i I I 1 a i I i ii, I -P' i I i 1, I- I I i 1 I 0 I St. 3Coniis pailn 61oht.111.emrt.' trat-, 5tp-ttmhtr 19 19'12 1 'lit' III ii: i HELP WANTED-MALES. HELP Cooks, Etc. I HELP WANTEDMALES. Clerks and Salesmen.
ii-A -v" II IIKLP I i Boys. 1 i I -IIKLP WANTEDlit vs. -11 io 18 years arta over 4. Merixie klux Folsom an4 ty; reF -k ei WANTED--rra ere nces regilired. eU I -Masen mayer-Richards Carletoca Siva and Olive sts.
Inert In nro WANTED-Saloon white. '7211 Chau- teau ave. WANTED-Competent houseman; cdiered. 41130 Lindel bout I groerery driver at, owe- I Main st. I NA'AINTED-Man dishwash A 1 tL----1 1115 N.
Third et. 01 ANTED-SteadY sover mai t. tor korter work711 N. Sixth st 1 tt WANTEDDishwasher in small lunch room. Easton ave WAN 'i 4 ET)---co lred yardman-.
I 5,07 Waterman ave. II ,81 -L WANTED-Colored porter Apply, 1v4fore 8 a. nt. 921 'Locust et. I lt----- WANTED--Expgrienced it et.
Easton ave. 1' inil 4715 51cPlicrson ave. IA ANTE1)--Young than ta dether and gl ork In groeerv Olive' st i WAN TED-Two driverS. Ca a 7 a. m.
1411 N. Pourth Sr. :1, 11 ally r-xca to dr.ve te and a PS. 1 I WANTED-Porter fcr, saloon ant to beip at lunch table.1 WI N. Fourth Two stablemen, $11 to 112 week.
i li-----' 113 N. Sixth at- TNNIO store porters. Sit i. 10, week. Il NATIONA Co 1r, .1.
Six et- f-lain at. elLASsItIED ADVERTIsem*nTS in the tniolte-Dedrerst are -charged at the 'rate or I 30 cents per solid agate line. (Seven words 1 tmunity make one fine.) This, eliarge Is .4:4 elaesillentIon except toPersonali," Erolessionals," "31edlea1. are 20 cents' per solid agate line. 1 in the fled colurrins.
25 cents per line. solid agate ,1 I(No cats taken.) i Parties MI vertininu in theno columrtn- and annwers addreesed in care of Clobt-Democrat will please ank for check citable them to get their letters. ran none vk ill he delivered except on presentstion of cliceiss. All answers to advertise-Silents sholtthL be inclosed in Person" nemling us advertisem*nts by mall troney-munt send the requisite amount or- the tin atter will not appear. SIT lON el WANTEDFEMALES.
i Cashiers. girl as it lit 452- N-ftlirr, 4:01 A V.1-it-4Position as cat; anl office assist- at tt 1.,11 No an tine ror grh 1. as for cigar ,.1 firt it-4, e.x- la Add. 143. Bookkeepers.
)at ion by bookkeeper-otenogra 1 I 1 phoe: wil begin at $12 per week. Add': 31 3 iernocrat. by reliable young lady aa bookkeepalr; 5 years, with present concern; Add. 133. Globe-Dem.
Sat, reliable young lady as sistant b4okkeeper: is experienced and can belt of references Add. 153. Stenographers. TWANTED4Position by young woman etenogs raphes; neat. accurate and willing; good references.
Lindell 3629L. TWANT-ED-l-sait. Stenographer desirse change; Oliver erairator; four years with present nal. Globe-Democrat. 'tVANTED--iituation ae stenographer; comps-tent younT, lady: experienced; must have Re sitio at or a-.
Phone Bomont 434. IN' ANTEDFit stenographer and bookkeeper desires pcirmarlent pa-Aaiun; 5 years' experi- -ince; 815. 'Add. 100, Globe-Democrat. by lady stenographer, 28 years bf high sehool graduate; legal ex perieace-.
lin give references. Phone Baldge as stenographer and book, keeper ori stenography alone by young ladY reginneriperananent position desired; speaks en i writes tier.nan and EnglishaterrectlY-: Willing to star for low salary. 3819 Lincoln are. ypewriter Copyists. A TE D-- sit ion, copyist, circular letter work; alsaii shorthand: 2 years experiencie.
Add. A 1454 Globe-Democrat. I Milliners. 1 WANTEDNeas to run sot Oka Vencor Neap; Co I. Chrk ate.li and, at.si,t ten4 bar, $30 rnorth NATIONAL-.
113 N. ixth. '0 WANTEDY(41ra' mqn for wagro and Ashland Market. :a.411 il deventer ar. 'WANTEDNian to for 3 horses and de- liver ie Rroeers.
Globe-Dern. WANTEDmen to work in paint tactorl; must have experience. 2344 ave. WANTEDGood man.to care for house and yard; before 8 a. m.
5344 Rirtmer. WINTE71)--Rldine master to teach Ktanturkv St.h1. 1 HELP WANTED i I --FCHALES I 1 Housa Girl. 1 i I WAIWTEDCornpetent house girl. Apply day.
6137 Westminster place, 1 I WANTEDGirl for hotitte arid dining work. Call Thursday morhirtg. Wagrt intLon ave. I i girl to assist With houstti work: no i'aundr: reftrenees. Forest 13IS Belt 1-Y HELP WASTED-FMALES: WANr! girl to assist With houSji, work: no atundr! reftrences.
Forest 131ti Belt I 1 W4NTED---Giri to assist wizh nousework aril do eoc.king: bring per rnontr .1, Apply 102 Maple as I i eolcred girl; houit- an.I dining rann: rood wages; no laundry 24 I.Vestrninster- place. i flotu4emaids. 1, 1- WAN tovi; experiencad. 5277 doll 9pu1. Vure 9231 1 WANTEDHrrlse and dining-room maid; $20' to $25.
4412 Delmar boul. i WANTEDA-laid for light housework; must sew Call 6tiri, N. Varideven-i ter nye. WANTEDYoung white girl, assist housework. 22S Park road.
i Webster Parkii Dell. Webster 414. if strong German or German-Amer-, lean girl as housemaid and to assist the lady of the house in oaring for a rheutoatio sister: liberal pay and good treatment. Appl3r: at 5220 Westminster place. General Rouse worlr- WANTEDGirl for general housework.
'Utah place. 'WANTEDGirl for general housework. Henrietta et 'WANTEDGirl for general housework. 2727. fayette ave.
WANTEDGirl for general 40Useworia. 0 Castleman are. A WANTET)-01r1 for general housework. 93! Goodfellow ave. 4 WANTEDGirl for general housework.
41asl N. Fourteenth at. 0 WANTEDGirl white, for 4043 Russell ave. I I 4u4-6 ktusseil ave. I gir, or general housework.i 3632 Cleveland ave.
i I WANTEDGood girl for general 1819 B. Broadway. 1 i WANTEDExperienced girl for general houSa-! 1819 S. Broadwary. l'; 1 WANTEDExperienced girl for general housa-! work.
519 Sidney et. I 8 1 WANTEDGerman girl tor' general work. 1520 N. Euclid WANTEDGirl for general housework; 2 iti family; t55tk Cabanne ave. family.
riots cabanne ave. WANTEDGood girl for general Apply 6315 Waterman ave. 'V, WANTEDOiri for general housework; 8 tJ family. 15423 Cabanrte ave. I ..4 WANTEIDGirl for general housewOrk ie.
fly of S. 45 Kingsbury place. WANTEDGirl for housework; 316 waehirg. 5811 Von Verson ave. WANTEDGirl for general housework; washing.
5131 Von Versen axe. WANTEDCrood German for general housework. 2106A E. Grand aye. for general housework; refer4: (mese required 5168 Raymond ave.
VVANTEDGood girl for general housework; S25 no 8411 Franklin ave. WANTEDGirl for general housework; good tiome: small wages. 4413 Delmv axe. )l WANTEDWhite girl for general housework small farnily. 621 N.
Newstead ave. WANT.61DGirl for general housework and cooking; good wages. 6157 Wagner a-Va. WANTEDGirt for general housevvork; nct laundry work; references. 6128 EtaYmcdtttj WANTEDHouse g-irl for weneral housework; German preferred.
6168 Irensington ave! WANTEDGirl for general Taka Grand or Fourth car. 8459 HallidaY ave4 WANTEDExperienced German girl for gen4, eral housework; small family. 2S06 Eadc W.A NT DGer ma girl for general house, work: $25 ner month. 151 ICingsbury WANTEDWhite girl for general housework; no cooking; go home at night. 8467A Russell WANTEDExperienced colored girl for oral housework; references.
4057 moPhareoni WANTEDCompetent kirl for general bouewl work. Apply to-day, 137 Wewtmingter WANTFAD--Girl for general housework- 190 Virginia between Ruissell and 044Y7.4 1 WANTEDGirl for general heusework; farn-t Hy of 2. 5154 Waterman lower 04- 11 1 i i I i I i I 4 WANTEDWerrnanent position by first-class, experiencFpri milliner; best city references. .1 7Thone Deintar and Salesladies. by refined woman; would like position lb dry goods store; several years' 1r xperlencP Ifirst-class references.
Add. 13' 152. rOobe-Dernorrat. rift Aye A NTEDHousemald: experienced good vrages; references; requirel. 411,144 1 6 YOUNG men for Eght factory work 14411 week'.
learn Western. 5 N. hitt al. E1-SS boys, bell merr and hilitord-iha I men. $20 month.
al idi 1 kitchin m-en and cook $ii week. NATIONAL. Ill N. Slitli an HANDY man os engineer roorni do flriig; $3 afto month. WES-17ERN.
5 N. Eign1Lh ist HANDY man for engine room. do firing. $54. 1 WESTERN 'EMI': 5 N.
Eighth at. i saloon SO to $ift weekj litytril i I i NATIONAL lt3 N. Sixth oti TWO porters iili- crunhItTse. vi.oek.,e4penses. iNATIONAL FlIP.iio..
113 N. Six-kh 51, 2i. 11 FIN a 1 pi s. day iroonv ar I board. Apply i room -Li National.
sixta RAGTIME playing in sent free. Cbristensend Suite D. Odeon Bldg. 6 HANDY men for mfg. plar4; $it week.
1 WESTERN EMP -5 N. Eigh sli didEN for' warehouses and wholegnie tol s12.5o wei it. National. 113 N. ,,4 COLORED couple for prixate plio7P.
$5, rironz il and expensesi NATION 1111 i st.1 YARDMAN for $25 to $43 free pass. National ro- 113 i WANTED--Good whit. I-1 0 for light boarding hou.s.;.. WaIngtort. YOUNG min to earn tem-, bar: $110 and I WESTERN 5 Eigli 1, i 'RANCH handa.
forrnharlii.a and millinr, $.,.. to $340 month, (bun I. iNa Iona l. 111i NI. at.
ll WANTEDFirst-class ii stove repair I' it 3 at 4211 t'Ilitisvilbi, East- Stl iala TWO lurch-vounler men for $12 week. 1 1.11i. N. WANTED--A man to by the iday at a country place. Apply at The Shette Normandy.
I. I i WANTEDExperiereed nein in cl*ttingi room. M. A. iirriwn Paper Pox Co IT N.
at. I i i I 4IL I I MEN tol Jern i for ra Orion posi- tiOn 9. See us to- it 411. R. Schoo 2 DI i VP at.
I 1 il to ioarn telec-rty-ihing in. our offices: beginners daisen I :2 N. 'Third room 30.3. i i I I GOVERNMENT jobs open; svrite for Hat Physicians. WANTE-DA girl for general housework; ref-i A erence required, 4242 McPherson.
Lindell- Vv-ANTFrlPlivisician; do not answer unless 672. A 1 you possess the following qualifications: Noto i -ii-: Must have certcate to practice In WANTEDExnerlenced white girl for general, Missouri; I must be experienced in treating housework; three in family. I 57IS chronic dlseases of men and women: must lain ave. have onme knowledge of electric thereapeuticsi Whi irl fo ne hooseWork ()Mee practice exclusively; must furnish sat-. TEDte gerssL- as habits.
isfacto to character laundry; plain cooking; 4412 Del-. rs'ereneetr mar ave. i etc. To a -live wire- case taker we offal. a- most magnificent proposition; business incorWANTEDWhite girl for general housework; porated under the laws of Missouri.
well es-good wages. r'hontr Cabanyi 2.3.23. 6.71.it tablished, and advertised extensively. Write Maple eve. f-r" interview.
All answers treated strictly WANTEDxper ence gir i for general hous, covlidential. Add 157, Globe-Democrat. work; small family. Phone Forest i Bookkeepers. WANTEDExperienced girl for, general houstl work; small family.
Phone Forest I 51t17 Cates ave. I WANTEDGirl for neral housework; smalli family: good references. Apply 4441 1 McPherson ave. 'I 1 'i A NTEDGermame girl; general housework; two In family; only Sunday out. ave.
I 1EL Cui 1 a .7 a ou a i Clemerus axe. ranitiln Institute. Dept. Roohester. New York.
WANTEDCornpetent white man to care for horses and lawn; without board. Call 4390 boifl. 1 WANTEDWhite porter; Cerman preferred; $10 week, I board and, room- Faust. 6401 Eaeton ve. I WANTEDGerman men for private place; care of horses and milk cows; referenoes.
21A7o Morgan et. WANTEDMan and wife to work on farm- Apply 44,59 'West Pine Bout. Call before 'I a. m. or after p.
m. I NN-A Men to handle itaVette grain at Brooklyn et. elevator. 12 Brooklyn, mt. Apply on premises.
I I IVA N-TEDMen to shovel clay. Elydra Press Brick King' Highway and Natural Bridge road. WANTEDSteady, sober. reliable man 1 as night watchman; $440 month; references. Add.
157. Globe-Democrat. WANTEDPorter in salt warehcruse; one who 'can sew sacks and head barrels; references. Add. 1155.
Globe-Democrat. A NTEDMaa for general porter duties. Kroger Grocery and Baking 811, N. Sixth at. Call for Mr.
ernick. I WANTEDYoung man. well -dressed. who Is willing to work for $15 a week; opportunity for advancement 501 Benoist Bldg. i SITUATIONS a Co-l1e4tor 'WANTED-11y young 111311, 24.
experienced. a potion with an cwner of at Or apartments; will coltect rents- oversee. repair and recure tenants; Fmall salary. eOrnmission or part rent. Add.
12(1, Globe-Denlocrat. I The Trades. IVANTEDManagemen1 of small print ishopl capable printer; Add. 151, WANTEDBy first-class tewelry engraYer. Po- sition.
Ackl. H. L. Kirkpatrick, General livery. PAPER HANGING.
3 and un; first-class wtnk. Phone Delmar 349fa.ri. 312 Channing PAINTINGHouse painlug. hardwood nnish)oteriur city, country; best references or -bonds. Phones.
Monroe 2,5291, Delmar 347:111. WANTEDBy Miller. refugee from Olu Mexico, situation; speaks Spanish; would rent ft good. small mill. Robinson, New Olive Hotek, St.
Louis, Mo. WANTED.illtcation by man; good salesman: temperate: proliable cutter; best references; city or country. Add. 109. Globe-Democrat.
Chauffeurs. WANT19DSituation by experienced colored chauffeur; careful driver. Address 6002 Washington ave. WANTEDPosition by chauffeur; oareful and attentive to car; age 22; wage. reasonable.
Phone Central 169. WANTEDSituation by chauffeur. licanaed and experienced; willing to work; references exchanged. Call Orand 1979. WANTEDSit.
by colored chauffeur: years' xperienos; with good city references. Add. Chauffeur Y. If- C. 1702 Davrton ave.
Phone. Domont by chauffeur: strictly honest. sober and reliable young man. with expedience; Cart do own repairing; good references. Add.
Byrd. 6705 Garner ave. Cooks. Etc. WANTEDSituation by colored chef cook.
W. T. Boyd. 444e Cottage ave. Boy s.
WANTEDSituation by boy. 17. any kind of work. from 10 to 3 daily; good education: good penman: small pay. Add.
1.50. Misoellanoons. WANTEDSituation by colored man: work as house or yard man. 3133 La Salle at. WANTEDSit.
by colored man to care ter yard, furnace and steps. Lindell 841S Lawton. WANTEDBy young German, married. sober. steady position ot any kind.
Add. 153. Globe-bemocrat WANTEDSituation; middle-aged German; steady. sober janttor-housemaa; refs. Add.
151. Globe-Democrat. by colored man and wife: Private family: wife cook. man houseman or chauffeur. 422233 Fairfax ave.
VANTEID---Situation by man, private place, bouee and porter work; man oame from Korea, people look Ulm Japanese: three years' experience: best reference. Ca Bell Eomont 651. 3427 Morgan it. KELP WANTED-14rEI1A-LES. I Bookkeepers.
WANTE.IDAssistant bookkeeper: capable young lady: Leigh FT1600 Bldg. Stenographers. CIRCULARS. lettelgo, 1000 $1-50. 8000 til; stenpgrrapher, 10c per letter.
818 Holland Building. GHRTRVDE HARTSOCK. 1028 Hamilton expert teacher or stenography and touch typewriting; course, 115. WANTEDCortipetent young lady stenographer for permanent position; salary 86o; Underwuodmachinez-good bourse. Add.
0 187, lessons. night and day. shorthand. -bookkeeping. touch typewriting; day, 3 months.
115; night. 3 months. 110; if yOu begin now at summer rates. Hart-sOCIE'S College, 1433 N. Taylor ave.
FUrest 8550- Call and Schooh in St. Louis BROWN'S I BUSINESS MONDAY, BO. 411. 4.9 1 -COLLEGE kO2T11-SOUlti-EAST-WEST-CENIU SCHOOL will the first In your mind when you have investigated the thorougtness of its courss. the experience of Its teachers.
and its facilities for placing you in a responsible position. It you want success to follow you. be a Rubicam graduate. All commercial branclhes taught. Day and rieht school the entire year.
RUBICA BrstycEss SCHOOL. 4931 Delmar Are. Grand and Arsenal. BOOKKEEPING: Jones Henderson Business Canoga. Olivia 1023 N.
'Grand day and night school: shorthand. typewriting. bookkeeping. penmanship spelling. grammar, etc.
Send for both phones. A Business Eduestiornd txle Place to Get Ttl ciri Commercial Ca liege, Shorthand and Telegraph Establtined by Jonathan Jones in 1841. AN11- NIGHT. 625 Locust Street. 71.st Fall Term Opens Monday.
bept. 9. ENROLL NOW BARNES COLLEGE Board of Education Building. 911 Locust. Business and shorthand course.
Day and night. Call or phone for- rates and -catalogue. Typewriter Copyists. WANTEDYoung lady typewriter copyisttelephon operator: Pi. LEIGH PROS.
Frisco )31 g. Clerks and Sales ladle'''. WANTEDExperienced pen addreeeera; at OTICe. 410 N. Ninth Vi-ANTIFDAddresser, long hand, temporarily; $1 day.
Cali 9 a. 408 Commercial Bldg. POUR experienced salesladies, fi8 week to start. NATIONAL. 113 N.
Sixth at. WANTEDCirl about 16 years old to work In office. St. Louis Plat arid Record 2207 Pine at. WANTEDYouhg lady, about 22.
for 'work, experienced in the grocery line. Add. 157, Globe-Democrat. WANTEDYoung lade clerk for figuring costa; quick and accurate; state qualifications. Add.
152, Globe-Democrat. WANTEDSuitable woman, preferably married. to teke charge of doctor's otilcat two furnished rooms; small wages. 1446 Blair ave. WANTEDGirl for clerical work.
one who can operate Remington typewriter preferred; mast be experienced; state salary expected and Where last Add. 13, Globe-Dem. WANTEDMillinery salesladies. Apply to Sonnenfeld Millinery 610-612 Washington aye. Salesladies and Millinery Makers and able to handle city trade.
Apply ACKERMAN, Broadway and Lucas Ave. That real. WANTEDTheatrical; chorus and principals; only the best singers and dancers; answer and will make appointment; plenty of gcod-- time. Add. 156.i Globe-Democrat.
Solicitors. WANTEDLady solicitors to take orders for butterine; $1 a day, COMMiSSI011. Rear 3536 1M)rgan at. The Tredee WANTEDGirt to heir, on coati at once; steady position 506 Benoist Bldg. WekNTEDGiri spotter.
iThapman Bros. Cleaning and Dyeing CO, 3lissi Arsstral st, WANTEDExperlenced petticoat cutter. APP1Y Montrose Garment 610 N. Eleventh st. cloakmakers.
Hry Bra. Cloak Co.j n. 'iv. car. Tenth and Lucas ave.
WANTEDWoman to operate sock darning machine. Apply Aalco Laundry. 3700 Olive. WANTEIDExperionced shirt waist operators; steady work. Schwarz Wild, 715 N.
Easyerith at WANTEDExperienced petticoat opar. also plain Se Kalter Mfg. 13 21 N. Fourteenth st WANTEDExperienced petticoat operator and also girl to clean petticoats. Weil lather Mfg.
Co. 821 N. Fourteenth st. 4 I FUR WORKERS The Baer Fuller Dry Goode -r Co. requires the services of experienced T.
fur workers and operators. Apply em ployment Office. second floor. ploymeny, oroce, eecona noon Rice-Stix New Shirt Factory 2550 JEFFERSON AVM 50 experienced shirtmakers wanted, Oa high-grade work. i 1 10 front makers.
1 5 hemmers. 1.) sh.evernakers. 5 front finishers: steady work an rood pay. reeoL WA TEDEx perienced woman as caretaker for boys tr. Institution.
Apply 3159 N. Taylor ave. WANTEDGood nurse; rood home and salary. Apply 34 SW071 Webster Groves, MO. Plione Webster 1153.
girl to take care of children 8 hours a dayf state wages wanted. Add. 155. for an invalid must be healthy. strong an I pleasant disposition.
153. tobe- f)fm oc ra HntiPoll Girls- 100W A NTE 0White girl for housework. 5,5.18 ea teg ve. 'abany 1646- A German girt Lo assist with housework. 2.018 Harris '1 St.
Louis -41 4 MONDAY, SEPT. SO. 4 ST-WEST-CENItit heat 1 WANTEDSingere and entertainers for cafe. Apply after 3 o'clock for tryout. Cambridge Court Cafe.
Seventh ami Locust IrES- I Cooks, Etc. Cooks, Etc. WANTEPshprt order cook for nitata. Call 1 East ,02., MAN skna wif rv.11 I cooks. small country hotel, 7,5 3s4 month; free pass.
National. 113 cAMP cook for sing II campigoccl wAalt; no money at. SECOND and ithird erslics. $50 ta $ikl month. I 11.4 NATIONAL, 113 N.
Sixth et. ON dining-crr chef, One hotel chef, I SSO rupnth. NATIONAL, 113 N. at. MARRIED chef to act as manager for lunch month; free pass.
NATIONAL EMP. 113 Sixth et. NI niter; 'WA NTEDTwoaItez. 5 Sio De Ballviere ave. WANTEDFirst-class waiter.
619 Lucas wages or commission. WANTEDWstiter. colored: neat in appear, ance. able to assist in housework. Albany -1-1n4 4673 Page boul.
I Laborpre WANTEDLaborer for foundry. 2626 La salle reet st WANTEDSewer laborers; good R114 S. Broadway. WANTEDLaborera Hummel Sbetro Lumber. 4506 Gravois eve.
WANTEDGrade plowman at Columbia, M. Ware Reilly. WANTEDLaborers. Ashland and Euclid area. WANTEDQuarry men and laborers: mile 1 south of Jefferson Barracks.
WANTED-200 men to cut. haul willows; $1.75 to $2. Apply fin Chestnut st. WANTEDFifty negroes to cut and load lows. Apply, S21 Chestnut et.
WANTEDLaborers. Alley. Osage and Arkansan. Rueolting COnatrUotion Company. WANTEDColored concrete laborers.
Fifteenth and North Market Perk lemon Bros. WANTED-100 extra tang laborers. Apply 2100 N. Broadway. Henry Davis.
foreman. WANTED-2 5 laborers. Evens Tioward Fire Brick C. Gregg Btation. Bt.
Louis County. Missouri. 1 WANTEDTeams. Gratiot between -Twentieth and $550 per day. OA.
Heman WA NT DExpertenced brick teamsters. H3- draulic-Press i Brick Gravois are. and Chippewa at. WANTED-50 65 a 6 rnonthb' work. and Eroott ayes.
Cotton Con- struction Co WANTEDExperienced brick tehtnAters. Hydraulic-Presa Brick 1King' Highway. and Frisco Railroad. WANTEDLaborers. Alley: Michigan.
Willi nehago and Chippewa. i Ruecking Construction Company. I I- i WANTEDQuarrymen and laborers Mile south of Jefferson Barracks on Iron Mount tam Railroad. 1 4 OR 5 rock laborers tor! Jack Schitchter. 2.23 day: no money Apply room 4.
118 N. Sixth sr. WANTEDAt 1-ierrIn: thlrti rood labor- ers for coorreie work: See and 40e per hour Keeley 'wee'. WANTRD Tea mster with stake wagon 9 ncl I team state rate per Add. 156.
Globe-Democrat. WANTOPExperienced brick tearnster. HYdraulic-Press Brick Kingi Highway and Natural 1 WANTED-15 laborers; steady work; 20c per hour. At Quarry. MOO Virginia.
ave. Eyermann Construction Co. WANTEDExtra Mang laborers- for and out of ottP: $1.70 day: Ares pass; 00 tee, Apply at 11 rt. WANEDTen steady work; 20c per hour. At quarry, Grand and.
Hickory E. Eyerrnann itonst WANTE1)-50 men. A2.251 a day: money anY time; 6 months work. 1 Euclid and Stott ayes. Sutton Cmrtauction Co.
WANTEDAt once. 50 men for R. R. work in Terminal yards; $1.65 per Call 4201 Manchester. Ask for roreman.
WANTEDLaborers for 18-hour government work: $1.10 per day and board: free -past. Call at 307 N. Levee. 10 to 1 2 to-day. WANTEDQuarry men and laborers at East St.
Louis Stone Falling Springs. III. City office. 40 Missouri at St. WANTEDTeamstera and) men at Columbia.
III. See agent at Fads Bridge at 9:00 a. ship 9:80 to-da. Ware WANTEDTearr4s to haul Macadam. Apply at quarry.
5229 St. Louis warts $5 per day. Bambrick Bros: Construction Co. WANTEDSection laborers: Wabash Railway. Apply to W.
T. Catterton. Agent. Vandeventer Station, Vandeventer and Manchester ave. Market at.
cart pay. $1.70 day. 300 FOR work.) Oklahoma: men, $2 day; in- terpreters, $751 month; free cooks. free tents. transtportation.
room 4. -ATIONAL. 118 N. Sixth at. 'WANTED-30 laborers fort U.
S. Government: 41.10 and $1 20 per day of hours, wita board; sd miles from SO Louis; trant3portatien paid; ship track 13 Unison Station Thursday, 7 a. m. 1 Wirt-TEDLaborers for work on East Side drittnage canal. Apply to L.
B. Davis, Supt. Oldenburg; wages $'2 per day; take Alton car from East St. Louis to canal station, wilIK wept to work. 1 TEXAS.
Texas. Texas. Special shipment 25 laborers. straight conipany work. r' $2 per day: first-class hoard.
84.20 week. E. GRISWOLD 16,10 Market it. THE WESTEhN WANTS TO-DAY. 500 laborers near Chicago; free pass.
300 laborers near Kansas City; free Pala, 10 factory hands. country: $1.15., $2.50 day. 1i laborers, Southwest; free pass. 5 form Missouri. WESTERN LABOR AGENCY.
5 N. WANTED-25 laborers. Texas. $2 day. 20 colored teamsters, near Kansas City.
Apple $1 day, board and roon 2 carpenters. it plasterer, for the countre 10 dairy milkers, $2. $3tl board and room. Corn cutters. by day or shock.
Parmand ranch hands; top wages. Many other positions not advertised. Call D. E. GRISWOLD Ca.
100 Market st WANTED-Laborers for brick yard work. Hydraulic-Press Brick Spring and Market. WANTEDLaborers for unloading and I piling lumber; day work or piece work. American Car and FOundry Madison, Illinois. i I KOENIG WANTS Tu-DAY: Laborers for genuine S-hoor Enited States Government work, $1.25 (lag and board (no contract: trioney anv time: long job.
WOO laborers for railroadt work in Michigan, Indiana. Iowa. Misiouri and Arkarisas, highest wages: pass; (ship daily. 100 teamsters for railroad work in Michigan, Wivconsin, Indiana and Illinois; free fare. Piledriver engineer.
hour; pass. Concrete form highest wages. I Bileiriver men: Missourit hour. Pliedriver men1 lmilana, 30c hour. 10 camp cooks, highest wages.
Camp waiters: month and board. Car carpenters, repal-ers and truckmens 20 farmhands. gardeners pd milkers. 1 The above are genuine orders. New orders constantly received.
See bulletin in front of office. Free ice water: in front of office. All work by the Old Reliable. KOENIG LABOR 612 Walnut St. Louis, Mo.
I 503 W. Fifth Kansas! City. MO- 407 Commercial Cairo, Ill. 835 Popiar Tenn. 110 N.
Main Little Rock. Ark. i Boys- i WANTEDBoy Or drug store. Coy Drug Wyoming at. WASTEDBovci mina be 16 years of age.
Apply 1601 Locust st 16 for parcel delivery. '2735 st. Ito work in lunch room. Jefferson and PeStaloszi st.1 boy about i 16. experienced in drug store.
42104N inn eii ave. vearsi old. for bakery; day work 3132 Mullanpl at WANTEDBoy 16 tor offiee. Arid. 155.
Globe-Demofrat. WANTED--How in grocery with some expert-en. gf9 Maine Oertkpfs. WAN-TEDBoy on farm; good home and moderate wages. i1299 Coodfellow ave.
bright boy. 14 to ,16 years old. Kennedy fk Co. 3ii2 iOrtel WANTEDBoy ro work inkrug glare; about 19 'years old: references 89oo Greer ave. BOYS to learn telerraphingi in our offices: beginners taken.
1102 N. Thlrd et form 3on WANTEDBoy to work la drug Witn come experience preferred. i 33 9 S. Jefferson. WANTEDErrand boy; moat have good references.
Spiro Singer, Seventh and Oily. N'TFDPov to learn rimier's; treele: earl at once. De Raniviere Cornice 5153o Vernon. bop to run elevator: not over 14 years. 117 30 N.
Grand ave. 1 1 wANTEDBoy. 4sxper1encal In paper smatter. Louts Paper Box e0.I Twenty-Ann and Randolpn Inc i WANTEDBoy. year' old and well educated.
Cal on assistant librarian. Thirteenth and Olive WANTED-Boy about 17 or it en pral Office work. that csa operate ittoyal typewriter. nil Forest Park bout. WANTED-Boy to truck britka: 11.50, per 'day.
Brick Coi, King's Highway nd Natural Brilge road. 1 W-ANTED-B-oysT16 years and 'rider; steady work: ig ood wages. Appi)i Stamping Granite itv: take car. WANTED-110v or young I man who undr4 utwis references. Remington Union Vrroml WA IS to ran errands and general ore work in aholeitale bootie.
good chance rtoptit boy. Add. I WA NTED-Roy to learn retail shoe buattputs. Twat be 16 yvars or axe nd reside with parents, SP1 tibiae Siatia Ad titCnkria at '47 I I I V.RINTEDSaleOmen to zall on country merchants: must be succeasful in dealing wiEn business men: will make attractive arrangements as to pay with men of ainlity. goon territory for assignment.
Add. 0 147. have a machine tnat brings water from cistern. weil: or giving Into' tne house like city yam: works: we want salesmen to seal counts patesinta rights, a proven money-making preaaosaraen. Moody Vogel Manufacturing St.
MO. WANTEDTraveling to call on re-tall traie for responsible Lou is-. house; must be prycressive and have confidence in iowrd ahilI get, busim.ss receiving in-traction do our-line; high pay aroi permanent t'or man. 1112 Chemicai Bldg. WANTEDo1411, iyoirs, NV no uresen E.
a to call on "District citY coomers of a large local firm: having 140.04 customers: previous selling- extierience not essaywe will train you: liberal paid. Addrcss. stating references: Ilti. WANTEDToing, energetic man to clerk in dry goods department; must he capable of keeping stock in nrst-class condition and willing, to make himself useful all over this de- patme-nt; none others need apply: salary $15 per week. Address at once.
Bog Sikeston Missouri. 1 BE AN AUTO EXPERT. Fine positions open for salesmen. chauffeur and repair men; easy work, short hours; big payl we teach by practical methods; few weeks completes; largest school in 'United States. Call or write.
Dept. 135. Auto School of St- Louis. 1915-17 Pine Bt. Solicitor'.
WAN-ma Solicitors; portrait 'men; good money for workers. Royce. 4037 Easton ave. WANTE)DAn experienced grocer solicitor; must have references. Add.
157, Canvassers. WANTEDCanvassers; 5 neat-appearing only; all are making good. 426 Victoria Bids. I The WANTEDTinner's helper. ell N.
Isiinth WANTEDGood tinner 3 at ones. 455 Sarah st. WANTEDTrimmer for men's hate. LIS N. Sixth et.
to assist carponter at 4261 ave. eVirANTEIDOolored tuck pointer. Call Ashland WANTEDTwo painters. Apply Tower Grove and Viva even. WA NTT' DWagon painter.
1627 Clark ave. WANTEDExperienced job-preen feeders. Call 500 N. Second et. WANTEDPresser.
1256 Union ave. WANT.PIDA first-clean meatcutter. Add. Vir 157. GlobP-Demoerat.
WANTEDWagon maker. Call at ono, 4983 Natural Bridge road. WANTEDTwo coloren earners at 206 N. Seventh young men. WANTEDFirst-class coat makers.
Call at once. 400 Carleton Bldg. VirANTEDBughelman. Apply King. the Tailor.
Sixth and Olive ate. WANTEDNonunion carpenter. Wednesday morning. 8906 Morgan WAN-TEOFirst-Wass cabinet makers and boys. 1700 S.
Fnurteenth mt. WANTEDBuebelman; must understand secuhdhand work. 803 Market et. WANTEDTen- brick layers thla afternoon; 50c hour. Phone Marshall 883 WANTEDSawyer.
Apply National Veneer Package 401 S. Newstead aye. WAN'rE'DIFEtierienced blacksmith helper. Peter Wagnet. 8400 S.
Broadway. WANThil.Tob-press feeders. C. B. Nicholson Printing Main and Walnut sta.
and bridge men. on Wabash Railroad. at Fort Wayne. Ind. man to learn baker trade.
KrIegels Bakery, 1061 Hodiamont et. WANTE'DMoider and rip-saw hands. Darlington Lumber en 3flO Chouteau ave. auto mechanic; state where last emoloyed. Add.
153. woodturner: good wagew N. w. corner Fourteenth, and 'Clinton 4tg. WA N-Tor)--Three first-class union painters.
Rialto Decoratthg 4744) McPherson ave. NTEDPain ter. first-cl*tsio. for kalsornine Work. rall 517 N.
Sixth st ready to work. NTEDFirst-ell S5 paperhanger. Chas. Datp3rnheitn Wail Payer 142 Olive et. NV for repair work; bring tools roarir for 622 N.
WANTEDAn experienced -packer. Red Diamond Clothiba co EightPenth and Pine sts. CAFtPENTERS for the city. 45o to 50c NATIONAL. 113 N.
Sixth et. WANTEDramp blacksmith for quarry: no shoeng. flaney'a Labor Agency, 10 N. Eighth. WANTEDFirat-claas belt-sander man.
Laughman Cabinet Ranken ave. and Rutger at. WA NI-EDTailors experiesced male op female. Terrell Tlg. 304 Giogie-Defi- OCTO Bldg.
WANTED-2 furaiture 1-okers. A t.nly heonori Storage Grand and hat elede Ayes. WAN-FEDIAlarbie and cranite lettorers: pneumatic tools. Bastel Monument Works. 7037 Grayois ave wANtlEnAlachine handi and eabinet makers.
Aordy Loughman Cabixiet Ranken ave. and Rutger st.1 WANTEDCornpetent, experienced fireman for lotv-pressure I boiler. 4: AppiY Bismarck Cafe, 4081N. Twelfth St. 1 WANTED--BIO ear carpenters; $3 to S4 per day; Steady employment.
See Mr. Aleiand44, 14 S. Ninth st. MA1'HINTSTS at PI. 'union shop): ship every day: no fees charged.
See Mr. S. Ninth st. WANTEDA few good rivetPrs for out of town; extra inducement for right men Add. WANTtnBeneh and squeezer molderx; highest wages.
-St. Louis Malleable Castinci 7800, North Broadway. irbn molder for out-of-town work; special Inducements; give age and references. Add. tr.O.
Globe-Democrat. --A V-ANTEDExperienced frame machine band. frame nailer and man on door clamp. mar-yin Planing Mill. 6200 Minerva WANTEDRID and cross-cut pawyers.
also general woodworking machine men. PowItzky Collins. First and B. Grand ave. HOISTING engineers.
35 and 40 cents; Pipe az cents; carpenters. 40 cents; 2 rears' job. West. Room 4. NATIONAL.
113 N. WANThDFirst-class power machine operator; must be good stitcher on leather. Apply Imperial Belt 803 Washington sixth floor. WANTEDPuthe lman: must be first ClaftS: good position for right party; ask for Mr. Lindquist.
Curies Clothing 1128 Washingt9n ave. WANTEDAssiatant cutter: youig man. with some experience in tailoring and cutting, ask Mr. Lindqujat. Cur lee ca 0.
1128 Washington ave. 5 FOR COAL; cnurEs South, boss here to take men. MICHEL LABOR AGENCY. 9 S. Ninth WANTEDYoung to learn machinist trade; good chance for advancement and steady work.
Chati-Pplort Shoe -Machine 372T Forest Park WANTEDToeing men to qualify for railroad firemen and brakemen: monthly; experience unnecessary. For par.taulars address b14 Railway Bureau, St. Louis. Mo. i IRON MOLDERS FOR JOLIET.
Alt piece work; standard prices; no trouble. Manager here to take men: shin to-nlxbt. Apply to RAPHAFM, 8e7 co. 823 Market st. WANTEDMen.
20 to 30 years old. immediately. for firemen and I-waken-tent; S80 to $100 a month: experience unnecessary: fine opportunity for advancement no strike. Write today i for application blank. Add.
NV 182. Globe-Democrat. CARPENTERS! CARPENTERS! Five more men handy with carpenters tools: Southern Illinois: $3.25 day: ship, to-day; free pass MODEL 81:1 Market st. MENOur illustrated nr rersonat trtview will explem -how we terch, barber trade improved metimda: hundreds of graduate runnine shops depenting upon tie for barbem investipate nov. Moler, barber Cuic lege.
810 N. at. PATEUT EXPERT And nolicitor. EMIL STAREK (formerly examInerf17. Patent Office).
907 Chemical Bldg. Carpenters and Car Repairers. WaritedFor Iron Mountain Railway depot carpenters. car carpenters, $2.55. and truckman, $2.10 per day: board.
week; free! pass. Apply at 814. N. Fight st, WANTED--Good all-around machinist. Apply American Steel Foundries, 'Granite City, Ill.
i WANTEDWheel rollers on cold wheels. Apply American Steel Foundries, Granite City, WANTED-L100 body makers and woodworking machine natn on automobile bodies. C. R. Wilson Body Detroit, WANTEDMiddle-aged man as chief inspector in steel foundry producing railroad car castings; must be aggressive and experienced.
in foundry line; none other need apply. American Steel Foundry, Granite City, Ill, th3utte12rs- BERRY AUTO SCHOOL Modern and praPtIcal. day and nigag- 12.2 N. Vadadaveatat ave. WANTEBGirl to cook and with house- work; references Apply No 4 piece.
pue ref Of Lhion ave. on 1 1. WA NTEII-4-i arm waitresses; 8 hours' work- Market st. WANTEDOirl dining room work. Jewish Hospital.
WANTEDWaitress: of neat appear1 ance. .414 N. Eighteenth et. WANTEDYoung ladies to wait on tables in tearooms Busy Bee. 414 N.1 Seventh WANTEDWaitress: must be neat in appearance and have experience: icapable of taking charge of small dining room.
Albany Ilotel. Page TWO waitresses for commercial hotel. South. $25; 3 hotel, West. $20; 2 for Oklahoma, $22.50.
and 3 lunch-counter girls. lila-. and Texas. month; free pass. NATIONAL.
113 N. Sixth st. Laundresses 1 WANTEDMangle girl. Moser Hotel. 80Ei Pine at.
WANTEDFirst-clasa laundress for two days; coma prepared to work. 4328 West Pine. WANTEDGirl to wash and iron and assist with housework; references 4248 Maryland. WANTEDExperienced starchers on new shirts; steady work. The Exa Shirt Factory.
1101 Lucas ave. Rice-Stu New Shirt Factory 2830 S. JEFrERSON AVE. 2 bosom press operators. 2 cuff Dress operators.
2 handers. 1 1 5 shim finishers. WANTEDGirls to parcels. I 2712 Pine at. WANTEDColored woman for kitchen work.
lC3 N. Third et. WANTEDGirls. 2334 Washington ave. WANTEDGirls.
I 2334 'Washington ave. 1 WANTEDExperienced scrub woman. white or 207 N. Sixth st. WANTEDExperienced girl.
Candy i PalaCeo 2739 N. Grand ave. Cell after 9 a. rn. WANTEDExperienced girl.
Candy i Palace. 2789 N. Grand ave. Call after 9 a. rn.
WANTEDGirle ttr: light factory work; good pay. apply 206 8- 'Commercial ale.1 WANTEDScrub woman and dishwasher; call 2:80 P. College Inn. 3514 Olive IAADIES to learn telegraplaing in our crawls; IAA.DIES to learn telegraphing in our offices; beginners taken. lu2 N.
Third. room 303. RAGTIME playing taught in 20 lessona; boor sent free. ChruLanaen. suite D.
Odeon Bldg. to learn telegraphing in our Sloes; taken. 102 N. Third room I GIRLS to learn telegraphing or shorthand; good positions. i Railroad School.
to learn telegraphing in our otlioes; begaineas 102 N. Third frt. room GIRLS to learn telegraphing or shorthand; easy terms; good positions. Railroad School. 2600 Olive et.
1 NN AN A-- Colored girls to; light factory work: can make, good money; comfortable 'workroom; no experienoe necessary. i Apply 200 S. Commerciai. WANTEDLady one day weekly; confidential work; no canvassing: no cash required; permanent; profitable. Write I- J.
A.dams6 Dan Block Rattle Creek. Mich. GOVERNMENT positions open to women; $RO month; St. Louis examinations soon; Writ immediately for specimen questions. Franklin Institute.
Dept 494S. Rochester. N. T. WANTEDSeveral ladles of refinement for special work; must be over 23 years of age; no technical knowledge outside of a.
good eduoation necessary; must be willing to put forth hard. conscientious effort to earn good salary. Add. 149. Globe-Democrat 0 L4DrESWe have good positions waiting ir YOU will learn hairdressing with the Herrmann permanent wove; no ccnripatition; tmig money; few competent operators; manicuring; facial massage chiropody and taught- Moler College.
810 N. Sixth st. 4. WANTEDGirls, in all depart- ments. Peckham Candy T.
1 tory, 7th and Spruce streets. 4. --7- -7- HELP, WANTEDMALES. A0I-NG, man bookkeeper; not much experience necessary: must write a good hand; to start; excellent Business Service 818 Chemical Bldg. Stenographers.
I Clerks and Salesmen. A NT rocery clerk. 1045 N. Vander venter ave. WA N1 E.1)--Clerk retail grocery.
Add. The, GI obe-Democrat. man to travel; Ca, 11 SIS Holland Bldg. WANTnip---Experienced ePhoe aalegmam Apply 402 Mermod-JaccFd Bldg. i clerk.
to $.50 month. I 113 N. Sixth et. young man quick with flgures; SO. Leigh Broth.
Prisoo Bldg. WANTE'DShipping clerk; state experience and wages. Add. 0 155. Glebe-Democrat.
to $10 daily: don't call unless you mean business. Room 809. 717 Locust st. 'WANTEDYoung man with some experience In lrug store; references required. 41401 Belt.
tWANTED-3 experienced shoe salesmen. Apply at once, Brits shoe Sixth and btleharles sts. rEtF3DIT man. experienced in wholesale gro- teery busness: $1500. Business Service, IS Cherni -al Bldg.
WANTEDGood all-round man, take interest and manage; good paWng business. Cali or addreas Jenkins, 8001, Olive st. I 'ANTDA- young man for-clerical work, about 22; experienced in the grocery busi, ess. Add. 0 157.
Globe-Democrat. MAIL. oarriers wanted by vaverament, age 18 to 4, average about $iki month; full partleulam Add 127. Globe-Democrat WANTEDReceiving clerk; must be experi- enced in the grocery business. Apply Romick roger Grocery 811 N.
Sixth at. WANTEDYoung man with some experience 1,1 general oirice work; salary about $3.5 per gnonth. Add. Li 151, Globe-Democrat. IWANTEIA--Bill clerk anti office assistant for i beef house; state experience ant salary Adl.
134. Globe-Democrat. WANTEDCity ealesmen, experienced. for i high-class propositions; give details and rat- Irences in. first.
letter. Add. 156, TANI-EDTime clerk not over '18; must be nest, quick and accurate at figures. with teferences. Add.
A 136. Globe-Democrat. eD -ANTEGood man. who has bad expert- ence in the alterations of building and archi- ctural 'drawing. Add.
152, Globe-Dem. I ANTPDiOffice aesistart rapid and accur- ate with! figures; I 1 1 i Frisco 1311g. A NTEl.iHustling young man; ion and adjustment business; $200 cash required: IWO monthly and commtesion. II 156 i globe-Democrat. VANTEDMen and -women for government positiono: $80 month; write for list of post-lions open.
Franklin Institute. Dept- 196 8. ftochester N. Y. neat appearing young men 1 between il8 and 22 to travel for large adver.
Ising concern. Apply 8 to 10 enton, C. R. Baxter. 'A TE-- An experienced railroad auditor's office eke' familiar with vouchers.
pay 1tI113 and general work; to leave City. 148. Globe-Democrat. tVANTED---Al man. under Sh.
with executive-, ability and able to develop into manager it cost department: S100-8125; manufacturing LEIGE1 Frisco Bldg. painters to sell sae-. niab in St. Louis; $10 per week salary and 'Commission. Apply 9 to 12 Thursday morn-The Ault 8s, Wiborg 822 N.
Third lareet. Vt4ANTEDAn aggressive up-to-date illtiefilnan or an- interesting proposition: large I competition limited and position Contract Office. southeast corner Sixth 011'rest8. Room 518. to talb orders for men I an ladies clothes, mass to buyers measure; tfild on Installment Dian: P.
salary Allard teed. Apply American Tailors, tiOa Star Tw-; anti Olive sts. ANTEDCompetent photo engraving -sales714111 for Chicago. by large house; must know buainess thoroughly: permanent position; itiod salary. Jahn Oilier Engraving W.
Adams Chicago, Ill. VANTEDSeveral middle-aged men for elPe' work, preferably with sales experience: requires refinement and rulture and eltility to the' best class, of people; 0041 if you, can qualify. Add. I4s, ANTED midille-asted man of neat appearance. Int some ex-perience as floorwalker.
Apply morn- only. to Sonnenfeld Millinery 6110-612 YOFNG 'mart stenographer; not much expert- enrce nesels Chemical a 13, Serv- WA NrEDGirl for general housework: ii. washing. 2344 Whittemore place. west or: Lafayette Park.
A N1 EDNotary and stenographer for few days Tyswork in dowritown office; state? terms. ANTEMExperienced white girl for genera' lI tilobe-Democrat. 1 housework and cooking; no outside work i an 3,, Iit-47 Flora bout. WAN-1771-2 good girls for general houseworkA tend 21 Morgan st Call Friday. the in the morning.
I ''Vl. Wia.keNtTurlilniltHYLiftgl,"'tn.laLnouTste;nia5Ogilailh? rE1114.3u- Longfellow bpiat 1 -WANTEDGlq. do general housework; rh; 71 'LEIGH Frisco Bldg. washing; 4t5 eall in the morning. 452 tt? .1 stenographer with first-class Westminster place.
ability railroa Scat WANTEDCompetent wkite gi.1-1 for general: i IGH Frisoo Bldg. housework: no laundry work; good capable young men stenog15853 Plymouth ave. preferably with some railroad ex- WATEDGirt for general hous4-work: Ger: East St. Louis; Perienc man preferred; references; $30; 3 in family.L LEIGH Frisco Bldg. WANTEDGirl for general hnusework: German preferred; ref4trences; $30; 3 In family.
perkers: wife to cook for 10 Men good wages. National Brno, Co. 113 N. Sixth rt. I 4 HOSTLDRS and drivers $11, 11:2 week.
4 farmhands and znilkerri. $25 $.10. expenses WESTERN EMPLOYMENT 5 N. 1-I'gtIth. COLORED housem*n, saloon bort e-q and colored factory qaborers.
$7 to NATIONAL, EMP. 113 N. COLORED housem*n, porters, wattets MI factory hands: good wages. WESTERN ENIPLOYMENT CO .1 1 ton HOrsem*n. yardrnen kitchen -mem and private places: s25.
$35 britt expenses. 5 N. Entbt THROE men on private daces, j.t month, I NATIONAL I EMI'. 113 WANTEDAn mart to run elevat 471 hells on dishes: $20 month acd bos.rti. the American Motel, tievent, anti Market sta.
I WANTEDGood couple for lad, 4 be good man, to do gPneral whia. Ls. G. House. Phone Alain.
between: a ltri. end 5:30 m. I I WANTEDTen men men to clear farm 'land' of second growth tiruher- by the piece' and! by a fencing.l garden anti crOpst free'. 'all at 1 nt. Friday, Dal New Bank! of 2rnmerce.
I 1'1 Dresirnakers. Seamstresses. wishes sewing by the day; firsticlass references; reasonable. Addrass larah: st. i laz, first-class dressmaker to iew in hest references Per thy.
Phone Bomont 4721. Companions. lirANTEM--talv wishes position travsling companion: Eurooelpzeferred; references sae" anged. Rivermines, Mo. WANTEDfit.
by French governess; also good Lindell 3.1711. 1 Nurses. ovANTEDSitpa, inn middle-aged woman as nurse infsht or companion for invalid. WI Y. Bomlot nation by young woman aa nurse In confinement cases; no objection to housework.
Cettnve FIVe. 'I tion.tekePpers. 1 al housekeeper by widow with girl 1,111122 ave. Bontont 23621., 11aANTEDSituat Put a housekeeper by elderly woman for small family: city references. Ae1d.
Mrs. I E. Sangamon Decatur. 3111nois. latbir wants situation as anaging ihousekeeper in hotel or private 1 thorough experience; only reputable, nnzt-i-IRss hotel or party need apply.
Arid. 1. iilobe-Democrat, WANTED-4 refined widow of rniddle-gge desires pifl where strict attention to duties and interest In same will be appreciated; preferably in home of widower; no objection 'to one or- two children; good cook and manazer $25 peir 'month. Address all week, Mrs. -Travelers' Hotel 1800.
Market. St. Louis. Rouse Girls- WANTS3DSituation by 36-year--o1d girl for iiebt housPnork. 1914 Sahel-Airy wAN-rEnSit.
bv colored girl. housework Or maid. Phope liomont 238. 2S()3 Pine et. WANTEDSituation by German girl for housework in private boarding house or hotel.
Bo S-45 Housework. WA NTEDlituation by heat German girl to do general i housework. Forest WANTEDlituation by neat. experienced girl for general housework. in plain laundry.
Fi4MOnt 345. i Cooke, Etc. WANTEDElituati.ln by firat-class cook; 4 years in Ist place. Bornont WANTEDSituation by first-class cook and a house and maid. Lindell 2A15.
-WANTEDSit. by first-class cook; reliable German girl: city or suburbs. 4412 DelmarWANTEDSltuation as cook or house gl ri in Srnall family. Ellen Burk, 833 S. Seventh.
to work in kitchen, restaurant, by woman; must have workTemas ave. WANTEDAituation by emergencY 'help cook, waitress. or Laundry and Cleaning. Call 22954 WANTEDRt. by experienced cook; also first-class I4ouse and dining room maid; beat referetices.
Undo 11 8640. WANTEDSit. by colored woman; le good cook; can give good city references. Call or. write.
1018 Eureka place. first-class, plain cook; call atter 10 a. m. 614 N. Leonarl.
Pbone Bomont 600. Laundresses. WANTEDSituation by experienced laundreas four days. Botnont 1758, Cora. CAREFUL laundres, takes home only; prices reasonable.
4054. Central 9737L. WANTElDSituation by Frenchwoman; limn-class laundress; to take home. 4276 Ashland. WANTEDSituation by Geriban woman to do washing; first days of 4842 Frieda avenue.
-WA NT-FMSituation by first-clams laundress, wants first 3 days In week or by the montb Ft referenooe; colored. Con wal 5259. WO. I Howari I Miscellanoeux. by -middle-aged woman: any kind of work.
4407 N. Twentieth at. Silt AT1ONS WANTED--Al ALES I Physicians. 1 IwAN.pi,i)--.51tuation; any kind. by physician registered la Illinois.
Add. 45.5. Accountants. will balance. adjust or your books at reasonable terms; small sets yobied monthly.
F. Simons. 2643 Ann AfVuLTNTANT will audit books. install systems. for reasonable fee; satisfaction guaranteed.
Axid 151. Globe-Democrat. I Bookkeepers. young man. 20 years old, vvants office work, or aasietant bookkeeper, at figures-.
best reference. Add. M' 145, i Globe-Democrat. WANTEDAlan. 23 years, married.
notary, with real state firm past 8 years as bookkeeper. stenogral her and salesman. desire, poition On salary basis. Add. 181.
fitemegraphers. nation by stenographer. correspondent ant office man; good referisnoe. Add. 151, G105e-Democrat.
young man, 19 years. graduate of Intainess college. position, as sterioarapher; salary not so much an object as actual businis experience; it references. Add. A 147.
Globe-Dernocrat. WANTED--SIC by young roan stenographer; five years Mercantile and legal experience; rapid and Recta-ate; desires position as stenographer and clerk: moderate salarY; excellent reerences. A1d. NI 154. Globe-Democrat.
C4rkn and Salesmes. WANTED-L-I. by clerk. young man, in gro- cery: 3410 Humphrey 8 ot any kind by young man. 30: 'gotid habits; can give 0000 cash se-curity.
A.10 1) 119. Globe-Democrat. 'ANTEDTctnng man. experienced in freight claim and ail traffic work, wants jaoSiLion In large "wholesale house; walling to leave city: reasonable salary. J.
F. 1315 Chestnut at. VarANTEDSitualion by young man with 15 years' practical business experience as sales- itnan, oft' rttanager, civil engineer and ranch leaving next week to perms. nently locate ion the Pacific Coast, is open for troposition. temporary cr permanent; etther bpordtfve inattagement commission or promo, tion; tinusuallly sucesafttl in new undertakings and exemitla el work none but legitimate prop- ritions colistierett Add.
irt 154. RETAIN SALES COUNSELLOR, 3,,,,, se. thin fpga! cou-nsel I know bow to niaxitrum- sales at minimum extbrocgli tual.amen -by mail thrtolgn dealirs or mlit 1 61-0y ove client from etc1; In ITIStrY. materially in reasing its 'milts. Cost SiZP of business.
1 vestia'ate cOnfidentially. Cit START- a horns busint-S, nst wilf bring you $10() I noado, SS-itS) first year with game. business: spare tiTne; no canvassAng; will -show you howl 1nstrutive book-I treeVoorbeis Desk tf. Nf-b. WANTRD--Mani and wiCe casilier and, door, man for and tMatfir; ten year.4: salary ner w.kL Lint) cash i deposit required.
('nt with rwtepences, Manager Lyric Orteon.L Sj t'heries Hotel. IFour-. ternh and St. jCharies via inakeirs; tvirgin timbort no near job; whit. and 1..0 st oak.
tittrther. 16c make. bring s-e Ross uvery Mount Pleseant or Geo. Heard, agent, Omaha and 'Nfount Pleasant. Tex.
National I.urnt,er and Creosoting Co, I I i Phone Webster 11431q. WANTEDFive good girls (Protestant) for general housework and cooking; no Phone Cabany 24713. WANTEDWhite girl; general 'housework anel laundry; two In family; references. 4215 Westminster WANTEDExperienced girl for general hotieework; smell family: good wag. 5568 Waterman third floor east WANTEDGirl for general kouseworki.
nu laundry or outside work; good wages. Mrli Johnson. 54415 Vernon ave. WAN'IstaGood German girt for general housework and cooking; no washing; good wages; good home. 20(12 Obear ave.
WANTEDExperteneed girl for general housework In 6-room apartment; no washing-or trontnc good wages. 4458 Forest Park boul. WANTEDAu experienood girl for general housework; 2 in family; good wages; references required. Mies Kline, 4944 Lindell German girl tor gen oral housework; no washing; must be fair eco*k. family of vrages 825.
.8226 Kensington ave. WANT13DNeat and experienced colored girl for general housework in small family go home nights; good wages. Apply 2007 Weanui. upstairs. i WANTIMAn experienced white girl for gen-1 eral housework: ST118 11, family; no washing; i goon wages.
Mrs. Geo. WiI11am, Washin gran Terrace 535 Clara ave. Cabany 2z38. girl for general houSeworki plain cooking with or without laundry; moc14 ern conveniences; near ear line; call.
phone or write Dr. O. Creveling. 102 Plant rt. Webster 1 Groves Groves.
.1 WANTEDA competent maid, white. for gen.i eral housework small apartment; 3 arilits no laundry; wares $25; references required Phone Forest 1448 or flee janitor, 4510 Mal Pherson ave. Cook, Etc. 1 I WANTEDA comrteot cook. 6192 Kingsbliz7 place.
WANTEDGirl or cooking. Apply 1900 S. COMMOTI I WANTEDCook; family of 6186 Kings-4 bury NVA NTEDWhite woman cook. 2028 Olive I WA TEDCook. Apply after 10, o'clock, 4378, Lindell bout WA NTEDCook with references Call 6362 Waterman ave.
WANTEDGerman girl for plain cooking. 6277 -Limle II boo'. Forest 925 "wANTED--competent' German cook; good wages. Washirgton aver' WANTEDExperieneed white cook. MO Washington Forest 1763.
7' WANTEDExperienced woman -cook. Schneider Hotel. 1106 S. Broadway. WANTEDGood cook; no laundry; every COnvente.n ce in kitchen, .5059 Raymond ave.
WANTMDCapablo white girl for co*cking and housework: no launt1ry4 15433 Von tnx lunch-ooLmter girls for Big Four, to $12 week. NATIONALs113 N. Sixth at. WANTEDrook and general house girl. also French-speaking maid.
606 N. Vandevermes. WANTEDGood cook: references; small family; good wages. Z60 N. Taylor.
cornet Berlin ave WANTKI)---White cook: also girl for hottnework references: PO. Webster MO EqTri ave. WANTEDAn experienced good waxen: references required. Call 4944 'Lindell bout. Mrs.
Faikey. WANTEDCook to asstst with light hquarkeeping; no washing; $25 month. 21 Kingsbury Place. WANTEDA giri to cook end, eFrliSt hoosework, reference 4160 Washington i WANTEDGirl for cooking anfi general housework; 2 in family; good wages, 4727 Westminster place WANTE'llK-xperletleed ilFrman ortri for cooking aml lower floor: family of three; good wages; references. i'abanne ave.
I KI-PCHFN Vtlek h1per an1 pantry S6 il ti't NATiONAI" 113 Sixth FL, W.ANTEDWhi!e for veolcinE and don't'''. stairs no outside t'vork: no $25. 5T ahanne ate. Pnone Forest WANTEDror-Itti-tent white and ticuse girl. to gv to liot 2 in fatnilv: hivhest Nva trvs paid.
refcrence4.1 Apply Waal Pin bout. WASTEDFor LJ S. Army, 1111- marriej men. bevseen Ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United j8tates. ct good character anti temperate habits.
who can Bleak, read and rite the EnzJish Isnsiaze For infortnat opplr to recruitirg officer. Third and 011e ate. St. Louis 220 Meth HannJbal, 1,..1 Wig Walnut et Mrohyshoro. 11? WANTED AT ONCE, FIRST-CLASS EXPERIENCED Pipe men and Idigeers for work on 'tcatr 341c end Per hour.
Apply to H. 11 Hal? Constrm-tion Cr) Herrin, El WANTEDCI olored help reasonable hours-, free sower half day off on Saturday. Apply St. Louis Lead Oil Works, Manchester and Sublette ayes. WANTED-Factory hands reasonable hours; free shower 1 baths halfday off on Saturday.
Apply St. Louis Lead Oil Works, Manchester and Sublette ayes. I 1 i 1 i PARTNERS wANTErv--Partrwr tivaIIiierative rintall bootnss: will roirtke reterotwto 170 wANTEMAttive, parropr with caohi vawitville te- yeorsI on-I tine busirie: iohJect. to Add. 0 13.
-T1 AGENTS WANTED. R. R. NEWS agent'. bosa here: engage tb-clag.
NATIONAL NW. C741, 113 N. Sorth St. n4 r- St money in aril aerlden' ita. uranee; our agent make bhg Inrorne: Choral pollfreg: now fit tOnt highest unnecessary.
to Gnat Weatern Dee Motree. a. AGENTS--Nw free hast out; rt.ty easy. taita. tal, ell-rill gam of arty artlete pni tree.
Theurer Co; 3,12.2 Setntour ave tie rlartd. Ohio. i AGENTs-17 a ia Fteady vrit bla nrt4. $uat orJori: to.rma rwtit. pa( isliv4 cuttompra; rof- 0t4ft nd o4rtira, aot.v.et,GLA Illo LLatrain Neb.
I i 1 .1 1 1 I.