Phone 4600 for a WANT AO ToVtr THE CUMBERLAND NEWS, CUMBERLAND, MP, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER FROSTBURG NEWS FROM THE TRI STATE AREA KEYSER Freedom Assembly At Central Today Trumbo To Fill Vacancy On Hardy County Ticket 1,975 Register For Draft In Two Counties Single Non Veterans Get Questionnaires Promotions Given To 38 Guardsmen At Frostburg Federal Inspection Of Company Expected Democratic Group Makes Appointment Centr MOOREFIELD W. Va. George C. Trumbo. Jr Milam, has been appointed by the Hardy County ment head.
Democratic Executive Committee as RUMd the candidate for House Of Dele with songs gates for the November election. sion to be Trumbo will run for the otfice fflafi latter's death in an automobile accident in Harrisonburg, recently left a vacancy on the county ticket. The Executive Committee in the same meeting named Maurice Beall. Wardensville. as the Democratic candidate for the office of Justice of Peace in Capon District and quarters of the 115th Infantry.
Tow on. promoting the following men: 4 Ear! C. Davis. Cpl. Robert Andres, Cpl.
James Flanigan. Cpl. George Layman. Jr. and Pvt.
Harry to star! sergeant. CpL Mayford Barry. Cpl Bernard Kenney and CpL Kenneth Lowery to sergeant. Pfc. James B.
Miller and Pfc. John R. Wright to technician fourth grade. Pfc. Curtis Shroyer, Pfc.
James Smith, Pfc Charles T. Snow. Pvt. Ralph Layman and Pvt. William "BUT Baker, Wardens ille, as the candidate for short erm member of the Hardy County Court.
END OF DASH Two 70 ton coal hoppers that broke away from a car retarder at Ocean Mine No. 1 yesterday morning came to reet a mile west ot Barton (top picture) after rolling uncontrolled for seven miles through three Georges Creek communities at speeds estimat Trumbo is a graduate of St. John's Academy in Petersburg; Shenandoah College. Dayton, Shepherd College and West Virginia Id! 4 nvcrsit. He taueht tor six years Hardv Count schools.
Trumbo a veteran of 42 months' service World War II. with 32 of those Kenneth G. Fester man. Earl Gr John R. Izat.
William F. James A. Matthews. James pine. Edward Negley.
John John Richards. 22 aipt Smith. John L. Suil tner Miss Josie Dolly, of rrumbo has been active in politics for the past a A Walter Gee I The Democratic Executive Tim local compar.v is preparing for a federal inspection bv the In 7m TZmaSi Department of the recommended that pupils below the J5JJf! ave been sent to sixth grade make the visit to the on veterans who registered, Frostburg Firemen Plan Observance ailiSMS FROSTBURG The F'OStburg Jjftel JLkEFttlZ brrthdav Fire Department will hold a special 4 riav. fnMnntr rhPir meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock to JJJJJS.
btrttoday she added of "National Fire Demonstration Fo "JL Week." to be held here October 3 MartLburg whe thv SZ will open Sunday. 38 October 3 with a public demon train stration at the Frostburg Baseball STrtlllSt Park by local 111 panies. If you had a $1000 bill wouid it juo around. Jacobs.chairmairK Vv Deeds, insurance mm Kenny Close, Rob ce just as valuable. Rent a ert 'wiebre ut.
John Dennison. safe deposit box. Fidelity Bank and John F. Sleeman; pub I irostbibg Member i i md Ul FOR SALE G.N. Frizzeli To Wed Betty Jean Preston ln conuoo.
BILL'S APPLIANCE REPAIR The bride elect a graciuate ot Grttn st Froctbuxf Catherman's BuakM Tel. 19 133 Register For Draft In Barton Lonaconing Briefs And Personals Umij KoJan Mra Hanaro! Mr5 c.trr:: .2 er have returned from Ocean City were they were delegates from Lcnacorng to the American Legion Auxiliary convention. Oscar Richardson. Jaciocn street, has returned from Detroit where he visited friends and rela Westernport Man Will Be Ordained Social Welfare Club Picnic At Burlington Rose McDonough More Than 40 Persons Enroll In Becomes Bride W.V.U. Extension Courses In Area KEYSER.
W. Va. Sixteen persons have enrolled in West Virginia University Extension classes at Keyser High School and more than 30 have enrolled at Moorefield and Franklin. Registration was completed last night at Franklin. Final registration at Moorefield will take place TRI STATE DEATHS FREDERICK DOMDERA FROSTBURG Frederick Dor L0HASO0NING The wedding of Miss Rose Esther McDonough.
daughter of Mrs. Margaret McDonough and the late Patrick McDonough. St. Mary's Terrace, to William R. Nolan, son of Mr.
and Mr.s. Patrick Nolan, Island Street, took place Saturday at 9 a. m. at St. Marys Church.
Lonaconing. The bride was attired in a dark green dress with brown accessories Noel Obensham entertained with pt0T X1? 'Tround Moorefield Women To tonight and at Keyser Sponsor Safety Drive and a corsage of white roses Lenore McDonough, aid of burg, died Sunda in Akron after a A son of Mrs. Sa MOOREFIELD. night. Courses in philosophy of edi tion and in exploratory reading be conducted here by Dr.
Harrington. Martin bin' cfl here Bruce. Courtney L. Pra and honor, wore a browm dress with brown accessories and a corsage oi Edward Nolan was his brother's The brides mother was attired gray with black accessories and had a corsage of white gardenias. The bridegroom's mother wore black with white accessories and a corsage of white gardenias.
i. been tig and instructor wno is leacnmg iuui vears ag0 anci centers in the Eastern Panhandle. imk The courses give graduate credit section of two semester hours each to can Mr Tmdera didates for the master degree. butUie Lutheran are ODen also to undergraduates affiliated with of junior or senior rank. tlon ln Akron.
The Moorefield center, winch mother and Pennsylvania Big Vein Coal $7.50 ton Our Reputation Hetz Trucking Service Fur quality work removes the Pork Sr. Frostburg SeTfoVTorself1' Phone 513 I Cleaners and Dyers Body and Fender PHONE 197 Cumberland rottburf RtfM Westernport 25461 and Mrs. Homer Michael, Mr. eras Mr.s. Okev Michael.
Mr. and weel William Seaber and daughter. Al iha; Mr. and Mrs Carl Mc stat known in non Street. Frostburg Briefs Ohio.
A funer ed and today. Tri Towns Briefs i Classes are held at Franklin on Monday nights, at Moorefield on 1 Tuesday nights, at Keyser on Wednesday nights and at Martinsburg on Thursday nights. All classes fare held from 6:30 to 10:30 p. m. Those who have already enrolled I at Keyser are Raymond J.
Elliott, I Westernport Jones Llewellyn Grif fin, Friendsville; John Paul Ewmg, Mary E. Bright. Judson Party Honors Chalmer Goshorn St, Cloud Motors for Mrs. OUie St Joseph Stewart. WM held Friday sister, Mrs.
Marti las Avenue. ZONING Chalmer Gosh Midland Personals Pear! Blair J. Hodges, Virginia E. Johnson, ALVIN C. NEAT Post No.
5280, VFW, Lonaconing will have "The Blue Notes" Wednesday Nights "Edgar Gross and Pie Harvey" Saturday Nights The Alumni Association of St. Peters High School ot Westernport I will sponsor a public card party (Wednesday at 8:15 p. m. at the Knights of Columbus Home. Third I bolstering Roaa DURALIZEO CLEAN scientific method brings back newness to the fabric with car Plea and Mrs.
Thomas Lloyd andi Dawson. Miiooni opiKti. ui. spent the Hausrath, Bella Simpson, Agnat QJ jttgSntl, Baker. Mr and Mrs.
c. E. Hickerson, Ham James Baker, Misses Eleanor mond street. Westernport. Ewing, Elizabeth Miller.
Shirley i Dr. J. Norman Reeves, Mam Ewing. Lama Cutter. Esther Pat 'street.
Westernport, returned from terson. Naomi Allen. Rosalie Simp VJsit t0 Atlantic City, son, Ikey Morgan, Darlene Morgan.) monthly meeting of the Albert Ewing. Michele Greco. Bruce young Ladies Bible Class of Trinity Dawson and Peggy Morgan.
Methodist Church, Piedmont, to be held at the home of Mrs. William Mrs. Mildred Kauffman, both of LaPon. Oak View, Westernport. has C.
V. Lammert Son Phone Froslburi 95 past grand chief of the State Tern Georgianna E. Kelley, Harrietta A. pirst Presbyterian Church, of: pie, Pythian Sisters, and Miss Miers, Frances N. Staggers, John ed interment was in Oak Francis Winters, delegate from the w.
Staggers, Mary E. Strother and cemetery, Lonaconing. local temple of Pythian Sisters, are William E. Wageley, all of! home alter attending the Grand Keyser; Eleanor McGee, Burling CAMERON RITES Temple session held in Frederick ton; Mernie E. Judy, New Creek; LONACONING A funeral i last week.
Leslie C. Amtower. Laurel Elmer Cameron, 40, husba James A Blair, son oi Mr. and and Robert M. Long, Romney.
Mi. Pearl Myers Cameron, Mrs. Robert Blair, Kenneth Har Tnose enrolling last week at mold, was conducted Baturdl clerode. son of Mr and Mrs. John Franklin are Elsie Blizzard.
Pmk ternoon at the residence. Inte Harclerode. Midland, and I Dick Mc Bowers. Alfred Dahmer, Alden was Oak Hill Cemetery. Gann.
son of Mr and Mrs Hugh Genetta Dolly, Dona Mr. Cameron died McGaim. Gilmore. have enrolled as ptote George Vandevander, Cor day morning while squirrel freshmen at State Teachers Col neUa Jonnson and Mernie Kesner, ing in Garrett County near lege. Frostburg.
Lq of Franklin; Earl Fike. Bt1 land. He had bei ill with a Mr. and Mrs WaKer Ross Mid Mr Mrs Charles condition, land, and daughter. Mrs.
Paul Ron rlrcleville. Teddv 'deau. Hempstead. N. who spent mJrton ISiv Lomfh JAMES RITES several days visiting her parents PIEDMONT.
W. Va. A re here, were in Baltimore several days 1 1 cS BrTndv5 hih ms was celebrated visiting Mr. and Mrs. Howard Roa.
Slr8 randme; f. Peter Catholic Church, We I Mrs. Rondeau left Sunda bv plane Those enrolling at Moorefield portf SatUrday morning by from Boiling Field. D. to join were Mrs.
C. M. Bennett, Lacy George Pugh. assistant paste her husband, Paul Rondeau, at Cochran, Theodore Garrett, Mrs. John Eaward James, 21, son i Tampa Fla.
Daisy Halterman, Jewell Matthews ancj Mrs William EiTin Jan I Thomas H. Taylor, tax collector, and Mrs. Beatrice Riggleman. all Jones street, who died last i will attend the session of the Great of Moorefield; Mrs. Mary Mac jday Msgr.
Rev. A. Scarpa ti. Council. Imperial Order of Red i Carthy, Mr.
and Mrs. Vincent Moy was in the sanctuary. Inte to be held the week of Sep Lester See and Virginia Straw was in st. Peter's Cemetery, tember 26 at Louisville, Kv. iderman, all of Mathias; Anna Ever ernport.
I Freddie and Connie Largent spent ly. Mrs. Evelyn Hutson, Mr. and I Active pallbearers were the weekend visiting with their Mrs. Reggie Smith, all of Peters Haines.
Edward Hood, Gene I grandmother, Mrs. Thomas Lar burg, and Roy C. Pilgrim. Wardens Danny Laughlin. William daughter Mrs.
Conneii Chaney.i Spring Street, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Connor. Lonaconing. are home after visiting Mrs.
Lloyd's Mrs. TbOBM Gardner. Chan ute Kansas. They also visited the Lake of the Ozarks. Mo.
M.i i i tember 29. Choice, a son. a sister, Altoona, and SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY FORD HEATERS Reg. $35.00 1940 to 1948 Models $2625 Heiskell Motor Co. grandc.
and Mrs. R. G. Ritchie. 16H Street, Piedmont, an the birth of a son in Poto allev Hospital, Keyser.
Mrs. Past Matrons, Patrons Are Entertained funeral service will be conduc it 2 p. m. Thursday at the res ce by Rev. Clarence Whet ton DANCE SEPT.
22nd AMERICAN LEGION POST Grantsville, Md. Music by The Aristocrats Dancing 9 to 7 Mill Superintendent Honored At Party CHARLES i VNDMAN. 1 tiome Manns Choice of the late John and Mi ig. The youngest member family, she belonged to r's Catholic Church here fcert Derham, be local chap Wolfe. Mrs.
LONACONING Mrs Marguerite Holler, 75. died Walters held a dinner Sunday eve Manns Choice at in honor of her husband, day. Charles W. Walters, who is super He was born of General Textile Mill, May 23, 1873, a Lonaconing. at their home to cele 1 William and brate his birthday.
Holler. He was a The table was adorned by a cake tor the Bali unci decorated with birthday grci mgv 1 road for several received many beautiful gifts. merchant at Mrs. William Williams, Baltimore, lis visiting her niece and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Wilson and daughter, Carol Ann Wilson. Mrs. William Hurley left last week to visit relatives in Halminton, Ohio. James Bampton continues ill at 'his home on Dairy Lane. FOR SALE hite Ice Box and Electric Heater, ly 1 Taylor Street or Phone Frostburg Sept.
21 "Green Grass of Wyoming" Starring Peggy Cummmgt Chorle Coburn TUESDAY LYRIC NITE 0NLT Double Feature "My Dog Rusty" "Lightning in the Forest'1 Starring Ted Donaldson, Starring Lynn Roberts, Those who attended were Mr. and about 40 years. Mrs. Galen Walters and Mr Ea r. rr.e;r.: presented with qm chapter wJ being made bj colm and Mrs.
Bonnie, Harold and William Wait Manns Reformed Church, of M. Lodge No. of Jaffa Mosque. rs. Evelyn Mal Uah Beck.
bv Mrs. Winter I Bedford. Lou Robertson and Billy Rober FOR SALE Gas Refrigerator, 4 ft. Used one year, excellent condition. Apply George T.
Beeman. Dogwood Flat, Barton. Adv. Sept. 15 16 17 18 20 2l VA Officer Visits Romney ROMNEY, W.
Va Robert Butler, I senior contact officer of the Martinsburg office of the Veterans Administration, will be at the Hampshire County Court House today. All veterans needing assitance we tasked to contact Butler. Lonaconing: Mr. and Mrs Harry Altoona. iBeckner and daughter.
Shirley, and1 His wife, th former Rose Cook, pastor. Interm survived bv two church cemetery Rvamond and Harry Beckner, oieo in iy.J& I daughters, Mrs. Stanley Suter Miss Helbig i Westernport..