-on system, for controlling thrust level.


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Gemini IV Hand Held Maneuvering Unit

The configuration for the Gemini IV Hand Held Maneuvering Unit (fig. 9-1) was evolved from early concepts, mission require- ments, and available qualified components. The 4000-psi storage tanks were the same as the emergency bailout bottles used in the Gemini ejection seat. The pressure regulator had been used in the Mercury Environmental Control System.A summary of the operating characteristics of the Gemini IV maneuvering unit is provided in table 9-1, and a cutaway drawing is shown in figure 9-2.

Mission requirements dictated that the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit be stowed in- side the spacecraft cabin. This required the selection of a propellant gas which would not contaminate the spacecraft atmosphere if leakage occurred : oxygen in the gaseous form was chosen as the propellant. Since very lim- ited storage space was available, the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit was stowed in two sections: the handle assembly and the high- pressure section. The two sections were joined by connecting a coupling at the regu- lator and inserting a pin adjacent to the pusher nozzle (fig. 9-2).

FIGURE g-l.-Gemini IV Hand Held Maneuvering Unit showing hand position for tractor thruster application.

Tractor nozzle,


Pusher Handle valve,\ assembly\


---Fi l l valve Shutoff

- valve

FIGURE 9-2.-Cutaway drawing of Gemini IV Hand Held Maneuvering Unit.

TABLE 9-I.-Gemini ZV Haqrcl Held Ma,reuve?.ing Uni t Characteristics

Thrust, Ib .............................................................. 0 t o 2 Total impulse, Ib x sec .......................................... Total available lV, ft/sec .................................... Trigger preload, lb .............................................. 15 Trigger force at maximum thrust, Ib .............. Storage-tank pi~essure, psi ................................ 4000 Regulated pressure, psi ...................................... 120 Nozzle-area ratio .................................................. 50:l Empty weight, Ib ................................................ 6.8 Oxygen weight, Ib ................................................ 0.7 Gross weight, lb .................................................... 7.5

40 G


After gaseous oxygen left the 4000-psi storage tanks (fig. 9-2), it passed through a manifold to a shutoff and fill valve. When this valve was opened, the oxygen entered a pressure regulator which reduced the pres- sure to 120 psi. The low-pressure oxygen en- tered the handle of the Hand Held Maneu- vering Unit and passed through a filter to two valves. The valve located at the rear of the handle permitted the gas to flow through the trigger' guard to the pusher nozzle. The valve located at the forward end of the unit ported gas through a swivel joint, then through two arms to the tractor nozzles. The arms of the tractor nozzles folded back for

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compact storage. The pusher and tractor valves were actuated by depressing the trig- ger. The amount of force applied to the pusher or tractor valve determined the thrust level. A force of 15 pounds applied to the valve poppet initiated gas flow to the nozzle : as the force was increased to 20 pounds, the thrust level increased proportionately from 0 to 2 pounds.

The gas storage tanks held only 0.7 pound of oxygen. This provided a total impulse of 40 lb x sec, or 2 pounds of thrust for 20 sec- onds. If used continuously, this total impulse would accelerate the extravehicular pilot and the life-support system (215 pounds) to a velocity of 6 ft/sec.

Gemini VI11 Hand Held Maneuvering Unit

In the Gemini VI11 mission, the total im- pulse was increased to 600 lb x sec (15 times more than the Gemini IV unit). A summary of the Gemini VI11 maneuvering system char- acteristics is given in tabl’e 9-11. Eighteen pounds of Freon 14 gas were’stored at 5000 psi in a 439-cubic-inch tank. The tank was mounted in a backpack (fig. 9-3) which also housed an identical tank filled with 7 pounds of life-support oxygen. Freon 14 was chosen as a propellant because, even though its spe- cific impulse (33.4 seconds) was lower than oxygen (59 seconds) . or nitrogen (63 sec-

onds), its density was almost three times as great, therefore providing more total im- pulse for a slight increase in total mass. This can be illustrated by the following calcula- tions :

7 lb 0, x 59 lb x sec,/lb =

413 lb x sec total impulse

18 lb Freon 14 x 33.4 Ib X sec/lb =

GOO lb x: sec total impulse

The calculations indicate a 45-percent in- crease in total impulse for Freon 14 over oxygen a t the same maximum tank pressure (5000 psi) . Inasmuch as the weight of the extravehicular pilot with all gear except pro- pulsion gas was about 250 pounds, the use of Freon 14, rather than oxygen or nitrogen, was an excellent tradeoff as f a r as the change-in-velocity capability was concerned.

TABLE 9-II . -Gemii i i VZZZ Hand Held Maneuvering Unit Characteristics

Propellant, gas ............................................ Specific impulse (calculated), sec ............ Total available AV, ft/sec .......................... Trigger preload, Ib ...................................... Trigger force at maximum thrust, Ib ...... Storage-tank pressure, psi ........................ Regulated pressure, psi ..............................

Thrust, Ib ...................................................... Total impulse, Ib x sec ..............................

Nozzle-area ratio ........................................ Weight of propellant, lb ............................ Weight of Hand Held Maneuvering

Unit, lb ......................................................

Freon 14 0 to 2 -33:4

600 54 15 20

‘5000 110215

50:l 18

3 -

E’IWRE !)-:;.-Gemini VI11 Hand Held Maneuvering Unit, backpack, and chest pack.

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The expansion of the Freon 14 from 5000 psi to 110 psi resulted in temperatures of approximately -150" F in the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit handle assembly. The low temperatures caused the poppet valves to stick open when actuated. To make the valves operable at -150" F, Teflon cryogenic seals were used in place of the elastomer seals which had been satisfactory for the Gemini .IV Hand Held Maneuvering Unit. Even though qualification testing demonstrated that the redesigned poppet valves would op- erate at low temperatures, two shutoff valves were incorporated in the system. One of the valves (fig. 9-4) was located immediately upstream of the coupling, antl was designed to prevent the gas from escaping in case the poppet valves failed to close. The other shut- off valve was located in the backpack, up- stream of the flexible feedline antl was de- signed to shut off the gas flow in the event of an accidentally severed hose. The extra precautions were taken to reduce the possi- bility of uncontrolled gas escaping from the system and causing the extravehicular pilot to tumble. The handle of the Hand Held Ma- neuvering Unit was also modified to provide the pilot with a better grip (fig. 9-4).

(;rrnini S Hand Held ManeuverinE [:nit

For Gemini X, the handle of the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit (fig. 9-5) was fur-

FIGURE 94-Shutoff valve upstream of couplinp of Gemini VI11 Hand Held Maneuvering Unit. Arms in near folded position.

FIGURE %.i.-Genlini X Hand Held ManeuvevinE Unit configuration.

ther modified by sloping the handle to pro- vide easier movement of the pilot's hand from pusher to tractor actuxtion. Grooves were cut in the handle to accommodate the re- straint wires in the palm of the scit glove. The singlo rocking trigger was replaced with two shorter triggers pivoted a t the erld. This modification reduced the actuation forces from between 15 and 20 pounds to between 5 and 8 pounds, and also reduced the distance the hand had to be shifted to go from pusher to tractor mode or vice versa.

On the Gemini X flight, the propellant was stored in two 439-cubic-inch tanks in the spacecraft adapter section and was fed to the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit through a 50- foot dual umbilical (fig. 9-6). One hose in the umbilical provided life-support oxvgen and the other hose provided nitrogen gas to the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit. Nitrogen WRS selected ;IS a propellant to reduce slightly some of the low-temperature problems en- countered with Freon 14. The two nitrogen tanks provided a total impulse of 677 Ib y

FIGURE 9-6.-Fifty-foot dual umldical used in Gemini X shown connected to Estravchicular Life- Support Spsceiii antl Hand Held hlancuveiing Unit.

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sec, amounting to 84 ft/sec change in velocity of the extravehicular pil9t. A list of other pertinent characteristics is provided in table 9-111.

TABLE 9-III.-Gemini X and XI Hand Held Maneztvehg Unit Chamcteristics

Propellant ................................................ Thrust, Ib ................................................ Specific impulse, sec .............................. Total impulse, Ibxsec .......................... Total available AI’, ft /sec .................... Trigger preload, Ib ................................ Trigger force at maximum thrust, lb..

Regulated pressure, psi ........................ Nozzle-area ratio .................................... Weight of usable p~opcllant, Ib ............ Weight of Hand Held Maneuvering

Unit, Ib ................................................ Weight of extravehicular pilot, Ib ......

Storage-tank pressure, psi ..................

Nitrogen gas 0 to 2

63 677 84 5 8

5000 125k15

50:1 10.75

3 260

A hardline was routecl from the tank in- stallation in the spacecraft atlapter section to a recessed panel behind the hatch. The hardline was clamped to the adapter-section structure at numerous points to provide heat shorts for warming the cooled gas (due to adiabatic expansion during use).

After connecting the life-support side of the dual umbilical to the oxygen system in the pressurized spacecraft and making the proper connections to the Extravehicular Life-support System chest pack, the pilot egressed the cabin and moved to a recessed panel behind the hatch. The pilot connected the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit propellant side of the dual umbilical to the nitrogen sup- ply by means of a push-on connector and a shutoff valve provided on the recessed panel.

In the Gemini XI mission, the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit was stowed in the space- craft adapter section rather than in the cabin. The screw-on coupling was changed to a quick-disconnect coupling (fig. 9-7) to simplify connecting the Hand Held Maneu- vering Unit to the umbilical. The extrave-

, /‘

FIGURE !)-i.--Gemini XI Hand Held Maneuvering Unit in inverted position showing quick-discon- nect coupling.

hicular pilot had to perform this operation with one hand in a limited access area and in a pressurized suit. Several features were in- corporated in the push-on coupling to provide immediate interchanging of the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit with a gas-powered tool for possible future maintenance and assem- bly operations in space.

The propellant gas storage-tank installa- tion for Gemini XI was identical to the Gemini X configuration ancl provided the same operational characteristics (table 9- 111). A 30-foot dual umbilical was employed rather than the 50-foot dual umbilical used on Gemini X.


Astronaut IIancwwrinrr [’nit

The Air Force Astronaut Maneuvering Unit (fig. 9-8) was scheduled for evaluation on the Gemini IX-A and the Gemini XI1 missions. Pertinent characteristics of the Astronaut Maneuvering Unit are listed in table 9-IV.

The Astronaut Maneuvering Unit back- pack contained hydrogen peroxide, nitrogen, and oxygen tanks; two sets of rate gyros; twelve 2.3-pound thrust chambers with asso- ciated solenoid-operated valves; self-con- tained radio and telemetry equipment; and

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FIGURE 9-8.-The Air Force Astronaut Maneuvering Unit as configured for Gemini IX-A. Extravehicu- lar Life-support System (chest pack) also shown.

other miscellaneous equipment. The back- pack was designed to provide attitude con- trol and stabilization about the yaw, pitch, and roll axes, as well as translation in the fore-and-aft and up-and-down directions. At- titude control could be achieved either by using the thrusters in a direct manual on- off mode or in a rate-command mode.

The Astronaut Maneuvering Unit was capable of providing a change in velocity of about 250 feet per second for an all-inclusive extravehicular pilot weight of 407 pounds. The gross weight of the Astronaut Maneu-

vering Unit, 168 pounds, included a 19-pound oxygen bottle which held 7 pounds of gaseous oxygen for the Extravehicular Life-support System. The nitrogen in the Astronaut Ma- neuvering Unit was used to expel the hydro- gen peroxide through the catalyst beds and then through the reaction nozzles.

TABLE g-IV.-Gemini ZX-A Astronaut Marieuveiing Uuit Characteristics

Propellant .................... 90 percent hydrogen peroxide Total thrust (fore-and-aft or

up-and-down) , Ib ................................ 4.6 Pitch moment, in.-lb .............................. 63.5 Roll moment, in.-lb ................................ 44.2 Yaw moment, in.-lb .............................. 47.7 Specific impulse, sec .............................. Total impulse, Ibxsec ............................ Total available AV, ft/sec .................... Controller characteristics :

Breakout: Fore-and-aft, Ib ...................... Up-and-down, Ib ...................... Pitch, Ib ............................... : .... Roll, Ib ...................................... Yaw ..........................................

Fore-and-aft, Ib ...................... Up-and-down, Ib ......................

Maximum force :

Pitch, Ib .................................... Roll, Ib ...................................... Yaw, in.-lb ..............................

Fore-and-aft ............................ Up-and-clown ..........................

Roll ............................................ Yaw ..........................................

Pitch .................................................. Roll .................................................... Yaw ..................................................

Attitude deadband. d e r ........................ Maximum contiml rates, dep/sec :

Pitch .................................................. Roll .................................................... Yaw ..................................................

Maximum nitropen tank pressure, psi

Maximum deflection, deg:

Attitude-limit cycle periods, sec:

169 3100 250

4.5 4.5 4.0 4.0


9.75 9.75 10.5 10.5 13.0

6 (i

6 6


50 50

3.2 (:: axes) 2 2 . 4

18 27 18

3500 t i ep l a t ed hydrogen peroxide

pressure, psi 455 Nozzle-area ratio .................................... 40: l Weight of propellant, Ib ........................ 24 Weight of Astronaut Maneuvering

Unit, Ib 168 Wcipht o f extravchicular pilot, I h ...... 407



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Ground Training for Estravehicular Maneuvering

Hand Held \lanruvering Unit Control Logic

A number of different procedures could be used successfully to move from one point to another in space with a Hand Held Maneu- vering Unit. Figure 9-9 illustrates the par- ticular procedures selected for use with the Gemini systems. The figure illustrates tractoi. thrusting for either fornwtl or backward translation. as well as pusher thrusting, m t l applies to any of the three possible rotational control axes : yaw, pitch, or roll. For cxample. in fixure 9-9(a) assume that the illustra- tion refers to the yaw axis so that our view of the man is from directly above; that is, the label “MAN” refers to the end of a line running from the operator’s head to foot, The Hand Held Maneuvering Unit is held in front of the man’s center of gravity a t the position of the label “FORCE.” The force in

I 1




t u -1 +d t-

this case is pointed forward a s i t must be when considering the tractor mode. Assume that a disturbance occurs and causes a rota- tion to the right. indicated by the curved velocity arrow labeled ‘‘+<,,.’’ To eliminate t h i s tlistui~l~;ince, the Hand Held Mnneuver- ing Unit must he moved laterally toward the right side; however, the thrust line of the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit must be pointed tlii-ectly a t the target. By pointing directly a t the target at all times, the opera- tor (1 ) insures that he will eventually arrive exactly at the target. (2 ) maximizes the de- sired control moment. and ( 3 ) minimizes the amount of fuel required for attitude control. The third rule on the illustration refers to phase lead and states that the control motions should lead the disturbances if the rotational motions are to Le completely damped. If, in- stead of IeadinK the rotational motions, the control motions remain exactly in phase with the rotational motions, the result is a con-


I 1


’. -. ’-Target

t u

-I -d I-- Always point at target Always point at tarqet

Displace device in same direction as rotation l+d for +u)

Lead the rotations by the control displacements in order to eliminate the rotations

Displace device in opposite direction as rotation I-d for +u) ’

Lead the rotations by the control displacements in order to eliminate the rotations

(a) Tractor mode. lb) Pusher mode.

FIGURE 9-9.-Rules for attitude control during translation with Hand Held blanvuvcring Unit.

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stant-amplitude snaking oscillation as the operator translates toward or away from the target.

The foregoing procedures first appear com- plicated and overly sophisticated. In actual practice, the pilot never consciously thinks of the rules while using the Hand Held Ma- neuvering Unit. Application of the pro- cedures may be compared with the actions and reactions required to ride a bicycle. The skilled operator of the Hand Held Maneu- vering Unit looks directly at the target. The control loop is closed directly from the target motion to the eyes and brain of the operator, with resulting error signals feeding the op- erator’s muscular command system. The con- trol system of the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit is a personal adaptive control system. The accuracy of this system in space with all the 6 degrees of freedom active is not yet known, inasmuch as the planned Gemini flight evaluations did not cover this point.

On the 3-degree-of-freedom air-bearing fa- cility, using any one of the three rotational axes and two translation axes, the accuracy of a skilled operator is within less than 1 inch of the intended target (from distances of approximately 25 feet). At longer ranges, the same degree of accuracy could be main- tained because the control logic is a termi- nal-guidance type. Also, the operator’s axis svstem does not have to be alined with the direction of motion while using the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit. The operator must physically see the target and point a t the tar- get while keeping the thrust force through his center of gravity. With reg:ird to ease of use, the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit was designed so that when held in the operator’s right hand with the thrust line along the op- erator’s X-axis. the muscles in the right arm and hand are in ;I completelv unutrained position.

Astronaut Mancwvering I i i i i t Contrnl Lopic

The control logic preferred by the pilots of Gemini IX-A and Gemini XI1 follows. From an initially stabilized position, gen-

erally facing the target, thrust is applied to produce a forward velocity proportional to the range to be flown. As soon as this ve- locity is achieved, yaw 90” away from the original attitude and coast toward the tar- get. The line-of-sight drifts of the target can be eliminated by using the up-and-down and fore-and-aft translational thrusters. Just prior to ar‘riving at the target, yaw back to the original attitude facing the target and apply braking thrust.

This control procedure involves only two discrete yaw rotations and no roll or pitch rotations. The control procedure minimizes attitude-control fuel requirements because the inertia of the extravehicular pilot is a t a minimum about the yaw axis. Also, the con- trol procedure is probably the simplest for a maneuvering unit that does not have lateral- translation cnpability.

,\ir-lkariiiK Traininf Equipment

The most important requirement for an air-bearing facility, and the most difficult to achieve antl maintain, is a flat, hard, smooth floor. The floor of the Air-Bearing Facility a t the Manned Spacecraft Center consists of 21 cast-steel machinist’s layout tables each 3 feet wide l)y 8 feet long. Each table weighs about 2200 pounds and is flat to within ap- proximately 0.0002 inch. The pattern is seven tables wide antl three tables long com- prising a total floor area of 21 by 24 feet. After leveling, the joints between adjacent tables are xcu ra t e to about 0.0004 inch, and the overall floor is estimated to be flat within approximately 0.002 inch. The cedure must be repeated about every 6 months. due to settling of the building foun- dation. This degree of floor accuracy allows free movement of simulators with air cush- ions approximately 0.001 inch thick. Such low flight altitudes are desirable because the required airflow is quite low, and the atten- dant possible turbine-blade ( je t propulsion) effect resulting from iineven eshaust of the air from the air bearings is negligible. This turbine-blade effect is extremely untlesirable

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because i t confuses the results produced by low-thrust jets such as those of the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit.

Figures 9-10 to 9-13 show some of the air-bearing simulators utilized for extra- vehicular training during the Gemini Pro- gram. Figure 9-10 shows the Gemini X pilot on a yaw training simulator in preparation for that mission. In this particular case, compressed air for the Hand Held Maneuver- ing Unit, for the pressurized suit, and for floating the air-bearing equipment flowed from a 130-psi service air supply through a dual umbilical identical to the one used in the Gemini X flight. A skilled technician was employed to minimize the effect of the um- bilical drag during training.

Figure 9-11 shows the Gemini VI11 pilot during a yaw training session prior to the mission. The Extravehicular Support Pack- age was supported by metal legs; three sup- porting air pads were utilized for the necessary added stability because of the large combined mass and volume of both the Ex-

FIGURE 9-11.-Three-pad air-bearing simulator for yaw-axis training with backpack-supported ma- neuvering devices.

FIGURE g-lO.--Sinc.le-pad air-hearing simulator for yaw-axis training with Hand Held Maneuverina Unit.

FIGURE !)-12.-Three-pad air-lwarina simulator dur- ina pitch-axis trainina with Hand IIcld Manru- wring Unit.

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FIGURE 9-13.-Three-pad air-bearing simulator dur- ing roll-axis training with Hand Held Maneuver- ing Unit.

travehicular Support Package (backpack) and the Extravehicular Life-support System (chest pack). In the simulator, compressed air for floating the platform is carried in an oxygen bottle mounted on the platform ; and compressed air for the Hand Held Maneu- vering Unit is carried in a high-pressure bottle located inside the Extravehicular Sup- port Package (as on Gemini VIII). No um- bilical or tether was utilized. This simulator was also used in training for the Astronaut ManeuverinK Unit.

Figure 9-12 shows the Gemini X pilot in pitch-axis training on a different type of Simulator. The cot is made of lightweight aluminum tubing which does not appreciably change his inertia in pitch. Three pads a re used to provide satisfactory tipping sta- bility. The compressed air needed to power the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit, to pres- surize the suit, and to float the air-bearing equipment is supplied by the service air sup- ply through the :I.;:-inch-insitle-diameter um- bilical (fig. 9-12). This umbilical contains small air-bearing supporters which allow more accurate simulation of the in-space effect of a similar umbilical.

Figure 9-13 shows the Gemini X pilot in roll-axis 'raining on the same simulator. Roll-axis training was practiced by looking at the target while translating to it, and by

looking a t the ceiling while translating to the side. The latter case is important because in normal use of the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit, rolling velocity should be kept at zero while translating and looking forward.

Types of Training Runs

The following is a representative list of the types of training runs made on the air- bearing equipment in preparation for extra- vehicular activity maneuvering. The runs were made in the yaw and pitch modes; most were also made in the roll mode.

( 1 ) Familiarization with air bearing. ( 2 ) Use of muscle power to control atti-

tude. (3 ) With Hand Held Maneuvering Unit in

hand, control attitude while being towed to tu rge t.

( 4 ) With hip-kit compressed-air bottle :ind no umbilical, translate from point A to a collision with point B. The points A and 8 itre any two specific points in the training

( 5 ) Repeat preceding step, but completely stop 1 foot in front of point 8.

( 6 ) With initial rotational velocity a t point A , stop rotation, proceed to point R, and stop completely 1 foot in front of point B.

( 7 ) With both initial r;tndom rotation and translation in vicinity of point A. stop both initial rotation and translation. proceed to point B, and stop completely 1 foot in front of point B.

(8) Starting from rest at point -4, inter- crpt ;i target moving with constant velocity a t right angles to the line of sight.

and 90 , stopping any translation existing a t end of run.

( 10) Without the Hand Held Maneuvering IJnit, practice pushing off from simulated spacecraft and stopping completely by gently snubbing the umbilical.

( 11) Practice hand walking the umbilical buck to the simulated spacecraft, being care- fu l not to generate excessive translational velocity.


(9) Make precision attitude changcs of 45

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(12) ' Investigate elasticity and wrap-up tendencies of umbilical by hitting end of umbilical with various initial translational and rotational velocities.

Amount of Training

Air-bearing training received by the prime pilots of Gemini IV, VIII, TX-A, X, and XI follows :

Missiov Training,

hr IV .............................................................. ..12 VI11 ............................................ i ............... 20.5 IX-A .......................................................... 3 X ................................................................ 13.25 XI ................................................................ 20

The 6-Degree-of-Freedom Simulator

In addition to the 3 hours of air-bearing training with the Astronaut Maneuvering Unit in preparation for Gemini. IX-A extra- vehicular activity, the pilot completed ap- proximately 11 hours of training on the Manned Aerospace Flight Simulator (fig. 9-14). This simulator consisted of a produc- tion-type Astronaut Maneuvering Unit with conti*ols wired into a hybrid computer fa- cility. The simulator provided the subject with small-amplitude pitch, roll, and yaw rotntions and up-and-down translation ac- celeration cues which later were damped out. The visual display simulated clouds over an ocean, and a horizon with blue and red dots representing the front and rear ends of a target vehicle. These were all projected on the inner surface of a spherical screen mounted about 8 feet in front of the pilot. The dots varied in size to represent a target vehicle at ranges from approximately 250 feet to essentially zero range. The object of most training runs was to aline the two ends of the spacecraft (superimpose the dots), and to move in to it simulated arrival posi- tion with respect to the target.


FI(:UI~E 9-14.-The Manned Aerospace Flight Siniu- lator used during traininn with the Astronaut Maneuvering Unit.

Inertia <'oul)liiig Training-Aid Model

L)u 1-i iig the Gemini VI11 ext rave hiculai. ti-aining, the question arose its to whether controlled rotations about one axis of an ex- travehicular pilot might lead to uncontrolletl rotations about the other two axes due to inerti:i coupling or 1,roduct-of-inerti~t effects. To gain ii qllitlitative iden of the possible seriousness of these effects, ;I 140-4.5 scale model of the Gemini VI11 pilot was con- structed and mounted in a set of extremely light giml)ds. The model (fig. 9-15) was bitsed upon three-view scale photographs of the pilot in ;I pressurized suit, and carved f i m i wood. The scale weight m t l center-of- gixvity ]wit ion of the pilot, the Extrave- hiculai. Support Package, and the Extra-

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FIGURE 9-15-1nertia coupling training-aid model.

Lrehicular Life-support System were closely duplicated, although no attempt was made to measure and tluplicate the moments of inertia of these items, The gimbal arrangement is shown in figure 9-16. The yaw axis is at the top; the half-pitch gimbal is next; innermost is the roll gimbal, which consisted of two ball bearings inside the body of the model. The yaw and pitch gimbals were also mounted on ball bearings. The gimbal weight n.m only about 0.2 that of the model.

Investigations of inertia co~ipling effects were conducted l)y rotating the model about one of the mijoi. axes while holding the other two axes fixed, then by suddenly releasing the two fixed giml):ils. The following results were observed.

( I ) Following a pure yaw rotational in- put, when the pitch and roll gimbals were released, slow up-and-down changes in pitch attitude resulted. A s the motion slowed due to gimbal-bewing friction, the model rotated 90 in roll so that the original yawing motion became a pure pitching motion. This attitude then was stable because no coupling was evi- denced if the model wits again spun about the original axis of rot- t’ ion.

(2) Following a pure pitch rotational in- put, the model merely slowed to zero rotit-

‘ J

F I ~ U R E %16.-Inertia coupling training-aid model showing gimbal suspension system.

tion;il velocity (because of gimbal-bearing friction) without exhibiting inertia coupling tentlencies of a n y kind.

( 3 ) Following ;i I)iit-e roll rotational input, release of the pitch and yaw gimbals imme- tliately i*esultcd i n i t confused pitching, y a ~ v - ing, m t l rolling tumbling motion.

The behavior of the model was obviously i i i conson;incc with the observed shape of the model. For example, the mass distribution of thtb model, and also of ;in exti-:ivehicul:ir pilot, ;ire almost symmetrical about the I’Z plane; therefore, practically no rolling or yawing moments ;tt*e generated due to the effects of centrifucal force acting upon local mass ;!symmetry when the model is pitched. How- ever, the model with I)ilckp;ick and chest pack

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is considerably asymmetrical about the YZ plane: therefore, i t is not surprising that large pitching and yawing moments resulted from pure roll.

The tests performed with the model re- sulted in adoption of the following simple maneuvering rules for the extravehicular pilot. The rules are designed to eliminate or reduce greatly the chance of encountering inertia coupling effects.

(1) Never roll. Always establish the atti- tude toward the target by yawing, then pitch- ing. Never roll while translating.

(2) In case inertia coupling effects are en- countered, always stop the rolling velocity first, the yawing velacity second, and the pitching velocity last.

In connection with possible inertia cou- pling effects, two final comments should be made. First, the extravehicular pilots were not unique in being subject to inertia coupling effects. Airplanes and spacecraft are also sub- ject to such coupled motions. Second, it is difficult to understand how these effects could be encountered by a n extravehicular pilot at the end of an umbilical or tether. In such a case, the umbilical or tether should effectively eliminate all large rotations other than those about the axis of the umbilical or tether. This observation strongly suggests that tether and umbilical reels, controlled by the extravehicu- lar pilot, should be developed as soon as pos- sible. Air-bearing tests indicate that body rotations which can cause umbilical wrap-up about the subject tend to be eliminated rap- idly by the umbilical as long as the subject does not already possess translational velocity toward the spacecraft umbilical attach point. The reason for this action is that the rota- tional energy causing wrap-up has to be con- verted to translational kinetic energy in order for wrap-up to continue. The proportionality factor for energy transformation in this di- rection is qualitatively very low. Therefore, the practice of always operating at the end of a straight umbilical may help eliminate undesirable angular rotations about the two body axes not coincident with the axis of the umbilical.

Hand Held Maneuvering Unit Flight Performance m d Comparison With

Ground Training

Gemini I V Extmvehica lur Activity

The Gemini IV pilot made the first powered extravehicular maneuvering in history. Fig- ure 9-17 is one of the many photographs taken by the command pilot and shows the extravehicular pilot in the perfect posture for maneuvering with a Hand Held Maneu- vering Unit. The pilot described h is experi- ences with the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit and with the umbilical as follows:

I left [ the spacecraft] entirely under the influ- ence of the gun, and it carried me right straight out, a little higher than I wanted to go. I wanted to maneuver over to your [command pilot’s] side, but I maneuvered out of the spacecraft and forward and perhaps a little higher than I wanted to be. When I got out to what I estimate as probably one- half or two-thirds the way out on the tether. I was out past the nase of the spacecraft. I started a yaw to the left with the gun and that’s when I reported that the gun really worked quite well. I believe tha t I stopped tha t yaw, and I started translating back toward the spacecraft. I t was either on this trans- lation or the one following this tha t I got into a bit

FIGURE 9-17.-Extravehicular activity during Gem- ini IV. Note classic posture exhibited by pilot fo r maneuvering with Hand Held Maneuverinc Unit.

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of a combination of pitch, roll, and yaw together. I felt that I could have corr’ected i t , but I knew tha t i t would have taken more fuel than I had wanted to expend with the gun, so I gave a little t u g on the tether and came back in. This is the first experience I had with tether dynamics and it brought me right back to where I did not want to be. I t brought me right back on top of the spacecraft, by the adapter section.

This is the first time it had happened. I said [to command pilot]: “Al l right, I’m coming back out [to front of sparecraft] again.” This is one of the most impressive uses of the gun tha t I had. I started back out with the gun, and I decided tha t I would fire a pretty good burst too. I started back out with the gun, and I literally flew with the gun right down along the edge of the spacecraft, right out to the f ront of the nose, and out past the end of the nose. I then actually stopped myself with the gun. That was easier than I thought. I must have been fairly fortunate, because I must have fired i t right through my cg. I stopped out there and, if niy memory serves me right, this is where I t r ied,a couple of yaw ma- neuvers. I tried a couple of yaw and a couple of pitch maneuvers, and then I started firing the gun to come back in [to the spacecraft]. I think this was the time tha t the gun ran out. And, I was actually able to stop myself with i t out there t h a t second time too. The longest firing time tha t I put on the gun was the one tha t I used to start over the doors up by the adapter section. I started back out then. I probably fired i t for a I-second burst or somethink like that. I used small bursts all the time. You could put a little burst in and the response was tremen- dous. You could s t a r t a slow yaw or a slow pitch. I t seemed to be a rather efficient way to operate. I would have liked to have had a &foot bottle out there-the bigger the better. It was quite easy to control.

The technique tha t I used with the gun was the technique tha t we developed on the air-hcaring plat- form. I kept my left hand out to the side [fig. 9-17] and the gun as close to my center of gravity as I could. I think tha t the training I had on the air- bearing tables was very representative especially in yaw and pitch. I felt quite confident with the gun in yaw and pitch, but I felt a little less confident in roll. I felt t ha t I would have to use too much of iny fuel. I felt tha t i t would he a littlr more difficult to control and I didn’t want to use my fuel to take out my roll combination with the yaw. As soon as m y gun ran out [of fuel] I wasn’t able

to control myself the wuy I could with the Eun. With tha t gun, I could dccidc to yo to ii part of a spncr- craf t and very confidently go.

Now I was working on taking sonie pictures and working on the tether dynamics. I immediately rea- lized what was wrong. I realized that our tether

was mounted on a plane oblique to the angle in which I wanted to translate. I remember from our air-bearing work tha t every time you got a n angle from the perpendicular where your tether was mounted, i t [the tether] gave you a nice arching trajectory back in the opposite direction. You’re actually like a weight on the end of a string. If you push out in one direction and you’re at a n angle from the perpendicular, when you reach t h e end of a tether, i t neatly sends you in a long a rc back in the opposite direction. Each time this a r c carried me right back to the top of the adapter, to the top of the spacecraft, in fact, toward the adapter section.

One thing though tha t I’ll say very emphatically- there wasn’t any tendency to recontact the spacecraft in anything but very gentle contacts. I made some quite interesting contacts. I made one t h a t I recall on the bottom side of the right door in which I had kind of rolled around. I actually contacted the bot- tom of the spacecraft with the back of my head. I was faced away from the spacecraft. and I j u s t drifted right up against i t and just very lightly con- tacted it. I rebounded off. As long as the pushoffs a re slow, there just isn’t any tendency to get in a n uncontrollable attitude.

Gemini S Extravehicular Activity

I t was intended that the Gemini X pilot 1)erform an extensive evaluation of the H a d Held Maneuvering Unit induding precise anjwlar attitude changes and translations. However, the flight plan for the extravehicu- lar activity required a number of other ac- tivities prior to this evaluation. One of the planned activities \vas to translate to the twwt vehicle at very short range using manual forces alone and to retrieve the Ex- periment SO10 Agena Micrometeorite Col- lection package attached near the docking cone. The pilot described the use of the Hand Held Mmeuvering Unit a t this time ;is fol- lows :

Okay. we’re in this EVA. I got back and stood up in thc. hatch and checkrd out the gun and made sure it was squirting nitrogen. That’s the only gun check- out I did. In the nirantinie. John maneuvered the spacecraft over toward thc end of the TDA, just as we hitd planned. He got in such a position tha t my hcwl wits 4 to 5 feet from thc docking cone. I t was upward a t about a 45” angle. just as we planned. I I)elieve a t one time there you said you had trouhle seeing it, and I gave you [command pilot] some in- structions iil)out “forwnrtl. forward.” “stop, stop.” So I actually sort of talkcd .John into position.

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I translated over by pushing off from the space- craft. I floated forward and upward fairly slowly and contacted the Agena. I grabbed hold of the dock- ing cone as near as I can recall, at about t h e 2 o'clock position. If you call the location of the notch in it, the 12 o'clock, I was to the r ight of that-at about the 2 o'clock position and I started crawling around. No, I must have been more about the 4 o'clock posi- tion, because I started crawling around at the dock- ing cone counterclockwise, and the docking cone itself, the leading edge of the docking cone, which is very blunt, makes a very poor handhold in those pressure gloves. I had great difficulty in holding on to the thing. And, as a mattzr of fact, when I got over by the SO10 package and tried to stop my mo- tion, my inertia [ the inertia of] my lower hody, kept me right on moving and my hand slipped and I fell r?ff the Agena.

When I fell off, I figured I had either one of two things to do. I could either pull in on t h e umbilical and get back to the spacecraft, o r I could use the gun. And I chose to use the gun. I t was floating free at this time. I t had come loose from the chestpack. So, I reached down to my left hip and found the nitrogen line and started pulling in on i t and found the gun, and unfolded the a rms of the gun and started looking around. I picked up the spacecraft in view. I was pointed roughly toward the space- craft . The spacecraft was forward and below .me on my left. The Agena was just about over my left shoulder and below me, or down on my left side and below me. I used the gun to translate back to the co*ckpit area. Now, I was trying to thrust in a straight line from where I was back to the co*ckpit, but in leaving the Agena I had developed some tan- gential velocity, which was bringing me out around the side and the rear of the Gemini. So what hap- pened was, i t was almost as if I was in a n airplane on down wind for a landing, and in making a left- hand pat tern I flew around and made a 180" left descending turn, and flew right into t h e co*ckpit. I t was a combination 'of just luck, I think, being ablc to use the gun. A t any rate, I did return to the co*ckpit in tha t manner, and John again maneuvered the spacecraft. When I got to the co*ckpit, I stood up in the hatch and held on to the hatch. John ma- neuvered the spacecraft again up nc-xt to the Apena. This time we were, I think. slightly fa r ther away, because I felt tha t rather than trying to push off 1 would use the gun and translate over. And I did, in fact , squirt the gun up, depart the co*ckpit and trans- late over to the docking cone using the gun as a control device. The gun pot me there. I t wasn't ex- tremely accurate. What happened was, as I was qoing over, I guess in leaving the co*ckpit, I some- how developed a n inadvertent pitch-down moment, and when I corrected this out with the gun, I de- veloped a n upward translation as well as a n up-

ward pitching moment. So I did damp out the pitch. I converted tha t downward pitch moment into a n upward pitching moment, and then I was able t o stop my pitch entirely. But in the process of doing that, I developed a n inadvertent up translation, which nearly caused me to miss the Agena. AS a matter of fact , 1 came very close to passing over the top of the Agena; and I was just barely able to pitch down with the gun and snag a hold of the docking cone as I wrnt by the second time.

During further technical debriefings, the Gemini X pilot made several other comments. Concerning the response characteristics of the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit, he stated that the thrust levels of 0 to 2 pounds were about right. These levels provided adequate translational response without making the rotational response seem overly sensitive. The Gemini IV pilot made the same comment.

With respect to ability to transfer the con- trol skills acquired on the 3-degree-of-free- dom air-beafing simulators to the 6 degrees o f freedom existing in space, the Gemini X pilot stated that the transfer was easy and natural. He WLLS, perhaps, a little surprised that the pitch degree of freedom gave more control troihle than the yaw-degree of free- dom. Due to ;i very low hotly inertia about the yaw axis, yawing motions generated with the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit are naturally much faster than either pitch or roll motions.

Finally. in answer to the question of whether he had acquired any rolling motions during brief periods of maneuvering with the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit, the Gemini X pilot stated that no rolling motions what- ever had heen experienced. This is sipnificant fr)r two reasons:

( 1 ) Rased upon indications of the inertia coupling model, and upon the Gemini IV ex- ti*avchicul:ir activity, the Gemini X pilot had t rained speci tic:tlly to avoid rolling motions, and to stop them immediately if they should

(2 ) If rolling motions can he totally elimi- nated. then control with the Hand Held Ma- ueuvrring Unit is rctliicetl practically to a siml)le ::-tlegree-of-freedom situation involv- i n g yawing and pitching rotations, and linear t i*anslat ions.


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. Concluding Remarks

Based upon the short periods of extra- vehicular maneuvering during two Gemini missions, the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit is a simple device suitable for translating easily between selected points on a spacecraft or anywhere in the general vicinity of the spacecraft. Thrust values ranging from 0 to 2 pounds are desirable for present-day Hand Held Maneuvering Units. Controlled move- ment about a spacecraft on a fixed-length umbilical without a maneuvering device is difficult, if not impossible. However, such maneuvering does not appear to result in uncontrollable attitudes if care is taken to avoid large translational velocity inputs when leaving the spacecraft.

As a result of work with a gimbal-mounted scale model of an extravehicular pilot, i t ap- pears that confused tumbling motions due to inertia coupling effects are likely to occur during extravehicular maneuvering if exces- sive simple rotational velocities (especially rolling velocities) are attained. Therefore, i t is recommended that until additional extra- vehicular maneuvering experience has been gained, rolling velocities be maintained close to zero during extravehicular maneuvering, and the extravehicular pilot mass distribu- tion be kept nearly symmetrical.

Three-degree-of-f reedom air-bearing simu- lators are satisfactory devices for extra- vehicular maneuvering ground training. A minimum of 10 hours of such training is recommended.

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By G . FRED KKLLY. M.D., Medical Operations Ofice, N A S A Mnnned Spncecrn/t Cknter: and D. OWEN COONS, M.D., Medical Operations Ofice, N A S A Mmii ied Spacecra// Center


The medical aspects of Gemini extrave- hicular activities are principally concerned with the physiological responses to high workloads, high thermal stresses, and low fatigue tolerance. Analysis of physiological instrumentation data. from extravehicular flights and training operations contributed significantly to the understanding of extra- vehicular workloads and the means of con- trolling these


The success of the Gemini I V extravehicu- lar activity provided the initial confidence that man could accomplish extravehicular operations easily and with a minimum of physiological constraints. The Gemini IV mission also tended to indicate that elaborate physiological instrumentation would not be required. Accordingly, medical instrumenta- tion requirements for future extravehicular activities were kept to a minimum. The re- quirements included one lead for an electro- cardiogram and one lead for obtaining respi- ration rate. Because the pilot was able to monitor the suit pressure, this measurement was deleted for Gemini IX-A and subsequent flights. Other instrumentation which would have been desirable included carbon-dioxide concentration and body temperatures ; how- ever, feasible means of measuring these pa- rameters were not readily available.


Medical Evaluation of Extravehicular Activities

During the extravehicular portions of Gemini IX-A and XI, excessive workload appeared to be a limiting factor. An evalua- tion of flight data indicated that there may have been an excessive thermal load imposed upon the extravehicular pilot during these activities. The high respiration rates encoun- tered during Gemini XI indicated that a 1)uildup in the carbon-dioxide level may have been a problem. Since there were no actual data on thermal conditions, oxygen, or car- hon-dioxide levels, and no direct measure of metabolic load, a quantitative evaluation of the potential problem areas was not possible.

Although there was no direct measure of metabolic load, the electrocardiogram and impetlance pneumogram provided some use- f u l information, but only if certain limita- tions and inaccuracies were considered. These parameters have been monitored during a great many physiological and psychological tests under widely varying conditions. This information reconfirms that heart rate re- sponds to psychological. physiological, and p;ithological conditions. There is considerable individual variation in these responses. How- ever, in the absence of a more scientific ap- pro;ich to the problem. and because a quan- titative indication of the workload actually experienced in flight appeared to be of pri- m;iry importance, the feasibility of using heart rate ;is ;I quantitative indication of workload was investigated.

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On Gemini IX-A, X, XI, and XII, preflight and postflight exercise tests using the bicycle ergometer were performed on the pilots. During the tests, the subject performed a measured amount of work in increasing in- crements while heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration rate were monitored ; peri- odic samples of expired gas were collected for analysis. The data were translated into oxygen utilization curves antl heat-energy plots (fin. 10-1). Using the plots and the heart-rate (lata obtained during each flight (figs. 10-2 antl IO-?,), ;in approximate work- load curve \vas plotted against the time line for the extravehicular activity. The derived data were not entirely believable, since there is no method to account for the effect on heart rate resiiltinx from thermal or other environ- mental variations. Also, the psychogenic ef- fect of a new and different environment could certainly increase the heart rates without it corresponding change in metabolic rate. The plots were useful in evaluating the workloads for the Gemini XI1 extravehicular activity. The accuracy of the plots may be expected to increase as the oxygen consumption increases toward maximum oxygen utilization. This value varies with individuals and with the degree of physical conditioning, and is de- pendent upon the amount of oxygen which can be transported from the environment to the body tissues.

The area of major interest in evaluating \vorkloads during extravehicular activities is during high workload periods. Furthermore, any error introduced by unknown factors would increase the ohserved heart rate for a given workload level. This tends to increase the usefulness of such it plot for preflight planning antl for inflight monitoring of extra- vehicular activities. When (lata from previous flights, altit utle chamher tests. 1c walk- t h yo ugh s, a ntl 11 ntle rwa t e r zero-g si m 11 1 a tio 11s ;ire examinecl in t h i s manner, ii quantitative indication may I)e derived of work expended OR various tasks (fig. 1 0 4 ) . This is impor- tant in the postflight assessment of the rela- tive physiological cost of various tasks, and in determining acceptable tasks and realistic

time lines during simulations and preflight planning. The use of heart-rate and respira- tion-rate data, when coupled with voice con- tact and an understanding of programed activities, proved an extremely important and useful method for real-time monitoring of extravehicular pilots.

The major factors which apparently pro- duced the highest workload prior to Gemini XI1 were high suit forces, insufficient bocly- position restraints, and thermal stress. This was intlicutecl when the Gemini XI pilot ex- pentled an exceptionally high effort in attach- ing t h e spacecraft 'target-vehicle tether to the docking bar. Difficulties in maintaining I)ody position in the weightless environment made the task much more difficult than had Iwen expected.

The pilot used the larne torso and leg muscles in attempting to straddle the space- craft nose and found that he had to work ;tgainst the pressurized space suit in order to force his legs into an unnatural position. The h i g h workload subjectively described by the Ijilot was con firmed by heart and respiration rates (fig. 10-2 ( d ) ). The high respiration rates also indicate the possibility of increased ciirhon-dioxide level. The Extravehicular life-Support Systt!m was not designed to handle workloads of the magnitude indicated t)v these rates i n terms of either thermal con- trol or carbon-dioxide removal. I t is probable that the thermal antl carbon-dioxide buildup, along with psychogenic factors which were certainly present, contributed to the high heart rates recortletl. However, this would mxkc heart rate and respiration rate data no less useful in the real-time monitoring of it C I W V during flight if stress or potential dan- cer wore in fact present.

I n planning for Gemini XII, it was deemed important to avoid workloatls which uwiild t~xceetl the capacity of the Extravehicular 1.i fc-Si1plm-t System. It had been determined that the Estrnvehicular 1,ife-Support System wis c:ipal)le of handling 2000 Btu h r while maintaining ;t carbon-dioxide level equal to iil)l)ro?timately 6 mm of mercury. During the

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( e ) Gemini IS - A through XI1 preflight studies.

I + ' I I X ~ I N I O-l.--Concludetl

preflight ergome!, studies (fig. 10-51, ?he pilot heart rate \I .i 122 beats per minute when the worklo: was 2000 Btu hr. I t should be noted th: ;t total heat capacity higher than 2000 I ! ' I I i1r was possible for short periods of timcb ::iitl that sustained heat dissipation of it ptwl-titage of thermal load produced by higher le\-els of work was also within the capabi!ities of the Extr;ive'hicular Life-Support System. Because of these and other factors which are known to cause in- creases, heart rates h o v e 122 beats per minute were expected a n d observed diiriiig the planned extravehiculat. activities on Gem- ini XII. Figure 10-3(e) is ii graph of heart rate related to events during the G4Jmini XI1 umbilical extravehicular activity. Only once did the pilot's heart rate exceed expected levels. This occurred during ii period of un- scheduled activities when psychogenic factors contril)uted heavily to the heart rate. When the pilot was asked to decrease the activities, heart rates returned to ;i resting level in less than 1 minute.

During each period of standup extrnve- hicular activity in Gemini XII, two sessions of programed exercise were performed. The exercises consisted of moving the arms against the restrictive forces of the pressur-

ized space suit. Both arms were brought from the neutral position to the sides of the helmet once each second for 60 seconds. An attempt was made to correlate heart rate during these inflight exercise periods with preflight exer- cise tests (tig. 10-5). When compared in this manner, there appeared to be no significant difierence between the heart-rate data for the exercises performed before flight and those performed in flight. Only qualitative c(\ricliisions, hotvever. c;tn be drawn from t!iese t1at:i. Quuntitative and scientifically \,alitl conclusions must await the results of mere detailed and pi*ecisely implemented in- f i ight metlicnl ex1)erimentation in which con- tiwlled conditions ;we pohsible and adequate (lata collection is fwsible.

Certain other factors are considered sig- niticant in the medical aspects of the Gemini extravehicular activities. One of these fnc- tors, the ai.1 of conserving energy. has been Ijrietiy mentioned. i int l was demonstrated by the pilot of Gemini XII. The pilot of Gemini S I 1 was able to condition himself to relax completely within the neutral position of the suit. He consciously trietl to determine when ii zroiip of muscles WIS found to be tense \\hilt! perfoi-minx i i o iiseful work, and then t to su1)jectively relax these muscles. All movements we1.e slow and deliberate. When small movement of the tingers was sufficient to perform i t task, thc pilot used only the ncccssary muscles. If a i-estritint strap would su1)stitiite lor muscle action, the pilot would i ~ l y on t h e restnil i t strap to maintain posi- t ioii. :itid \voiild r c h s the muscles which \voultl othci*\vise ha\ e been required for this task.

('hi-oiiic f a t igiie mid tlegratletl physical con- tlitioii may havr 1)een ;t problem during extra- \ chiciihr activity. Sleep during the first night of each fight was inatleqiiate, and prel)itra- tion activities for t~strnvehiculnr maneuvers U * ( ~ I Y - tletitiled and fatiguing. Furthermore, thc p:tc.c of pi-eflight activities aiid the pres- si!l*es of plitiining, tritining, :tnd prepnration to meet i t tlight schedule predisposed the crew to fatigue. During the tinal weeks of prepa- I*ittion for i t flight, each crew found that time

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s m L a


L m - a .- S al

I c W al


I-- m L W

L m

3 U

- .- 5 m L - x al


c S V

m m


r U e

m m V I S

0 e



c C .s 'i6 L

-L W V I a l W L L L

- : I-

P -

n B m 0

al w L


al U

m u c e m .% nn - s 2 L

I- o

m B w E

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- z as 2o’ 92- a3

c L




E 5 ’= 3 $: 20-

V I L a n LT I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I

Elapsed time, min

( b ) Gemini XI1 pilot.

FIGURE 10-2.-Continued,

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% - f 3 94- F"." ; .- 9 2 -


Y cn 90


I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I

r Egress

EI 2 0 - Z C tv-

1 0 - z -

Target vehicle work 7 c tasks without tether Move to target vehicle

I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1

Move to Target . Work on adapter tasks Docking Adapter I- 7 rest r i n g r e s s

- 400

Target vehicle task - 300 0 C L

E c

120 - 0- c

- Z o o a d % $i

- 1 0 0 .

1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I - 0 60

( c ) Gemini XI1 pilot.

FIGURE 10-2.--Concluded.

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"I 10 0

- Heart rate lwr----- Respiration rate r:t:2

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 701 ' ' ' ' I ' ' '

Elapsed time, min

( a ) Gemini I V pilot.

FIGURE 10-3.-Physiological (lata during umbilical extravehicular activity.

for rest, relaxation, and even physical condi- tioning was a t a premium, and often these activities were omitted.

The possibility exists that hematological or cardiovascu1;ir changes observed i n weight- less flight decrease the metabolic efficiency of man during the extravehicular activities re- quiring a relatively high workload. Until more detailed information is available from well-founded medical experimentatioii during flight. the relative importance of such factors cannot be assessed.


The experience gninc?d from the Gemini extravehicular activities has provided infor-

mation which will be invaluable in planning future missions. There have been no indica- tions that the efficiency of miin during extra- vehicular activities is significantly altered. The major factor.; which appear to have pro- duced the highest workload during the extra- vehicular activity are high suit forces, insuffi- cient I)ody-position aids, and thermal stress. The success of Gemini S I 1 conclusively tlem- onstrated that these factors can be minimized through careful planning. Evaluation of physiological factors during the cxtrnvehicu- liir activitv has h t w significnntl! compro- mised by the lack of arleqtiate instrumentit- tion. Much can Iw leai.nctl about the physi- ological responses to csti*;iveh icular act i\.ities from simu1ation.s i i i the zcro-g aircraft ant1 i n m tincler\\atci* mockul). Without sllecitic knowledge of the thermal and environmental contlitions. howe\w, ;I realistic simulation of estix\~ehiciilai. activities will he incomplete ;I IN 1 1 )ossi hl y m is leild i ng.

'l'hti s~ic.cessfiil coml)letion of thti Gemini c~stt.avrhicitl~ti. activities indicates that life- support planning has heen essentially sound. The sticcess of Gemini XI1 indicates that w i t h i n the limitations of the experience gained. timc lines and work tasks can be tailoi.ec1 so that flight objc1ctivt.s can be accom- plishetl. 7'hei.c itre no medical contrainctica- tions to presently planned estravehicular xtivities.

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160 c .- E - VI

m al - n & 140 - m L

120 f Io W



.L 10 a W


Visor reported fogged Astronaut Maneuvering Unit no-go

Reconnect spacecraft electrical umbilical

Remove docking-bar mirror

Move to adapter

7 Depressurize cabin r Sunset Sunrise

Extravehicular r Life Support System

Deploy handrails; sunrise: r c h e c k i n g Attronaut u mbil ical evaluation

Open hatch

r to high flow

Maneuverinq Unit ,-Return to cabin

‘%Respiration rate

I I I I I I I I I 20 43 63 80 103 120 140 160 180

Elapsed time, min

( h ) Gemini IX-A pilot.

FIGURE 10-3.-Continued.

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Hatch open, F - pilot egress

F Depressurize cabin

Extravehicular :ti c l o ~ e f

terminated Fact iv i ty .

target vehicle 1 (. Pilot translates to y Restin; "7 +f 5SCr;;t ~ d D 1 '

- Pressiire , \

' '. 5.6 Dsia

r Experiment SO12 retrieved

Experiment SOK / F package retrieval I


"Heart rate

,,Respiration rate


I 1 I I

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Elapsed time, min

( c ) Gemini X pilot.

FIGURE 10-3.-Continued.

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CReturned to co*ckpit

Hatch closed 7 Move to nose of spacecraft

Experiment SO09 retrieved


( d ) Gemini XI pilot.

FIGURE 10-3.-Continued.

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m c E c 0 .- ad m L

Ln m

.- n



0 m

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L -

70- X

120 r I I --I-Post-exercise -


I I ! I l l 1


- loo-

- Prefl ight exercise .-

E (D


6 90 m L




7 80 G



110 C First in f l ight exercise I ,E 100 -





'-c-- I

I ._


ai -

60 l l l l l l l l l l ~ l l I I I I ,

FIGURE l0-4.-Preflight and inflight exercise test, Gemini XI1 pilot.

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c .- E

e : I

Experiment M410 jettisoned

Nasal stuffiness, eyes watering no irritation

,, Respiration rate

a- - e 70 -

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Elapsed time. min

( u ) Gemini X pilot.

FIGURE 10-5.--Physiolo~ical (lata during standup extravehicular activity.

Cabin depressurized 7


Hatch installed 7 pictures

Of Houstonl ,-,Taking

pictures I Taking star pictures -

Crew napping I

Jumper cable

ngress disconnect 7

-- '- ---- - /- - -- /'- - - -' I I I I I I I I I

Elapsed time, min

J 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 6o0

( b ) Gemini XI pilot.

FIGURE 10-&-Continued.

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m L W

5 U

L (0

3 U

- .- f e - W

IU 'A c

- - L

- L


'D U

W N L- 3 'A 'A W L


.- n


n n



5 L

W 'D .c W 'A 0


'A .- - W x W

c W

u L 0 U

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Fourth exercise F Cabin depressurized F Third exercise

Jettison Extravehicular Life Support System

Repressurize cabin F s’ nriSe F Ultraviolet photography of sunrise

r Sunset



90 c .- E - v) - H 6 70 e I

- L L

Elapsed time, min

( d ) Second standup extravehicular activity of the Gemini XI1 pilot.

FIGURE l0-5.-Concluded.

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By REGINALD M. MACHELL, Ofice of Spacecraft Management, Gemini Program Ofice, N A S A Manned Spacecraft Center; LARRY E. BELL, Crew Systems Division, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center; NORMAN P. SHYKEN, Senior Engineer, McDonnell Aircraft Corp.; and JAMES W. PRIM Ill, Ofice of Spacecraft Management, Gemini Prograrn Oflice, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center


The Gemini Program has provided the first experience in extravehicular activity in the US. manned space effort. The original objec- tives included the following:

(1) Develop the capability for extra- vehicular activity in free space.

(2) Use extravehicular activity to increase the basic capability of the Gemini spacecraft.

(3 ) . Develop operational techniques and evaluate advanced equipment in support of extravehicular activity for future programs.

In general, these principal objectives have been met. Some of the problems encountered during the equipment evaluation caused the emphasis to be shifted from maneuvering equipment to body-restraint devices.

The initial Gemini design guidelines con- templated missions with 30 to 60 minutes of extravehicular activity with very low work- loads and metabolic rates (500 Btu/hr). Various ground simulations subsequently in- dicated the need for longer periods of extra- vehicular activity and greater heat-dissipa- tion capabilities if significant useful results were to be obtained. The design criteria for the extravehicular life-support equipment were ultimately set at a mission length of 140 minutes with a normal metabolic rate of 1400 Btu/hr and a peak rate of 2000 Btu/hr. The flight results indicated that in several instances this metabolic rate was un- intentionally exceeded. The final mission, Gemini XII, demonstrated the equipment and

procedures by which the workload and the metabolic rates could be maintained within the desired limits.

One of the most difficult aspects of develop- ing an extravehicular capability was simu- lating the extravehicular environment. The combination of weightlessness and high vac- uum was unattainable on Earth. Zero-gravity aircraft simulations were valuable but occa- sionally misleading. Neutral buoyancy sirnu- . lations underwater ultimately proved to be the most realistic duplication of the weight- less environment for body positioning and restraint problems. The novel characteristics of the extravehicular environment and the lack of comparable prior experience made intuition and normal design approaches occa- sionally inadequate. The accumulation of flight experience gradually led to an under- standing of the environment and the tech- niques for practical operations.

Extravehicular Mission Summary

Extravehicular activity was accomplished on 5 of the 10 manned Gemini missions. A total of 6 hours 1 minute was accumu- lated in five extravehicular excursions on a n umbilical (table 11-1). An additional 6 hours 24 minutes of hatch-open time were accu- mulated in six periods of standup extra- vehicular activity including two periods for jettisoning equipment. The total extravehicu- lar time for the Gemini Program was 12 hours 25 minutes.

Preceding page blank 127

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TABLE 11-I.-Summary of Gemiui Extravehicular Activity Statistics

IV 1 I'LM I 25


1 I I

Hand Held







ELSS, .-\MU I 2 .i

30 r



ELSS I 2 5 I

-Maneuvering Unit

Maneuvering Unit

Astronaut Maneuvering Unit

iManeuvering Unit

Maneuvering Unit

Hand Held

Hand Held

Hand Held

None .

Umbilical extravehicular activity time,


0 3 6






Standup time,







3 2 4

Total extravehicular activity time,





1 :"9

? : A 3


I 6:Ol I 122.5 1

Includes mission equipment jettison time.

Gemini IV

Two of the objectives of the Gemini IV mission were to establish the initial feasi- 'bility of extravehicular activity and to eval- uate a simple maneuvering device. The life- support system was a small chest pack called the Ventilation Control Module, with oxygen supplied through a . %-foot umbilical hose assembly (fig. 11-1). The Hand Held Maneu- vering Unit was a self-contained, cold-gas propulsion unit which utilized two 1-pound tractor jets and one 2-pound pusher jet. The G4C space suit was worn with an extra- vehicular cover layer for micrometeorite and thermal protection. While outside the space- craft, the pilot also wore a special stin visor designed for visual p i Aection.

The Gemini IV pilot was outside the space- craft for 20 minutes and followed the time line shown in figure 11-2. The results proved the feasibility of simple extravehicular ac- tivity without disorientation. The utiiity of the Hand Held Mmeuvering Unit for self-

propulsinn without artificial stabilization was tentatively indicated. although the 20 seconds of available thrust were not enough for a de- tiiiled stability and control evaluation. The


FIGURE 11-1.-Gemini IV extravehicular system.

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lr M:15 - Hatch open - Install 16-mm camera -Cd:ZO Install umbilical guard

- -

- - - - - 0425 Standing in seat. Preparing Hand Held - Maneuvering Unit

- M:30 Maneuvering Unit

- - - J Egress from spacecrafl using Hand Held

- Hand Held Maneuvering Unit evaluation

Hand Held Maneuvering Unit out of propellant

- - - - M:35 - Umbilical evaluation

- 01:4 - Smeared command pilot's window

- 0445 - Standing on spacecraft surface

- - - - - - - - - - 0450 Standing in seat, starting ingress - - - -

Day Hatch closed - 0465


Day Night

Ground elapsed time

FIGURE ll-Z.-Gernini IV extravehicular tiine line.

extravehicular pilot evaluated the dynamics of a %-foot tether, and was able to push from the surface of the spacecraft under grpss con- trol. The umbilical tether caused the pilot to move back in the general direction of the spacecraft. The tether provided no means of body positioning control other than as a dis- tance-limiting device. Ingress to the co*ckpit and hatch closure was substantially more difficult than anticipated because of the high forces required to pull the hatch fully closed. The hatch-lacking mechanism also malfunc- tioned, complicating the task of ingress. Efforts by the extravehicular pilot in coping with the hatch-closing problems f a r exceeded the cooling capacity of the Ventilation Con- trol Module. The pilot was overheated at the completion of ingress, although he had been cool while outside the spacecraft. Several hours were required for the pilot to cool off

after completion of the extravehicular period ; however, no continuing aftereffects were noted. Because of the previous hatch- closing problems, the hatch was not opened for. jettisoning the extravehicular equipment.

The inflight experience showed that sub- stantially more time and efYort were required to prepare for the extravehicular activity than had previously been anticipated. The increased hazards of extravehicular activity dictated meticulous care in the inflight check- out before the spacecraft was depressurized. The flight crew found the use of detailed checklists a necessary part of the prepara- tions for extravehicular activity. The Gemini IV mission proved that extravehicular ac- tivity was feasible, and indicated several areas where equipment performance needed improvement.

Gemini VI11

The next extravehicular activity was planned for the Gemini VI11 mission and was intended to evaluate the Extravehicular Life- Support System. This system was a chest pack with a substantially greater thermal capacity than the Ventilation Control Module used during Gemini IV, and had an increased reserve oxygen supply. In addition, the extra- vehicular activity was intended to evaluate the Extravehicular Support Package, a back- pack unit containing an independent oxygen supply for life support: a larger capacity propellant supply for the Hand Held MLUI~LI- vering Unit ; and an ultrahiah-frequency radio package for independent voice corn- munications. A detailed evilluation was also planned on the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit while the pilot was on a 75-foot lightweight tether. The extravehicular equipment is shown in figure 11-3. The Gemini VIII mis- sion \vas terminated before the end of the first dav because of a spacecraft control-sys- tem malfunction. and no extravehicular ac- tivity was accomplished.

Equipment design became very complicated (luring preparation for the Gemini VI11 mis- sion because of the need to provide the pilot

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FIGURE 11-3.-Gemini VIII extravehicular system.

with connections to a chest pack, a backpack, several oxygen and communication lines, and a structural tether. Acceptable designs and procedures were established ; however, the handling procedures were more difficult than was desirable. Although the Gemini VI11 extravehicular equipment was not used in orbit, its use in training and in preparation for flight provided initial insight into the problems of comp1ic:ited equipment connec- tions.

(;cmini I?(-A

The prime objective of the Gemini IX-A extravehicular activity was to evaluate the Extravehicular Life-support System and the Air Force Astronaut Maneuvering Unit. The Astronaut Maneuvering Unit was a backpack which included a stabilization and control system, a hydrogen-peroxide propulsion sys- tem, a life-support oxygen supply, and an ultrahigh-frequency radio package for voice

communications. The mission 1 for the extravehicular activity lar to the profile intended for The hatch was to be opened a daylight period when good cc could be established with the tions in the continental Unite first daylight period was to familiarization with the envirr performance of preparing simi and experiments. The succ period was to be spent in the : ment section of the spacecraft and donning the Astronaut Unit. The second daylight per spent evaluating the Astronaut Unit. At the end of this period to return to the co*ckpit, disca naut Maneuvering Unit, coml: scientific photographic experii gress. The equipment fo r extr: tivity during Gemini IX-A is ures 11-4 -and 11-5.

The Gemini IX-A extravehi proceeded essentially as planne daylight period, and is indicatt line of figure 114. The pilo- higher forces than expected i ; hatch in the partially open pos condition did not cause any in-. culties. While outside the SI:

pilot discovered that the familia and evaluations required more fort than the ground simulatic minor difficulties were experit trolling body position. Prior to first orbital day, the pilot p r c ~ spacecraft adapter ant1 began tions for donning the A S ~ ~ Q ~ ; ; I ; ina Unit. The task of preparii- naut Maneuvering Unit requir work than had been anticipate, because of the difficulties in mail position on the foot bar and t h At approximately 10 minutes the visor on the extravehicular 1 began to fog. The fogging incrl eyage and severity until the crev to discontinue the activities wit!

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FIGURE 11-4.-Gemini IX-A extravehicular system.

naut Maneuvering Unit. After sunrise, the fogging decreased slightly, but increased again when the extravehicular pilot expended any appreciable effort in his tasks. Although the -Astronaut Maneuvering Unit was finally donned, the extravehicular activity was terminated early because of the visor fog- ging, and the Astronaut Maneuvering Unit was not evaluated. The pilot experienced further difficulties in moving the hatch in the intermediate position ; however, the forces required to close and lock the hatch were normal. The overall time line for the Gemini IX-A extravehicular activity is shown in figure 11-6.

FIGURE 11-5.-Gemini IX-A adapter provisions for extravehicular activity.

Postflight evaluation indicated that the Extravehicular Life-support System func- tioned normally. It was concluded that the Astronaut Maneuvering Unit preparation tasks and the lack of adequate body re- straints had resulted in high workloads which exceeded the design limits of the Ex- travehicular Life-support System. Visor fog- ging was attributed to the high respiration rate and high humidity conditions in the hel- met. The pilot reported that he was not ex- cessively hot until the time of ingress. It was concluded that the performance of the Extra- vehicular Life-support System heat ex- changer map have been degraded a t this time because the water supply of the evitporator became depleted.

As it result of the problems encountered during the Gemini IX-A extravehicular ac- tivity, several corrective measures were ini- tiated. To minimize the susceptibility to visor fogging, it WiIS determined that an antifog

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- 50:25 - Maneuvering Uni t inspection - Unstow attitude control arm

- 50:30 Reported visor fogged. Rest - Unstwv oxygen hose

- 5&35 - Oxygen valve open. Release nozzle extensions - Back into Astronaut Maneuvering Unit. Visor - fogged. Rest

Stopped work on tether hook. Astronaut

Unstow translational control arn, - - - - Opening oxygen supply

- - 50:40 - - - - electrical cable

Switch to Astronaut Maneuvering Uni t

- 50:45 - - - - - 50.50 - - - - - 50:55 - - Sunr ise -

solution should be applied to the space-suit helmet visors immediately prior to the extra- vehicular activity on future missions. Each extravehicular task planned for the succeed- ing missions was analyzed in greater detail

+ * Ground elawed time F 4920 Ground elapsed time

- - 51:oO Astronaut Maneuvering Unit activities termin- - ated. Waiting for visor to clear - - - - 51:05 Switch back to umblllcal - - Pilot out of Astronaut Maneuvering Unit

Pilot back at hatch. Resting - - - 51:lO - - -

Hatch open Stand in seat

Equipment jettisoned. Deploy handrai l Retrieve Experiment SO12 package. Sunrise Position debris cutters

Mount 16-mm camera

70-mm pictures

Attach docking bar mir ror

Umbilical evaluation

Velcro hand-pad evaluation

Return to cabin Rest

Hand 16-mm camera in

Instal l 16-mm camera

Stand in seat

Close hatch

Move to adapter. Release handbars

Standing on foot bar Position mir rors Unstow penlights Connect black tether hoolc

Pilot reported hot spots Rest

Connect orange tether hook

Sunset. High flow on Extravehicular Life Support System

for the type of body restraints required and the magnitude of the forces involved. An overshoe type of positive foot restraint wits installed in the spacecraft adapter and was tlesigned to be used for the extravehicular

51 20 Visor fogging increased. Taking pictures Ingress started


51:30 Hatch closed 3ay I Night

FIGURE ll-(i.--Gernini IX-.A cxtravehicular time line.

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tasks planned for Gemini XI and XII. The analysis showed that all extravehicular tasks planned for the Gemini X, XI, and XI1 mis- sions could be accomplished satisfactorily. As another corrective step, underwater sim- ulation was initiated in an attempt to dupli- cate the weightless environment more accu- rately than did the zero-gravity aircraft simulations.

Gemini X

The prime objective of the Gemini X extra- vehicular activity was to retrieve the Experiment SO10 Agena Micrometeorite Collection package from the target vehicle that had been launched for the Gemini VI11 mission. The package was to be retrieved immediately after rendezvous with the Gem- ini VI11 target vehicle, and the umbilical extravehicular activity was to last approxi- mately one daylight period. In addition, it was planned to continue the evaluation of the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit; to retrieve the Experiment SO12 Gemini Micrometeor- ite Collection package from the spacecraft adapter ; and to conduct several photographic. experiments. Photography was scheduled for 1% orbits during a period of standup extra- vehicular activity.

The extravehicular equipment included the Extravehicular Life-support System, the im- proved Hand Held Maneuvering Unit, and the new tio-foot dual umbilical. One hose in the umbilical carried the normal spacecraft oxygen supply to the Extravehicular Life- Support System. The other hose carried nitrogen for the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit. The umbilical was designed so that the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit and all oxygen fittings could be connected before the hatch was opened; however, the nitrogen supply for the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit had to be connected outside the spacecraft' cabin. The configuration and operation of this um- bilical were simpler than the complicated connections with the Gemini VI11 and IX-A equipment. The 50-foot umbilical had the dis- advantage of requiring a substantial increase

in stowage volume over the %-foot single umbilical assembly used on Gemini VI11 and IX-A. The extravehicular equipment for Gemini X is shown in figure 11-7. For the standup extravehicular activity, short exten- sion hoses were connected to the spacecraft Environmental Control System to permit the pilot to stand while remaining on the space- craft closed-loop system. The pilot also used a fabric-strap standup tether to take any loads required to hold him in the co*ckpit.

The standup activity commenced jus t after sunset a t an elapsed flight time of 23 hours


- . 1. - . . f I

L -.

FIGURE ll-:.-Gemini X extravehicular system.

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Sunset Hatch open

23:25 Equipment jettisoned Experiment SO13 camera mounted I Pilot standing in open hatch

24 minutes, and proceeded normally for the first 30 minutes (fig. 11-8). The pilot was well restrained by the standup tether, and since there were no unusual problems with body positioning, ultraviolet photographs of various star fields were taken with no diffi- culty. Immediately after sunrise, both crew- members experienced vision interference caused by eye irritation and tears, and the

Experiment SO13 photography

Left shoulder strap restraining pilot

Pilot feeling warm 23:35

Eight exposures for Experiment SO13

Pilot starts to cool off 2340

23:45 Twelve out of twenty Experiment SO13 photographs obtained

Body positioning no problem LmO

I 23:55

Sunrise Experiment SO13 completed

24:OO Experiment SO13 camera handed to command pilot Pilot lowered sun visor and received

Photographeo color plate Experiment M410 color plate


Eye irritation first reported Color plate discarded

Experiment Sa13 bracKet discarded Hatch closed

24: 10

24:15 0 Day I Night

FIGURE ll-8.--Gemini X standup extravehicular time line.

crew elected to terminate the standup.activity a t this time.

The eye irritation subsided gradually after ingress and hatch closure. The cause of the eye irritation was not known, but was be- lieved to be related to the simultaneous use of both compressors in the spacecraft oxy- gen-supply loop to the space suits. The crew verified that, prior to the umbilical extrave- hicular activity, no significant eye irritation was experienced when only one suit com- pressor was used while the cabin was de- compressed.

The Gemini X umbilical extravehicular ac- tivity was initiated at an elapsed flight time of 48 hours 42 minutes, immediately after rendezvous with the Gemini VI11 target ve- hicle. The sequence of events is indicated in figure 11-9. The pilot retrieved the Experi- ment SO12 Gemini Micrometeorite Collection package from the exterior of the spacecraft adapter, then moved outside to connect the nitrogen umbilical supply line for the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit. The pilot then re- turned to the co*ckpit. Meanwhile, the com- mand pilot was flying the spacecraft in close formation 'with the target vehicle (fig. 11-10). With the docking cone of the target vehicle approximately 5 feet away, the pilot pushed off from the spacecraft and grasped the outer lip of the docking cone. In movinp around the target vehicle to the location of the Experiment SOlO Apena Micrometeorite Collection package, the pilot lost his hold on the smooth lip of the docking cone and drifted away from the target vehicle. He used the Hand Held Maneuvering Unit to translate approximately 15 feet back to the spacecraft. The pilot then used the Hand Held Maneu- vering Unit to translate to the target vehicle. On his second attempt to move around the tlockinF: cone, the pilot used the numerous wire bundles and struts behind the cone as hantlholds, and was able to maintain satis- factory control of his body position. Re- trieval of the Experiment SOlO Agena Micrometeorite Collection package was ac- complished without difficulty. While carrying the package, the pilot used the umbilical to

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- - Pilot checked out Hand Held Maneuvering Unit

- lPilot pushed off from spacecraft to target vehicle

- 49:Oo Extravehicular Life Support System on high flow

- I Pilot let go of target vehicle. Translated to space- - 1 craft with Hand Held Maneuvering Unit (15 feet)

XTranslated to target vehicle with Hand Held - - Maneuvering Unit (about 12 feet) - - - 49:05 Experiment SO10 removed from target vehicle - Hand-over-hand return using umbilical - Loss of TO-mm sti l l camera reported

Hand Held Maneuvering Unit nitrogen l ine

Ingress commenced


- - 49:lO - - disconnected near hatch - r

49:15 Pilot untangling umiiilical

4920 Hatch Closed

49:25 i 49:30

Sunset 0 Day Night .

FIGURE 11-9.-Gemini X umbilical extravehicular time line.

pull himself back to the co*ckpit. At this time, the spacecraft propellant supply had reached the lower limit allotted for the extravehicu- lar activity and the station-keeping opera- tion, and the extravehicular activity was terminated.

During the first attempt to ingress, the pilot became entangled in the 50-foot umbili- cal. Several minutes of effort were required by both crewmembers to free the pilot from the umbilical so that he could ingress. The

I ’. ‘,Experiment SO10


FIGURE 11-10.-Beginning of the Gemini X extravehicular transfer.

hatch was then closed normally. Fifty min- utes later the crew again opened the right hatch and jettisoned the Extravehicular Life- Support System, the umbilical, and other miscellaneous equipment not required for the remainder of the mission.

During the umbilical extravehicular ac- tivity, the pilot reported the loss of the 70-mm still camera. The camera had been fastened to the Extravehicular Life-support System with a lanyard, but the attaching screw came loose. It was also discovered that the Experi- . ment SO12 Gemini Micrometeorite Collection package had been accidentally thrown out or had drifted out of the hatch. The package had been stowed in a pouch with an elastic top, but appeared to have been knocked free while the 50-foot umbilical was being un- tangled.

The principal lessons learned from the ex- travehicular phase of this mission included the following:

(1 1 Preparation foi- extravehicular ac- tivity was an important task for which the full-time attention of both crewmembers was desirable. Combining a rendezvous with a passive target vehicle and the extravehicular activity preparation caused the crew to be rushed, and did not allow the command pilot to give the pilot as much assistance as had been planned.

(2) The tasks of crew transfer and equip- ment retrieval from another satellite could be accomplished in a deliberate fashion with- out excessive workload. Formation flying with another satellite could be accomplished

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readily by coordination of thruster operation between the command pilot and the extra- vehicular pilot.

(3 ) Equipment not securely tied down was susceptible to drifting away during ex- travehicular activity, even when precautions were being taken.

(4 ) The bulk of the 50-foot umbilical was a greater inconvenience than had been an- ticipated. The stowage during normal flight and the handling during ingress macle this length undesirable.

Gemini XI

The prime objectives of the Gemini XI extravehicular activity were to attach a 100- foot tether between the spacecraft and the target vehicle, and to provide a more exten- sive evaluation of the Hand Held Maneuver- ing Unit. In addition, several experiments, including ultraviolet photography, were scheduled for standup extravehicular ac- tivity. ,The umbilical extravehicular activity was scheduled for the morning of the second day: so that the spacecraft/target-vehicle tether evaluation could be accomplished later in that same day.

The equipment (fig. 11-11) for the Gem- ini XI extravehicular activity was the same as for the Gemini X mission, except that the dual umbilical was shortened from 50 to 30 feet to reduce the stowage and handling problems. An Apollo sump-tank module was mounted in the spacecraft adapter section, and incorporated two sequence cameras de- signed for retrieval during extravehicular activity. The Hand Held Maneuvering Unit was also stowed in the adapter section. A molded overshoe type of foot restraint was provided for body restraint while perform- ing tasks .in the spacecraft adapter (fig. 11-12). ,

The Gemini XI umbilical extravehicular activity was ~ init?atecl at an elapsed flight time of 24 hours 2 minutes. Almost imme- diately, there were indications of difficulty. The first significant task after egress was to position and secure the external sequence

FIGURE 11-11.-Gemini S I extravehicular system.

camera. After the camera was secured, the pilot indicated that he was fatigued and out of breath. The pilot then moved to the front of the spacecraft, and assumed a straddle position on the Rendezvous and Recovery Section in preparation for hoo!ting up the spacecraft/'target-vehicle tether. While main- taining position and attaching the tether, the pilot expended a high level of effort for sev- eral minutes. After returning to the co*ckpit to rest, the pilot continued to breathe very heavily and was apparently fatigued. In view of the unknown effort required for the re-

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24:OO Seven minutes after sunrise - - Hatch open

Standing in hatch - 24:05 Handrail deployed

- Extravehicular camera mounted

- 24:10

- Attaching spacecraftltarget-vehicle tether - Tether on - 24:15 Tether secured

Return to hatch - Resting

- 24:20 Start film change

- - - Experiment SO09 retrieved - -

Pilot at spacecraft nose Resting - -

- - - - - - - Film change complete - - 24:25 Resting while standing in hatch - - - - 2430 - - - Extravehicular camera demounted


FIGURE ll-l2.-Foot restraints installed in the adapter section for Gemini XI and XI1 missions.

maining tasks, the crew elected to terminate the extravehicular activity prior to the end of the first daylight period. Ingress and hatch closure were readily accomplished. The time line for the umbilical extravehicular ac- tivity is shown in figure 11-13.

The Gemini XI standup extravehicular ac- tivity was initiated a t an elapsed flight time of 46 hours 6 minutes, just prior to sunset. The cre.w began the ultraviolet stellar. pho- tographi as soon as practical after sunset, and the photography of s ta r patterns was readily accomplished. The extravehicular pilot operated a t a very low work level, since he was well restrained by the standup tether. As in the Gemini X standup extravehicular activity, the crew had little difficulty with the standup tasks. After completing the planned activities (fig. 11-14), the pilot ingressed and closed the hatch without incident.

Discussions with the crew and analysis of the onboard films after the flight revealed several factors which contributed to the high rate of exertion during the umbilical activity and the subsequent exhaustion of the pilot. The factors included the following :

(1) The lack of body restraints required a high level of physical effort to maintain a straddle position on the nose of the space- craft.

(2) The zero-gravity aircraft simulations had not sufficiently duplicated the extrave-

Day Night

Ground elaDSed time

Ingress complete 24:35 W a t c h closed

0 Day k- 24:40 Seven minutes before sunset Night

FIGURE 11-iX-Gemini XI umbilical extravehicular time line,

hiculw environment to demonstrate the dif- ficulties of the initial extravehicular tasks.

(3 ) The requirement to perform a mis- sion-critical task immediately after egress did not allow the pilot an opportunity to be- come accustomed to the environment. This factor probably caused the pilot to work faster than was desirable.

(4 ) The high workloads may have re- sulted in a concentration of carbon dioxide in the space-suit helmet high enough to cause the increased respiration rate and the appar- ent exhaustion. Although there was no meas- urement of carbon-dioxide concentration in flight. there was an indication of an increase in concentration at high workloads during testing of the Extravehicular Life-support System. For workloads far above design lim-

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Oav Night

Ground elapsed t ime V r 46:OO

Hatch open

Standing in hatch

Experiment SO13 camera installed


Experiment SO13 photography

Pictures of Shaula

Pictures of Antares

Pictures of Orion

Sunr ise

Pictures of Houston

General photography

Night 4 Ground elapsed time 'I F 47:10

Standing by for sunset

Crew napping

Looked for stars. Not visible Sunset

Agena Attitude Control System on

Pictures of Shaula

Sighted f i res in Austral ia

Pictures of Orion

Experiment SO13 photography completed

Hatch closed

0 Day Sunr ise I Night

FIGURE 11-14.-Geinini XI standup est rnvchicular tinw line.

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its, this concentration could reach values that would cause physiological symptoms, includ- ing high respiration rates and decreased work tolerances.

Gemini XI1

The results of the Gemini XI mission raised significant questions concerning man's ability to perform extravehicular activity satisfactorily with the existing knowledge of the tasks and environment. The Gemini X umbilical activity results had established confidence in the understanding of extrave- hicular restraints and of workload ; however, the Gemini XI results indicated the need for further investigation. The Gemini XI1 extra- vehicular activity was then redirected from an evaluation of the Astronaut Maneuvering Unit to an evaluation of body restraints antl extravehicular workload. Attachment of the spacecraft 'target-vehicle tether and ultra- violet. stellar photography were other objec- tives. The extravehicular equipment for the Gemini XI1 mission included a new work station in the spacecraft adapter (fig. 11- 15), a new work station on the Target Dock- ing Adapter (fig. 11-16), and several added body restraints and handholds. The pilot's extravehicular equipment (fig. 11-17) was nearly identical to that of Gemini IX-A.

FIGURE ll-l5.-Gemini XI1 adapter provisions for extravehicular activity.

FIGURE ll-l6.-Gemini XI1 extravehicular work station on Target Docking Adapter.

The flight-crew training for the Gemini XI1 extravehicular activity was expanded to include two periods of intensive underwater simulation and training (fig. 11-18). Dur- ing these simulations, the pilot followed the intended flight procedures, and duplicated the planned umbilical extravehicular activity on an. end-to-end basis. The procedures and times for each event were established, antl were used to schedule the final inflight task sequence. The underwater training supple- mented extensive ground training and zero- gravity aircraft simul. <\ t ' ions.

To increase the margin for success and to provide ii suitable period of acclimatization to the environment before the performance of any critical tasks. the standup extrave- hicular activity was scheduled prior to the umbilical activity. The planned extravehicu- lar activity time line was intentionally interspersed with 2-minute rest periods. Pro- cedures were also established for monitoring the heart rate and respiration rate of the extravehicular pilot; the crew were to be advised of any indications of a high rate of exertion before the condition became serious. Finally, the pilot was trained to operate a t it moderate work rate, and fliaht and grountl personnel were instructed in the importance of workload control. '

The first standup extravehicular activity

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FIGURE ll-l8.-Underwater simulation of Gemini XI1 extravehicular activity.

FIGURE ll-l'i.--Gemini XI1 estravchiculai~ system.

was very similar to that of the two previous missions. As indicated by the time line in figure 11-19, the ultraviolet stellar and the synoptic terrain photography experiments were accomplished on a routine basis. During the standup activity, the pilot performed sev- eral tasks designed for familiarization with the environment and for comparison of the standup and umbilical extravehicular activi- ties. These tasks included mounting the ex- travehicular sequence camera and installing an extravehicular handrail from the cabin to the docking adapter on the target vehicle. The standup activity was completed without incident.

The umbilical extravehicular activity prep- arations proceeded smoothly, and the hatch was opened within 2 minutes of the planned time (fig. 11-20). The use of waist tethers during the initial tasks on the Target Dock- .

ing Adapter enabled the pilot to rest easily, to work without great effort, and to connect the spacecraft /target-vehicle tether in an expeditious manner. In addition, the pilot activated the Experiment SO10 Agena Micro- meteorite Collection package on the target vehicle for possible future retrieval. Prior to the end of the first daylight period, the pilot moved to the spacecraft adapter where he evaluated the work tasks of torquing bolts, making and breaking electrical and fluid con- nectors, cutting cables and fluid lines, hooking rings and hooks, and stripping patches of

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r 20:45 - - - - - 20:50 - - - - - 2035 - - - - - 21:oo - - - -

-- 21:05 - Retrieve extravenicular camera

- 21:lO - - Sunset -



Day Night 5 F;m15elapsed time

- 21:50 - - - - 21:55

- Hatch closed

- 22:oo

- 0 Day - 22:05 I Night

- -


- - -




Hatch open

Instal l Experiment SO13 camera

Evaluate standup dynamics


Experiment SO13 photography

Sunrise Instal l extravehicular camera Deploy handrai l Take down Experiment SO13 camera for

grat ing change

Ketrieve Experiment SO12 micrometeorite package

Instal l handbar to Target Docking Adapter cone

Instal l Experiment SO13 camera

Retrieve Gemini Launch Vehicle contamination discs

General photography

FICURE ll-l9.-G(mini XI1 first standup estravc.hicular time line.

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0 N It

Ground elapsed time

$ 42:35


Hatch open. Extravehicular Life Support System in high flow

Standup familiarization Rest Evaluate extravehicular camera installation


Move to nose on handrail Attach waist tether to handrail. Evaluate rest position Hookup spacecraftltarget-vehicle tether

Tether hookup complete

Activate Experiment SO10 micrometeorite

Prepare Target Docking Adapter work stati'on

on target vehicle

Observing hydrogen vent outlet Return to hatch area and rest

Hand extravehicular camera to command pilot

Pick up adapter camera from command pilot

Move to adapter section Position feet in fixed loot restraints. Instal l adapter extravehicular activity camera

Rest and general evaluation of foot restraints

Unstow pen I ights

Sunset Torquing bolthead with torque wrench

Night Ground elapsed time


Disconnecting and connecting electrical connectors

43:50 Rest

Removing cutters from pouch t Cutt ing wire strands and f lu id hose


Loosening Saturn bolt

44:oO Evaluating waist tethers Saturn bolt removed

j Removed feet from foot restraints.

Saturn bolt installed

Saturn bolt t ight Evaluating hooks and r ings


Pu l l ing Velcro strips Connecting electrical connectors

Feet in foot restraints

Retrieve adaDter camera. Sunrise

Move to co*ckpit Instal l extravehicular camera Move to Target Docking Adapter

and hookup waist tethers


Disconnect and connect electrical

Evaluate Apollo torque wrench and f lu id connectors

Disconnect one waist tether and evaluate

Jettison waist tethers and handholds Evaluate torquing task wi th no waist tethers

bolt torquing task

Wiping command pilot's window

Return to co*ckpit Observing thrusters f i r i n g

Start ingress

Hatch closed Night Day

FIGURE 11-20.-Gemini XI1 umbilical extravehicular time line.

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- - - 6650 - - - - - 66:55 - - - -

Velcro. The tasks were accomplished using either the two foot restraints or the waist tethers, and both systems of restraint proved satisfactory.

During the second daylight period of the umbilical activity. the pilot returned to the target vehicle and performed tasks a t a small work station on the outside of the docking cone. The tasks were similar to those in the spacecraft adapter and, in addition, included an Apollo torque wrench. The pilot further evaluated the use of two waist tethers, one waist tether, and no waist tether. At the end of the scheduled extravehicular activity, the pilot returned to the cabin and ingressed without difficulty.

A second standup extravehicular activity was conducted (fig. 11-21). Again, this ac- tivity was routine and without problems. The objectives were accomplished, and all the attempted tasks were satisfactorily com- pleted.

The results of the Gemini XI1 extravehicu- lar activity showed that all the tasks at- tempted were feasible when body restraints were used to maintain position. The results also showed that the extravehicular workload could be controlled within desired limits by the application of proper procedures and in- doctrination. The final, and perhaps the most significant, result was the confirmation that the underwater simulation duplicated the actual extravehicular environment with a high degree of fidelity. I t was concluded that any task which could be accomplished readily in a valid underwater simulation would have a high probability of success during actual extravehicular activity.

Extravehicular Capabilities Demonstrated

In the course of the Gemini missions, a number of capabilities were demonstrated which met or exceeded the original objectives of extravehicular activity. The basic feasi- bility of extravehicular activity was well es- tablished by the 11 hatch openings and the more than 12 hours of operations in the en- vironment outside the spacecraft. The Gemini

missions demonstrated the ability to control the extravehicular workload and to maintain the workload within the limits of the life- support system and the capabilities of the pilot. Standup and umbilical extravehicular operations were accomplished during eight

t Ground elapsed time

Hatch open

Equipment jettisoned


6620 Ultraviolet photography of stars


Exercise 66:30

67:oO Hatch closed

0 Day I Night


FICIJRE 11-21.--Gemini XI1 second standup extra- vehicular time line. I

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separate nighttime periods to confirm the feayibility of extravehicular operations a t night.

The need for handholds for transit over the exterior surface of the spacecraft was shown, and the use of several types of fixed and portable handholds and handrails was satisfactorily demonstrated.

The capability to perform tasks of varying complexity was demonstrated. The character ( J f practical tasks was shown, and some of the factors that limit task complexity and diffi- culty were identified.

Several methods were demonstrated for crew transfer between two space vehicles and include : (1) surface transit while docked. ( 2 ) free-floating transit between two undocked vehicles in close proximity, ( 3 ) self-propul- sion between two undocked vehicles, and ( 4 ) tether or umbilical pull-in from one undocked vehicle to another. All of these methods were accomplished within a maximum separation distance of 15 feet.

The Hand Held Maneuvering Unit was evaluated briefly, but successfully, on two different missions. When the maneuvering unit was used, the extravehicular pilots ac- complished the maneuvers without feeling disoriented and without loss of control.

Retrieval of equipment from outside the spacecraft was demonstrated on four mis- sions. One equipment retrieval was accom- plished from an unstabilized passive target vehicle, which had been in orbit for more than 4 months.

Gemini X demonstrated the capability for the command pilot to maneuver in close prox- imity to the target vehicle while the pilot was outside the spacecraft. The close-formation flying was successfully accomplished by coor- dinating the thruster firings of the command pilot with the extravehicular maneuvers of the pilot. No damage nor indication of immi- nent hazard occurred during the operation.

Photography from outside the spacecraft was accomplished on each extravehicular mission. The most successful examples were the ultraviolet stellar spectral photographs taken during standup extravehicular activi-

ties on three missions and the extravehicular sequence photographs taken with the camera mounted outside the spacecraft cabin.

The dynamics of motion on a short tether were evaluated on two missions. The only tether capability that was demonstrated was for use as a distance-limiting device.

The requirements for body restraints were established, and the capabilities of foot re- straints and waist tethers were demonstrated i n considerable detail. The validity of under- water simulation in solving body restraint problems and in assessing workloads was demonstrated in flight and further confirmed by postflight evaluation.

In summary, the Gemini missions demon- strated the basic techniques required for the imxluctive use of extravehicular activity. Problem areas were defined sufficiently to indicate the preferred equipment and proce- diires for extravehicular activity in future space' programs.

Extravehicular Limitations and Solutions

While most of the Gemini extravehicular activities were successful, several areas of significant limitations were encountered. Space-suit mobility restrictions. constituted one basic limitation which affected all the mission results. The excellent physical capa- bilities and conditions of the flight crews tended to obscure the fact that moving around in the Gemini space suit was a sig- nificant work task. Since the suit design had already been established for the flight phase of the Gemini Program, the principal solu- tion WRS to optimize the tasks and body re- straints to be compatible with the space suits. For the 2-hour extravehicular missions, glove mobility and hand fatigue were limiting fac- tors, both in training and in flight.

The size and location of the Extravehicular Life-Support System chest pack was a con- stant encumbrance to the crews. This design \‘:as selected because of space limitations within the spacecraft, and the crews were continually hampered by the bulk of the chest-mounted system.

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The use of gaseous oxygen as the coolant medium in the space suit and Extravehicular Life-Support System was a limiting factor in the rejection of metabolic heat and in pilot comfort. The use of a gaseous system re- quired the evaporation of perspiration as a cooling mechanism. At high workloads, heavy perspiration and high humidity within the suit were certain to occiIr. These factors were evident on the missions where the workloads exceeded the planned values. As in the case of suit mobility, the cooling system design was fixed for the Gemini Program; hence, any corrective action had to be in the area of controlling the workload.

Work levels and metabolic rates could not be measured in flight; however., the flight re- sults indicated that the design limits were probably exceeded several times. Inflight work levels were controlled by providing additional body restraints, allowing a gen- erous amount of time for each task, and establishing programed rest periods between tasks. These steps, coupled with the under- water simulations techniques, enabled the Gemini XI1 pilot to control the workload well within the design limits of the Extravehicular Life-support System.

The Gemini XI results emphasized the limitations of the zero-gravity aircraft simu- lations and of ground training without weightless simulation. These media were use- f u l but incomplete in simulating all extra- vehicular tasks. The use of underwater simu- lation for development of procedures and for crew training proved effective for Gemini XII.

The sequence in which extravehicular events were scheduled seemed to correlate with the ease of accomplishment. There ap- peared to be a period of acclimatization to the extravehicular environment. The pilots who first completed a standup extravehicular activity seemed more a t ease during the umbilical activity ; therefore, it appears that critical extravehicular tasks should not be scheduled until the pilot has had an oppor- tunity to familiarize himself with the en- vironment.

. Equipment retention during extravehicular

activity was a problem for all items which were not tied down or securely fastened. By extensive use of equipment lanyards, the loss of equipment was avoided during the last two missions.

Concluding Remarks

The results of the Gemini extravehicular activity led to the following conclusions :

(1) Extravehicular operation in free space is feasible and useful for productive tasks if adequate attention is given to body restraints, task sequence, workload control, realistic sim- ulations, and proper training. Extravehicular activity should be considered for use in future missions where a specific need exists, and where the activity will provide a significant contribution to science or manned space flight.

( 2 ) Space-suit mobility restrictions were significant limiting factors in the tasks which could be accomplished in Gemini extravehicu- lar activity. For future applications, priority efforts should be given to improving the mo- tility of space suits, especially arm and glove mobility.

(2) The Extravehicular Life-support Sys- tem performed satisfactorily on all Gemini missions. The necessity for a chest-mounted location caused some encumbrance to the extravehicular pilots. The use of gaseous cooling is undesirable for the increased work- loads which may be encountered in future extravehicular activity.

( 4 ) Underwater simulation provides a high-fidelity duplication of the extravehicular environment, and is effective for procedures development and crew training. There is strong evidence indicating that tasks which can he' readily accomplished in a valid under- water simulation can also be accomplished in orbit. Cnderwater simulation should be used for procedures development and crew train- ing for future extravehicular missions.



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(5) 1,oose equipment must be tied down at capabilities or limitations of this equipment. i l l1 times dining extravehicular activity to Further evaluations in orbital flight should avoid loss. be conducted.

( 6 ) The Hand Held Maneuvering Unit is ( 7 ) The Gemini Program has provided a pi-omising as a personal transportation device foundation of technical and operational i l l free space: however, the evaluations to knowledge on which to base future extra- date have beeii too brief to define the f u l l vehicular activity in subsequent programs.

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By PETER W. HICCINS. Space Physics Division, Science nnd Applications Directorale, N A S A Manned Space- cralt Center: JOSEPH C . LILL, Sprrce Physics Division. Science iind Applicntions Directorate, NASA Manned Spacecrall Center: and T I M O T H Y T. Wi I ITE. Space Physics Division, Science arid Applica- tiorrs Directorate, .KAS.4 Manned Spacecmfl Center


The Gemini X and XI space flights were highlighted by high-altitude apogees achieved by firing the Primary .Propulsion System of the Gemini Agena Target Vehicle. In both flights, the docked spacecraft1 target-vehicle combinations were carried much higher into the Van Allen trapped radiation belt than ever before in manned space flight.

This paper deals with the radiation envi- ronment at these altitudes and the effect of the environment on the two missions. An attempt will be made to describe the premis- sion radiation planning for the flights, the inflight radiation measurements, the results of the postflight data analysis, and the pre- liminary conclusions.

.. ’

Mission Planning Radiation Analysis

Environment Model

The radiation environment at the altitudes under consideration was previously mapped by unmanned satellites. The environment is composed of electrons and protons trapped in the Earth’s magnetic field. Figure 12-1 shows the electron distribution. A large portion of the electrons were injected into space by a high-altitude nuclear test conducted by the United States in July 1962. These electrons augmented the natural electrons by several orders of magnitude and produced a dan- gerous radiation environment in near-Earth space. It has been observed that, fortunately, the intensity of these artificially injected

electrons has been decaying. The decay fol- lows the relationship

@ t / r (1) where ~t is the elapsed time in days from the test, and T is the decay parameter. The energy of these trapped electrons ranges from sev- eral thousand to several million electron volts, but with a fast dropoff in intensity with evergy. The electrons are especially hazard- ous to lightly shielded spacecraft.

Figure 12-2 shows the spacial distribution of protons. These protons result from natural causes and seem to remain relatively constant in intensity with time. The energy of the pro- tons ranges from a few thousand electron volts to hundreds of million electron volts.

August 1W; omnidirectional flux, elec/cm*/sec: energy > O.5MeV

3.0’ 0 1.10 210 3:O 4.10 5.10 6.;

FIGURE 12-1.-Electron distribution in the Earth’s field.

Preceding page blank 149

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Belore Sept. 23. 1963; omnidirectional flux protons/cm*/sec. energy s34 MeV

- - - - - -_____

. 4 . 8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2 .8 3.2 -

FIGURE 12-2.-Proton distribution in the Earth’s field.

The higher energy protons are quite pene- trating and would contribute a radiation within almost any spacecraft.

Electron and proton intensities and spectra for near-Earth space have been carefully ana- lyzed and all of the recent satellite data have I)een assembled into an environmental model (refs. 1 and 2) . Since the electrons are time dependent, the environment was presented as that which would have existed in August 1964. With the use of equation ( l ) , this envi- ronment can be modified to apply to other times.

South Atlantic Anomaly

Although the spacial distribution of the trapped radiation is generally symmetrical in azimuth, the exception to this is quite important at lower altitudes. I t should be i.ecalled that the magnetic field of the Earth is approximately that which may be described l)y a dipole magnet at the center of the Earth (fig. 12-3). Actually, this idealized dipole magnet is both displaced from and tilted with respect to the rotational axis of the Earth. Recause of the displacement of the imaginary dipole location, a region of trapped radiation (indicated by dots in fig. 12-3) is closer to the Earth’s surface on one side. In addition,

/ i

Sohh Atlantic

FIGURE 12-3.--South Atlantic anomaly diagram.

the tilt of the dipole rotates the region of close q~proach southward from the equator to the general vicinity of the South Atlantic. Since the Earth’s magnetic field rotates with the Earth, the region remains in this loca- tion, and has been named the “South Atlantic wnomaly.” In this location, the radiation belt extends to the top of the atmosphere. Figure 12-4 shows the South Atlantic anomaly as viewed on a constant altitude contour of 160 nautical miles.

The radiation fluxes and associated spectra of the trapped electrons and protons in the South Atlantic anomaly have been measured by the following experiments flown aboard several Gemini flights :

Experi- ment no. Subject Mission

M404 ......... I Proton-electron spectrometer

M406 ......... Tri-axis magnetometer M408 ......... Beta spectrometer M409 ......... 1 Bremsstrahlung


x, XI1 x, XI1 IV, VII, X, XI1

spectrometer -.

These experiments measured the exterior spacecraft radiation environment during all four flights and the interior cabin radiation environment during Gemini X and XII. The p~.eliminary results of these experiments pro- duced a valuable description of the radiation levels in the South Atlantic anomaly a t Gem- ini altitudes. At these altitudes the previous

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FIGURE 12-4.-Location of radiation fluxes in the South Atlantic anomaly for 1G0-nautical-mile altitude, 28.5" orbital ground track.

satellite model environments relied on very limited (lata and were consequently inaccu- rate.

The experiment results obtained Gemini IV and VI1 were used in the pre- mission planning of the Gemini X and XI flights to define it realistic time rate of artifi- cial electron belt decay.

Katliation-dose calculations itre made hy de- term i ni ng the ratliu t ion environment within the spaceci*aft and its i.esult:tnt effect on the c i ~ w . The exterior environment, the attenua- tion by the spacecraft, and the. response of the body to the i*;ttli;ition must till he con- sitletwl in the c:tlculiitions. In practice. the c:tlculaiion of ratli:ttion (lose is performed a t intervals itlong the spacecr;ift trajectory and then summed to expi'ess it total close.

A 1)recise calculatiori of radiation dose re- ceived by ii ciwvmitn is prohibited by the ti 11 certain facto rs i n the calculations. The tlefinition of the radiation environment used is cwtimatetl to represent the actual environ- ment only to within ii factor of 2 or :: when the variations of particle flux, energy. and tlii.ection of motion itre considered. In addition, the description of the shielding

al)out ii point on the body of a crewman intro- dtrces another error factor into the calcula- tions. I n the case in point, the shielding atten- iiiiticn protluced by the Gemini spacecraft, I he shielcling geometry is quite complex. The .<hielcling description resulting from an ex- ;!mination of the Gemini spacecraft mechani- cal drawings is estimated to be accurate only to within ii factor of 2 in the siibseyiient cal- culatioii of txtl iation dose within. Fina!ly, al'tei- assumption of' an environment and the :ttteilLtiltion of the environment by the space- craft shielding, ii proLd~le error i*esiilts in the c~ilculation of ii tissue close to it men.- The' error arises from the iincer- tttinty t h a t i t s an individual piwton or elec- ti.on 1)rogresses into t h e humm body, it will deposit its energy in ii certiiin volume of the tissue, and from the uncertainty that the l i s s i i c b will respond in it precise biological way to the dose. The conversion from tlux a t the (lose point to dose i n the Gemini calcul. '1 t' 10ns is also estimatetl to I)e :tccut*ate to within ii

The uncertainties just described rarely add a t the same point in the ca1cul:ition. Instead, each uncertainty may Le treated a s a mathe- mutical distribution with the factor men- tioned as i t deviation from the mean. I n any oiie calculation for an individual particle, the

fitctol. of 2 or :3.

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i.esiiltaiit error ;ipproxim:ites a random sam- ])ling from each of th(1 three distributions. In the end. all the uncertainties mentioned r-onibiiie to prodi1c.c an uncertainty factor of ;tl)oiit 3 i n the published dose.

I n figure 12-5, the 1)refiirht estimate of the radiation tlose per revolution is i i function of oi'bital position for 21 160-nautical-mile cir- culm orbit. The dashed curve represents the dose using the Aiig~ist 1964 model without consideration of' decay : the solid line shows the dose dec;iyed to time of flight. The orbits are identified l)y ii symbol \vhich is used again t o denote the dose per revolution foi- each i.evolution. The effect of the South Atlantic ;tnomaly is clearly indicated. At this altitude, vii*tualIy a11 of' the i*atli;ition dose is received during the six orbits passing through the anomaly.

The preflight estimate of the radiation dose per revolution is shown in figure 12-6 for the Gemini X high-altitude orbits. The dose a s of' August 1964 and the dose decayed to the time of flight tire plotted. Figure 12-6 illustrates the dramatic increase in dose diie to achieving high altitudes in the anomaly. In this case, the decayed dose increased by a factor of up to 50 in comparable revolutions : however,

lhc Gemini X projected (lose was within the ;illouablc ixtfiation limits f o r space flight.

The !)i*edicted dose for the two-revolution high-altitude portion of the Gemini XI mis- sioii \vas less than 1 millirad, and indicated that the Gemini XI high-altitude passes would subject the flight c reu to an insirsnifi- c;itit amount of radiation. This seemed rea- son;il)le since the Gemini XI flight would :ichie\.o ;tpogee away from the anomaly, but not high eiiough to penetrate the intense i*egions of' ti*apl)ecl rtitliation.

Protect ion of SOO!) Experiment Package

'I'hca high-altitude excursion of Gemini XI MYIS not exlbected to pose a crew safety prob- lem sincc the radiation doses were anticipated 1 ( I Le \.el.\' loa. ; however, the exterior flux of piwt ons at these high altitudes presented a t h i w t to an importmt onboard experiment i);tck:igv. The I)ackaze was t h e Gotldard Space Flight Center/ Naval Research Laboratories cosmic-ray tletectoi. designated as scientific Eslwriment. Soon, Nuclear Emulsions. If the c>xperiment werc successful, an unshielded, time-differentiated, nuclear emulsion would h e exposed ;it several magnetic latitudes out-

FIGURE 12-5.-Variation in radiation dose in South Atlantic anomaly. Circular orbit, 160 nautical miles.

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FIGURE 12-6.-Variation in radiation dose in the South Atlantic anomaly for Gemini X. Orbit, 160 by 400 nautical miles.

side the Earth’s atmosphere for the first time. Subsequent identification of the cosmic rays recorded in the emulsions was considered of prime scientific importance in determining the composition of cosmic rays. Therefore, i t was. considered imperative. that the high- altitude excursion of Gemini XI not jeopard- ize the success of this experiment by exposure to the higher fluxes of Van Allen belt protons (fig. 12-2) present at the higher altitudes. These protons could have rapidly ruined the. emulsion in the experiment by producing an intense ~ background from which the charac- teristic cosmic-ray tracks could not have been distinguished.

In establishing the flight plan for Gemini XI, many possible locations for firing the target-vehicle Primary Propulsion System to achieve the high-altitude orbits were exam- ined for potential proton exposure. The high- altitude damage threshold of the Experiment SO09 package was established us 2 x 10; proton/cm2 within the emulsion. Upon exami- nation, most of the possible locations for initiating the firing had to be discarded. The result of this analysis showed that initiating the high-altitude maneuver over the Canary Islands (so that the apogee would he achieved

in the Southelm Hemis1)hei.e over Australia) satisfied the minimum protqn flux condition and the flight-plan constraints. The numerical results of t h i s analysis are indicated in figure 12,7. A third revolution was considered as a safety factor, i n the event that descent to a lower altitude had to be postponed for one two1 ution.

The electrons were not expoctetl to produce i i hackground in the emulsion because .the experiment package, located on the exterior surface of the spacecr;ift atllipter, was to be i*etrioved 1j.v the extixvehicu1;il- pilot and placed in the crew ntatioii footwell before t h e high-apogee orbits. The i*elatively heavy shielding pi*ovitled by the footwell would screen the lightly penetrating electi*ons, but woultl not completely attenuate the protons.

lnfligh t Measurements


During the Gemini X tincl X I missions, ;in active radiation dosimeter was utilized to enhance flight safety by providing ii real- time measurement of the r:idiation-dose anti (lose rate. and to take :itlvnnt;ige of the high- :tltitutle portio11 of the flight to obtain valu- dile r:itli;ition tltita. This instrument (fig.

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Orbit 28 (2.6 X lo5 )

West + East Longitude, deg

FIGURE lZ-'i.--Proton flux for Gemini XI

12-8). which was designated the Gemini Rit (1 i ati on Monitoring System, was designed. tle\.elopetl, ant1 fabricated z i t the Manned Spacecraft Center especially for these flights. The Gemini Ratli;ition Monitoring System consisted of two separate dosimeters sharing the same package. Each dosimeter had an ion chamber, electronics, ;ind batteries. One closi- meter sensed the (lose rate between 0.1 and 700 rads 'hr and the reading was indicated on the large meter face. The other dosimeter was an integrating sensor that accumulated the dose in rads with time. This reading was indicated on the small register and ranged from 0.01 to 99.99 rads. The switch in the center was used to snub the dose-rate meter needle to prevent launch vibration damage to the delicate meter movement. The readings from the Gemini Radiation Monitoring Sys- tem approximated the skin dose at the loca- tion of the instrument. No direct measure- ment of the depth (lose was made in real time. FIGURE 12-8.-Gemini Radiation Monitoring System.

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Greenwich mean Mission time, hr:min

X 3:34 4:49 4 5 9 597


XI 19:49 7 5 2 10:02 Postflight


During the two high-altitude flights, the Gemini Radiation Monitoring System was stowed aboard the spacecraft until shortly before the maneuver for attaining the high- apogee orbits. After the Gemini Radiation Monitoring System was unstowed, it was placed a t head height between the crewmen on the Gemini X mission, and was affixed to the inside of the left hatch on the Gemini XI mission. In either case, the instrument was read before the high-altitude excursion in order to establish a baseline reading. Subse- quent readings were made near the high apogees, and the dose values were reported to the ground flight controllers. Table 12-1

Dose, rad Ground elapsed I

time, hr:min . Reading netwnrk station

6 5 4 Rose Knot Victor 0.00 8:OS Rose Knot Victor .04 8:20 Rose Knot Victor .I8 8:37 Tananarive 2 3

18:14 .78 .91

29:09 Rose Knot Victor .oo 41:14 Carnarvon . 0'2 4323 Carnarvon .02

.03 1 (After background I removed) I

presents the inflight crew radiation reports of the readings from the Gemini Radiation Monitoring System. In neither mission did the readings have any influence on the flight, since the reported values were well below the preplanned mission allowable dose limits.

Passive dosimeters have been worn by crewmembers on all manned Gemini flights. The passive dosimeters were packaged in plastic (fig. 12-9) and contained : thermal luminescent powder which, when heated, ra- diates visible light proportionate to the radia- tion absorbed ; and various nuclear emulsions which, under microscopic analysis, determine the extent of radiation exposure. The meas-


FIGURE 12-9.-Gemini passive dosimeter.

ured doses approximated a normal skin dose a t the location of the dosimeter. A summary of the measurements for all manned Gemini Hights is provided in table 12-11.

Postflight Analysis of Radiation Data

The Gemini IX-A readings (table 12-111) are representative of Gemini missions not, attaining the high altitude. The table con- trasts the increase in dose due to the Gemini X high-altitude passes through the South At- lantic anomaly with the negligible doses re- ceived on Gemini XI after a much higher

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TABLE 12-II.-Passiwc~ Dosimeter Results f o r Ge,>niisi Ma.)rned Flights

Ihralion of mission

111 IV V VI-A VI1 VI11


Dose to left chest of command pilot,


3 revolutions 4 days 8 days 1 day

14 days 11 hours

3 days 3 days 3 days 4 days

I Calculated

0.020 .040 .l!jO .025 .192

All dosimeters read less than 0.010






altitude flight opposite the anomaly in the Southern Hemisphere.

Figure 12-10 is a comparison of Gemini X inflight readings from the Gemini Radia- tion Monitoring System with the decayed and undeca yed calculational model. The dose read- ings were made by the crew during the first and seventh high-altitude revolutions. The readings in the first revolution established that the environment a t that altitude would not endanger the mission, and the crew was advised to begin a sleep period. After awak- ening, the crew reported the reading for the seventh revolution. Because of the lack of data, i t is difficult to reach any definite con- clusion based upon the relationships shown in figure 12-10.

Aug. 1964 estimate, Decayed estimate, rad 1 rad


The proton environment calculated for the high-altitude orbits of Gemini XI could not be confirmed by inflight measurements. The proton spectrometer data required for this comparison were not obtained on the Gemini X I flight. However, the Experiment SO09 package indicated that the background of protons in the emulsion was within toler- ance limits.

Gemini. Radiation

rad Passive dosimeter, I Monitormg System,

I rad

Undecayed dose r 7 1 0 ’ t I

FI Electron dose decayed

to 7/17/66

Decayed dose

0 = Gemini radiation 0 measuring system


Radiation dose d”l ; ; h ; d fi ; b ;o ;1 1’2 Time after initation of high-altitude maneuver, h r

FIGURE 12-10.-Comparison of the Gemini X Radia- tion Monitoring System readings and the calcu- lation model.

IX-An X h


0.30 17.3


0.090 1.4 .091

0.018 .770 .025

Not applicable 0.910

.030 I I I

Readings based upon 161-n.-mi. circular orbit f o r 3 days. I, Readings based upon 161- by 400-n.-mi. orbit fo r 12 hours, and 161-n.-mi. circular orbit f o r 2 % days. ‘ Readings based upon 161- by 750-n.-mi. orbit fo r 3% hours, and 161-n.-mi. circular orbit for 2 % days.

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One of the most important results of the high-altitude flights of Gemini X and XI is that manned space flight a t higher altitudes is possible with a minimum of radiation dose. This is due to the confirmed continuing de- cay of the artificially injected electrons and to careful planning of the trajectory. Extra- vehicular activity, for example, would be possible during many high-altitude orbits if not performed while the spacecraft is pass- ing through the South Atlantic anomaly.

Gemini X demonstrated the effect of the South Atlzntic anomaly on the rapidly in- creasing dose rate a t the higher altitudes of approximately 400 nautical miles. On the other hand, Gemini XI attained the highest apogee, 742 nautical miles, over Australia and was still free from significant radiation doses.

Another important result is the reasonable amount of agreement between the preflight

calculations and the measured values of ra- diation dose. The differences are explained when the uncertainties of making these cal- culations are considered. It is anticipated that the shielding breakdown description for the Apollo missions will be more accurate than the description used for Gemini. An operational environment sensor is to be in- cluded on the Apollo missions ; consequently, the radiation calculation should agree more closely with the measured values. As a result, greater confidence is provided for further ex- ploration of the relatively unknown radiation environment in space.


1. VETTE, JAMES 1.; Models of the Trapped Radiation Environment. Vol. I : Inner Zone Protons and Electrons. NASA SP-3024, 1966.

2. VETTE, JAMES I.; LUCERO, ANTONIO B.; and WRIGHT, JON A.: Models of the Trapped Ra- diation Environment. Vol. 11: Inner and Outer Zone Electrons. NASA SP-3024, 1966.

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13. CONTROLLED REENTRY By DAVID M. BOX. iMissiorr Planning arid Analysis Divisiorr, .\ASA Mariner1 Spacecraft Center; JON C . HAR.

POLD, Mission Planning and Analysis Division, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center; STEVEN G. PADDOCK. Dynarnics Engineer, McDonnell Aircralt Corp. ; NEIL A. ARMSTRONG. Astronaut, Aslronaut O#ke, NASA iliatilied Spacecraft Center; and WILLIAM H. H A M R I . O,@ce o/ Spacecraft Management. Geniirri Program Oflice, A'ASA Manned SpacecraJt Center


One of the primary objectives of the Gemini Program has been successfully achieved, that of controlling the landing point by modulating the direction of the in- herent lift vector of the spacecraft during reentry. The program has utilized two re- entry guidance techniques which provided' steering commands based upon a logical as- sessment of current and predicted energy conditions. This paper presents a brief de- scription of these two sets of reentry guid-

, ance logic, and a detailed description of the results obtained from each Gemini spacecraft reentry. During the Gemini Program, suc- cessful landing-point control has been ac- complished from Earth orbits varying from an apogee,/perigee of 110 by 45 nautical miles to an apogee/perigee of 215 by 161 nautical miles. The Gemini spacecraft has been flown with an average lift-to-drag ratio of approximately 0.19. This has resulted in an average reentry maneuver capability of 300 nautical miles downrange and lr27 nauti- cal miles crossrange. The average footprint shift due to the retrofire maneuver has been 25 nautical miles, and the average navigation accuracy has been 2.2 nautical miles.


One of the major objectives of the Gemini Program was to demonstrate accurate touch- down-point control through the use of tra- jectory-shaping techniques during reentry. This trajectory control was used to compen-

sate for dispersions caused by unpredicted retrofire maneuvers, by atmospheric varia- tions, and by uncertainties in the aerody- namic characteristics of the spacecraft. Fur- ther, trajectory control greatly minimized the recovery task for emergency reentries such as occurred on Gemini VIII.

This paper describes the results of the re- entry phase of each Gemini mission. How- ever, a brief review of the aerodynamic characteristics of the spacecraft and the guidance logic used during Gemini will be helpful in understanding the reentry results of each flight.

Aerodynamic Characteristics

Aerodynamic lift is established on a sym- metrical body, such as the Gemini vehicle, by placing the center of gravity so that the resultant trim angle of attack provides the desired lift characteristics. To maintain the least amount of aerodynamic heating on the spacecraft hatches and windows during re- entry, the spacecraft was flown inverted with the center-of-gravity offset toward the pilots' feet (fig. 13-1). In'this inverted position, the spacecraft was rolled to the bank angle re- quired to utilize the lift vector for downrange and lateral range-control capability. The range control, or touchdown footprint, pro- vided with the Gemini reentry center of gravity was approximately 300 nautical miles down range and 50 nautical miles lateral range. When the maximum range was desired, the spacecraft maintained a heads- down or zero-degree bank angle (fig. 13-1).

Preceding page Mank 159

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On track


Based on full-lift reentry Altitude. thousands of feet

290 250 210 190 150 100 !%

Range extension

Fly to left

No range extension for effective

Time from retrofire, min

FIGURE 13-2.-Reentry maneuver capability as 8 zero lift function of elapsed time from retrofire.

FIGURE 13-l.-Reentry control concepts.

Minimum range was obtained with either a 90” bank angle or a rolling reentry to null the effects of the lifting force.

The responsiveness of the spacecraft to the required maneuvers for accurate touch- down on ‘the target point was dependent upon the static and dynamic stability of the spacecraft in the reentry region where the range-control capability was most significant. When a stable vehicle was not provided, the correct bank angle could not adequately be maintained for the correct response, and thereby created touchdown errors. The most significant amount of range-control capa- bility existed while the spacecraft was in the upper reaches of the atmosphere (fig. 13-2) ; 80 percent of the range-control capability ex- isted between an altitude of approximately 250 000 and 170 000 feet. The total reentry time from start of retrograde to deployment of drogue parachute varied from 29.0 min- utes for Gemini VI-A to 32.5 minutes for Gemini XII, and depended on the particular retrograde orbit of each flight. Only 2.5 min- utes were available for utilizing the lift capa- bility to accurately adjust the reentry trajectory. The necessity for accurate com- mands and spacecraft responses during that time was clearly indicated.

It was essential that the spacecraft ex- hibit good stability characteristics during

the effective lift portion of the trajectory in order to achieve accurate touchdown control. A qualitative summary of the stability char- acteristics of the spacecraft indicated that good static and dynamic stability were pres- ent in the region of most significance. A t lower Mach numbers, the stability charac- teristics were from marginal to unstable, but the range errors were minimum. The drogue parachute was deployed a t 50000 feet to

, avoid the unstable dynamic stability charac- teristic. Results of the first few Gemini re- entries raised questions concerning the accuracy of the aerodynamics ; however, the analysis of the last seven flights indicated reasonably consistent aerodynamic charac- teristics for the Gemini reentry configuration.

Guidance Logic

Two different reentry steering techniques were developed and used during the Gemini Program, a rolling reentry technique and a constant bank-angle technique. Both utilized a predicted range computed from the range- to-go of a reference trajectory, and from the range contribution that was realized from the deviation of navigated flight conditions from corresponding reference quantities. The reference ranges and the range-to-flight condition sensitivity coefficients were stored in the onboard computer memory as a func- tion of a parameter relating navigated

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velocity and measured acceleration. Figure 13-3 illustrates the rolling reentry technique employed during the Gemini Program; this technique was based on a zero-lift reference trajectory. The control logic commanded the direction of the spacecraft lift vector neces- sary to steer to a zero-lift trajectory which would terminate at the target. A lifting pro- file was flown until a zero-lift trajectory co- incided with the target point. At this point a constant roll rate was commanded to neutralize the effect of the inherent lifting capability of the spacecraft.

Figure 13-4 illustrates the guidance logic for the rolling reentry technique where RN is the downrange component of the total range between the spacecraft position and

,,Roll initiation

I iarget. ...J I , Range

- I- Maneuver

capability 4 FIGURE 13-3.-Gemini rolling reentry technique.

I Present position ; of spacecraft

the target ; RC is the crossrange component; and RP is the predicted zero-lift range. A bank angle BC is commanded based upon the ratio of RC EN-RP. The control technique simultaneously nulls the downrange and crossrange trajectory errors by continuously updating BC based upon the ratio of range errors, until the predicted zero-lift range RP is equal to the downrange distance to the target RN. At this point, if the crossrange error is greater than a 1-nautical-mile dead- band, a 90. bank angle is commanded, the direction depending on the sign (plus or minus) of the crossrange error. When the crossrange error is within the deadband, a zero-lift trajectory is initiated by command- ing a constant roll rate. The rolling portion of the trajectory is interrupted occasionally in order to command any additional lift necessary to steer back to the zero-lift tra- jectory. The predicted zero-lift trajectory is purposely biased early in the reentry to always place the spacecraft in an undershoot condition, thereby eliminating the need for negative lift in order to reach the target. This guidance logic was used on Gemini 111, TV, VITI, TX-A, X, XI, and XII.

Figure 13-5 illustrates the constant bank- ansle reentry technique. This technique is

FIGURE 13-4.-RoIling reentry widance logic. FIGURE l3-5.--Gemini constant bank angle reentry


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based upon a half-lift reference trajectory. The control logic commands a constant bank angle which results in a lift profile that will provide the proper longitudinal range for lantling a t the trrget point. This is accom- plished by determining the difference be- tween the range to the target and the half- lift reference-trajectory range, and by com- paring the difference with a set of stored reentr?--maneuver-capability data in the spacecraft computer.

Figure 13-6 shows the guidance logic used by the constant bank-angle reentry tech- nique. In this technique. RN is defined as the downrange component of the total range be- tween the spacecraft position and the target: RC is again the crossrange component: but R P is now the predicted half-lift range. A bank command is generated depending upon the value of RN-RP. If R N is equal to RP, a constant 60" bank angle is commanded ; if RN is greater than RP. a more shallow bank angle is commanded: and if RN is less than R P , a steeper bank angle is commanded. The magnitude of this bank angle is determined by the stored downrange-extension capabil-- ity of the spacecraft, AR. The crossrange error is controlled by reversing the direction of the bank angle when the crossrange error RC is equal to the crossrange capability of the spacecraft. The crossrange capability is again based upon the stored maneuver- capability data. This guidance system was flown on Gemini V, VI-A, and VII.

Present position / of spacecraft


, 'Target Half-lift


FIGURE 13-6.-Constant bank angle reentry guidance logic.

Retrofire Performance

In order for the guidance system to steer the spacecraft to a desired landing point, an accurate deorbit maneuver had to be per- formed. The spacecraft retrofire system con- sisted of four solid-propellant retrorockets which produced a velocity increment for de- orbit of approximately 320 f t 'sec. The space- craft attitude was manually held at a pre- determined constant inertial-pitch attitude throuxhout the maneuver, while the rates about the pitch, roll, and yaw axes were clamped by the automatic control system. Excellent retrorocket performance was achieved on each of the missions, and the crew was able to hold the pitch attitude within approximately 2".

Reentry Summary

The Gemini Program accomplished 11 successful reentries and showed that con- trolled reentry was an operational capability (fig. 13-7 and table 13-1). No reentry was attempted during the Gemini I unmanned orbital flight. Gemini 11 was an unmanned suborbital flight designed as a spacecraft heating test and as a check of the guidance and navigation system. The rolling reentry guidance logic was programed into the com- puter ; however, this logic was bypassed and the reentry was flown open loop by continu-

- 6 Gemini m,,' Planned tarqet L r: 20

- - . m - 301 ' ' I ' I I I I 5 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10

West 4 East E - Impact landing distance from target, n. mi.

FIGURE 13-'i.-Relative landing points.

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TABLE 13-I.-Gemini Reentry Summary

Miss distance, Navigation error, Significant comments n. mi. n. mi.

I1 14 111 1 60 IV 44

ously rolling the spacecraft from the point of 0.05 g until an altitude of 80 000 feet was attained. The zero-lift point shifted 14 nauti- cal miles due to the retrofire maneuver, and the spacecraft landed 14 nautical miles from the planned' touchdown point. The footprint shift was caused by a combination of a pitch- attitude error of 3.2" during retrofire and a retrograde-velocity- increment ' that was 1.1 .percent low. Postflight analysis showed that the navigation accuracy at guidance termi- nation was 1.2 nautical miles.

The first manned mission of the Gemini Program was Gemini 111, a three-orbit mis- sion. To assure spacecraft reentry in case of retrorocket failure, a preretrofire orbit ma- neuver was performed with the spacecraft propulsion system. This maneuver was com- pleted 1.2 minutes before retrofire and re- sulted in a vacuum perigee of 45 nautical miles. The combined retrofire and preretro- fire maneuver resulted in a footprint shift of 48 nautical miles. The retrofire maneuver accounted for 24.9 nautical miles of this shift. Before the deorbit maneuver, the tar- get point was situated on the 60" contour line of the footprint, and was offset from the centerline approximately 10 nautical miles toward the south. The planned guidance technique was to fly the backup bank angle, which would simultaneously null the cross- range and downrange errors. When either

1.2 Footprint shift .8 Lift-drag reduction

Footprint shift, inoperative computer

the downrange or crossrange error was nulled, the crew would fly the commands generated by the spacecraft computer. The Gemini I11 spacecraft experienced a de- crease of approximately 35 percent in the lift-to-drag ratio, resulting in a loss of ap- proximately 160 nautical miles in the down- range maneuver capability. The loss in capa- bility, combined with the shift of the foot- print due to the tleorbit maneuver, caused the target to be on the edge of the maneuver envelope of the spacecraft. Following the planned procedure, the hpacecraft landed GO nautical miles from the target. Postflight analysis indicated that if the crew had fol- lowed the commands Kenerated bv the space- craft computer during the entire reentry, a miss distance of a p p r o x i m a t e l y 3 nautical miles would have occurred. Navigation ac- curacy on this mission was 0.8 nautical mile.

Gemini TV was ii 4-day mission. A planned preretrofire maneuver was to he followed 12 minutes later I)y a normal retrofire. Rased upon the results of Gemini 111, it was planned for the crew to use the rolling reentry guid- ance logic and to manudly follow the com- mands from the spacecraft computer during the entire reentry. However. hecause of an inoperative computer, it was necessarv to flv open loop by manually rolling the space- craft throuchout reentry. The preretrofire orbit manenver and the retrofire produced


2.5 V 91 VI-A 7 VII.. 6.4 2.3 VI11 1.4 IX-A .38 2.2 X 3.4 4.2

I ~ 474

Invalid position update No radar below 180 000 ft Lift-drag reduction Emergency reentry

XI 2.65 XI1 2.6 i

4.0 i Automatic reentry 2.4 1 Automatic reentry

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a footprint shift of 50 nautical miles, 10 nautical miles resulting from the retrofire maneuver. The spacecraft was to be rolled at a rate of 15 deg sec ; however, because the roll-rate gvro had been turned off, the yaw thruster produced an acceleration in the roll direction which was not damped. This caused the roll rate to build to a maximum of 60 deg sec; the spacecraft was still rolling more than 50 deg sec at drogue parachute deployment. With the open-loop reentry, there was no way to compensate for the pre- retrofire and retrofire errors ; thus, the space- craft landed 44 nautical miles from the in- tended landing point.

Gemini V was an %day mission and was the first mission scheduled to use the con- stant bank-angle reentry guidance logic. As stated previously, the constant bank-angle logic commands were based upon a compari- son of the range differences (actual range minus predicted half-lift range) with a set of stored maneuver-capability data. Because of the large reduction in the lift-to-drag ratio experienced by the Gemini spacecraft, the set of stored data was no longer valid; therefore, errogeous commands were gen- erated by the spacecraft computer. Because of the short time between missions, i t was impossible to update the constants in the program.for Gemini V and VI-A. However, the computer calculations of the range errors (RC and RN-RP) were displayed to the crew and, as a result of preflight training, the crew could interpret these calculations to obtain the correct bank angle needed to attain a small miss distance. Therefore, i t was planned for the crew to modulate the spacecraft lift verior based upon the display of these range errors.

The Gemini spacecraft normally required a navigation update before retrofire. This consisted of an Earth-centered inertial posi- tion and velocity vector, and a range angle through which the Earth had rotated from the initial alinement of the Earth-centered inertial system (midnight before lift-off) to the time that the vector was valid. Wher, -he

update was sent to Gemini V, the range angle was in error by 7.9". This caused a navigation error in the Gemini V computer of approximately 474 nautical miles. There- fore, throughout the reentry the computer displayed erroneous range data, and by the time the crew determined that the computer was in error, the spacecraft did not have the maneuver capability to steer to the target. The spacecraft landed approximately 91 nautical miles from the target. Postflight analysis indicated that after compensating for this initial-condition error, the naviga- tion accuracy was 2.5 nautical miles. The footprint shift due to retrofire was only 5 nautical miles. The velocity increment pro- duced by the retrorockets was 0.2 percent lower than predicted.

Gemini VI-A was a l-dag rendezvous mis- sion ; the constant bank-angle guidance logic was used in the same manner as on Gemini V. Retrofire occurred in approximately a 161-nautical-mile circular orbit with a re- sultant footprint shift of 22 nautical miles. The shift was due to a 0.6-percent high in- crement in the retrorocket velocity. The spacecraft landed 7 nautical miles from the target, and postflight evaluation indicated the navigation accuracy was approximately 2.5 nautical miles.

Gemini VI1 was a 14-day mission that em- ployed the constant bank-angle logic. Modi- fications made to several of the guidance constants improved the usefulness of the bank command generated by the spacecraft computer; however, the primary crew dis- play was still the range-error display. Retro- fire occurred in approximately a 161-nauti- cal-mile circular orbit with a resultant foot- print shift of 41 nautical miles. The space- craft touched down approximately 6.4 nauti- cal miles from the target, and the navigation accuracy was 2.3 nautical miles. A 40-nauti- cal-mile loss-of-maneuver capability was due to an overprediction of the movement of the center of gravity during the 14 days of the mission.

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Gemini VIII, a scheduled 3-day rendezvous mission, was terminated by an emergency re- entry into a secondary landing area. The reentry was ordered after the flight crew were forced to use the propulsion capability of the Reentry Control System to stop a high roll rate caused by a yaw-thruster anomaly in the primary spacecraft propulsion system. Because of the requirement for the propul- sion capability of the Reentry Control Sys- tem to control the spacecraft attitude during reentry, one of the mission rules required that activation of the Reentry Control Sys- tem would require spacecraft reentry in the next planned landing area. The Gemini VI11 spacecraft landed in the Western Pacific zone (area 7-3) in the seventh revolution.

The rolling-reentry logic was used for Gemini VI11 and all subsequent Gemini flights, and enabled the crew to manually fly the bank-angle commands generated by the spacecraft computer. Retrofire occurred from approximately a 161-nautical-mile cir- cular orbit and caused a 12-nautical-mile footprint shift. The spacecraft computer cal- culated that the spacecraft was 1.4 nautical miles from the planned target a t drogue parachute deployment, and the spacecraft was sighted on the main parachute by the recovery aircraft. Because of the area in which the spacecraft was forced to land, no reentry tracking was possible : therefore, no navigation accuracy was determined for this flight.

Gemini IX-A, a %day rendezvous mission, used the rolling-reentry logic. The retrofire maneuver produced a footprint shift of ap- proximately 55 nautical miles. The rather large footprint shift was caused by a retro- rocket velocity that was 1.06 percent high and by a spacecraft pitch-attitude error of 2.3". The crew manually flew the bank-angle commands generated by the spacecraft com- puter and landed 0.38 nautical mile from the target. Postflight evaluation showed a navi- gation accuracy of 2.2 nautical miles.

Gemini X was a %day rendezvous mission. Retrofire occurred from an orbit of 161 by

215 nautical miles. The footprint shift was approximately 43 nautical miles, and the spacecraft landed 3.4 nautical miles from the target with a navigation accuracy of 4 2 nautical miles. The rather large navigation error was caused by a yaw misalinement in the inertial platform.

Gemini XI, a 3-day rendezous mission, was the first to use the automatic mode of the attitude-control system coupled with the guidance commands to steer the spacecraft to the target. Using the rolling-reentry logic, the spacecraft landed 2.65 nautical miles from the planned target with a navigation ac- curacy of 4 nautical miles. A comparison of the bank-angle profile flown by the automatic system on Gemini XI with the profile man- ually flown on Gemini VI11 and X showed only minor differences. The automatic sys- tem responded immediately to any change in the direction of the bank angle commanded by the spacecraft computer, whereas a time lapse occurred between command and re- sponse when the flight crew manually flew th;! bank commands. This time lapse, how- ever, had no noticeable effect on the final landing point of the spacecraft.

The last flight in the Gemini Program, Gemini XII, was a 4-day rendezvous mission. Gemini XI1 used the rolling-reentry logic and was the second mission that employed automatic reentry. The spacecraft landed approximately 2.6 nautical miles from the planned target, with a navigation accuracy of 2.4 nautical miles. For the fifth time dur- ing the Gemini Program, the spacecraft descending on the main parachute was sighted by the recovery forces.

Concluding Remarks

The reentries performed during the Gemini Program have shown the following:

(1) The guidance technique had to be de- signed to be insensitive to large changes in spacecraft lift capability. The use of the con- stant bank-angle guidance technique was dependent on an accurate estimate of maneu- ver capability. It W;IS, therefore, ineffective

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for ;I mission of long duration whe~.e a large center-of'-gr;t\.it~, \.ariation Uas present or where spacecraft aerodynamic character- istics were uncertain, i t:; on Gemini VII. The r~lliiig-reentr\~ guidance technique dit1 not require a knowledge of the spacecr;tft l i f t capability, and \vould steer to a plirticular target as long its that .target was within the footprint.

(2) Displays hul to I)e available so the crew could evaluate the performance of the guidance and navigation system, and back- up procedures hiid to be developed to assure safe reentry and accurate landing in the event of a guidance-system failure. These displays had to provide enough information to the crelv to permit an intelligent evalu- ation of the primary guidance system. If the e\-;duation indicated ;I failure of the primary system, then backup procedures had to be available to meet the following criteria : ( ( 1 )

assure safe capture, ( 1 ) ) avoid violatiiig heating and /or load-factor limits, and ( c ) function with a degree of accuracy such that the recovery of the spacecraft could be ac- complished in a reasonable amount of time.

(3) Consistently accurate navigation could be accomplished during reentry be- cause of a navigation-system design which performed adequately in the presence of ex- pected inertial-measurement-system uncer- tainties. Even when a large inertial-platform

error did occur, as on Gemini X, the effect of the error on touchdown miss distance was small, because navigation errors built up slowly before the region of maximum load factor, then increased sharply; at the same time, the maneuver capability decreased to a small fraction of the total near-maximum load factor. Although the control commands were incorrect late in reentry, because of large navig;ttion errors, the commands could not disperse the trajectory to a great extent because of the small maneuver capability. In addition, the computer navigation equations and integration techniques had been judici- ously selected to he compatible with digital computer operation.

(4 ) Reentry of the Gemini spacecraft was successfully controlled both manually and automatically. The ability of the pilot to ade- quately control the spacecraft under high load-factor. conditions after long periods of weightlessness was demonstrated. The de- sirability of manual versus automatic control was dependent upon the severity of the con- trol-accuracy requirements, the frequency of thecontrol commands, and the complexity of the control limits imposed for crew safety. Reentry from Earth orbit required some de- gree of control accuracy but did not require an immediate response to displayed com- mands.

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By ALFRED J. GARDNER. Program Director, Ceniini Tnrgel Vehicle. Hendqcinrrers Space Systems Division, Air Force Space Systeriis Coinmaiid


Cooperation between the National Aero- nautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Department of Defense (DOD) , and more specifically the Department of the Air Force (USAF), is based on long historical precedent and achievement. Many years of exchange of concepts, equipment, and experi- mental activities between the National Ad- visory Committee for Aeronautics and the Air Force and its organizational predeces- sors laid firm ground for later years. The National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, providing the responsibility for the direction of the aeronautical and space activities of the United States, further stipulated one of the duties of the President, “. . . provide for effective cooperation between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Department of Defense. . . .” From the earliest days, €he new NASA and the USAF cooperated in numerous formal and informal ways. Air Force support of Project Mercury established many of the mechanisms. tech- niques, and fundamental requirements for Department of Defense support of the Gemini Program. The lessons learned by both agen- cies in exchange of funds. selection of per- sonnel, procurement of vehicles, pilot safety. assurance of mission success, :ind launch support provided ;I tested foundation for effective Air Force support of Gemini.

In late 1961, when the decision was made to proceed with what ultimately hecame the Gemini Program, an ad hoc group comprised of NASA and Air Force represent a t‘ ives was

appointed to recommend a detailed manage- ment and operational plan “clearly indicat- ing the division of efforts between NASA and the DOD (Air Force). . . .” The NASA- DOD Operational and Management Plan for the Gemini Program (December 1961), with subsequent revisions, became the basis for the Air Force support of the program. The Space Systems Division of the Air Force Systems Command was designated to estab-’ . lish the necessary relationships with the appropriate NASA organizations to provide €or development. procurement. and launch of the required launch and target vehicles.

Program offices were established in Los Angeles a t the Space Systems Division of the Air Force Systems Command to manage the Gemini Launch Vehicle, it modified Titan I1 Intercontinental Ballistic Missile ; and the Gemini Agena Target Vehicle, a modified Agena upper-stage booster. The launch ve- hicle for the target vehicle, :i modified Atlas standard launch vehicle (SLV-3). was pro- vided by an esisting Iwogram office of this vehicle.

The management of the integration of the three vehicles into the over;ill Gemini Pro- gram was a function of the Gemini Program Office, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. Within the Gemini Program Office, the prin- cipal point of contact with the Air Force Space Systems Division program offices was the Office of Vehicles ;ind Missions. A co- ordinating committee system was established to maintain liaison, orgmiz:ition, and direc- tion between \.iiriolls Government organi- zations and contractors.



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Highlights of Air Force Technical Support

One of the most difficult aspects of system program management is the need to freeze designs in order to produce hardware on schedule versus the ever-present need to in- troduce changes. Reliability, time, and econ- om>' depend upon strict control of configura- tion and maximum standardization of production items. However, program evolu- tion invariably leads to changing or cx- panded mission requirements. I n anything but a pure production contract, unexpected and difficult design problems and technical difficulties are encountered. In addition, attractive and desirable improvement areas are developed a s the base of program knowl- edge broadens and progresses. All of these sources of change are excecdinnly difficult or impossible to predict or schedule, and often require significant expenditures of resources. Program histories. however, support the premise that one of the keys to program suc- cess is the manner of administrative and technical response to such changes. The organization must incorporate a flexibility to change emphasis and absorb tasks. Technical talents must be available. Financial support must be timely and of sufficient magnitude. Skillful schedule planninR must introduce the changes to provide maximum realization of improvements with minimum impacts on reliability, manufacture, test, and training. Finally, the motivation of all concerned must be adequately planned in order to define and maintain desired goals and purposes. During the development of the Gemini hardware, all of the typical change influences were en- countered and dealt with within the frame- work of the basic Gemini objectives. Some influences never progressed beyond the analysis and study stage, while others were translated into actual hardware configura- tion changes, and still others were expanded into major programs having critical effects on the overall program.

Throughout the development of the Gemini Launch Vehicle, every potential change,

every known vehicle charact,eristic, and every operational plan was primarily viewed against the framework of a formal pilot- safety program plan prior to any other con- sideration of the change. This primary con- sideration resulted in other studies and chanfes.

(iemini Launch Vehicle

Within the Air Force Space Systems Divi- sion, the Gemini Launch Vehicle Program Office was assigned the responsibility for de- veloping and procuring the Titan I1 as a launch vehicle and for the technical super- vision (under a NASA Launch Director) of the launches of these vehicles. In this func- lion, the Air Force Space Systems Division akted as a NASA contractor, and established the necessary agreements and contracts to provide all of the necessary services, equip- ment, and vehicles.

The objectives of the Air Force program office, based upon the requirements outlined by the NASA statement of work, were ex- panded and established as the basis for all resulting agreements and contracts. The fun- damental objective was to exercise maximum management and technical control to strictly minimize changes to the basic Titan I1 ve- hicle. Changes were to be limited to those in the interest of pilot safety, to those necessary to accommodate the Gemini spacecraft as a payload, and to those necessary to increase the probability of mission success. Implicit in the basic objective were economy, high reli- ability, maintenance of schedule, and maxi- mum cooperation with the NASA Gemini Program Office.

During the early months of the program, extensive and intensive studies, analyses, and tests were conducted to firmly identify all required changes to the basic Titan 11; to identify all tests, procedures, and experi- mental programs; and to provide the basis for a set of detailed, comprehensive specifica- tions for the vehicle.

In February 1962, a Technical Operating Plan was coordinated between the Space Sys-

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tems Division and the Aerospace Corp. The plan outlined areas of effort and responsi- bilities of the Aerospace Corp. support of the Space Systems Division by providing general systems engineering and technical direction of the Gemini Launch Vehicle Program.

As part of the established mission, func- tion, and organization, the 6555th Aerospace Test Wing is an extension of the Space Sys- tems Division at Cape Kennedy and the East- ern Test Range. The Wing represented the Air Force in the launch-site acceptance, test- ing, data evaluation, and launch of various vehicles. In addition, the Wing provided man- agement control of the various vehicle con- tractors, and integrated contractor and Gov- ernment efforts, and assured Range support and data during the checkout and launch se- quences. In support of the Gemini Launch Vehicle, various reliability, crew-safety, op- erational, and other committees and working groups were organized or supported. One of the outstanding achievements of the Gemini Program was the scheduling and ac- complishment of the Gemini Launch Vehicle turnaround required for the Gemini VI1 and VI-A missions leading to the historical first rendezvous of two manned space vehicles (December 1965). Reference 1 contains a brief review of the development of the Gem- ini Launch Vehicle ant1 of the flight results of the first seven Gemini missions. '

Typical Gemini Launch-Vehicle Test ChronoloKy

After final assembly of the Gemini Launch Vehicle at the Baltimore plant of the Martin- Marietta Corp., the propulsion and hydraulic systems \\'ere checked for leaks, and the elec- ti-ical system WLS checked for continuity. The vehicle was then tested in the Baltimore Ver- tical Test Facility; this included a series of cwntdowns antl simulated launches. All oper- ations were either performed or accurately simulated and recorded.

The two stages of the vehicle were trans- ported by a i r to Cape Kennedy, erected, antl asseml,letl on Launch Complex 13. A detailed checkout m t l verification test series was com-

pleted, culminating in a combined systems test of the vehicle. After the spacecraft was mated with the launch vehicle, a series of joint tests was completed, including joint guidance and flight controls, simulated par- tial countdown and launch ascent, tanking exercise, and, for missions involving the tar- get vehicle, simultaneous launch demonstra- tion.

Gemini Launch-Vehicle Payload Margins

Drvolopwwit of pa!jload capabili ty and t i v jcvdoi*!l prediction twhniques.-At the be- ginning of the Gemini Program, all trrtjec- tory and payload performance predictions were based upon nominal values for all pa- rameters. Therefore, all launch vehicles had the same payload capability except for varia- tions due to mission differences. As vehicle parameters became available they were in- corporated, and frequently created substan- tial changes in predicted payload capability. Each parameter update was incorporated as soon as available in order to maintain the most up-to-date prediction possible. This was tlrsii*ed to keep NASA continually informed of the payload capability margin for each of the vehicles, so that mission changes could he made to improve capability or to take advantage of excess capability. I t was also desired to show the necessity of making per- formance improvement changes to the Gem- ini Launch Vehicle. A number of performance improvements were considered fo r t he Gem- ini Launch Vehicle during the early and mid- phases of t h e program.

Figure 14-1 illustrates the changes in pre- dicted Gemini Launch Vehicle minimum pay- load capabilities compared with time, and the c h ;L n ges i n spacecraft weights, without ex- periments, compared with time. Since experi- ment weight averaged about 1 G O pounds, the actual margins between predicted capabilities and sp:icecraft weights were less than those shown. Near the end of the Gemini Program, it was common for the predicted payload capability margin to be negative. The worst case was -282 pounds for Gemini IX-A.

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Stage I

Thrust ................................. Specific impulse ............... Outage ................................. Dry weight ....................... Usable propellant weight Pitch programer error ... Pitch gyro drift ............... Winds .................................

Average minimum

payload ca pabi I lty,

Stage I1

Thrust Specific impulse Outage Dry weight Usable propellant weight

FIGURE 14-1.-History of spacecraft weight and predicted Gemini Launch Vehicle minimum pay- load capability.

As with a n y launch vehicle, the Gemini Launch Vehicle was constrained to remain within specified limits throughout the flight envelope. In particular, the vehicle was con- strained by aerodynamic heating, aerody- namic loads, axial acceleration, guidance- radar look angles, guidance-radar elevation angle, dynamic pressure and angle of attack at staging, Stage I hydraulic-actuator hinge moment, and spacecraft abort criteria. Studies early in the Gemini Program quanti- tatively established limits in the constraint areas. Maximum or limiting values of some parameters were selected for nominal trajec- tories such that, if the nominal trajectory remained within these bounds, dispersed tra- jectories would remain within the true launch-vehicle and guidance-system capa- bilities.

Although the nominal payload capability for each Gemini Launch Vehicle was of con- siderable importance, the predicted minimum payload capability was of even greater im- portance. The minimum payload capability was the weight of the spacecraft that could be put into the desired orbit even under the most disadvantageous launch-vehicle per- formance. Most disadvantageous was defined for the Gemini Launch Vehicle as the minus 3-sigma payload capability, or that payload

capability which would be equaled or ex- ceeded 99.87 percent of the time. This per- centage was shifted to 99.4 percent in the latter part of the Gemini Program.

Gemini Launch Vehicle dispersion analyses were initially performed by determining the payload capability effects of dispersions in a .large number of key vehicle parameters. The parameter dispersions that were used were the 3-sigma dispersions baaed upon test data and theoretical analyses. Throughout the Gemini Program, attention was directed to refining estimates of 3-sigma parameter dis- persions. Particular attention was given to the parameters with the most significant effects upon trajectory and payload capa- bility performance. From the beginning of the Gemini Program, it was obvious that a very good estimate of the overall 3-sigma dis- persion could be determined by considering the variations of a limited number of key parameters. These parameters were those which most affected the shape of the vehicle trajectory in the pitch plane. The following parameters were selected early and used throughout the program for simplicity and continuity :

Pei*formance improvement program. - Since the inception of the Gemini Program, a vigorous performance improvement pro- gram wak pursued to meet the ever-increas- ing requirements of payload capability. Initially, the total weight of the spacecraft, including experiments, was estimated at about 7000 pounds for the long-duration mis-

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sions and 7250 pounds for the rendezvous missions. It quickly became apparent that these weights would be exceeded. The early spacecraft-weight growth rate was approxi- mately 35 to 40 pounds per month, and not until deletion of the paraglider configuration was some relief obtained. Increase in the size of the spacecraft propellant tanks provided another impetus in the search for higher launch-vehicle payload capability. Ultimately, the spacecraft weights increased to the point where predicted launch-vehicle performance margins relative to the minimum (99.4 per- cent probability) payload capability were consistently negative. Comparison between actual spacecraft weights and achieved pay- load capabilities is shown in figure 14-2.

In addition to spacecraft-weight increases, changes in mission requirements had a sig- nificant effect on launch-vehicle payload capa- bility. On early flights a 5-hour launch-win- dow requirement was imposed, necessitating large ullage volumes in the propellant tanks to allow for propellant temperature increases. This meant fewer propellants loaded and a reduced .payload capability. Optimizing the mixture ratio for the worst case in the win-


dow under dispersed propellant temperature conditions also resulted in performance de- creases. For certain missions the require- ments for high initial apogees and for launch azimuths considerably less or greater than 90" degraded the payload capability. Finally, the requirement to have the launch vehicle steer out as much as 0.55" of wedge angle to increase the availability of spacecraft pro- pellant reduced the probability of achieving the desired insertion conditions. Propellant temperature-conditioning equipment was in- cluded in the areospace ground equipment so that launch-vehicle propellants could be chilled to 20" F for oxidizer and 26" F for fuel before loading. This chilling would allow greater propellant masses to be loaded in the fixed tank volumes, thus increasing payload capability. Attention was also given to the performance gain available by reducing the minimum ullages in the propellant tanks from the values used on the Titan 11 weapon system. Structural studies and engine start tests at reduced ullages were incorporated in the Gemini Propulsion System Test Program.

Early in 1963, the Martin Co. proposed a study of the feasibility of removing the low-

c E


I Final predicted payload capability range, minimum to maximum. Final normalized predicted minimum payload capability.

PT- A - -A Actual normalized postflight payload capability.

+SC Actual spacecraft launch weight.

FIGURE 14-2.-Comparison of normalized predicted and achieved payload capabilities.

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level propcl1;int shutdown sensors from the shutdown circuits 011 both launch-vehicle stages. Removing these sensors would elimi- nate the large possibility of premature shut- downs due to faulty level seiisor operation and would also incre:ise payload capability by reducing the amount of trapped propel- lants. Data from exhaustion shutdowns on the test stand and on the Titan I1 flights indi- cated that such shutdowns (lid not noticeably jeopardize mission success. The shutdown function of the sensors was eliminated, al- though the>- were retained for instrumenta- tion purposes ant1 for closed-loop operation if later found desirable.

Changing the Tit;in I1 target mix- ture ratios on acceptance tests from 1.93 for Stage I and 1.80 for Stage I1 to approxi- mately 1.05 and 1.84 would have allowed complete filling of both oxidizer and fuel tanks to ullage limits when the engines were operated in the anticipated flight environ- ment. However, as the mixture ratio in- creased. the specific impulse decreased for both stages. Some of the other areas investi- gated were : (1 ) engine effects, such as heat transfer and combustion stability: (2 ) pos- sible mission changes; and (3 ) impact of other potential performance improvement items, such as further reduced minimum ullages and constant temperature propellants. As a result of these studies, the Stage I1 engine mixture ratio change was eliminated because there was no payload advantage. The Stage I engine target mixture ratio was changed to 1.945, effective for the Gemini IV launch vehicle.

Titan I1 and launch-vehicle engine per- formance data were monitored throughout the Gemini Program. By May 1965, sufficient data had been accumulated to indicate that significant changes in the form of biases were likely to occur between acceptance test and flight. This analysis included the results of 10 Stage I flights and 16 Stage I1 flights. For Gemini IV through X, the biases indicated by the analysis were included in preflight trajectory and performance predictions. When the Stage I thrust bias and specific

impulse biases were incorporated into the Gemini IV launch-vehicle preflight predic- tions, the added efficiency of Stage I resulted in overlofting of the Stage I trajectory. This was disadvantageous for two reasons: first, high-dispersed trajectories could result in pitch look angles which exceeded the exist- ing allowable limits ; and second, overlofting caused excessive gravity losses and Stage I1 pitch maneuvering. Because of these consid- erations, a new pitch program, developed for Gemini IV, eliminated the over-lofting and resulted in an improvement in the pay- load capability. M issio it -depc I t d e t? t perf o i.?nance chaiig es .-

Correct predictions of trajectory and pay- load capability also had to be based on dif- ferences and changes in the Gemini missions. For example, if the apogee were changed for a specific Gemini mission, it was necessary to adjust the predicted launch-vehicle pay- load capability accordingly. Similarly, if the launch azimuth and/or yaw steering were changed, the payload capability effects were computed and. incorporated in the predicted launch-vehicle capability. For each of the rendezvous missions, i t was also necessary to determine payload capabilities for the alternate missions which would be attempted if the primary mission could not be com- pleted.

Flight-test perfoivntawce.-0btaining ac- curate preflight predictions and postflight analyses of vehicle propulsion performance was of great importance throughout the Gemini Program. The launch-vehicle payload capability and trajectory performance were highly dependent on the propulsion param- eters of mixture ratio (the major contributor to propellant outage), specific impulse, and thrust for both stages of the vehicle. Propel- lant outages for Stage I and Stage I1 were the two largest factors in payload capability dispersion allowances. Postflight analysis of each Gemini Launch Vehicle trajectory was conducted to define the reasons for deviations from nominal and to determine changes to be made in predictions for subsequent ve-

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I ............................ , .... ,

I11 .......... , .................... ,


IV v ,

VII. VI-A VI11 ,

IX-A.. ........................ x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI ,



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

................................. . .................................

hicles. Table 14-1 compares predicted with achieved payload margins for all missions.

-__ - ___.

Payload capability margin ! __.____~_~_. . .

Difference, Ib I

... i Achieved, Ib Predicted, lb

Minimum Nominal ~~

- .-I 1

I 1


-217 416 571 I 155 -175 497 528 I


508 1017 1171 1 154 336 1025 1 1066 41 577 1199 197

174 -152

1396 767 - 62 593 374 786 77 778 -113

- 135 526 69 700

891 I

471 - 22 ! 492 - 162 -282 372 638 266

31 2 50

i I

I 265

619 869 j - 51

Gemini Launch Vehicle Stage I Tank Staging Anomaly

High-speed long-range camera coverage of the Gemini X launch vehicle showed a large orange-red cloud appearing from Stage I shortly after staging and indicating a pos- sible breakup of the stage. A detailed review of the films revealed that the oxidizer tank vented approximately 1.2 seconds after Stage I1 ignition. A study of Stage I1 telemetry data revealed no indication of this event. Stage I telemetry was inoperative a t this time, having been disabled 0.7 second earlier. A thorough study of the tank rupture iso- lated the following as the most probable causes : (1) Stage I turning after separation, resulting in the Stage I1 engine sub- assembly exhaust impingement and burn- through of oxidizer tank barrel; (2) break- ing of the ablative coating on the oxidizer tank dome, due to dome flexing caused by dome overheating and subsequent structural failure, resulting from high local pressures a t Stage I1 engine s ta r t ; and (3) dome or tank barrel penetration by transportation section debris. A review of the staging films

revealed similar occurrences on seven Titan I1 flights. The same anomaly oc'curred dur- ing the Gemini XI1 mission; however, this occurrence was followed by the apparent rupture of the Stage I fuel tank and the breakup of Stage I just forward of the Mar- tin/Aerojet interface. The results of the study and a review of all available Titan I1 and Gemini flight data showed no detrimental effect on mission success or crew safety due to this event.

Gemini Launch Vehicle Switchover/Switchback Studies

With the incorporation of a redundant flight control system, a detailed system eval- uation was conducted to reassess the vehicle airframe, the switchover logic, and the sen- sor limits. The evaluation indicated. that the initial selection of sensor limits, structural safety factor, and switchover logic did not result in optimum switchover capability. It became apparent that a switchover during Stage I flight from a loss of hydraulic pres- sure would result in the secondary flight con- trol system being used throughout Stage I1 flight. This could have resulted in discarding a good, reliable, primary flight control system


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during Stage I1 flight. To alleviate this situ- ation, thc capiil~ility of slvitching back to the primary system was incorlmr;itd. It \\'iis

planned that s\Yitchback \voultl only be xtu- ;itetl i n the ci.ent the s ~ ~ i t c h o ~ . c i * \vas initi;itcvl by loss 01' hytlraulic pressure ant1 \voultl 1w activated I)etween staging ant1 guitlancc en a b1 e.

The s\vitcho\.ey flight loatls during the high niasimum dynamic pressure region were found to be in excess of the structural design criteria. ('onsequently, the concept was op- timized bj. selecting the sensor limits that masimizetl crew safety. A corresponding hardware change was made to reduce the angular rate slyitch settings. The structural loatl-carrying capability was reevaluated in the light of probability considerations, which resulted i n a reduced factor of safety for switchover from 1.25 to 1.10. A deliberate flight-test switchover IYW discussed ; how- ever, because of difficulty in initiating the switchover, and the significance of the lim- ited results, it was decided not to perform the test.

Gemini Launch Vehic le S t a g e I1 EnKine Stabi l i ty Improvement Program

One of the major concerns in man rating the Titan I1 vehicle was the possibility of combustion instability during the Stage I1 start transient. The ground-test history of the original Stage I1 engine utilizing the pro- duction quadlet injector gave rise to certain dynamic combustion stability questions for man-rating requirements. The quadlet in- jector had a demonstrated instability inci- dent rate of about 2 percent during ground tests. Even though this rate was extremely low, the effect of an instability during manned flight caused concern and resulted in the A F NASA decision to develop a more dynamically stable Stage I1 injector, one that would be capable of accepting limited puls- ing without instability. The development of the new injector required evaluation of sev- eral injector types. These injectors were screened by thrust-chamber assembly tests

consisting primarily of newly developed \,om\) pulsing techniques derived to estab- l ish inst;ibility triggering thresholds. The selected prototype injectors were then tested i i t the engine level for system compatability. A finiil cantlitl;ite injector then underwent a modified qu;ilification test program which was integrated into an engine improvement progr:im verification test series. To provide furthei. ;tssur;ince of the adequacy of this in- jector for m;innetl flight, i t was flight tested I)? ;I Titan I J l C vehicle, and subsequently in- corporated into the Gemini VI11 launch ve- hicle.

Gemini Agena Target Vehicle

As with the Gemini Launch Vehicle, the Air Force Space Systems Division was the NASA contractor for the development and procurement of the Gemini Atlas-Agena Tar- get Vehicle system. However, an attempt was male to add the effort to an existing A F 'NASA organizational arrangement al- ready established for the procurement and launch of the Atlas-Agena combination for other programs. Accordingly, NASA con- tinued to use the Marshall Space Flight Cen- ter in the ". . . role of procurement contractor ant1 technical advisor to the Project Office in the development, procurement and launch of Atlas 'Agena Target Vehicles for the Project Gemini Rendezvous Missions. . . ." The Air Force added the development, procurement, and systems integration of the target-vehicle system to an existing program office charged with procurement and payload integration of Agena vehicles for other NASA programs. In March 1962, the target-vehicle program was initiated by NASA-Defense Purchase Request H-30247 with the details of the ob- jectives and statement of work to be evolved in working sessions.

In January 1963, the Manned Spacecraft Center assumed direct control of the Space Systems Division effort with the withdrawal of Marshall Space Flight Center from the program. At the same time, organizational realinements began at the Space Systems

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Division to provide a program office solely concerned with the target-vehicle effort. This objective was not finally achieved on a basis comparable to the Gemini Launch Vehicle office until J ~ l y 1965. However, certain as- pects of the initial oyganizational arrange- ment. for both procurement and technical develc rllent, once established, could never be con jletely changed.

The objectives of the Air Force program office were evol\.ed ;is a result of joint work- ing sessions based upon Gemini mission ground rules, objectives, and requirements. The fundamental objective was to modify the basic Agena vehicle to provide the re- quired accuracies, command and control, pilot safety, reliability, and docking capa- - - bility consistent with the mission to be iic- complished.

To simplify the overall Agena vehicle pro- curement and launch services. the unmodified basic Agena S-O1E vehicles and the neces- sary launch-site level of effort were procured through the existing Space Systems Division Agena Program Office. The modification of the basic Agena to a target vehicle was man- aged by ti separate program office group a t the Air Force Space Systems Division.

In March 1962. a contract was issued to the Lockheed Missiles & Space Co. to provide a vehicle to be used as an in-orbit target for rendezvous with ti manned spacecraft. The orbiting vehicle could be controlled by com- mands from the ground or from the manned spacecraft. The vehicle also had to be capable of maneuvering a s part of the spacecraft after docking.

In late 1964. it Technical Operating Plan for the Target Vehicle Program had been established, ant1 the responsibility for prn- viding technical surveillance of the Lockheetl contract was assigned to the Aerospace Corp. In keeping with the norm:il relationships m t l

operations of the Space Systems Division and the 6555th Aerospace Test Wing a t Cape Kennedy, the target-vehicle launch responsi- bilities were assigned to the SLV-3 Director- ate of the Wing.


Typical Target-Vehicle (.'hronology

The target vehicle was initially manufac- tured. assembled, and tested on the standard Agena production line, and certain items unique to the target vehicle necessarily had to be incorporated as part of the initial as- sembly prior to final modification and systems test. These unique items included the Model 8247 engine m:inufnctured by Bell Aircraft Corp., a 17-inch auxiliary forward equip- ment rack, additional helium Ras capacity, antl similar items.

After delivery of the basic vehicle to the Air Force, certain installations required ad- tlitional modifications by Lockheed because of the peculiar requirements of the target vehicle. The changes were mainly confined to electrical and electronic packages antl harnesses. After final assembly, the target vehicle w;is moved to the final systems test area antl completely tested using ;I simulator for the Target Docking Adapter, when neces- sary, and for shroud electrical connections.

After airlift to Cape Kennedy the vehicle w i s inspected, checked, anrl alinetl. High- pressure checks, which for safety reasons could not be accomplished a t the factory. were completed. The Secondary Propulsion System modules ant1 heat shields were in- stalled and alinetl. A complete series of inter- face tests was xcomplishetl, follo\vetl by loading of ancillnry fluids and gases. (All *

pyrotechnics, propellants, and batteries were inst:illetl ;it the launch stantl.) The vehicle was then erected with the Atlas Target Launch Vehicle. The major remaining tests were the .Joint Flight Acceptance Composite Test m ~ l the Simultaneous Launch Demon- stration. The vehicle wiw then ready f o r F-1 day, precoiint. ant1 final coiii1t tests.

For the actual launch of the Gcmini *4geni1 Target Vehicle. the role o f ewh coutr:ictol. inclutletl the following :

(1) Lockheed Missilvs S: Sp;ice C o . f u t * -

tiisheti thc (kmini Agcqi:i Tatyet Vehicle. ;ind :issoci:itetl reference trajectory, range- safety package. a n r l f l i~ht- termi~l :~t ion sys-

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tem report, and u ~ i s the integrating contrac- tor for the ascent guidance effort.

(2) General Dynamics 'Convair furnished the Atlas Vehicle (SLV-3) and the associated flight-termination system report and flight-test results, and conducted i i com- prehensive preflight data e x c h ~ i g e with the integrating con tractor.

(3 ) TRW Systems furnished ascent guid- ~ I I I C ~ equations and associated documentation Sor the Gemini Atlas-Agena Target Vehicle, and provided Burroughs Corp. with tray- wiring data.

( 4 ) General Electric Co. furnished guid- ance canisters for the Gemini Atlas-Agena Target Vehicle, iInd operated the General Electric Model 111 System a t Cape Kennedy during launches ;ind all associated testing.

(5) Burroughs Corp. furnished wired ascent guidance trays for the Gemini Atlas- Agena Target Vehicle, and operated the com- puters in Guided Missile Computer Facility no. I a t Cape Kennedy during launches and all associated testing.

(;emiiii Tarset Vehicle Project Surc Firc

On October 25, 19G5, Gemini Ageiia Target Vehicle 5002 was launched from the Eastern Test Range as part of the scheduled Gemini VI mission. After separation from the launch vehicle, the engine malfunctioiied destruc- tively during the starting sequence, and the target-vehicle pressurization system de- stroyed the vehicle.

Corrective action requirements were gen- erated based upon the results of the post- flight analysis, the propulsion system and ve- hicle af t rack design review, and the symposium on ignition of hypergolic propel- lants. The engine design change recommenda- tions were to convert the Gemini-peculiar engine (XLR 81-BA-13) to a thrust-cham- ber oxidizer-lead start sequence similar to the basic Agena engine (YLR 81-BA-11) ; to incorporate shock mounting for certain engine electrical control components ; and to disable the electronic-gate shutdown capa- bility during ascent maneuver operation.

Test requirements were established to verify ;idcquacy of the design changes and to dem- onstrate flightworthiness of the modified en- gine configuration. Results of the symposium on hypergolic ignition indicated that one sig- nificant test requirement had not been in- cluded in the original XLR 81-BA-13 engine tlevelopment and the associated PERT pro- gram. The requirement was engine testing at an altitude which properly simulated the hard-vacuum space environment. An engine modification and a test program were planned, which required reliable ignition demonstration during hard-vacuum simula- tion tests above 250 000 feet before the Gem- ini VI11 launch date. An Air Force, Aerospace Corp., NASA, and industry team effort spearheaded by a high-level Super- Tiger Team, as well as maximum priorities, were necessary to accomplish and manage the engine modification and test program on an accelerated, maximum-success schedule. The activity was designated Project Sure Fire and was initiated in November 1965.

Testing was initiated immediately on the turbine pump assembly. These tests provided the preliminary engine-transient perform- ance values, defined the initial detailed design-change requirements, verified satis- factory operating characteristics of the pro- posed modified configurations prior to initiating engine-level testing, and verified expected operating characteristics with vari- ous imposed malfunction conditions. A total of 75 turbine pump assembly tests was ac- complished between November 1965 and March 1966.

A total of 37 gas-generator/start-system tests was conducted from November 1965 through March 1966. During these tests, which were conducted a t sea level and at a 240 000-foot simulated altitude, reliable pas- generator ignition was achieved throughout the range of predicted flight operating con- ditions, as well as for conditions normally considered conducive to producing adverse ignition characteristics. In addition, reliable ignitions were demonstrated after a gas-gen- erator/start-system had simulated a 28-day

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pad hold period and a subsequent 5-day alti- tude coast storage period.

A pressure switch relay box was designed for the initially proposed configuration, and the development and flightworthiness dem- onstration tests were conducted on this com- ponent in December 1965 and January 1966. Vibr;, ion, shock, humidity, acceleration, altituc:?. and electrical tests were conducted. A rela:- failure occurred during development vibration tests ; and after a subsequent re- liability analysis, the relay was removed and the relay box w a s converted to ti junction box.

The proposed engine modification involved the addition of two pressure switches in the engine control circuit to provide the required thrust chamber oxidizer-lead start sequence. Turbine pump assembly test results indi- cated a high-frequency actuation-tleactuation cycling characteri4c of the backup oxidizer feed pressure switch during a normal engine- s tar t sequence. Pwssure-switch durability and vacuum tests were conducted, with no observed degradation of the microswitch con- tacts, successfully demonstrating switch operational capability at the Gemini mission altitude for a minimum 5-day period.

Vibration, shock, and hot-fire tests were conducted as part of the engine sea-level flightworthiness demonstration program. Satisfactory structural design of the new antl modified component installations was veri- fied. The 42 hot-fire tests demonstrated satis- factory operation and sequencing of the modified engine configuration, and verified successful implementation and checkout of the modified engine test and servicing pro- cedures.

A total of 42 engine flightworthiness tests a t simulated altitudes ranging from 257 000 to 453 000 feet, and two checkout firings a t 85 000 feet, were conducted. The ignition-con- fidence, simulated-mission, low-temper. <i t ure. antl malfunction tests at an average simu- lated altitude of 356 000 feet successfully demonstrated the high-altitude flightworthi- ness of the modified XLR 81-BA-13 engine. Sufficient confidence in the reliability of the

engine ignition had been gained from the 27 Phase I and Phase I1 altitude tests completed by March 4, 1966, to assure flightworthiness of the Gemini VI11 target vehicle and to allow commitment of the modified engine de- sign to flight. Significantly, the postulated target-vehicle flight failure mode was con- firmed during the altitude malfunction tests ; antl showed that a fuel lead on the XLR 81-BA-13 engine would produce hard starts when tested a t the proper altitude and that a reasonably high probability of hardware damage existed. Reevaluation of the Gemini VI data indicated that the engine damage incurred during the flight was similar to that observed during the last fuel-lead test. In addition to the successful flightworthiness demonstration of the modified engine, the altitude tests provided data on altitude ig- nition characteristics over a temperature range from 100 F to below zero.

An unexpected destructive hard start oc- curred during a checkout firing early in the altitude test program. Post-test data analysis antl testing showed that excessive water and dcohol contamination (approximately 85 percent) was introduced into the engine fuel system during the prefire propellant loading operation. The fuel system became contami- nated with water during test-cell downtime for instrumentation and hardware repair. An abbreviated isopropyl-alcohol flush pro- cedure was conducted to remove water from the engine: however, the water antl alcohol were not completely removed from the fa- cility fuel system, resulting’ in entry of the contaminated fuel load into the engine. Full- scale and subscale thrust-chamber ignition tests were instituted to evaluate the effects of fuel contamination. Results showed that significant increases in ignition delay antl peak pressures occur as the quantities of alcohol and water in the fuel are increased. Further analysis antl tests clearly supported the conclusion that the checkout test failure was caused by contaminated fuel.

Further ignition tests invest i gii tetl thrust- chamber ignition characteristics with fuel, oxidizer, and simultaneous propellant leads


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ovel- ii range of ol)er;iting iempcratures and altitutles (iimhient pressures) . Considerable rlat;i 1vei.e reliitiible to the XLR 81-BA-13 engine thrust chamber, and usable a s ;in aid i n explaining the tlifferences in ignition char- acteristics i n the main thrust chamber with fuel ;inti oxidizer leads. When subjectetl to the s;inie test conditions, the XLIL XI-EA-13 engine thrust chanibei. produced signific:intly different ignition chiiriicteriStiCS for i i fuel- leiid stiirt sequence ~ompiiretl t o ; in oxidizer leal. Therefore. a coml):\riiti~e ewiluation of the diffei.ences in ignition chariicteristics

scale (engine) thrust chamber, the subscale thruster, and the engine gas generator as- sembly. The h;irtlnxre design factors which can affect ignition were reviewed ; antl the dependent conditions existing in the chamber iit ignition (such ;is mixture ratio, density, ignition delay, and ignition chemistry) were recorded or del-ivetl as the test variables of altitude, temperature, antl propellant lead were changed. The proper pressure antl tem- perature must be generated in the. fuel-oxi- dizer mixture during the induction period just prior to ignition, and a sufficient amount of oxidizer must be present (luring induction to prevent long ignition delays or quenching of the reaction.

Based on analysis of the design factors and conditions in the full-scale and subscale thrust chambers a t ignition, it appeared that the chemistry of the ignition \vas involved i n producing the hard s tar t experienced in the main thrust chamber with the fuel-lead start sequence. When oxidizer \vas not pres- ent in sufficient yuantities (luring the induc- tion period, a suitahle oxidation reaction did not occur to overcome thz effects that the hard vacuum produces during the propellant pre-flow and/or mixing period. Thus, proper pressures and temperatures were not devel- oped and a long ignition delay resulted, dur- ing which secondary reactions probably oc- curred. producing high energy intermediate compounds. A highly reactable mixture is formed, iiicluding the unsymmetrical di- methyl hydrazine (UDJBH) fuel which

\viis made, l)iisetl 011 test (lati1 ~ O I * the full-

possc~sscs moiiol)ropell:int charxteristics. ‘I’hc rcsu1t;int niisturci beconies the source of the iitltlitioniil energy which produces the hiird star1 \vhen ignition occurs. In the XIAR 81-]:A-7 2 thrust chiiml)cr, iitlditio11iil tlam- ;ige \viis incurred I)cc:tuse the residence time \vas such that ii ~*e;ict;il)le mixture accumu- Iiited downstream of tho throat during the long ignitioii tleliiy. causing the nozzle over- Itressurc’ whei! ixnitiori occurred.

Although thc gas gelieriitor operates re- 1iiil)ly \vith ;i fuel Iciitl, this reliability is ;ittril)utahle to: (1 ) the relatively very large \.olumt. of thr gas gencriitor ’turlline mani- fold iisseml)ly, which read i 1y accommodates thv energv stoiwl a t ignition; iind (2) a Ilrcignition pressurc rise, which indicates that ii preigniter prol)al)ly exists, similar to thc main thrust ch;iml)er oxidizer-lead s tar t sequence.

The followins significant conclusions were derived from Project Sure Fire:

(1 ) Flightworthiness of the modified S I X 87-EA-] 2 engine configuration was successfully demonstrated.

(2) An oxidizer-lead start sequence is optimum for the XLR 81-BA-13 engine thrust chaml)er, antl provides low and ae- cel)t;ible ignition shock levels over the range of required operating conditions.

(2) Significant differences exist between oxidizer-lead and fuel-lead ignition char- acteristics in the XLR 81-BA-13 thrust chamber.

( 4 ) The conclusion indicated by the flight- failure analysis of the Gemini VI target vehicle, that an engine hard start occurred, was proven correct ; and the postulation that the engine hard start was due to a fuel-lead start sequence was also correct.

(.5) Fuel-lead hard starts yield high prob- ability of damage to the thrust chamber assembly. Reevaluation of Gemini VI data indicates that an oxidizer line break oc- curred in the same area as that observed during the last fuel-lead test a t Arnold Engi- neering Development Center. No reactions or adverse pressures were detected in any of

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. the thrust chamber manifold cavities during the fuel-lead starts a t Arnold Engineering Development Center. The hard-start re- actions occurred in the combustion chamber and divergent nozzle.

(6) The fuel-lead hard-start mechanism appears to involve the chemistry of the re- action during the induction period. Lack of an excess of oxidizer apparently prevents a satisfactory oxidation reaction from occur-

. ring relative to that for an oxidizer-lead start sequence. A very long ignition delay occurs, allowing an accumulation of a re- actable oxidizer-fuel mixture which probably contains high-energy intermediate com- pounds formed during this delay.

(7) The XLR 81-BA-13 engine gas gen- erator assembly provides reliable ignition with a fuel-lead start sequence within the range of operating requirements. Low peak pressure and very slow pressure rise rates are always obtained. These characteristics appear to be due to the large volume of the gas generator assembly, to the low potential energy in the chamber at ignition, and, per- haps most important, to a preignition pres- sure buildup probably attributable to a pre- igniter oxidizer flow.

(8) Testing a t the proper simulated alti- tude to determine engine ignition reliability is a necessary and extremely important phase of space-flight engine development.

(9) Propellant triple-point (phase) data provide a reliable guideline for defining the minimum altitude test requirements. Further studies on the relation of phase data, propel- lant injection. and expansion dynamics a t hard vacuum, and presence of excess fuel or oxidizer, are recommended in order to ad- vance the state of the art.

(10) Existing ground-test technology is more than sufficient to properly simulate re- quired altitude conditions for medium-size rocket engines.

(11) Sea-level and altitude subscale igni- tion tests, and full-scale sea-level ignition tests can be a valuable adjunct to full-scale altitude testing. However, full-scale altitude

tests must be conducted as final proof that complete simulation of all factors affecting the ignition process for a specific configura- tion have been demonstrated.

Results of Project Sure Fire were positive and on March 17, 1966, the engine was com- mitted to launch. The engine performed as desired through all phases of the mission, in- cluding demonstrations of multiple starts and maneuver capability.

Gemini Target Vehicle Stability During Docked Engine Firing

The target-vehicle control system was originally designed to provide stable flight for an Agena vehicle with a conventional payload. For Gemini, the control system was required to provide stability during Primary Propulsion System firings while in the docked configuration. The original system was designed to filter all Agena body-bending modes greater than 8 cycles per second. The system could be modified by a gain change to handle frequencies as low as 5 cycles per sec- ond. However, the docked spacecraft "target vehicle had a fundamental body-bending mode with a frequency between 2 and 4 cycles per second. A lend-lag circuit was de- signed by Lockheed to cope with this mode, and stabilitv studies were performed to check out the modified system.

The fundamental mode in question in- volved rigid-body motion of the spacecraft,' target vehicle with ii flexible spring, the Target Docking Adapter. connecting them. Preliminary stiff ness data showed both in- plane and out-of-plane response when incor- porated in the model. and indicated the in- ability of the modified system to provide stability. A dynamic response test was per- formed to provide better data for the analy- sis and resulted in considerably more out-of- plane coupling in the fundamental mode than had been expected. The frequency of this mode was between 2.5 ;uid 3.0 cycles per sec- ond. depending on the weight condition. Structural damping varied between 2.0 and

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5.0 ~)e~*eent . In the course of evaluating the test data, errors in haiidling the out-of-plane response were discovered in the model. With the model corrected and with the use of lower bound t1;iniping v;ilues, the lead-lag niodifi- cation proposed by Lockheed M';N shown to provide a(1equ;ite stability. The modification w i s f l o ~ i on the Gemini VI11 and subseyuent Gemini Agena Target Vehicles.

As soon as the modal response of the docked sl);iceci.aft target vehicle had been established by studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology iind the results ac- cepted by the contractors affected, the flight control electronics compensation was estab- lished. Previous studies by Lockheed had shown that a modification to the lead-lag shaping network already in existence could handle both the ascent dynamics and the docked dynamics with a minor change in loop gain between two flight modes. The simula- tion of the vehicle was increased to include the flight control system, and the potential of the'revised lead-lag was confirmed.

Lockheed proceeded. to mechanize and optimize the lead-lag design with the use of a single-axis digital computer simulation. Hardware components and tolerances were evaluated. The most difficult development item in the change was the perfection of the temperature-stabilized operational amplifier. Actual breadboard parts were tied into the single-axis simulator for temperature tests as well as system performance evaluations. This phase was also used to perfect test pro- cedures and tolerances that would insure proper system performance.

Gemini Target Vrhiclr Center-of-Gravity OBsrt Problem

A major problem occurred on the Gemini VI11 target vehicle during undocked, in- orbit, Primary Propulsion System powered flight. A significant vehicle yaw-heading error existed ; the resulting velocity vector error affected the orbital guidance computa- tions and resulted in adverse orbital ephem-

cv-is accuracies when making out-of-plane orbit changes. This yaw-heading error was due to a combination of yaw center-of- gravity off set, slow control-system response time, and vehicle dynamics. The yaw center- of-gravity offset was approximately twice that of the standard Agena due to the added weight resulting from the addition of two running light batteries. The slow control- system response time was caused by the re- design of the flight-control electronics pack- age. The redesign had been reyuired to provide stable control-system operation dur- ing the docked mode.

Orbital altitude errors ranged to approxi- mately 120 miles during Primary Propulsion System operation. The errors were much more pronounced when the vehicle was in a +90" configuration and a plane change was attempted. This was due to the offset being in the yaw direction and the velocity compo- nent error combining directly with the orbi- tal velocity. These errors greatly exceeded 3-sigma values derived in prior error anal- yses and on-orbit guidance computations. Various solutions to the center-of-gravity problem were investigated. These consisted of removing batteries, realining the engine, adding ballast, off-loading the Secondary Propulsion System propellants, and prepar- ing correction tables for use in trimming out potential dispersions. A parametric study was performed which related pitch-and-yaw- attitude errors to center-of-gravity offsets for the target vehicle during Primary Pro- pulsion System operation. Attitude errors were determined as a function of firing time, vehicle center-of-gravity offsets, and vehicle weight. Results were plotted as a family of curves to provide programed attitude cor- rection data for desired orbit changes. Aver- age attitude error and actuator position for various times of Primary Propulsion System firings. along with transient attitude and actuator position response curves, were pre- sented.

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Atlas SLV-3 Target Launch Vehicle

The basic planning of the Gemini Program directed the use of the Air Force Atlas SLV-3 as the launch vehicle for the Gemini Agena Target Vehicle. The overall develop- ment of the Gemini Atlas-Agena Target Vehicle system was assigned to the Air Force Space Systems Division. The target- vehicle program office used the existing inter- nal Space Systems Division management structure for the procurement of the SLV-3 vehicles. The SLV-3 contracts covered neces- sary services and equipment from General Dynamics/Convair, Rocketdyne, Acoustica, General Electric, Burroughs, and the Aero- space Corp. Seven Atlas SLV-3 vehicles were procured and launched during the Gemini Program.

After final assembly-at the factory, the tanks were mated to the engine section; various subassembly kits were installed and tested prior to a final composite test of the complete vehicle. The vehicle was then shipped to Cape Kennedy where the SLV-3 underwent inspection and final installations in the hangar prior to erection. After the vehicle was erected on Launch Complex 14, the principal tests were the SLV-3 Flight Acceptance Composite Tests and the overall Atlas-Agena Target Vehicle system test (Joint Flight Acceptance Composite Test) . Finally, an SLV-3 tanking test was accom- plished to establish flight readiness of the launch vehicle.


Augmented Target Docking Adapter Program

Program 1)euelopment

In December 1965, the Manned Spacecraft Center delineated the Air Force Space Sys- tems Division and contractor support re- quirements €or the Augmented Target Dock- ing Adapter mission. The Air Force Space Systems Division was to supply the follow- i n g hardware: an SLV-3 vehicle, ;i Gemini target-vehicle shroud, and a Gemini target-

vehicle booster adapter. Space Systems Divi- sion was also required to perform the soft- ware work necessary to place the Aug- mented Target Docking Adapter into orbit, using only SLV-3 boost capability.

Program Requirements

The Augmented Target Docking Adapter was originally designed as a backup vehicle for the Gemini VII’VI-A rendezvous mis- sion and for the Gemini VI11 mission. At first, it was not known if the hard start ex- perienced by the Gemini VI target vehicle could be corrected before the Gemini VI11 mission. The Manned Spacecraft Center re- quested a vehicle that would permit docking even though it would have no maneuver capability. The Augmented Target Docking Adapter consisted of a target-vehicle shroud, a Target Docking Adapter, an equipment section, a Gemini spacecraft Reentry Con- trol System module, and a battery section.

The insertion conditions required a near- circular orbit of 161 nautical miles with dis- persions no greater than 7t20 nautical miles and an inclination angle of 28.87”. The steer- ing mode was to be the crossing of the ascending mode. A 2500-pound payload was used for planning.

Gemini At las-Aigena Target Vehicle Launch History . Gemini VI Mission

Since the Gemini VI mission was to be the first Gemini rendezvous mission, the primary objective was the rendezvous and docking of the Gemini spacecraft with the Gemini Agena Target Vehicle. Another objective in- volved checkout of the target vehicle while docked, and included commands from the spacecraft to the target vehicle, determi- nation of target-vehicle safety status, and test of target-vehicle attitude maneuver capability. A small Secondary Propulsion System firing in the docked configuration was also planned, although no docked Pri-

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niiii’y 1’rol)ulsion SJxteni firi iig \vas p1;innetl. This mission ]viis also the first simultaneous countdown for the 1:iuncIi of two vehiclcs ( the Gemini Atlas-A~ena Titrget Vehicle

; i i i t l , 101 minutes later, thc Gemini Launch Vehicle iinti sp;icecr:ift) .

The Gemini Atl;is-Agena Target Vehicle for thc Gemini VI mission iviis launchetl :it 10 a.m.. eiisterii st;intlii~*tl time, October 25, 1963. The ascent Imrtion of the flight was ~iormiil u i i t i l tinic for the target-vehicle Primary P~*opulsion System to firc Cor the insertion rniiiiiwver : thc c i i K i n c s suffered ;I

haid s tar t ;uid sul)sc~luent cisl)losion, lind the vehicle failetl to achieve orbit.

The Gemini A tlas-Agena Target Vehicle for the Gemini VI11 mission was launched a t 10 :O:: :On a.m., eastern standard time, March 7 6. 1966. Thcb ascent ph;ise was very close to nomimil lvith insertion into an orbit 161.4 by 1 G l . i n;iutic;il miles. The insertion param-

. eters were as follows:

Semimajor axis, n. mi. .................... ::602.0.5 Inclination a n ~ l e . d c ~ ...................... 28.86 Eccentricity ........................................ 0.0006 Period, min ........................................ !)0.47

Folloiving undocking and reentry of the spacecraft. eight orbital firings were per- formed by the target-vehicle Primary Pro- pulsion System during Gemini VIII. The duration ranged from the 0.85-second mini- mum-impulse firing to a 19.6-second plane change, with the majority between 1 and 3 seconds. Of the eight firings, five utilized the short 22-second A-ullage sequence, and the other three used the 7-second C-ullage se- quence. Based upon the iiv-ailable data, the Primary Propulsion System performed nor- mally during all eight firings. During the 19.6-second out-of-plane maneuver, a major systen: anomaly became apparent. The ve- hicle attitude in yaw was considerably off the intended heading. resulting in a large in- plane velocity component. This same heading offset was also noted on the second out-of-

)il;inr miineuver, or iiiclination-adjust ma- ner~ver, antl ayrrain resulted in ii Inrge in-plane velocity coml)onent. I t was later determined that thesc errors were caused by ;I large (.(.nler-of-gi’avity offset from the centerline, ant1 hy the dyniimic response of the guidance and control system being too slow to correct for cc~titei.-of-Rni\rit?‘ errors. I t was decided that :idtlitioniil out-of-plane maneuvers ivoultl not be made.

An in-plnne r e t r o ~ r a d e maneuver resulted i n lowering the ;ipogee to 200 nautical miles, ant1 the results were nrarly perfect. The yaw o f f 4 w a h again noted, hut the firing was short ; slight yaw-heading errors have much less effect on the resulting orbit when the miineuver is performed in-plane. Based upon this success, two more in-plane maneuvers, dwell initiate and dwell terminate, were per- formed to deplete some of the propellants and to achieve ti circular orbit of 220 nauti- cal miles. These maneuvers were very suc- cessful ant1 accurate, although the yaw off- set was noted during each firing. The center- of-gravity offset problem was the only major system problem during the mission.

Operation of the Secondary Propulsion System was desired until the propellant was depleted ; however, because of the excessive control-gas usage during the spacecraft mal- function, only 15 pounds of Attitude Control System gas remained when the first Sec- ondary Propulsion System firing was to be initiated. The operation was planned for 20 seconds to provide the first actual in-orbit operation of the Secondary Propulsion Sys- tem antl to verify control-gas usage rates. The first Secondary Propulsion System Unit 11 operation occurred over Grand Canary Island in revolution 41. The firing was per- formed using flight control mode FC-7 to reduce velocity-vector errors caused by cen- ter-of-gravity offset. Over the Eastern Test Range during revolution 42, the second op- eration of the Secondary Propulsion System was performed at the existing heading of -90 . This maneuver was also performed with clocked gains to reduce thrust-vector


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errors caused by center-of-gravity offset. The maneuver appeared nominal, except that 5 pounds of control gas were expended. The target-vehicle orbit after the final Secondary Propulsion System firing was 220 by 222 nautical miles with a 28.867 ~ i n c h a t’ ion angle.

During the Gemini VI11 mission, 5439 commands to the target vehicle were sent, accepted, and executed. The Gemini Atlas- Agena Target Vehicle was launched within 1 second of the scheduled lift-off time.

Gemini IS Mission

The Gemini Atlas-Agena Target Launch Vehicle for the Gemini IX mission was launched May 17, 196G. A normal countdown and lift-off occurred. After 120.6 seconds of flight, the vehicle experienced a loss-of-pitch control in one booster engine. Tracking film showed that after the loss-of-pitch stability, the vehicle pitched downward in excess of 180 , and changed in azimuth toward the left (northward). Flight control data also indi- cated that the vehicle pitched downward ; extrapolated and integrated data revealed that the vehicle pitched down 216” from the 67 reference at 120.6 seconds. Radar data from the Grand Bahama Island station a t 436 seconds. approximately 136 seconds after vernier engine cutoff, placed the vehicle about 103.4 nautical miles from the launch site, headed in ii northerly direction a t 97 000 feet in altitude, and descending. These data correlated well with a set of radar im- pact coordinates which placed vehicle impact 107 miles from the launch site in a north- easterly direction. The exact reason for the loss of the engine pitch control is unknown, but the data indicate that ;i short-to-ground occurred in the circuit for the servoamplifiw output-command signal. This short-to-grountl may have been caused by cryogenic le:ik:ige in the thrust section.


( k t i i i i t i 1x4 Mirsioti

The Gemini IX-A Target Launch Vehicle with the Augmented Target Docking Adapter

was launched from Cape Kennedy a t 10 :00 :O2 a.m., eastern standard time, June 1, 1966. The Target Launch Vehicle was steeretl into ii predetermined coast ellipse and nodal crossing. The insertion orbital ele- ments were as follows:

Xpogce altitude, n. mi. .......................... lIi7. I PeriKee altitude, n. mi. ........................ l ! i l .O Period. tnin .............................................. !10..50 Inclination, der .................................. 28.87

The Gemini Atlas-Xgena Target Vehicle for the Gemini X mission was launched at :: :49 :46 p.m.. eastern standard time, July 18. 19(i(j. The insertion parameters were as fol- lO\VS :

Seniimajoi. axis. n. mi. .................... ::GO:: Inclination anrrlc, dca ........................ 28.85 Eccentricity ........................................ 0.0008 Pcviocl. inin .......................................... :)0.46

The ascent phase wis nominal with inser- tion into an orbit of 162.4 by 159.0 nwutical miles. The largest tlispersion noted in the ascent guitlance equations u’as 1.5 sigma. The target vehicle w;is commanded into tlock- ing configuration from the ground. Prior to docking, the Gemini spacecraft had a higher- th;in-l)retlictetl us;ige of propellnnts. This alteretl the flight pl;in and resulted in more tlocketl time, more reliance on the target ve- hicle, ant1 more maneuvers using target- vehicle capability.

The Gemini XI AtlilS-Agenii Target Ve- hicle \viis I:iunchetl a t 8 :05 : 0 1 a.m.. eastern stantlai.d time, September 12, 19Ci6. The ascent phiise nxs iiomin;il n i th insertioii into ;iii orbit of lG5.7 by lN.2 nuuticd miles. The iiisertion piir:imeters were iis follo~vs :

Seniiiiiujor axis, n. mi. ........................ ::(;02..5 Inclination anKlr. tlcg .......................... 2S.S.l Eccentricity .......................................... 0.001:; l’ct~iotl, t i i in ............................................ ! ) O . M

The launch wiis origiiidly schetluled for September 9, 1966 : however. it i v a s tlelayetl

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1 day due to an oxidizer leak in the Gemini Launch Vehicle. The second scheduled launch on September 10, 1966, was scrubbed at T--140 minutes due to a suspected autopilot m;ilfunction in the Target Launch Vehicle. During the ascent I’rimwy Propulsion Sys- tem firing, it was determined that the magni- tude of the center-of-gravity offset problem encounteretl during Gemini VI11 had been successfully eliminated. The target-vehicle command system responded properly to all ground and spacecraft commantls- during the mission.

The Gemini Atlas-Agena Target Vehicle for the Gemini XI1 mission was launched at 2 :07 :59 p.m., eastern standard time, No- vember 11, 1966. The ascent phase was nomi- nal with insertion into an orbit of 163.6 by 159.0 nautical miles. This was the most ac- curate insertion for the target vehicle in the Gemini Program. The insertion parameters were :

Sciniinajor axis, n. mi. ........................ :160:1.0 Inclination angle, dcg ........................ 28.86 Eccentricity .......................................... 0.0009 Period, min ............................................ 90.56

The launch was originally scheduled for November 9, 19GG; however, the launch was delayed 2 days due to a malfunction in the secondary autopilot of the Gemini Launch Vehicle. During the target-vehicle ascent ma- neuver, an apparent anomaly occurred 140 seconds after Primary Propulsion System initiation. At this time a 30-psi drop occurred in thrust-chamber pressure for approxi- mately 1 second, then returned to normal for the remaining 42 seconds of the firing. This did not affect the Gemini Atlas-Agena Ve- hicle insertion conditions. The docked posi- grade Primary Propulsion System maneuver originally planned was canceled due to un- certainties about the significance of the chamber-pressure-drop anomaly.


1. ANON. : Gcmini Midpro~ram Conference, Includ- ing Experiment Results. NASA SP-121, 1966.

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Rs ROYCE G . OLSON. Director, Departrrient o/ Delense Manned Space Flight Support Ofice, Patrick Air Force Rase, Florida


The Secretary of Defense designated the Commander of the National Range Division, Air Force Systems Command, Lt. General Leighton I. Davis, as the Department of De- fense Manager for Manned Space Flight Sup- port Operations. This designation, organiza- tionally under the Joint Chiefs of Staff, emphasized DOD support of the Gemini Pro- gram. General Davis was given the responsi- bility and authority to insure complete and responsive support to NASA’s needs. Through the National Range Division, he di- rected the longzrange planning for the design and acquisition of supporting resources such as range ships and aircraft, high-quality communications, and range instrumentation.

The DOD Manager established a small sup- porting joint staff which was the single point of contact for the final coordination and marshaling of all supporting resources prior to each mission. These officers served as the operational control staff during mission periods when the DOD Manager assumed op- erational control of all committed DOD re- sources. The areas of support responsibility included launch, network, recovery, com- munications, ground medical, meteorological, public affairs, and miscellaneous logistics.

Launch and Network Support

]Manned Space Flight Network

The responsibility of the Manned Space Flight Network during the Gemini Program was to control, to communicate with, and to observe by electronic methods the perform- ance of the spacecraft (systems and occu-


pants) and, on most mi:- ions, the Gemini Agena Target Vehicle. I rie global tracking and reentry network established for Project Mercury and modified for the Gemini Pro- gram was a joint NASAIDOD venture. The network was developed by integrating exist- ing DOD range resources with stations estab- lished and operated by NASA at strategic sites around the- world. In addition, the Australian Weapons Research Establishment operated two stations for NASA. Figure 15-1 shows the location of the tracking sites in the standard configuration for the Gemini rendezvous missions. The locations of the tracking ships varied somewhat as specified by individual mission needs.

D01) Support

DOD support to the Manned Space Flight Network was provided by several agencies.

Easteiw Tost Ranqe.-The Eastern Test Range (US. Air Force) facilities were used in the launch and the orbital phases of the missions. Standard launch-site and instru- mentation support were provided as neces- sary for the launching and performance eval- uatior. of the Gemini Launch Vehicle. The services included propellants, pad safety, range safety, metric and optical tracking, telemetry, and communications, as well as command and control support.

Certain selected facilities a t Cape Kennedy and at Eastern Test Range downrange sta- tions also comprised a part of the network for tracking the target vehicle and the space- craft during orbit and reentry. The facilities included: C-band radars for tracking the .

spacecraft and target vehicle and S-band radars for tracking the target vehicle; tele-

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metry recording and display equipment ; command and control equipment ; ground communications, both voice and teletype ; and spacecraft voice communications. The sta- tions designated for orbital support were Cape Kennedy and Grand Bahama, Grand Turk, Antigua, and Ascension Islands.

In addition to the land-based stations, two Eastern Test Range ships, the Coastal S e n t q Quebec and the Rose Knot Victor, were an integral par t of the network. These ships provided telemetry, command and control, and communications coverage. The Eastern Test Range also positioned JC-130 aircraft in the primary Atlantic Ocean recovery area to record terminal spacecraft telemetry, and

FIGURE 15-l.-Gemini network stations.

to relay flight-crew voice communications from the landing area to the Mission Control Center-Houston. The resources of the East- ern Test Range were augmented, on a mis- sion-by-mission basis, by such facilities as the C-band radar at Pretoria, South Africa, and instrumented ships.

Pacific Missile Rnwge.-The Pacific Missile Range (US. Navy) facilities provided track- ing ship support and voice-relay telemetry aircraft for the Eastern Pacific landing area. Early in the Gemini Program, the Pacific Missile Range operated the Hawaii, Canton Island, and California tracking sites. Later the National Range Division and the West- ern Test Range were established, and the

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national range resources were realined. As a result, the operations of the Hawaii and the Canton Island sites were transferred to NASA; and the operation of the California site, to the Western Test Range.

Westew Test Ra?ige.-The Western Test Range (U.S. Air Force) facilities operated the California tracking site. Although not considered a Gemini network station, the U.S. Navy ship Rnnge T)m3cer participated in the Gemini 111 through Gemini X missions with radar, telemetry, and communications.

White Sands Missile Rauge.-The White Sands Missile Range (U.S. Army) facilities provided C-band radar support throughout the Gemini Program.

Air Proving G1*ourid Center.-The Air Proving Ground Center (U.S. Air Force) fa- cilities provided C-band .radar support throughout. the Gemini Program.

NoTth Ame?.ican Ail. Defense Command.- The North American Air Defense Command support to manned space flight began with Project Mercury. The ability to skin track and catalog orbiting objects, and to compute impact data and separation distances, was beneficial to the Gemini Program. The North American Air Defense Command assisted NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in com- puting launch-vehicle impact points ; pro- vided ephemeris information on the Gemini Agena Target Vehicles left in orbit; and pro- vided the capability to skin track the space- craft.


During the coordinating (premission) phase, management of the DOD portion of the Gemini network was the responsibility of the individual range or organizational commander. In planning DOD network sup- port, the DOD Manager and his staff coordi- nated with the Manned Space Flight Coordinator who was responsible for plan- ning, arranging, and coordinating the re- sources of his individual range. The Assistant for Network to the DOD Manager coordi- nated network plans antl operating proce-

dures with the Manned Space Flight Coordi- nator and with NASA to assure proper integration of the DOD stations with the Manned Space Flight Network.

Twenty-four hours prior to launch, the DOD Manager assumed operational control of all DOD forces supporting the mission. The Assistant for Network was part of the operational staff and provided the DOD Man- ager with network-readiness reports, and assured that the DOD stations operated in accordance with the plans and procedures specified for that mission.

The entire integrated network during the mission was controlled by the network con- trollers on the staff of the NASA Flight Di- rector at the Mission Control Center- Houston. They conducted the network count- down, conducted premission simulations and tests, and issued last-minute instructions. They also directed network activities during the flight,. as necessary, to assure that the required network support for the mission was provided to the flight controllers. The network controllers were assisted by a joint Goddard Space Flight Center/DOD Network Support Team. This team of specialists in each major category of network instrumend tation served as technical advisors to the network controllers.

During Project Mercury, and for the first portion of the Gemini Program, the network- control function was performed solely by DOD. After relocation of the Mission Control Center function from Cape Kennedy to Houston, the network-control staff was aug- mented by NASA personnel from the Manned Spacecraft Center and from the Goddard Space Flight Center. The network-control function was then brought under the direct control of the Manned Spacecraft Center.


Mission Highlights

Genzirri I.-For Gemini I, an unmanned or- bital mission, the network was in a proper configuration for the Gemini Program. The ships, Row Knot Victor antl Cocistnl Sonti-!/

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Quebec, were not required to support this mission.

G m i n i ZZ.-Gemini I1 was unmanned and ballistic, requiring only Eastern Test Range tracking facilities. The Rose Knot Victor was located up range under the ground track ; the Coastal Sentry Quebec was located near the landing point. The Antigua radar tracked the spacecraft through the communications blackout period.

Gemini ZZZ.-Gemini I11 was manned and orbital and was the first exercise of the entire network. The US. Navy ship Rnnye Tracker was added to the network. The communica- tions from the Coastal Seatry Quebec were augmented by the US. Navy ship Kingsport and the SYNCOM I1 satellite. This was the first time NASA and DOD recovery commu- nications augmented one another. All radars that had been committed to the spacecraft reentry phase obtained track. Gemini ZV.-Gemini IV was a 4-day,

manned, orbital mission and used the same network configuration as Gemini 111. An Eastern Test Range subcable break was suc- cessf ully bypassedby using alternate routes. Telemetry monitoring of launch-vehicle re- entry and breakup was available through radar tracking from Patrick Air Force Base and Kennedy Space Center.

Gemitti V.-Gemini V was an %day, manned, orbital mission and full network support was provided. The North American Air Defense Command successfully tracked and provided impact prediction on the second stage of the launch vehicle.

Gemini VI-A and Gemini VZZ.-Gemini VI-A and Gemini VI1 used combined flight plans. Gemini VI1 was a 14-day manned mis- sion; Gemini VI-A was a 2-day, manned, rendezvous mission. Full network support was provided. The ship Wheeling was sub- stituted for the ship Range Tracker. No sig- nificant network failures occurred during the 14-day mission. The performance of the remote-site data processor was superior to that obtained during previous missions.

Gemini VZZZ.-Gemini VI11 was planned as a 3-day rendezvous mission; however, the

mission was terminated during the seventh orbit because of a spacecraft control-system malfunction after docking. The U.S. Navy ship Kingsport was added for this mission. Excellent network support was available throughout the spacecraft emergency and the reen try.

Gemini IX-A through Gemini XZZ.-Gem- ini IX-A was a 3-day rendezvous mission with the Augmented Target Docking Adapter. Both Gemini X and XI were 3-day rendezvous missions with the Gemini Agena Target Vehicle. Gemini XI1 was a 4-day ren- dezvous mission with the Gemini Agena Tar- get Vehicle.

The Gemini IX-A through Gemini XI1 missions required identical network support. Network tracking was excellent ; failures were a t a minimum and had no effect on the missions. On Gemini IX-A and X, the Com- puter Acquisition System allowed the Eastern Test Range radars to acquire and to track the spacecraft on reentry. On Gemini XI, a com- puter was made available a t the Western Test Range, and a vector was sent from the Real Time Computer System at the Eastern Test Range to the California site for acquisition. Tracking data were returned to the Real Time Computer System for computing acquisition information for the Eastern Test Range radars.

Summary of Network Support

Significant progress was realized during the Gemini Program not only in improving basic tracking and data transmission, but also in streamlining operation and test pro- cedures to assure more efficient use of the available equipment. Network problems, such as communications failures, inadequate radar tracking, and difficult troubleshooting that occurred during Project Mercury, were re- duced so that a fully operative network be- came a routine occurrence at launch time and throughout the mission.

Modifications and improvements to the C-band radars provided more accurate track- ing, easier acquisition, and more rapid proc-

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essing of the radar data. Using pulse code modulation, the Telemetry System allowed a much greater volume of spacecraft data to be transmitted and displayed a t one time. The Digital Command System allowed more com- plex and a greater number of commands to be sent to the spacecraft; by computer proc- essing, a fail-safe system was provided to assure that the proper command was, in fact, transmitted. The more extensive use of com- puters, both on site and at the Mission Con- trol Centers, provided for near real-time transmission, reduction, and display of the volumes of data made available by the net- work. The Gemini Program provided the first real operational testing of many of these new systems and the improvements of older sys- tems. The Digital Command System and Telemetry System, for instance, are gradu- ally replacing older systems on the national ranges.

The Computer Acquisition System was one result of the Gemini network support de- veloped on the DOD ranges. The reentry pro- file and the primary landing area of the Gemini spacecraft were such that, to provide adequate radar tracking during reentry .for landing-point computation, the radars had to acquire during the blackout period. With- out highly accurate acquisition information, this was almost an impossible task ; however, the means were devised to solve the problem. Prior to blackout, radar-track data were pro- vided to a central computer that had been programed for reentry. These data could be translated into an accurate driving signal to be fed to the radar which would acquire the spacecraft during blackout. The accuracy of the data enabled the radar to follow the actual spacecraft track and to find the weak beacon signal through the ion shield. By use of com- puters associated with each radar, data could be fed in both directions, and the radars could operate independently. A lack of equipment a t the DOD ranges precluded early imple- mentation of the system. Using the Real Time Computer System at Cape Kennedy, a suc- cessful test of the theory was accomplished on the Gemini V mission ; further tests were



run on subsequent missions. Refinements were made and by the time of the Gemini IX-A mission, data from the White Sands radar, processed by the Real Time Computer System, allowed the Eastern Test Range radars to acquire and track the spacecraft during reentry, proving the advantage of the system. Additional computers will be made available a t the DOD ranges to add to the system so that the final configuration can be realized.

The Impact Predictor System was an out- growth and refinement of a capability that had existed a t the Eastern Test Range since the Real Time Computer System became oper- ational. This system used radar data from other DOD ranges and the downrange East- ern Test Range sites. The data were processed by the Real Time Computer System and pro- vided a near real-time plot of the spacecraft ground track during reentry. The spacecraft drag factor and the maneuvering information were not entered in the computer program, but the quantity of available downrange data offset this deficiency in the terminal phase of reentry.

Recovery Support

The primary mission of DOD recovery forces during the Gemini Program was to ‘locate and to retrieve the flight crew and spacecraft, and to deliver them to NASA pro- gram managers. This responsibility began with the launch of the spacecraft and ended with the delivery of the recovered spacecraft to NASA.

Planning for the spacecraft-location func- tion assumed that information would be available from several sources. One source in computing a probable landing point was the information obtained from the ground track- ing stations. In addition, the spacecraft was equipped with a high-frequency radio beacon which enabled the worldwide DOD high- frequency direction-finding network to pro- vide fixing information. The spacecraft was also equipped with an ultrahigh-frequency radio beacon which could be received by air-

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borne forces. The airborne forces used elec- trouic homing for all Gemini missions. An additional electronic source of information not originally anticipated was shipboard radar. Radar information from ships sta- tioned in the Primary Landing Area was ~)articularly valuable ; and a contact in excess of 300 miles was reported by the primary recovery ship during recovery of the Gemini \T 11 spacecraft.

Location p l m n i n ~ also provided for visual search if electronic means failed. The space- craft was provided with a sea dye marker to aid in daytime visual location and with a high-intensity blinking light for nighttime search. During the later missions, the loca- tion task was qimplified when the spacecraft, descending on the main parachute, was visu- ally sighted.

Retrieval of the flight crew was accom- plished by helicopter on all but two missions. The Gemini VI-A and Gemini IX-A flight crews elected to remain in the spacecraft for pickup by the recovery ship. Spacecraft re- trieval was accomplished by the primary re- cnvery ship on all missions except Gemini VIII, which landed in the West Pacific Sec- ondary Landing Area. In this case, the swim- mers were deployed from an aircraft on the scene at spacecraft landing. The team at- tached the flotation collar to the spacecraft, and the recovery was made by the destroyer supporting the area.

During Gemini I1 and Gemini 111, control of DOD recovery forces by the DOD Manager was accomplished from the Mission Control Center-Cape Kennedy. For all subsequent missions, the DOD Manager and his staff operated from the Recovery Control Center, Houston.

An early problem in the command and con- trol area was the lack of real-time voice infor- mation from the recovery scene. For Gemini IV, procedures were developed whereby the flight-crew air-to-ground voice circuit could be used for on-scene recovery operations and could be relayed to the Recovery Control Cen- t e r ; this procedure was followed for all sub- sequent missions.

The use of functionally descriptive call signs for the recovery forces was instituted during Gemini VI-A and VII. This procedure aided the clarity of recovery force com- munications and was used in all subsequent missions.

Recovery Areas

Since recovery planning was concerned with all conceivable landing situations, the most effective approach was to orient the planning about certain geographical areas. These were the Launch Site, Launch Abort, Contingency, Secondary, and Primary Areas. All except the Contingency Area were con- sidered planned landing areas.

Lauiich Site Area.-The Launch Site Area (fig. 15-2) was that area where a landing would occur following an abort in the late stages of the countdown or during early flight. For planning purposes, the area was centered on Launch Complex 19 at Cape Ken- nedy and extended 3 miles toward the Banana River and 41 miles seaward, with the major axis along the launch azimuth. The actual positioning of launch-site forces was oriented about a much smaller area, with the size and location determined by the launch azimuth and local winds. The. typical launch-site recovery force in-

cluded four C H 3 C amphibious helicopters,

Reduced area based on winds at time of lift-off

FIGURE 15-2.-Typical launch-site recovery area.

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four lighter amphibious resupply cargo (LARC) vehicles, two M-113 personnel car- riers, two landing vehicle tracked recovery (LVTR) , two rescue boats, and one salvage vessel for in-port standby. The launch-site recovery forces were not required to effect an actual recovery during Gemini.

Lazinch Abort Area.-The Launch Abort Area was along the launch ground track be- tween Cape Kennedy and the west coast of -4frica. An abort might have occurred in this area during the launch phase of flight prior to Earth-orbital insertion. The recovery force posture in the Launch Abort Area underwent considerable change during the Gemini Pro- gram as confidence in the launch vehicle and spacecraft systems increased. For example, the on-station launch-abort recovery force for Gemini I11 consisted. of eight destroyers, one fleet oiler, one fleet tug, and nine fixed- wing aircraft. The on-station launch-abort force for Gemini XI1 was reduced to three destroyers, one aircraft carrier, one fleet oiler, and four fixed-wing aircraft. The launch-abort recovery forces were 'not re- quired to make an actual recovery during Gemini.

Contin.gency Recovery Area.-The Contin- gency Recovery Area comprised the area along the spacecraft ground tracks outside the planned landing areas. Forces supporting this area consisted of Air Force Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service aircraft de- ployed to various worldwide staging bases. These forces were capable of reaching any point along the spacecraft ground track within 18 hours. There were no actual con- tingency-area recoveries during Gemini.

Secoridnry Landing Areus.-The Second- ary Landing Areas which were established for the long-duration missions consisted of four circular zones. Each zone had a radius of 240 nautical miles. The zones were located in the West Atlantic, East Atlantic, West Pacific, and Mid-Pacific. Each zone was sup- ported by a destroyer or a fleet oiler and, in some cases, by a destroyer and an oiler in company. In addition, Air Force Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service aircraft were

positioned adjacent to these zones. Target points were selected in each zone for each time the ground track passed through the zone. These target points were then covered by the supporting ship. The aircraft were on 30-minute strip alert and ready for an imme- diate takeoff.

The Atlantic zones were covered by the ships and aircraft which had also provided Launch Abort Area coverage during the launch phase of the mission. The East At- lantic Secondary Landing Area was normally supported by a destroyer and a fleet oiler. For Gemini XII, the ship access-time require- ment for this area was increased, and suffi- cient coverage was provided by a fleet oiler equipped with communications and recovery equipment as well as medical personnel.

The value of Secondary Landing Areas and assigned forces was significantly demon- strated on the Gemini V and VI11 missions. During the early part of Gemini V mission, the spacecraft developed electrical power- source difficulties. For several revolutions after the problem developed, the spacecraft did not pass through the Primary Landing Area. However, the spacecraft did pass through the Mid-Pacific Secondary Landing Area where air and surface forces were ready to provide support if necessary. The problem was eventually corrected, and the mission was completed as planned.

The value of the Secondary Landing Areas was even more evident during the Gemini VI11 flight. Following a successful rendez- vous-and-docking maneuver, the docked ve- hicles developed severe gyrations. The crew was forced to take emergency action which resulted in a low-fuel state in the Reentry Control System. In accordance with pre- planned mission rules, the decision was made in this case to land the spacecraft in the West Pacific Secondary Landing Area. The sup- port ship and seven aircraft were alerted, and the first aircraft on the scene sighted the spacecraft descending on the main para- chute. The aircraft deployed the swimmers to attach the flotation collar to the spacecraft and to report the condition of the flight crew.

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The destroyer arrived on the scene and re- trieved the spacecraft and flight crew. Re- covery was completed 3 hours 10 minutes after landing.

P r i ~ ~ i a i y Landing Area-The Primary Landing Area was located in the West Atlantic, and the primary recovery ship was assigned to this area. An Amphibious As- sault Ship was the primary recovery ship for Gemini X and Gemini XI. A support air- craft carrier was used for this function in all other missions.

The addition of the Amphibious Assault Ship has provided DOD planners more flexibility in scheduling support for manned space-flight missions. This type of ship operates more economically and does not re- quire a rescue destroyer in company. The aircraft carrier has proved to be an effective primary recovery ship, since i t .serves as a launch and recovery platform for helicopters and provides excellent facilities for postmis- sion evaluation of the flight crew. Helicopters a re used in the Primary Recovery Area for the 'electronic location of the spacecraft and for the transport of the Swim teams to and from the spacecraft. During most of the mis- sions, separate heIicopters were used for each of these functions. In Gemini XII, the func- tions were combined bv placing the swim teams aboard the search helicopters. This satisfactory arrangement proved economical and operational.

Fixed-wing aircraft were utilized for air- borne control of aircraft in the recovery area and for providing a commentary of recovery operations between the recovery forces and shore installations. This information was re- layed to the Mission Control Center-Hous- ton in real time through relay aircraft. The relay aircraft provided network support prior to landing and provided recovery sup- port after landing until the flight crew were retrieved.

Beginning with Gemini VI-A and VII, live television broadcasts and recovery oper- ations in the Primary Landing Area were


provided. Recovery of the flight crew and spacecraft was televised for all subsequent missions except Gemini VIII. The Gemini VI-A and VI1 missions established the DOD capability to provide recovery support for a dual mission.

Planned Versus Actual Statistics

Table 15-1 presents a compilation of the total DOD resources dedicated to each Gemini mission. The general trend toward reduction of forces as the program pro- gressed is shown.

The second column of table 15-11 indicates the distance between the planned .target point and the actual landing point of the spacecraft for each Gemini mission. This table also shows the time interval between the spacecraft landing and the arrival of the flight crew aboard ship. Column 4 shows the access time established by NASA for the applicable recovery area; the access time is the principal criterion established for recov- ery-force operations. This. is the elapsed time from spacecraft landing until first-level medical care can be provided the flight crew. Thus, a comparison of the times in columns 3 and 4 provides an indication of recovery- force performance.


Communications support by DOD forces evolved from a simple network for support- ing a ballistic missile launch to complex communications networks of ships, aircraft, ground stations, and worldwide recovery bases and forces for supporting orbital space flights.

In 1960, the Air Force Eastern Test Range was committed to support the first flight of the manned spacecraft program, Mercury-Redstone 1 mission. Cape Kennedy (Cape Canaveral) and Grand Bahama Island, Eastern Test Range stations, were the primary ground stations providing track- ing and telemetry support. Other stations

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Duration, hr:min

. were being established to form a worldwide single-sideband radio and selected ground tracking network. The network included air- stations. The DOD communications responsi- borne platforms for automatic voice relay bilities increased as mi.ssions progressed from a manned spacecraft to the Mission from suborbital to orbital. The responsibil- Control Center by means of high-frequency/ ities involved the Eastern Test Range, the


TABLE 15-I.-DOD Support of Gemini Missions

"5:OO 0:18 4:53

97:56 19055

"0:OO 330:35 25:51 10:41 72:21 70:47 71:17 94:35


I (unmanned) ..... I1 (unmanned) ... I11 .................... IV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v. ....................... VI. ......................... VI1 ...................... VI-A,. ................... VI11 ..................... IX-A" .................... x . . ....... :. .................. XI.. ....................... XI1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6 176 6 562

10185 10349 10265 10125 10125 10125 9 665

11301 9 072 8 963 9 775

Launch date

Apr. 8, 1964 Jan 19, 1965

Mar. 23, 1965 June 3,1965

Oct. 25, 1965 Dec. 4, 1965

Dec. 15,1965 Mar. 16, 1966

June 3,1966 July 18, 1966 Sept. 12, 1966 Nov. 11, 1966

Aug. 21.. 1965

Time from landing to flight crew

aboard recovery ship, min

I I I Maximum ship

access time, hr 1




Recovery 1 Ship making I Aircraft ship spacecraft recovery Ocean ~ ---_____ ___

None 1 None ~

67 82

134 114 125 125 125 96 92 78 73 65

16 27 26 19 16 16 16 18 15 13 13 12

USS Lake Champlain') 1 Atlantic USS Intrepid Atlantic uss Wasp" j Atlantic USS Lake Champlain 1 Atlantic

1 Atlantic uss Wasp" uss Waspl1 Atlantic uss Mason<' 1 Pacific uss Wasph Atlantic USS Gzcadukanalf . I Atlantic USS Guam' , Atlantic USS Waspti


I ' Tracking time, no recovery intended.

Aircraft carrier. Gemini I X aborted May 17 due to failure of tar-

uet vehicle. - Mission aborted. ' Amphibious Assault Ship (helicopter carrier) . ' Destroyer. Mission terminated in Secondary

Landing Area. USS Boxer was planned recovery carrier.

TABLE l&II.-Gemini Recover?? Operations


Landing distance from target point,

.n. mi. Remarks __ I I l- I

I I1 I11 IV V VI-A I

14 60 44 91


6.4 1.1

IX-A,. .......................

x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X I ............................ XI1 ..........................


3.4 2.65 2.6

i Unmanned Unmanned 70 57 89 66

33 190


28 24 30


No recovery intended

4 4 4 4 Crew remained in space-

4 6 Landing in West Paciflc

i Zone 4 i Crew remained in space-

craft 4 4 4



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Eglin Gulf Test Range, the White Sands Missile Range, and the Pacific Missile Range, as well as associated ships and aircraft inte- grated into one network under a DOD- designated network controller. The Air Force Western Test Range, organized in 1965, includes Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.; Hawaii; Eniwetok; and ships and aircraft supporting the Pacific area.

During the Mercury and Gemini manned space flights, many new theories, different support and response, and mechanics of ac- complishing the missions were developed by DOD. The transmission of high-speed radar data for manned missions; the use of air- borne platforms for tracking, telemetry, and automatic voice relay ; and the procedures for integrating the DDD Service and Na- tional Ranges with the NASA stations were improved.

While much consideration was accorded a buildup of networks to support the orbital portion of a flight, action was also taken to provide the worldwide deployed recovery forces with communications systems that were allequate, responsive, and reliable. The complete resources of DOD were made avail- able through the facilities of the Defense Communications Agency, Unified and Speci- fied Commands, as well as through the resources of the separate commands. Progres- sion was evident in the method of providing teletype communications (written copy) serv- ice. Early in Project Mercury, the facilities of the Army, Navy, and Air Force were used to provide teletype information to the forces and bases under the command of each of the services. To gain operational control, to im- prove response time, and to insure real-time reaction, the Army (Fort Detrick, Md.) was given the responsibility for the automatic relay-switching center, interconnecting the recovery staff of the DOD Manager with the deployed recovery forces. Voice communica- tions links were also made available from the Defense Communications Agency, commer- cial carriers, ranges, and military commands. Recovery communications support increased ;

and a vast network of dedicated, common- user circuits connecting the worldwide de- ployed forces on a near real-time basis was available for Gemini XII. This system was capable of supporting as many as 131 air- craft, 28 surface vessels, 30 land-based sites, and 5 major recovery control centers. Each recovery force was given a complete test prior to each mission to assure readiness to support nominal as well as nonnominal mis- sions.

Under the direction of the DOD Man- ager’s Assistant for Communications, the DOD communications assets were activated and tested approximately 7 days prior to flight. The assets were tested for station-to- station alinement procedures, alternate and diverse routing, and equipment and man- power readiness. For orbital support, the NASA and DOD tracking/telemetry stations integrated the communication functions sys- tems for network simulations about 15 days prior to flight.

In addition to insuring that necessary cir- cuitry was available and ready to support the mission, key individuals were deployed by the Assistant for Communications to key communications locations. These individuals were to provide quick response to unforeseen situations, to assist field commanders with any communications problem that could not be resolved locally, and to insure that DOD forces conformed to documented and last- minute communication needs as a single and integrated system. Possible improvements to communications equipment, terminal loca- tions, and procedures were constantly studied to assure that the best possible s u p port was available to manned spacecraft mis- sions.


The short duration of the Project Mercury missions allowed confirmation of acceptable weather conditions in the recovery areas. In the planning stage of the Gemini Program, however, it became apparent that weather conditions in the planned recovery areas

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would have to be monitored continuously in order to determine the suitability of recov- ery areas. As a result, the National Range Division staff meteorologist was designated the Assistant for Meteorology to the DOD Manager.

Special weather observations were made from DOD ships in the recovery areas and from weather reconnaissance aircraft. Both Air Force and Navy aircraft were used for Gemini weather reconnaissance and were specially equipped for hurricane and typhoon reconnaissance. Each of the four recovery zones for the Gemini missions was supported by one reconnaissance flight each day as needed.

Special weather support, using balloon and meteorological rocket-equipped instrumenta- tion, was provided at selected locations with high-level atmospheric data for postflight analysis.


The Bioastronautics Operational Support Unit at Cape Kennedy was completed in time to support the launch of Gemini I11 on March 23, 1965.

Bioastronautics at the Air Force Eastern Test Range is one of the many complex as- signments of a DOD organization. The Director of Bioastronautics is responsible for providing assistance to NASA as required in prelaunch evaluation of the flight crew, biomedical monitoring dur ing orbital flight, medical support for recovery operations, and postflight evaluation.

Medical support for the early Jupiter flights that carried animal life was provided by a joint-services team of three officers designated as the Aero-Medical Consultant Staff. In November 1959, NASA requested DOD to provide the medical support team for Project Mercury. The DOD representa- tive for Project Mercury support appointed his Staff Surgeon to the newly established position of Assistant for Bioastronautics to manage these support activities. The func- tion of this new office was to organize a

worldwide DOD medical support capability and to deploy people and materiel as re- quested by NASA. This first Assistant for Bioastronautics was responsible to the 6550th US. Air Force Hospital at Patrick Air Force Base and to the Air Force Missile Test Center commander. In January 1962, the Assistant for Bioastronautics was desig- nated an additional duty position for the re- designated Deputy for Bioastronautics, Air Force Eastern Test Range. In March 1963, the Office of the Deputy for Bioastronautics was selected by the Surgeon General of the U S . Air Force to provide primary training that would satisfy the requirements for %he third year of residency training in aerospace medicine.

Public Affairs

The Director of Information of the Air Force Eastern Test Range was designated as the Assistant for Public Affairs to the DOD Manager under the DOD/NASA agree- ment. The areas of responsibility of the Assistant for Public Affairs began at Cape Kennedy and extended to Hawaii and to Europe.

The operation of the press sites, including fiscal management and technical organiza- tion, was also the responsibility of the As- sistant for Public Affairs. The news pools at Cape Kennedy during a launch and those at sea were operated under established rules.

DOD information desks were established in the two major NASA news centers ap- proximately 5 days before the mission and were manned until the day after spacecraft recovery. Beginning 2 hours before mission lift-off and continuing through recovery, DOD public affairs consoles in the recovery control centers were operated 24 hours a day. Manpower assistance was provided by other military commands and departments under the supervision of the Assistant for Public Affairs. Of the 10100 newsmen ac- credited during the Gemini Program, nearly 7000 operated in the Cape Kennedy area, and the remainder, in Houston.

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By CHARLES A. BERRY, M.D., Director of Medical Research and Operations, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center; and ALLEN D. CATTERSON, M.D., Ofice o/ Medical Research Operations, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center


' The Mercury and Gemini space flights provided approximately 2000 man-hours of weightless exposure for evaluating predicted effects of space flights versus actual findings. In general, the environmental hazards and the effects on man appear to be of less magnitude than originally anticipated. The principal physiologic changes noted were orthostatism for some 50 hours postflight as measured with a tilt table, reduced red-cell mass ( 5 to 20 percent) , and reduced X-ray density (cal- cium) in the os calcis and the small finger. No abnormal psychological reactions have been observed, and no vestibular disturb- ances have occurred that were related to flight. Drugs have been prescribed for inflight use. The role of the physician in supporting normal space flight is complex, requiring the practice of clinical medicine, research. and diplomacy. Although much remains to be learned, it appears that if man is properly supported, his limitations will not be a bar- rier to the exploration of the universe.


Prior to the first expos,ure of man to orbi- tal space flight, the biomedical community expressed considerable concern over man's

'capability not only to perform in such an environment but even to survive in it. Since weightlessness was the one unknown factor which could not be exactly duplicated in a laboratory on the ground, numerous investi- gators and various committees predicted

some effect on almost every body system. It is understandable that detrimental effects were the ones listed, as these could have been limiting factors in manned space flight. In some respects, the medical community be- comes its own worst enemy in the attempt to protect man against the hazards of new and unknown environments. Frequently, the physician dwells upon the possible individual system decrements, and forgets the tre- mendous capability of the body to maintain a state of homeostasis in many environments. Following the first manned space flights, some of these anxieties were reduced, al- though most observers believed the evidence was insufficient to reject any of the dire pre- dictions.

Predicted and Observed Environment and Human Responses

The successful and safely conducted Mer- cury and Gemini Programs have provided the first significant knowledge concerning man's capability to cope with the environ- ment of space. In these programs, 19 men have flown 26 man-flights for a total weight- less experience of approximately 2000 man- hours. Three individuals have flown as the single crewman in Mercury and as one of the two crewmen in the Gemini spacecraft; four individuals have flown twice in the Gemini spacecraft. The flight programs are summarized in tables 161 and 1611. This flight experience only scratches the surface of detailed space exploration, but should pro- vide a sound basis for comparing the predic-

Preceding page blank 197

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Flight I Crew Launch date 1 Description I I- -I- -__- --

tions concerning man's support and response to this environment with the reality of the findings from the actual experience.

The space-flight environment predictions are compared with the actual observations in table 16-111.

The human responses to space flight which were predicted a re compared with the obser- vations in table 16-IV. There were more pre- dicted system effects than were observed,

Duration, hr:min

though there were also several effects noted which were not predicted.

- ~-

Gemini mission ___-___- I11

General Aspects of the Flight Program


Crew ---___


In evaluating the results of flight pro- grams, i t is important to realize that man is being exposed to multiple stresses and that i t is impossible at the present time to evalu- ate the stresses singly, either inflight or post-


TABLE l&I.-Project Mercumj Manned Flights

Nov. 11, 1966 i Lovell Aldrin


M R-3 I Shepard M I<-4 ' Grissom MA-6 Glenn MA-7 1 Carpenter MA-8 1 Schirra MA-9 i Cooper

May 5, 1961 July 21, 1961 Feb. 20, 1962 May 24, 1962 Oct. 3, 1963 May 15, 1963

Suborbital Suborbital Orbital Orbital Orbital Orbital

O:l5 O:l5 4 :56 4:56 9:14

34 :20

TABLE 16-II-4emini Manned Space Flights

Launch date

Mar. 23, 1965

June 3, 1965

Aug. 21, 1965

Dec. 4, 1965

Dec. 15, 1965

Mar. 16, 1966

June 3, 1966

July 18, 1966

Sept. 12, 1966

Description -

Three revolution manned test

First extended duration and extravehicular

First medium-duration flight

First long-duration flight

First rendezvous flight


First rendezvous and docking flight.

Second rendezvous and docking; first ex- tended extravehicular activity

Third rendezvous and docking: 2 extravehi- cular activity periods; first docked target- vehicle-propelled high-apogee maneuver

First rendezvous and docking initial orbit; 2 extravehicular activity periods; second docked target-vehiclepropelled high- apogee maneuver; tether exercise

Rendezvous and docking; umbilical and 2 standup extravehicular activity periods; tether exercise

Duration, day :hr :min



7 2 2 5 6


1 :01:53



2 :22 :46

2 :23 :17


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Dysbarism Disruption of circadian

rhythms Decreased g-tolerance Skin infections and

Sleepiness and s leep

Reduced visual acuity (a) (a)

Disorientation and



TABLE 16-III.-Space-FZight Environme?~t

None None

None Dryness, ;ncluding

Interference (minor)

None Eye irritation Nasal stuffiness and

hoarseness None



High blood pressure Low blood pressure Fainting postflight

Micrometeorite density

None None None


Loss of cabin pressure-

Loss of suit pressure- vacuum


Toxic atmosphere Cabin and suit

temperature Radiation levels Isolation Physical confinement Weightlessness Gravity loads

Vibration Severe glare (a)

a Not predicted.


Low micrometeorite density

5 psi except during extravehicular activity

Space suit, wear unpres- surized (pressurized on extravehicular flights)

100-percent oxygen Minimal variation about

Insignificant None Physical restraint Weightlessness Gravity loads, no -

problem with perfor- mance

comfort zone

Minimal vibration Varying illumination Workload higher than

expected - ____

TABLE 16-IV.-Huma~ Response to Space Flight

Predicted Observed

_ _ _____ __ ___...


TABLE 16-IV.-Human Response to Space Flight-Concluded


Electromechanical delay in cardiac cycle

Reduced cardiovascular response to exercise

(a) Reduced blood volume Reduced plasma volume (a) Dehydration Weight loss Bone demineralization Loss of appetite Nausea Renal stones Urinary retention Diuresis Muscular incoordination Muscular- atrophy (a)

Hallucinations Euphoria Impaired psychom*otor

performance Sedative need Stimulant need

Infectious disease Fatigue

-. -

Not predicted.

0 bserved



Absolute neutrophilia Moderate Minimal Decreased red-cell mass Minimal Variable Minimal calcium loss Varying caloric intake None None None None None . None Reduced exercise

None None None


None Occasionally before

None Minimal


flight. Man is exposed to multiple stresses which may be summarized as: full pressure suit, confinement and restraint, 100-percent oxygen and 5-psia atmosphere, changing cabin pressure (launch and reentry), vary- ing cabin and suit temperature, acceleration g-force, weightlessness, vibration, dehydra- tion, flight-plan performance, sleep need. alertness need, changing illumination, and diminished food intake. Some of the stresses can be simulated in ground-based studies but the actual flight situation has never been duplicated, and more data from additional flight programs are necessary before flight

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observations can be applied to the ground s i tu -ion.

I . is necessary to provide the capability to monitor the physiologic state of man during flight activities. A great deal of consider- ation has been given to the definition of a set of physiologic indices which might be easily obtained in the flight situation and which could be meaningfully monitored. Routine parameters have included measurements of voice, two leads for electrocardiogram, res- piration, body temperature, and blood pres- sure (fig. 16-1). Other functions were added for the experiments program, but were not monitored in real time. The monitoring of man’s physiologic state in flight is necessary to provide information for real-time decision making concerning the accomplishment of additional flight objectives; to assure the safety of the flight crew; and to obtain ex- perimental data for postflight analysis for

predictions concerning the effects of long- duration flight upon man. The sensors and equipment should not interfere with the com- fort and ‘ l i e function of the crew. Whenever possible, tie procurement of data should be virtually automatic, requiring little or no action on the part of the crewmen. A great deal has been learned concerning the use of minimal amounts of data obtained at inter- mittent intervals while a spacecraft is over a tracking station. The extravehicular crew- men have been monitored by means of one lead each of electrocardiogram and of res- piration-rate measurement obtained through the space-suit umbilical. Additional physi- ologic information, such as suit or body temperature and carbon-dioxide levels, could not be obtained due to the limited number of monitoring leads available in the umbilical.

The medical objectives in the manned space-flight program are to provide medical support for man, enabling him to fly safely in order .to answer the following questions :

(1) How long can man be exposed to the space-flight environment without producing significant physiologic or performance decre- ment?

(2) What are the causes of the observed changes ?

(3) Are preventive measures or treat- ment needed, and if so, what are best?

Attainment of these objectives will involve tasks with different orientation. The most urgent task is obviously to provide medical support to assure flight safety through the development of adequate preflight prepara- tion and examination, as well as inflight monitoring. The second is to obtain informa- tion on which to base the operational deci- sions for extending the flight duration in a safe manner. The third task differs from the operational orientation of the first two in that it implies an experimental approach to determine the etiology of the findings ob- served. Frequently, many things that would contribute to the accomplishment of the last task must be sacrificed in order t o attain the

FIGURE 16-l.-Gemini biosensor harness. overall mission objective. This requires con-

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stant interplay between the experimental and the operational medical approaches to the missions.

The medical profession requires a team effort by personnel with varied training and backgrounds in order to reach a common ob- jective, the preservation or the restoration of health for mankind. This is no less true in a space-flight environment where a strong team effort is necessary, and a strong engi- neering interface is imperative. If man is to be properly supported, medical requirements concerning the spacecraft environment and the equipment performance must be supplied very early in the hardware development cycle. A very long leadtime is necessary to

. meet realistic flight schedules, and ample time must always be left for proper testing of the hardware. Flight-configured hardware should be utilized to collect the baseline physiologic data which will be compared with the inflight data.

*Anticipated Problems Compared with Flight Results

The review of a number of aerospace or space medicine texts published since 1951 reveals a large number of anticipated prob- lems involving man and the hardware or vehicle in the space environment. It appears logical to compare the predictions with the actual flight results.

Maintenance of Cabin I’resnurc

In regard to the vacuum of space, extrap- olating from aircraft experience led to ii prediction of difficulty with t h e maintenance of cabin pressure. To date, the spacecraft have maintained a cabin pressure of approxi- mately 5 psia throughout the manned flights. The pressurization feature of the space suits was a backup to the cabin pressure, but was not required except during the planned ex- cursions outside the spacecraft when the cabin was intentionally depressurized. The normal suit pressures have been approxi- mately 3.7 psia.

Cabin Atmosphere

Reduction in cabin pressure to 5 psia, equivalent to a pressure altitude of 27 000 feet, and the further reduction to 3.7 psia in the space suit created some concern about the possible development of dysbarism. Be- fore each mission, the crew was denitrogen- ated by breathing 100-percent oxygen for 2 hours ; this, coupled with the further denitro- genation accomplished in the spacecraft, has proved to be ample protection. There have been no evidences of dysbarism on any of the missions.

Cahin and Suit Temprraturc.

The maintenance of an adequate temper- ature in the cabin and in the extravehicular pilot’s sui t was also a matter o f . concern. The temperatures were generally within the comfort range around 70” F. During one mission,, the crew reported being cold when the spacecraft W H S powered down and rotat- ing. The extravehicular pilots generally been warm while inside the spacecraft be- cause the extravehiculiir suit contains addi- tional layers of material.


Micrometeorites are a subject heading in every book relating to space flight. They are mentioned iis :I possible hazard to cabin in- tegrity, to spacecraft window surfaces, and to extravehicular crewmen. No significant micrometeorite or meteorite density has been observed in the flights to date. There has been no evidence of micrometeorite hits on the extravehicular suits ; however, a micro- meteroite protective laver is provided.


The radiation environment of space has been sampled by numerous probes and has been calculated a t length. With one excep- tion, the flights have not reached an altitude involving the inner Van Allen belt, but the flights have routinely passed through the

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South Atlantic anomaly. The onboard radi- ation measuring system and the personal dosimeters attached to the crewmen con- firmed that the radiation intensity was at the lower end of the calculated range. In a 160-nautical-mile. orbit, the crew received approximately 15 millirads of radiation in each 24 hours of exposure. Table 16-V indi- cates the total doses received on the flights to date.

Light and Darkness

Many predictions were made concerning the effect of the changing light and darkness producing a day and a night every 90 min- utes. It was generally predicted that this would totally disrupt the circadian rhythms, producing grave consequences. Certainly no overt effects of the 45 minutes of day and 45 minutes of night were observed on the short missions. As knowledge of sleep in the space- fliFht environment increased, it was deter- mined best to arrange the work-rest cycles so that sleep occurred a t the normal Cape Ken- nedy sleep time. The spacecraft was artifi- cally darkened by covering the windows, and as f a r as the crew were concerned, i t was

TABLE 16V.-Radiation Doses nn Gemini Missions'

~ --_, ___ ~

Mean cumulative dose, 1 ' 1 mrad


I I I 111. ............... IV .................... v ..... !... ............. VI-A.. ............ VI11 ................ VI11 ................ IX-A .............. x ................... XI .................. XII. ...............

0:04:52 4:00:56 7:22:56 1:01:53

13:18:35 0:10:41 3:01:04 2:22:46 2:23:17 3:22:37

< 20 4 2 f 4 . 5

182f18.5 25f2

155*9 4 10

1 7 f 1

2 9 f l 670*6

4 20

4 2 f 1 5 50 dz4.5

1 7 0 f 1 7 2 3 f 2

170f lO 10 2 2 f 1

765*10 26+1

< 20

night. The physiological response in heart rate to the regime used on the l k d a y flight is shown in figure 16-2.

Gravity Load

During space flight, the increase of grav- i ty load during launch and reentry, and the nullification of gravity load and production of a state of weightlessness during actual flight, were expected to produce detrimental effects. Actually, gravity loads during the missions were well within man's tolerances, with two 7g peaks occurring a t launch, and with g-forces varying from 4 to 8.2g a t re- entry. Much concern was expressed about a decreased tolerance to gravity following weightless flight. No evidence of this has been observed; following 4 days of weight- less flight, the Gemini IV crew sustained a peak of 8.2g without adverse effects.

Weightlessness has been the subject of innumerable studies and papers. It has been produced for brief periods in parabolic flight in aircraft, and simulated by water immersion and bedrest. The Gemini Pro- gram has produced a fair amount of evidence concerning the effect of the weightless space- flight environment on various body systems.


In spite of the moisture attendant to space- suit operations, the skin has remained in re- markably good condition through flights up to 14 days in duration. Following the 8-day flight, there was some drying of the skin

- Cape night ---- High 0- Mean

LOW . --- B

r40 .-Aifl-oft. ,,.,,., ,,,, ,.,.., ,..,, ,..,, ru

4 16 48 80 112 144 176 208 Ground elapsed time, hr

'.Dosimeters located in helmet, right and left chest, and thigh. FIGURE 16-2.-Gemini VI1 pilot heart rate.

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noted during the immediate postflight period, but this was easily treated with lotion. There have been no infections, and there has been minimal reaction around the sensor sites. Dandruff has been an occasional problem, but has been easily controlled with preflight and postflight medication.

Central Neri-ous System

The best indication of central nervous system function has been the excellent per- formance of the crew on each o f the missions. This was graphically illustrated by the de- manding performances required during the aborted launch of Gemini VI-A: the ren- dezvous and the thruster problem on Gemini VI11 ; the extravehicular activity on Gemini IV, IX-A, X, XI, and XI I ; and the many accurate spacecraft landings and recoveries.

Psychological tests have not been conducted as distinct entities unrelated to the inflight tasks. Instead, the evaluation of total human performance has provided an indication of adequate central nervous system function. There has been no evidence, either during flight or postflight, of any psychological ab- normalities.

The electroencephalogram (fig. 16-3) was utilized to evaluate sleep during the 14-day mission. A total of 54 hours 43 minutes of interpretable data was obtained. Vari- ations in the depth of sleep from Stage 1 to the deep sleep of Stage 4 were noted in flight as in the groundlbased data.

Numerous visual observations have been reported by the crews involving inflight sightings and descriptions of ground views. The actual determination of visual acuity has been made in flight, as well as in preflight and

FIGURE 1F-::.-Electroencephalogram equipment.

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postflight examinations. All of these tests support the statement that vision is not altered during weightless flight. As previously noted, there has been much

conjecture concerning vestibular changes in a weightless environment. There has been no evidence of altered vestibular function dur- ing any of the Gemini flights. Preflight and postflight caloric vestibular function studies have shown no change, and special studies of the otolith response have revealed no sig- nificant changes. There have been ample mo- tions of the head in flight and during roll rates with the spacecraft. There has been no vertigo nor disorientation noted, even dur- ing the extravehicular activity with occa- sional loss of all visual references. Several crewmen have reported a feeling of fullness in the head similar in character to the full- ness experienced when one is turned upside down, allowing the blood to go to the head. Hnwever, there has been no sensation of being turned upside down, and the impression is that this sensation results from altered distribution of blood in the weightless state. To clear the record, two of the Mercury pilots developed difficulties involving the labyrinth ; the difficulties were in no way'related to the space flights. One developed prolonged ver- tigo as the result of a severe blow over the left ear in a fall, but he has completely recovered with no residual effect. The other crewman developed an inflammation of the labyrinth some 3 years after his lbminute space flight, and, while he continues to have some hearing loss, there have been no further vestibular symptoms. It is interesting to note this absolute lack of any inflight vestibular symptoms, in spite of the fact that a number of the pilots have developed motion sickness while in the spacecraft on the water.

Eye, Ear. Eiose, and Throat

There have been two inflight incidents of rather severe eye irritation. One was the re- sult of exposure to lithium hydroxide in the suit circuit ; the cause of the other remains a mystery. In a few instances, some postflight

conjunctival infection has been noted, but has lasted only a few hours and is believed to have been the result of the oxygen environ- ment. During the early portions of the flights, normally the first 2 or 3 days, some nasal stuffiness has been noted. This also is un- doubtedly related to the 100-percent oxygen environment and is usually self-limited. On occasion, the condition has been treated 10- cally or by oral medication.

Jtenpiratory System

Preflight and postflight X-rays have failed to reveal any atelectasis. Pulmonary function studies before and after the 14-day mission revealed no alteration. There have been no specific difficulties or symptomatology in- volving the respiratory system ; however, some rather high respiratory rates have been noted during heavy workloads in the extra- vehicular activity. Even when these rates have exceeded 40 breaths per minute, they have not been accompanied by symptoma- tology.

Cardiovascular System

The cardiovascular system was the first of the major body systems to show physiologic change following flight; as a result, it has been extensively investigated by various means (fig. 16-4). As previously reported, the peak heart rates have been observed at launch and at reentry (table 16-VI) ; the rates normally reached higher levels during the reentry period. The midportions of all the missions have been characterized by more stable heart rates a t lower levels with .ade- quate response to physical demands.

The electrocardiogram has been studied in detail thoughout the Gemini missions. The only abnormalities of note have been very rare, premature, auricular and ventricular contractions. No significant changes have been detected in the duration of specific seg- ments of the electrocardiogram.

Blood-pressure measurements obtained during the Gemini VI1 mission revealed that

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- FIGURE 16-4.--Gemini cardiovascular evaluation techniques. .

systolic and diastolic values remained within the envelope of normality and showed no significant changes throughout. 14 days of flight. As previously reported, this included the pressures taken at the time of reentry.

Some insight into the electrical and me- chanical phases of the cardiac cycle was gained during the Gemini flights, The data were derived through synchronous phono- cardiographic and electrocardiographic mon- itoring. In general, wide fluctuations in the duration of the cardiac cycle, but within physiological limits, were observed through- out the missions. Fluctuations in the duration of electromechanical systole correlated closely with changes in heart rate. Stable values were observed for electromechanical delay (onset of ventricular activity, QRS complexes, to onset of first heart sound) throughout the missions, with shorter values observed dur- ing the intervals of peak heart rates recorded

during lift-off, reentry, and extravehicular activity. The higher values observed for the tl iiration of systole and for electromechanical delay in certain crewmembers suggest a pre- ponderance of cholinergic influences (vagal tone). An increase in adrenergic reaction (sympathetic tone) was generally observed during lift-off, reentry, and in the few hours preceding reentry. As a further measure of cardiovascular

status, Experiment M003, Inflight Exerciser, determined the heart-rate response to an exercise load consisting of one pull per second for 30 seconds on a bungee device (force at f u l l extension of 12 inches equaled 70 pounds). The responses for one crewman on the Gemini V mission are shown in figure 16-5. The results of the 4-day Gemini IV and the 14-day Gemini VI1 mission did not differ. This variant of the step test revealed no physical or cardiovascular decrement after

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TABLE l&VI.-Peak Heart Rates Duii/i,g Launch and Reentry

Gemini mission

_____ I11






















__ --

Peak rates during launch,

beats/min _____--

1 v2 120 148 128 148 155 125 150 152 125 138 120 142 120 120 125 166 154 136 110

_ _

Peak rates during

reentry! beats/min - __ _ _

165 130 140 126 170 178 125 140 180 134 130 90

160 126 110 90

120 117 142 137

CP indicates command pilot; P indicates pilot.

as much as 14 days in a space-flight environ- ment.

In contrast to the Project Mercury results, orthostatism resulting from any Gemini mis- sion has not been detectable except by means of passive tilt-table provocation. Typically, the heart-rate and blood-pressure response to a 15-minute, 70" tilt performed postflight are compared with identical preflight testing on the same crewmen. Consistently, such test- ing has demonstrated a greater increase in heart rate, a greater reduction in pulse pres- sure, and a greater increase in leg volume, as interpreted from lower limb circumference gages during the preflight tilt (fig. 16-6). The changes observed in these variables may be most significantly illustrated by examining the heart-rate changes observed during pre- flight and postflight tilt-table studies. When the postflight increases in heart rate during tilt are expressed as percent of the preflight

tilt heart rate for each of the Gemini crews, the postflight increases are from 17 to 105 percent greater than those exhibited pre- flight. The increasing trend in these values ixas evident through the 8-day mission. A multiplicity of altered factors, such as better diet, more exercise, desuited periods, and no extravehicular activity, make the improved postflight response to the 14-day mission very difficult to interpret (fig. 16-7).

For purposes of comparison, flight data and data from bedrest studies were viewed in a like manner and show a very similar trend ; however, the magnitude of the changes shows marked differences, again illustrating, perhaps, the influence of factors other than those simulated by bedrest.

When the tilt-table tests are considered, postflight leg volume was universally greater than preflight. Postmission observations ranged from 12 to 82 percent increase in volume over premission values.

The Gemini V pilot wore intermittently occlusive lower limb cuffs for the first 4 days of the 8-day mission. The Gemini VI1 pilot wore the cuffs for the entire 14-day mission; however, his heart-rate increases and pulse- pressure narrowing were greater than for the command pilot ; the cuffs seemingly did not alter the variables.

Average resting heart rates have ranged from 18 to 62 percent higher after missions. In spite of higher resting pulse rates, the changes resulting from tilt were still greater. The exception presented by the Gemini VI1 crew is more apparent. The bedrest data are not remarkable.

To date, the observations of the effect of space flight on body systems have shown sig- nificant changes involving only the cardio- vascular, hematopoietic, and musculoskeletal systems. Even these changes appear adaptive in nature and are measured principally dur- ing the readaptive phase to the l g environ- ment. It appears that adequate information has been obtained to permit anticipation of R nominal lunar mission without being sur- prised by unforeseen physiologic changes. Medical results from the U.S. space flights

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a First 15 sec of exercise period. Second 15 sec of exercise period.

FIGURE 16-5.-Heart-ratc response to hungec exercise, Gemini V pilot.

appear to differ from the results reported by the U.S.S.R., where there seems to be a unique problem in the area of vestibular response. In the cardiovascular area, the United States has not confirmed the U.S.S.R. reports of electromechanical delay in cardiac response, and the U.S.S.R. has not confirmed the US. findings of decreased red-cell mass.

The Gemini flights have also provided some excellent examples of human variability and have emphasized the necessity for care in making deductions. In making projections IJased on very limited results in a few people, the current trend is to bank heavily upon comparisons in a given individual ; that is, differences between baseline data and re- sponses observed during and after a flight. The crewmen who have flown twice have

shown variability between flights in the same manner as have diffecent men on the same flight. Figure 16-8 shows the heart rates for one crewman during the launch phase of both his Mercury mission and his Gemini mis- sion. The two curves show little correlation and could as easily have come from different individuals. Obviously, confidence in the re- sults and the definition of variability will be improved as more information is gained on future flights. Also, these are gross system findings, and much must still be accomplished in the laboratory and in flight if the mecha- nisms of the findings are to be understood.

-4lthough physiological adaptation is diffi- cult to define, it might be stated as any altera- tion or response which favors the survival of an organism in a changed environment. This

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- L m al


70" Beain vertical End

I 1 I I I I 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28

Time, min

FIGURE 16-6.-Typical tilt-table response.

0 Command pilot first tilt 0 Pilot first tilt

Command Dilot second tilt S 160r

I . I I I I I 1 I 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Mission duration, days

FIGURE 16-7.-Heart-rate tilt response compared with mission duration.

definition implies a useful alteration. In the space-flight situation, man is adapting to a weightless environment into which he has been.thrust in a matter of minutes and where he stays a variable time ; a second adaptation, required after return to the l g environ- ment of Earth, can be measured by direct observation. Some of the physiological changes return to normal over an extended time; for instance, the tilt responses have all


I I I I I 2 4 6 8 10

Elapsed time, min

FIGURE 16-8.-Command pilot heart-rate comparisons.

returned to normal within a 50-hour period, regardless of the duration of exposure to the space-fl ish t en vi ronmen t.


Significant increases have been observed in white-blood-cell counts manifested as an ab- solute neutrophilia following most flights. This condition has always returned to normal within 24 hours. Hematologic data derived from Gemini missions of 4, 8, and 14 days demonstrated a hemolytic process originating during flight. Specific data points include red- cell mass deficits of 12, 20, and 19 percent (command pilot) following the Gemini IV, V, and VI1 missions, respectively (fig. 16-9). The 12-percent Gemini IV data point is prob- ably inaccurate. This 4-day point was calcu- lated from RISA-125 plasma volume and peripheral hematocrit data, a method pre- dicted on a constant relationship between peripheral and total-body hematocrit. Subse- quent direct measurements showed that alter- ation of the peripheral/total-body hematocrit ratios do occur, thereby introducing an obvi- ous error into the calculations. Based upon the direct measurements, the Gemini IV cal- culated red-cell mass deficits were reex- amined and found to more closely approxi- mate 5 percent. Other hematologic tests corroborated this disparity ; however, to date, no satisfactory explanation of the phe- nomenon exists. Complete interpretation of

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Total blood Plasma Red-cell

E o


,- w c c .-

-441 -383 -20 t419 "r n

+21 -43

m o

0 Command pilot U Pilot

-201 N o t e All values are in cubic centimeters

FIGURE 16-Y.-Blood-volume studies for Gemini IV, V, and VII.

the red-cell mass deficit noted in the com- mand pilot of the Gemini VI1 also required special consideration. It appears that no sig- nificant progression of the hemolysis occurs after the eighth day in orbit; however, this may be more apparent than real. Analysis of the related mean corpuscular volume values shows a significant increase in this parameter during the 14-day space-flight interval. If each individual erythrocyte increased in volume, a measurement of the total red-cell volume (red-cell mass) would not accurately reflect the actual loss of erythrocytes. Cor- recting for the postflight corpuscular volume shift, a 29-percent circulating red-cell deficit is derived. The latter figure more accurately describes the hemolytic event ; therefore, i t is possible that the true extent of the hemo- lytic process has not yet been determined.

Possible causative factors of the red-cell loss are hyperoxia (166-mm oxygen at the alveolar membrane), lack of inert diluent gas (nitrogen), relative immobility of the crew, dietary factors, and weightlessness. Only increased oxygen tension, immobility, and dietary factors are well known to influence the red cell. Dietary considerations may be

of considerable importance ; however, a t this point no definite incriminations can be levied against the flight diet. A program to define certain diet levels of lipid soluble vitamins has recently been initiated. Specifically, alpha-tocopherol is an important antilipid oxidant and is essential in protecting the lipid a t the red-cell plasma membrane. Immo- bility is effective in reducing red-cell mass by curtailing erythrocyte production ; how- ever, all flight observations support hemolysis as the significant event. Although not demon- strated by any previous studies, it is possible that weightlessness is a contributing factor in the hemolysis observed. Altered hemo- dynamics, resulting in hemostasis, could re- sul t in the premature demise of the cell. The role of a diluent gas (nitrogen) is not well understood ; however, some investigators have shown significant reduction in hema- tologic and neurologic toxicity in animals exposed to high oxygen pressure when an inert gas is present. Therefore, the absence of an inert atmospheric diluent could be sig- nificant a t the hyperoxic levels encountered within the Gemini spacecraft.

Of all the mechanisms previously stated, oxygen has the greatest proven potential as a hemolytic agent. Basically, two modes of oxygen toxicity are described. I t has been demonstrated that red-cell plasma membrane lipids undergo peroxidation when exposed to conditions of hyperoxia. It has also been dem- onstrated that the lipid peroxides thus formed are detrimental to the cell. Specifi- cally, lipid peroxides are. known to affect enzyme systems essential for normal red-cell function. It is also possible that peroxidation of the erythrocyte plasma membrane lipids changes this tissue to curtail erythrocyte sur- vival. The second mode of oxygen toxicity expression may be more direct, for infer- ential evidence is available showing a direct inhibitory effect on some glycolytic enzymes. Oxygen has several documented deleterious effects on red-cell plasma membranes and metabolic functions ; any combination of these effects could be operative within a Gemini spacecraft.

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,200 .c


The analysis of urine and plasma has been used as an indication of crew physiological status preflight, in flight, and postflight. Analyses of the results obtained on all three phases were performed on the 14-day Gemini 1'11 flight, and essentially complete analyses were performed on the preflight and post- flight phases of the 3-day Gemini IX-A mission.

The first attempt at accumulation of in- flight 'data was essentially a shakedown and provided an 1) of 2, which for biological data is insignificant. Some of the data are pre- sented, but interpretation is dependent upon more refined techniques and upon accumula- tion of a sufficient number of observations to establish variabilities and trends. The high degree of individual variation should be noted. The Gemini VI1 pilot and command pilot did not always respond qualitatively or quantitatively in the same way.

The biochemical determinations a re grouped into several profiles, each of which provides information concerning the effect of space flight on one or more of the physi- ological systems. The first profile, water an$ electrolyte balance, .is related to an examina- tion of. the weight loss which occurs during flight and the mechanisms involved in this loss. To this end, the levels of sodium., potas- sium. and chloride in the plasma were meas- ured preflight and postflight, and the rates of excretion of these electrolytes in the urine were observed in all three phases of the study. Total plasma protein concentration measured both preflight and postflight was used as an indication of possible dehydration. Water' intake and urine output were meas- .ured to determine whether the primary loss of weight was due to sweat and insensible losses or to changes in renal function. The vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone) and aldo- sterone hormones were measures in the urine in an attempt to establish the functional con- tribution of baroreceptors in a zero-gravity condition.

As may be expected, since one of the prime functions of the homeostatic mechanisms of


the body is to maintain the composition of blood and extracellular fluid as nearly con- stant as possible, significant changes in plasma were not observed. As seen in figure 16-10, 48-hour pooled samples of flight urine indicate a slight reduction in the output of sodium during flight. As indicated by the hashed bars, this is associated with some increase in aldosterone excretion. Postflight, there is a marked retention of sodium. As espected, chloride excretion parallels the sodium excretion. Potassium excretion dur- ing flight (fig. 16-11) appears depressed, and in all but the command pilot of Gemini VII, i t was depressed immediately postflight. This depression could be observed in total 24-hour output and in minute output. This anti- diuretic hormone appeared elevated in only the first postflight sample of the Gemini VI1 pilot. The crudities of this biological assay may account for the inability to observe any gross changes. The retention of electrolytes is very closely associated with the retention of water postflight.

The second profile involves the estimation of the physiological cost of maintaining a given level of performance during space flight. This could be considered a measure of the effects of stress during space flight. Two groups of hormones were assayed: the first, 17-hydroxycorticosteroids, provides a meas- ure of long-term stress responses ; the second, catecholamines, provides a measure of short- term or emergency responses. The results obtained with the catecholamine determina-

0 Urine sodium R Aldosterone n n

.ef I igh t ln f l ight Postflight

FIGURE 16-l0.-Urine sodium and aldosterone, Gemini VI1 command pilot.

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0 2 2 . 5 -

h -


24-hour ur ine collection

U Preflight I nfl ight Postflight

FIGURE 16-ll.-Urine potassium, Gemini VI1 pilot.

tions are anomalous and changes observed could be considered well within the error of the methodology. As seen in figure 16-12, the 17-hydroxycorticosteroid levels are depressed during the flight. An elevation immediately postflight may be related to the stress of reentry and recovery. Although there may be considerable speculation regarding the low infliyht steroids, it must be reemphasized that

much more data will' be essential before a valid evaluation is possible.

The third profile constitutes a continuing evaluation of the effects of space flight on bone demineralization. Calcium. magnesium, phosphate, and hydroxyproline are measured in plasma and in urine obtained preflight, in flight, and postflight. This is an attempt to determine whether the status, or the changes in the status, of bone mineral are accom- panied by alterations in plasma calcium and hydroxyproline, and by alterations in urinary excretion of calcium, phosphate, magnesium, and hydroxyproline. The amino acid, hy- droxyproline, is unique to collagen, and i t was presumed that an increased excretion of hydroxyproline might accompany demineral- ization along with dissolution of a bone ma- trix (fig. 16-13). The first postflight plasma samples following the 14-day flight show a marked increase in the bound hydroxyproline, while larger quantities of calcium were ex- creted later in the flight than during the early phases of the flight. This is consistent with a change in bone structure.

. these results are fror l a single flight. and

111 I Preflight , ln f l ight Postflight

FIGURE lG-l2.-Urine 17-hydroxycorticosteroids, Gemini VI1 command pilot.

The fourth group may be related to protein metabolism and tissue status. When total nitrogen was related to intake during flight, a negative balance was noted.

(;astruintestinal System

The tlesign'and fabrication of foods for conqiimption during space flights have im- posed unique technological considerations. The Lvlume of space food per man-day has writ,( ' in the Gemini missions from 130 to 162 c.Itl)ic inches (2131 to 2656 cc). Current menus ;iw made up of approximatelv 50 to 60 perce1-1~ rehydratables (foods requiringr the

. 2 1 - E E 1 0)

. -


Command pilot

U c 3 a 14 - m

day flight

FrcunE 1&13.-Bound plasma hydrosyproline, Gemini VII.

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( ") 5.5 3.0 2.5 6.5

addition of water prior to ingestion) ; there- fore, food packaging is required that permits a method for rehydration and for dispensing food in zero gravity. The remaining foods are bite size; that is, food items which are ingested in one bite and rehydrated in the mouth. About 5@ percent of the rehydratable and the bite-size foods are freeze-dried prod- ucts ; the remaining are other types of dried or low-moisture foods, some of which are compressed. A typical menu (table 16-VII) has an approximate calorie distribution of l i percent protein, 32 percent fat, and 51 percent carbohydrate. Total calories provided and eaten per day varied from flight to flight. Food consumption during Gemini IV, V, and VI1 is summarized in figures 16-14 to 16-16. Food consumption during Gemini IV and VI1 was very good, but weight loss on the short-duration Gemini IV mission was definitely substantial. The anorexia of the Gemini V crew is unexplained, although many hypotheses could be presented. Al- though weight loss has occurred on all mis- sions, it has not increased with mission dura- tion (table 16-VIII) . Obviously, more calo- ries and water must be consumed in flight to maintain body weight at preflight levels.

Gastrointestinal-tract function on all mis- sions has been normal, and no evidence exists of excess nutrient losses due to poor food

13.5 3.0 0 7

2700 I-

4 Mission duration, days

Provided n- board Command pilot - _ _ _ Average caloric intake ____-- Metabolic rate based *

0 Pilot on carbon-dioxide ___ . Average caloric intake output

FIGURE 16-14.-CaIoric intake on Gemini IV.

TABLE 16-VII.-TypicaZ Gemini Menu [Days 2, 6 ,10 , and 141

ca~o?-ies Grapefruit drink .............................................. 83

Meal A:

Chicken and gravy ............................................ 92 Beef sandwiches ................................................ 268 Applesauce ........................................................ 165 Peanut cubes ...................................................... 297


OranEe-grapefruit drink ................................ 83 Beef pot roast .................................................. 119

Chocolate pudding ............................................ 307 Strawberry cereal cubes .................................. 114


- Meal B:

Bacon and egg bites .......................................... 206


Potato soup ........................................................ 220 Shrimp co*cktail ................................................ 119 Date fruitcake .................................................. 262 Orange drink .................................................... 83

684 Total calories ................................................ 2418

- Meal C:


. -

TABLE 16-VIII.-Flight Crew Weight Loss ,to the Nearest Half Pound

I I Command pilot Pilot weight

Gemini mission weight loss, lb loss, Ib i I I

I11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV . . . . . . . . . v ....................... VI1 .................... VI11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IX-A,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x ....................... XI ...................... XI1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

* Not available.

difestibility during flight. Before the mis- sions, the crews ate a low-residue diet; on a11 flights beginning with the Gemini V mission, an oral and usually a suppository laxative were used within 2 days of launch. On the shorter extravehicular missions, this pre- flight prepay :ion has generally allowed the crew to avoic defecation in flight.

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2755 2800


Mission duration, days Command pilot - Provided on board _ _ _ Average caloric intake

0 Pilot - - - _- _- Metabolic rate based _ _ _ Average caloric intake on output

FIGURE 1615.-Caloric intake on Gemini V.

Genitourinary System

There have been no difficulties involving the genital system. Urination has occurred normally both in flight and postflight, and there has been no evidence of renal calculi.

Musculoskeletal System

Here, again, interpretation of the informa- tion gathered to date on bone and muscle metabolism as affected by space flight must be cautious due to the very few subjects ob- served under varying dietary intakes and exposed to multiple flight stresses.

In figures 16-17 and 16-18, the bone de- mineralization (percent change in density) which occurred in the os calcis (heel) and phalanx 5-2 (little finger) during space flight is compared with the demineralization which occurred under equivalent periods of bedrest and analogous intakes of calcium. As com- pared with bedrest, the changes were deti- nitely less in the 14-day flight where calcium intake approached 1000 mg per day and the crew. routinely exercised. The phalanx changes are remarkable because significant

differences in density have not been observed during 30 days of complete bedrest when calcium intake of over 500 mg per day has been adequate.

In all instances the data for the bones examined indicate a negative change, and the calcium-balance data collected on Gemini VI1 verify a negative balance trend. None of the changes are pathological, but indicate that further research is needed and that ameliora- tive methods for use during long-duration flights need to be examined.

The detailed 14-day inflight balance study revealed some loss in protein nitrogen.

Exercise Capacity Tests

Previous investigations have shown that a limitation of optimal cardiovascular and respiratory function exists when a heart rate of 180 beats per minute is reached during a gradually increased workload. With this in mind, an exercise capacity test was incor- porated into the Gemini operational preflight and postflight procedures in order to deter- mine whether changes occur in crew physi- ologic reaction to work.

The tests have been performed by the crew- members of the Gemini VI1 mission and by the pilots of the Gemini IX-A, X, XI, and XI1 missions. All but one of the tested crewmen exhibited a decrease in exercise capacity as monitored by heart rate, and a concomitant reduction in oxygen consumption to a quanti- tated workload. These findings are graphi- cally demonstrated in figure 16-19.

Additionally, the heart-rate/workload in- formation collected preflight has been of value as a very rough index of the metabolic rate of crewmen during extravehicular ac- tivity. I t is realized that many other stresses above and beyond the simple imposition of workload can and do affect heart rate. The heart rate as measured during extravehicular activity is not considered an exact index of the workload being performed, but rather as ;L reflection of total physiological and psycho- logical strain.

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2000 ~n

3 4 5 6 7 8 . 9 10 11 12 Mission duration, days

Command pilot - Provided on board

13 -1 14

--- Average caloric intake

Average caloric intake 0 Pilot _---- Metabolic rate. based on

carbon-dioxide output

FIGURE lG-l6.-Caloric intake on Gemini 1'11.

InRight Mrtahlit Data

Metabolic measurement during U.S. space flights has been limited to the determinations of the total carbon-dioside production by the chemical analysis of the spent lithium- hydroside canister. This method is of value only in establishing the average heat-produc- tion rate for crewmen during space flight. Figure 16-20 shows close agreement between metabolic data from the U.S.S.R. and the American space flights. The higher metabolic rates observed during the Mercury flights are explained by the fact that these were short- duration flights in which the crewmen did not sleep.

Other Ohwrvat ions Concerning FVeightless Flight

The criws have never slept well on the first night in spice. and many factors other than iveightlessness may be active in limiting the sleep oltained. regardless of flight duration. All crewmembers have 1-eported a tendency to slecl) with the arms folded a t chest height aiid the fingelas interlocked. The legs also teiid to iisstime a slightly elevated position. On return to the l g environment, the crews are ~ ~ W I I Y of the readaptation period because they are an.ii1.e for a short time that the arms ant1 legs have weight and require effort to move. There has been some postflight muscle stiff ness following the prolonged missions

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Command pi lot 0 Pilot

600 tC700 3oi loo0 (D c V

mg Ca mg Ca mg Ca

FIGURE 16-17.-Loss of os calcis density on Gemini IV, V, and VI1 missions.

-24 r

" 4davs

TI SCommand pilot Y

a days

0 PllOt

Bed rest subject

14 days 600 t i 7 0 0 300 lo00

mg Ca mg Ca mg Ca -

FIGURFI 16-18.-Change in density of hand phalanx on Gemini IV, V, and VI1 missions.

that may be more associated with the con- finement of the spacecraft than with weight- lessness.

The amount of inflight exercise by the crew has varied even on the long-duration flights. On the 14-day mission, there were three 10-minute exercise periods programed and completed per day. On the short-duration flights with great demands upon the crew for rendezvous and extravehicular activity, no specific conditioning exercises have been con- ducted. There appears to be a need for a definite exercise regime on long-duration flights.

Crew Performance

Strange reactions to the isolation and the monotony of space flight were originally pre- dicted. Hallucinations and a feeling of sepa- ration from the world, described as the break-

A I - I / I

-Preflight . al -- Postf I ight k 2 4 0 r

(D 401 Prefl ight -Postflight End of test

P o $ L - - - - -__ Heart rate, beatslmin

I-1 Blood pressure, m m Hg .- W r 1. e

5 3001 .-J- g 200

0' 100 3 E--

0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 0 2 4 6 Elapsed time, min

FIGURE 16-19.-Preflight and postflight exercise capacity test results, Gemini IX-A.

Vostok . . 0 Mercury


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Mission duration, days

FIGURE lG20,-Average metabolic rates during actual space flight.

off phenomenon, had . also been predicted, along with space euphoria. The experience to date has shown no evidence of the presence of any of these responses. There have been no abnormal psychological reactions of a n y sort, and the flights huve been far from monoto-

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nous. In the single-man flights of the Mercury series, there was always ample ground con- tact and certainly no feeling of isolation or monotony. In the two-man Gemini flights, the same was true ; and of course there has always been a companion crewman, thus avoiding isolation. The crews have exhibited remark- able psychom*otor performance capabilities, and by performing a number of demanding tasks under stress they have demonstrated a high

A man cope

level of central nervous system function.


number of predictions were made that would require the assistance of drugs to with the space-flight environment. In

particular, sedation prior to launch and stimulation prior to reentry have been men- tioned. As a result of the early planning for space flight, a drug kit was made available for inflight prescription. The crews have been pretested to each of the drugs carried; thus, the individual reaction to the par- ticular drug is known. Aspirin and APC’s have been used in flight for occasional mild headache and for relief of muscular discom- for t prior to sleep. Dextroamphetamine sul- fa te has been taken on several occasions by fatigued crewmen prior to reentry. A decon- gestant has been used to relieve nasal conges- tion and alleviate the necessity for frequent clearing of the ears prior to reentry. The anti-motion-sickness medication has been taken in one instance prior to reentry to re- duce motion sickness resulting from motion of the spacecraft in the water. -An inhibitor of gastrointestinal propulsion has been pre- scribed when necessary to assist in avoiding inflight defecation. No difficulty has been experienced in the use of these medications which have produced the desired and ex- pected effects. None of the injectors has been used in flight.

Inflight Disease

Preventive medicine enthusiasts have pre- dicted the possible development of infectious

disease in flight as a result of preflight ex- posure and the lack of symptoms or signs which can be detected in a preflight exami- nation.

Quarantine of the crews for a period of time preflight has been discussed, and has been rejected as impractical in the missions to date. The immediate preflight period is very demanding of crew participation, and efforts have been directed a t screening the contacts insofar as possible to reduce crew exposure to possible viral and bacterial in- fections, particularly the upper respiratory type. A number of short-lived flulike syn- dromes have developed in the immediate pre- flight period, as well as one exposure to mumps and one incident of betahemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis. Each situation has- been handled without affecting the scheduled launch and, in retrospect, the policy of modified quarantine has worked well. Stricter measures may have to be adopted as longer flights a re contemplated.


It was predicted that markedly fatigued flight crews would result from the discom- fort of flight in a suited condition, a.confined spacecraft, and inadequate rest. In review- ing the flight program to date, it appears that the crews obtained less sleep than in similar circ*mstances on the ground, but were not unduly fatigued. Intermittent periods of fatigue have resulted from the demiuiding mission requirements and from the fasci- nation of the crew with the unique opportun- ity to view the universe. This has been cyclic in nature and on the long-duration flights has always been followed by periods of more restful sleep. No interference with per- formance has been noted due to inflight fatigue.

Medical Support

In preparing for the medical support of manned space flights, the possibility of in-

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jury at the time of launch and recovery was carefully evaluated. A detailed plan of sup- port involving medical and surgical special- ists in the launch and recovery areas was evolved and modified as the program pro- gressed. In retrospect, it might appear that the support of surgeons, anesthesiologists, and supporting teams in these areas has been overdone in view of the results. This is always a difficult area to evaluate, however, because none of the support is needed unless a disaster occurs. The best that can be said a t the moment is that this support will be critically reviewed in the light of the experi- ence to date and rendered more realistic in the demands placed on highly trained medi- cal personnel.

When originally established, the preflight and postflight examinations were aimed a t identifying gross changes in man resulting from exposure to the space-flight environ- ment. The examinations have been tailored along standard clinical lines, and, although these techniques have been satisfactory, lit- tle in the way of change has been noted. The procedures have been modified to include more dynamic tests, such as bicycle ergom- etry, and to reduce the emphasis on those static tests which showed little or no change. Increased use of dynamic testing should con- tinue in the support of future manned space- flight programs.

Concluding Remarks

There has been increased scientific inter- est in the effect of the space-flight environ- ment on man. The scientific requirements for additional information on man’s function must be evaluated in regard to operational and mission requirements and the effect upon future manned space flight. The input of the crews and the operations planners must be weighed along with the basic medical and scientific requirements, and a realistic plan must be established to provide needed medical answers a t the proper time and allow projections of man’s further exposure. This has been one of the most difficult tasks in the

medical support area. The entire manned space-flight program has required the strict- est cooperation and understanding between physician and engineer, and i t is believed that this has been accomplished. The medical management of the diverse personnel neces- sary to provide proper niedical support for manned space missions has provided experi- ences of great value to future progress.

In reviewing the flights, the orderly plan of doubling man’s flight duration, and ob- serving the results in relation to the next step, has been successful and effective. There is no reason to alter this plan in determining the next increments in manned space flight.

been much better than predicted. Addi- tionally, man has been fa r more capable in this environment than predicted, and weight- lessness and the accompanying stresses have had less effect than predicted. While all these items are extremely encouraging and are the medical legacy of the Gemini Pro- gram, it is important to concentrate on some of the possible problems of very long-dura- tion future flights, and the application of Gemini knowledge. Consideration must be given to the -following: (1) obtainifig addi- tional information on normal baseline re- actions to stress in order to predict crew response ; (2) determining psychological implications of long-duration confinement and crew interrelations; (3) solving the difficult logistics of food and water supply and of waste management; and (4 ) provid- ing easy, noninterfering physiologic moni- tori ng.

The first steps into space have provided a rich background on which to build. In addi- tion to the information provided for plan- ning future space activities, benefits to gen- eral medicine must accrue as smaller and better bioinstrumentation with wider appli- cability to ground-based medicine is devel- oped; as normal values are defined for various physiologic responses in man ; and as ground-based research is conducted, such as bedrest studies. These result.; should vield a large amount of information applicable to

In general, the space environment has .

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hospitalized patients. I t has been observed how the human body ciin adapt to a new and hostile situation and then readapt in a sur- prisingly effective manner to the normal l y Earth environment. Continued observation of these changes will help determine whether the space environment may be utilized for any form of therapy in the future. The space-

flight environment will certainly prove to be a vital laboratory, allowing study of the basic physiology of body systems, such as the vestibular system. Even incidental find- ings, such as the red-cell membrane changes which are markedly applicable to hyperbaric app1ic;itions in medicine, may be of benefit to general scientific and medical research,

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17. GEMINI EXPERIMENTS PROGRAM SUMMARY By NORMAN G. FOSTER, Test arid Operations Ofice, Science a i d Applica1ion.s Directorate, NASA Manned

Spacecraft Center; and OLAV SMISTAD, Test and Operations Ofice, Science and Applications Direc- torate, N A S A Manned Spacecraft Center


The Mercury Manned Space Flight Proj- ect emphasized the basic technological objec- tive of placing a man in Earth orbit and returning him. Even during Project Mer- cury, man’s potential in supporting and en- hancing scientific activities in space was recognized. As a start toward the exploita- tion of man’s capabilities, a few experiments, mostly of a visual or photographic nature, were accomplished during Project Mercury (ref. 1). Based on the limited experiences during Project Mercury, experiment pro- grams of much greater scope were planned for the Gemini Program. The Gemini experi- ments were primarily additions to the basic spacecraft and missions.

The purpose of this paper on the Gemini Experiments Program is to describe briefly the general aspects, the operations, the scope, the integration of the experiments into the spacecraft and the mission, and selective ex- periment program summary data.

General Aspects

The selection of experiments for the pro- gram was based primarily on the require- ment or desirability of crew participation. The planning phase and the management of experiment implementation at the Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, progressed through several phases of development as the requirement for support expanded. In 1963, the Air Force Systems Command established a field office at the Manned Spacecraft Cen- ter with a primary purpose of providing central coordination for the experiments

Preceding page blank 22 1

sponsored by the Department of Defense. The field office administered a spacecraft integration study to define and document the feasibility of incorporating 15 Department of Defense experiments into the Gemini mis- sions.

In addition to the Department of Defense proposals, experiment proposals were also collected by the Manned Space Flight Exper- iments Board for potential experiment inves- tigations submitted by the Manned Space- craft Center, the Office of Space Science and Applications, the Space Medicine Office, and the Office of Advanced Research and Tech- nology. The experiment proposals were trans- mitted to the Gemini Experiments Office of the Gemini Program Office for a determi- nation of feasibility and for determination of which missions could best accommodate the experiments. Some of the proposals were for experiments which had either been flown on Mercury spacecraft or had been approved but not flown. Most of the experiments pro- posals, however, were for entirely new in- vestigations.

The Gemini Program Office disseminated the proposals to other Manned Spacecraft Center organizations such as Recovery Oper- ations, Flight Crew Support, Medical Office, and Flight Operations. The resuIting com- ments and recommendations, plus engineer- ing studies of integration of the experiment hardware into the spacecraft, were included in a final feasibility determination by the Gemini Program Office and subsequently presented to an Experiments Review Panel.

The Experiments Review Panel was com- prised of representatives from all Manned

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Spacecraft Center organizations concerned with experiments support. The Panel re- viewed the block of experiment proposals and the comments from each affected organiza- tion concerning the experiments. Minutes of the panel meetings reflected the Manned Spacecraft Center position of incorporating each experiment studied into a particular mission. This information was presented to the Manned Space Flight Experiments Board along with the recommendations of the Office of Space Science and Applications, the Office of Advanced Research and Technology, the Medical Office, and the Department of De- fense. After reviewing the material, this Board would make specific mission assign- ments for each approved experiment.

The number of experiment proposals in- creased as the program approached the operational phase. In recognition of the ex- panding workload and in order to firmly aline the organizational support to the prin- cipal investigators, in 1964 the Manned Spacecraft Center formed and staffed an Experiments Coordination Office in the En- gineering and Development Directorate. The purpose of this Office was to manage the overall implementation of experiments into manned missions.

In June 1965, the Experiments Coordina- tion Office and the Gemini Experiments Office were combined as part of the newly formed Experiments Program Office. The scope of responsibility of the Experiments Program Office included the Apollo experi- ments program and future experiments pro- grams and planning. The Experiments Pro- gram Office became part of the Science and Applications Directorate in December 1966.


The first three formal Gemini experiments were conducted during the first manned mis- sion, Gemini 111, on March 23, 1965. All three required crew participation and real- time communications. The Langley Research Center proposed that a reentry communica- tions experiment be conducted similar to one

which had been approved but not performed during Project Mercury. The experiment was highly successful and proved that communi- cation was feasible through the blackout phase during reentry. It was also evident from this experiment that an increased capability for real-time mission operation support was necessary for successful experi- ment accomplishments. A second experiment was supplied by the Atomic Energy Commis- sion to determine synergism between weight- lessness and radiation on human blood. The experiment was successfully conducted as planned, and results seemed to indicate that synergistic effects did exist.

The third experiment was conducted for the Ames Research Center to determine effects of weightlessness on sea urchin egg growth. The experiment utilized modified equipment originally constructed for an un- manned satellite. The manual handle manip- ulator failed during the mission, and an internal seal prematurely leaked fixative into some of the egg chambers. Objectives of the experiment were compromised, and the fail- ure served to realine the objectives of the Gemini Experiments Office from integration of supp€ied experiments to a more compre- hensive role of integrating and assuring suc- cessful experiment operations.

A functional verification review of experi- ments assigned to a particular mission was initiated and conducted prior to the par- ticular mission flight-readiness review. All affected elements of the Manned Spacecraft Center were represented in the review. After detailed evaluations of the experiment equip- ment design and test history, the functional verification review panel determined flight- worthiness of the experiment or additional operations required to make the experiment flightworthy.

Late in the preflight phase of Gemini IV, three Department of Defense experiments were canceled due to the addition of extra- vehicular activity. Although many Gemini experiments were planned for two missions, with the second mission serving as an alter-

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nate, it became evident that the original ob- jectives of some experiments had been ex- panded and required multiple missions. The Gemini IV experiment cancellations in- creased the emphasis on successfully ac- complishing assigned experiments. Gemini IV also revealed that personnel involved with the development of an experiment and with a detailed understanding of the objectives must participate in real-time mission sup- port so that continuity would not be lost and experiment objectives compromised. For the Gemini V mission, the Experiments Program Office increased the support to the crew- training program, and the Flight Operations organization included the Experiments Pro- gram Office in the decision-making cycle for the real-time mission planning related to experiments.

In the final preflight phase of Gemini VII, i t was decided to incorporate equipment and crew procedures on the spacecraft to conduct a photographic study of dim-light phe- nomena. Photographic equipment for such a study was not readily available, and it was apparent that the stated objectives were not

* compatible with practical crew activity. Im- mediate action was taken to effect compati- bility and the Gemini VI1 crew obtained the desired data.

Experience during Gemini showed that late perturbations to the general flight plan, to onboard equipment, and to crew activity should be expected: Since the nature of sci- entific investigations varies somewhat with the calendar and with the specific days in orbit, many of the perturbations are more directly related to the experiment-type activ- ity than to the basic mission, and have to be resolved by the personnel concerned with the experiments program.

When Gemini VI-A was in the terminal phases of revised preflight planning for ren- dezvous with the Gemini VI1 spacecraft, the comet Ikey Seicki was discovered and was determined to be moving through the Sun’s corona. It was decided to attempt to photo- graph the comet during the Gemini V F A

mission, and immediate preparations were made to perform this activity. However, the Gemini VI-A launch was delayed, and although the capability to photograph the comet was successfully accomplished, the actual launch time prevented the spacecraft from being in the correct location for obtain- ing photographs of the comet.

The Gemini VI11 mission was prematurely terminated shortly after docking with the target vehicle. One onboard experiment pack- age contained live frog eggs, and much data could be retrieved if certain onboard oper- ations were conducted within a restrictive time period. Real-time operations proved successful in relaying information to the crew after the spacecraft had landed in the Pacific. Much of the experiment was saved by utilizing capabilities and supporting func- tions established as a result of knowledge gained from previous experiment missions.

Late in the Gemini XI1 preflight phase, the decision was made to obtain ultraviolet photographs of dust entering the Earth’s atmosphere, to record information on an ex- pected meteor shower as the Earth moved through the remains of the tail of a comet, and to rendezvous with the shadow of the Moon as it moved across the Earth. The Gemini XI1 mission had previously been ex- tended from 3 to 4 days to accommodate the crew activity schedule. The personnel con- cerned with experiments assured availabil- ity of required equipment onboard the space- craft, briefed the crew, and programed the mission for the added objectives without compromising previous mission planning. Subsequently, the launch was postponed until 2 days later than had been planned; however, it was decided to accomplish the objectives as previously planned. The imme- diate and effective response by operational personnel in adjusting the orbital mechanics displaved precision ; the intricate rendezvous with the lunar eclipse was successful.

No experiment was deleted from a mission because of flight equipment not being avail- able a t launch time. The capability to sup-

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Number of experiments

port the experiments program was developed as necessary to meet expanding support re- quirements and was possible because of the flexible structure of the Manned Spacecraft Center organizations which allowed the Center to meet the demands of the program.

Total experiment


Scope of Program


The complement of experiments in the total Gemini Program numbered 52. In gen- eral, each experiment was flown several times to take advantage of varying flight conditions and resulted in 111 experiment missions, an average of 11 experiments per mission. The largest number of experiments, 20, was carried on the 14-day Gemini VI1 mission.

Table 17-1 summarizes the experiments conducted during the Gemini Program. The large number of experiments, representing many disciplines, precludes a detailed de- scription of all experiments in this paper. Reference 2 contains a brief description of the equipment and preliminary results of the experiments conducted during the Gemini 111 through VI1 missions.

The experiments were divided into three categories : scientific, technological, and


TABLE 17-1 .-Experiment Program


10 15 8 52 -

Sponsoring , agency

Scientific : Office of Space Science

and Applications ....... Technological :

Office of Advanced Research and Tech- nology .........................

Office of Manned Space Flight, Manned Spacecraft Center ......

Department of Defense Medical ................................

Total ........................

18 26 18 111 -.

2 2 1

medical. There were 17 scientific experi- ments conducted during the program. The 27 technological experiments were conducted in support of spacecraft development and oper- ational techniques. The eight medical experi- ments were directed toward determining more subtle effects than might be determined from the regular operational medical meas- urements and preflight and postflight exami- nations.

I’rincipal Investigators and Affiliations

The Gemini experiments were proposed from many sources including universities, laboratories, hospitals, industry, and various Government agencies. Several investigators were often associated with a single experi- ment and they, in turn, may have had differ- ent affiliations. Table 17-11 presents the principal investigators for the Gemini ex- periments and their affiliations, together with the missions for which the experiments were assigned.

Subsequent to the selections of the experi- ments and the principai investigators, a very close personal association was maintained among the experimenter, the spacecraft con- tractor, the crew, the mission planner, and the real-time operations personnel. Of these, the experimenter-crew relationship was of particular significance. The following para- graphs provide some insight into the inte- gration of the experiments with the many program elements.

Experiment Equipment Integration

The selected experiments were integrated into the spacecraft on a minimum interfer- ence basis, based on the participation of the flight crew. Three specific examples illus- trate the various categories. The simplest is the stowage category ; the equipment is stowed in one of several areas or compart- ments, and is unstowed and operated accord- ing to a preplanned schedule. Examples of this type of equipment include the hand-held

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. TABLE 17-II.-Principal Investigators and Afiliations

Experiment description

Scientifie 0 t h of Space Science and

Applications: Zodiacal light photography.. Sea urchin egg growth .......... Frog egg growth .................... Radiation and zero-g on

Synoptic terrain

Synoptic weather

Cloudtop spectrometer.. ...... Visual acuity .......................... Nuclear emulsion. .................




Agena micrometeorite

Airglow horizon photography

Micrometeorite collection. ... Ultraviolet astronomical

Ion wake meamarement ........ Libration regions

' photographs Dim sky photographs

Daytime sodium cloud



. orthicon


Technological oface of Advanced Research

and Technology: Reentry communicatio ns...... Manual space navigation

sighting Office of Manned Space Flight:

Electrostatic charge ............... hton-electron

Spectrometer Triaxis fluxgate

magnetometer Optical communication.. ....... Lunar ultraviolet spectral

reflectance Beta spectrometer ................. Bremsstrahlung

spectrometer Color patch photography ..... L-color Earth's limb

photographs Landmark contrast


Principal investigator

E. Ney ............................. R. Young .......................... R. Young ......................... M. Bender ........................

P. Lowman .......................

K. Nagler and S. Soules..

F. Saiedy .......................... S. Duntley ........................ M, Shapiro and

C. Fichtel C. Hemenway ....................

M. xoornen. .................

C. Hemenway .................. K. Henize ..........................

D. Medved ....................... E. Morris ..........................

C. Hemenway ....................

Jacques-Emile Blamont.. .

L. Schroeder ....................... D. Smith and B. Creer .....

P. Laffeity.. ....................... J. Marbach ........................

D. Womack .......................

D. Lilly ............................. €2. Stokes .............................

J. Marbach ...................... R. Lindsey .........................

J. Brinkman ...................... M. Petersen ....................

C. Manry ...........................


University of Minnesota ......... NASA Ames ............................ NASA Ames .......................... Atomic Energy Commission ...

NASA Goddard

U.S. Weather Bureau

Natl. Environ. Sat. Center University of California NRL and NASA Goddard

Dudley Observatory. ...............

NRL.. .................

Dudley Observatory Dearborn Observatory,

Northwestern University Electro-optical Systems, Inc. U.S. Geological Center

Dudley Observatory

Centre Natl. de la Recherche Scientifique

NASA Langley ............. :. . . . . NASA Ames ............................

NASA MSC ........................... NASA MSC .............................


NASA MSC ......................... NASA MSC .............................

NASA MSC ............................. NASA MSC ...............................

NASA MSC ............................... Massachusetts Institute of

NASA MSC .............................. Technology

Mission No.

V, VIII, IX-A, X I11 VIII, XI1 111, X I

IV, V, VI-A, VII, x , XI, XI1

x , XI, XI1 IV, V, VI-A, VII,

v, VI11 v , VI1 VIII, XI


IX-A, XI , XI1

I X ~ A , x , XII x , XI, XI1

x , XI XI1



[I1 XI1

rv , v rv, VI1

rv, VII, x , XI1


K, XI1 K, XI1

K [V

VII. x

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TABLE l7-Il.-P~incipal In 7wti.cjutors and Afiliutions-Concluded

Experiment description

Department of Defense: Basic object photography Nearby object photography Mass determination Celestial radiometry Star occultation navigation Surface photography Space object radiometry Radiation in spacecraft Simple navigation Ion-sensing attitude control Astronaut Maneuvering

Astronaut visibility UHF-VHF polarization Night image intensification Power tool evaluation


Medieal: Cardiovascular conditioning Inflight exerciser Inflight phonocardiogram Bioassays of body fluids Bone demineralization Calcium balance study Inflight sleep analysis Human otolith function

- -- Principal investigator

A F Avionics Lab A F Avionics Lab AFSC Field Office A F Cambridge Lab A F Avionics Lah A F Avionics Lab A F Cambridge Lab A F Wwapons Lab A F Avionics Lab A F Cambridge Lab AFSC Field Office

S. Duntley NRL Air Development Center A F Avionics Lab

L. Dietlein R. Rapp R. Johnson H. Lipscomb P. Mack D. Whedon P. Kelloway A. Graybiel

cameras used to conduct the zodiacal light, weather, and terrain photography experi- ments. Figures 17-1 and 17-2 are typical ex- amples of stowage.

A second type of integration includes equipment mounted in the pressurized cabin area during the mission. This is exemplified by the radiation and zero-g effects on blood cells experiment (fig. 17-3) and the frog egg growth experiment (fig. 17-4) , both of which were mounted on the spacecraft hatch.

The most complex type of integration involves equipment with some or all of the following requirements : structurally mounted ; automatically deployed for taking measurements ; thermally controlled ; exten- sive data requirements involving onboard tape recordings of the measurement and radiofrequency transmission during the flight. These requirements are typified by the

Wright-Patterson AFB Wright-Patterson AFB NASA MSC (DOD) USAF-Hanscom Field Wright-Patterson AFB Wright-Patterson AFB USAF-Hanscom Field Kirtland AFB Wright-Patterson AFB USAF-Hanscom Field NASA MSC

University of California N RL U.S. Navy Wright-Patterson AFB

NASA MSC NASA MSC NASA MSC NASA MSC Texas Woman's University National Institutes of Health -Baylor Medical School U.S. Navy, Naval Aerospacf

Medical Institute

- --

Mission No.

V V VIII, XI v , VI1 VII, x V v , VI1 IV, VI-A IV, VI1

IX-A x , xrr


v , VI1 IV, v , VI1 IV, v , VI1 VII, VIII, IX-A IV, v, VI1 VI I VI1 v , VI1

radiometry experiments DO04 and D007. Figure 17-5 shows an outline of the space- craft and the location of the elements of the equipment; figure 17-6 depicts the opera- tional mission configuration of Gemini VI1 as viewed from Gemini VI-A.

FIGURE 17'-l.--Photographic equipment stowage.

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FIGURE 17-2.-Photographic equipment stowage compartment.

FIGURE 174.-Radiation and zero-gravity effects on blood cells experiment package.

Crew Integration

The diversity of the experiments required considerable training by the crew. The train- ing began with briefings by the experimenter to explain the experiment, the proposed method of operation, the probable training required, and the expected results. It was often determined in such briefings that various constraints would prevent the space- craft and/or crew from accomplishing the experiment in the manner originally desired. In these situations, either the crew or the

FIGURE 174-Radiation and zero-gravity effects on frog-egg growth experinient package.

engineering and operational specialists could generally propose and develop alternate techniques which allowed accomplishment of the experiment objectives within the capabil- ities of the crew and the spacecraft.

After the techniques were evolved for the various experiments, plans for crew training were developed. Planetarium briefings were included, as well as flight-simulator training with celestial backgrounds ; aircraft flights to provide operational familiarity with hard- ware ; zero-g aircraft flights for experiments requiring extravehicular activity : and base- line studies for medical and visibility experi- ments. These activities and others, coupled with continued discussions between crew and experimenters, were considered essen- tial to the successful completion of the ex- periment. An understanding by the crew, not only of the mechanical operation of the ex- periment but also of the objectives and under- lying principles, was required to allow the crew to exercise their selective and visual capabilities.

Mission Planning

In addition to integrating the hardware into the spacecraft, developing the experi- mental technique, and training the crew, the multitude of experimental operations had to

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Environmental control system module TV

Panel controls,.


FIGURE 17-5.-Location of radiometry equipment for Experiments DO04 and DOOi.

FIGURE 17-6.-Operational mission configuration for Experiments DO04 and D007.

be integrated with the other primary mission activities. The experiments generally had a variety of requirements which often con- flicted or interacted. The zodiacal light photography experiment was conducted only during nighttime conditions. The visual acuity experiment required clear skies and a constraining inclination angle above the

ground patterns. The cloudtop spectrograph experiment cloud observations and record- ings were performed in areas where air- planes could be deployed to make correlation measurements. During the Gemini VI1 mis- sion, the radiometry experiments included a requirement for measurements a t 36 differ- ent periods and locations. The conflicts and the potentially damaging interactions had to be resolved. The experimenter had a sig- nificant role in the planning. His knowledge of the flexibility in the experiment require- ments maintained the integrity of the experi- ment without compromising the overall ob- jectives. An optimum overall flight plan was thus achieved.


The impact of experiments on the overall mission time line and spacecraft propellants is summarized in tables 17-111 and 17-IV. The experiment hardware followed the same philosophy and supported the identical per- formance specifications and spacecraft checkout schedules as the operational space- craft systems and crew-stowed operational equipment.

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Planned total Mission mission time, I hrn

.................... v 288

i 14; 111.. IV

VI-A,. ............ 66 VI1 392 VI11 ................ 90 IX-A. ............. 90 x .................... 90 XI.. ................ I 90

.............. 122






1 Total.j


Planned Mission time experiment planned for

activity time, experiments, hrh percent


0.5 5 22 16 49 17

8 12 86 22 19 21 19 21 33 37 26 2 9 37 30

299.5 22

TABLE l'7-IV.-Payload and Propehnts for Experiment Activities

Total experiment Mission weight, Ib*

I11 ............................ 69 Iv ............................ 67

........................ VII ..........................

IX-A.. .................... x ..............................

Propellant allotted for experiments, Ib - - ............................

63 68 26 85 49 16 78

153 165

To tal... ......... I ~ --1643 I 703

Does not include mounting provisions or ballast.

As previously mentioned, the inflight fail- ure of equipment involved in one of the ex- periments on the first manned mission re- sulted in added responsibility for the Manned Spacecraft Center to assure confidence in the equipment to successfully accomplish experi-

ment objectives. Previously, mission and spacecraft integration responsibilities were the definitive interface responsibilities. The added responsibility resulted in an additional scope of monitoring and approval of environ- mental testing, and of a more extensive checkout interface involving actual flight hardware in the spacecraft, together with additional bench checks.

From a practical standpoint, checkout per- formed a t the spacecraft contractor's plant and a t Kennedy Space Center identified engineering problems which could affect hardware design and mission performance. In these cases, the combined experience of the experimenter, the Gemini Program Office, and the spacecraft contractor team enabled the experiment to be conducted with little or no change to.hardware procedures or mission planning.

Real-Time Mission Support

During the mission, many of the experi- ments required considerable real-time sup- port by ground. personnel and the experi- menter. The visual acuity experiment is an example. The experimenter was located at the Mission Control Center-Houston. The two ground-test sites to be viewed by the flight crew were located near Laredo, Tex., and in Australia. Special communications were established between these sites and the closest network stations, Corpus Christi. Tex., and Carnarvon, Australia. This allowed the experimenter to contact the sites to de- termine weather conditions ; to direct changes in the ground-test pattern; to re- ceive crew reports: to perform analyses based on these inputs; and to interact with the ground controllers, who in turn passed information to the crew for the continuation of the experiment.

In summing up the experiment integration activity and looking forward to the future, i t can be concluded that the success of an experiment is highly dependent upon the participation of the experimenter in many

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phases of the program. These phases include design integration, mission planning, crew training, checkout, and real-time support of the operation. Experiments requiring con- siderable amounts of integration activity can be accommodated and successfully imple- mented. Crew understanding is vital to achieve maximum benefit from man in space.

Experiment Performance

The overall success of the Gemini Experi- ments Program is indicated in numerical values in table 17-V. If mission problems a re not considered, a remarkable success is indi- cated. Experiment equipment problems affected only.6 of the 111 experiments per- formed on all missions. This performance was the result of the close teamwork of all participants as well as the capability to readily incorporate equipment and mission modifications up to launch time.

Concluding Remarks

The success of the Gemini Experiments Program is measured by the new or con- firmed information provided for engineer- ing, management, and scientific disciplines. The experience gained from the Gemini Ex- periments Program has provided invaluable

TABLE 17-V.-Experiment Perf orrnance Statu.s

Gemjni mission

I11 ................. IV ................. v ................... VI-A ........... VI1 ............... VI11 ............. IX-A .............. x ................. XI ................. XI1 ...............

Total.. _~

Number of experiments

3 11 17 3

20 10 7

15 11 14


3xperiments accom- plished *

2 11 16 3

17 1 6

12 10 12





Experiment Mission Mission Mission Mission Experiment

80.3 per cent accomplished overall. 14.3 percent not accomplished due to primary

mission problems: 5.4 percent not accomplished due to experiment equipment problems.

knowledge and experience for future manned space-flight programs.


1. ANON: Mercury Project Summary, Including Re- sults of the Fourth Manned Orbital Flight, May 15 and 16, 1963. NASA SP-45, 1963.

2. ANON : Gemini Midprogram Conference, Includ- ing Experiment Results. NASA SP-121, 1966.

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18. SPACE PHOTOGRAPHY By RICHARD W. UNDERWOOD, Photographic Technology Laboratory, N A S A Manned Spacecraft Center


The 10 manned Gemini flights produced a series of color photographs which are 'both striking in beauty and of immense scientific and academic value. Over 2400 photographs were secured and have demonstrated the value of space photography in such fields as geology, geography, oceanography, agricul- ture, hydrology, urban planning, environ- mental pollution control, meteorology, land management, cartography, and aerospace en- gineering. A representative selection of pho- tographs from the various missions, as well as a short description of the informational

* content, are presented in this paper. -

Camera Equipment .

Figure 18-1 shows a selection of camera equipment used during the Gemini Program. The majority of the photographs were ob- tained with the NASA-modified 70-mm Hasselblad Camera, Model 500-C; both the 80-mm Zeiss Planar and 250-mm Zeiss Son- nar lenses were used. The Super Wide-Angle 70-mm Hasselblad Camera, Model SWA, was used on the Gemini IX-A through XI1 mis- sions. Although designed primarily as an extravehicular activity device, the Model SWA camera recorded some of the most spectacular terrain photography of the pro- gram. The 70-mm Maurer Space Camera was also carried on Gemini IX-A through XI1 and permitted a unique versatility resulting from rapid interchangeability of components. The gray 80-mm Xenotar lens and magazine (50-frame capacity) secured conventional color photographs. The red f/0.95 Canon lens and magazine permitted scientific pho- tography of very low light-level phenomena

such as horizon airglow and libration regions. The blue lens, prism, grating, and magazine system were designed to work in the ultraviolet regions, primarily to record stellar spectrographs. Motion-picture equip- ment manufactured by J. A. Maurer, Inc., is also pictured. The 70-mm magazine espe- cially built by Cine Mechanics, Inc., allow 1 the Hasselblad systems to secure 65 frames instead of the conventional 12. A second- generation Cine Mechanics magazine with a capacity of about 160 frames was used on Gemini XII.

Table 18-1 indicates the various 70-mm films carried on Gemini flights. The thick- ness of the film varied from about 0.007 inch to 0.0025 inch. Most of the film had emulsion coatings and bases especially formulated to NASA specifications. Figure 18-2 shows the machine manufactured by Hi-Speed, Inc., to process the Ektachrome film. Great care was used in processing the Gemini flight film. Prior to processing the film, the machine was thoroughly cleaned and then checked for pre- cise sensitivity control ; this included checks of the various photographic processing chemicals, exact temperatures, cycle dura- tions, and chemical replenishments. The flight films were sent through the processor singly; this required a considerable amount of time but allowed very close surveillance. No flight film was lost due to laboratory mal- functions.


Selected Photographs

I The following representative photographs constitute about 2 percent of the total pho- tographs secured during the Gemini Pro- gram, and contain information of value in

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the various geoscientific or aerospace fields. The serious geoscientist would have to ex-

amine the entire collection in order to deter- mine the total value t o his field of interest.

TABLE 18-1.-Gemini 70-mm Film

-Name I I i Mission

S.O. 217 ........................ Ektaehrome transparency ............................................... ..I 111, IV, V, VI-A, VII, VIII, IX-A,

S.O. 368 ....................... Ektachrome transparency (improved) ................................ 1 XI, XI1 I X i

D-50 .............................. Anscochrome transparency .................................................. V 8443 ................................ Ektachrome, infrared ............................................................. VI1 S.O. 166 (0-85) ............ Ultrahigh speed (ASA 16000) ............................................. XI, XI1 3400 ................................ Pan-Atomic X (ASA -80) .................................................... VI1 2475 ................................ High-speed (ASA = 1200) .............. ..................... VI-A, VI1 103-D ............................ Spectrographic (4500 A-6100 A) ........................................ IX-A. XI 1-0 .................................. Spectrographic (2500 A-5000 A) .......................................... X, XI, XI1

FIGURE 18-2.-Film processor.

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Synoptic Terrain Photography

Figure 18-3 was taken from an altitude of 110 miles during the Gemini IV mission and has become a classic for obvious reasons. The Nile Delta is clearly visible, as well as the Sinai Peninsula, the Dead Sea, and the entire Suez Canal connecting the Red and Mediterranean Seas. The horizon is about 800 miles to the east, across Iraq and Saudi Arabia. The photograph shows both branches of the Nile River (Rosetta and Damietta) from Cairo, across the fertile and densely populated delta, to the Medi- terranean Sea. Note the sharp contrast between the irrigated delta lands and the great deserts of Africa and Asia.

FIGURE 18-3.-Nile Delta.

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FIGURE lW.-Nile River.

Figure 18-4 shows how the geology controls the course of the Nile River for some 200 miles in Sudan and the United Arab Republic. The river hugs the contact zone between the black basaltic intrusives east of the river and the sedimentary rocks to the west. Much of the area visible in this Gemini IV photograph will be inundated when the Aswan Dam is completed and the 400-mile-long Lake Nasser is created in the Sahara.

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FIGURE 18-5.-Ras AI Hadd.

Figure 18-5 was taken during Gemini IV from an altitude of 120 miles. The Ras A1 Hadd area of Muscat and Oman appears in fine detail ; airport runways can also be seen at the point. Several oases are perceptible at the base of the pediment where ground water reaches the surface. Long seif dunes a t the eastern extremities of the Rub A1 Kahli (Empty Quarter) are visible and provide information of meteorologic value.

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FIGURE 18-6.--Richat structure.

A view of large geologic structures can be captured in a single photo- graph such as figure 18-6 which shows Mauritania’s Richat structure in excellent detail. The structure was possibly formed by a large meteorite- type impact, or possibly from the erosion of a volcanic plug or intrusion. This Gemini IV photograph has regenerated scientific interest in the structure in relation to the geology of the entire area.

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FIGURE 18-'7.-FIorida Keys.

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In figure 18-7, the Florida Keys a re dramatically visible from the Gemini IV spacecraft a t an altitude of 115 miles. The entire chain from Key Largo to Boca Chica Key is visible, thereby providing a regional study from a single photograph. The Overseas Highway, which is never more than 30 feet wide, can be clearly seen. Many boat wakes in the Florida Strait are emphasized in the solar highlight. A large portion of the Ever- glades is visible in the upper right. On the underwater reefs visible at the right, Florida has established the .John Pennekamp State Park to preserve the ecology of the area.

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FIGURE 18-8.-Mouth of Colorado River.

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Figure 18-8 was photographed during the Gemini IV mission, and shows quite clearly the mouth of the 1500-mile-long Colorado River and the related geology. The photograph, one of 39 made in a 4-minute rapid sequence between Baja California and centrar Texas, was taken from an altitude of 110 miles. The Mexican States of Baja California to the west and Sonora to the east, as well as the Gulfo de California, constitute the extent of the photograph. A white streak to the right of the river is the saltpan bed of the old river channel before upstream irrigation removed most of the water volume. A qtraight line just to the right (east) of the old channel is a portion of the San Andreas fault system. The distinct change in topography and in geologic structure is most evident, and was caused by the linear horizontal movement of the fault during the geologic past. To the right of the San Andreas fau l t are the sands of the Great Sonora Desert. The line of contact between the delta sediments brought down the river and the block-fault mountains and pediments of Baja Cali- fornia appears near the left (west) edge of the photograph. Suspended sediments carried down the river are clearly visible around the mouth.


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FIGURE 1&9.-West Texas.

Figure 18-9 is a portion of the Edwards Plateau area of Texas photo- graphed during the Gemini IV mission. The view is to the west and shows the cities of Odessa, Midland, and Big Spring along the right edge. The unique darker areas in the left and lower left show the effect of a rain storm the previous evening, and how quickly vegetation demonstrates growth in a semiarid area. The dendritic drainage of the upper Concho system is quite evident due to the lush vegetation along these streams.

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FIGURE 18-lO.-Nile Delta.

Figure 18-10, showing a major portion of the Nile Delta, was taken during Gemini V from an altitude of 100 miles. With the 30 million people in the delta area and :L high population growth rate, rapid regional infor- mation changes are most important. The photograph shows Cairo with a population of 0ve.r 5 million; the distribution of cities and towns in the delta; and the networks of roads, railroads, and canals.

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FIGURE l%ll.-Strait of Gibraltar.

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Figure 18-11, photographed by the Gemini V crew, is a classic astro- naut view of the Earth. The Strait of Gibraltar and the continents of Europe and Africa are pictured. The valley of the Guadalquivir River and the Sierra Morena in Spain, as well as Point Europa (Rock of Gibraltar), are clearly visible in the upper left. To the right are Morocco and Algeria. Unique cloud formations are visible on the Atlantic side of the strait.

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FIGURE 18-12.-Southwest Africa.

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A Gemini V photograph (fig. 18-12), taken from an altitude of 200 miles, clearly demonstrates the forces of wind and sea in the Namib Desert of Southwest Africa. This is one of the driest areas of the world, and the sole productivity is diamonds buried in the sands. The seif-type dunes extend over. 100 miles across the southern part of the area. As the prevail- ing winds carry the sand into the Atlantic Ocean, the strong Benguela Current causes the northward waterborne migration of the sands and the formation of the three very large sand hooks. The northernmost hook is 50 miles long, and the port of Walvis Bay is located on the lee side. The area is known as the Skeleton Coast, a name that goes back nearly 500 years when early navigators in galleons attempted to use this route from Western Europe to Asia. In order to reprovision, they had to fight strong northward currents and prevailing winds from the mouth of the Congo River to the Cape of Good Hope in ships which sailed poorly to windward. Failure to reach their destination was disastrous for ship and crew. Navi- gators such as Columbus believed that the riches of Asia could be obtained with less hardship by sailing westward across the Atlantic.


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FIGURE 1&13.-China basins.

The line of intersection of two large basins located in Szechwan Prow ince, China, is visible in figure 18-13. The photograph was taken during the Gemini V mission'and shows the Yangtze River along the right edge. The long folded sedimentary ridges with intermediate softer beds control the drainage pattern of the area. The synoptic view from orbital altitudes reveals much information which cannot be discerned from the lower alti- tudes attained by airplanes.

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FIGURE 1&14.-Hunan Province, China.

Figure 18-24 was taken during the Gemini V mission, and shows a large natural floodway in Hunan Province, China, with the Yangtze River at left center. The open water of the floodway is Tung 'ting Hu, a lake about 100 miles long. The Hsiang River flows into the lake from the right and the photograph clearly shows the relationship of the floodway system t o the surrounding topography.

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FIGURE 18-15.-Mount Godwin-Austen (K-2).

The boundaries of China (Sinkiang) , India, Pakistan (Kashmir), Afghanistan, and U.S.S.R. (Tadzhik) meet in the Karakoram Range of 'the Himalayas (fig. 18-15). The mountains are snow covered above 20,000 feet. The world's second highest peak, Mount Godwin-Austen (K-2) with an elevation of 28,250 feet, is near the upper edge of the photograph and the Indus River is located in the lower portion. The upper right shows the basin of the distant Takla Makan Desert. The Gemini V photograph was

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FIGURE 18-16.-Bahama Banks.

taken at the time of minimum snowcover, and indicates that space pho- tography can provide data on the water runoff from snowfields of remote and poorly explored mountain ranges.

Oceanographers are interested in photographs such as figure 18-16, a view of the Great Bahama Bank taken from Gemini V. Except for the small land areas of Great Exuma Island, Cat Island, and Long Island, all the informational content concerns the floor of the ocean. Along the edge of the Tongue of Ocean, which is over a mile deep, the canyons cut in the coral banks are visible. Exuma Sound in the center drops abruptly from rocks awash to a depth of 8000 feet. Space photography for the first time affords an opportunity to photograph large areas of the world’s oceans.

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FIGURE 18-17.-Salton Sea.

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Figure 18-17, taken by the Gemini V crew, shows the southwestern corner of the United States and portions of Baja California and Sonora in Mexico. The frontier cutting across the Imperial Valley is easily located due to the marked difference in the land division systems. The city of Mexicali on the border and the All-American Canal along the frontier are visible. A unique and unexplained gyre can be seen in the Salton Sea. The overall relationships of the many basins and ranges, which are the pre- dominant geologic features of the area, can easily be studied. The Colorado River is visible from jus t above the mouth, through the entire Grand Canyon, to beyond Lake Powell in southeast Utah.


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FIGURE 18-18.-The Sudd.

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The area known as the Sudd, Arabic for the barrier or stopper, was dramatically photographed (fig. 18-18) from the Gemini VI-A spacecraft at an altitude of 185 miles. The main feature in t h e photograph is perhaps the world’s largest swamp; the area is larger than the State of Pennsyl- vania. The White Nile flows out of the Great Rift Valleys of East Africa into Sudan and loses over 80 percent of its volume in a tangled mass of marsh, water hyacinth, and 15-foot papyrus grass. The river loses itself in many channels which open and close at random, as-floating islands of papyrus block old and create new channels. Lightning often causes the grass to catch fire. The hostile terrain of this area has historically separated the cultures of Arab Africa from Negro Africa. Continued surveillance from manned spacecraft can provide much information on the river and the swamp vegetation, and may lead to an eventual triumph by man.

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FIGURE 18-19.-Western Algeria.

The fine geologic details of the Sahara Desert in Western Algeria (fig. 18-19) were recorded by the Gemini VI1 flight crew. The dunes are long longitudinal ridges from 5 to 10 miles apart, 500 to 800 feet high, and up to several hundred miles long. A long ridge of upturned sedimentary beds is visible from the upper center to the lower right edge of the photo- graph. A wadi, a usually dry stream bed, follows the right edge of the ridge; just off the photograph, the wadi passes through a water gap and

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F~cuRn 1&2O.-Tifernine Dunes.

continues in the opposite direction down the other side of the ridge termi- nating in a large salt flat. The photographs of this usually dry country were made shortly after very heavy rains; the wadi is carrying surface water and the salt flat is inundated.

Figure 18-20 was obtained with a 250-mm Zeiss Sonnar lens, and shows the structure of a unique geologic feature, the Tifernine Dunes of Eastern Algeria. These dunes are probably the world’s highest (1500 feet) , and are trapped in a basin surrounded by mountains of basalt. The remote area had been poorly photographed prior to the Gemini VI1 mission.

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FIGURE 18-21.--Kennedy Space Center, Florida.

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The potential value of space photography to the urban planner is represented by figure 18-21. The Gemini VI1 crew photographed the Ken- nedy Space Center, Fla., and vicinity while directly overhead at an aItitude of 140 miles. Launch Complex 19, where the spacecraft was launched 2 days before, can be clearly seen as part of Missile Row. Launch Complex 39, which includes the Vertical Assembly Building, the crawlerways, and the two launch pads, is partially obscured by a cloud. Other manmade features which are clearly visible include freeways, city streets, buildings, cause- ways, railroads, bridges, piers, runways, and taxiways. The channel of the Intracoastal Waterway can be located beside the series of white dots in the Indian River ; the white dots are small islands of spoil piles resulting from dredging. Space photography can be utilized by urban planners to study and make important decisions regarding the fierce competition for land among industrial, commercial, residential, agricultural, and recrea- tional users. Government personnel can update planning documents, such as master plans, or tax and transportation maps, and quickly see what changes have taken place in land use.


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FI&RE 18-22.-Lake Titicaca, Peru.

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Lake Titicaca, located between Peru and Bolivia at an elevation of 12 506 feet, was photographed (fig. 18-22) by the Gemini IX-A crew. The photograph also shows portions of Chile and Argentina, and the Pacific Ocean in the background. The snow-covered peaks of the Cordillera Real (Royal Mountains) rise to over 21 000 feet and are visible in the lower left. The high Salars or salt flats, on the left margin, a re higher than any point in the continental United States and are as large as the Bonneville Salt Flats. Drainage, from the lower left, is about 3700 miles down the Amazon t.0 the Atlantic Ocean.


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FIGURE 1&23.-Peru.

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The Cordillera Blanca (White Mountains) of Peru were photographed (fig. 18-23) by the Gemini IX-A crew less than 1 minute prior to figure 18-22. Clearly visible is Huascaran Volcano (22 205 feet) , the highest point in Peru; the snowline is at 18 000 feet. A thin white line down the west slope of the volcano marks the path of a destructive avalanche which killed several thousand people in the Santa River Valley in January 1962. Over 250 miles of the Pacific coast can be seen. The rivers in the upper right of the photograph flow down the Amazon system for over 3500 miles to the Atlantic. In areas which still require accurate and detailed mapping, space photography will be a valuable asset. Great effort is re- quired to obtain accurate information on the amount of snow on these mountains and the predicted water runoff. Space photography can reduce the hardships encountered by topographic survey parties at altitudes in excess of 20000 feet, and eliminate the frequent loss of life. In over 40 years of aerial photography, only a quarter of Peru has been photographed : the Gemini IX-A crew photographed over three-quarters in 3 minutes.


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FIGURE 18-24.-Texas-Louisiana Gulf coast from Gemini XI.

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Figure 18-24 is a very interesting study of the sources and distribu- tion of air pollution along the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast. This photograph was taken through the open hatch of the Gemini XI spacecraft shortly after dawn. Large sources of air pollution can be seen originating from smoke- stacks in Houston, Texas City, Freeport, and Port Arthur, Tex., and in Lake Charles, Baton Rouge, and Bogalusa, La. As shown in the photograph, the air pollutants in the Houston area move northeastward at the lower levels until winds aloft carry the pollutants southward over the Gulf of Mexico. In the future, space photography will provide a worldwide aid in the detection of sources, and the collection and movement of airborne pollutants.

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F~CURE 18-26.-Texas-Louisiana Gulf coast from Gemini XII.

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Figure 18-25 was taken by the Gemini XI1 crew along the Texas- Louisiana Gulf Coast and shows Houston, the Manned Spacecraft Center, the Harris County Domed Stadium, the Houston Ship Channel, and many other features of the area. Of greater geoscientific importance, the distri- bution of very polluted water in Galveston Bay and other waterborne sedi- ment in such passes as Bolivar Roads, Sabine, and Calcasieu can be clearly seen. The movement of currents in the Gulf of Mexico is also quite evident, and has afforded the oceanographer the opportunity to learn a great deal about the movement and distribution of larval commercial shrimp so important to area economy. The photograph also demonstrates the poten- tial uses of space photography in the observation of causes and distribution of polluted water.


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FIGURE 18-26.-Northern half of Mexico.

During the Gemini XI1 standup extravehicular activity, a striking panoramic series of photographs was obtained showing the entire length of Mexico from Guatemala to Arizona. Figure 18-26 shows the northern half of Mexico including the cities of Monterrey, Reynosa, Chihuahua, and Ciudad Juarez. Features visible in the United States include White Sands

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FIGURE 1&-27.--Southern half of Mexico.

National Monument in New Mexico and Galveston Bay in Texas. Figure 18-27 taken a few seconds later shows the southeast half of the country including the Mexico City area (note the air pollution), the great snow- covered volcanoes such as Popocatepetl, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, and the Yucatan Peninsula.

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High-Apogee PhotoEraphy

A series of superb photographs was taken by the Gemini XI flight crew while increasing the orbital altitude from 185 miles to a record 851 miles. Figure 18-28, taken approximately 200 miles above the Earth, shows a land area of almost 1 million square miles in the Sahara countries of Libya, United Arab Republic, Chad, Niger, Sudan, and Algeria. Clearly visible are the great sand deserts separated by mountains and escarpments of sedimentary or igneous origins. Two large volcanic areas, the Black Haruj and the Tibesti Mountains, are visible. The unique striations in rock and sand in the upper right demand more investigation by the geologist.

FIGURE 18-28.-Sahara area.

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FIGURE 1&29.-Nile River.

Some 2 minutes later, the Gemini XI crew photographed approximately half of the 4200-mile-long Nile River (fig. 18-29) ..Taken from a n altitude of about 220 miles, this synoptic view permits regional studies which cannot be accomplished by other means. The relationship of the world’s longest river to the regional geology is clearly indicated from Bida (above Cairo) in the United Arab Republic southward to Kosti (above Khartoum) in the Sudan. The Red Sea and Arabia lie beyond.

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FIGURE 1&30.-Middle East.

Figure 18-30 was taken during Gemini XI from an altitude of about 200 miles, and shows all of Israel and Jordan and portions of Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Republic. The capitals of Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad, Amman, and Jerusalem, as well as the Red Sea terminus of the Suez Canal, are visible. The entire Sinai Penin- sula and such sub-sea-level lakes as the Dead Sea and Sea of Galilee a re visible. A break in the Trans-Arabian pipeline occurred near Badanah, Saudi Arabia, shortly before the photograph was made, and the resulting fire, smoke, arid shadow are recorded in the upper right.

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FIGURE 18-31.-Arabia-Somali.

From an altitude of about 410 miles, the Gemini XI crew photographed the junction of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden (fig. 18-31). Parts of Yemen, South Arabia Federation, Saudi Arabia, and the Muscat and Oman Sultanate are visible in the upper portions of the photograph, while parts of Somali, Ethiopia, and all of French Somaliiand are in the foreground.

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FIGURE 1&32.-India.

From an altitude of about 500 miles, the Gemini XI crew recorded a striking and beautiful view of the Indian subcontinent (fig. 18-32). The island of Ceylon is to the lower right. The climatic difference along the divide of the Western Ghats in India is clearly visible, with the lush jungle to the west and the semiarid regions to the east. Much valuable information is available concerning the meteorological conditions over such a vast-area as the subcontinent and the adjacent Arabian Sea to the left and the Bay of Bengal to the right.

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In figure 18-33, the cloud-covered Indonesian Islands were photo- graphed during Gemini XI from about 740 miles above the Earth. The curved horizon is over 2000 miles to the east.

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FIGURE 1&34.-Australia.

Figure 18-34 was taken while the Gemini XI spacecraft was 851 miles above the Earth, the highest altitude from which any photograph has been taken by man. The western half of Australia with the sunlit Indian Ocean beyond is visible. The horizon is nearly 3000 miles to the westward. The photograph was made near sunset, and ground detail is poor due to low light levels on the ground.

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FIGURE 18-36.--Sunset.

The Gemini XI crew recorded the striking photograph of a sunset (fig. 18-35) from approximately 850 miles above the Earth. The sunset terminator is visible over 1000 miles to the west of the spacecraft and the Earth’s limb about 3000 miles to the west. Due to the spacecraft altitude, however, the Sun is clearly visible well above the horizon.

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Synoptic Weather Photography

The meteorologist has secured much valuable data from some 2000 Gemini photographs. The unmanned meteorological satellites are providing H great deal of valuable information and have been supplemented with the finer details and color of the photographs obtained from Gemini. The study of vortices is of particular importance in that the ultimate vortex may result in a destructive tornado, hurricane, or typhoon. Figure 18-36 was taken during the Gemini V mission, and shows the mile-high Mexican island of Guadalupe (200 miles off Baja California) interrupting the orderly flow of winds to create a bowed shockwave effect in the clouds to windward. Two vortices have developed to the lee of the island.

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FIGURE 18-37.-Vortex off Morocco.

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Figure 18-37 shows a very well developed vortex which has been caused by windshear at the coastal prominence of Ras Rhir in Morocco. The photograph clearly shows the eye of the vortex and the rotational effects on the periphery. This Gemini V photograph has become a classic example of the meteorological data which can be obtained from manned space-flight photography. It would be difficult to provide a machine with the ability to select and photograph phenomena of greatest value to the scientist.

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F X ~ U R ~ 1&38.-Typhoon in Pacific Ocean.

A large mature typhoon moving across the central Pacific Ocean was photographed (fig. 18-38) by the Gemini V crew. The diameter of the system was approximately 400 miles and the circular motion can be dis- tinguished in the photograph.

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Near-Object Photography

Figure 18-39 is of great interest to the aerospace engineer, and shows the first Gemini extravehicular activity. The cloud background is over the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and California. This is one of 16 photo- graphs of the. Gemini IV extravehicular activity, and is evidence that much can be learned not only of the pilot but also of the maneuvering unit, camera, space suit, and umbilical cord.


FIGURE 18-J9.-First extravehicular activity.

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FIGURE 18-40.-Gemini VI1 from Gemini VI-A.

The historic first rendezvous of two manned space vehicles, Gemini VI-A and VI1 spacecraft, produced a series of 117 striking and informa- tive still photographs and several hours of motion pictures. As the two vehicles moved through space some 185 miles above the Pacific Ocean, the Gemini VI1 spacecraft was photographed (fig. 18-40) from a distance of 20 feet by the Gemini VI-A flight crew.

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FIGURE 18-41.-Gemini VI11 target vehicle.

Even though the Gemini VI11 mission was terminated early due to a thruster malfunction, the aerospace engineering field has greatly benefited from the motion-picture and still photographic documentation of the first rendezvous and docking of a spacecraft with a target vehicle. In figure 18-41, the Gemini Agena Target Vehicle is approximately 50 feet from the spacecraft. This photograph was taken just prior to the docking ma- neuver and is one of a stereo pair which permits precise distance measure- ments. The motion-picture footage of the difficulties encountered at the time of undocking clearly illustrates the seriousness of the situation.

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FIGURE 18-42.-Augmentod Target Docking Adapter.

Figure 18-42 shows the Augmented Target Docking Adapter during one of three rendezvous accomplished by the Gemini IX-A crew. Docking could not be accomplished because the ascent shroud covering the docking adapter did not deploy after the vehicle was placed in orbit. The Gemini IX-A crew maneuvered the spacecraft to within inches of the Augmented Target Do :ig Adapter and secured 109 excellent photographs .of the rendezvous ,nd station-keeping activities. The ablative effect of launch heat on the shroud was photographed for the first time.

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FIGURE 18-43.-Gemini X Primary Propulsion System firing.

Figure 18-43 is a photograph of the Gemini X spacecraft docked to the targel vehicle with the target-vehicle status display panel and erected L-band antenna clearly visible. The glow around the target vehicle is caused by the firing operation of the Primary Propulsion System.

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FIGURE lW.-Tethered target vehicle.

During the Gemini XI spacecraft/target-vehicle tether evaluation, a series of photographs was taken to show the exercise from the undocking and deployment of the tether until after the tether was jettisoned. Figure 18-44 was taken over Baja California at an altitude of about 185 miles and shows the target vehicle and the 100-foot Dacron tether.

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FIGURE 18-45.-Extravehicular activity.

Figure 18-45 is one of a series of still and motion pictures taken of the Gemini XI1 extravehicular pilot working quite effectively while tethered to the target vehicle. This series of photographs demonstrates that man can do valuable and constructive work while extravehicular in space if the proper restraining devices are provided.

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Concluding Remarks

The Gemini VI1 photograph of a distant full moon provides a fitting conclusion to a discussion of the photographic accomplishments of the Gemini Program (fig. 18-46). The 2400 exposures secured a re all valuable, and a large number have provided information previously denied t o the scientist. The two most important considerations furnished by this photo- graphic record are found in the excellent historic documentation of the 10 manned missions, and in a’clear demonstration of the feasibility of continuing with f a r more sophisticated photographic systems specifically designed to provide new and better information to the worldwide geo- scientific community.

- .- . .z

,- - . .

FIGURE 1%46.-Moon.

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19. SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS SUMMARY By JOCELYN R. GILL, Ofice of Space Science and Applications, NASA; and WILLIS B. FOSTER, Director,

Manned Flight Experiments, Ofice of Space Science and Applications, NASA


Results of the scientific experiments con- ducted during the Gemini Program through Gemini IX-A have been reported in a series of NASA publications (refs. 1 to 4) and in the scientific journals (refs. 5 to 7). This paper will therefore emphasize experiment results from the Gemini X, XI, and XI1 mis- sions, but with some reference to results


so01 ...... so02 ......, SO03 ....... S004' ....... SO06 ....... SO06 ....... SO07 ....... SO08 ....... so09 ....... so10 ....... so11 ....... so12 ....... SO13 ....... SO26 ....... S028' ....... SO29 ....... SO30 ....... SO61 ....... S064' .......

from earlier missions to emphasize the high- lights of the program.

Gemini Science Experiments

Nineteen science experiments were flown during the Gemini Program (table 19-1). The table includes the principal. investiga- tors and their affiliations. The program was interdisciplinary in character, and was com-

TABLE 19-1.4emini Science Experiments

Title Principal

investigator Affiliation . ~ ____ ~~ ~~

Zodiacal Light and Airglow Photography E. P. Ney ............. :. University of Minnesota Sea-Urchin Egg Growth Under Zero-G .... R. S. Young ............ NASA Ames Frog Egg Growth Under Zero-G ................ R. S. Young ............ NASA Ames Synergistic Effect of Zero-G and M. A. Bender ........ Atomic Energy Commission, Oak

Ridge National Laboratory. Synoptic Terrain Photography .................... P. D. Lowman ........ NASA Goddard Synoptic Weather Photography .................. K. Nagleq ................ U.S. Weather Bureau Spectrophotography of Clouds .................... F. Saiedy ................ U.S. Weather Bureau and Uni-

Radiation on White Blood Cells.

versity of Maryland. Visual Acuity in the Space Environ- S. Q. Duntley ........ University of California, Scripps

ment. Institute. Nuclear Emulsions ........................................ M. M. Shapiro and Naval Research Laboratory and

C. Fichtel. NASA Goddard Agena Micrometeorite Collection ................ C. Hemenway ........ Dudley Observatory Airglow Horizon Photography .................. M. J. Koomen ........ Naval Research Laboratory Gemini Micrometeorite Collection .............. C. Hemenway ........ Dudley Observatory Ultraviolet Astronomical Photography .... IC. G. Henize .......... Dearborn Observatory Gemini Ion Wake Measurement .................. D. Medved .............. Electro-Optical Systems Dim Light Photography .............................. L. Dunkelman ........ NASA Goddard Libration Regions Photography ................ E. Morris ................ U.S. Geological Survey Dim Sky Photography/Orthicon ................ E. P. Ney and University of Minnesota and

C. Hemenway. Dudley Observatory. Sodium Cloud Photography ........................ J. Blamont ............ Centre National de la Recherche

Scienti fique. Ultraviolet Dust Photography .................... C. Hemenway ........, Dudley Observatory

1 I

White blood cells and neurospora on Gemini XII. ' Flown on Gemini VI-A and VI1 as an operational experiment only.

Flown on Gemini XI1 as an operational experiment only.


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.................................... + + i .............. i

prised of investigations in the fields of astronomy, biology, geology, meteorology, and physics. Over half of the experiments were photographic in technique, indicating that the investigators wished to take advan- tage of the flight crew being available to guide and select the targets and to return the film for permanent record. A photograph frequently clarified data which otherwise were ambiguous.

Table 19-11 shows the flight assignments of the science experiments and indicates that they were concentrated in the last half of the Gemini Program. There were 16 experi- ments with a total of 34 flight assignments in the last five Gemini missions.


Terrain and Weather Photography Experiments

Experiment SOOfi, Synoptic Terrain Pho- tography.-Experiment S005, Synoptic Ter- rain Photography, was devoted to a study of the Earth terrain, and was successfully


so01 ................................ so02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

performed on the Gemini IV, V, VI-A, VII, IX-A, X, XI, and XI1 missions; numerous useful pictures were also taken during Gem- ini 111. Approximately 1400 color pictures were obtained, and are usable for geology, geography, or oceanography.

One of the most useful photographs (fig. 19-1), taken by the Gemini IV flight crew, shows an area about 80 miles wide of north- ern Baja California, Mexico. The geologic structure of this mountainous region is shown with remarkable clarity. For example, the . Agua Blanca fault is visible as the series of alined valleys at lower left in the photograph, parallel to the frame of the spacecraft win- dow. Numerous other faults, similarly ex- pressed, a re visible north of the Agua Blanca fault. The great need for more geologic in- formation of this area is suggested by the fact that the Agua Blanca fault, one of the most prominent geologic structures in Baja California, was not discovered until 1956.



TABLE 19-II.-Flights of Gemini Science Experimenh'

SO04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SO05 ............................ SO06 ............................ SO07 ................................ SO08 .............................. so09 .................................. so10 ............................. so11 ........................... so12 ........................... SO13 .................................. SO26 ................................. SO28 ................................ SO29 .................................. SO30 ............................. SO51 ................................ so64 ....................................









. . . . . . . + + ..........



. . . . . . . . .

.......... .........



. . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........



............................................................. 2 ................................................................ 1

1 1

................................................................... 50

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + .............. - i 1 - ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ............................................................


+ . . . . . . . . ......... ......... + + + + .......... .......... ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .



. VI-A

+ +


Gemini mission


Number of flights

4 1 2 2 7 7 2 2 2 4 3 3

. 3

+ indicates experiment was successful; - indicates experiment was incomplete.

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FIGURE l%l.-Baja California.

One of the photographs (fig. 19-2) taken on Gemini XI1 appears to have considerable potential value in the study of continental drift. Proponents of this theory consider that the Red Sea, which structurally is a large graben or down-dropped block, represents incipient continental drift : that is, the Arabian Peninsula is considered to be drift- ing away from Africa and rotating. The pho- tograph may provide new evidence on this possibility by providing a synoptic view of the regional geology.

Another Gemini XI1 photograph (fig. 19-3) demonstrates the potential value of orbital photography in studies of recent sedi- mentation. The portion of the Gulf of Mexico shown in the photograph has been exten- sively studied: and, when used in conjunc- tion with the other photographs from space, may provide an extremely useful standard area for interpretation of similar pictures of other near-shore areas.

Expei-iment SOOG, Synoptic WeatheT Pho- tography.-Figure 19-4 is a photograph

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FIGURE l&2.-Arabian Peninsula and the Red Sea.

taken during Experiment S006, Synoptic Weather Photography. The view is north- west over Camaguey Province, Cuba, and was taken August 23, 1965, by the Gemini V

crew. A number of thunderstorms are visible along the southern coastline of Cuba. At the lower left of the photograph, some cumulus clouds off the northern coast appear to be

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FIGUBE 19-3 .4ul f of Mexico.

arranged in polygon-shaped, .open cells. Sev- relatively cool air passes over warmer water. era1 are hexagonal with taller cumulus Air is tending to sink within the cell and to clouds where the cell corners touch. The pat- rise near the borders where the cumulus terns illustrate a mesoscale cellular convec- clouds have formed. These open cells would tion system that normally develops when be undetected by a standard satellite televi-

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FIGURE 19-4.-Camaguey Province, Cuba.

sion picture because the cell walls are too thin, and the diameter is very small (ref. 8).

The photograph of southern India and Gey- Ion (fig. 19-5) was taken by the Gemini XI crew on September 14, 1966, with a super- wide-angle lens attached to a 70-mm still camera. A clear zone, nearly free of clouds, and varying from 30 to 50 miles in width, extends along the west coast of India. The zone continues around the southern tip of

India and into the Bay of Bengal where a lixc of convective clouds has formed several hun- dred miles offshore. The reason for the clear region is not entirely understood, but two possibilities have been suggested. First, the lack of clouds may be the result of drier air subsiding offshore which would have the ten- dency to suppress any cloud development. The sea breeze, or low-level winds which move the air toward land, may have caused

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the ai r to descend in the clear region. Second, there may have been cold water welYng up along the coast. Surface winds in India a re northwesterly along the west coast and southwesterly along the east coast. The north- west winds will transport the surface water southeastward ; however, the Coriolis force will tend to deflect the water toward the southwest and away from the land. This would permit the welling up of cooler water along the coastline ; also, the water tempera-

ture may have been sufficiently low to inhibit the development of cumulus clouds. A surface temperature change of about lL' may be enough to accomplish this. Southwest winds prevail to the east of India, and the Coriolis force would act to transport the surface wa- ter in an easterly direction. Again, this would produce a favorable condition for water to well up near the coast. Measurements of sea- water temperatures from ships are scarce, but the few available reports indicate that

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the coastal waters were 1" or 2" cooler than sea-water temperatures farther west in the Arabian Sea.

Experiment S007, Spectrophotography of Clouds.-The objective of Experiment S007, Spectrophotography of Clouds, was to meas- ure cloud-top altitudes. The experiment was first flown during Gemini V, and was also scheduled for Gemini VIII, Because of the early termination of the Gemini VI11 flight, however, the experiment could not be accom- plished. As a result, the National Environ- mental Satellite Center has designed a sec- ond-generation weather satellite that can measure cloud-top altitude and cloud thick- ness.

Experiment ,9051, Sodium Cloud Photog- mphy.-Experiment S051, Sodium Vapor Cloud, was flown on Gemini XII. The purpose of the experiment was to measure the day- time wind-velocity vector of the high at- mosphere as a function of altitude between 62 and 93 miles. The measurements were to be obtained from the deformation of a rocket-made vertical sodium cloud. During the Gemini XI1 mission, two rockets were launched from Algeria. Although the second launching was easily visible from the ground, the sodium release was not seen by the flight crew. Even though they did not have visual sighting, the pilots photographed the region of the firing using a 70-mm still camera with a wide-angle lens. Unfortunately, shutter difficulties with the camera spoiled the ex- posed film. The experiment will be resched- uled for the Apollo Program.

Biological Experiments

Experiment S004, Synergistic Efects of Radiation and Zero-g on Blood and Neuro- spora.-Experiment S004, Synergistic Effect of Zero-g on White Blood Cells, was first car- ried during Gemini 111, and was continued on Gemini XI with the addition of neuro- spora. A refrigeration unit was added to pre- serve the blood during the 4-day mission of Gemini XI. Gemini I11 was a three-orbit flight, and the blood could be recovered for

analysis within 24 hours ; therefore, refrig- eration was not required.

'An identical experimental package was established as a control in a laboratory at Cape Kennedy. It was activated simultane- ously with the package in the spacecraft and was maintained under similar temperature conditions. Air-to-ground communications from the flight crew verified that the experi- ment was proceeding through the various stages exactly as planned.

The experiment was successfully con- ducted on the Gemini XI mission. The leuko- cyte-chromosome analysis of the blood showed no increase in the chromosome-de- letion frequency in the flight samples over the ground control samples. The result does not confirm the preliminary results found on Gemini 111. Preliminary results from the neurospora portion of the experiment carried on Gemini XI indicate no increase in the fre- quency of mutations in the flight samples. This part of the experiment analysis will require more time, but there now appears to be no observable synergism between radia- tion and space flight on white blood cells.

Experiment SOOS, Frog Egg Growth Under Zero-g.-The objectives of Experiment S003, FYog Egg Growth Under Zero-g, were to determine the effect of weightlessness on the ability of the fertilized frog egg to divide normally, and to differentiate and form a normal embryo. The experiment was per- formed in one package mounted on the right hatch in the spacecraft. The package had four chambers containing frog eggs in wa- ter with a partitioned section containing a fixative. Handles were provided on the out- side of the package so the flight crew could activate the experiment.

During Gemini VIII, early cleavage stages were successfully obtained ; however, the short duration of the flight did not permit formation of the later cleavage and develop- mental stages. During Gemini XII, the ex- periment was completely successful from a mechanical standpoint, and later embryonic stages were obtained. The 10 embryos in the fixation chambers appeared to be morpho-

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logically normal. The five embryos which were unfixed were live, swimming tadpoles when the chamber was opened on board the recovery ship. Three of the embryos were morphologically normal ; two were abnormal (twinning). The abnormalities, however, were not inconsistent with the controls, and no abnormalities can be ascribed to the flight a t this time. The five surviving tadpoles died several hours after recovery, and were fixed for histological sectioning. The reason for death has not yet been ascertained : however, all the eggs will be sectioned for histological study to determine more conclusive results.

Visual Acuity Experiment

Experiment 5’008, Visual Acuity.-The ability of the flight crew to visually detect and recognize objects on the surface of the Earth was tested during Gemini V and VI1 in Experiment S008,. Visual Acuity. Data from .an inflight vision tester used during these flights showed no change in the visual performance of the crews. Results from the flight-crew observations of the ground’ site (fig. 19-6) near Laredo, Tex., confirm that visual performance during space flight was within the statistical range of the preflight visual performance, and that there was no degradation of the visual perception during space flight.

Astronomical Photography Experiments

Experiment S O O l , Zodiacal Light and Air- glow Photography.-A series of excellent photographs for Experiment SOO1, Zodiacal Light Photography, was obtained during the Gemini IX-A flight. A photograph of the zodiacal light and the planet Venus is shown in figure 19-7. The apparent curvature of the airglow layer is due to the nature of the lens. The presence of Venus points out that the zodiacal light lies in the ecliptic plane. After sunset, a ground observer can see the zodia- cal light. However, he must wait for twilight in order to see the dim-sky phenomena ; even then the view is never free of the airglow, and not often of the glare from city lights.

The photograph clearly distinguishes the cone-shaped zodiacal light from the narrow airglow layer visible just above the moonlit Earth. Heretofore, only an artist’s drawing has been able to represent the zodiacal light as i t would appear to a ground observer with- out the visual distractions of city lights, air- glow, and faint sources of celestial light.

Experiment SO1 1, Airglow Horizon Pho- tography.-Experiment SOll, Airglow Hori- zon Photography, was conducted during Gemini XI and XI1 as well as Gemini IX-A. The crews used the 70-mm general-purpose still camera in the f/0.95 configuration to photograph the night airglow layer with the Earth’s limb. The camera was mounted so that exposures of 2 to 50 seconds could be obtained through the right hatch window. The objective was to obtain worldwide meas- urements of airglow altitude and intensity.

The camera filter system registered the spectral regions of 5577 angstroms (oxygen green) and 5893 angstroms (sodium yellow) side by side but separated by a vertical divid- ing line. Filter bandwidths were 270 and 380 angstroms, respectively. In figure 19-8, an example of the split-field photography taken during Gemini IX-A is shown. This is a 5- second exposure looking west. The corre- sponding s tar field is shown in figure 19-9, and the bright stars Procyon and Sirius are visible in the airglow layer. The pictures a re being analyzed for possible height variations in the two layers.

During Gemini XI, an additional 6300- angstrom (red) filter with a bandwidth of 150 angstroms was provided to obtain pho- tographs in a higher orbit ; however, no pho- tographs were obtained because of a camera malfunction. On Gemini XII, the split-field filter was removed, and the entire field was exposed with 40-angstrom-wide filters in alternate green and yellow bands. The 6300- angstrom filter was not used during Gemini XI1 because a high-altitude orbit could not be achieved. Much more work remains on airglow research, but the results obtained from Experiment SOll have demonstrated several useful lines of approach.

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FIGURE 19-6.-Experiment SO08 visual acuity ground pattern near Laredo, Tex. The inset area is an aerial photograph of the ground pattern.

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FIGURE 19-7.-Zodiacal light and planet Venus. Air- glow is seen as a narrow band above the moonlit Earth.

FIGURE 1 9 - 8 . 4 t a r field seen in airdow split-field filter photography. '

Expeiiment S030, Dim Sky Photography/ Orthicon.-Experiment SO30, Dim Sky Pho- tography/Orthicon, was conducted during Gemini XI. The image orthicon system of Experiment D015, Night Image Intensifica- tion, was used to obtain 415 pictures of air- glow in a 360" sweep. At times, the image orthicon sensitivity was so great that these pictures were almost overexposed. There is some indication of a splitting of the airglow into two layers. The system had an auto- matic gain control with the sensitivity varv- ing constantly ; this makes calibration of the pictures difficult and time consuming. Figure 19-10 shows two sample frames. In figure

19-10 ( b ) , the blot above the airglow is due to the cathode tube.

Expei-iment SO29, Libration Regiorls Pho- tog?*aph.?j.-The purpose of Experiment S029, Libration Regions Photography, was to investigate by photographic techniques the libration points of the Earth-Moon sys- tem to determine the possible existence of clouds or particulate matter orbiting the Earth in these regions. The Gemini XI1 mis- sion was the first mission on which any libra- tion region was available for photography. The 70-mm still camera with a wide-angle

Hydra I

- - -

Approximate magnitude Q 1.0 and Over

Exposure 37 (West) la3 - 0 film

O L 0 3 +4 0 5 . 6 and under

5 s e t f10.95 Experiment SO11 Gemini E-A June 4, 1966

FIGURE 19-9.--Split-field filter photography showing Procyon and Sirius (from Norton's Atlas, maps 7 and 8).

lens was used and the results are not imme- diately obvious, but appear to be less than satisfactory. Isodemitometry will be run on several exposures, but u t this time the study is not expected to vield positive results.

Micrumeleurile, Cosmic Ray, and Ion Wake Experiments

l3.1.p~ ri ) ) I o brt SO1 0, Agetm Mic)*onr et eo )-it c CoIl(Jctiotr.-As part of Experiment S010, Agena Micrometeorite Collection, a package for recording micrometeorite impacts was installed on the Gemini VTII target vehicle.

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FIGURE 19-l0.-Airglow photoKraphs obtained from image orthicon system. (a) Near Canopus ; ( b ) Near Arcturus.

After approximately 4 months in orbit, the package was recovered by the Gemini X flight crew. Optical scanning a t the Dudley Observatory of the four stainless-steel slides on the outside of the box (protected from launch) have revealed at least four craters larger than 4 microns; these appear to be hyperballistic. Figure 19-11 shows one cra- ter which has a diameter of 200 microns, a depth of 35 microns, and a lip height of 25 microns. This crater has been named Crater Schweickart for the astronaut who suggested that there be an outside collection area on the micrometeorite package on which micro- meteorites could impact, even though the pilot did not open the package during extra- vehicular activity. The Dudley Observatory has installed a stereoscan electron microscope which will permit scanning the surface in the original form, thus minimizing sample contamination. Results of this work a re not yet known.

During the Gemini XI1 mission, the extra- vehicular pilot opened the package on the Gemini XI1 target vehicle and exposed the sensitive collection plates to the space en- vironment. The package was intended to be retrieved during some future mission ; how- ever, it is expected that the target vehicle will

reenter the Earth’s atmosphere before the package can be recovered.

Experiwteirt Sol’, Gemini Micmmeteopite Collection.-The package for Experiment S012, Gemini Micrometeorite Collection, was successfully recovered from the Gemini IX-A spacecraft adapter section after an exposure of over 16 hours. For comparison, another package was exposed for 6 hours during the Gemini XI1 flight (fig. 19-12). This experi-

FIGURE 19-ll.-Micrometeorite impact crater.

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FIGURE 19-12.-Gemini XI1 pilot retrieving micro- meteorite collection package.

ment had a number of guest investigators from the United States and abroad. A full report of the results can be made only after the impact craters have been carefully scanned with the electron microscope. A pre- liminary examination of 1 square centimeter of the surface of the Gemini XI1 package has revealed no impacts. Much work remains to be done to complete the analysis of this ex- periment.

Experimeiit SOO9, Nuclear Entu1sions.- During the extravehicular activities of the Gemini XI mission, the pilot retrieved the package for Experiment SOO9, Nuclear Emul- sions, from the exterior surface of the space- craft adapter section. The Naval Research Laboratory has f inished the init ial scan of about one-fourth of the emulsion stacks, and has found about 700 tracks which must be sorted according to origin (either inside or outside the spacecraft) during activation of the experiment. It is estimated that about 200 of these tracks will belong to the experi- ment. If this percentage can be used throuph- out the analysis of the experiment, then i t may be expected that between 1000 and 2000 usable tracks will have been recorded.

At the present time, the experimenters are performing a special kind of scan to obtain information on the appearance of the tracks in order that a preliminary report can be

prepared on this aspect. Later, a detailed scanning, which is expected to require 1 to 2 years to complete, will provide information on the light nuclei. The experiment group at the Goddard Space Flight Center is concen- trating on detailed scanning of the emulsion stacks in order to make progress on the analy- sis of the light nuclei, the main objective of the experiment.

Expeiimeiit S026, Gemirii Ion Wake Meas- urement.-Experiment S026, Ion Wake Measurement, was conducted during Gemini X and XI. A great deal of ambient data were obtained during Gemini X, and all requested modes were performed during Gemini XI. Reduction of the data will be a rather pains- taking task that will necessitate coordina- tion of all available records of times and ac- tivities during the operation. It is believed that this experiment can result in a very use- ful method for mapping the actual wake of a vehicle.

Ultraviolet Photography Experiments

Expe?-imerit SOG4, Ultraviolet Diist Pho- togi*aphy.-Experiment S064, Ultraviolet Dust Photography, was designed to provide ultraviolet photographs of dust in the Earth atmosphere, and was carried on Gemini XII. The experiment used black-and-white film in the 70-mm still camera with an ultraviolet lens. A series of sunrise photographs was made in the ultraviolet region; however, due to the many electrostatic marks in the film, very l i t t le i n f o r m a t i o n has been determined.

E.rprimen t SO1 3 , Ult raviol r t Ast )wi omi- cnl Photography.-Experiment ,5013. Ultra- violet Astronomical Photography, used the 70-mm general-purpose still camera with an ultraviolet lens. Similar but less severe trou- ble was experienced with the electrostatic marks as on Experiment S064. An ultraviolet spectrum of the bright star Sirius was ob- tained on the Gemini XI1 mission (fig. 19-13). The Balmer series of hydrogen ap- pears a t the right. The Mg I1 doublet a t 2800 angstroms and several other weak, sharp lines of Fe I1 appear a t the left. The exposure was 20 seconds. Figure 19-14. a spectrum of

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FIGURE 19-13.-Grating ultraviolet spectrum of Sirius.

- . /

/ 1-

- - Canopus

zeroorder -

I Target'\ ' vehicle \ \


/ -- ---_

Elalmer limit


FIGURE 19-14.-Grating ultraviolet spectrum of Canopus.

the solar-type star Canopus, was obtained from Experiment S013, Gemini XI, frame 98, Dearborn Observatory, Northwestern University. This spectrum was especially use- ful for calibration purposes when compared with the solar spectra obtained from rockets.

In addition to the two remarkable grating spectrograms, several prism spectrograms

were obtained. The prism resulted in a lower dispersion, but provided significant informa- tion on a large number of stars. The photo- graphs recorded stars of fainter magnitude than was anticipated, and there wilI be work to be done on the ultraviolet energy curves for many months as a result of the photo- graphs. Figure 19-15 is a reproduction of a

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FIGURE 19-15.-Prism ultraviolet spectrogram of Cygnus region. The spacecraft shadow is on the left.

prism spectrogram of Cygnus- and is typical of the exposures obtained during this experi- ment.

Since the spacecraft windows did not admit ultraviolet light, the experiment would not have been possible without the extravehicular

capability of the pilot. Thus far, i t has been possible to obtain only a few uItravioIet stellar spectra from rocket flights. During the three trials of this experiment during the Gemini Program, considerable ultraviolet in- formation was obtained and should be espe- cially useful in planning future ultraviolet experiments for manned flights.

Concluding Remarks

Significantly, Gemini experience has shown much about what can be done in the area of experiments for manned operations, and has uncovered some of the pitfalls. In summary, it seems clear that the same attention must be paid to all details of the experiments, crew procedures, and crew training that has been devoted to spacecraft operation. When this is possible, the return of new scientific informa- tion will increase. It is safe to say that scien- tific information has increased exponentially since Project Mercury, and is expected to con- tinue to follow an upward curve. The interest the flight crew and the engineers have shown in the experiments has nearly matched the keen interest of the investigators, and will continue to be a large factor in future manned space-flight experiments.


1. ANON.: Manned Space-Flight Experiments; 7. GILL, JOCELYN R.; and GERATHEWOHL, SIEG- Gemini IX-A Mission, Interim Report. NASA FRIED J : The Gemini Science Program. Manned Spacecraft Center, Nov. 1966. Astron. and Aeron., Nov. 1966.

2. ANON. : Gemini Midprogram Conference, Includ- 8. HUBERT, L. : Mesoscale Cellular Convection. ing Experiment Results. NASA SP-121, 1967. Meteorological Satellite Report, No. 35. Mar.

:i. ANON.: Manned Space-Flight Experiments; 1966. Gemini V Mission Interim Report. NASA !). A N O N . : Ear th Photographs Fro111 Gemini 111.

4. ANON.: Manned Space-Flight Experiments Sym- 10. GETTYS, R. F.: Evaluation of Color Photos Ex- posium, Gemini 111 and IV. NASA Manned posed from the Gemini (GT-4) F l i rh t over Spacecraft Center, Oct. 1965. the Gulf of California, June 1965. Rep. T-

5. LOWMAN, PAUL D., JR.: The Ear th From Orbit. :W-65, U.S. Naval Oceanoeraphic Office, Sept. National Geographic, Nov. 1966. 1965.

fi. NEY, EDWARD P.: Night-Sky Phenomena Pho- 11. HENIZE. KARL (;.; and WACKERLINC, LLOYD R.: tographed From Gemini 9. Sky and Telescope, Stellar Ultraviolet Spectra From Gemini 10. Nov. 1966. Sky and Telescope, Oct. 1966.

Manned Spacecraft Center, Jan . 1966. IV. V. NASA SP-129, 1967.

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20. DOD/NASA GEMINI EXPERIMENTS SUMMARY By WILBUR A. BALLENTINE, Space Systems Division, Air Force Systems Command, U.S. Air Force

In troduetion

The DOD/NASA Gemini Experiments Program consisted of 15 experiments, spon- sored by several development agencies of the Department of Defense. Experiments were selected which could be accomplished with minimum effect on the Gemini Program, and which would contribute to the solution of the evaluation of space technical development problems of interest to DOD. Participation in the experiments program provided a means for DOD elements to acquire data and opera- tions experience for evaluation of the ability of man to accomplish missions in space, and provided a mechanism for the timely flow of manned space-flight development informa- tion between NASA and DOD.

Program Accomplishments

Although the technical result outwardly appeared to be the major program accom- plishment, several'other results of equal im- portance were obtained during the joint DOD/NASA implementation of the experi- ments program (fig. 20-1).

DOD Experience in Manned Space Flight

Through the experiments program, DOD participation was broadened to include expe- rience in spacecraft, crew, and operational activities in addition to the experience ac- quired through program responsibilities for the Gemini Launch Vehicle, the Gemini Agena Target Vehicle, and the DOD Range Support, The direct working association with the Gemini Program permitted DOD develop- ment agencies at all levels to gain practical experience in manned space-flight develop- ment.

Information coordination

i I Management 4 $%$ Management 1 I program I

DOD experience Experiment

space flight experience i n manned management

Estakshed organizational and personnel relationships I Established

DODRJASA procedures

Technical results

FIGURE 20-1.-DOD/NASA Gemini experiments program results.

Procedures and Experience

Implementation of the DOD/NASA Gem- ini Experiments Program required the desig- nation of responsibilities and development procedures for joint management. Organiza- tional elements and procedures have been established for future joint activity, and ex- perience has provided a better understanding of such joint activity for future planning.

Establishment of Organizational and Personnel Relationships

One of the most significant results of DOD participation in the Gemini Program was the development of organization knowledge and the establishment of personnel relationships which facilitate the flow of manned space- flight development information between DOD and NASA agencies. Active participation in the Gemini Program provided a working- level insight which facilitated the recognition

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of information significant to DOD programs ; and provided personnel and organizational rapport which expedited YASA/DOD sup- port. The established relationships have been most beneficial in liaison with the Apollo and Apollo Applications Programs.

Experiment Management Information

The program has developed some specific conclusions related to management of experi- ments conducted as secondary objectives of a basic program. Although the following con- clusions are of secondary importance as ex- periment program results, they are con- sidered significant for future management planning.

Each experiment should be scheduled on at .least two flights. The probability of success- ful attainment of experiment objectives on a single attempt is too low to risk high experi- ment development cost. Because experi- ments were considered as secondary mission objectives, successful experiments were highly dependent on the accomplishment of primary mission objectives. Occasions of higher-than-nominal fuel usage, of reduced electrical power, and of other mission prob- lems resulted in the curtailment of experi- ment activities and the inability to obtain experiment objectives. A second experiment flight was essential to success in these cases.

The experiment interface with the space- craft should be minimized. A simplified inter- face will generally result in higher reliability, in lower integration cost, in greater opera- tional flexibility, and in reduced effect of basic spacecraft hardware change.

Colocation of the experiment manager with the agency accomplishing the basic program management provides a significant advantage for all experiments, and is essential for those experiments which have complex interfaces with the basic program. Experiments a re developed concurrently and interact with the basic program development, and the experi- ment managers must develop detailed aware- ness of basic program effects and constraints to efficiently integrate the experiments. In dynamic development programs, this aware-

ness can be developed only through day-to- day contact with the management personnel HCC, vplishing the basic program.

‘i ,e experimenter must emphasize the sup- port of flight-crew training. The crew must represent the experimenter at a crucial point in what is normally an advanced experimen- tal process ; therefore, the crew must possess maximum understanding of experimental ob- jectives and procedures. Training simi1!Ltions using equipment identical to fi.ight hardware are highly desirable. Direct contact between the experimenter and the crew during experi- ment training is essential.

Careful consideration should be given to scheduling the secondary experiments which require a large amount of crew operational time. Because such experiments have a greater probability of being affected by pri- mary program contingencies, they have a lesser probability of success.

Technical Results

Program technical results were good. Of the 15 programed experiments, 11 were suc- cessfully completed (table 20-1). The four remaining experiments were carried on Gem- ini missions, but flight tests were not com- pleted. Although flight test objectives of these four experiments were not completely at- tained, valuable data and experience were acquired during experiment development.

Experiments .DOOl, D002, and 0006, Basic Object, Nearby Object, and Surface Photog- ruph?j.-Photography accomplished during Project Mercury was oriented to broad area of coverage with no specific pointing or tracking requirements. Experiments D001, D002, and DO06 were designed to investigate the ability of man to acquire, track, and photograph objects in space and on the ground on a preplanned basis using photo- graphic equipment with a small field of view. Acquisition of preplanned photographs of the Moon, planets, and points on the surface of the Earth clearly demonstrated the capa- bility. The photograph of Love Field, Dallas, Tex. (fig. 20-2), is representative of the data acquired.

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TABLE 20-I.-DOD/NASA Gemini Experiments

DO12 DO13 DO14 DO15 DO16


Astronaut Maneuvering Unit Astronaut Visibility UHF/VHF Polarization Measurements Night Image Intensification Power Tool Evaluatian



V V VIII, X I v , VI1 VII, X V v , VI1 IV, VI-A IV, VI1 x , XI1 IX-A v, VI1 VIII, IX-A VIII, XI VIII, X I



Complete Incomplete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Incomplete Complete Incomplete Complete Incomplete

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u 6 0)

=. 5 2

VI - 4



1 .

Experiment 0003, Mass Determiriation.- Experiment DO03 demonstrated the feasi- bility and the accuracy of determining the mass of an orbiting object by thrusting on it with a known thrust and measuring the re- sulting change in velocity. The experiment was conducted during the Gemini XI mission and used a Gemini -4gena Target Vehicle as the orbiting object. The mass as determined from the experiment procedure was com- pared with the target-vehicle mass as com- puted from known launch weight and expend- able usage to determine the accuracy of the method.

Experiment DO03 investigated two meth- ods of data acquisition. The Telemetry Method was based upon the telemetry data from the spacecraft computer and Time Ref- erence System. The Astronaut Method was based upon data displayed by the spacecraft Manual Data Insertion Unit and the event timer, and recorded by the flight crew. In both cases, spacecraft th rus t was determined from a calibration firing of the spacecraft propulsion system with the spacecraft and target vehicle undocked. Resulting spacecraft thrust F,. was computed from

MoaV Fr=- At where

Mo=mass of spacecraft, slugs AV-measured incremental velocity, ft/sec At =measured thrusting time interval, sec

Data from the calibration and mass-determi- nation firings for each method investigated a re shown in figures 20-3 and 20-4, and in table 20-11. Using these data, the mass of the target vehicle was computed from

where MA,-target-vehicle mass, slugs F,. -maneuvering thrust of the space-

A t -measured thrusting time interval, sec AV =measured incremental velocity, f t isec MG,-spacecraft mass, slugs

craft, Ib

TABLE 20-II.-Manuall?~ Observed Data, Astronaut Method

Velocity T:r, I change,

Experiment operations ft/sec

Calibration maneuver .............. Mass determination maneuver

d o O

I--- stop timing

I Thrusters off


,: I (54:37:39.2261

; I d /

/’ I i I t‘

6 ,’ : /

I ,: I p’ +--Start timing I (54:37:30.327) I




I I I I o b 1 1 1 ’ I I I I 1 I I 1

:28 :M 32 34 :36 :3a :oo A2 44 54:37:26 54:3746

Ground elapsed time, hr:min:sec

FIGURE 20-3 .4al ibrat ion maneuver. Experiment D003, Mass Determination, telemetry method.

lo[ 0

I ,A

I I I ,,’ I

L@. I I ,/” I

* I I I I I I . Depress Istop timing1

computer 11559.743d START button 1 Thrusters I

(15555A7.243)-----1 Of l - - - j I I



* I I

:M 3 4 :% A2 :50 :50 :58 1555536 l:%N

Ground elapsed time, hr:min:sec

FIGURE IM.--Experiment D003, mass determina- tion maneuver, telemetry method.

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Telemetry ...........................

Comparison with target-vehicle mass as com- puted from launch weight and known expend- ables indicated a variation in results of 4.9 percent for the Telemetry Method and 7.6 percent for the Astronaut Method (table 20-111).

Experiment 0004/0007, Celestial Radi- ometmj/Space Object Radiometry.-Experi- ment D004/D007 was conducted during the Gemini V and VI1 missions. The spacecraft carried two interferometer spectrometers and a multichannel spectroradiometer for measurements of selected sources in the bands indicated in figure 20-5. Equipment characteristics are shown in tables 20-IV, V,

I I - 7268 6912 I -356 4 . 9

and VI. Discrete measurements were made on 72 subjects such as the following:

7820 552 ........................... 7268 Astronaut I

(1) Gemini VI-A space- craf t thruster plume

(2) Rendezvous Evalua- tion Pod

(3) Gemini Launch Ve- hicle second stage

(4 ) Moon (5) S tars (6) Sky background ( 7 ) Space void (8) Star-to-horizon cali-



(9) Horizon-to-Earth nadir calibration

(10) Large ground fire (11) Night and day,

land and water subjects

(12) Sunlit cloudtops (13) Moonlit cloudtops (14) Lightning (15) Missile-powered




i b

I I I e l I I

Infrared light

5 Ultraviolet light


0.39- I -0.76


Radio waves

I 1 I

a Computed from launch weight and usage of consumables.

Wavelength i n microns

I BOLO , A 4.3 tO.12 P U 0.2 t o 0 . 7 ~ 1 t 0 3 r

Radiometer, Gemini P PMT

Radiometer, Gemini !llI PMT PBS U U

0.2 to 0.35 r 1 t o 3 r

Infrared spectrometer, Gemini P a n d m

Cryogenic spectrometer, Gemin iP a n d m

LE25 1 - 3 - 1 2 r

Hg Ge U

8 - 1 2 r

FIGURE SO-fi.--Experiment D004/D007 equipment coverage.

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TABLE 20-IV.-Radiomcter Instrument Parameters

Weight, Ib Power input, watts Field of view, deg Optics, in. Cassegrain

Detectors, Gemini V Photomultiplier tube

UP 28)

Spectral band, p

Nominal filter width, p Filters used, p

0.2-0.6 0.03










Detectors, Gemini VI1 Photomultiplier tube I (ASCOP 541 F-05M)

1 Spectral band, p Nominal filter width, p Filters used, p

0.2-0.35 0.03






.2811 2862 .3000 .3060

Dynamic range ................................. 10s in 4 discrete steps

Lead sulfide Bolometer

1 1.0-3.0 1

0.1 1.053 1.242 1.380 1.555 1.870 2.200 2.820

lo3 log compressed

Lead sulfide

1.0-3.0 0.1 . 1.053 1.242 1.380 1.555 1.870 1.900 2.200 2.725 2.775

2-825 I 10s log compressed

4-15 0.3 4.30 4.45 6.00 8.0 9.6


10s log compressed


TABLE 2Q-V.-Parameters of the Cryogenic Interf erometer/Spectrometer

TABLE 20-VI.-Parameters of the Infrared Spectrometer

Weight (with neon), lb .................... 33.6 Power input, watts .......................... 6 Field of view, deg ............................ 2 Optics, in. Cassegrain ...................... 4 Detector .............................................. Mercurydoped

germanium Spectral band, microns .................... 8 to 12 Dynamic range .................................. 10s automatic

Coolant ................................................ Liquid neon gain changing

Weight, lb ..................................... . .................... 18.6 Power input, watts .......................................... 8 Resolution, cm-* ................................................ 40 Field of view, deg ............................................ 2 Optics, in. Cassegrain ...................................... 4

Detectors Lead sulfide 1 Bolometer

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The measurements on items (2 ) , ( 3 ) , ( 5 ) , ( 7 ) , and (8) were accomplished with the cryogenic-neon-cooled spectrometer which was successfully used in orbit for the first time during this experiment. New informa- tion was obtained on the development and the use of cryogenically cooled sensor systems for space application. Included in the experiment results were the first infrared measurements of a satellite made by a manned spacecraft outside the atmosphere (fig. 20-6). The ex- periment demonstrated the advantages of using manned systems to obtain basic data with the crew contributing identification and choice of target ; choice of equipment mode ; ability to track selectively ; and augmenting, validating, and correlating data through on- the-spot voice comments.

FIGURE 20-6.-Experiment D004/D007 measurement of Gemini VI-A in Earth-reflected sunli~ht .

Experiment 0005, Sta r Occultation Navi- [jation.-Experiment DO05 was conducted to determine the usefulness of star occultation measurements for spacecraft navigation, and to establish a density profile for updating atmospheric models for horizon-based sys- tems. Data analysis has not yet been com- pleted ; but preliminary evaluation indicates that the atmospheric density profile is suffi- ciently stable to provide photometer data for determining spacecraft position with an accu- racy of 21 nautical mile. Typical occultation data are shown in figure 20-7. The photom-

eter developed and tested during this experi- ment is available for future applications.

1 A


Elapsed time, sec . 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

FIGURE 20-'7.-Experiment D005, Gemini X. Measurement of Vega occultation.

Experiment 0008, Radiation in Spnce- craft.-Experiment DO08 provided an active tissue equivalent ionization chamber system and passive dosimeters including thermo- luminescent devices, film-emulsion packs, and activation foils to record cosmic and Van Allen belt radiation within the Gemini space- craft. Excellent agreement was found be- tween data from the active and the passive dosimetry. The active dosimeter incorporated a portable sensor to measure radiation dose rate a t various points within the spacecraft and about the. body of each crewman. The measurements indicated that the total dose received on the Gemini IV mission was 82 millirads; the major portion was Van Allen helt radiation. On Gemini VJ-A, a total dose of only 20 millirads was computed. The inte- grated dose per pass through the South At- lantic anomaly is shown in table 20-VII. On Gemini IV, the instantaneous dose rate reached a level of 107 millirads/hour during revolution 7 (fig. 20-8) ; the highest dose rate recorded on Gemini VI-A was 73 millirads/ hour during a pass through the inner Van Allen belt. Typical cosmic radiation levels for the Gemini orbits are shown in figure 20-9.

The spacecraft shielding influenced dose levels by more than a factor of 2 on both

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Gemini VI-A ....

Total ..........

TABLE 20-VII.-Radiation Dose Experienced During South Atlantic Anomaly Passes

6 1.0 6 6.0 7 5.5 8 2.6 9 1.5



Gemini IV ........ Revolution

6 7 8 9

21 22 23 24 36 37 38 39 51 52 53 54

Integrated dose per anomaly

revolution, mrad

3.0 8.4

10.45 3.5 2.87 7.10

'6.0 '3.0 3.32 5.90 3.26 2.50 1.72 2.26

'2.0 2.0

missions. Film-emulsion data, coupled with special shielding experiments conducted using the active dosimeters, show that the doses received on the Gemini IV and VI-A missions were predominantly a result of the energetic proton component of the inner Van Allen belt : although radiation levels were well within acceptable limits, the data indicated the problems of manned operations deeper in the radiation belts. Equipment developed and tested during this experiment is available for future space applications.

Experiment 0009, Simple Navigation.- Experiment DO09 developed data on observ- able phenomena and procedures which can be

'"E - Portable dosimeter --- Fixed dosimeter


(0938 g. e. 1.1 0 4 8 12 16

Elapsed time, min

FIGURE 20-8.-Dose rate, South Atlantic anomaly pass, Gemini IV, revolution 7.

1 I I I I I 0 20 40 60 80 100

ElaDsed time. min (6934 Q. e; t 1 1.5 1.1 1.0 11251.75 .1.75 1.251.0 1.25

I l l I I t I I I I I (

1.751.25 1.0 1.11.5 2.00 1.5 1.1 1.1 1.5 L. earth radii

FIGURE 20-9.-Cosmic radiation dose levels within Gemini IV as a function of orbital time and L-values for revolution 45.

used for manual spacecraft navigation. A space sextant was developed and tested; the use of the sextant in an autonomous naviga- tion system proved feasible. The observable horizon for sextant measurements was deter- mined to average 14.9 miles above the mean Earth horizon. Typical errors in star coalti- tude determination were less than 0.10'. Measurements of angles to 51" were made with ease. Table 20-VI11 compares some Gemini VI1 essential orbital elements com- puted from ground track data and from sex- tant data. The calculated uncertainty for the position determined from sextant sightings was 10.1 nautical miles along the track, and 6.3 nautical miles across the track. This com- pared favorably with the accuracy of the

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4 8


TABLE 20-VI I I .4 rb i t Parameter Compari- son f o r Experiment DO09

28.90 28.71 192.03 ' 191.85 28.90 29.03 192.06 I 192.37 28.87 28.92 I 192.01 192.20

I I i Right ascension of , ascending node, deg ' Inclination, deg

Star set ~

16 28.90

I no. Ground i Ground I 1 track I Sextant ' track , Sextant

28.72 1 192.02 191.84

spacecraft position computed from radar tracking data. A flight-qualified sextant is available for future operational use.

Experiment DO1 0, Ion-Sensing Attitude Control.-Experiment DO10 developed and tested equipment which used specially adapted ion sensors to indicate spacecraft yaw and pitch angles relative to the flight path. The flight crew confirmed that the sys- tem provided an excellent indication of atti- tude. Data from the ion sensors are compared with data from the Gemini X spacecraft iner- tial sensor in figures 20-10 and 20-11. The system has excellent possibilities for future attitude indication/control applications.

- inertial sensor

1 M ) 2 0 0 # ) 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 1 M -201 I I I I I I I I I '

0 (64.a g. e. 1.1

Elapsed time, sec

FIGURE 2O-l0.-Comparison of ion sensor and iner- tial system yaw-angle measurements, Gemini X.

F sir 10 / \ Ion sensor /' W - A - / \ I u .E -10-

2 -20

.f .: Inertial sensor j

M:oO g. e. t. 1 Elapsed time, sec

FIGURE 20-ll.-Comparison of ion sensor and iner- tial system pitch-angle measurement, Gemini X.

E.rperimen t 0012, Astronaut ManeuveTiny Unit.-Experiment DO12 was not completed due to the inability to accomplish the planned flight tests on Gemini IX-A and XII. The Astronaut Maneuvering Unit was carried in the Gemini IX-A spacecraft, but flight test- ing was terminated prior to separation of the Astronaut Maneuvering Unit when visor fogging obstructed the Sision of the extra- vehicular pilot. Preparation of the Astronaut Maneuvering Unit for donning demonstrated for the first time that extravehicular work tasks of significant magnitude could be ac- complished, and that adequate astronaut re- strain t provisions were required to maintain the workload within acceptable levels. Extra- vehicular activity evaluation through Gemini XI indicated that progress of extravehicular activity development was less than desired. Therefore, the final Gemini XI1 extravehicu- lar activity was devoted to investigation of basic extravehicular activity tasks rather than to testing of the Astronaut Maneuvering Unit. Although flight tests were not com- pleted, the experience and data acquired dur- ing design fabrication, testing, and training will be valuable in the planning and future development of personal extravehicular ma- neuvering units. The Astronaut Maneuver- ing Unit, the Gemini space suit, and the

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Extravehicular Life-support System (chest pack) are shown in figure 20-12.

.FIGURE 20-12.-Thc Astronaut Maneuvering Unit, Gemini space suit, and Extravehicular Life-Sup- port System.

Erperiment , 0 0 1 3 , Asti.on,nut Visibility.- In conjunction with the scientific visual acuity experiment (SOOS) which investigated the effects of the space environment on visual acuity, Experiment DO13 confirmed a tech- nique for predicting capability of the flight crew to discriminate small objects on the sur- face of the Earth in daylight. In the experi- ment, the crew observed and reported ground rectangles of known size, contrast, and orien- tation as shown in the photograph of the array a t Laredo, Tex. (fig. 20-13). Simul- taneous measurements were taken of light scattering caused by the spacecraft window and of conditions over the array. The crew

reported correctly on the rectangles that earlier predictions indicated they should see.

Ezperimeirt DO14, Ultr~high-Freqzlency/ Very High-Frequency Polarization Measure- ments.-The flight test of Experiment DO14 was not completed. The experiment was scheduled for the Gemini VI11 and IX-A mis- sions. The experiment was not attempted during Gemini VIII due to control problems which forced early termination of the mis- sion. The experiment was accomplished on Gemini IX-A, but the number of measure- ments was limited because of other experi- ments and mission constraints. The success of the experiment required a representative number of measurements; since only a lim- ited number were acquired, objectives were not completely attained. Experiment equip- ment operation was satisfactory, and experi- ment technique was successfully demon- strated.

Expcrimant D 0 1 5 , Night I m a g e Intensifi- cation.-In Experiment DO15 image intensi- fication equipment was used for the first time on a manned spacecraft to view the Earth in darkness. The crew reported that geographic features (bodies of water, coastlines, and rivers) were observed under starlight condi- tions, with no Moon. Cloud patterns were especially prominent, indicating a possibility for mapping weather patterns a t night. The experiment results provided a basis for eval- uating future applications of image intensifi- cation equipment in space flight.

Experiment DO1 6, Power Tool Evalua- tiox.-Experiment DO16 was not completed due to the inability to complete the planned flirht tests. Spacecraft control problems of the Gemini VIII mission prevented evaluation of the minimum-reaction power tool (fig. 20-14). Pilot fatigue necessitated early ter- mination of extravehicular activity during Gemini XI, and evaluation of the power tool was not attempted. Although flight testing was not completed, development and testing of the power tool provided experience and data of value to future development of space maintenance activities.

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FIGURE 20-l3.-Aircraft photograph of Experiment Dol:(, ground array. Laredo. Tex.

Mode selector sleeve ..A

Forward-reverse switch--->\


Overall evaluation of the DOD/NASA Gemini Experiments Program indicates that the program was successful. Some basic capa- bilities of man in space which were unknown or uncertain at the beginning of the experi- ments program are now understood in specific terms. Such understanding will be valuable in the planning of future manned space systems.

FIGURE 20-14.-Experirnent D016, minimum reaction power tool.

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21. ASTRONAUT FLIGHT AND SIMULATION EXPERIENCES By THOMAS P. STAFFORD, Astronaut, Astronaut Ofice, NASA Manned Spncecrajt Center; and CIi \RLES

CONRAD, JR., Astronaut, Astronaut Ofice, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center


This presentation will be a discussion of the flight simulations and of the actual flight experiences of the Gemini Program. The pro- gram has proven that precise flight-crew re- sponses during orbital flight is critically de- pendent upon the fidelity of the simulation training received prior to flight. All crews utilized a variety of simulators in preparing for their specific missions. Flight experi- ences have shown that the majority of the simulators were of a high fidelity and that, in most cases, the simulators produced accu- rate conditions of the actual flight. The few minor discrepancies between the responses, controls, and displays in the simulator and in the actual spacecraft had no noticeable effect on flight-crew performance.


The presentation will be categorized into specific areas of the missions, and will com- pare the fidelity of flight simulations with ac- tual flight experience. The areas will be dis- cussed in the chronological sequence in which they occurred during flight.


The launch phase encompassed powered flight from lift-off through orbital insertion. The first phase of training for the launch se- quence was conducted by the flight crew in the Dynamic Crew Procedures Simulator lo- cated at the Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston. The simulator provided sound, mo- tion, and visual cues to the crew (figs. 21-1 and 21-2). During this phase of training, all launch and abort procedures were exercised

and revised when necessary. After complet- ing initial practice runs in the Dynamic Crew Procedures Simulator, the crew practiced the launch phase of flight a t the start of each Gemini Mission Simulator Session. The ini- tial training was conducted in a shirt-sleeve environment and later with each crewman wearing a full pressure suit. The Gemini Mission Simulator was of the exact configu- ration of the spacecraft to be flown, and pro- vided both visual displays and sound cues (figs. 21-3 and 21-4). As the training progressed, launch-abort

simulations were practiced with the Gemini Mission Simulator integrated with the Mis- sion Control Center. During these simula- tions, the Mission Control Center was manned by the mission flight controllers. The majority of the later runs were conducted with the crew suited in either training or flight suits. A final series of runs in the Dy- namic Crew Procedures Simulator was con- ducted approximately 3 weeks prior to launch.

The data displayed in the Dynamic Crew Procedures Simulator and in the Gemini Mission Simulator proved very realistic when compared with the data experienced in flight. Quantitative statistical data and qualitative flight-crew debriefings all correlated this fact. A comparison of Gemini Mission Simu- lator and actual flight data from the pow- ered-flight phase of the Gemini VI-A mission is shown in figures 21-5 to 21-8. An analysis of the plots indicates a close agree- ment between the two sources of data. Dur- ing the debriefing sessions after each flight, the crews have indicated that the response of the simulator controls and displays had a n extremely close correlation with the re- sponses observed in flight.

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FIGURE Zl-l.-Cutaway view of the Dynamic Crew Procedures Simulator.

FIGURE 21-3.-Gemini Mission Simulator console FIGURE 21-2.--Dynamic Crew Procedures Simulator. area.

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FIGURE 21-4.-Gemini Mission Simulator crew station.

begin number I pitch program I - - Begin number 2 pitch program

. Spacecraft separation'

- GeminiPI,-A f l ight data -- Gemin iY l -A Mission

Simulator data

40 80 120 I@ 200 240 280 3M 360 400 Time from lift-off. sec

FIGURE 21-5.-Time history of altitude and range during launch phase.

- Gemini n - A f l ight data G e m i n i n - A Mission Simulator data


\ / velocitv

I I I I I I I I I 1 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360

Time from lift-off, sec

FIGURE 21-G.-Space-fixed velocity and flight-pith angle.

u 4 ---Gemini l U - A Mission Simulator data

0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 Time from lift-off, sec

FIGURE 81-'i.-Dynaniic pressure and Mach number.

- G e m i n i m - A f l ight data -- Gemini I l l - A Mission Simulator data


0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 Time from lift-oti. sec

FIGURE 2l-d.-Coniparison of longitudinal acceleration.

One simulation problem that continually recurred tltii*ing the e:ii*Iy phases of the Gem- ini Progi-mi was that of providing guitlance ant1 control functions thzit were accurate and repeatable. The Gemini 111 creiv received a reentry simulation that appi*o;ic.hetl the tiight computer outputs only 2 weeks prior to flirht. This situation slo\vly inil)rovetl and the Ceniini 1'1 ci*ew received ;icc.ui*ate launch and reentry th t a :ipprosimately 1 month pi-ior to tliaht. The Geniiiii 1'111 and subse- quent crews were provided with accui'ate guichnce and naviration simulatiolis f o r the entire tixining period.


The initial phase of the ti*niniiiy for yen- tlezvous operations w:is conducted on the

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Hybrid Simulator a t the spacecraft contrac- tor facility. The simulator contained the flight controls and displays of the spacecraft Guidance and Control System and of the Pro- pulsion System, with a mockup for the re- mainder of the co*ckpit (figs. 21-9 and 21-10). Procedures for normal, backup, arid failure modes were developed during the early part of the training period. The crews performed this phase of rendezvous training in a shirt-sleeve environment. Various in- structors were able to stand alongside the simulator to observe and make comments during the run. The Hybrid Simulator visual disnlnv had n ranrlnm stnr-field harkvroiind

FIGURE 21-9.-Exterior view of Hybrid Simulator.

FIGURE fLl-lO.-Hybrid Simulator crew station.

which provided a satisfactory inertial ref- erence for this phase of training. Accurate data on attitude and maneuver fuel were ob- tained, and indicated a close correlation with the inflight data.

The training progressed to the Gemini Mission Simulator at the Kennedy Space Center where the total spacecraft configura- tion was available. The runs were conducted first in a shirt-sleeve environment and later progressed to the suited condition. Approxi- mately 20 percent of the simulator runs dur- ing the later phase of rendezvous training were conducted with the crew wearing train- ing suits and then flight suits. The rendez- vous phases of the flight plans were also re- fined during the runs. The third orbit ( M = 3 ) and the first orbit (M=l) rendez- vous missions required that considerable ef- fort be expended in practicing unstowage of gear, and in co*ckpit configuration manage- ment. This was a significant item in obtain- ing a smooth work flow during a time-critical period.

After the predicted launch date and time were determined, the simulator optical sys- tem was programed to provide the precise star and constellation field. The d a y h i g h t cycle was also included in this part of the program. Flight experience indicated that the visual simulations were extremely accurate with respect to the celestial field, but some- what lacking with respect to the magnitude and sharpness of the acquisition lights on the Gemini Agena Target Vehicle. Starting with the Gemini VI-A mission, the Gemini Mis- sion Simulator and the Mission Control Center were integrated for rendezvous net- work simulations ; however, not until the Gemini I X simulations could a satisfac- tory rendezvous be achieved on a target gen- erated by the Mission Control Center. While wearing space suits, the flight crew per- formed all of the network rendezvous simula- tions and unstowed equipment in the same manner as they would in flight. To facilitate the rendezvous phase of the mission, the in- formation obtained from the network ren- dezvous simulations frequently resulted in

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minor changes in the stowage configuration. Basic failure modes of the guidance and

navigation system were presented to the crew during training, and the knowledge acquired by the crew contributed to their confidence in performing the entire rendezvous maneu- ver. Several reset points were available for specific parts of the maneuver ; for example, the period after the completion of the final midcourse maneuver through the entire brak- ing routine. These runs were used to perfect the pilot techniques required for specific maneuvers.

The Gemini Mission Simulator provided accurate trajectory and fuel data for mission planning. Figures 21-11 and 21-12 compare the simulator and flight data for the Gemini VI-A rendezvous mission. Figure 21-13 compares hybrid simulation, Gemini mission simulation, and flight data for the Gemini IX-A mission. The hybrid simulation and the Gemini mission simulation were con- ducted at 15 nautical miles differential alti- tude. The flight was conducted at 12.1 nautical miles differential altitude. The hy- brid simulation incorporated system errors. The Gemini mission simulation was nominal.

Transfer initiation Hybrid Simulator Gemini.Mission Simulator Flight

First correction Hybrid Simulator Gemini Mission Simulator Flight

Second correction Hybrid Simulator Gemini Mission Simulator Flight

Terminal phase Hybrid Simulator Gemini Mission Simulator Flight

CI - G e m i n i n - A flight data 4 0 r - - G e m i n i n - A Mission Simulator data

.- 5 2 6 . 0 6 100

4 p x 25.6 pa[ ~

.- - p1


Space-f i x e d --Initiate phase- adjust maneuver

I I I I I 1 ' 1:OO I 2m 3:oo 4:oo Ground elapsed time, hr:min

g 2 5 . 2 v,

FIGURE 21-ll.-Altitude and space-fixed velocity durinE orbit.

0) .= Time marks -- GeminiXI-A Mksion U

Simulator data

Ahead+Behind Horizontal displacement, n. mi.

FIGURE 21-12.-Relative trajectory profile during terminal phase.

11 1 llllli

L I I 1 I I I I I I 0 10 20 3 0 4 0 50 60 70 80 90 100

Propellant consumed, Ib

FIGURE 21-13.-Gcmini IX-A rendezvous propellant comparison.

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Special Tasks

Experiment Training

Training equipment identical to the actual flight hardware was provided for each Gem- ini experiment. The indi~itlual pieces of ex- periment hardware were .first used for training in the spacecraft mockups at the spacecraft contractor facility and at the Manned Spacecraft Center. Later, the same hardware was used for training in the Gem- ini Mission Simulators. Camera equipment and other experiment hardware were often used by the Gemini flight crews while flying T-33 and T-38 aircraft. Operating the spe- cific gear in this environment provided excel- lent training in the use of the individual pieces of hardware. To accomplish specific tasks for individual experiments that re- quired precise tracking, spacecraft pointing commands and nulling of attitude rates were practiced. Flight experience indicated that the time lines and control tasks were very similar to those experienced in the Gemini Mission Simulator. The required updating and engineering changes of the experiment equipment frequently resulte'd in the flight crew not having the training hardware at a specified time to complete training. In certain isolated instances, the actual experiment hardware was not received until just prior to launch. This placed a difficult workload on the crew in trying to concentrate on new hardware and procedures in the last few days prior to flight.

Gemini Agena Target Vehicle Training

The Gemini VI11 through XI1 missions were scheduled to include docking and vari- ous maneuvers involving the .Gemini Agena Target Vehicle. The Gemini Mission Simu- lator provided a visual target vehicle that responded to commands from the Gemini crew station and from the simulator instruc- tor station. All target-vehicle commands in both the docked and the undocked configura- tions were available. Commands were ini- tiated for practicing attitude maneuvers as

well as maneuvers with the target-vehicle Primary and Secondary Propulsion Systems. The response of the simulated target vehicle to the input commands accurately simulated the response of the actual target vehicle dur- ing flight. Target-vehicle failure modes were included during certain training periods to provide the crew with the maximum available training for systems malfunction.

The Gemini docking trainer, located at the Manned Spacecraft Center, provided the ma- jority of the actual docking-sequence train- ing. All control modes of the spacecraft and of the target vehicle were simulated in this facility. The lighting configuration was va- ried to simulate the conditions that were en- countered during flight. All flight crews indicated that the final contact and docking- engage maneuver was somewhat easier than that experienced in the simulator. The con- trol task difference was explained by the difficulty in simulating a dynamic B-degree- of-freedom motion precisely equal to the or- bital flight condition.

- Tether Dynamics

The Dynamic Crew Procedures Simulator at the Manned Spacecraft Center was con- figured to provide a realistic simulation of the tethered-vehicle evaluations performed during the Gemini XI and XI1 missions. The basic time lines and control task for the tether maneuver were developed on this facility. The ability of the crew to cope with the large attitude excursions can be directly attributed to simulation training. The tether evaluation again demonstrated that an exercise could be generated with only a specific task involved ; the use of this technique contributed greatly to the success of many of the Gemini mis- sions.

Systems Operation

The flight-crew training for normal and emergency engineering procedures was first practiced on the Gemini Mission Simulator in conjunction with spacecraft systems brief- ings at the Manned Spacecraft Center. After

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the crew moved to the Kennedy Space Center, practice for the normal procedures was em- phasized; and less emphasis was placed on emergency procedures in order t o concentrate on the planned mission. Final systems brief- ings were conducted a t the Kennedy Space Center, and training in the operation of all spacecraft systems was accomplished in the Gemini Mission Simulator. Network simula- tions involving the Mission Control Center provided practice for all types of system fail- ures, and provided vehicle training €or both ground ancl flight crews. A few minor simu- lator discrepancies were noted in the (lis- play responses when a system condition \vas changed. The differences between the simu- lator display and the actual spacecraft re- sponses were small and did not produce any noticeable effect on the training program or the crew reaction in flight.

the actual flight data for the Gemini VI-A mission are shown in figure 21-14. The curve shows a close correlation between simulation and flight data. Any variances between ac- tual flight data and simulation data were considered insignificant for crew training.

-:04 Om 98 :12 :16 :20 2 4 2 8 :32 :36 Ground elapsed time from retrofire, h r m n

FIGURE 21-l4.-Altitude during reentry.

Concluding Remarks Reentry-Phase Training

The training for the reentry phase was conducted initially at the Manned Spacecraft Center on the Gemini Mission Simulator, and later a t the Kennedy Space Center. Two types of reset points were available for train- ing, one just prior to retrofire, and the other a t an altitude of 400 000 feet. The reset points provided the crew considerable flexi- bility in perfecting procedures and tech- niques for the retrofire and reentry sequence.

The exact constellation position for the night retrofire sequence was programed for each mission. This feature of the Gemini Mission Simulator provided excellent train- ing for the actual mission. The Mission Con- trol Center simulations were performed in both the shirt-sleeve and the suited config- urations.

The computer updates for reentry were performed by updata link ancl by voice link. The exact procedures used in flight were practiced many times in the simulator by the flight crews and in the Mission Control Cen- ter by the flight controllers during network reentry simulations.

The Gemini Mission Simulator data and

The variety of simulations available to the Gemini flight crews. produced conditions that closely approximated those encountered in flight. Certain simulators were of the hybrid design and encompassed only specific sys- tems. However, the simulation of the space- craft operation of the individual systems produced excellent flight-crew training to accomplish specific tasks such as launch, ren- dezvous and docking, and reentry. The few discrepancies between simulator and actual spacecraft systems had no noticeable effect on the overall training program or orbital performance. The success with which the flight crews accomplished each Gemini mis- sion was ii direct result of high-fidelity simu- lation training.

Thus it can be concluded that the wealth of knowledge gained in the Gemini Program will provide the simulation and training guidelines for the Apollo Program. High-fi- tlelity Apollo simulations and adequate flight- crew training can allow us to complete the lunar landing mission with a minimum num- ber of actual space flights. The only phase of the lunar mission that has not been pre- viously experienced to ii great degree in the

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Gemini Program is that of the lunar descent and landing. This phase cannot be experi- enced in flight until the actual landing takes place. Thus we can extrapolate from present

knowledge that an accurate simulation can be provided to give the flight crews a realism that will closely approximate the actual lunar landing.

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By WILLIS B. MITCHELL, Manager, Office of Vehicles and Missions, Gemirzi Program Ofice, N A S A Manned Spacecraft Center; OW EN E. MAYNARD. Chief, Mission Operations Division, Apollo Spacecraft Pro- gram Ofice, N A S A Manned Spacecraft Center: and DONALD D. ARABIAN, Office of Vehicles and Missions, Gemini Program Ofice, N A S A MnnnetE Spacecrrtll Center


The Gemini Program was conceived to provide a space system that could furnish answers to many of the problems in operat- ing manned vehicles in space. It was designed to build upon the experience gained from Project Mercury, and to extend and expand this fund of experience in support of the manned lunar landing program and other fu- ture manned space-flight programs. The pur- pose of this paper is to relate some of the results of the Gemini Program to the Apollo Program, and to discuss some of the con- tributions which have been made.

The objectives of the Gemini Program ap- plicable to Apollo are : (1) long-duration flight, (2) rendezvous and docking, (3) post- docking maneuver capability, (4) controlled reentry and landing, ( 5 ) flight- and ground- crew proficiency, and (6 ) extravehicular capability. The achievement of these objec- tives has provided operational experience and confirmed much of the technology which will be utilized in future manned programs. These contributions will be discussed in three major areas : launch and flight operations, flight- crew operations and training, and techno- logical development of subsystems and components. While there is obvious interre- lation among the three elements, the group- ing affords emphasis and order to the discussion.

Launch and Flight Operations

Gemini experience is being applied to Apollo launch and flight operations planning

and concepts. Probably the most significant is the development and understanding of the rendezvous and docking process. The Apollo Program depends heavily upon rendeivous for successful completion of the basic lunar mission. The Lunar Module, on returning from the surface of the Moon, must rendez- vous and dock with the Command and Serv- ice Module. In addition, the first Apollo mission involving a manned Lunar Module will require rendezvous and docking in Earth orbit by a Command and Service Module placed in orbit by a separate launch vehicle. During the Gemini Program, 10 rendezvous and 9 .docking operations were completed. The rendezvous operations were completed under a variety of conditions applicable to the Apollo missions.

The Gemini VI-A and VI1 missions dem- onstrated the feasibility of rendezvous. Dur- ing the Gemini IX-A mission, maneuvers performed during the second re-rendezvous demonstrated the feasibility of a rendezvous from above; this is of great importance if the Lunar Module should be required to abort a lunar-powered descent. During the Gemini X mission, the spacecraft computer was pro- gramed to use star-horizon sightings for predicting the spacecraft orbit. These data, combined with target-vehicle ephemeris data, .provided an onboard prediction of the ren- dezvous maneuvers required. The rendezvous was actually accomplished with the ground- computed solution, but the data from the on- board prediction will be useful in developing space-navigation and orbit-determination techniques.


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The passive ground-controlled rendezvous demonstrated on Gemini X and XI is impor- tant in developing backup procedures for equipment failures. The Gemini XI first-orbit rendezvous was onboard controlled and pro- vides an additional technique to Apollo plan- ners. The Gemini XI1 mission resulted in a third-orbit rendezvous patterned after the lunar-orbit rendezvous sequence, and again illustrated that rendezvous can be reliably and repeatedly performed.

All of the Gemini rendezvous operations provided extensive experience in computing and conducting midcourse maneuvers. These maneuvers involved separate and combined corrections of orbit plane, altitude, and phas- ing similar to the corrections planned for the lunar rendezvous. Experience in maneuver- ing combined vehicles in space was also ac- cumulated during the operations using the docked spacecraft 'target-vehicle configura- tion when the Primary Propulsion System of the target vehicle was used to propel the spacecraft to the high-apogee orbital alti- tudes. During the Gemini X mission, the Pri-

mary Propulsion System was used in combi- nation with the Secondary Propulsion System to accomplish the dual-rendezvous operation with the passive Gemini VI11 tar- get vehicle. These uses of an auxiliary pro- pulsion system add another important operational technique.

In summary, 10 rendezvous exercises were accomplished during the Gemini Program, including 3 re-rendezvous and 1 dual opera- tion (fig. 22-1). Seven different rendezvous modes were utilized. These activities demon- strated the capabilities for computing ren- dezvous maneuvers in the ground-based computer complex; the use of the onboard radar-computer closed-loop system ; the use of manual computations made by the flight crew; and the use of optical techniques and star background during the terminal phase and also in the event of equipment failures. A variety of lighting conditions and back- ground conditions during the terminal-phase maneuvers, and the use of auxiliary lighting devices, have been investigated. The rendez- vous operations demonstrated that the com-

\.'&- I - I

Demonstrated Ground computations Experience Total rendezvous 1; ) $kI Flight computations initial Manual computations Re-rendezvous 3 Use of stars Dual rendezvous 1 Midcourse maneuvers Modes demonstrated 7

Plane change Height adjust Phasing

Total rendezvous

FIGURE 22-l.--Rendezvous.

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putation and execution of maneuvers for changing or adjusting orbits in space can be performed with considerable precision.

The nine docking operations during Gem- ini demonstrated that the process can be ac- complished in a routine manner. and that the ground training simulation was adequate for this operation (fig. 22-2). The Gemini flight experience has established the proper light- ing conditions for successful docking opera- tions. Based on the data and experience derived from the Gemini rendezvous and docking operations, planning for the lunar- orbit rendezvous can proceed with confidence.

Demonstrated Experience Operation feasible Gemini EUI 1 orbit f ra in ing adequate Gemini E - A 1 orbit Lighting needs GeminiX 1 orbit

Gemini XI 4 orbits G e m i n i X I l 3 orbits

FIGURFI ZZ-Z.-Docking.

Extravehicular Activity

Extravehicular activity was another im- portant objective of the Gemini Program. Although extensive use of extravehicular ac- tivity has not been planned for the Apollo Program, the Gemini extravehicular experi- ence should provide valuable information in two areas. First, extravehicular activity will be used as a contingency method of crew transfer from the Lunar Module to the Com- mand Module in the event the normal transfer mode cannot be accomplished. Second, opera- tions on the lunar surface will be accom- plished in a vacuum environment using auxil- iary life-support equipment and consequently will be similar to Gemini extravehicular oper- ations. For these applications, the results from Gemini have been used to determine the

type of equipment and the crew training r.e- quired. The requirements for auxiliary equip- ment such as handholds, tether points, and handrails have been established.

Controlled Landing

From the beginning of the Gemini Pro- gram, one of the objectives was to develop reentry flight-path and landing control. The spacecraft was designed with an offset center of gravity so that it would develop lift during the flight through the atmosphere. The space- craft control system was used to orient the lift vector to provide maneuvering capability. A similar system concept is utilized by the Apollo spacecraft during reentry through the Earth atmosphere.

After initial development problems on the early Gemini flights, the control system worked very well in both the manual and the automatic control modes. Spacecraft landings were achieved varying from a few hundred yards to a few miles from the target point (fig. 22-3). The first use of a blunt lifting body for reentry control serves to verify and to validate the Apollo-design -concepts. The success of the Gemini guidance system in controlling reentry will support the Apollo design, even though the systems differ in detail.

Launch Operations

The prelaunch checkout and verification concept which was originated during the Gemini Program is being used for Apollo. The testing and servicing tasks are very simi- lar for both spacecraft, and the Gemini test- flow plan developed a t the Kennedy Space Center is being applied. The entire mode of operation involving scheduling, daily opera- tional techniques, operational procedures, procedures manuals, and documentation is similar to that used in the Gemini operation. Much of the launch-site operational support is common to both programs: this includes tracking radars and cameras, communica- tions equipment, telemetry, critical power,

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I I I I 1

0 = Spacecraft I I I

. FIGURE 22-3.-Demonstration of landing accuracy.

and photography. The requirements for this equipment are the same in many cases, and the Gemini experience is directly applicable. The Apollo Program will use the same mis- sion operations organization for the launch sequence that was established during Project Mercury and tested and refined during the Gemini Program.

Mission Control

The Gemini mission-control operations con- cepts evolved from Project Mercury. These concepts were applied during the Gemini Pro- gram and will be developed further during the Apollo missions, although the complexity of the operations will substantially increase as the time for the lunar mission nears. The worldwide network of tracking stations was established to gather data concerning the status of the Mercury spacecraft and pilots. The Mercury flights, however, involved con-

trol of a single vehicle with no maneuvering capability.

The Gemini Program involved multiple vehicles, rendezvous maneuvers, and long- duration flights, and required a more complex ground-control system capable of processing and reacting to vast amounts of real-time data. The new mission-control facility at the Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, was de- .

signed to operate in conjunction with the Manned Space Flight Network for direction and control of Gemini and Apollo missions, as well as of future manned space-flight pro- grams. Much of this network capability was expanded for Gemini and is now being used to support the Apollo missions. Gemini has contributed personnel training in flight con- trol and in maintenance and operation of flight-support systems. As the Gemini flights progressed and increased in complexity, the capabilities of the flight controllers increased, and resulted in a nucleus of qualified control personnel.

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The development of experienced teams of mission-planning personnel has proved ex- tremely useful in the preparation for future manned missions. Mission plans and flight- crew procedures have been developed and exercised to perform the precise inflight ma- neuvers required for rendezvous of two ve- hicles in space, and to perform flights up to 14 days in duration. The techniques which were evolved during Gemini have resulted in flight plans that provide the maximum prob- ability of achieving mission objectives with a minimum usage of consumables and opti- mum crew activity. The development of satis- factory work-rest cycles and the acceptance of simultaneous sleep periods are examples of learning which will be carried forward to the Apollo planning. The mission planning procedures developed for Gemini are appli- cable to future programs, and the personnel who devised and implemented the procedures are applying their experience to the Apollo flight-planning effort.

Flight-Crew Operations and Training

Crew Capability

The results of the Gemini Program in the area of flight-crew operations have been very rewarding in yielding knowledge concerning the Gemini long-duration missions. The medi- cal experiments conducted during these flights have demonstrated that man can func- tion in space for the planned duration of the lunar landing mission. The primary question concerning the effect of long-duration weight- lessness has been favorably answered. Adap- tation to the peculiarities of the zero-g envi- ronment has been readily accomplished. The results significantly increase the confidence in the operational efficiency of the flight crew for the lunar mission.

The Apollo spacecraft is designed for coop- erative operation by two or more pilots. Each module may be operated by one individual for short periods ; however, a successful mis- sion requires a cooperative effort by the three-man crew. The multiple-crew concept

of spacecraft operation was introduced for the first time in the United States during the Gemini Program and, cooperative procedures for multipilot operations were developed.

The Gemini Program has established that man can function normally and without ill effect outside the spacecraft during extra- vehicular operations.

Crew Equipment

Most of the Gemini technology regarding personal crew equipment is applicable to Apollo. The Block I Apollo space suit is basically the same as the Gemini space suit. The Block I1 Apollo space suit, although dif- ferent in design, will have familiar Gemini items such as suit-design concepts, locking mechanisms for connectors, and polycarbo- nate visors and helmets. The Gemini space- suit support facilities at the Manned Spacecraft Center and at the Kennedy Space Center, plus the ground-support equipment, will be fully utilized during Apollo.

A considerable amount of personal and postlanding survival equipment will be used for Apollo in the same configuration as was used for Gemini. Some items have minor modifications for compatibility, others for improvements based upon knowledge result- ing from flight experience. Specific examples include food packaging, water dispenser, medical kits, personal hygiene items. watches, sunglasses, penlights, cameras, and data books.

Many of the concepts of crew equipment originated in Gemini experience with long- duration missions and recovery: food and waste management ; cleanliness : housekeep- ing and general sanitation : and environmen- tal conditions such as temperature, radiation, vibration, and acceleration. Although the Apollo approach may differ in many areas, the Gemini experience has been the guide.

Flight-Crew Training

The aspects of crew training important to future programs include preflight prepara- tion of the crews for the mission and the

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reservoir of flight experience derived from the Gemini Program. Apollo will inherit the training technology developed for the Gemini flight crews. The technology began with Project Mercury, and was developed and re- fined during the training of the Gemini multi- man crews. There now exists an organization of highly skilled specialists with a thorough understanding of the training task. Adequate crew preparation can be assured in all areas, from the physical conditioning of the indi- vidual crewmembers to the most complicated integrated mission simulation.

One highly developed aspect of flight-crew training is the use of simulators and simula- tion techniques. A significant result of the Gemini rendezvous experience was the 'veri- fication of the ground simulation employed in flight-crew training. The incorporation of optical displays in the Gemini simulations was an important step in improving the train- ing value of these devices. Using high-fidelity mission simulators to represent the space- craft and to work with the ground control network and flight controllers was instru- mental in training the pilots and ground crew as a functional team that could deal with problems and achieve a large percentage of the mission objectives.

The Gemini Program resulted in an accu- mulated total of 1940 man-hours of flight time distributed among 16 flight-crew mem- bers. This flight experience is readily adapt- able to future programs since the Gemini pilots are flight qualified for long-duration flights and rendezvous operations, and are familiar with many of the aspects of working in the close confines of the spacecraft. This experience is of great value to future training programs. The experience in preparing multi- man crews for flight, in monitoring the crew during flight, and in examining and debrief- ing after flight will facilitate effective and efficient procedures for Apollo.

Technological Development of Systems and Components

Gemini and Apollo share common hard- ware items in some subsystems ; in other sub-

systems, the similarity exists in concept and general design. The performance of Gemini systems, operating over a range of conditions, has provided flight-test data for the verifica- tion of the design of related subsystems. These data are important since many ele- ments of Apollo, especially systems inter- actions, cannot be completely simulated in ground testing. The Apollo Spacecraft Pro- gram Office at the Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, has reviewed and analyzed Gemini anomalous conditions to determine corrective measures applicable to Apollo. The Apollo Program Director has established additional procedures at NASA Headquarters to pro- mote rapid dissemination and application of Gemini experience to Apollo equipment de- sign.

The Gemini missions have provided back- ground experience in many systems such as communications, guidance and navigation, fuel cells, and propulsion. In addition, a series of experiments was performed specifically for obtaining general support information applicable to the Apollo Program.

In the communications systems, common items include the recovery and flashing-light beacons; similar components are utilized in the high-frequency and ultrahigh-frequency recovery antennas. Reentry and postlanding batteries and the digital data uplink have the same design concepts. The major Apollo de- sign parameters concerned with power re- quirements and range capability have been confirmed.

In the-area of guidance and navigation, the use of an onboard computer has been dem- onstrated and the Gemini experience with rendezvous radar techniques has been a fac- tor in the selection of this capability for the Lunar Module. The ability to perform in- plane and out-of-plane maneuvers and to de- termine new space references for successful reentry and landing has been confirmed by Gemini flights. The control of a blunt lifting body during reentry will also support the Apollo concept.

In the electrical power supply, the use of the Gemini fuel cell has confirmed the appli-

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cability of the concept. The ability of the cryogenic reactant storage system to operate over a wide range of off-design conditions in flight has verified the design, which is similar for Apollo. The performance of the Gemini system has provided a better understanding of the system parameters over an operating range considerably in excess of the range previously contemplated. The design of the cryogenic servicing system for Apollo was altered after the initial difficulties experi- enced by early Gemini flights. Consequently, a fairly sophisticated system now exists which will eliminate the possibility of delays in servicing. The ability to estimate the power requirements for the Apollo spacecraft equip- ment is enhanced by the Gemini operational data.

In the propulsion area, the ullage control rockets of the Apollo-Saturn S-IVB stage are the same configuration as the thrusters used for the Gemini spacecraft Orbital Attitude and Maneuver System; the thrusters of the Apnllo Command Module Reaction Control System are similar. Steps have been taken to eliminate the problems which occurred in the development of the Gemini thrusters, such as the cracking of the silicon-carbide throat inserts, the unsymmetrical errosion of the chamber liners, and the chamber burn- through. The tankage of the Reaction Con- trol System is based upon the Gemini design, and employs the same materials for tanks and bladders. The propellant control valves were also reworked as a result of early problems in the Gemini system.

The Lunar Module ascent engine also bene- fited from the Gemini technology: the con- tractor for this engine also manufactured the engines for the Gemini Agena Target Vehicle. Following the inflight failure of the target- vehicle engine during the Gemini VI mission. a test program verified the inherent danger in fuel-lead starts in the space environment. Consequently, the Lunar Module ascent en- gine and the Gemini target-vehicle engine were changed so that the oxidizer would enter the engine before the fuel. The problem had been indicated during ascent-engine test-

ing, but was not isolated until the required definitive data were furnished by Project Sure Fire on the target-vehicle engine.

In addition to medical experiments, several other types of experiments were conducted during Gemini and have supplied information and data for use by the Apollo Program. The experiments included electrostatic charge, proton-electron spectrometer, lunar ultra- violet spectrometer, color-patch photography, landmark contrast measurements, radiation in spacecraft, reentry communications, man- ual navigation sightings, simple navigation, radiation and zero-g effects on blood, and micrometeorite collection. Although the di- rect effects of these experiments on Apollo systems are difficult to isolate, the general store of background data and available infor- mation has been increased.

Concluding Remarks

The Gemini Program has made significant contributions to future manned space-flight programs. Some of the more important con- tributions include flight-operations tech- niques and operational concepts, flight-crew operations and training, and technological development of components and systems. In the Gemini Program, the rendezvous and docking processes so necessary to the lunar mission were investigated ; workable proce- dures were developed, and are available for operational use. The capability of man to function in the weightless environment of space was investigated for periods up to 14 days. Flight crews have been trained. and have demonstrated that they can perform complicated mechanical and mental tasks with precision while adapting to the space- craft environment and physical constraints during long-duration missions.

Additionally, the development of Gemini hardware and techniques has advanced space- craft-design practices and has demonstrated advanced systems which, in many cases, will substantiate approaches and concepts for future spacecraft.

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Finally, ])robiibly the most significant con- tributions of Gemini have been the training of 1,ersonnel m d organizations in the disci- plines of management, operations, manufac-

turing, and engineering. This nucleus of ex- perience has been disseminated throughout the many facets of Apollo and will benefit all future manned space-flight programs.

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23. CONCLUDING REMARKS By GEORGE M. Low. Depiily Director, N A S A Marrired SpacecrnJt Center

With the preceding paper, one of the most successful programs in our short history of space flight has ended. The Gemini achieve- ments have been many, and have included long-duration flight, maneuvers in space, ren- dezvous, docking, use of large engines in space, extravehicular activity, and controlled reentry. The Gemini achievements have also included a host of medical, technological, and scientific experiments. .

The papers have included discussions of many individual difficulties that were experi- enced in preparation for many of the flight missions and in some of the flights. The suc-

cessful demonstration that these difficulties were overcome in later missions is a great tribute to the program, to the organization, and to the entire Gemini team.

A period of difficulty exists today in the program that follows Gemini, the Apollo Pro- gram. Yet, perhaps one of the most important legacies from Gemini to the Apollo Program and to future programs is the demonstration that great successes can be achieved in spite of serious difficulties along the way.

The Gemini Program is now officially com- pleted.


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NASA CENTERS AND OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES This appendix contains a list of Government agencies participating in the Gemini Pro-


NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C., and Department of Defense, Washington, D.C. : the following NASA centers : Department of the Army

Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Department of the Navy Department of the Air Force

Electronics -Research Center, Cam- Department of State, Washington, D.C.

Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif. Department of the Interior, Washington, Goddard Space Flight Center, Green- D.C.

belt, Md. Department of Health, Education, and Wel- Kennedy Space Center, Cocoa Beach, fare, Washington, D.C.

Fla. Department of the Treasury, Washington, Langley Research Center, Langley Sta-

tion, Hampton, Va. . U.S. Coast Guard Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio * Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, D.C.

Tex. Environmental Science Services Administra- Marshall Space Flight Center, Hunts- tion, Washington, D.C.

ville, Ala.


bridge, Mass. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C.

D.C. :

U.S. Information Agency, Washington, D.C.

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CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, AND VENDORS This appendix contains a listing of contractors, subcontractors, and vendors that have

Gemini contracts totaling more than $100 000. I t represents the best effor'i possible to obtain a complete listing; however, i t is possible that some are missing, such as those supporting activities not directly concerned with Manned Spacecraft Center activities. These contrac- tors, subcontractors, and vendors are recognized as a group.


Acoustica Associates, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. Aerojet-General Corp., Sacremento, Calif. Aerojet-General Corp., Downey, Calif. Aerospace Corp., El Segundo, Calif. AiResearch Manufacturing Co., division of

Garrett Corp., Torrance, Calif. Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Analytical Mechanics Associates, Westbury,

Arde-Portland, Inc., Paramus, N.J. Avco Corp., Stratford, Conn. Bechtel Corp., Los Angeles, Calif. Beckman Instruments, Inc., Fullerton, Calif.

"Bell Aerosystems Co., division of Bell Aero- space Corp., Buffalo, N.Y.

Bissett-Berman Corp., Santa Monica, Calif. Burroughs Corp., Paoli, Pa. CBS Labs, Inc., Stamford, Conn. David Clark Co., Inc., Worcester, Mass. Cook Electric Co., Morton Grove, Ill. Cutler-Hammer, Inc., Long Island, N.Y. Electro-Optical Systems, Inc., Pasadena,

Farrand Optical Co., Inc., Bronx, N.Y. Federal Electric Corp., Paramus, N.J. Federal-Mogul Corp., Los Alamitos, Calif. General Dynamics/Astronautics Division,

General Dynamics/Convair Division, San

General Dynamics! Convair Division, Fort



San Diego, Calif.

Diego, Calif.

Worth, Tex.

General Electric Co., Syracuse, N.Y. General Motors Corp., Milwaukee, Wis. General Precision, Inc., Link Division, Bing-

General Precision, Inc., Pleasantville, N.Y. B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Honeywell, Inc., West Covina, Calif. Hughes Aircraft Co., Culver City, Calif. International Business Machines Corp.,

International Business Machines Corp., Be-

Ling-Temco-Vought, Inc., Dallas, Tex. Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., Sunnyvale,

Martin Co., division of Martin-Marietta

Martin Co., division of Martin-Marietta

J . A. Maurer, Inc., Long Island City, N.Y. McDonnell Aircraft Corp., St. Louis, Mo. Melpar, Inc., Falls Church, Va. D. B. Milliken, Inc., Arcadia, Calif. North American Aviation, Inc., Rocketdyne

Division, Canoga Park, Calif. North American Aviation, Inc., Space and

Information Systems Division, Downey, Calif.

hamton, N.Y.

Owego, N.Y.

thesda, Md.


Corp., Baltimore, Md.

Corp., Denver, Colo.

Philco Corp., Philadelphia, Pa. Philco Corp., WDL Division, Palo Alto, Calif. Razdow Lab., Newark, N.J. Scientific Data Systems, Inc., Santa Monica,


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Space Labs, Inc., Van Nuys, Calif. Sperry Rand Corp., Sperry Phoenix Co. Di-

Sperry Rand Corp., Washington, D.C. Texas Institute for Rehabilitation and Re-

Thiokol Chemical Corp., Elkton, Md. Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, Inc., Redondo

Todd Shipyards Corp., Galveston, Tex. Western Gear Corp., Lynwood, Calif. Whirlpool Corp., St. Joseph, Mich.

vision, Phoenix, Ariz.

search, Houston, Tex.

Beach, Calif.


Sulicontractoi.s and Vendors

ACF Industries, Inc., Paramus, N.J. ACR Electronics Corp., New York, N.Y. Advanced Technology Laboratories, division

of American Radiator & Standard Corp., Mountain View, Calif.

Aeronca Manufacturing Corp., Baltimore, Md.

AiResearch Manufacturing Co., division of Garrett Corp., Torrance, Calif.

American Machine & Foundry Co., Spring- dale, Conn.

Argus Industries, Inc., Gardena, Calif. Astro Metallic, Inc., Chicago, 111. Autronics Corp., Pasadena, Calif. Avionics Research Corp., West Hempstead.

Barnes Engineering Co., Stamford, Conn. Beech Aircraft Corp., Boulder, Colo. Bell Aerosystems Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Bendix Corp., Eatontown, N. J. Brodie, Inc., San Leandro, Calif. Brush Beryllium Co., Cleveland, Ohio Brush Instrument Corp., Los Angeles, Calif. Burtek, Inc., Tulsa, Okla. Cadillac Gage Co., Costa Mesa. Calif. Calcor Space Facility, Inc., Whittier, Calif. Cannon Electric Co., Brentwood, Mo. Cannon Electric Co., Phoenix, Ariz. Captive Seal Corp., Caldwell, N.J. Central Technology Corp., Herrin, Ill. Clevite Corp., Cleveland, Ohio Clifton Precision Products Co., Clifton

Collins Radio Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa


Heights, Pa.

Comprehensive Designers, Inc., Philadelphia,

Computer Control Co., Inc., Framingham,

Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp., Mon-

Cook Electric Co., Skokie, Ill. Cosmodyne Corp., Hawthorne, Calif. Custom Printing Co., Ferguson, Mo. Day & Zimmerman, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. De Havillnnd Aircraft, Ltd., Dovnsview, On-

Dilectrix Corp., Farmingdale, N.Y. Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., Tulsa, Okla. Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., Santa Monica,

Eagle-Picher Co., Joplin, Mo. Edgerton, Germeshausen & Grier, Inc., Bos-

Electro,Mechanical Research, Inc., Sarasota,

Electronics Associates, Inc., Long Branch,

Emerson Electric Co., St. Louis, Mo. Emertron Information and Control Division,

Engineered Magnetic Divisibn, Hawthorne,

Epsco, Inc., Westwood, Mass. Explosive Technology, Inc., Santa Clara,

Calif. Fairchild Camera & Instrument Corp., Cable

Division, Joplin, Mo. Fairchild Controls, Inc., division of Fair-

child Camera & Instrument Corp., Hicks- ville, N.Y.



rovia, Calif.

tario, Canada


ton, MASS.



Litton Systems, Inc., Newark, N.J.


Fairchild Hiller Corp., Bay Shore, N.Y. Fairchild Stratos Corp., Bay Shore, N.Y. General Electric Co., Pittsfield, Mass. General Electric Co., West Lynn, Mass. General Electric Co., Waynesboro, Va. General Precision, Inc., Link Division, Bing-

General Precision, Inc., Little Falls, N.J. Genistron, Inc., Bensenville, 111. Giannini Controls Corp., Duarte, Calif. Goodyear Aerospace Corp., Akron, Ohio Gray & Huleguard, Inc., Santa Monica, Calif. Gulton Industries, Inc., Hawthorne, Calif.

hamton, N.Y.

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Hamilton-Standard, division of United Air- craft Corp., Windsor Locks, Conn.

Hexcel Products, Inc., Berkeley, Calif. Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Honeywell, Inc., St. Petersburg, Fla. Hurietron Corp., Wheaton, Ill. Hydra Electric Co., Burbank, Calif. International Business Machines Cnrp.,

Johns-Mansville Corp., Mansville, N. J. Kinetics Corp., Solvana Beach, Calif. Kirk Engineering Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Leach Corp., Compton, Calif. Leach Relay Corp., Los Angeles, Calif. Lear-Siegler, Inc., Grand Rapids, Mich. Linde Co., Whiting, Ind. Lion Research Corp., Cambridge, Mass. Maffett Tool & Machine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Marotta Valve Corp., Boonton, N.J. Meg Products, Inc., Seattle, Wash. Missouri Research Laboratories, Inc., St.

Moog, Inc., Buffalo, N.Y. Motorola, Inc., Scottsdale, Ariz. National Water Lift Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. North American Aviation, Inc., Rocketdyne

Northrop Corp., Ventura Division, Newbury

Northrop Corp., Van Nuys, Calif. Ordnance Associates, Inc., South Pasadena,

Ordnance Engineering Associates, Inc., Des

Owego, N.Y.


Louis, Mo.

Division, Canoga Park, Calif.

Park, Calif.


Plaines, Ill.

Palomar Scientific Corp., Redmond, Wash. Pneumodynamics Corp., Kalamazoo, Mich. Pollak & Skan, Inc., Chicago, Ill. Powerton, Inc., Plainsville, N.Y. Radcom Emerton, College Park, Md. Radiation, Inc., Melbourne, Fla. Raymond Engineering Laboratory, Inc., X J -

Reinhold Engineering Co., SUI:: ,: i ' ~ > Springs,

Rocket Power, Inc., ?,fes:- 1 - k

Rome Cable Corp., . - i v . . I 1 of Alcoa, Rome,

Rosemount E n g i ~ w - i n g Co., Minneapolis,

Servonics Instriiments, Inc., Costa Mesa.

Space Corp., Eullas, Tex. Sperry Rand Corp., Tampa, Fla. Sperry Rand Corp., Torrance, Calif. Speitlel Co., Warwick, R.I. Talley Indistries, Mesa, Ariz. Teledyne Systems Corp., Hawthorne, Calif. Texas Instruments, Inc., Dallas, Tex. Thiokol Chemical Corp., Elkton, Md. Union Carbide Corp., Whiting, Ind. Vickers, Inc., St. Louis, Mo. Weber Aircraft Corp., Burbank, Calif. Westinghouse Electric Corp., Baltimore, Md. Whiting-Turner, Baltimore. Md. Wyle Laboratories, El Segundo, Calif. Yardney Electric Corp., New York, N.Y. H. L. Yoh Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

dletown, Conn.







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intinued from inside front cover)


Gemini VI11

Gemini I X

Gemini I X-A

Gemini X

Gemini XI

Gemini f XI I



Manned 3 days

Rendezvous and dock

Extrovehicul or acfivity

Manned 3 days

Rendezvous ond dock

Extraveh i cui ar activity

(Canceled after failure of

Target Launch Veh i c I e)

Manned 3 days.

Rendezvous and dock

Extraveh i cui or activity

Manned 3 days

Rendezvous and dock

Extravehicular activity

Manned 3 days

Rendezvous and dock

Tether evaluation Extravehicular


Manned 4 days

Rendezvous and dock

Tether evoluation Extravehicu I ar

act iv i ty


Mar. 16, 1966

May 17, 1966

June 3, 1966

July 18, 1966

Sept. 12, 1966

Nov. 11 1966


Demonstrated rendezvous and docking with Ge- mini Agena Target Vehicle, controlled land- ing and emergency recovery, and multiple restart of Gemini Agena Target '4ehicle i n orbit.

Spacecraft mission terminated early because of an electrical short in the control system.

Demonstrated dual countdown procedures.

Demonstrated three rendezvous techniques, eval uated extravehicular activity with detai I ed work tasks, and demonstrated preci sion land- - ing capability.

Demonstrated dual rendezvous using Gemini Agena Target Vehicle propulsion for docked maneuvers, and demonstrated removal of ex- periment package from passive target vehicle duri ng extraveh icul ar activity . Evaluated feasibility of using onboard navigational tech- niques for rendezvous.

Demonstrated first-orbit rendezvous and dock- i ng, evaluated extrovehicul ar activity, demon- strated feasibility of tethered station keeping, and demonstrated automatic reentry capability.

Demonstrated rendezvous and docking, evalu- ated extravehi cui ar activity , demonstrated feasibility of gravity-gradient tethered-vehicle station keeping, and demonstrated automatic reentry capabil ity.

Gemini Sumary Conference - [PDF Document] (2024)


How did Gemini 11 give NASA confidence in future Apollo missions? ›

The Gemini missions have provided back- ground experience in many systems such as communications, guidance and navigation, fuel cells, and propulsion. In addition, a series of experiments was performed specifically for obtaining general support information applicable to the Apollo Program.

What were some of the firsts accomplished with Project Gemini? ›

They included many , firsts: first astronaut-controlled maneuvering in space; first rendezvous in space of one spacecraft with another; first docking of one spacecraft with a propulsive stage and use of that stage to trans£ er man to high altitude; first traverse of man into the Earth's radiation belts; first ex tended ...

What was the problem with the Gemini mission? ›

A malfunctioning orbital flight attitude thruster during the flight of Gemini VIII led to acceleration forces on astronauts Neil Armstrong (commander) and David Scott (pilot) that created the potential for derogation of oculo-vestibular and eye-hand coordination effects.

What was the most important Gemini mission? ›

Rendezvous and Docking in Space

Gemini VIII made the first successful docking in space, linking up with the Agena Target Vehicle seen below. Docking spacecraft was an essential element of NASA's plan to go to the moon.


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.