Free Caliper Assessment Practice Test: Questions & Answers (2024)

Free Caliper Assessment Practice Test: Questions & Answers (1)

David, Caliper Test Expert atJobTestPrep.

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What is the Caliper Assessment Test?

The Caliper Assessment, administered by Talogy, comprises 98 multiple-choice questions categorized into two types: cognitive and primarily behavioral. Although the Caliper test does not have a time limit, it usually takes about one hour to complete.

You can expect 4 test sections, with mainly personality questions:

Personality Test ("most and least")25Questions
Personality Test ("most and least")30Questions
Abstract Reasoning11Questions
Personality Test (Ranking)30 Questions

Free Caliper Test Questions- Personality Tests

The Caliper Assessment includes three sections of personality tests and itsmain goal is to measure how well candidates' personal and behavioral tendencies align with the requirements of the job,predicting future performance.Since its main focus is providing employers with a personality profile, the Caliper test is often calledthe Caliper profile, orthe Caliper Personality Test.

Below are examples of the two types of Caliper personality questions, each followed bydetailed answers, explaining the Personality Traits being assessed, and how you can choose answers that increase your compatibility level the most.

"Most and Least" Caliper Test Questions

Our free Caliper test practice starts with a key part of the Caliper profile test-sample questions in the 'most and least' format. These personality questions are distinct because each question assesses four unique personality traits. Your task is to evaluate the importance of each trait for your specific position. Once you understand this, you'll be able to make an informed decision and choose the most suitable and least suitable characteristic for the position.

1.Choose which statement is most true or typical of you and which is least like you:

Share information in a straightforward fashionMostLeast
Feel more comfortable operating on my ownMostLeast
Structure your dutiesMostLeast
Prone to overreactionsMostLeast

Answer & Explanation:

Different positions require different skills; thus, you should highlight the relevant qualities that demonstrate your fit for the position.

  • For data, finance, and analysis positions:

    Most Like Me
    Share information in a straightforward fashion

    Quality- Assertiveness (High)
    Explanation- Direct communication conveys clear and assertive messages, reducing team stress and uncertainty. When balanced with active listening and avoiding aggression, assertiveness is a desirable quality.

    Least Like Me
    Prone to Overreactions
    Quality- Sociability (Low)
    Continual challenges breed frustration, and relentless stress fuels conflict, overreactions, and discontent, spreading throughout teams and businesses. Low-stress tolerance is universally detrimental.

  • However, a manager should exhibit different qualities. Thus, we recommend a different choicefor “most like me”:

    Most Like Me
    Structure your duties

    Quality- Self-Structure (High)
    The ability to self-structure is essential for managers to successfully manage complex projects. Structure helps to maintain focus, organize, and prioritize tasks. High assertiveness (like statement A) has its merits. However, self-structure is critical for effective management.

Free Caliper Assessment Practice Test: Questions & Answers (2)

Note that had we changed even one sentence in the question above, your answer could have been entirely different. The recommended answer for any personality question does not only depend on your desired position but also heavily depends on the other answer options!

This highlights the importance of practicing quality personality tests with a variety of questions to become acquainted with the underlying traits of different statementsand to learn how to prioritize traits according to your particular position and improve your Caliper profile.

2. Choose which statement is most true or typical of you and which is least like you:

Resist issuing instructions.MostLeast
Dislike dealing with specifics.MostLeast
Portray a balanced and calm demeanor.MostLeast
Enjoy collaborating with others.MostLeast

Answer & Explanation:

  • For Manager positions:

    Most Like Me
    Portray a balanced and calm demeanor.

    Quality- Level-Headedness (High)

    Maintaining a level-headed and composed demeanor is crucial for managers as it positively impacts workplace culture, enabling effective decision-making, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, stress management, and positive role modeling for a successful and harmonious work environment.

    Least Like Me
    Resist issuing instructions.
    Quality- Self-Structure (Low)
    Effective managers guide and direct teams toward productivity by providing clear instructions and guidance. Resisting issuing instructions goes against the fundamental responsibilities of managers, hindering their ability to lead effectively.

  • ForSales positions,we recommend a different choicefor “least like me”:

    Least Like Me
    Structure your duties

    Quality- Thoroughness (Low)
    Working with detailsisfundamentalto sales positions. Sales professionals need to be detail-oriented and adept at handling specific customer requirements, product features, and sales processes. Disliking dealing with specifics may hinder your ability to effectively understand and address customer needs, resulting in potential missed sales opportunities and unsatisfactory customer experiences.

3. Choose which statement is most true or typical of you and which is least like you:

Bring dynamism to your professional duties.MostLeast
Utilize tried-and-true approaches to address
Lean towards reaching conclusions the sooner
the better.
Remain willing to assist people.MostLeast

Answer & Explanation:

  • For General positions:

    Most Like Me
    Bring dynamism to your professional duties

    Quality- Energy (High)

    The more you energize your co-workers in a project, the more competently everyone performs and interconnects their skills and resources. By being dynamic, you demonstrate a willingness to take initiative, adapt to changing circ*mstances, and continuously seek improvement. This attitude positions you as a valuable asset to your organization.

    Your answers should be considered in light of the overall Caliper profile you create in the test. A propensity to be prepared to help others outlined in the statement “Remain willing to assist people” is also a highly valued trait that should be expressed in other questions.

    Least Like Me
    Utilize tried-and-true approaches to address difficulties

    Quality- idea orientation (Low)

    Choosing methodology andprocedures involves embracing digital businesses' constantly evolving nature. In a rapidly evolving professional landscape, being open to new approaches and adaptable to change is crucial for overcoming challenges and finding creative solutions. Using established methods won't bring sufficientinnovationto the table.

    • Since the majority of modern businesses foster innovation and are open to new ideas, this option is the "least like me" choice for all positions.

Once you have answered the initial two personality tests, you will be presented with the cognitive test section, followed by another personality test. Here we will proceed directly to the other type of Caliper personality test questionsthat appear later on the actual Caliper test.

Caliper Personality Test Rating Questions

In this section, you will be asked to rate your level of agreement with a single statement using a scale of 1 (strongly agree) to 7 (strongly disagree) for each question. Such questions are also known as Likert scale questions.

4. During discussions, I usually offer my whole attention to the subject under discussion.

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Answer & Explanation

Recommended Answer- Agree.

Quality- Goal Directedness

To be fully present and focused, it is important to effectively manage distractions and dissatisfaction. This enables active listening, problem-solving, and productive collaboration with others. High self-management and goal-directedness allow to be fully present in the moment and to prioritize immediate tasks.

5. It is tough for me to change my working style

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Answer & Explanation

The correct answer depends on the desired position.

Quality- Flexibility

  • Let's first addressmanagerial roles(heads of departments, team leaders, campaign managers, etc.).

    Recommended Answer- Disagree.

    As business landscapes shift,job candidates must often show flexibility and self-managementto meet their employers' changing expectations. Adaptability is essential tonavigating change requirements effectively in this rapidly evolving environment, where working styles and behaviors must be modified quickly as needs shift.

Other positions may require different answers. For example:

  • Government/Regulatory positions

    Recommended Answer- Agree/ Mildly Agree.

    Organizations that include such positions usually have a more consistent and hierarchical structure, with clear responsibilities and procedures that rarely change. Therefore, a more desired tendency would be following rules. Thus, choosing Agree/Mildly Agree is a better choice for such positions.

6. I am the kind of person who sees the big picture, focusing less on the small details.

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Answer & Explanation

Quality-creativeness and strategy-orientation.

  • Given the varying importance of this quality across different positions, let's first address and explain its relevance specifically for managerial positions.

    Recommended answer- agree/ strongly agree

    Since these positions require promoting large-scale and long-term projects, it is far more important to be able to recognize and promote various aspects of a project and to promote a wide strategy, than to perfect a single aspect of it. So, for managerial positions, the best response is agree-strongly agree.

  • However, positions like analysts and accountants requirenoticing fine details and getting specific tasks done accurately. Therefore, for such positions, the best response is Mildly Disagree-Disagree.

How to Answer Caliper Personality Test Questions?

Although it seems that there are no “right” or “wrong” answers to personality questions, you need to know how to emphasize personality traits that indicate that you are the right person for the job. To do so, you have to recognize the underlying personality traits and consider how important they are to your role."Most and Least" test questions can be particularly confusing since you have to choose one trait over the other.It can be a bit tricky but don't worry, we are here to help you navigate through it!

To ensure you are well-prepared for the Caliper personality assessment, our team of psychologists has put together a Caliper Assessment Practice Pack designed to guide you through all the qualities your Caliper test will evaluate, how these qualities appear in different statements and question formats, and how to answer questions specifically for your position and improve your Caliper profile.

See What Customers Think of Our PrepPack

Super Helpful Investment

Really prepared me well to step into a CALIPER TEST exercise for a prospective job. I was more than prepared as I was able to get reinforcement for the type of responses that were generally looked at for my type of role.


Michael G.

Insightful behaviour analysis & good practice

Really good preparation for my test: lots of challenging exercises, that made me much more confident for the actual assessment


Amy W.

The test prep material is

The test prep material is great. Lots of examples and the explanations are very thorough.


Jeff B.

Next, we will cover the third section of the Caliper Assessment, which includes abstract reasoning questions (section C). This section is the shortest in terms of the number of questions. Unlike Caliper personality questions, it contains questions with absolute right or wrong answers, that can be calculated/inferred by applying reasoning and spatial abilities.

Caliper Test Questions- Abstract Reasoning

This section of the Caliper test aims to assess your abstract reasoning and analytical skills, indicating your ability to identify patterns and relationships, draw logical conclusions, and solve problems without relying on prior knowledge.

Caliper Cognitive Test Questions

What It Assesses

Visual Analogies

Recognize the similarity between two shapes, and select a shape that shares the same similarity with a third shape.

Shape Matrices

Identify the pattern of a set of shapes located within a matrix and complete one missing shape.

Number Series

Identify the mathematical rule behind a sequence of numbers to correctly complete it.

Shape Series

Identify what pattern a series of shapes follows, to determine the next shape in the series.

1. Choose the answer that best completes the visual analogy

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Free Caliper Assessment Practice Test: Questions & Answers (10)

Answer & Explanation

The correct answer is D.

When examining the relationship between Figure X and Figure Y, we will notice two things:

  1. The big circle in Figure X becomes a big rectangle in Figure Y
  2. The two upper small circles in Figure X become small rectangles in Figure Y.

Notice that it is not by chance that the small upper circles became small rectangles. In each of the small upper circles, there is a black dot within the overlap between the small and big circles. In the lower small circle in figure X, the black dot does not lie within the overlap between the small and the big circle.

The correct answer must have the same relationship with Figure Z.

In Figure Z, the black dots of the two small left-hand circles appear inside their overlaps with the big circle. Therefore, the correct answer should have two small rectangles on the left side of the big rectangle.

  • Answers a and c can be eliminated as they do not have 2 small rectangles.
  • Answer b can be eliminated as the small rectangles are not on the left side of the big rectangle.

We are left with answer d, which is the correct answer for this visual analogy, as it portrays two small rectangles on the left side of a big rectangle.

2. Which tile is missing?

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Free Caliper Assessment Practice Test: Questions & Answers (12)
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Free Caliper Assessment Practice Test: Questions & Answers (15)

Answer & Explanation

The correct answer is a.

In every row, the shapes in the left and center frames are combined to make the shape in the right frame.

In the bottom row, there is a yellow circle, an upright blue triangle, an upside-down white triangle, and a blue star. They combine to make the shape in answer choice a; therefore, it is the correct answer. Answer choice c is incorrect as it has the colors of the triangles and star swapped, and answer choices b and d are missing elements.

3. Select the option for "?" that continues the sequence

17 | 4 | 34 | 8 | 68 | 12 | ? | ?

Answer & Explanation

The correct answer is d.

There are two alternating sequences in this series, each following a different rule:

  1. The odd terms (indicated in red): the numbers double each time.
  2. The even terms: the numbers increase by 4.

As you can see, the cognitive Caliper test questions require mostly reasoning and logical abilities. The test includes both abstract questions – which aim to assess your ability to find patterns and analogies in figures and shapes, and number series, which require you to find mathematical patterns by applying both logic and calculating.

How to Pass the Caliper Assessment

Finding the rule by which you can determine the correct answer can be quite challenging. You need to pay close attention to every little detail in the pattern – shapes, colors, size, arrangement, location, etc. The best way to prepare for these Caliper questions is by practicing a variety of questions and applying techniques and tips that improve your ability to identify patterns quickly and accurately.

Our online Caliper Preparation Pack includes11 practice tests mirroring Caliper cognitive questions, in addition to 36 extra practice testswith detailed explanations, that strengthen your ability to recognize different patterns.

What Does the Caliper Test Measure?

The Caliper Assessment testmeasures 21 personality traits reflecting your natural tendencies and characteristics:

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You can read more about the definitions of each trait inthe official Caliper Personality test PDF

When bundled together, these traits are used to describe candidates' predicted job performance in seven main areas, detailed on your Caliper profile:

  • Leading Competencies– Leadership maturity, communication, change management, innovation, quality management, team building, coaching, delegation, fact-based decision-making, strategic talent management, and directing.
  • Active Communication– influence and persuasion, conflict management, negotiation, active listening, communicating, instructing.
  • Interpersonal Dynamics– interpersonal sensitivity, helpfulness, service focus, relationship building, collaboration and teamwork, organizational savvy, global mindset.
  • Decision Making– deliberative decision-making, decisiveness, strategic thinking, organizational citizenship, information seeking.
  • Problem-Solving– creativity and innovation, analytic thinking, learning agility, scientific acumen
  • Process Management– quality focus, compliance, response orientation, safety and focus, process management, time management, planning, priority setting, organizing and documenting information, and applying standard practices.
  • Self-Management– composure and resiliency, generating and expressing enthusiasm, strength and conviction, achievement motivation and perseverance, self-awareness, adaptability, initiating action, accountability, and professionalism, continuous learning, extended task focus, comfort with ambiguity.

Caliper Assessment Test Results

Your Caliper assessment resultalso referred to as your Caliper profile, is presented only to the hiring manager and is determined by a job model that the employers defined based on key competencies required for the position. Every position has 5-9 key different competencies and traits needed to succeed in a particular job.

The employers received both a detailed Caliper profile, listing your strengths and shortcomings, and a fit score. The Caliper assessment score range between 1-99; each point indicates your ability level compared to the Caliper job model, 99 being the most fit for the position.

  • A score of 80 and above indicates that you are the perfect match for the position with great potential to succeed.
  • A score between 60-79 indicates that you are a good match for the position, though it may predict possible challenges along the way.
  • A score of 59 and below indicates that you are not a good match for the job and may encounter various difficulties in achieving your goals.

To receive a good Caliper assessment test result, you must demonstrate the essential key characteristics required for the position you are applying for. This means both the traits assessed via personality questions, and the number of cognitive questions you solve correctly, should match the ideal job profile as closely as possible, resulting in a highly fitting Caliper profile.

Caliper Assessment Test Tips to Boost your Profile

  1. Understand Which Questions to Expect
    The Caliper Assessment is often overlooked, as it may feel like this test is just a formality that won’t hurt your chances of getting the job. However, even when administered in late stages of the hiring process, many large organizationsgreatly rely on its results to determine whether you’re a good fit for the job. To be prepared, you need to be familiar with any question on the Caliper test- personality and abstract reasoning. Even just a few days practice reduces stress-induced mistakes and improves your fit score.
  2. Consider the Required Competencies for your Position
    Since the Caliper assessment aims to evaluate your compatibility with a specific position, we recommend understanding the most important qualities necessary to succeed in that role and in the expected work environment.
  3. Answer Questions as If You’re Already Working in Your Desired Job
    After learning the most crucial personality traits expected for your role, imagine yourself already working in the role, doing a great job, and answer accordingly. To do that, try memorizing the 4-6 most important competencies for this job.

Continue Practicing Online to Improve your Caliper Profile

Our comprehensive Caliper assessment practice guides and tests are designed to guide you through the qualities assessed in the Caliper personality test, how they appear in different statements, and how favorable they are to your job requirements compared to one another. In addition, you will learn to quickly and easily identify shape and number patterns, to ensure you receive the best score possible.

The Caliper Assessment PrepPack includes:

  • 3 Caliper Personality Simulations customized to your position (Management, Sales,Government and Regulatory, Data, Finance, Analysis,

    General Staff).

  • Detailed job-specific feedback of each simulation you complete.
  • Interactive Study-Guides.
  • 11 Full Cognitive Simulationsthat explain the best techniques to quickly recognize complex patterns.
  • 36 Additional cognitive practice tests.

See What Customers Think of Our PrepPack

Super Helpful Investment

Really prepared me well to step into a CALIPER TEST exercise for a prospective job. I was more than prepared as I was able to get reinforcement for the type of responses that were generally looked at for my type of role.


Michael G.

Insightful behaviour analysis & good practice

Really good preparation for my test: lots of challenging exercises, that made me much more confident for the actual assessment


Amy W.

The test prep material is

The test prep material is great. Lots of examples and the explanations are very thorough.


Jeff B.

Access our Caliper Test Preparation Page to learn more about our Caliper assessment practice pack and how it will help improve your Caliper profile and ensure your score reflects your strengths for the role.

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Free Caliper Assessment Practice Test: Questions & Answers (2024)


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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