No Rest for the Thirsty - Anonymous - 原神 (2024)

Chapter 1: paimon's passing thoughts


For the first time in a long while, Paimon was speechless. She knew her companion was a bit… ditzy, but to the point that he couldn’t see that the majority of the people he’s met lusted after his pretty little head?

Chapter Text

For the first time in a long while, Paimon was speechless. She knew her companion was a bit… ditzy, but to the point that he couldn’t see that the majority of the people he’s met lusted after his pretty little head?

Clearly something was wrong in him! How can he not see the peddlers in Liyue trying to offer him discounted goods, as if they were trying to lure Aether onto their carts and make a quick get away with him?

Thank Barbatos that a Millielith guard was nearby or else Diluc, Jean- well, everyone in Aether’s little harem-party would’ve gone ballistic. Even if they couldn’t travel with him, prior jobs and all, they still had an eye on Aether.

But of course, once one creep was gone, another one took their place. Paimon saw the man’s grimy paws twitch on his spear. And his eyes! Zeroed in right at Aether’s hips! The nerve of him, thinking of their innocent Traveler like that.

“Thank you.” No, no. Don’t thank this moral-less man. He’s out here to take you away from us!

The guard stuttered, blush searing his face red as he followed Aether’s swaying hair.

Hmph, weakling. Her Aether was leagues tougher than this no-named Millielith! He beat up a dragon! Saved Mondstadt! This person wasn’t a match for him at all.

Before she could even get a word out to warn him, an arm wrapped around Aether.

“Hey! What do you think you're doing-” Oh, him again.

Childe’s stupid little smile was plastered on his face, fingers gently tapping the side of Aether’s hips rythmatically, “Need any help?”

His boyish grin won’t get the best of her this time, nope! Paimon didn’t notice it at first, but this little sh*t was definitely after her Traveler, no matter how many times he’d like to deny it. Hand on his shoulder, arm around his midsection. The weekly fights he forced her poor Aether to just to see him panting, red faced and tired- ehem! Anyways, she wasn’t born yesterday. All the signs lead up to a thirsty young man trying to steal him away!

“No, we don’t. We’re just heading over to see the acting Grand Master in Mondstadt.” As long as they were in the area with Jean and the Knights, Childe couldn’t do anything untoward.

“That’s great. Hey buddy, do you think you can take me along? I don’t know my way around there and I don’t want to get lost…” His hand brushed against his waist, whispering softly. What was this, pillow talk in the middle of the plains? Hello, there’s two other people here! Stop touching Aether willy-nilly!

“Excuse me sir, I don’t think that’s proper behavior.”

Childe’s eyes flashed towards the man, his ever-present grin sliding off his face and dead eyes coming back at full force, “Oh?”

He turned his gaze down, softening ever so slightly, “Is this improper? Hm?”

Aether, bless his dumb soul, said, “No. You do this all the time.”

“Thought so. Mr. Millielith no need to worry. I’ll be helping my cute little friend here.” Condescending. At least he wasn’t unfamiliar. If only he could stop being so touchy-feely…

Paimon shook herself out of her thoughts once she realized that she was all alone, the guard ran with his tail tucked between his legs and Aether being carted off like a prize by Childe in the complete opposite direction of Mondstadt.

Chapter 2: angel's share


In Mondstadt, there were rumors. Because of course people living there, in the city of freedom, had loose mouths. The gossip rode alongside the winds, getting ever more outrageous as it’s passed along from ear to ear.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

In Mondstadt, there were rumors. Because of course people living there, in the city of freedom, had loose mouths. The gossip rode alongside the winds, getting ever more outrageous as it’s passed along from ear to ear.

Bards told stories of the unparalleled beauty that was their Honorary Knight, arrantly exposing those unknowing of his gracious figure and lovely disposition. Adventurers spread word of their hero, who saved them from the wrathful Stormterror. There were praises all around for Aether and his deeds rang throughout Mondstadt; no one could escape hearing of him at least once per day. Some even theorized that the winds carried their tales to Liyue. With the amount of blathering they’ve done, perhaps it even reached Snezhnaya, the amount of Fatui diplomats have increased after all.

“I’d let him hold me.” One of the patrons drunkenly mumbled, “Just once. Screw that damn Pallad, getting to see the Traveler whenever he decides to run out and get himself into trouble. Bet he gets princess carried… Bastard...”

Someone side-eyed her, while another groaned into his hands, fingers rubbing his forehead, “Imagine him saving you. God, what would I give to be in his party and do- do something- Hey, don’t look at me like that, that’s not what I meant! I mean. Just being around him! I’ll even be his packmule.”

“We’re useless. He has Master Diluc under his thumb, to his beck and call!” A little ways away at the bar one could hear Charles coughing, as if something took his breath, but Jack was undeterred, practically shouting his self-deprecating monologue, bemoaning to the entirety of Angel’s Share, “Compared to him in terms of handsomeness, tenacity, drive, money… everything, we are worms. No, we are less than worms. We’re the dirt they walk on, mere amoebas.”

“If I didn’t know any better Jack, I would’ve mistaken you for our resident bard standing by the door.’”

“Barbatos above, I’ll give all my riches for him to just step on-” Before he could finish the door jingled open and a loud, brash voice called out to Charles for their finest dandelion wine, and, “Get something easy for our little Traveler! Can’t get a minor drunk after all.”

A hush fell across the patrons of Angel’s Share. There, in all his glory, like a beckon drawing in ships at a pier, or an oasis in the midst of a desert, Aether stood proudly as Venti, a familiar bard who traveled alongside him, dragged him to a stool. He was the center of attention. The stories did him no justice; how can someone be so utterly adorable, yet powerful enough to slay a dragon and quell the fears of Mondstadt’s people?

A person hidden in the darkness, nestled in the corner like a pervert peeping at an unexpecting maiden from her windows, choked on their drink as Aether’s tunic-like cape fluttered up to show off his waist, skin as fair as powdered snow from the peaks of Liyue’s highest mountains but as hardened as any adventurer’s. They swallowed their words, not wanting to draw attention to themselves.

The Traveler’s party looked unusually dangerous with that feral looking boy guarding his side like a retainer for a prince, as well as their city’s resident Spark Knight front and center, unknowingly covering his toned stomach with her damned hat of hers.

As if hearing their pitifully dirty thoughts about the Traveler, the feral boy turned his head and snarled at the direction of the drunks drowning away their sorrows with alcohol. His eyes glinted like an untamed wolf.

The bard’s hands slid down precariously from his back to lily-white hips, gripping them with an intensity unlike a child with their favorite toy.

And Klee? She held up an unlit explosive, grinning in childish glee and exclaiming that she’d do her best as an official Knight of Favonius to “upheld the new rules that Kaeya told her,” tittering on and talking off the Traveler’s ear at her “new job to protect him.”

The unnamed patron turned their heads away. Whatever happens, be it a massacre or a simple get-together of the Traveler’s current party members, they have no right to intrude on such an intimate affair. They certainly didn’t turn red as the bard rubbed his lithe fingers against the hips of the Traveler, leaving heavy imprints that ingrained into their minds.


ah, i didn't think many people would read about my aether simping haha! solidarity, i guess ^^ thank you for reading and for the kudos! i don't regret picking lumine as my MC but clenches fist aether. if we can switch around.. if only.
To creeampie, Potpourri, TheMistakeHasArrived, :), daayy16, Nyansuki, Ama2urre, raudioactive, ryts, Cuervito, and Parzivalvale on Chapter 1: thank you for reviewing and giving me more validation for my simping LOL

Chapter 3: ban on peculiar items in mondstadt


Currently, all homes and temporary residences were being checked for contraband in both Springvale and Mondstadt. The Knights were sure to look in every nook and cranny: under the floorboards, in hidden chests and especially in people’s beds. If one item were to slip past them, the Acting Grand Master will be disappointed.


aaa sorry my classes are having finals soon so i'm in a bit of a time crunch plus i’m farming the event,,, ahah apologies i promise that i’m praying to our lord and savior everyday :) i hope everyone finished the event for free fish and for the rewards!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Currently, all homes and temporary residences were being checked for contraband in both Springvale and Mondstadt. The Knights were sure to look in every nook and cranny: under the floorboards, in hidden chests and especially in people’s beds. If one item were to slip past them, the Acting Grand Master will be disappointed.

“Of?” A guest from Inazuma asked, amusem*nt coloring his voice as a woman was seen desperately clinging onto a humanoid shaped sack. This wasn’t his first visit to the land, but this was the first time he was greeted with this scene, “What are they trying to find?”

The bag was still, perhaps there was a dead body in there? It won’t do if his rooms were to be searched. He was drawn out of his thoughts by a loud wail.

A child, no older than a toddling babe, could be seen restlessly tugging on a knight’s pant legs, getting visibly more distressed as a golden colored toy was taken from his little bag. It took all his willpower to not laugh at the absurdity of the situation. What smuggled goods do they have; an illegal treat? Maybe an explosive? These knights were too thorough, not even a kid was spared of this treatment.

The waitress sighed softly, “So sorry about this, they usually don’t look in midday. This certainly isn’t a good image, especially with all of the guests Mondstadt seems to be getting.”

Sara placed a hand on her forehead, groaning as another person’s belongings were thrown into the cart that was piled high with miscellaneous goods.

“It’s quite alright, miss. This is… interesting to say the least.” He gestured towards the menu, “I’d like to order something meaty, if you’d be so kind. The Pile ‘Em Up.”

She smiled, worry slipping off of her face, “Of course! Right away, is there anything else you would-”

A loud screech interrupted them. They turned towards the middle of the city to see that the cart toppled into the fountain. Majority of the contents spilled into the waters. Some were almost swept away, but it seemed liks Barbatos finally decided to visit his wayward city, gathering up the items and tossing them into the sky. As if the winds were sentient, they gathered up the remaining items in the water and drove them up, up until they were merely specks. A towering figure from who-knows-where flew past it, seemingly destroying whatever contraband it was.

The traveling merchant from Inazuma blinked. He was momentarily shocked. Of course who wouldn’t be? Confusion colored not only their face, but their tone, “...Is it really so normal?”

Sara nodded, unperturbed by the events that just happened. It wasn’t just her either, the rest of the city dwellers -ones who actually lived here because he could see the bewildered expressions of the new visiting diplomats from Snezhnaya and a Liyue merchant who’s mouth hung open- went about their day as normal. They only shook their heads, pitying the Knight tasked to clean up this mess.

“The Acting Grand Master,” she explained slowly, akin to how a mother would answer her child’s silly and inane questions with exasperation. Whether she was tired of the same questions from different visitors, or she was dearly fond of the lady in charge of the Knights, he didn’t know, “she’s very keen to protect our Honorary Knight. You see there’s been a few, ehem, people believing that they can profit off of his image.”

And she left it at this, her attention back to cooking up his meal. No word of the air that seemed to have a mind of its own, the shadow in the sky that he saw, or the items that were so heavily scrutinized. He had more questions than answers now.

“...That is not what I meant-”

“Oh, the winds?” Sara looked him dead in the eye, maybe thinking of a way to tell him gently, only to shrug nonchalantly as she maneuvered her way to the stove to cook his meal, “They act as they will, we have no control of them. Why question them?”

“...” Were the people of Mondstadt playing tricks on visitors? They were certainly being controlled. What did this mean?!

“But surely they are-”

She paused her smile now more strained than ever. Sara repeated her words, louder in order to cover up his sentence, “Why question them? What is there to question? It’s the breeze, nothing more.

Her eyes darted to the entrance of the city, then back at him. Was she saying to get out? What rudeness-

They are very, very rough winds.” Sara stressed her words just right, and suddenly it all clicked. The Inazuma man blanched.

The only one that can control Mondstadt’s air with such finesse, who can command the air they breathe to shoot up like an arrow towards the sun, to be lost in the sky, was the very god that abandoned these lands. Who else, but the anemo archon?

Sara nodded in approval, “Yes, you understand.”

And ‘understand’ he did.

A familiar, now spine-tingling screech, filled his ears as a gigantic mass of something flew overhead and headed away from Mondstadt.

The stories of the fearsome dragon Stormterror, of the horrors the cursed beast brought with its devilish claws and inhumanly powerful physique had reached Inazuma before. Mayhaps the dragon was quelled, all thanks to the Traveler everyone adored, but the inherent fear of this hulking monstrous thing made his knees weak.

Gods, he should’ve stayed in Inazuma.


Getting back to the inn was a hassle, but there was no way he was going to stay out in the open like that. If that damned dragon decided it was hungry, the center of the town would be one of the first places it would hit. It bustled with people after all.

As he turned quickly, hands sweating as he carried the food in his hands his face was smacked with a paper. Once he got it off his face, first setting down the load in his hands on a conveniently located table, he gaped unceremoniously.

In his hands was a drawing. It was a scantily clad male in a cathedral priestess’s clothing. He had no chest, but the piece of cloth -white, airly and pitifully loose- on him was nonetheless stunning. If only the artist had pulled it down a bit more to show off more skin, two little red fruits would be staring back at him.

He swallowed loudly.

His hair was silky smooth, waves curling cutely against his lithe figure. It wrapped around his slim shoulders, framing his pretty face beautifully. And dear Baal, his thighs. God sculpted him with perfection in their mind, such milky white, pristine legs could only be made by the most dedicated of craftsmen. Encased part-way with tight socks showed off the meatiness of his upper thighs that tenderly peeked out, as if too shy to show itself off.

His eyes traveled up and he nearly fainted from the blood rushing to his head. This! This stomach was too cute! Too adorable! His waist was tapered to show off his hips, how quaint. Very grabbable and as juicy as his thighs! How delectable-

“Apologies, we’d like to take you in for questioning.” A knight appeared from god-knows-where, ripping the paper from his hands with the ferocity of a charging boar, “This item is listed as contraband, as written by our Acting Grand Master.”


Aether’s smile was like the sun and Venti would gladly burn himself just to have a glimpse of it. He’d keep burning just to hold that warmth close to him.

It was a stupid thought, he knew. Gods were moths as humans were to a flame; their mortality, their little lives, gave them such joyous experiences that he never thought were possible.

He loved it, loved him, dearly.

Venti wouldn’t trade this feeling for anything in the world. He would continue to live in the moment, continue to set fire to himself to hold Aether in his hands, to have him be held, what more can one ask for?

His hands clung to Aether tightly as Dvalin took another dive. His heart trilled as Aether cuddled back, laughing happily.

There was no better treasure than to see him like this.


ty for everyone that read and for the kudos!! i apologize bc i didn't read thru closely and i def f'd up somewhere hahah ^^ the human dvalin drawing i saw on twitter made me have thoughts^tm
to Kuroko_Tetsuki, riangsty, Potpurri, Ama2urre, IIIIFANDOMiii, winterblade, KreuzXHerz, DncMrt, IrangieYoon, ElizaNJam, imcherry, creeampie, spoaky, RasmiB29, OfficialSeidon, Ronear, TunaChibi, Cuervitothank: u for reading!!! i treasure ur guys' comments they're v nice!!

Chapter 4: diluc dilemma


Whenever Aether and his crew passed by the winery, there’s always a commission or request that someone wanted him to complete.


GUESS WHO GOT ZHONGLI IN UNDER 30 PULLS?? Guess who also doesn’t have a good polearm for him to use or haven’t done some finals stuff HahhaA

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Whenever Aether and his crew passed by the winery, there’s always a commission or request that someone wanted him to complete.

Sometimes Hillie or Moco would beg for him to clean up the leaves scattered around the building while they scurried to distract Adeline from finding out they’ve been slacking, yet again, with their duties. Other times, it would be Conner wanting a few stacks of dandelion seeds, or Elzer asking the Traveler’s little band to clear up a couple of monsters getting in the way of the cargo-carrying carts, essential for the business to keep running.

But say that Dawn Winery wholly relied on the Traveler’s help, however, would be wrong, though they were not completely wrong, just partially. Sure, they asked or wrote in commissions, but so did the entirety of Mondstatdt. They hoped Aether would complete their commissions, or that Hertha finally got to theirs on her long-running list of requests for him.

On the rare occasion, Diluc would task him with the mission of clearing out a group of Fatui skirmishers or Abyss mages, with him tagging along. Maybe he paid his way to get his name on top, or perhaps it was because he was Diluc he got a fastpass to the top of the request list, but regardless of what it was, even on his busiest of days, Diluc would take the time to call upon Aether’s help.

Now, it was a well-known fact that he absolutely detested cooperating with an outside group, wanting absolutely nothing to do with them unless they were an enemy and he had his blade to their necks and quiveringly disgusting bodies as they begged for their lives, but here he was.

Diluc specifically separated Aether to be with him, by himself of course, as his merry little harem went the other way to “clear out the place faster,” but Aether’s party was sure that this was just a ploy to get him alone. Luckily Diluc gave rewards out like water, and cleaned up the enemies like they were fragile, wet paper and he, a sharp knife, as he methodically slashed his way deeper into the lair. Maybe it would’ve gone faster if they accepted the help of Jean, who had her first day off in a long while, or had Kaeya accompany them like he offered, but Diluc declined both of them before Aether could even acknowledge he was being talked to.

To Jean, he said, “You deserve a break, leave it to me and the Traveler.”

To Kaeya, well, he didn’t even get to finish his sentence before Diluc gave out a firm, “No.”

Usually, it went like this: Diluc gave Aether a mission, Diluc temporarily joined their group as they made their way to wherever the hordes were, then promptly separated the crew into 2 teams. And for the oddest reason, Diluc, in all his glory, did not want Aether to fight, so he made it his mission to let him sit back and only throw the occasional wind element to help him out.

This time, however, there was a large amount of Hydro abyss mages and as powerful as Diluc was, even he couldn’t withstand the onslaught of 5 of them coming at him at full force. This must have leaked somehow and they knew that Diluc was coming. How annoying. Just as he was about to pass out, gods the embarrassment, Aether stood proudly in front of him and threw out a deadly gust, barely breaking some of their shields and promptly allowing them to get tossed off the edge.

Diluc could only stare as Aether pummeled the remainder of them. This floating thing he seemed to always have hovering around, shoved him a fried egg and a whole roasted chicken leg. He had half the mind to ask where in Barbatos did she get this, or where she went when they fought because he was sure that she was missing for the majority of it, but he was famished and slightly injured. He brought the food to his lips, watching as the Traveler ran circles around the dizzy abyss mage.

He admired his figure, how well he fought. While he did not want Aether to fight, he already had enough wounds from all his adventuring and shenanigans in Liyue, Diluc acknowledged he was strong. Someone who’s able to strike down Stormterror, yet barely breaking a sweat deserved the highest of praise.

As he rose up to join the battle, Aether was drenched head to toe with water and that’s when everything went to sh*t.

Diluc’s jaw tightened as the defined muscles of Aether’s back glistened under the light of the torches lining the area, flexing as he avoided an attack from one of the last remaining enemy.

He wasn’t able to get up to stop that thing from disappearing and leaving the two (“Three! There’s three of us, Paimon is here!”) of them.

Aether collapsed on the floor, Diluc’s body flew towards him as if he had wings. He vaguely recalled barking out to get that small healer on the other party, and to hurry back quickly.

He dimly remembered that Aether, for some ungodly reason, was able to store a massive amount of food in a hidden storage sack. Diluc also realized that he was very, very wet and he was very, very weak towards this beautifully drenched Aether in clothes that attached so closely to his person. He couldn’t help but swallow as he followed a trail of water, slipping gently from the shallow planes of his chest, shown to the world as that damned mage’s staff accidentally caught on his shirt and ripped away the little remainder of his sanity with it.

He glanced at the curve of his cheeks, realizing that Aether was shivering.

Diluc’s hand twitched once, twice, then, “Let me help you.”

Gently, as if Aether was made of fragile ice, he slid the tattered material from his body and nearly had a catatonic fit. Aether’s chest was as pale as it was strong. Under his hands, he felt the slightest bit of tight muscle as his hands crawled down his sides in an effort to wipe away the water.

The wounds from the battle gave off an amorous feel, what kind of hits led to these kinds of bruises! They-they looked more like someone kissed the injuries onto him! Even worse were that it went past his already obscenely loose shorts, buckle all but destroyed. How? He didn’t know, nor did he care.


He had the audacity to look- to be soft? At a time like this?

“You're more trouble than its worth.” Diluc lied as he shook off his coat. He felt a surge of both longing and hurt as he saw Aether blanketed and protected by it.

Aether cuddled into his arms, face rubbing onto his shoulder, not unlike a cat. He brushed against Diluc’s neck, seeking whatever warmth he was able to give.

He sighed heavily, fingers running in Aether’s hair.

“Gods, what to do with you...” Even though his words might sound harsh, the exasperated affection in his tone couldn’t be hidden, no matter how hard he tried.


To daayy16 (2x), spoaky, KKpanda23, Potpourri, imcherry, indigo_keiko, KreuzXHerz, OfficialSeidon, Millie333, thri1l, Ronear, Parzivalvale, sparky, Monif*ckai, Helleria, and TunaChibi: thank u for reviewing :0

Chapter 5: porkchop


Porkchop was a little boar that ran around the hills of Mondstadt. At their first meeting, the animal had run off to god knows where, far, far away from the horde of enemies that it somehow managed to amass and dodge at the same time.


god i wrote this in the middle of the night but i can't stop thinking about this im sorry in advance this is a mess 3am thoughts...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Porkchop was a little boar that ran around the hills of Mondstadt. At their first meeting, the animal had run off to god knows where, far, far away from the horde of enemies that it somehow managed to amass and dodge at the same time.

After that, Aether assumed it was someone’s pet. No wild boar would have fur as sleek as it, as if it was just fresh out of the bath; nor would it be so tamed around him, as seen after the boar stayed to watch him beat down the hilichurls.

But numerous encounters later, he realized that no one owned him. What owner would be so irresponsible to let a poor thing roam around on its own with no identification?

No leash?

No way of getting home?

This area was certainly not near any house or temporary camp as far as he could tell.

In their short times together, he developed a fondness for this odd animal and he was afraid of him getting hurt, or worse, killed. What if the pig had been captured and roasted for meat? What if Fischl, who would accompany him from time to time, suddenly shot her bow at the pig’s direction when they saw him again?

Clearly this needed to be fixed before something befell on the Traveler’s new found friend. So, in a fit of genius, he had untied his cape, staring at it long and hard.

Then, he swiftly cut it.

Paimon had let out a loud shriek in surprise, “Why’d you do that?!”

“For Porkchop.”

“Who?” Paimon hoped that Aether wasn’t talking about her, or else he’ll find a boot his his mouth-

He gestured towards the boar who’s currently making it his mission to burrow into his lap, “Him.”

Aether patted the animal on its bottom, trying to force him to sit up. He whined softly, but toddled to a slouching, sitting position. He watched the human curiously fashion a makeshift kerchief for him.

He concentrated on the piece of cloth in his hands and set the ends on fire in order to tame the frayed edges. It was nary a good-looking scarf, but the aptly named Porkchop didn’t mind it at all. In fact, he seemed to love it.

He gently snorted, rubbing his snout onto it, then rubbed his nose onto Aether to show his appreciation.


Mayhaps Aether was simply projecting, but this man reminded him of Porkchop.

Now, that doesn’t sound like a compliment at all, but Zhongli wasn’t exactly normal per se. And their coloring was almost the same! He couldn’t help but draw some parallels, no matter how far-fetched it seemed.

In his sparse visits back to Monstadt, he hadn’t seen Porkchop’s unusually glossy hide, or caught a glimpse of his little scarf for a good while either. The Traveler feared that his friend may have been captured by a short-sighted hunter who hadn’t seen his “mark” on his neck, or was taken by a group of hilichurls.

“What shall we do? Perhaps a walk around the city? No matter how much I’ve already seen of Liyue, I find it so calming. I believe you’ll enjoy it as well.” Zhongli glanced upwards, staring at the rising moon, “They may allow us to see the glaze lilies in bloom…”

And like a gentleman, Zhongli held out his arm for Aether to… hold onto? He was not a little child, he didn’t need a chaperone.

However, seeing the flowers might be good… He had missed them when he passed by Qingce Village and hadn’t had the time to come here at night by himself. Maybe he would be able to pick a few while he wasn’t looking. Of course, Aether won’t tell him he liked his idea. He practically called him a kid; why hold out his hand if he didn’t treat him like he was eons younger then him?

His pouting amused the man. Zhongli huffed out a small laugh, a lovely, soothing sound that penetrated into Aether’s bones. He smoothly brought up his hand and ran it against his cheek, the silken texture of his gloves making Aether red in the face.

“...Now, what’s wrong?” Zhongli’s already impossibly deep voice, went even lower.

The Traveler blinked and looked up at him in confusion. Not a hint of anything else, gaze as pure as freshly fallen snow. But whatever Zhongli was looking for in him, he hadn’t found it. A flash of regret passed through his face before he let down his hand.

In Aether’s surprise and embarrassment, he failed to see the innocent piece of cloth near the top of the spear he carried on his back. If he had paid attention, then he may have noticed that it was the same material of his cape.


Attachment was impossible.

It only led to despair, to heartbreak. He had seen his people reform the lands to fit their lives, but as the god that roams these lands, he was unchanging.

People he came to know were now simply myths to everyone else. Epic tales told by some peddling storyteller, or found in the recesses of an old, abandoned book. And he, -to be compared to a paper doll- a trinket that one only thought of during their “most special day”, as he blessed the visitors with wealth and prosperity.

Zhongli told himself it was time to go. He held his people’s hands too hard, loved them for too long and now the soles of their feet no not the labors of their forefathers. They had grown soft alongside him.

He must harden his resolve.

But how does one do that when faced with someone as confounding as Aether?

To say that he had caught his attention during their first meeting would be false.

Running around as a wild animal had been one of his guilty pleasures, as fun (or not-so-fun) as a consultant for the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor was. It gave him a sense of nostalgia for the days of the old, where he was but a roaming god amongst his people, rather than a spectacle for a certain day, or face a grieving family for their departed loved ones.

And ran away he did. He ran, ran until he could barely see this adventurer and his floating companion.

But as days passed and as he continued to meet him, something sparked. He learned his name, Aether, and he learned of his kindness, his uniqueness and his resolve. He had never met the likes of Aether before.

And just like that, Zhongli found that he was a willing captive.

It was certainly time for him to go, however… he could stay.

Just for a little while longer.


i got the random event quest called “the prey” and.. i was thinking about zhongli… he can shapeshift right? Porkchop the God… u get my vibe?? no??? ;; pls just let me have this.. Idk why he’s in venti’s region just,.. Let this happen thanku;;; hh

To Mitsucchi, greenbeansaregay420, Potpourri, imcherry, daayy16, Helleria, DissociationMyOldFriend, yyuvks, Ama2urre, leaveme_dazed, OfficialSeidon, Yantie, dragoncharmer1266, and Reee: thank u for reviewing!! thank u everyone of the kudos too <3

Chapter 6: language exchange


Aether’s first attempt at communicating with the Hilichurls ended up in disaster. Saying, “Ya yika,” was not an expression of happiness or friendship, no matter how much Ella swore it was. In fact, it meant quite the opposite.


aaaahHH sorry have this quick(ie) from me :(( i wanted to add more but i'm on crunch time with finals!! there's sort of an unfinished part 2 to this, but.. i give u.. temporary offerings... i’m under the assumption that venti know’s hilichurlian, or at least can speak basics because, well. I dunno he’s a god so wynaut lol thank u for ur love of porkchop btw!! sorry this isn't a horny-gripping chapter again :(

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Aether’s first attempt at communicating with the Hilichurls ended up in disaster. Saying, “Ya yika,” was not an expression of happiness or friendship, no matter how much Ella swore it was. In fact, it meant quite the opposite.

Once he uttered the words, a horde of Hilichurl guards and shooters jumped out of the woodworks, from behind trees and from their little hut. Two Mitachurls even came at him, nearly bashing him into the ground with their large, formidable shields.

“Help me!” Ella screeched, running away screaming as one of the shooters drew their bow towards her. Thankfully Klee managed to toss a bomb at them, throwing them off their rhythm. Getting rid of the rest was quick and efficient, all with the help of Venti’s crowd control and Razor’s claymore.

Aether stood in front of Ella, stone faced, as the rest of the crew gathered the fallen resources in the cleared out camp.

“Ah,” the girl mumbled under her breath, blush reaching the tips of her ears, “I need to brush up on my Hilichurlian…”

“Please do.” Venti shook his head as he examined a broken arrow point, pocketing it for his own usage later.


With the help of Lisa, who managed to find a couple of ballads recorded by an unknown bard, and Venti, who was competent in the language, Aether found that Ella did not know how to speak Hilichurlian at all. Maybe he should’ve understood that after his second and third failure. Her repeating, “Biat gusha,” in such a happy tone did not match when the Hilichurls would yell it and, “Ya yika,” at Aether when he came to their camps for more materials either.

It was certainly something negative, maybe even cursing at him in their own way.

He studied the text during his free time with Venti, as he was sure that Ella would ask him to act as a means of communicating with them again. Aether even sneaked behind some Hilichurl camps down in Dadaupa Gorge, noting down the inflections in their tones, whether it be in disgruntlement or of simple joys.

This might have been a useless endeavor, but no one can know when it’ll be useful one day. It also didn’t help that Ella, regardless of whether it went right or wrong, paid him for his time. Even though Aether had a discount when crafting, he was not made of Mora or materials.


The next round was not as bad. One of the three Hilichurls he spoke to danced! It was quite cute. Whatever, “Celi dada, mimi nunu,” meant, it was certainly a good thing. Perhaps Aether greeted them?

Paimon looked over his shoulder and pointed to a certain jumble of words, “I think it’s this one next!”

However Aether knew that this wasn’t the right phrase, “Nini zido,” was never said with good-will. Actually, it was never said before as far as Aether knew, and he didn’t want to chance anything going wrong.

“Ye… dada.” He glanced up from his paper to see another one start dancing. Is he reciting a ritual?

“Hey, you’re not listening to Paimon!” He waved her off and took out a packet of meat, knowing that they were a hunting group of monsters, judging from the roasting boar leg on the open fire. His face scrunched up, gods he hoped that wasn't Porkchop. Aether shook these thoughts from his mind and focused on interacting with the dancing monsters.

“Mita,” he gestured towards the food he was carrying, “Mi mani.”

He held it out, waiting for one of them to snatch it from his hands.

“Odomu!” One of them yelled out, pausing in movement to raise its hands to the sky, only to point at him after. This was vastly different from their usual phrase of “Ya yika.” He was getting somewhere!

“...Yo movo mosi?” A deep, guttural sounding voice spoke from behind the three dancing Hilichurls. It was a Mitachurl next to a bumbling little baby Samachurl, too short for its staff. Rather than attacking, it was sitting down, though its body was still tense, as if waiting for battle. Maybe it was hesitant. Did humans try and trick them before with something like this?

“Mita!” The Samachurl repeated, excited at the mention of the meat. It got up and waddled over towards Aether, ignoring the concerned noises from the other monsters surrounding it.

“Tomo, tomo!” It grabbed his legs, trying to drag Aether into the hut, “Odomu!”

Ella stood by the wayside, peeking out from a nearby tree as she spoke to a dumbfounded Amber, “I think it’s working!”


“I can’t believe we’re losing him to Hilichurls, of all things.” Amber groused, “Who in the right minds would hang out with monsters?”

“Well,” Jean coughed, “at least the numbers of attacks on passing carts are down?”

“But big bro Aether!” Klee looked ready to explode, “He promised to play with me yesterday, but those-those dumb bad guys!”

Kaeya patted her head, “How about I take his place for now?”

“No! I don’t want you!”

He looked affronted, but before he could get out a word, Jean interrupted him, “Alright, settle down. I know that this isn’t the best-”

Venti cleared his throat to get their attention and pulled out a rolled up scroll, unraveling it to show a table of names and days, “If this keeps going, our schedule will be messed up. I’m meant to be with him and Master Diluc right now. If he’s with the Hilichurls… I think the nearby foliage would be burnt up.”

A familiar hawk taps on the windows of the building. A sense of foreboding crawled up their back as a burst of fire erupted from the docks east of the city.

"...Well, we can always count on Master Diluc to pay for grievances at least?"


translations here from a reddit page
Ya yika: Human enemy
Biat gusha: accursed sadness
Celi dada, mimi nunu: Great element we powerful
Nini zido: Death to the Anemo
Ye dada: You great
Mita: Meat
Mi mani: I give
Odomu: Friend
Yo movo mosi?: You bring meat?
Tomo: Gratitude

Thanks blookyy (x3), Quip344, Kanigle, Potpourri, Fufue, OfficialSeidon, RasmiB29, lycheeran, Chikko, KreuzXHerz, MangosAreHot, JustAReader240, imcherry, spoaky, daayy16, AETHERf*ckER999, ruwisa, greenbeansaregay420, fallengodsandunlikelyodds, Helleria, Messy_haired_bum, ZartfuehlenderKrebs, Yantie, crossglavie, KueSusu, Penguins_With_Hats, INeedALifeNotAnObsession, and starfalua: tysm for reviewing!! thank u for everyone for reading and kudos-ing!!! <333

Chapter 7: childe h*rny gripping


If God would allow it, Childe would trace the muscles of Aether’s legs with his tongue.


hhh finals week is killing me but... honry-grip mini chapter was itching my poor head www

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

If God would allow it, Childe would trace the muscles of Aether’s legs with his tongue.

Sadly, the gods were vengeful, jealous beings.

One was prone to throwing rocks at his direction in an attempt to assassinate him. Even though Childe was sure they were at the very least friends, if not more, he’d often find that when he walked barefoot in the waters to find conches, unusually pointy pebbles would be on the seashore. And the other, well, he would more likely cut off his air supply for even daring to be within range of Aether’s vision.

“Hold me tighter.” Fingers weaved into Childe’s hair and it took all his willpower to not ask Aether to tug.

He was tempted to slip his hands a little closer to the plush softness that was Aether’s inner thighs, gripping them with intent and leaving prints that could last for days. How he so badly wanted to hold him in an entirely different matter, preferably with less clothes. How beautiful would he look tucked underneath him? If only he could do more than just fight him-

A light smack on his head drew his mind away from wandering thoughts.

“Hm?” In the most innocuous manner he could pull, he turned up and to the side, ‘accidentally’ brushing his lips, dry and wanting, against Aether’s cute, meaty flesh.

He exhaled sharply as Aether’s thighs quivered under his touch.

“Pervert.” Even his flat tone gave a rise out of him. Childe already knew how he sounded tired, panting, asking for him to stop and that his muscles were aching and weak. He knew how Aether felt under him after a fight but if only he could do more than just hold him down.

How would he look with a cute bump on his stomach?

“Childe.” Rather than a light tap on the top of his head, Aether decided that he was the anemo archon himself and cut off his circulation, tightening the hold of his legs around his shoulders and squeezing his neck.

He was breathless and so, so thankful for it.

“Are you listening to me?”

“Yes.” Yes, yes, yes. As long as he died by these thighs, he could continue to listen even as he fell straight into a grave.


f*ck. “I swear, little prince. Cross my heart and hope to die.”

Gently, as if Aether was a cornered, frightened animal, he brought up his pinky, wiggling it enticingly. In turn, Aether tilted his head down to look at Childe face-to-face, frowning as he noticed the red splotches on his cheeks, smile twitched up just slightly to show a bit of his insanity.

He froze as Aether slowly dropped his hands to squish his face together, huffing, “Pervert.”

“Always for you,” Childe quipped back, laughing as the tips of Aether’s ears turned red.

Him turning away, like a maiden slighted, made his heart flutter in ways he cannot imagine.

Only for you.


Idk characterization childe’s just an insane pervert here mb. Also in the jpn va, he calls the female mc oujo-chan so… let me have this. Let childe call aether little prince pls allow this sry its not hilichurl or porkchop cuteness... ;;

Thanks to Cosmonaut_Asleep, Messy_haried_bum, Potpourri, Kanigle, Ama2urre, INeedALifeNotAnObsession, fefe, SAKU4KAo, KreuxXHerz, imcherry, Nyansuki, OfficialSeidon, ZartfuehlenderKrebs, Kouren, blookyy, XxRozxX11, ryts, and KueSusu: tysm for reviewing!! thank u all for reading and for supporting the aether simp foundation hehe

Chapter 8: simps in mondstadt


The Traveler loved to fly. He rode the winds as if he was born with wings.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Traveler loved to fly. He rode the winds as if he was born with wings.

Of course it was evident that he enjoyed it, with how often they’d see him about, flying across the city as he collected mushrooms for Barbara, or “borrowed” some of their items. Not that they minded, considering all of the loot gets refreshed every other day in hopes that he would drop by.

Helen often saw him during her morning routine and sang about how he looked akin to freshly blown dandelion seed, floating in the wind without a care in the world.

Such graceful little twirls!

If she didn’t know any better or didn’t care for her life- that little Spark Knight of theirs was rather deadly and protective of her “big bro”, afterall and let’s not forget the Knight’s fervent “check ups” on their homes- then Helen would’ve thought that those fanciful twists in the air was for her eyes only. Something similar to a mating dance that birds would often participate in to look for potential partners.

The delight on the Traveler’s face was enough to cure her sore throat, but being the lovely boy that Aether was, he would leave Sweet Flowers on her porch as a means to help her.

It physically hurt Helen when he would eagerly drop by her balcony like a little pup, looking at her as she pocketed the flowers to preserve them. Not that she’d say this to his face, that would be too forward of her. Oh how she wanted to just give him more than just her thanks and a sorry amount of mora.

Sadly the ban their Grand Master gave the citizens was a harsh one; they had to conserve the amount of rewards they gave him! It was worse enough the Adventurer’s Guild had the max capacity of 4 commissions, with only a couple of gems and some mora to give him. Katheryne would often complain, albeit softly when she believed no one could hear her, of the backlog of items that she had in stock for him. She did not know what Katheryne meant by levels, but perhaps it was the Traveler’s rank in the Adventurer’s Guild?

Whatever the case would be, watching Aether rationed his savings was pitiful, to say the least.

Hmph, if only they could shower him with the presents he deserved! Nevermind during their first meeting she gave him half of her savings, everyone had awarded much more!

For example, that dastard Viktor, skirting around in the church as if he was a holy man! How unsightly, clearly his commission rewards are but a pittance compared to what else their people have gifted to him. Those looks he’d given Aether were downright illegal. And even getting him to collect the specialities of Mondstadt… she heard Viktor whispering to his fellow Fatui members that the Traveler would “sooner or later accept his proposal.” She hoped that this wasn’t some backwards Snezhnayan tradition that their Honorary Knight got roped into by some scummy man.

In comparison were the “anonymous mails” being “conveniently dropped” near the Traveler from time to time. Just who had enough money to give him so much gems and mora, or had a pet that would unconditionally listen to said “anonymous person,” to the point that the bird wouldn’t squirrel away the rewards? Master Diluc was crafty, she’ll give him that.

Helen’s lips curled in distaste. Men, what a disgusting lot! Giving too little then too much! She and the rest of the women of Mondstadt would give just the right amount, if only Grand Master Jean would allow them...

“What ails a lady such as yourself to look so…”


“You, don’t put words in my mouth!” Helen laughed as Schulz stuttered over her little joke.

“Don’t get your underthings in a twist, I’m kidding!”

“Ugh, this is what I get for asking, huh Helen?”

“Hush now,” Helen rolled her eyes, “I was just… thinking. That’s all.”

“Well can you think a bit more prettier? Seeing you so disturbed is ruining my concentration. The Trave- I mean the sword! The sword I’m making for Herman has to be perfect!”

She raised her brow, “The sword, that for some inexplicable reason, has been put off? Ever since the Traveler graced our humble little city? Walked in front of you and suddenly you, who Wagner forbade to be near a forge or bless our marketplace for the fires you’ve caused with your dull blades, have the ability to sharpen the finest points for those one handed swords?”

Helen tutted, not allowing him even a word of complaint, “Be more mindful, this pinning of yours is disturbing my concentration. I must spread the word of our dear Traveler and if they can only hear the pang of your hammer on steel or your frantic mumblings, they’d think we let a crazed man work near the front to greet the guests!”

She turned, humming a little tune as she went back inside her abode, fingering the freshly picked Sweet Flowers in a plain white vase, eyes glancing over the pile of journals she had with wilted flowers pressed so finely in between its pages.

Ah, if only she could say the words in them, but… She didn’t want to get arrested for her indecent words. And her, indecent? Surely not. They hadn’t even seen her collection of stories or, ehem, more specialized items that she wished to send to Aether.

Helen smiled lecherously, as if she were an old pervert who had found new meaning in life via a hot, young single that unknowingly displayed himself in front of a too large window.

Her thoughts wandering led her into another fantasy, spurned by the beautiful white laced stockings and thin-strapped dress hanging forlornly in the corners of her room. The Traveler, their beautiful, powerful shining knight, would look absolutely stunning in it! Even the mere conjure of him blushing so sweetly, asking if she really needed him in these clothes made her happy.

A beauty, encased in sheer, white lace stockings riding up his sinful legs and hugging his pale flesh with a vice grip; body covered badly that if he were to so much as shift then his inner thighs would be at full view! Maybe a glance of his pert little nubs as he failed to draw up the useless and loose straps, stuttering softly, so softly that he didn’t mean for her to see.

What a gorgeous sight to behold, something only the gods themselves would be graced with in Celestia, but would be here in Teyvat in the form of Aether.

Gods, if only Jean would allow her to send her commissions over to him!

Maybe Helen should think of investing in a bird, clearly Master Diluc was getting away with so much...


me sleeping like a baby
my brain: bitch it's time to get tf up and write abt aether
god i hate myself its still finals week LOL
Thanks to SAKU4KA0, Potpourri, imcherry, Messy_haired_bum, Quip344, XxRozxX11, leaveme_dazed, fefe, Phosphoros_angel, Kuroko_Tetsuki, Kouren, TunaChibi, nklmg, raudioactive, spoaky, Aribistol, RibbonCrux, blookyy, aetherf*cker999, CielFledermaus, AetherSupremacy, and Arnyxwolf: tysm for reviewing!! im glad u had fun (i think) reading abt childe's deranged thots haha
thank you all who've read and kudos'd as well!! thank u 4 enjoying and loving aether!!

Chapter 9: porkchop 2


Zhongli stared at the Traveler as if he hung the moon and scattered the stars in the sky with his bare hands.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Zhongli stared at the Traveler as if he hung the moon and scattered the stars in the sky with his bare hands.

He laid there, enraptured as his cheeks turned red, like Jueyun chilies blossoming atop of the mountains up north. It made him feel... unusual, as if a group of crystal butterflies had nestled into his body and fluttered their wings; a chaotic bundle that only quelled under Aether’s touch.

If only he could stay under him like this in another manner.

He glanced over at the pouting Barbatos, huffing in his lonesome. Zhongli proudly lifted his head from the comforts of the Traveler’s surprisingly sturdy chest, sniffing the air as if he hadn’t just co*ckily rubbed himself against an unknowing bystander moments before. Even if he was the oldest archon, it didn’t mean he didn’t have his own little episodes of childishness.

As his thoughts continued to wander, the winds started to pick up, and while they weren’t strong, they caused Aether to shudder, causing him to rub his devastatingly beautiful fingers onto his stomach in an effort to keep warm.

Zhongli couldn’t help but imagine his fingers ghosting over his human torso, face against his shoulder and cradled in his arms, treated like precious jade. Aether would squirm under his gentle coaxing, blushing up a storm as Zhongli would work him up, ignorant of the hidden meaning behind his kittenish movements.

How would his skin feel against his?

Would he be cool to the touch or warm like a stove on a dying fire?

He crawled upwards and smashed his face against his Traveler's neck, willing away the dangerous images of clothes askew after a passionate tryst, then tossed against an innocent chair and floor while bodies laid bare on a desk.

Zhongli certainly wasn’t thinking of generous, juicy white legs spread widely to accommodate something behind them. Of how they would quiver slightly, knees wobbling in an attempt to hold his position, sobs wrecking Aether as a slow and steady motion continued to unwind him. There were definitely no hot to the touch skin, dazed eyes or wet and abused nubs that perked up from enthusiastic attention. He was only… having a brief lapse in thought.

He willed himself to not think of how they would move towards a bed to continue. Aether's lower body wasn’t raised onto the air and held by a deft hand, nor would he be maneuvered just rightly as to have another one sneak below to grab onto thick inner thighs. What bulging stomach? There wasn’t any of that in his mind, nor were there any sticky after-messes, of course.

Zhongli shook his head, making him coo in ways that lit a fire in his loins. He snorted as Barbatos let out another disgruntled noise, as if he's riled by his heated gazed locked on Aether.

Jealousy was unbecoming of a god.


Porkchop found him in Qingce Village.

Aether didn’t know why he did this or how this runt of a pig managed to cross a deep waterway, a good few Hilichurl camps and even the occasional slimes roaming about to get to where he was right now, but regardless, call Aether impressed.

Porkchop wasn’t the most hefty-looking boar around, more on the side of chubby, but not gargantuan like the ones South of the village used for their meat, nor was he the most hostile, opting to curiously peruse the area with its stunningly colored eyes.

He was too calm, too subdued and much too friendly to travel on his own. It made him worry and touched all at once.

Even though Porkchop was more likely to become a Hilichurl’s or a wayward and near-sighted Adventurer’s dinner, there was neither a bruise or scratch on his body, just a sleek coat that smelled of devilwood with hints of bamboo.

Aether’s scarf was perfectly placed around his neck, not a speck of dirt or grim to be seen, as if he hadn’t just been found loitering in the outskirts of the village, like the dog in Liyue’s harbor entrance.

Aether weaved his hands onto Porkchop’s finely groomed coat, watching as this little being preen under his touch and attention.

How cute!

Did Porkchop miss him so much? Enough to find the human who crafted his worn little cape-like scarf? Perhaps he followed his scent somehow, as the winds in Mondstadt were ever-flowing and wild.

He watched as Porkchop tried to cuddle onto his stomach, rubbing its head uselessly onto his torso. The pig accidentally touched the underside of his neck, causing Porkchop to snort, as if charmed by the laugh Aether let out, tickled by his fine hair and startlingly cold snout.


Aether pressed his face against Porkchop’s back as he started to hum a tune he would sing from time to time. There were no discernible lyrics, nothing that could be made out as the language of the land, but it was nonetheless charming, carrying a hint of sadness and overbearing loss that no words could ever hope to accomplish.

“...In this daybreak that never ends, I think of you, all alone.”

As he sat in peace, under a tree and cuddled up with the most well-mannered boar he’d ever had the pleasure of meeting and his friends he managed to gather while on a quest to find his sister, Aether felt that he belonged. After years of travel, months of separation from his sibling, his precious little sister, he didn’t feel so lost.

Maybe this journey was something Aether would be able to tell her, of the people he’s met and of the land he came to love. Then, once they’ve told each other their stories, perhaps they would travel together, just like before.


Venti clicked his tongue, mumbling under his breath.

That hateful Morax, how dare he try and swindle his way into his Traveler’s hands? How dare he act so cute, too cute to the point that Aether didn’t realize just how unordinary “Porkchop” was, being able to go from Monstadt to Liyue, when they were just there a few days prior to finish up business with Jean and the Knights?

What poor pig?

This dirty swine was only poor in money!

Morax was showered with love and care, and what did he get? A simple pat on the shoulder while that pitiless rock laid, stomach to the sky, practically begging Aether to pet him!

How disgusting. A god? More like a conniving thief! That was his Aether!


what are people’s team composition like? i need to have fischl on my team bc i like her kit lolol and diluc bc smash smash. chongyun/zhongli/venti/barbara get swapped around for 3rd n 4th slot but yeee tell me if u want! i'm just nosey lol

To inarizakie, Potpourri, Fufue, Human_Answering_Machine, Kuroko_Tetsuki, Grenbeansaregay420, Kouren, XxRozxX11, Nyansuki, RazzStella, blookyy, fefe, Phosphoros_angel, Yantie, SAKU4KAO, spoaky, CinnaEagle (3x), fallengodsandunlikelyodds, INeedALifeNotAnObsession, Yn, TunaChibi, and vioIetahs: thank you sm for reviewing, it means a lot to hear that you guys like it! thank u to those that clicked kudos, read or even just clicked on this because they wanted to see wtf i was on LOL |▽//)ゝthe aether foundation thanks u!! we wish you a happy holidays, and if you don't celebrate it, we wish you a good break and a cheers to the upcoming new year!

Chapter 10: simps in mondstadt 2


The Traveler doesn’t talk often. His little floating friend who appeared out of nowhere at the most inopportune times spoke enough for the both of them, much to the dissatisfaction of Teyvat.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Traveler doesn’t talk often. His little floating friend who appeared out of nowhere at the most inopportune times spoke enough for the both of them, much to the dissatisfaction of Teyvat.

But when he did speak, no one really thought he would sound gentle. Granted Aether’s demeanor looked rather tame in general so it matched him pretty well.

At first, when word of the Traveler’s exploit in Mondstadt circulated the city, they expected a hardened adventurer from the guild, Rex Lapis pitying their lands and helping them out in their time of need or even their willful god Barbatos finally deciding to grace them with his presence. However, each one seemed more ludicrous than the next.

What adventurer would suddenly fly into the air to save them? No one had the bravery and stupidity to stop Stormterror in his wake of destruction before, what changed now? Even Grand Master Jean or Master Diluc couldn’t thwart Stormterror, what ordinary idiot- ehem, good-willed person would chance their deaths under the claws of such a formidable beast?

Speaking of powerful beings, while Rex Lapis was one that could crush them with a swing of his fingers, he was the god of Liyue. Certainly as a god and Prime of the Adepti sworn to protect the lands they could help them, but Mondstadt were not the lands they swore themselves too, nor did any of the humans even worshipped a god or a godly presence as seriously as the people of Liyue. Considering their own was absent, commonly known as a godless land, why wouldn’t they be?

And don’t get them started on Barbatos. What use was a god that left them, as if they were merely newborn, weak pups. Did Barbatos ever think that while they wanted freedom, they also wanted a bit of guidance? Some care? Some even envied the love that Rex Lapis handed out to his people, visiting them yearly like a doting parent.

Thankfully that care came in the form of the Traveler.

He came in wide-eyed and in awe at the little shops and homes dotting the area, curiously glancing at the flowers Flora tended to or the food that Sara had on her menu. It was a peaceful day, that was until Stormterror raged on.

All they saw in the sky was a little speck that could be mistaken for a small songbird, fluttering dangerously close to the body of this dragon and the winds he created with just a flap of his wings, but each hit against the fiendish monsters back was breathtaking. Never had they’ve seen someone so daring, so willing to risk their lives just to save them.

In the minds of every Mondstadt citizen, they didn’t think that their hero would some skinny-waisted young man with a delectably pullable braid, exposed, tender-looking tummy and biteable, pale neck that begged to be peppered with harsh kisses and sweet whispers.

However, that’s what they received.

They imagined his voice would be a bit hardy at least, something more tougher and boyish, like if Bennett’s pitch and Master Diluc’s tone mixed. Condescending, someone would whisper excitedly. Shy, another would gossip. Instead Aether sounded warm, but firm. He was the embodiment of the sun, and they were stars or planets ensnared in his orbit.

At that point, the ones who already didn’t fall to his feet, wanting so badly to kiss his ankles in reverence, collapsed as if they just received a blessing from a new god.

But how could they not?

When he continued to help out in Mondstadt, even as he went off to Liyue to look for his lost sister, the Traveler would make due with their commissions and requests. He would talk to them, ask them about their days, of their feelings. He offered to rid of the mushrooms on the tower for Michelle, helped Sara deliver goods to the people in Springvale, and even protected Barbara from that weasel Albert, who Victoria often cursed of.

He cared for them as if they were more than just people he’s met on his travels, like they mattered to him. He knew their names, their stories, their fears. The Traveler listened, as if he was their mother, and metaphorically kissed their troubles away, telling them that they shouldn’t worry, that he would take care of it.

It didn’t help that hearing him speak was addicting, his sugary sweet voice was something that not even the best bards could tell the tale of.

Sansa made it her mission to, though.

She didn’t instantly fall like Schulz or that Fatui diplomat Viktor. Sansa fell ever so slowly that she only just realized her descent into Aether’s spider web when she was permanently stuck with no way or reason to leave.

He never laughed at her for stammering pitifully at each warble, or looked at her in a disappointed manner just like her parents had done. The Traveler only listened to her practice and clapped at the end, telling her that this was “The best one yet.” He didn’t need to know that he was one of the few people who ever heard her talk in public without a stutter, or was the reason she was trying to get rid of it in the first place.

A smoothtalker, she would mumble to herself at night. That’s what he was, complementing her because once Sansa got over her horrible stuttering, she would be able to help spread word of his sister through her songs.

But it’s a give and take world, so she didn’t find it so deplorable. It was rather utilitarian of him, admirable even. Just how far would he go to achieve his goals?

Sansa tossed and turned on her bed, thoughts filled with a kind smile and pretty face. Of the Traveler who unknowingly broke down her walls. Of the person who she tried to fix herself for.

Oh how she’d fallen. How many people did he trap with his smile? His fluffy, adorable hair and plush, red cheeks? His gentle, gentle words that filled her with hope she thought she lost when she cut ties with her family? When she was praying to Barbatos or any god above who may have heard her fervent sobbing, asking why don’t her parents support her?

How many people did he reach out to?

How many people reached back?

Did he also clap for other performers? Would Aether also tell them they did their best, that this one was certainly something that many would love? Had he coax them as he did with her, each conversation like a game of skill, seeing who would topple over first?

Was there someone else like her, except more beautiful and powerful enough to be able to accompany him during his travels?

A flash of that little green-clad drunkard arose from her memory.

How vexing.

She thought and thought until the sun rose and all in her mind was jealous ramblings of a madwoman.

Sansa winced as the light from her window blinded her. She weighed out her options: go to the fountain now, or sleep in later. There was no one waiting for her there, only the Fatui guard who occasionally gave her backhanded compliments and blushed whenever Aether was near, so she made her decision.

When Sansa woke, she heard that same kind voice that caused her to go without rest, tinted with a bit of worry and a smidge of urgency. He knocked thrice and waited.

Opening the door made her go breathless.

The Traveler stood there calmly holding out a clothed bag that smelled of food.

“You weren’t by the fountain today, I thought you were sick. You’re always there everyday.” He gestured towards the item he was carrying, “I made you some soup.”

With that, Aether wished her well, running off to who-knows-where.

He noticed she was there without fail but today she was gone. He crafted some Lotus Seed and Bird Egg Soup, thinking that she needed nourishment and care.

And she fell in love all over again.


i was on the fence about writing a sentient sword story with the rancour then i realized that festering desires sounds more fitting for it. have this for the meantime. i hope everyone’s having fun playing 1.2 and a good break! i got myself a lot of prezzies this year :x got a new switch lite heheh

Thanks to Cosmonaut_Asleep, fallengodsandunlikelyodds, Fly_lly, ruwisa, neavirenth, intergalaticGlacier, INeedALifeNotAnObsession, XxRozxX11, Yn, Czark_Chan, OfficialSeidon, greenbeansaregay420, Nyansuki, Kuroko_Tetsuki, ohwindbreeze, yyuvks, RazzStella. IamAmazing326, StayDeterminded704, Human_Answering_Machine, Kouren, TunaChibi, Messy_haired_bum, spoaky, lycheeran, notaname, dilluc, fefe,TakumiTheLion, color_of_boom, Tatrin, KreuzxHerz, blookyy, imcherry, Sho_chan19, Potpourri, thri1l, and CielFledermaus: thank you for reviewing and telling me some of your teams! :0 there's a big variety!

Chapter 11: albedo and jean h*rny gripping


In an attempt to quell his unusual thirst for the secrets of Aether's genetic makeup, and then some, Albedo would sketch frequently into the journals he carried, figuring that expressing himself would let the tension melt away.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

In an attempt to quell his unusual thirst for the secrets of Aether's genetic makeup, and then some, Albedo would sketch frequently into the journals he carried, figuring that expressing himself would let the tension melt away.

He couldn’t paint it out in the open without being caught by Paimon or Aether himself. Albedo would rather not explain his dire need of matching his colors to the hue of Aether’s skin, his need to ghost over his exposed flesh with his brush, or his fixation on how he would stretch in a cat-like manner whenever he rested at his campsite, eyes obsessively watching the short puffs of breath he would take.

So Albedo drew.

He drew him asleep, recalling the time he was neatly placed on a makeshift bed. The contours of his face, the slope of his lashes fanned gentled over his reddened cheeks and pursed lips were caught by the fire nearby. If he drew himself beside him, rather than his floating friend, and them in a quaint little home than a freezing nightmare, that was his little secret. It was nothing more than a flight of fancy, a simple thought that he could bury once he decided he was uninterested.

He steeled himself to stop, but how can he when his muse stood there right in front of him, giving Albedo a first person view of his uniqueness and allowing him to feel such bursts of inspiration that nothing ever gave him before?

This was just the beginning of his descent. It created a yearning within him that he couldn’t satisfy.

Rather than the usual papers that littered his work station, there were just pictures of Aether. Of him napping, stretching, going about his day while Albedo watched on like a hawk, pretending to be writing notes about the habits of the sword, only to be thinking how great it would be to plunge himself deeper into him, create a wound that he wouldn’t be able to heal from or rid himself from Aether’s thoughts, like how the Traveler decided to infest his mind.

He tried to hide it by adding a bit of flair, writing about his “unusualness” and “how there must be more tests to see just how different the Traveler was” and explained it away by mentioning it was part of his research of the sword, but by the disbelieving look that Timaeus gave him, he wasn’t trusted.

Then again, he was the one that saw his other, more intimate drawings were some of Aether with slimes- it was very innocent! The Traveler in the midst of fighting against Hydro and Electro Slimes, nothing nefarious at all. He was sure that the Traveler wouldn't get overwhelmed by the monsters, nor would his bruises be so prominently on his flat little stomach, but the surge of him, trapped in a sticky, wet mess with red-rimmed eyes and gasping voice, asking for a little bit of help…

He pleaded, Albedo was doing this purely for research purposes. This was just him imagining how Festering Desire would be able to fight through these perceived scenarios. Aether just happened to be the only wielder able to curb its craving for life.

A tap on his shoulder roused him from his escaping sanity. And no there was nothing wrong with Albedo, and even if there was, no one could prove it.

Albedo raised his brow as Aether presented a dish to him. His ears rang as his gaze flitted downwards, appreciating Aether’s hips that were beautifully curved, drawing one’s attention to his startlingly white skin that peeked so innocently over his loosely fitted slacks and pullable belt buckle.

Not only that, he also had a generously shaped bottom, allowing anyone’s imagination to run wild at the thought of them resting atop of their legs, thighs squeezing and fingers gelled with a wet substance.

It was a nice helping of meat that begged to be tasted by his lips, swiped by his dexterous and willing tongue. With a squeeze, all in the effort to gain more information of his newfound interest, Albedo could tell that he was very much in shape and very much human-like.

Another let him know that Aether's stomach clenched when he did so, Albedo can attest with his own hands. It was as if bracing himself for some sort of impact that he cannot help but imagine being- ehem. But again, those thoughts only led him to another conclusion.

Experiments needed multiple test runs and, if he cleared his prior plans, Albedo could rerun them as much as he pleased. He was eager to rid himself and Aether of their sleeping schedule and unnecessary clothes. As both an artist and a researcher, Aether was an unending bundle that made his fingers itch and mouth dry.

It was all for the pursuit of the truth.

“AHEM.” That little devil gave him the stink eye, “Aether wants to give you your lunch.”

She said it in a disgusted manner, as if he was a lowly worm wriggling in the dirt she floated on top of.

Aether looked at her fondly, causing a sharp twist in his gut, only for it to disappear once he focused back onto him. He held out a plate of sunshine sprat with a side of salad and apple cider in the other.

This gave him the image of a coquettish wife that humbly made her husband a delicious meal and showed it off while only wearing a plain apron.

He was barely able to thank him, hands desperately gripped onto the dishes as Aether sauntered off towards the stove, backside practically hypnotizing him into another frenzy that made his teeth ache.

Clearly it was getting out of hand. His mind kept wandering and his idle thoughts were filled with Aether exerting himself in the most dangerous of ways.

Standing there like a statue, getting him weird looks from Paimon, Albedo couldn’t help but think back to the works he obtained from Liyue.

How would the Traveler look in their garbs? He noticed mentions of a doudou in some pieces he plifered- by that he means sneakily retrieved from the stores when he picked up the sword. It was some sort of undershirt similar to a neckless and sleeveless top, fashioned to a person’s neck with a thin, spaghetti strap of fabric. It would bring out his clavicles, show off his sides and give him a great view of the dips of his lower back. If it were paired with a matching set of shorts that would scrunch up with each step, a pure bright red and with gold accents to contrast his skin, then Albedo would believe he was ascending onto another plane of existence.

Before Aether could notice, he hobbled back to his desk, knees shaking and skin sweating.

Albedo gritted his teeth, willing away perfection from his mind.


Jean felt like death. She didn’t know how or why, but the amount of contraband skyrocketed. Did the citizens have some sort of longing to see their Honorary Knight again, so they sang stories as if it were the Traveler’s eulogies, like he died on the mountain and not simply stayed there to help with Albedo’s research? Or made disturbing accurate drawings of Aether in questionable positions?

There had been so much art of Aether that she couldn’t help but applaud whoever’s been making these and curse them for their creativity. How the artist knew of the mole on his earlobe, or how the tights would grip his legs just right?

She couldn’t help but worry. Worry about Aether. He was just looking for his sister, how could she let some deranged stalker when she couldn’t even join him for a meal or a drink? And under her watch? She foolishly allowed her knights to occasionally join him to lower her stress levels but it only caused her headaches to appear more frequently.

Jean blinked at her paperwork, willing herself to stop thinking and to read the reports given to her. Her hands twitched to reach for the envelope that was off to the side, knowing well what it contained. If she were to guess, it was the scrolls and books that a Liyue merchant happened across and began selling under the cover of night.

Her face reddened, remembering the provocative stories from Tales of a Hero . What author would consistently talk about the softness of Aeth- a person’s waist or the fragility of their necks that begged to be collared? This person knew nothing of simple, gentle pleasures that a relationship should have.

Without another thought, she cautiously opened the package like it contained an explosive.

While it wasn’t one, it did cause her to go into a fit.

Not only was it another one of Haeng-chu’s crude novels depicting their Traveler being touted around by the obviously compensating male lead and ran through by a “great sky pillar,” there were also Liyue-inspired artwork of Aether! But not even a working woman would wear lingerie that barely covered up their most intimate areas.

Maybe it was the stress of work, or maybe it was her slowly getting pulled in by Aether, but as long as no one can prove that she pocketed the items, squirreling them away under her desk, then no one was the wiser.


gunna focus on my islands in acnh once i get my lite i can do turnip heists and the genshin event. i thank god that i stuck to wl3, even though after it i'm going to jump straight to wl5 when i do the ascension quest LMAO so uh catch you guys next year? i think

To vioIetahs, Czark_Chan, skyzphyr, DesM, OfficialSeidon, Human_Answering_Machine, happy_waffles, otansy, AetherIsGod, thesoupiestsoupster, XxRozxX11, GoatsMalotes, Rueminxx (3x), blookyy, greenbeansaregay420, KreuzxHerz, Messy_haired_bum, Kouren, CielFledermaus, dilluc, fefe, Potpourri, thri1l, RileyLan, and Avali734: ty ty for reviewing!! i hope that everyone has a good new year. cheers to a better one!

Chapter 12: art heist with a slice of tentacles


Albedo didn’t know what he’d done to piss off the Hilichurls, but he managed to incur their wrath, causing them to steal away one of his most important possessions. They didn’t even fight, at least, they didn’t fight the Traveler.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Albedo didn’t know what he’d done to piss off the Hilichurls, but he managed to incur their wrath, causing them to steal away one of his most important possessions. They didn’t even fight, at least, they didn’t fight the Traveler.

If anything, they outright avoided him. One of the Samachurls had the audacity to even run up to him, smacking the ground with its large staff like a petulant child that reminded him of Klee when she didn’t get what she wanted.

While Albedo was basically manhandled by them, with a Mitachurl almost lodging his head off his body, Aether was cuddled up with one of them.

This came to no surprise to Albedo, there was just something about him that made everyone fall deeper and deeper in love, like a bee attracted to pollen, but even then… couldn’t he at least tell them to stop? They seem to listen to him well.

“Hey, wait you can’t take that!” Paimon yelled at an escaping Fighter, realizing they had stolen something. It ended up being one of his journals.

What’s a group of monsters to do with a notebook filled with Aether? Sure there were quickly jotted observations of the sword in there, but they paled in comparison to the amount of art he had of Aether wedged in the pages.

He paused for a moment, registering what he just thought and nearly choked on his own breath with the images spiraling in his mind. But before he could go down further in the route of depravity, he cut himself resolutely from even trying to perceive how Aether could possibly be of interest to Hilichurls, or in what relationship they might have together. Maybe, what they’d do-

Albedo cleared his throat, “That was my sketchbook.”

Aether hummed, resting his hand on his mouth and drawing his brows closed. Albedo tried to etch this into his memory, hoping to capture this on paper once they obtained his notebook. He’d even add in a few tears. Perhaps with a blush that reached his shoulders and hand splayed across his mouth in an effort to hide his moans?

“I’ll go get it for you?” Aether offered, pointing his hands to where the monsters ran off to.

“Yes, thank you. Don’t open it if you find them, there’s some... delicate information in there.”

Paimon gave him a glare. She understood exactly what was “delicate,” but before she could give him a piece of her mind, Aether bolted. She flew in the direction of her escaping friend, but silently mouthed a threat towards his direction.

But was a little doll-sized… person able to do to him? If she does try anything, he’d punt her to the air.


In the end, the hilichurls returned the journal to the Traveler with minimal damage. Not without grumbling in their own language, however. From what Albedo could tell, they didn’t touch any of the notes with the sword, as if knowing they’d be in deep trouble with Aether if they had ruined anything too important, but they ripped the drawings he did of him in cold blood! Those had much more value than the sword since he could always ask the Traveler to repeat their experiments.

But the art! Those pictures were one-of-a-kind! Albedo drew most of them when he was in a frenzied state. That usually meant it had more... vigor. His lines were firm with only the slightest bit of wavering from his hand. He would frequently peek from the edges of his notebook, stealing glances at a resting Aether in order to recapture the gentleness of the being he was admiring.

It was an intimate activity for him. If only he could trace Aether’s beautiful muscles without restraint, then it would be perfect, but he’d settle for what he could get.

He couldn’t help but let out a noise of complaint. His favorite piece was torn. How vexing. It wasn’t even that horrible, truly. It was of Aether in traditional Inazuma attire. In it, Albedo sketched him in robe-like clothing that he’d seen in one of the novels he had: a pale pink design topped with a white apron called kappogi.

Completely innocent. Just because Aether was licking some cream from his fingers didn’t mean a thing! Nor was the falling articles of clothing from his lithe frame! Even then, why would a group of hilichurls even care about this? Let alone understand Albedo’s fantasies? No, no he's not thinking of that again-

Now it’s gone. He hadn’t had the time to transfer it over to a canvas.

But perhaps it wasn’t the worst thing that could’ve happened. Because of it, Aether decided to stay at his camp a bit longer to cook up his favorite meals. He’d even patted his shoulder and drew him in a tight embrace. How daring!

His fingers twitched to hug him back, but Albedo knew that he wouldn’t be able to keep them from wandering towards his backside and grasping them with desperation. He wanted to stay in this position a bit longer, to savor it.

Albedo tilted his head down and pressed his head against his chest, marveling at the warmth radiating off of Aether’s body.

To say that Aether hated Pallad was incorrect.

Right now, he despised him.

On any other given day, he might have allowed the man a bit of leeway. After all he did give out some rewards whenever he went out of his way to help him, but today was not the day. Thanks to him, Aether had to prepare to fight a revived Cryovine in a snowstorm! He’d only come here to check up on Albedo, not to get beaten and froze to death.

He glared at the cowering man, who seemed to flush under his attention. Beside him, Sucrose held Pallad tightly to make sure the man didn’t deem the glowing orb on the monster’s head to be another source of light.

“Tsk.” How did he even mistake a purple, floating mass to be a fire? What kind of flames had he seen? Couldn’t he have gone to one of the little warming pillars in the corner of the area, or even the torch by the stairwell?

Because he was too busy cursing out this brainless adventurer, he didn’t notice the tendrils of the vine crawling closer to him until Paimon screeched from the sidelines.

Next thing he knew, he was hung upside down, held by his ankles with one tendril and his back being harrassed by another. They were unusually slimy, but it wasn’t cold. The secretions were warm and soft, much like an octopus tentacle unusually enough. Aether would’ve thought they were at least hardened and cold, but perhaps the Cyrovine’s properties changed because of the sword that awoke it?

He heard a sharp intake of breath coming from his left and a gasp at his right. Aether tried to shoot up from his position but that only made the monster grip at his ribcage, like it was afraid he would fall onto the ground. Wriggling didn’t do any good, any type of motion led the vine to cling onto him harder, like a child that found their favorite toy after months of fruitless searching.

Then, Aether found himself wrapped in a cocoon of leaves, shielding him from the cold. Suddenly he felt like he didn’t want to leave. Sure the tendrils were slimy, but in there he wasn’t bombarded by the sheer coldness of Dragonspine. He hadn’t managed to goad Xiangling into joining him, even if he mentioned the frozen boars to the South East, nor did he want to subject Klee to this. Amber was out of the question, Jean had mentioned she was on “probation,” and for what, Aether didn’t know.

Diluc, well, he seemed supremely pissed when Aether had visited, holding a book like his life depended on it with ashes spread across his table like a feast on a banquet.

The sword in his hands pulsed with life, dyeing the small area a tint of purple. Aether must have been hallucinating, but he was sure he’d heard a voice call out to him, dark, almost maddened with uninhibited yearning, to hold them tightly. That he’d get out if he ran his hand down the spine of its back, injuring himself so that blood would fall at the base of the blade to… lubricate it?


He heard the muffled yells from Paimon, who, for some reason, was beating against the sturdy stem of the flower as Albedo swung his sword with a passion he’d never seen the man had in the short amount of time he’d known him. The alchemist overexerted himself, causing him to fall forward in an awkward position. His voice wavered when he caught sight of Aether huddled in the depths of the Cryovine, sticky with unknown fluids.

He must think Aether looked disgusting.

Sucrose reached in and with strength that he didn’t think she had, pulled him out and scrambled to make it towards the ruin braziers.

From the corner of his eyes, he could see Pallad in the corner while Albedo carried on stabbing the monsters each time he came down from his hovering flower. Sucrose, in an effort to warm him, shoved a concoction down his throat, telling him that this will certainly make him feel better!

Before he lost consciousness, he couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh that echoed in the battlefield. He didn't know what was happening, hell he couldn't tell the sky from the floor, but he couldn't help but be amused. Aether didn't think that he'd find anything funny here, but gods, the predicament they're in...

What he hadn’t seen, knocked out by both Sucrose's mixture and the cold, was everyone pausing, enamored by the sweetness of his voice. Even the ice flowers had stopped pelleting the fainted Pallad with its shards.


wanted to write a thing for zhongli’s bday but the whims of my brain :x also f*ck the co-op it bugged on me and my friend THEN i got jean copy for my soft pity.. albedo (& pallad) f u :( but yeaa, hope everyone had a good new years!! no one asked but i wanted to show off the skin i got for the lite.. its super cute..

To Nicole, peppakawa, ruwisa, DesM, Cosmonaut_Asleep, Human_Answering_Machine, Vi_oo, bttmiwa, SambaNeverStops, XxRozxX11, greenbeansaregay420, MelissaFangirl, imcherry, Kouren, Caramelize_me, Nyansuki, spoaky, BaeHaneul, fallengodsandunlikelyodds, lycheeran, Quip344, fefe, Mess_haired_bum, CielFledermaus, Phosphoros_angel, Potpourri and thri1l: tyty for reviewing!! <3

Chapter 13: jade chamber


Haeng-chu was the author of the latest hit Tales of a Hero, a story depicting a young disciple of a dying martial arts clan.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Haeng-chu was the author of the latest hit Tales of a Hero, a story depicting a young disciple of a dying martial arts clan.

At first, most believed it was another run of the mill rags to riches fantasy where the hero would have some sort of hidden ability, then obtain a harem of women as he went on a revenge quest against his enemies. In actuality, while it was full of fight scenes, it was moreso a soft slice-of-life romance, popular amongst the young females in Liyue who giggled over the sugary-fluff Haeng-chu sprinkled between the two main characters.

It started off with a boy, Yukuaki, who had a mysterious past. But instead of unlocking some sort of ancient power, or even being powerful in his own right with a silly training montage near the beginning of the story, he met with another Traveler simply known as Sora. They explored the hidden treasures that Liyue had to offer, the desolate landscape that was known as the Stormterror’s lair and even climbed the highest peak of Dragonspine.

During their travels, Sora became Yukuaki’s world; his smile uplifted him, his mere presence had a soothing effect on his soul. There were hints that they were together in a romantic sense, scenes where they would comb each other’s hair, lie and watch the stars while they cuddled and the copious amount of tension that should not grace the eyes of most, but the author never explicitly said that they loved one another.

Some theorized that this was the author’s autobiography, and they were an old man who wanted to relive the past with his lover that may or may not have passed. That he missed his chance of saying the words, “I love you,” or that he, even in his dying years, could not put down his pride and say the words. This was a favorite among the young romantics that hoped the author found peace by writing this.

To the surprise of many, Haeng-chu came out with another book. Maybe it was no surprise as his first known book had gained traction, but the second was not as wholesome or as story-driven as Tales of a Hero . It was akin to the yellow books that Wanwen Bookstore had behind the counter, except with a spicier premise. If it hadn’t had the author’s name plastered on it, a passing customer skimming the spines of the books would mistake it for a fiction of a fiction, or even some sort of banned literature. Even the most lavious of people would blush at the words the author would use, the scenarios that he came up with.

Many believed that this was the end, but a second volume came to the public eye, then a third, fourth and even a fifth. With how the latest one ended, there might even be a sixth one in the coming month.

It caused a pandemonium in Wanwen Bookstore. People rushed to buy the novel, even going as far as to pre-order them. Ever since the author admitted the two main characters are a stand-in for himself and the hero Aether, and in repentance for his self-satisfying fiction, he wrote embellished stories of other, more notable persons, some with changed names and others not, his books were selling like Chef Mao’s Special Boiled Fish.

Due to the nature of the writing, it was pulled off of the shelves in an instant, but that didn’t stop the common folk of Liyue from spreading it via word of mouth or with copies of the first and only editions of the novel.

Excerpt of Traveler’s Guide: Secrets of the Jade Chamber :

...Ningguang’s hand ghosted over his arched back, eyes twinkling in delight as Aether’s legs opened slightly to show off the slit of the dress he wore for the occasion: a high-class women's qipao. The collar was in disarray and buttoned top broken, allowing his clavicle to be exposed.

Her fingers ran up his spine, gripping at the base of his neck. A whimper escaped his lips, red and kiss-bruised.

Aether laid there, curves artfully hugged by the soft fabric and hands shakely grabbing at the table he was bent over. She pulled at his arm, dragging him forward and situating his generous thighs and quivering body to her lap.

Red-rimmed and wet eyes looked back at her pitifully, making her mouth water. Ningguang playfully touched his bottom, smiling as Aether held back a sob.

“Traveler.” she mumbled, entranced by the blush working its way up his face, “Aether.”

She gave his cheek a chaste kiss.

The situation would’ve been innocent if it weren’t for her roaming hands and toys laid bare on her work desk. Ningguang’s eyes went towards the arrangement of jade pillars.

“Would you like to try the next-

Baishi shrieked, hiding the book behind her back as Ningguang walked towards her office with Baiwen at her heels. Thinking that they would go past her, she shuffled into a corner, praying that neither of them saw what she was reading. She heard Ningguang hum, brow rising as she pressed against the wall, imitating the paintings hung.

When they were appropriately far enough away, Baishi let out a sigh. If they had seen the literature she was reading, she would've probably lost her job.

Baishi paused for a moment, recalling the looks Ningguang had given the Traveler. Hm, rather than getting fired, maybe she'd get promoted instead?


stuff sort of happened so i don’t have the time to think about this much lol :x i love aether still don’t kill me have this for now thx. renamed the chapters temp since idk how to name things

To RazzStella, V, Izzasuens, MrsScarlett, fallengodsandunlikelyodds, Messy_haired_bum, fefe, Deepcoral, Manticore23, NoisyMuffin, thri1l, thesoupiestsoupster, Nicole, Anonymous, JustMe, Kuroshiroryuu, Vi_00, Nyansuki, Kouren, XxRozxX11, CresentMoon11, Quip344, CielFledermaus, Human_Answering_Machine, Fufue, Amethystrider, lycheeran, Kuroko_Tetsuki and spoaky: tyty for reviewing!!

Chapter 14: mt. hulao


Climbing Mt. Hulao wasn’t hard, it was just a tedious journey for Aether since he kept getting distracted by the large amber deposits or the occasional shiny ores littering their way up towards the peak.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Climbing Mt. Hulao wasn’t hard, it was just a tedious journey for Aether since he kept getting distracted by the large amber deposits or the occasional shiny ores littering their way up towards the peak.

It always took most of his energy to collect. Smacking them with a sword wasn’t as effective as bringing someone like Zhongli, who could make a pillar and break the ore in a certain radius. Asking him now, after the disaster with Osial and his retirement, would be rude. He probably wanted to relax on his own rather than getting dragged around for mining of all things.

When he arrived at the top, Aether was sweaty and tired. He eyed the water then glanced at the entryway to Mountain Shaper’s domain. A quick soak won’t hurt anyone, right? No one was around, nor was there an adeptus telling him to get off his mountain.

After shooing away Paimon by asking her to gather a bundle of sticks and fruit for them as a snack, he made his way to an alcove.

Aether shivered, rubbing his shoulders as he took a dip into the water. He sighed deeply, tilting his head back and closing his eyes.


Chongyun was in pain. It was a deep, visceral pain that would not go away.

All he wanted to do was collect some cor lapis and check out the amber deposits growing at the mountain side, but instead of a nice little stroll he managed to stumble upon a maiden bathing! It definitely wasn’t his fault, he hadn’t seen any clothes by the rocks to indicate someone was there, nor did Chongyun think anyone was daring enough to climb all the way up Mt. Hulao and take a swim near the fabled Mountain Shaper’s abode.

In order to not scare the lady in the waters, he hid behind some rock and trees, like a little pervert peeping on his prey. Don’t get him wrong, this was so there would be no misunderstandings between them; first he must get his bearings then move forth with the situation at hand.

Just as Chongyun was about to come out, making sure to close his eyes and remind himself that if the girl were to ask to marry him, he would have to comply, he heard a rather masculine sigh coming from the only other person in the vicinity. Confused, he opened his eyes, only to be greeted with the most gorgeous sight known to man.

The blond-haired young man he mistakenly called a maiden clearly, Chongyun thought as he followed the droplets of water that fell from his biteable neck to the planes of his chest, didn’t see him coming to view from their angle.

He should stop looking.

He really, really should, but gods, there was just something about him that Chongyun couldn’t take his eyes off of. Whether it be the person’s cute button nose, their flushed face or their impossibly long hair similar to a fairy nymph in old tales, the moment he saw a hint of their shoulders or long legs, he was done for.

The adeptus residing on the mountain killed him, imprisoned him in this dream-like state because how else could one see something like this in Teyvat.

Just as the person was about to leave the pond, unclothed and taking the remainder of his sanity with them, he was pelted with a Sunsettia. A bunch of Sunsettia to be exact. When Chongyun turned to the direction of whoever was throwing it at them, he was struck by an angry, heaving boar with a little kerchief on its neck.

Before he understood what was happening, he was tumbling off the mountain, pushed off the edge by a pig and their floating companions.


The loud noise startled Aether out of his thoughts. Without letting a second pass, he ran towards the sound with just his cape wrapped around his body and sword at hand.

There was a person hanging by the ledge of the cliff while Paimon and Porkchop, how he got here Aether didn’t know, taunted them.


Mountain Shaper was an adeptus, bullying a human was beneath one’s stature. But sometimes there were exceptions to the rules. Like this puny, little thing that thought they would be able to peek at one’s person like this?

Preposterous! What daring, disgusting thoughts. That human of his should know better than to entertain the likes of filth.

He huffed, feathers fluffed in annoyance. Just because he may, or may not have… guided the worm towards the edge so he could fall to his demise, did not mean he was a petty creature. The adeptus certainly did not click his beak at the ground in jealousy and anger at the humans buddying together underneath the trees.


...let's pretend that the waters at the mt are deeper so i can make this inuyasha hot spring-esque scene work

To EleenaEve, fallengodsandunlikelyodds, JustMe, iamzemuffinboi, OfficialSeidon, Potpourri, TunaChibi, Capri___ on, Mouibon, NoisyMuffin, Czark_Chan, XxRozxX11, SkyHeart986, Roze_Ryuuki, thri1l, Ama2urre, CresentMoon11, Kouren, Sarielgrace, Llamacorn423, imcherry, Dorbz, Vi_00, Kuroko_Tetsuki, and Ciel Fladermaus: tyty for reviewing :0

Chapter 15: rivalry


Childe’s rival was a pig.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Childe’s rival was a pig.

As stupid as it sounded, he was sure that thing understood what he was saying. It just refused to listen. Why else would it always point its rump at his face in such an arrogant manner every time he drew closer to Aether? Or bury its snout on Aether's chest, snorting imperiously, as if saying Childe was 3rd wheeling when it clearly interrupted their impromptu date? And whether it was a date or not wasn’t the focus here, the fact that he had to make space for Aether’s beloved pig was.

The boar hated him. Good thing the sentiment was mutual.

It taunted him, and if Childe had it his way, that pig would be roasted by now.

He imagined his bow in his hands, taut and ready to aim. Maybe it would be better if he turned to the tactics of his fellow harbingers and to sabotage in secret. Would this be his best bet? Luring it into a trap of some kind. Killing it wasn’t an option, lest Aether found out and ended up hating him. He was already in hot waters with the Osial debacle. It wasn’t even that bad, only a simple flooding, a little bit of destruction never hurt right?

Childe was taken out of his thoughts by a gentle tug on his scarf.

“Can we get this?” He nearly choked.

Why in the world was Aether holding up a collar? Who was he going to use on, himself? It was more plain than Childe would’ve liked. There wasn’t even any fur- then again if he was willing to have any lasting marks on his body, who was he to say no? In fact, it would be better if Aether was marked from head to toe-

“Hey.” How cute, if he didn’t know any better he would’ve thought Aether’s pout was meant to entice him to bed.

“Yes?” He wrapped his arm around his neck, grinning in what he hoped wasn’t deranged or unsightly, “What’s wrong?”

Aether gestured his hand towards the man at the stall, “Pay him.”

“Not even a please? I’m hurt, little prince.” Childe’s hands trailed the sides of his cheeks, marveling at the tofu-like texture of his skin, a soft firmness that he’s never felt before. What an addicting feeling.

“Maybe I’ll put this on your tab. You owe me a-”

He wasn’t able to finish his sentence, ending with a sharp unmanly yelp. That damn pig bit his leg! If he ever finds this thing out in the wild, its dead meat. Screw keeping it alive, Childe will gladly cook a feast with the boar’s flesh.

Aether’s eyes widened, hastily dropping the item in his hands and apologizing for “Porkchop’s poor manners.”

At least it was good for something, getting Aether bent over to inspect his injury. If he wasn’t the one being looked at, he’d gouge out Ivanovich’s eyes.

Watching the boar’s chubby body scrunch down in disappointment as Aether sat him up, scolding him and patting its butt, gave Childe mixed feelings.

How lucky.


oof classes, hate it ;; short and sweet ig,,

To kouzuya, CresentMoon11, Vi_oo, NoisyMuffin, Human_Answering_Machine, JustMe, RasmiB29, blookyy, TunaChibi, imcherry, KueSusu, Kuroshiroryuu, TinyToast, Dorbz, Cosmonaut_Asleep, Ama2urre, Quip344, Nicole, Kouren, Accendere, sesunmi, Orakle, Nighty_Lighty, ImmortalReader777, and Potpourri: tyty for reviewing!! <33 i didn't answer most of the reviews this week bc i got swamped w school stuff ;; but tyty as always!! the aether foundation is growing ever stronger!!

Chapter 16: angel's share 2


“I require some payment.”


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“I require some payment.”

Dainsleif slid his hand over Aether’s, gently rubbing his thumb against his thin wrist, humming as even the slightest bit of pressure reddened the skin beneath his fingers. Daringly, he guided them to his cheek, relishing the soft warmth he had let out.

"500-" He was interrupted by a loud grumble. Off to the side, Paimon made a face, slapping his hands away from Aether and purposely floating in-between them as some sort of barrier. Her nose scrunched up in disgust.

“Paimon’s not going to let you weasel your way in-”

Aether sighed, calling over to Charles and asking if he’d be able to make her some food, “Why don’t you go over there while I talk to him?”

She looked affronted, “Do you think some food-”

“I’ll take you to get some Sticky Honey Roast later on, I promise.” Aether held out his pinky. With a huff, Paimon did so as well, curling her little fingers and barely managing to get halfway around his. She turned, glaring at him and muttering something underneath her breath as she floated closer to the bar.

What an interesting dynamic, it was reminiscent of... Dainsleif killed that thought before it could manifest. Now wasn’t the time.

“As I was saying,” He leaned forward, hands going from the table to the tops of Aether’s own, “500 mora and a couple of questions.”

“That’s it?” It certainly wasn’t. Dainsleif wanted to ask for other means of payment, but well, Aether may not take kindly to his offering. Maybe after they’ve gotten to know each other in more intimate matters he'd bring it up.

“Yes. All you have to do is answer my questions and I’ll accompany you.” His lips quirked up into a half-smile as Aether frowned.

What other ways would make his lips move, he thought. It was such an interesting shape: pink pursed lips, plush and begging to be toyed with. Next time he’d force- ask him how wide his mouth can go. Dainsleif quickly glanced down, eyes ghosting over to Aether’s taut stomach, barely peeking over the dark wood grain of the table.

“Tell me, how much experience do you-” A claymore smashed the table they were at. If Dainsleif didn’t draw his hand back, there was a good chance he would’ve lost it.

“Master Diluc was just around the corner,” Paimon’s chest puffed up from her place by the window, as if asking Aether or whoever was around her to praise her for a job well-done.

“Excuse me, esteemed guest.”

Dainsleif raised his brow. He turned his attention to the man’s twitching hand and the sword that demolished the tavern’s furniture. What a horrid poker face, it looked like “Master Diluc” was forced to talk to him, let alone call him that.

With a flick of his wrist and a sneer gracing his face, he brought out his weapon and lunged.



Paimon looked at the two men duking it out and the surrounding customers either calmly scooting their chairs away, or placing bets as they idly chatted about the happenings in Mondstadt.

“Bar fights are a common occurrence.” Charles waved his hand over to where the two were situated at, “Our Captain and Diluc have a pretty volatile relationship.”


..ehehe sorry its short again and my bad for not updating. classes have me in a chokehold...

tyty to Latte_Art, TunaChibi, Yuin, MrsScarlett, Maachan, happy_waffles, kvrapika, Vi_oo, GoatsMalotes, kouzuya, Ama2urre, Potpourri, thri1l, Kouren, NoisyMuffin, INeedALifeNotAnObsession, blookyy, Quip344, CielFledermaus, Human_Answering_Machine, Luke and Kuroshiroryuu for reviewing!! thank u for everyone else that have read and kudos the story too <3 i missed my 42069 hit :(( pain

Chapter 17


not an update but a message


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

i cant imagine getting attacked on the internet about a fanfic and getting psychoanalyzed on if i got s*xually assaulted. can't be me- oh wait. to the person(s) that sent me hate, then interpreting my story n replies in the most negative way possible.. completely un-fkin-called for. and to disvalidate if i was or was not SA'd, its also none of ur business? who in the right mind said u can police someone's experiences and trauma like this? r u the exp n trauma gatekeeper??? i hope ur socks are forever wet bc wow u gave off major red flags. please remember i have screenshots of your message(s) and will be sending them (& anything else in the future) to staff. to add insult 2 injury i would also like 2 call u a clown and show u info abt the traveler in the latest archon quest but im 2 nice and pretty to spoil. if you want to fight me, please don't. i do not have the time, desire or energy to argue.

FR THO?? some ppl really live like that? in this society and time?? yikes, they need 2 get a grip on reality, touch some grass n ground themselves bc they reaching too far. rlly hope theyre not a real person... they did tell me something right tho, why bother explaining myself to people like them, its useless talkin to a brick wall.

because of this i have anons turned off and moderating messages on!! thank u to the prev anons that sent me kind messages in the past!! i'm grateful to everyone that enjoyed my writing.


me: *looks at 1.5 update with lore
also me: *stares at people sending hate messages*

damn, ya'll living like this- get a life and play the game before u do that. if anything ever, just don't read?? nasty and disgusting people, that's kinda embarrassing ngl...

i'll be back after finals lmao

Chapter 18: idk


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

He didn’t expect to stand face-to-sword with someone as soon as he woke up, let alone be greeted with the sight of such lovely flushed cheeks and an angry, little scowl. Being tied to a tree was also a surprise but perhaps… something had happened. He couldn’t remember much of anything, but he certainly hoped that he could, at least talk.

The cloth over his mouth said otherwise, but it didn’t stop him from shifting in place. A sharp exhale came from in front, making him pause. His eyes lit up in amusem*nt as the hand holding the weapon twitched, scratching his neck. How cute. However, it would be nice to know why he was being treated like some prisoner. The last thing he remembered was… that he…

“The Doctor!” The inept floating… humanoid besides the young man whispered loudly, pointing towards him as if he was a hideous being, “He.. didn’t Nahida…?”

It quickly turned towards its companion, “Aether! What-what should we do? Paimon doesn’t think this was part of anyone’s plan at all..”

The sword dug into his neck and briefly, he wondered what exactly he did to earn the ire of- Aether? and this.. Paimon creature. Saliva dribbled down his neck as he tried to swallow back a wince.

“Are you going to…” It held up one hand and did a short, chopping motion with the other.

“...” The beauty in front of him hesitated. Did the thought of killing him bring him pain?

“Paimon doesn’t think.. Do you really want to?”

“He should.” A tall, imposing woman came out from her hiding place, a sneer gracing her lips. She stood with her head tilted up in an annoying, haughty manner that made him want to punch in her face if he could.

“Look at him, the worm. What’s the use of him when you have me?”

What a conniving woman. He hoped she’d burn into a crisp.


guyS scaramouche!!! my bbygirl is coming omg i can’t fcking wait ong i have my primos saved for him anyways, amnesic dottore n signora… listen i’m coping even tho nahida said the copies all died and the shogun just yeeted her. i'm a fatui apologist

No Rest for the Thirsty - Anonymous - 原神 (2024)


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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.