Tijana Zdravković on LinkedIn: Your B2 Checklist (2024)

Tijana Zdravković

Teaching C-level executives how to sound more professional in French language / CEO French/Certified DELF examinator/Founder at Francuski kafe /FFL teacher (French as a Foreign Language)/ Your favorite French teacher

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🧩 Use thischecklist to learnand set goals, and upgrade your French from B1 to fluent B2 level.🧩 Progress consistently in your targetlanguageby practicing daily and feel confident knowing exactly what tasks you're going to do to get you there. 🧩Should you need any help, feel free to reach out!#francuski #frenchlanguage #businessfrench #profdefle #francais #francuski #frenchteacher


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  • Tijana Zdravković

    Teaching C-level executives how to sound more professional in French language / CEO French/Certified DELF examinator/Founder at Francuski kafe /FFL teacher (French as a Foreign Language)/ Your favorite French teacher

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    Sasvim mi je jasno da mora da postoji neki referentni okvir u školama, jer to je sistem i mi moramo u okviru istog funkcionisati, ali koncept tog rangiranja po brojevima, tipa, ako imaš 16/18, ti dobijaš četiri, a samo jedan poen iznad je pet minus, pa si ti bolji i prosek ti je bolji, a u teoriji i budućnost, jer imaš mogućnost da upišeš nešto bolje... To je jedan začarani krug u koji svi upadamo tokom školovanja, ili barem većina. Imamo strah od greške zbog svega toga u kasnijem dobu, i jedan od glavnih problema sa kojima se moji učenici (pa i ja sama) susreću je strah od greške. Jao, ne smem da pogrešim, bolje da ne pričam. 😒Taj strah je toliko duboko ukorenjen u svima nama da ja verujem da svako ponaosob mora da leči te "traume" ako hoće dalje da napreduje u životu. Ne biste verovali koliko to ograničava, naročito kada kao odrasla osoba učite i usvajate novi jezik. I zato svima njima pružam bezrezervnu podršku, jer se na tome mora raditi. 🌬#frenchteacher #francuskijezik #francais #casovifrancuskog



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  • Tijana Zdravković

    Teaching C-level executives how to sound more professional in French language / CEO French/Certified DELF examinator/Founder at Francuski kafe /FFL teacher (French as a Foreign Language)/ Your favorite French teacher

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    It has been an absolute joy to attend the 22nd ELTA`s conference, but this time, I was in the role of a speaker, and I shared the stage with my fellow colleague, Zdravka Majkic!There were about 25 souls who dedicated their time and energy to attend our workshop “5 steps to teacher`s well-being”. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, I must admit I was a bit nervous, since I am a French teacher among a bunch of English teachers and educators, and I have not felt “unwanted” not even for a second. 🤗There's no question that jobburnoutand mental health issues have been a continuous problem over the past several years, so we decided to share our insights on teacher`s mental health and we talked about the burn-out syndrome, often overlooked when it comes to our profession. 😪Everybody is talking about students, but what about us, teachers? We modified our workshop a little bit this time, and we really wanted to make it interactive and to create a deep connection among all the people in the room. I think everyone left this classroom with a smile on their face, happy and grateful, with a positive attitude. 😍When I look back, I`m thrilled to say that I took part in an exciting lineup featuring 6 plenary sessions, more than 50 workshops, presentations, and talks, with 14 speakers joining us from different countries. Thank you, ELTA Serbia, it was amazing. Also, big thank you goes to Danijela Vranješ Jelena Ružić Petrović Jovana Deljanin Dragana Vasilijević-Valent, PhD Sanela Šabović thank you for believing in us and supporting us! Ivana MilosevicSee you next year, and until then- don`t forget to take care of yourself! 🎀#mentalwellbeing #frenchteacher #languefrancaise #frenchlanguage #businessfrench #profdefle #francais #casovifrancuskog

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  • Tijana Zdravković

    Teaching C-level executives how to sound more professional in French language / CEO French/Certified DELF examinator/Founder at Francuski kafe /FFL teacher (French as a Foreign Language)/ Your favorite French teacher

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    Common misconceptions about French language, part 2Last week we tacked a few common misconceptions about learning French, brace yourself for the part two! 1)French is very formal – It is true that we have to “watch our language” when we are talking to our boss, strangers in the street or in a formal setting, such as school or or any kind of serious company, and using the formal version of the pronoun “you” (“vous instead of “tu”) is of an extreme importance, but you would be surprised to see how different spoken French is comparing to things you usually learn in classes. 🤯We are talking about two completely different languages here. I remember my surprise when I started living in France, my French was so "classy", polished and kind of an “old-fashioned” comparing to the real life one! No surprises there when I read hundreds of books (no exaggeration) during my university years. Blame it on Simone de Beauvoir and others! 😂👀2)French is of no use because it is only spoken in France:You are mistaken if you believe that! French is spoken in France, Belgium, western Switzerland, Canada, parts of Luxembourg, and in many other countries in the world, and that is the result of France`s colonial empire during the 20th century, and now, as a consequence, we have ex- colonies where French is used as the official language. For example, did you know that we speak French in Haiti, Seychelles, New Caledonia, Madagascar, etc… 🌎3)French is called a “romance language” because it sounds romantic:I must admit that French, at least for me, is the most beautiful, romantic and you name it- xxx language in the world, but this just means that it is derived from Latin, like other languages that belong to the same family- Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and last but not least, Romanian. 🧩#french #frenchteacher #frenchlanguage #businessfrench #languefrancaise #profdefle #casovifrancuskog


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  • Tijana Zdravković

    Teaching C-level executives how to sound more professional in French language / CEO French/Certified DELF examinator/Founder at Francuski kafe /FFL teacher (French as a Foreign Language)/ Your favorite French teacher

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    According to some recent studies, French could become the most spoken language – ahead of English and Mandarin – within 40 years!The study estimates 750 000 000 French speakers by 2050, and can you guess why? Well, it is because French is spoken in the fastest growing areas of the world, more precisely, sub-Saharan Africa. 🌎And you, what do you think about this burning topic? Fell free to share your point of view in the comment section below!#french #frenchteacher #businessfrench #languefrancaise #francuskijezik


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  • Tijana Zdravković

    Teaching C-level executives how to sound more professional in French language / CEO French/Certified DELF examinator/Founder at Francuski kafe /FFL teacher (French as a Foreign Language)/ Your favorite French teacher

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    📌Have you ever wondered how English could help you with other languages? It is with great pleasure to inform you all that Gabby Rincon and I will organize a LinkedIn live event where we'll explore numerous possibilities English language can bring you, especially if you decide to learn French. 📌We will share our insights and you will learn more about both French and English language differences and similarities, learning techniques, vocabulary building, grammar insights, pronunciation tips, cultural nuances, etc…📌Who is Gaby? Gabby is helping professionals improve their English to advance their careers, but she is also a business English coach and a career advancement strategist.📌I will be her guest, so don't forget to follow her, you have sooo much to learn from this beautiful lady! 🫶📌 Session Details:🗓️ Date: Friday, May 24th ⏰Time: 7pm-8pm#french #businessfrench #francuski #francuskijezik #casovifrancuskog #frenchteacher #belgrade

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  • Tijana Zdravković

    Teaching C-level executives how to sound more professional in French language / CEO French/Certified DELF examinator/Founder at Francuski kafe /FFL teacher (French as a Foreign Language)/ Your favorite French teacher

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    Prošle subote održala sam besplatni vebinar "Francuski za početnike", u saradnji sa Edit Centrom, omladinskim info centrom za mlade. Odlučili smo da se udružimo, zato što delimo iste vrednosti, a to je besplatno deljenje znanja, osnaživanje i podržavanje mladih do nekih tridesetak godina starosti, koji možda nemaju sredstava, a žele da nešto nauče.💡Vebinar je bio namenjen potpunim početnicima, ali i onima koji su francuski dugo učili i zaboravili. Obradili semo osnovne izraze, neophodne za sporazumevanje u svakodnevnoj komunikaciji, ali smo se dotakli i kulturološkog aspekta, koji čini veliki udeo u učenju jednog jezika.🌎Zaista mi je bila čast da radim sa grupom mladih žena, a na kraju ih je sve dočekao jedan poklončić, u znak zahvalnosti.🎁Feedback koji sam dobila kasnije je bio neverovatan ― od toga da smo im približili francuski jezik, do toga da su osetile motivaciju i želju za učenjem. Definitivno ćemo organizovati još takvih vebinara u budućnosti, i zaista im se radujem! 🎈#francuski #frenchlanguage #frenchteacher #belgrade #beograd #languefrancaise

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  • Tijana Zdravković

    Teaching C-level executives how to sound more professional in French language / CEO French/Certified DELF examinator/Founder at Francuski kafe /FFL teacher (French as a Foreign Language)/ Your favorite French teacher

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    3 common misconceptions about learning French: 1)French is one of the hardest languages to learn:Honestly, if I had a nickel for every time, I heard this, I'd be a millionaire. No, French is not one of the hardest languages to learn, believe it or not. What about Chinese, Arabic or Hungarian? 😅Of course, a lot of things depend on our personal characteristics, and while I can agree that French pronunciation is quite challenging, let's be honest, picking words up should be kind of effortless, at least in the beginning of your journey. I think that, if you know English, or if you are an English speaker, you’ve already got a good head start in learning French. According to some statistics, there is an almost 20% to 30% overlap between these two vocabularies. 🤯2)You think you are too old to learn (French) language:I really do think that it is much easier to learn and acquire a new language when we are kids, because we are unconscious of the learning process, and we learn by playing. We are also free as a bird, and we have all the time in the world. Also, the kids are not afraid of making mistakes. However, when we reach adulthood, we are far busier, we have a job, a family to take care of, we are uncomfortable with mistakes and last but not least, ourspeech apparatus has already been developed and it gets harder to make changes. It is possible to learn a second or a third language to fluency, but don`t sabotage yourself by thinking you have to become just like a native speaker, because that will probably never happen, and it is ok. 🤗3)French isn't useful language: While some might think that learning a differentlanguagebefore English is, in today's world, awasteoftime, I strongly disagree. There are 300 million French speakers in the world, and French is spoken across five continents, and it is the official language of the 32 states and governments, and the 4th most used language on the Internet. Aroundhalf of the world’s French speakerslive in Africa. And let’s not forget Quebec in Canada, too!One often overlookedlinguistic assetin the business world isthe original language of diplomacy:French!😉 Et voilà! I hope you find this interesting, and feel free to share your point of view on this topic. #frenchteacher #languefrancaise #businessfrench #francuskijezik #onlineclasses



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  • Tijana Zdravković

    Teaching C-level executives how to sound more professional in French language / CEO French/Certified DELF examinator/Founder at Francuski kafe /FFL teacher (French as a Foreign Language)/ Your favorite French teacher

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    🫀 Mogu reći da već prilično dugo radim, i da ovakvih utisaka imam i više nego dovoljno, ali čovek ponekad zaboravi da zastane malo i da pogleda šta je sve postigao, kome je sve pomogao, i kako je nekome promenio život. 🍀🫀 Hvala svim mojim učenicima na poverenju, bez vaše podrške ništa ne bi bilo moguće. ✨

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  • Tijana Zdravković

    Teaching C-level executives how to sound more professional in French language / CEO French/Certified DELF examinator/Founder at Francuski kafe /FFL teacher (French as a Foreign Language)/ Your favorite French teacher

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    🧩 Ako učiš francuski, i želiš da proveriš koje sve stavke spadaju u nivo B1, ostavi mi komentar ispod objave, a ja ću ti poslati listu koja će ti pomoći da se lakše orijentišeš i proveriš na čemu si i šta sve treba da obnoviš i pređeš da bi učenje išlo kako treba. #francuski #ucenjejezika #casovi #casovifrancuskog #beograd

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Tijana Zdravković on LinkedIn: Your B2 Checklist (2024)


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