Evelyn Nightshade’s Private Journal (2024)



Evelyn Nightshade’s Private Journal (2)Evelyn Nightshade’s Private Journal (3)

Posts: 79
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08-03-2023, 03:44 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2023, 03:21 AM by Davetopia.)

OOC/IC Info:



Evelyn Nightshade //Mother






Princess ValerieHemwick -Advisor

Demon ImperfectKing Na'Ria - Manufacturer/Golem Project Assistant

Demon Kaor Lord Eranath - Protégé

Demon Kaor LordMei'Ria - Essence-Daughter

Denath Coven - Veteran Witch

Crimson Keep - “Hel Tree’s Blessed”



Mastery Occultist - Not Insane, Yet.

Veteran Witchcraft

Cosmic - Neoi, likely to grant intellectual capacity.



MasterArtificer (T1)

Master Alchemist (T1)

Understands Magitech (T3)

Expert World Politics (T2)

Adept Medicae(T3)


Basic Goals:

-Become a Trusted Advisor for Princess Valerie Hemwick.

-Take part in a Hel Tree Ritual.

-Learn Mind Control and Subjugate Lesser Demons.

-Assist in making a World Wonder, out of the Hel Tree owned by Valerie Hemwick.

-Lead a Hel Tree Ritual.

-Become a Cambion.

-Assist withDenath Coven's Rituals.


Long Term Goals:

-Become the Sacrifice that Helheim requires.

-Enter Hel through the completion of the Hel Tome.

-Continue to be a good support character.


Completed Goals:

-Participatein a Negotiation Between Factions.- (Kind of) Assisted Valerie Hemwick in a secretive meeting between herself and Acantho of The Final Frontier, resulting in an alliance.

-Become a Witch.- Became anAcolyteWitch of The Denath Coven.

-Become a T1 Artificer. D Self explanatory.

-Become a T1 Alchemist. Self explanatory.

-Summon a Nethradin. Assisted Coven Denath with SummoningCsintalan the Gamemaster.

-Become a Veteran Witch. Became a Veteran Witch after serving with Coven Denath for a decade.

-Open a Magitech Factory. Has now created a Manufactorum in Skarnfel.

-Create a Pact with a Demon.- Created a Pact with Eranath, was then cursed with Sleepless Eyes.

-Using the Manufactorum make an item for a player. - Nashura and Evelyn made a Soul Stake, capable of sealing souls inside.

-Unlock the Truth behind her visions.- Went into the Dreamscapewith Eranath to live the lessons her Dreams had been trying to teach her.

-Gain Medic Training. Is now a fulltime Medic.

-Participated in a War. Was a Field Medic during Blood Moon Island's take over at the hands of Na'Ria.

-Make progress at going up a floor of the Endless Tower.Has gonehigher on than many will achieve in the Endless Tower, Floor Ten.


Evelyn Nightshade is a complex and enigmatic character, a magus of the occult who thrives in the shadows. She possesses a sharp intellect and is well-versed in the arcane and dark arts. Evelyn is deeply introspective, often reflecting on the complexities of her existence and the world around her. She possesses a deep-seated determination and a burning desire for knowledge, particularly in the realms of magitech, the arcane, and the occult. Her personality is a blend of stoicism and curiosity, making her both a formidable force and an intriguing enigma.

Evelyn's appearance is a reflection of her affinity for the occult. She has raven-black hair that cascades in waves down her back, contrasting starkly with her porcelain skin. Her eyes are an intense shade of lilac, often appearing as though they hold secrets only she can decipher. Evelyn's attire is both elegant and practical, often adorned with dark and intricate patterns that hint at her connection to the arcane and the forbidden.

Evelyn carries herself with an air of talkative confidence. She is not one to boast or seek attention but rather observes and analyzes her surroundings meticulously. Her attitude towards magic is one of reverence and respect, always seeking to understand the deeper mysteries of the arcane. She is known for her unwavering determination to uncover hidden truths, even if it means delving into the most forbidden and dangerous of magics. Despite her often somber demeanor, she harbors a fierce protectiveness over those she cares about, particularly her coven and allies.

Mastery of the Occult: Evelyn's knowledge of occult practices and dark magic is considered on par with some high level occultists during rituals.She possesses a deep understanding of runes, sigils, and forbidden rituals that she employs to achieve her goals.

Magitech Expertise: Her expertise in magitech allows her to blend the arcane with technology, creating powerful and intricate constructs. Her creations often teem with dark energy and are both awe-inspiring and ominous.

Connection to the Hel Tree: Evelyn's connection to the Hel Tree, a source of dark and ancient power, adds a layer of mystique to her character. This connection drives her actions and decisions, leading her towards a destiny shrouded in uncertainty.

Inscrutable Motives: Evelyn's true motives are often concealed beneath layers of secrecy. Her enigmatic nature and willingness to embrace the forbidden arts make her a character with hidden depths and unpredictable intentions.

In the world of the arcane and the occult, Evelyn Nightshade is a figure of both intrigue and caution. Her journey through dark arts and forbidden knowledge makes her a captivating character with a destiny yet to be unveiled.





Evelyn Nightshade’s Private Journal (5)Evelyn Nightshade’s Private Journal (6)

Posts: 79
Threads: 29
Joined: Mar 2020




08-04-2023, 01:56 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2023, 02:20 PM by Davetopia.)


Just because I like books, I will consider my life into Chapters. Everything big will be segmented into a separate chapter.


Evelyn Nightshade’s Private Journal (7)

CHAPTER 1: The Crimson Sacrifice’s Emergence


Journal Entry: The Nightmare.


Last night's sleep was restless, haunted by a vivid and perplexing dream that lingers in my mind like a faint echo. It's as if the fabric of reality itself was woven into the threads of that dream, leaving me with a sense of disquiet and wonder.

I found myself kneeling before the towering Hel Tree, the ancient and sacred entity that has always been the epicenter of my magical journey. Beside me, a pile of Oricalicum shimmered with an eerie, otherworldly light. It was as though the Hel Tree's corrupted mana flowed into the metal, turning it into a writhing, liquified mass.

Strangely unfamiliar faces surrounded the Hel Tree, engaged in rituals beyond my comprehension. Their incantations were foreign, their purpose enigmatic. My gaze shifted to my own hand, where I held a fist sized heart,of foreign black metal.The heartpulsed with a deep, crimson-cosmic fire that seemed to mirror the unknown chants around me.

As if driven by some compulsion, I plunged the Arcanium heart into the liquifying Oricalicum. At that moment, a searing pain shot through my arm, an excruciating phantom sensation that spread throughout my body. The metal wrapped itself around me, pulling me into its obsidian depths. I was trapped, engulfed in this all-consuming black mass.

The heart, now melded with the Oricalicum, beat in my hand, a bizarre rhythm that seemed to resonate with my very essence. The pain suddenly ceased, replaced by an unexpected tranquility. I felt my being merging with the mass, becoming one with the darkness.

Then, a sensation of rebirth surged through me. It was as though I was being remade, redefined on a fundamental level. And just as abruptly as the dream began, I awoke, my heart racing and my mind in turmoil.

I can't shake the feeling that this dream holds some significance beyond the realm of mere dreams. It's as if it's calling out to me, tugging at the threads of my soul. The image of that Arcanium heart, now beating within me, is etched into my memory.

I must delve deeper into the meanings behind this dream. What message, if any, is it trying to convey? Is it a manifestation of my own fears and aspirations, or is it a glimpse into something greater? I will keep searching for answers, for understanding, even if it means venturing into the most enigmatic corners of the magical world.

The journey continues, and I am determined to unravel the mysteries that lie before me.




Journal Entry 2: The Beginning.


Dear Journal,

I’ve been here awhile now, few months within the Crimson Keep. At first, I was terrified. Everything is an oddity, and my mind is plagued by the dreams I am forced to view at night..The ritual they pressed into me is a curse.. It hurts, and occasionally I can feel the tug against it as stronger Occultists mingle around me. It calls to me.. Though a curse, I understand it’s significance.I know the truth now. This was all for my own good. Even if it doesn’t feel like it.


That all aside, todayhas been quite an extraordinary day, filled with encounters and conversations that have left me both intrigued and thoughtful. As I sit in my chamber within Princess Hemwicks Home, I can't help but reflect on the events that have unfolded since my arrival here.


I find myself standing at the threshold of a realm unlike anything I've ever known. The towering Obelisk of The End casts its shadow over our land, a constant reminder of the enigmatic forces that surround us. The people I've met, each with their unique abilities and stories, have woven a tapestry of diversity and unity. From the mysterious Eranath, who possesses a power that transcends time itself, to the Drakanite Shinmon, who effortlessly glides through the air with his dragon wings and reads the Tarot with ease, I'm reminded of the vastness of our world and the potential that lies within each of us.


Princess Valerie Hemwick, the one who granted me this journal, has shown me warmth and guidance in this new chapter of my life. Her words resonate with a sense of purpose and dedication to our community. Her focus on training and growth, even as she embraces the title of royalty, inspires me to push my limits and uncover the hidden strengths I may possess. The presence of lesser demons, bound to Eranath's will, adds another layer of mystery to our surroundings, a reminder that the veil between the known and the unknown is thin here.


As I look back on this day, my mind is filled with questions and possibilities. The future is uncertain, yet I feel a sense of purpose blooming within me. I'll continue to navigate this realm, learning from those around me and embracing the challenges that come my way. Who knows what other revelations await as I journey further into the heart of the Crimson Keep?


Yours in curiosity,

Evelyn Nightshade




Journal Entry 3: Allies Meet


Evelyn Nightshade’s Private Journal (8)


Dearest Journal,

Time has flowed swiftly since my last entry, bringing with it new experiences and revelations that have deepened my understanding of the world around me. The Crimson Keep continues to reveal its mysteries, layer by layer, as I immerse myself in its intricate web of magic and intrigue.


My interactions with the enigmatic figures that inhabit this realm have granted me insights into the diverse perspectives and goals that drive them. The powerful Eranath, with his ability to manipulate time and access the Timestream, has offered a glimpse into the potential scope of magical abilities. The young Drakanite Shinmon, whose dragon wings defy the norms of our world, has shared his knowledge of altering the future through his unique powers.


The transformation of Vath'Tad, witnessed with a mix of awe and unease, serves as a constant reminder of the otherworldly forces that shape our existence. The sheer growth and change that occurred within him, drawing from an ethereal source above, underscore the depth of power that resides within the confines of the Crimson Keep.

As I navigate these complexities, I am learning to navigate my own abilities and potential. Princess Valerie Hemwick's guidance and dedication have instilled in me a sense of responsibility and purpose. Her vision for the future of the Crimson Keep, driven by the empowerment and growth of its inhabitants, fuels my determination to hone my skills and contribute to our community.


The road ahead remains uncertain, yet I find solace in the connections I've formed and the knowledge I've gained. The journal you provided, dear Princess, has become my confidant and witness to the journey that unfolds. With each entry, I am reminded of the strength and unity that define us, and the promise that the Crimson Keep holds.

Until the next page turns,


Evelyn Nightshade



Quote:Journal Entry 4: Demons - Unlocking Potential
Today has been a day of revelations and transformations, both figurative and literal. The path I tread within the Crimson Keep has led me to encounters with beings and powers I could scarcely have imagined before. The Hel Tree's blessing upon me seems to have set me on a course that intertwines with the occult forces that permeate this realm.
The meeting with Mei'Ria, the Elemental Demon known as the Lord of Truth, was an experience both awe-inspiring and daunting.

Their six piercing eyes seemed to see through the facade I often wear, delving into the depths of my intentions. The offer to receive true access to the occult was not one to be taken lightly. In the end, I accepted, understanding that my curiosity and thirst for knowledge have led me down a path from which there is no turning back.
The transfer of power, the infusion of occult essence, was a sensation I cannot adequately describe. Pain and pleasure, light and darkness, all seemed to meld together in that fleeting moment. I am left with a newfound strength coursing through me, a power that I must learn to wield responsibly. Mei'Ria's guidance and lessons now lie ahead, and I must be prepared for the challenges they will present.
Yet, even as I navigate this newfound connection to the occult, life within the Crimson Keep continues. The interactions with my fellow orphans, the camaraderie and shared experiences, provide a sense of belonging I have not felt in a long time. Shinmon's arrival, his unique perspective and abilities, remind me that this world is vast and ever-changing.
As I close this entry, I find myself standing at the crossroads of destiny and choice. The path ahead is uncertain, but I am resolved to walk it with purpose. The Shadowsong Regalia I crafted, the fusion of artistry and magic, serves as a symbol of my journey. It may be just the beginning, but I am determined to shape my story amidst the currents of fate.
End of Entry.




Journal Entry 5: Demonology and Medic Training

Today has been a day of both challenges and enlightening experiences. As I strive to deepen my understanding of healing and the intricacies of demon biology, I found myself led by curiosity and determination. Eranath, the enigmatic Lord of Slumber, became my mentor for the day, guiding me through the complexities of demonic anatomy and medical practices.
Under his tutelage, I learned that demon biology is both similar and vastly different from that of mortals. Demons are beings of occultic essence, their bodies manifestations of ethereal energy. Eranath emphasized the significance of understanding the balance between their occult essence and physical form. It was fascinating to discover that the manifestations of their bodies are a reflection of their individualities rather than a measure of their strength.

Eranath provided a hands-on lesson in healing techniques for demons. I practiced using medical tools infused with occultic energy to suture wounds and aid in regeneration. This knowledge is invaluable, as demons' regenerative abilities are closely tied to their connection with the occult. The intricacies of manipulating this energy to encourage healing were both mesmerizing and humbling.

One of the most crucial lessons Eranath imparted was the caution against using holy or cosmic magic on demons, as it disrupts their fundamental essence and could lead to catastrophic results. It's clear that any attempts at healing or aiding demons must be undertaken with precision and care, mindful of their unique vulnerabilities.
In our discussions, Eranath revealed his own challenges with injuries caused by cosmic and holy magics, which created an imbalance within his ethereal essence. Witnessing the long-term effects of these injuries deepened my appreciation for the complexities of demon health.

I left Valerie's home with a renewed sense of purpose and a stack of tomes to study. Eranath's guidance and expertise have set me on a path of dedicated learning and practice. I'm excited to immerse myself in these texts, learn from skilled medics, and apply my knowledge to help others, both mortal and demon alike.
Today has shown me that healing is a multifaceted art that requires a delicate balance of magic, knowledge, and intuition. I'm eager to continue this journey of discovery and growth, knowing that I have the privilege to contribute positively to the lives of those I encounter.



Quote:Journal Entry 6:Aiding Allies - Giant Asperations
Today was quite an interesting day. I had the chance to sit down and have a heart-to-heart conversation with Azrail, the Fae. It's always fascinating to hear about the dreams and goals of these magical beings who seem so mysterious and otherworldly. Azrail, despite his tiny stature of just 3 inches, has aspirations just like anyone else. His main goal? Peace and quiet. Simple, right? But what intrigued me even more was his desire to be bigger, physically. He wanted to experience a different size, to see the world from a new perspective.

We discussed various ideas to help Azrail achieve his wish of being bigger. I suggested an exoskeleton that he could pilot, which would give him a larger physical presence. He didn't seem too keen on the idea, and I understood why. He wanted something more authentic, more connected to his true self. Then, I proposed a special potion that could temporarily shift his body size and height. Again, he wasn't entirely sold on the concept. But then, an idea came to me, one that he actually seemed excited about: learning "Giant Magic."

I half-jokingly mentioned that maybe he could even become average-sized through this magic, and he responded with an intrigued "you're onto something." That gave me hope that I was on the right track. I told him about the legends of the Cyclops from ancient times, beings capable of Giant Shifting, who shaped Eternia in its early days. He seemed fascinated by the idea and genuinely interested in pursuing it.

I explained that there might still be Cyclops Tribes out there, isolated from the rest of society. Tracking them down would be a challenge, but it might just be the path that leads Azrail to the fulfillment of his dream. Helping my friend navigate these choices and possibilities felt rewarding. It reminded me of how much I've learned since I first started my magical journey.
It's encounters like these that make me grateful for the connections I've made and the knowledge I've gained. The magical world is full of mysteries, and each day brings new opportunities to explore, learn, and assist those around me. I'm excited to see where Azrail's journey will take him and how my own journey will continue to unfold.

Quote:Journal Entry 7:The Hel Tome

Today has been a day filled with discoveries and possibilities. The morning sun cast a warm glow over Skarnfel, and as I walked through the bustling streets, I found myself lost in thoughts about the potential of combining my magical studies with Sanitas' expertise. The idea of creating a tome, a vessel for memories, events, and power, has ignited a fire of excitement within me.
The afternoon was spent experimenting with alchemical brews, and I managed to concoct a potion known as the Romp of Rabbit. Its purpose is to enhance speed without draining one's energy reserves. I carefully bottled the potions and stored them away for future use.
Later, Sanitas brought to my attention an ornate staff that seems to have a connection to the spirit realms. We discussed the potential of infusing it with his occult abilities, guiding its essence to synergize with his unique powers. The staff's warm and otherworldly aura intrigued me, and I believe that with dedication and experimentation, we can unlock its hidden potential.
Sanitas also presented the idea of creating the tome using a unique combination of materials, including Helheim's wood, Orichalum, Austeria, Arcanium, and even infusing it with the essence we recently acquired. The thought of crafting such a tome, a vessel of knowledge and power, fills me with anticipation.
We also touched on the concept of using his blood to bind the tome to his memories and abilities. This deeply personal touch resonated with me, as it would create a true connection between the tome and Sanitas himself.
As the day drew to a close, I found myself sitting on the couch in our living room, lost in thought. The potential of our collaboration fills me with a sense of purpose and excitement. The path ahead is filled with challenges, but I'm determined to see this project through, to create something that could truly be a testament to our shared dedication to magic and knowledge.
With a heart full of anticipation, I eagerly await the next steps in this journey of creation and discovery.
With the beginning of this Hel Tome, I will create a new chapter, as a new beginning has begun.





08-09-2023, 03:35 AM

Quote:Sanitas' Tome Blueprint
Name Pending…

The Sanitas' Tome is a unique and powerful magical Tomedesigned to hold memories, events, magical abilities and the understanding of Helheim. Crafted through a combination of Black Rituals,magical infusions, Artificery mastery, alchemical processes, and careful execution, this tome will serve as a vessel for Sanitas' occult knowledge and experiences. As well as a tome that can connect directly to the RitualHelheim Tree.

Materials Needed:

X1 -Excalibranch: A rare and ethereal wood from the spiritrealms boardering Helheim, known for its strong connection to the spirit realms. This will be shaved down using a special ritualistic carving knife to peel page-shaped strips out of the Excalibranch, which will be used to make up the Tomes Pages.
X30 -Orichalum: A magical metal with inherent mystical properties, used to enhance the tome's magical potential. Each word of this Tomeshall be etched with Sanitas’ Blood-Orcialicum lettering.
X9 -Austeria: Aether-infused materialknown to amplify the synergizing of Sanitas' aether manipulation. This will be the Tome’s Cover.
X9 -Arcanium: An extremely rare andmagical metal renowned for its ability to contain and amplify magical energies. Each page shall be dipped into liquid Arcanium to bolster their magic output. All of the bindings and mana circuitry shall be made through this.
Essence of Mortyl: Extracted essence that is said to be from Mortyl themself. Infused with the Tomes Cover of Austeria.

Optional: Collect the Essence of Demons and Campion’s to infuse with the Tome.

Creation Process:

Step 1: Harvest the Excalibranch wood from the spiritual realms, ensuring its connection to the essence of Helheim. Carve and shape the wood into thin, durable pages.
Step 2: Submerge the Excalibranch pages into a mixtureof liquid Arcanium, allowing the materials to meld together and form a strong base for the tome.
Step 2.5 (Optional): Seek the guidance of Talgram the Spirit to bless the Tome with Spirit Realm Essence. This step will infuse the tome with an otherworldly energy that enhances its connection to the spirit realms.
Step 3: Use the infused Austeria to craft the tome's cover. The metal's magical properties will provide protection and imbue the tome with an inherent magical essence.
Step 3.5 (Optional): Introduce various Demon Essences into the Austeria ore while crafting the cover. Blood and Leather are also good to have for it can be wrapped in Demon Leather.This optional step can enhance the tome's connection to the demonic realms and provide insights into demonology.
Step 4: Forge intricate Arcanium bindings that will secure the pages to the Austeria cover. The Arcanium's magical conductivity will allow for the infusion of additional energies.
Step 5: Carefully place Mortyl Essence, into the Austeria cover. Thisessence will anchor the tome to Sanitas' own unique magical abilities and memories.
Step 6: Have Sanitas spend numerous days meticulously writing knowledge, insights, and magical information into the tome. His aetherial touch will infuse the tome with his personal essence, making it a true reflection of his understanding of magic.
Step 7: Perform a Hel Tree Ritual, seeking the blessings of Hel, the guardian of the spirit realms. This ritual will solidify the connection between the tome and the spiritual realms, enhancing its potential as a vessel of knowledge and magic.
The creation of Sanitas' Tome is a complex and intricate process, requiring a deep understanding of magical materials, connections to other realms, and a dedicated investment of time and effort. However, the result will be a powerful artifact that encapsulates Sanitas' mastery of the occult and his connection to the magical world around us.

Sanitas should hold the tome, focusing on his memories, abilities, and intentions for the tome. While also allowing the forces of Helheim to enter his mind and write upon its pages.
During this attunement process, the tome will resonate with Sanitas' aura, marking it as a personal extension of himself.
The Sanitas' Tome is a labor of magic, craftsmanship, and shared dedication. By following this blueprint and carefully combining each element, the tome will become a repository of Sanitas' experiences, knowledge, and otherworldlymagical essence. This blueprint serves as a guide, and the crafting process should be approached with respect for the magical forces involved.





Evelyn Nightshade’s Private Journal (13)Evelyn Nightshade’s Private Journal (14)

Posts: 79
Threads: 29
Joined: Mar 2020




08-10-2023, 03:36 AM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2023, 02:07 AM by Davetopia.)


Chapter Two: Dreams and Foundations
Journal Entry 8:The Dream Thickens


This was more intense than the previous dreams.. more vivid. Real.Therecurring dream that has been haunting my nights, leaving me feeling both intrigued and disturbed when I wake up. I feel compelled to put this dream into words, to try to make sense of the vivid images that play out in my mind while I sleep.


It begins with me kneeling before the Hel Tree, a place that has become a symbol of power and mystique for me. Beside me lies a mound of Oricalicum, the essence of the stars corrupted by the dark energy that emanates from the tree. Unfamiliar faces surround the Hel Tree, performing rituals that are foreign to me. Chants echo in the air, carrying with them an eerie energy that sends shivers down my spine. But weirdly enough I feel as if I’m leading this ritual.


In my hand, I hold a Blackened Heart of Arcanium, a symbol of both power and danger. As I watch, crimson-cosmic flames rise from the heart, dancing in intricate patterns that I can't fully comprehend. The flames seem to beckon me, urging me to take action. And so, with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity, I press the Arcanium heart into the liquifying mass of Oricalicum.


As the heart merges with the metal, a sharp pain shoots up my arm, jolting my entire body. I can feel the heart gripping onto me, its presence becoming almost tangible. The once clear and glasslike Oricalicum transforms into a writhing, black mass, its movements both mesmerizing and horrifying. The pain persists, but strangely, it's accompanied by a sensation of acceptance. It's as though the pain itself is an initiation, a passage into something unknown.


With a sudden rush, the pain dissipates, and I feel myself being pulled into the dark, amorphous mass. The Arcanium heart still beats in my hand, its rhythm matching the cadence of my own heart. My essence, my mana, my soul, and everything that defines me are absorbed into the blackness. The sensation is overwhelming, a mix of fear and tranquility that's difficult to describe.


And then, as if by some inexplicable force, the fear fades. The tranquility grows, enveloping me in a sensation of serenity and understanding. It's as if I've become one with the very essence of the Oricalicum, connected to its corrupted power in a way I never thought possible. In this consuming darkness, I find a strange sense of peace, a feeling that defies logic andexplanation.


And then, in the dream, I awaken. As myself, but not as me.


Each time I have this dream, I wake up with a mix of emotions. There's a lingering sense of wonder and confusion, as well as a deep-rooted curiosity about the symbolism and meaning behind these images. Dreams are a doorway to our subconscious, a realm where our thoughts and fears intertwine in ways that often elude our waking minds. As I continue to explore the magical world around me, I can't help but wonder if these dreams hold some deeper significance, some message that's waiting to be uncovered.


For now, I'll keep a journal of these dreams, piecing together their fragments in an attempt to decipher their hidden truths. Perhaps, in time, I'll find the key to understanding their meaning and how they might shape my path as a Magi.

I think I will make this into the first entry in the second chapter of my life.


Quote:Journal Entry 9: The Crimson - Frontier Negotiations.

The realm of politics and diplomacy has begun to entwine itself more deeply into my life, as I found myself a witness to a crucial negotiation between two powerful figures. Princess Valerie Hemwick and Acantho, a scientist hailing from the enigmatic Final Frontier. The weight of their words and the implications of their alliance left an indelible mark on my thoughts.

As I stood there, a silent observer on the fringes of their conversation, the air seemed charged with an undercurrent of tension and intrigue. They spoke of a hidden alliance, an agreement that would bolster both of their forces in the long term. The implications of this alliance were significant, as it hinted at the intricate web of alliances and affiliations that span the ever-shifting landscape of Eternia.

Acantho's offering was two-fold – a Crystal of Undeath and a trunk filled with Nyctorre. The Crystal of Undeath was a potent artifact, and its significance wasn't lost on me. But it was the Nyctorre that brought an unexpected wave of unease. As I laid my eyes upon the blackened Arcanium, its visual similarity to the Black Heart of my recurring dreams sent shivers down my spine. The tendrils of fate seemed to weave tighter, connecting threads that I had yet to fully comprehend.

The negotiation was not without its uncertainties, but both parties came to an accord. The promise of mutual assistance echoed through their words, a testament to the complex dance of power and strategy that governs our world. As they reached an understanding, Acantho's departure was imminent. He explained that his latest creation, the AC-1-MC, a colossal Giant Robot, would soon be operational – a force to be reckoned with in the ever-evolving landscape of conflicts.

Throughout the meeting, I found myself poised to act, ready to step forward if any threats presented themselves. But it seems diplomacy was the order of the day, and the need for my intervention didn't arise. While I was there as a guard, my true role was that of a witness to the intricate maneuvers of diplomacy and negotiation, a world I'm still learning to navigate.

This interaction marked a new chapter in my journey. The seeds of my beginnings in the realm of politics and alliances have taken root, and I can't help but wonder what future encounters and challenges will await me as I continue to traverse these uncertain waters.



Quote:Journal Entry 10:The Confided Revelation

The recent events have left me in a state of contemplation and unease. The weight of destiny presses upon me, and the lines between reality and dreams have become blurred. I found myself confiding in PrincessValerie Hemwick, seeking solace and guidance amidst the tumultuous currents of my thoughts.

In a moment of vulnerability, I shared with her the vivid dreamscape that has haunted my nights. The Hel Tree's entire existence playing out in a matter of seconds. Starting as a small sapling, and shooting towards the sky, and breaking through a layer of crust above. Then, all at once shrinking once more to its original seedling. I found standing beside a huge mound ofOricalicum, while unfamiliar faces engaged in rituals that defied understanding. The sensation of plunging an Black MetalHeart into the blackened mass, the pain and the subsequent peace, - with renewal.All were laid bare before her.

Valerie listened with a comforting presence, her words like a soothing balm for my troubled mind. Yet, her response carried a weight that I hadn't expected. She suggested that these dreams might not be mere dreams at all, but rather premonitions of events to come. The realization struck me with a mix of fear and acceptance.

Valerie's insight painted a grim picture – a sacrifice, a binding of fates, a weaving of destinies. It became clear to me that these dreams were a harbinger of a future that awaits me. A future where the Hel Tree's hunger for power would be satiated, and I might be the price paid for the continued evolution of our world.

The burden of this knowledge is heavy, yet I find myself strangely resigned. The threads of fate have been spun, and I am but a thread woven into the grand tapestry of existence. To resist would be to fight against the inevitability of it all. So, with a heavy heart, I accept what may come, knowing that my path has been set.

Valerie's presence proved to be both a source of solace and illumination. As if in response to my thoughts, she produced a piece of Nyctorre, the very essence we obtained during our negotiation with the Final Frontier's head scientist. As I held it in my hand, an odd sensation overcame me – a tugging, as if this piece of Nyctorre was apart of thevery same Black Heart from my dream.

Time seemed to warp and shift around me, and suddenly, I found myself back at the base of the Hel Tree in that surreal dreamscape. The connection between the Nyctorre and the BlackHeart was undeniable, and it left me in awe of the mysteries that exist beyond our understanding.

Valerie's kindness extended further, allowing me to keep the Nyctorre, for the time being. Grateful for her support and guidance, I said my goodbyes and retired to my quarters. Before sleep claimed me, I imbibed a sleeping potion, holding the Nyctorre close. And then, in slumber's embrace, I ventured once more into that vivid dreamscape.



Quote:Journal Entry 11: The Dream Realm's Revelation - Cursed Exchange

Today has been a whirlwind of experiences that have left me both physically and mentally drained, yet strangely invigorated. It's amazing how quickly life can change when one delves into the mysteries of the occult. As I sit here in the dim light of my study, penning down my thoughts, I can't help but reflect on all that has transpired.

The day began like any other, with the sun casting its warm glow upon the world outside. Little did I know that a series of events would soon unfold, leading me to the chambers of the enigmatic Lord of Slumber, Eranath. With my heart pounding and determination coursing through my veins, I requested an audience with Eranath, seeking answers to the questions that had plagued my mind.

The conversation that followed was as cryptic as it was enlightening. Eranath's words held a weight of knowledge and power that I could scarcely comprehend. We spoke of the Hel Tree, the very essence of my existence as an orphan blessed by its magic. Eranath seemed to possess insights into the tree's connection with me, a connection that ran deeper than I had ever imagined.

As our discussion unfolded, Eranath proposed a pact—a pact that would grant me access to the Dream Realm, a place where I could seek the truths hidden within my dreams. But as with all pacts with demons, there was a price to pay. Eranath's request was no small matter; he asked that I willingly bear the curse of "Rotting Slumber," a curse that would deprive me of restful sleep and alter my essence in ways I could not fully fathom. With both trepidation and resolve, I agreed to the terms, knowing that this path could lead me to the knowledge I so desperately sought.

Before I knew it, I was engulfed in a sensation of drowsiness, my surroundings fading away as I fell into the Dream Realm. The dreamscape was a realm of surrealism, where reality and unreality intertwined in bewildering ways. As Eranath guided me through this ethereal landscape, I saw fragments of the answers I sought—a Hel Tree that shifted from sapling to towering growth, enigmatic figures chanting words I could only partially comprehend, and the promise of power hidden within Oricalchum.

But it was the Blackened Heart, the Nyctorre, that held the most profound revelations. With each vision, its significance deepened, and I could sense that it was more than a mere artifact—it was a key to unlocking truths that lay beyond the reach of mortal understanding.

The dreamscape took an unexpected turn, the essence of the Nyctorre pulling me deeper into its core. I was consumed by a maelstrom of sensations, the lines between dream and reality blurring into an indistinguishable haze. I felt the pull of the Nyctorre's power, the sensation of my very being merging with its essence. It was a moment of surrender, of allowing myself to become one with the Heart, to embrace the destiny that awaited.

When I awoke, the curse was upon me, a restless energy coursing through my veins. The weight of sleeplessness bore down on me, yet I felt strangely alive, as though the curse had brought me closer to the truth that lay beyond the veil of reality. Eranath's presence lingered in the air, a reminder of the pact we had forged and the knowledge I had gained.

As I gaze out of my window, the first light of dawn painting the sky in hues of gold and pink, I am filled with a sense of purpose. This journey into the occult has only just begun, and I am ready to embrace whatever challenges and revelations lie ahead. The Nyctorre's beating heart rests against my chest, a reminder of the connection we share and the mysteries it holds.

In the end, I am reminded that the pursuit of knowledge comes with sacrifices, and every step forward is a step into the unknown. But with each challenge overcome, I grow stronger, more attuned to the currents of the occultic realm. And as I face the uncertain path before me, I do so with a heart brimming with determination and a soul hungry for the truths that await.

May the journey continue, and may the mysteries of the occult unfold before me like pages in a forbidden tome.


Quote:Journal Entry 12: Unveiling Shadows - A Conversation with Greg Oldman

Whilst traveling in the wilds, I encountered a man that was getting the absolute sh*t kicked out of him by Chuggums. So, I stepped into the ring and assisted in subduing the overgrown rabbit. Thusly, fate presented itself today with an interestingconversation with Greg Oldman, the enigmatic and knowledgeable wanderer. Which has left me with a mix of fascination and unease. Our discussion touched upon various extinct races that once inhabited our world, and one particular mention sent chills down my spine—the Mimics, beings of black tar-like substance capable of shapeshifting into people.

As Greg described them, the Mimics were a race that could mimic the forms of others, a power that eerily resonated with my own experiences. Could it be that the blackened heart of the Nyctorre, the very essence that has haunted my dreams, is somehow connected to these Mimics? It's a haunting thought—the idea that the source of my curses might be tied to an ancient, extinct race capable of such uncanny abilities.

The memory of my recurring dream resurfaces—the Nyctorre's heart, the shapeshifting form, the inscrutable words whispered in an otherworldly language. Could it have been a glimpse into the past, a time when these Mimics roamed our world? Were the words spoken a part of their rituals, their language, or something else entirely?

This revelation has intensified my determination to uncover the truth. I feel a deep urge to learn more about the Mimics, to delve into the history of this extinct species and its connection to the Nyctorre. What knowledge lies hidden within the annals of forgotten texts and ancient tomes? What secrets might the magical realms still hold?

My path is set—I will seek out any trace, any mention, any fragment of information about the Mimics. I'll scour libraries, converse with scholars, and consult those who possess arcane knowledge. If these beings once existed and shaped the world with their abilities, there must be records, stories, or legends that hold clues to their nature and their ultimate fate.

The pieces of this puzzle are slowly coming together, revealing a tapestry of interconnectedness that spans across time and reality. With every revelation, I find myself drawn deeper into the mystery, my curiosity fueled by both the thrill of discovery and the urgency of understanding the forces that have bound me to the Nyctorre.

As I embark on this new quest for knowledge, I can't shake the feeling that I am on the precipice of something profound. The Mimics may be long extinct, but their echoes resonate through the ages, leaving behind riddles that demand to be unraveled. My journey continues, and with each step, I inch closer to the heart of these enigmatic beings and the truth that they may hold.

The shadows of the past are starting to come to light, revealing hidden truths that have the potential to reshape our understanding of the world. It's a daunting task, but one that I am committed to pursuing with unwavering determination. As I dive deeper into the forgotten history of the Mimics, I hope to illuminate not only their story but also my own and the role I am destined to play in the unfolding saga of our world.

It's me, again - Evelyn.
P.S. Who else would be in here?



Journal Entry 13: Spat -Memory Linked - Witchcraft


The ever-present tension between exhaustion and duty is beginning to take its toll on me. The hours blend together in a haze of activity, my mind and body locked in a relentless pursuit of progress. I thought I was managing, that I was capable of shouldering this unending burden alone. But tonight, an argument with Scytha revealed the folly of that belief.

It began with a simple suggestion, a well-intentioned plea for me to get some rest. Scytha, ever the voice of reason, implored me to take a break, to allow my weary body and mind a reprieve. But her words, while well-meaning, failed to acknowledge the reality that has gripped me for weeks – the Sleepless Eyes Curse. I felt a spark of irritation, my exhaustion and frustration bubbling to the surface. I snapped back at her, a sharp retort that reflected the pent-up emotions I've been grappling with.


Looking back, I realize that I was being unfair. Scytha couldn't possibly understand the curse that has shackled me to this sleepless existence, stealing away the solace that sleep should bring. She couldn't fathom the way in which it has turned my nights into an endless cycle of struggle and longing. And yet, in my exhaustion-fueled irritation, I neglected to explain the truth behind my sleeplessness.


As I pen these words now, the guilt gnaws at me. Scytha is a dear friend, one who has stood by me through countless challenges. To have spoken to her so sharply feels like a betrayal of that bond. And so, I resolve to find a way to mend what has been strained.


Surprisingly, it seems that fate has a way of granting redemption. Not long after our argument, Scytha approached me with a proposition that left me both stunned and hopeful. She offered to Memory Link herself to me, to project her own experiences and knowledge of witchcraft into my mind. In doing so, she hoped to teach me the ways of a witch without the need for the traditional initiation ritual. It was an unexpected and generous offer, one that speaks volumes about the depth of our friendship.


Her gesture has ignited a renewed sense of purpose within me. To be given the opportunity to grow, to learn, and to harness the magical energies that lie dormant within me is a gift beyond measure. And as I prepare to step into the world of witchcraft, I find myself fueled by a determination to prove myself. To evolve from the sleep-deprived caterpillar I have been and emerge from this cocoon of challenges as a transformed, empowered butterfly.


The path ahead is undoubtedly fraught with uncertainty and challenges, but I am resolved to face them head-on. With Scytha's guidance, the support of the Denath Coven, and the promise of newfound magic, I feel as though I am on the cusp of a pivotal transformation.


As I close this journal entry, I can't help but reflect on the ebb and flow of life's challenges and opportunities. From an argument born of exhaustion to a pledge of mentorship and growth, it's a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there exists the potential for something extraordinary.


Evelyn Nightshade



Journal Entry 14: Coven of Mori - Cicada.

The realms of witchcraft have an undeniable allure, a captivating dance of magic and mystery that weaves through the tapestry of reality. As each day unfolds, I find myself drawn deeper into its intricate threads, exploring new avenues of power, knowledge, and connection. And today, I bore witness to a ceremony that has left me awestruck, humbled, and profoundly moved.

Cicada, a friend I've come to know as an Ookami girl, stood at the crossroads of her destiny as she embarked on a journey that would forever bind her to the Mori Coven. The Fledgling Witch Ritual, a rite of passage that I had heard whispers of but had never truly comprehended until now, unfolded before my very eyes. As I stood among the gathered witches, my heart thrummed with a mixture of excitement and reverence.


The ritual was a symphony of magic, a dance of words and energies that resonated with the very essence of the coven. Led by Morrigan, the High Witch of the Mori Coven, the ceremony imbued Cicada with the essence of their coven's magic, intertwining her fate with their ancient legacy. It was a visceral reminder of the potent forces that bind witches to one another, to their patrons, and to the very world around them.


As incantations filled the air, tendrils of magic wrapped around Cicada, embracing her in an ethereal embrace that transcended the mundane. Her eyes, aglow with the shimmering energies that enveloped her, mirrored the intensity of the moment. And then, with a radiant flourish of her hand, Cicada etched her name into the Book of Shadows, sealing her pact with the Mori Coven.

I watched in awe as the book itself responded, its pages shifting and shimmering as if welcoming a new chapter. It was as if the coven itself acknowledged her presence, recognizing her as one of their own. And as Morrigan's words reverberated in the air, it became clear that Cicada was not just joining a coven; she was becoming a part of a lineage that spanned centuries, a lineage that held the accumulated knowledge and power of generations past.


In that moment, I felt a deep appreciation for the world of witchcraft that I had stumbled upon. It was a world where magic was not just a mere illusion, but a tangible force that shaped destinies and defied limitations. And as Cicada emerged from the ritual, her aura transformed, a reflection of her newfound connection to the Mori Coven's magic.


The experience left me inspired and reflective, as if a veil had been lifted from my eyes, revealing the true extent of what it meant to be a witch. The journey ahead is fraught with challenges and mysteries, but it's also filled with the promise of growth, camaraderie, and the unearthing of secrets that lie dormant within the very fabric of the world.


As I close the pages of this journal entry, I'm filled with a sense of gratitude for the paths that have converged in my life. The Denath Coven and the Mori Coven, two distinct but interconnected realms of magic, have opened their doors to me, inviting me to explore, to learn, and to discover the boundless potential that resides within.


And as I step forward, embracing the magic that courses through me, I can't help but feel that the journey has only just begun.


Evelyn Nightshade






Evelyn Nightshade’s Private Journal (16)Evelyn Nightshade’s Private Journal (17)

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08-15-2023, 03:15 AM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2023, 05:25 PM by Davetopia.)


Chapter 3: Forging Destiny


Journal Entry 15: The Coven of Denath - Witch


The days have blurred together like a surreal tapestry, weaving threads of fate and choice into a mosaic of experiences that defy the boundaries of what I once considered possible. As I sit here, in the quietude of my chambers, the weight of these recent events presses upon me, leaving traces of both exhaustion and exhilaration. My Sleepless Eyes Curse, ever faithful to its name, has kept me in a perpetual state of wakefulness, a sentinel of my own thoughts and dreams.

The Denath Coven, a name that held an air of enigma and mystery, now extends its shadows to encompass me. Melione Hiraeth, the Supreme Witch, welcomed me into their fold with a mixture of compassion and wisdom that struck a chord within me. She spoke of a family that transcended borders and affiliations, a family built on trust, cooperation, and mutual support. It's a concept that resonated deeply with me, a reminder of the bonds I've come to cherish with the Mori Coven.

In the small, dimly lit cottage that serves as their haven, I found myself amidst witches of varying backgrounds and origins, all bound by the same principle: to thrive in the shadows, to glean knowledge from the whispers of secrets, and to foster an alliance that transcends the superficial boundaries of nations. As I signed the Book of Bane, I felt a connection not only to Denath, the Dealmaker himself, but also to those who had come before me and those who walked this path beside me.

The ritual that solidified my place in this coven was unlike anything I had experienced before. Essence flowed through the pages of the ancient tome, intertwining with my own as I etched my name into its pages. A tingling sensation coursed through me, a testament to the intertwining of my fate with that of the coven. Melione's words echoed in my mind, her promise of family and happiness a beacon of hope amidst the uncertainties that lay ahead.

And as the ink dried upon the page, so did my connection to the Denath Coven solidify. Yet, there was more than just the bonds of Denath that forged anew. Through the intricate web of relationships, I found myself connected to the Mori Coven as well, a friend of the Mori through their recommendation. It's a connection that reminds me of the power of friendship and alliances in this complex world.

As I set my quill aside and close the pages of this journal, I can't help but feel a surge of anticipation. The path ahead is shrouded in both shadows and light, a journey that will undoubtedly test my resolve and challenge my understanding of magic, fate, and sacrifice. But armed with newfound connections, both old and new, I'm prepared to face whatever challenges come my way.

The coven, a family that spans across borders, and the promise of new horizons await. And amidst the sleepless nights, I find solace in the knowledge that I'm not alone on this journey.

Evelyn Nightshade




Journal Entry 16: Motherly Figure - Discontent.


The ever-present tension between exhaustion and duty is beginning to take its toll on me. The hours blend together in a haze of activity, my mind and body locked in a relentless pursuit of progress. I thought I was managing, that I was capable of shouldering this unending burden alone. But tonight, an argument with Scytha revealed the folly of that belief.

It began with a simple suggestion, a well-intentioned plea for me to get some rest. Scytha, ever the voice of reason, implored me to take a break, to allow my weary body and mind a reprieve. But her words, while well-meaning, failed to acknowledge the reality that has gripped me for weeks – the Sleepless Eyes Curse. I felt a spark of irritation, my exhaustion and frustration bubbling to the surface. I snapped back at her, a sharp retort that reflected the pent-up emotions I've been grappling with.


Looking back, I realize that I was being unfair. Scytha couldn't possibly understand the curse that has shackled me to this sleepless existence, stealing away the solace that sleep should bring. She couldn't fathom the way in which it has turned my nights into an endless cycle of struggle and longing. And yet, in my exhaustion-fueled irritation, I neglected to explain the truth behind my sleeplessness.


As I pen these words now, the guilt gnaws at me. Scytha is a dear friend, one who has stood by me through countless challenges. To have spoken to her so sharply feels like a betrayal of that bond. And so, I resolve to find a way to mend what has been strained.


Surprisingly, it seems that fate has a way of granting redemption. Not long after our argument, Scytha approached me with a proposition that left me both stunned and hopeful. She offered to Memory Link herself to me, to project her own experiences and knowledge of witchcraft into my mind. In doing so, she hoped to teach me the ways of a witch without the need for the traditional initiation ritual. It was an unexpected and generous offer, one that speaks volumes about the depth of our friendship.


Her gesture has ignited a renewed sense of purpose within me. To be given the opportunity to grow, to learn, and to harness the magical energies that lie dormant within me is a gift beyond measure. And as I prepare to step into the world of witchcraft, I find myself fueled by a determination to prove myself. To evolve from the sleep-deprived caterpillar I have been and emerge from this cocoon of challenges as a transformed, empowered butterfly.


The path ahead is undoubtedly fraught with uncertainty and challenges, but I am resolved to face them head-on. With Scytha's guidance, the support of the Denath Coven, and the promise of newfound magic, I feel as though I am on the cusp of a pivotal transformation.


As I close this journal entry, I can't help but reflect on the ebb and flow of life's challenges and opportunities. From an argument born of exhaustion to a pledge of mentorship and growth, it's a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there exists the potential for something extraordinary.


Evelyn Nightshade




Journal Entry 17: The Mimic - A Conversation


Today's conversation with Greg was... enlightening, to say the least. We talked about various topics, and of course, I couldn't resist bringing up the mysterious Mimics that I've been curious about for a while now. I mentioned that I thought I might have seen one at the Obelisk, but truth be told, that was a fabrication on my part. I wanted to coax more details out of Greg, hoping he might share some insights about those enigmatic creatures. Unfortunately it seems to have been in vain, as he trailed off into other conversations, clearly steering away from the topic.


Though he didn’t go above and beyond for his explanation, what he did produce was invaluable information, however limited it may be. He stated that he had even met a few; which I almost don’t believe, as he stated previously they were extinct. Apparently though, Mimics were a thing that have existed across many continents, so it’s unknown at this time if it’s a natural manifestation of Mana being coalesced into making a Mimic, or if it is something unnatural. Hard to tell without picking up a book on them.


Greg seemed to consider the possibility, mentioning that Meranthe's magical nature could indeed harbor such beings. He's quite knowledgeable, and I appreciate his willingness to share what he knows. It's evident that Mimics are creatures of magic, but to what extent? Supposedly they are harbour goo-like bodies of acidic like goop. That are also capable of Shapeshifting, and taking on the forms of those they can get their hands onto. Has to be some kind of a mana sampling? No idea. Seems like I’m onto something here, that may be connected to my dream - I must keep looking into it.


During our conversation, he also cautioned me against belittling my caretaker, Scytha, which I appreciated. He reminded me to approach things with more consideration and understanding, and I can't deny that he was right. I might not always see eye to eye with Scytha, but she does care for me, and I should show her the respect she deserves.

Greg also suggested that I involve Scytha in the Mining Drill project, thinking it could serve as a bonding experience between us. I'll admit, I hadn't thought of it that way before. Maybe he's onto something – it might be an opportunity for us to connect in a different way.


Our conversation took a turn towards Greg's own experiences and his role in wars, as well as his crafting endeavors. It's always interesting to hear about the lives of others in this realm, and Greg has his own unique stories to share. I admire his ability to find solace in crafting and his willingness to adapt to new roles, even when they're not what he initially expected.


As the conversation drew to a close, I found myself appreciating these moments of calm and connection. Greg's right – amidst the chaos and rush of life, it's important to slow down and cherish these interactions. It's easy to get caught up in the endless cycle of tasks and progress, but sometimes, just talking about different things can be a valuable and meaningful experience.


In the end, today's conversation reminded me of the importance of genuine interactions, of listening and learning from others. It also highlighted that honesty is essential, even if my initial intentions weren't entirely genuine. I'm grateful for the insights Greg shared, and I'll continue to learn and grow from these conversations, one step at a time.


— Evelyn



Quote:Journal Entry 18:The ImpromptuSkirmish.

An eventful day unfolded within the borders of Crimson Keep and Skarnfell, one that would become etched in memory for its unexpected twists and moments of intensity. It all began with a sense of unease that prickled at the edges of my awareness, a gnawing intuition that led me to investigate the outskirts of our territories. Whilst out for a walk, I came across a clash between multiple individuals against a few Lesser and Greater Demons. Later they were recognized as TAG. Rushing back to Skarnfall, I informedLord Eranath, Vienna, Scytha, Lady Usteraand a fellow whose name escapes me at the moment, joined me on this impromptu mission to cease this invasion of their lands.
As we ventured deeper into the woods, we stumbled upon a fierce battle unfolding before us. A woman, who would later be revealedas Elvyn Alinteau, a high-ranking figure within TAG that had assisted in destroying the Obelisk of The End. She clashed with a formidable opponent - a recently evolved Greater Demon named Anha'Kani. The clash of their powers crackled in the air, creating an aura of tension that was impossible to ignore.
Swiftly assessing the situation, it became apparent that Anha'Kani was at a disadvantage. Elvyn's attacks were relentless, and it seemed as though the Greater Demon was on the brink of defeat. The balance shifted further when Elvyn delivered a crushing blow, a gash imbued with Holy Magics that cut across Anha'Kani's chest. The battle was intense, and as the tide turned against the Greater Demon, the situation became increasingly dire.
Lord Eranath stepped forward and challenged Elvyn, and soon after others joined in the fighting. For a time, it almost appeared as a free for all, as Demon and Human alike fought together and against each other. The area became almost leveled by the skirmish, as the powers of the arcane soared through the undergrowth and trees. Flames amassed, and the damage spread.This - while I did not directly involve myself in the fighting. Was my first taste of what war looked like.
In the midst of the chaos, I made a decision to tactically retreat from the battlefield. With the arrival of other powerful individuals, the odds would be better if I was supporting.Instead, I focused my efforts on aiding the wounded on our side.Starting with Anha'Kani. Flyingacross the now live-fire skirmish field, I began to tend to the injured Greater Demon. Who - may I add was greatful. So that's a start.I carefully tended to the grievous wound inflicted by Elvyn. Following the lessons learned in Demonology class, I donned the appropriate gloves and coated the wound with a cloth to collect the demon's blood.
Stitch by stitch, I worked to close the wound, ensuring the stitches were tight and secure. With precision, I overpowered the Holy Magics that leaked from the wound, preventing further harm. The final touch involved placing the blood-soaked cloth back onto the wound, knowing that demons possess the unique ability to absorb the mana from their own blood to accelerate regeneration.
My efforts didn't stop there. Equipped with potions, I moved among the wounded, distributing the much-needed elixirs to aid their recovery. The atmosphere remained charged with tension, but the unity among those who fought on our side was undeniable. Seemed like we won, though the tables kept turning. But, our enemies slipped away - shame.
As the day drew to a close, and the echoes of battle faded, a sense of accomplishment mingled with the lingering unease. The events of this day served as a reminder of the ever-present challenges that surround us, but also the strength that arises when allies come together in the face of adversity. In the end, the bonds forged in moments like these hold the promise of brighter days ahead.
Evelyn Nightshade



Journal Entry 19: 2-A Large Stone Golem Blueprints - Mei’Ria’s Request.


Today was a day that I could hardly believe had come to pass. An opportunity that has the potential to change the very foundations of not only the Crimson Keep but also Skarnfel itself. I find myself in possession of a piece of parchment, carefully rolled up, containing instructions for the construction of a 2-A Large Stone Golem. The significance of this document cannot be overstated, for it holds the key to creating a powerful and versatile entity that can shape the very destiny of our lands.


The source of this incredible revelation was none other than Mei'Ria, the Demon Elemental known as the Lord of Truth. As we stood in the quarters of the Skarnfel Demon King, surrounded by an aura of arcane energy, Mei'Ria presented me with this instruction sheet. It seems that the Lord of Truth himself has aspirations to possess such a golem, a testament to the depth of his ambition and his thirst for knowledge.


As I gazed upon the parchment, my mind raced with possibilities. The construction of a 2-A Large Stone Golem is a complex endeavor that requires not only skill but also resources beyond my current reach. I am well aware that I am not yet well-versed in the ways of mass manufacturing on this scale, but the thought of having a workshop dedicated to such pursuits is invigorating. The idea of creating a Manufactorium, a place where innovation and creativity can flourish, fills me with excitement and determination.


The journey ahead will be challenging, but I am resolute in my pursuit. With the guidance of this instruction sheet and the support of my allies, I am determined to see this endeavor through. The potential of a Magitech-Golem Hybrid, a creation that combines the power of magic and technology, is too tantalizing to ignore. I can only imagine the feats that such a construct could achieve, and the impact it could have on the world around us.


So, as I hold this parchment in my hands, I am filled with a sense of purpose and eagerness. The path ahead is uncertain, but with unwavering determination, I will tread it and work towards bringing this ambitious vision to life. The thought of contributing something of such magnitude to our community, to Skarnfel, to the Crimson Keep, is a dream that propels me forward. And so, I shall embark on this new chapter with hope, excitement, and a resolute heart.


Evelyn Nightshade




Journal Entry 20: The Witches Sabbath - Essence Absorption.


A night of mystique and power unfolded as I found myself once again within the secluded confines of a cabin in the woods, a place that has become a nexus of arcane energies and secrets. This gathering was no ordinary one; it was a Coven Sabbath Ritual, a ceremony that brought together individuals from different walks of life under the shared banner of our magical heritage. The air was charged with anticipation, and as I stepped into the cabin, I felt a mixture of excitement and reverence that seemed to permeate every corner of the room.


The participants of this ritual were a diverse group, each with their own stories and aspirations. There was Selany, the venerable Supreme of the Denath Coven, a figure whose wisdom and experience were evident in her every word and gesture. Her presence commanded respect, and her aura exuded a sense of authority that was both awe-inspiring and comforting.

Beside her stood a figure who I initially mistook for Scytha, only to realize that this was the intriguing entity known as Celes. Clad in a disguise, Celes held an air of mystery and intrigue, leaving me curious about her true identity and intentions. Her presence, though enigmatic, added an element of complexity to the gathering.


Another attendee was a young man whose name eludes me at the moment, but whose demeanor exuded a sense of determination and purpose. Despite his relatively young age, he carried himself with confidence, as if he had already weathered trials that tested his mettle.


Lastly, an elderly lady, who chose not to introduce herself, completed the group. Her presence carried an air of quiet strength, and her silence seemed to hold a wisdom that was born from a lifetime of experiences.


The centerpiece of the ritual was the spoken language - the Fallen Angel Tongue. As the incantations flowed from our lips, the atmosphere transformed, charged with a potent energy that connected us to realms beyond our own. It was as if the words themselves were imbued with power, carrying our intentions and desires to the heavens.


The culmination of the ritual was the absorption of essence, a process that connected us to the wellspring of magical energy that surrounds us. Each participant absorbed the equivalent of four vials of essence, a profound exchange that left us invigorated and attuned to the currents of magic that course through the world.


As I left the cabin that night, I carried with me a sense of fulfillment and wonder. The Coven Sabbath Ritual had not only deepened my connection to the Denath Coven but also to the broader web of magic that binds us all. It was a night of unity, of shared purpose, and of the realization that together, we are part of something greater than ourselves.


Evelyn Nightshade


Quote:Journal Entry 21: Discussion On The Occult.

After the Sabbath, life in Skarnfel felt odd to me - I can't quite put my finger on it. Like I am more powerful now, but also - dependent? Whatever the case, lifecontinues to weave a tapestry of unique encounters and unexpected connections. Today, I had the honor of meeting a newcomer to our realm, Merrett lux Rosethorne, a noble whose origins remain shrouded in mystery. His presence, though unfamiliar, carried an air of intrigue and resilience that piqued my curiosity.

As fate would have it, Merrett found himself in need of aid due to a head injury. Upon learning of his situation, my determination to assist was unwavering. With a promise to craft a Trauma Kit specifically tailored to his needs, I retreated to my workshop within the confines of Princess Hemwick's residence. Focused and intent on the task at hand, I crafted not one, but two Trauma Kits, ensuring that Merrett would have the means to address his injuries should the need arise.

Returning to his side, I presented him with the Trauma Kits without any expectations of compensation. It has become increasingly clear that my role within Skarnfel is evolving into a nurturing and maternal one, a position I'm more than willing to embrace. Every gesture, every act of assistance, is driven by the desire to ensure the safety and well-being of those around me.

In the course of our conversation, Merrett expressed a curiosity about Death Magic, a subject that is as elusive as it is powerful. Although my knowledge on the matter is limited, I shared what little I knew, hoping that my insights might be of some assistance to him.

Our exchange continued, touching upon various aspects of our roles in life and the paths that fate has woven for us. There's a certain solace in conversing with fellow inhabitants of Skarnfel, individuals who understand the complexities of this realm and the struggles that accompany it.

As the conversation drew to a close, my yearning for knowledge called me away. The tome of Sanitas beckons, a project that holds the potential to unlock secrets of great significance. Even though Sanitas himself has departed, his legacy lives on within his work. With determination burning within me, I set out to delve into the pages of his tome, driven by the desire to learn, to grow, and to contribute to the tapestry of Skarnfel's ever-evolving narrative.

Evelyn Nightshade


Journal Entry 22: Embracing the Unfamiliar

Today was a day that carried unexpected turns, a departure from the norm that I had grown accustomed to. The sunlit path I tread upon led me to the Skarnfel ritual fields, a place often filled with mystic energy and the echoes of countless stories. It was here that I found myself engaging in combat, a realm I had not ventured into willingly before. The arena was a stage where Selkie Joe, a Siren teenager whose heart emanates kindness, and I met as both allies and opponents.

Our clash was one of elements and skills, a dance of power and strategy. Occult energies intertwined with Cosmic forces against Unarmed techniques and Water manipulation. The battle flowed with an intensity that awakened dormant instincts within me. Surprisingly, I found myself performing better than my own expectations. The matches were fierce, each round a testament to our determination. I emerged victorious in the first, came close in the second before the scales tipped, and seized victory again in the third. The echoes of combat resonated in the air, and for once, I felt the presence of the Hel Sigil on my shoulder, as if it acknowledged and approved of my combative efforts.

After the battles concluded and the adrenaline subsided, Ryker, a fellow inhabitant of Skarnfel, beckoned me over. We engaged in a whispered conversation, sharing thoughts on the future of Crimson Keep and the enigmatic Hel Tree. Our words flowed with a certain resonance, a shared understanding of the tasks that lie ahead. Amidst our discussion, the absence of Princess Hemwick, a figure of great importance, arose. With assurance, I conveyed that her absence was a temporary state, her well-being intact despite her current unavailability.

Ryker's enthusiasm for the development of the Hel Tree was palpable, a testament to his dedication to Skarnfel's growth and transformation. As we conversed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unity, of individuals joined in their pursuits to shape the realm we call home.

Today was a departure from my usual endeavors, a venture into combat and candid conversations. It reminded me that within the tapestry of Skarnfel's ever-evolving narrative, there are opportunities to explore new facets of ourselves, to forge connections, and to contribute to a shared journey of growth.






Evelyn Nightshade’s Private Journal (19)Evelyn Nightshade’s Private Journal (20)

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08-23-2023, 01:07 PM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2023, 05:28 PM by Davetopia.)


Chapter Four: Gaining Confidence.

Journal Entry 23: Revelry Beneath the Blood Moon

The Blood Moon Ball was a night of intrigue and enchantment that I won't soon forget. As the moon cast its crimson glow over the island, the grandeur of the castle was illuminated, a sight to behold. I arrived with a sense of anticipation, eager to immerse myself in the festivities and explore the hidden stories that danced beneath the surface.

My purpose was clear – to represent Princess Hemwick and ensure her presence was known, a responsibility I took to heart. From the moment I stepped into the ballroom, I embraced the persona of a confident and inquisitive magi. I introduced myself to those present, a mix of familiar faces and newcomers, with a mixture of genuine warmth and playful curiosity.

Manipulating conversations and weaving my way through groups, I embraced the art of playing The Game. I seized opportunities to overhear whispered secrets and learn about the intricacies of those in attendance. Nera and Alucard became my unwitting partners in this dance, as I teased and tested, all while maintaining a veneer of lightheartedness.

Nera's reactions were especially delightful to provoke, her impassioned discussions on her Artificial Star, their project to create an Artificial Realm, along with her own interesting form ofmagic not unlike Riftmancy. All of which wasa source of endless entertainment. Alucard's earnest flirtations brought both amusem*nt and occasional laughter, but I never allowed the interactions to take a serious turn. Amidst the laughter and shared stories, I gleaned snippets of information that I wouldn't have otherwise discovered.

For a time, it felt like myself and Alicard were stealing all of the fun from the ball. Being the first ones on the dance floor, and putting the others to shame with our thesmoothness in our steps. While the others mostly mingled around the tables, we put on a spectacle for all to bear witness. First dance, yet it felt so much more natural than anticipated.

One enlightening conversation with Nera unveiled the mystery of crafting an Artificial Star, a concept that had always intrigued me. She shared her knowledge with fervour, mixed with her dim wittedness, made for an easy target of manipulation. Sheexplainedthe delicate balance of magic and materials required to forge such a wondrous creation. It left me in awe of her expertise and sparked a desire to delve deeper into the arcane arts.

The evening was not just about manipulation and eavesdropping, however. I lost myself in the dance, twirling and gliding across the floor with partners old and new. As the music played and the moon's glow intensified, I felt a sense of exhilaration that I hadn't experienced in some time. The weight of my responsibilities momentarily lifted, replaced by the joy of being present in the moment.

As the Blood Moon Ball drew to a close, I found myself reflecting on the many conversations, interactions, and insights gained. While I played my part in weaving the threads of intrigue, I also recognized the value of forging connections and embracing the stories of those around me. It was a night of revelry, laughter, and discovery, one that I'll treasure as I continue to navigate the intricate tapestry of Skarnfell.

Myself, Nera, Alucard and Greg all left the Ball together, getting warped into some form of Wayfinding from Blood Moon Island to the Final Frontier - it’s something to look into now. For this form of travel could genuinely make life much easier.. We spoke, discussing life and its value. We all had different opinions. But that’s life!

Overall, it was a blast to let myself go free like this.. I feel like I’m really starting to become who I need to be.

Evelyn Nightshade

Quote:Journal Entry 24:A Twisted Connection
Today has been a whirlwind of unexpected encounters, each one weaving a tapestry of curiosity and intrigue. The most astonishing of these encounters was with Sco'Ria, a Demon Drake that exudes both elegance and malevolence. I find myself drawn to its presence, fascinated by the layers of power and darkness it carries. Our minds connected in a way I never thought possible, and we exchanged words with a level of sincerity that transcended our differences. The notion of hunting alongside such a formidable being is thrilling, and a sense of camaraderie has formed between us.

It's strange, but I can't help feeling a peculiar mix of emotions toward the demons I've encountered lately. A twang of motherly affection and fascination weaves through my thoughts as I observe them, eager to witness their growth and evolution. Perhaps it's the culmination of my growing abilities in the Occult and my newfound role as a witch that allows me to perceive them in a different light. Or perhaps it's a reflection of the ever-changing nature of the worlds around us.

In another twist of fate, news reached me that Nia'Ria, the Demon King, wishes to have an audience with me. The idea of meeting a Demon King is both exhilarating and daunting. It's no secret that my capabilities in alchemical ingenuity have grown considerably, and the recent offer to gift power to Sco'Ria only solidified my role in the occult world. This audience, I can only surmise, is likely related to Mei'Ria's request for me to create a Large Golem for them. A task that holds both tremendous significance and responsibility.

My heart races with excitement at the prospect of conversing with a Demon King, of being a part of something bigger than myself. Yet, I also feel the weight of the situation, the gravity of their power and the potential implications of our interactions. I will tread carefully, for I sense that this audience carries the potential to shape the path of my occult journey.

Through the twists and turns of these interactions, I find myself increasingly drawn into a world that I once viewed only from the outside. I am becoming an active participant in the stories of demons, witches, and otherworldly beings. And as these stories intertwine with my own, I can't help but embrace the uncertainty and adventure that lie ahead.

Evelyn Nightshade
Quote:Journal Entry 25- The Enigmatic Sabbath in Sheol

Today was a day of unexpected revelations and mesmerizing experiences. Lady Ustrea, my guide and conduit to the world of the arcane, invited me to a gathering of witches and warlocks in a realm known as Sheol. Eager to delve deeper into the mysteries of magic and learn from fellow practitioners, I eagerly agreed to join this special Sabbath.

The evening began in Skarnfel, where Lady Ustrea approached me with an invitation. She extended the opportunity to experience the power of a Sabbath, a gathering of magical beings to perform rituals and share knowledge. With her adept mastery of Riftmancy, she opened a rift portal that rippled through the fabric of reality, exposing the pulsating heart of the Lifestream.

Riftmancy, a form of magic that intertwines the physical and ethereal dimensions, was the key to our rapid travel between realms. By tapping into the Lifestream, a hidden current that flows beneath the surface of existence, Lady Ustrea harnessed its power to propel us across space and time. The sensation of riding the Lifestream was both exhilarating and disorienting, as we traversed realms in the blink of an eye.

Upon arriving in Sheol, I found myself amidst a gathering of over a dozen witches and warlocks, each exuding a unique aura of arcane energy. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and I could sense the underlying purpose of this congregation was something significant.

As the ritual began, the skies above us swiftly darkened, and a wave of emotional resonance swept over the assembled participants. It was as if the air itself carried the weight of a haunting tale, and I found myself entranced by the unfolding narrative. The story of Russell, a painter ensnared by his own creations, echoed through the collective consciousness. His pursuit of power and fulfillment led him down a path of tragedy and loss, a cautionary tale that resonated deeply with the witches and warlocks present.

Among the unfamiliar faces, I encountered many new individuals who shared their experiences and insights with me. Conversations flowed, weaving threads of magic, history, and personal growth. Amidst the discussions, I had the privilege of engaging in a brief exchange with the Supreme Witch of Sheol, a figure of immense knowledge and power.

This gathering served as a reminder of the boundless diversity of magic and the interconnectedness of all practitioners. The veil between realms may be thin, but the threads of understanding and community weave intricate patterns that transcend mere dimensions. As I reflect on this unique experience, I am grateful for the opportunity to have witnessed the Sabbath in Sheol and to have connected with so many inspiring individuals. The world of magic continues to unveil its secrets, and I am eager to explore further along this enchanting journey.

Still me.

Quote:Journal Entry26 - The Healing Touch of Mortality

Today was unlike any other. Amidst the solemn echoes of the Crimson Keep's dungeons, I found myself faced with a unique opportunity to test and further hone my medical skills. A human cadaver lay before me, bearing wounds that told a story of its past, and I took it upon myself to offer a glimpse of healing even in the realm of death.

As I examined the cadaver's injuries—a deep gash across the chest and shrapnel wounds in the leg—I felt a mixture of reverence and determination. It was a somber reminder of the fragility of life, and yet, the essence of my craft lies in mending, restoring, and preserving. The challenge of working on a human body, even lifeless, held a weight that I couldn't ignore.

Steadying my hands, I began the process of cleaning, stitching, and dressing the wounds. Each movement was guided by my understanding of anatomy, my accumulated knowledge of medical techniques, and the countless hours I've devoted to practicing on various subjects, living or deceased. The chest wound required careful suturing, my fingers moving with a sense of purpose and care. The shrapnel wounds, though less severe, demanded equal attention as I delicately extracted the fragments, mindful of the delicate tissues beneath.

As I worked, I found myself immersed in the task. Time seemed to stand still, and the torchlight casting its eerie glow only accentuated the gravity of the moment. The cadaver became a canvas upon which I painted the art of healing, a silent testament to my dedication to my craft and my belief that life, even in its absence, deserves respect.

Upon completing the process, I stepped back to survey my work. The wounds that once marred the cadaver's form were now stitched and dressed, a mark of my effort to restore what had been broken. It wasn't about bringing life back to the body, but rather about honoring the individual who had once inhabited it. The cadaver remained lifeless, but I felt a sense of accomplishment in the small act of healing I had provided.

Leaving the dungeons, I couldn't help but reflect on the significance of what I had just done. In the heart of darkness, I had shone a light—a reminder that even amidst the inevitability of mortality, the healing touch of a skilled hand could make a difference. It deepened my understanding of the interconnectedness of life and death, and how my role as a healer extended beyond the boundaries of the living.

As I return to the surface, I carry with me a renewed sense of purpose. Each moment spent perfecting my craft is a tribute to the potential for healing, even in the face of life's impermanence. And while my journey is far from over, this experience has etched a new layer of understanding into my path—a path guided by the healing touch that transcends the boundaries between life and death.


Journal Entry 27- Unveiling the Secrets of the Hel Tree

Today marked a pivotal moment in my journey as a witch and practitioner of the arcane. I had the privilege of orchestrating and leading a ritual at the base of the Hel Tree's Sapling, a place of immense power and significance. The participants were none other than Scytha Hemwick and Sco'Ria, a Greater Demon of formidable presence. The convergence of their energies and my guidance created an experience that was both profound and transformative.

The intricacies of the ritual were rooted in a delicate balance between Occult Magic and the raw energies emanating from the Hel Tree. As the conduit between these forces, my role was to channel and harmonize their essences, guiding them towards a shared purpose. The ritual required a synchronization of intentions, an intertwining of energies that demanded focus and resonance.

We gathered at the base of the Hel Tree's Sapling, its small form belied the immense power it held within. The air crackled with anticipation, and I could sense the eager energies of both Scytha and Sco'Ria as they prepared for the ritual. The Hel Tree, a potent symbol of life and death, stood as a silent witness to our endeavors.

The first step was to establish a connection with the Hel Tree's essence, a task that required a delicate touch and unwavering intent. As I invoked the words of power, the atmosphere shifted, and a palpable presence enveloped us. The energies responded, vibrating in resonance with the intent of our ritual.

Drawing blood, we offered a symbolic sacrifice, mingling our life essences with the Hel Tree's aura. The Hel Sigils that formed on our skin signified a pact forged in the depths of magic itself, a testament to our commitment to the path we were embarking upon.

With shared words and intent, I guided the participants through a ritual dance, a weaving of energies that manifested as blackened bubbles. These bubbles encapsulated the essence of the Hel Tree's power, each one containing a fraction of its ancient wisdom. The skies above us darkened, a manifestation of the merging energies.

As the ritual reached its culmination, I witnessed a subtle growth in the Hel Tree's Sapling, a response to the energies we had channeled into it. The outcome was modest, yet significant, a testament to the potential that lay dormant within this sapling.

Looking towards the future, I am filled with a sense of purpose and hope. This ritual was but a glimpse of the power and knowledge that the Hel Tree can bestow. With each subsequent ritual and interaction, I believe that the Hel Tree's influence will grow, infusing me and those around me with its ancient wisdom and strength.

The path ahead is one of discovery and growth, a journey guided by the energies of the Hel Tree and my unwavering dedication to mastering the arts of magic. The connections forged today, with Scytha Hemwick and Sco'Ria, serve as a foundation upon which we shall build greater understanding and harness the true potential of the Hel Tree.

As I reflect upon this momentous occasion, I am grateful for the opportunities that lie ahead and the mysteries that await my exploration. The Hel Tree's whispers beckon me towards a destiny intertwined with magic, and I am eager to answer its call.

Once again. Me.


Quote:Journal Entry 28:Unveiling the Connection

Today, a momentous occasion transpired within the realm of the Coven of Denath, and my heart remains abuzz with a unique blend of excitement, wonder, and reverence. Our gathering was marked by an aura of anticipation, the air humming with the energy of our shared purpose. It was a Sabbath unlike any other, a convergence of power and determination that resonated deep within my very core.

As the candles flickered and the incense spiraled into the air, a sense of unity settled over us. The coven members, each steeped in their own disciplines and practices, were united by a common objective: to forge a direct line of communication to our revered Marquise, Denath. The very notion of such a connection seemed fantastical, almost too grand to be true, yet our coven's collective magic held the promise of making it a reality.

Melione, with her commanding presence, stood before the assembly. In her hands was a mirror, one that shimmered with a celestial brilliance. But this was no ordinary mirror; it was a conduit to the realm of Denath, a bridge between our world and the Dealmaker's dominion. The very concept of this mirror sent ripples of awe through my being, and my heart swelled with gratitude for the dedication and sacrifice that brought us to this point.

The moment of revelation arrived, and as Melione channeled her magic into the mirror, a luminescent aura enveloped the reflective surface. My breath caught as the mirror seemed to come alive, swirling with otherworldly energies. It was as if a portal to Denath's realm had opened before us, a testament to the potent magic we wielded collectively.

When the mirror stabilized, Denath's Castle atop of a colossal Crabappeared within it. Thispresence transcended the limitations of space and time, mygaze piercedthrough the veil that separated our realms. The thrill of being on the cusp of witnessing his form manifest before us, was a sensation beyond words. I felt a deep connection, a bond that stretched across dimensions, and I marveled at the realization that our efforts had borne fruit.

The Sabbath concluded with a profound sense of accomplishment, and as the coven members dispersed, I lingered before the mirror, lost in thought. This connection to Denath's realm was a testament to the boundless potential of our coven and the extent of our magical prowess. I considered the sacrifices made, the challenges overcome, and the unity that had brought us to this point.

As I leave this entry, I find my heart filled with purpose and hope. The mirror stands as a beacon of our shared devotion and the enduring legacy we are crafting. With each step, we inch closer to completing Dealmaker's Morass, and I am grateful to be a part of this journey, giving my essence willingly to see our dreams realized.


Quote:Journal Entry 29:A Demon's Lesson - Motherly Outlook

Today brought an unexpected encounter that served as both a challenge and an opportunity for growth. As I went about my business in Skarnfel, a Lesser Demon suddenly attacked, its malevolent intent palpable in the air. The encounter was a stark reminder of the dangers that lurk within the realm, and my initial instinct was to defend myself.

The battle that unfolded showcased the demon's capabilities. It moved with an eerie swiftness and wielded its otherworldly powers with a chaotic energy. Despite its ferocity, I managed to gain the upper hand relatively easily, a testament to my training and the skills I have acquired. The demon's form wavered as it struggled against my Occultic assaults, and I couldn't help but marvel at the innate power that emanated from it.

However, as the battle drew to a close, I found myself facing a decision. Instead of banishing the demon or destroying it, I chose a different path. Drawing inspiration from the lessons I've learned from Eranath, I decided to attempt a form of forced growth. Forcing myself atop the subdued demon, I used my connection to the Hel Sigil to channel Occultic Helheim Mana into its being.

The sensation was overwhelming as the dark energy flowed from my very essence into the demon's form. Its form convulsed as if resisting the infusion, its essence struggling to comprehend the foreign power that surged within it. I could feel the clash of energies, a chaotic dance between my Occultic influence and the demon's innate nature.

Finally, as the mana dissipated, the demon appeared to regain some semblance of composure. It stared at me with eyes that held a mixture of confusion and uncertainty, unable to fully grasp what I had done for it. As if sensing its opportunity, the demon chose to flee the area, its belly undoubtedly full of the Occultic energy it had ingested.

This encounter left me with a sense of introspection. The realm I navigate is one of multifaceted complexities, where even the darkest beings can possess an intrinsic spark of potential. The line between ally and adversary is often blurred, and the choices we make can shape the world around us. As I reflect on this day's events, I am reminded that my journey is not only one of acquiring knowledge and power, but also of understanding and empathy.






Evelyn Nightshade’s Private Journal (22)Evelyn Nightshade’s Private Journal (23)

Posts: 79
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Joined: Mar 2020




08-31-2023, 12:53 PM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2023, 05:35 PM by Davetopia.)


Chapter Five: Grasping The Eternity


Journal Entry 30:Chaos and Convergence


Today bore witness to a convergence of power, a display of magic and might that left me awestruck, even amidst the chaos that ensued. The Grand Tournament in the Endless Tower was an event of unprecedented scale, a gathering of Magi and combatants from diverse backgrounds, all vying for supremacy. The anticipation in the air was palpable as we stepped into the colossal arena, where destiny awaited.


My first match pitted me against Vorpal, a powerful absorption Magi who wielded her abilities with an expertise that was both admirable and daunting. Our battle was a spectacle, a swirling dance of magic and strategy. However, the gulf in our strength was evident, and despite my efforts, I found myself overpowered. The blade that Vorpal drove into my shoulder was a reminder of my limitations, and my disqualification from the tournament served as a sobering reality check.


Nonetheless, the show continued, battles raged on with fervor and spectacle. Xarxes and Na'Ria's duel was a clash of titans, a confrontation between two formidable beings. Xarxes emerged victorious, claiming the title of Grand Champion in a display of prowess that earned the respect of all who bore witness.


Yet, victory and celebration were short-lived as the arena itself morphed into a battleground of chaos. Tenth Floor - a stage of colossal proportions - became a realm of terror. Monstrous beings surged forth, wreaking havoc and leaving devastation in their wake. The very fabric of the event unraveled as the battleground transformed, and in the midst of it all, I couldn't help but take note of the Runic sigils that adorned the walls of the elevator shaft. My intuition guided me to inscribe these runes in my journal, to decipher their meaning in the quiet moments that followed.


As chaos raged around us, we were confronted with the ultimate calamity as the elevator shaft crumbled, and countless individuals were sent plummeting from the sky. The sheer horror of the scene was indescribable, the loss unfathomable. In the midst of the turmoil, I found myself amongst the survivors, a testament to both luck and resilience.


This day was a tapestry woven with threads of triumph and tragedy. It served as a stark reminder of the precarious balance between power and vulnerability, and the thin line that separates order from chaos. My journey continues, as does my pursuit of understanding the magic that shapes our world, and the untold stories that unfold within it.



Journal Entry 31:Arcane Surgery and Technological Triumph

Today was a day of both challenge and innovation, a reminder of the complex tapestry of magic and technology that weaves throughour lives. It began with a difficult decision, one that I had hoped wouldn't be necessary but was ultimately for the best. Merrett, dear friend and ally, had suffered a grave injury to his arm. The ice spike had pierced deep, rendering his limb lifeless, and the prognosis was grim. After careful examination, it became evident that the arm was beyond traditional healing, and amputation was the only way forward.

With a heavy heart, I prepared for the surgical procedure. The weight of responsibility pressed upon me, knowing that I had to carry out this task to ensure Merrett's well-being. The surgical suite was meticulously arranged, Arcanium Magitech tools gleaming and ready for use. I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within me as I prepared to sever the connection between Merrett and his arm.


The procedure itself was both intricate and delicate. I guided my movements with a blend of medical knowledge and magical precision. Arcane energy intertwined with technological finesse, as I carefully detached the damaged limb, all the while ensuring that the process was as painless and controlled as possible. Merrett's trust was paramount, and the amnestic effects provided him the comfort of slumber as I worked.


Once the damaged arm was removed, I turned my focus to the culmination of hours of work and preparation: the Arcanium Magitech arm. This creation was a testament to both magical artistry and mechanical ingenuity. It held the promise of restoring not only Merrett's physical mobility but also his spirit.


As the new arm was seamlessly integrated into the socket, I infused it with my mana, watching with bated breath as the artificial limb came to life. The sensation was surreal, witnessing technology merge with magic to recreate what had been lost. Merrett's Arcanium Magitech arm flexed, its movements fluid and natural. I couldn't deny a sense of pride at what I had achieved, even though the circ*mstances were far from ideal.


But the story didn't end there. The Arcanium Magitech arm held not only the potential for physical restoration but also a surprise within. With a flick of my own arcane energy, the arm's features were unveiled. A Mana Cannon emerged from its depths, a testament to the fusion of raw power and technology. And then, a hidden blade, a symbol of both protection and precision.


Merrett's reaction was a mix of astonishment and gratitude. Seeing his smile as he tested the arm's capabilities was a reward in itself. The technology had found its harmony within him, a manifestation of our ever-evolving understanding of magic and innovation.


As I write these words, I'm reminded of the intricate dance that life and progress often perform. Today was a reminder that the paths of magic and technology aren't parallel but interwoven, with each offering its own gifts and challenges. My journey as a Magi continues, marked by both the trials and triumphs that define our pursuit of knowledge and the betterment of our world.


Journal Entry 32: Necromancy Fledgling


The journey of knowledge is a path fraught with darkness, mysteries, and uncharted territories. In my pursuit of understanding the arcane arts, I have ventured into the realm of Necromancy, guided by none other than Valerie Hemwick herself, a master of this enigmatic discipline.


Our lessons have been nothing short of intense, and each day I delve deeper into the shadows of death, seeking to grasp the essence of life that lingers in its wake. Merrett, my ever-faithful companion in this arcane exploration, joins me in this formidable endeavor.


Valerie introduced us to the fundamental concepts that underlie Necromancy: Vitae and Undeath. Vitae, the life force mana that flows through all living creatures, is the source of our power in this art. It is the energy of existence, and through it, we manipulate the forces of life and death.


Undeath, on the other hand, is the very essence of Necromancy. It is the ability to channel and control Vitae, transforming it into a dark, potent force. Undeath is the thread that binds the living and the dead, a bridge between realms.


During our lessons, Valerie has been meticulous in explaining the intricate process of drawing forth Vitae from both living and deceased beings. We practiced on the remains of small creatures, infusing them with our own mana to rekindle the spark of life. It was a peculiar sensation, as the creatures stirred with the flicker of undeath under our control.


But Necromancy isn't simply about animation; it is the art of manipulating Vitae to harness its power. We delved into the deeper aspects of this art, learning how to extract Vitae from living creatures, causing them to weaken and wither. It is a haunting process, one that tests the boundaries of our ethics.


Valerie emphasized the importance of control in our studies. Uncontrolled Necromancy can be disastrous, unleashing chaos and havoc upon the world. Therefore, we diligently practiced regulating our mana and fine-tuning our control over Vitae, ensuring that our every command was precise.


As the days pass, I find myself captivated by the complexities of Necromancy. The delicate dance between life and death, the manipulation of Vitae, and the mysteries of Undeath all beckon to me. I am eager to delve deeper into this arcane art, to uncover its secrets and unlock its full potential.


In the company of Valerie and Merrett, I am confident that my journey into Necromancy will be both enlightening and formidable. Together, we will explore the realms of the undead and grasp the power that resides within the shadows of life.


Journal Entry 33:A Breakthrough in Study


Today was a day of profound discovery. Merrett and I embarked on a study session that delved into the intricate art of necromancy and mana control. What started as an exploration of our abilities turned into a breakthrough that neither of us expected.


We began by practicing on the remains of deceased rabbits. The lifeless creatures became our canvas for experimentation. With a focus on pulling undeath and Necromana through these once-living vessels, we explored the nuances of channeling this unique mana.


At first, it was a struggle. The connection between the arcane and the necromantic is subtle but profound. It's like trying to blend two different shades of color to create a perfect hue. But through perseverance and countless attempts, we started to get the hang of it.


The key, we discovered, was in understanding the ebb and flow of mana. The rabbits' bodies served as conduits, and we had to attune ourselves to the very essence of undeath. It's a delicate dance between life and death, with mana as the guiding force.


As we practiced, we both felt a deeper connection to our own mana circuitry. We were pushing the boundaries of what we thought was possible. It's like seeing the world in a new light, where every detail of mana flow becomes clearer.


Eventually, after much trial and error, we achieved what we set out to do. We successfully pulled Necromana through the rabbits, animating them for a brief moment. It was both awe-inspiring and humbling to witness our power over life and death.


But our journey didn't end there. We decided to take our study a step further and attempt to clear out our mana circuitry. It was a risky endeavor, but we were determined to see how far we could go.


To our surprise, we succeeded. We managed to cleanse our mana circuitry, allowing for a more refined and efficient flow of mana. It was as if we had removed obstacles that we didn't even know were there.


This study session has left me in a state of wonder and excitement. It's a testament to the limitless possibilities of magic and the depths of our own potential. Merrett and I have unlocked new horizons in our magical abilities, and I can't wait to see where this newfound knowledge will take us.


In the end, it's a reminder that in the pursuit of knowledge and mastery, there are no bounds to what we can achieve. The world of magic is a vast and uncharted territory, and every step we take brings us closer to uncovering its secrets.



Journal Entry 34:Meeting with Na'Ria


Today marked a crucial point in our mission to revive Sak'noth. The meeting with King Na'Ria unveiled a complex path ahead, fraught with challenges but brimming with potential. I can't help but feel a surge of determination coursing through me as I commit myself to this monumental task.


King Na'Ria's instructions were clear and concise. We need to construct a golem, not just any golem, but a large, formidable one, capable of channeling the immense energies required for this ritual. The task of crafting the frame fell upon me, and I couldn't feel more honored. The frame's creation is a testament to our determination and a symbol of hope for our cause.


But it doesn't stop there. We require elemental cores - Earth, Air, Ether, Fire, and Water - each representing a facet of Sak'noth's nature. Obtaining these cores won't be an easy feat, but we must persevere. I must find the perfect catalyst, something soaked in the blood of Imperfects before me. This alone fills me with an odd mix of anticipation and dread.

The mention of the Wynne Tome stirs my curiosity. An artifact of great power and knowledge, it holds the key to the ritual. Delving into its pages will be a journey in itself, but it's a path I'm eager to tread.


I can't help but feel the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. The fate of Sak'noth, and perhaps our entire realm, rests in our hands. The thought of failure is not an option. We'll have to rush perfection, and yet, we can't afford to slip up.


But as I left the meeting with King Na'Ria, a sense of confidence washed over me. We may be facing a daunting journey, but I believe in our abilities and our cause. We'll gather what's needed, craft the frame, and prepare for the ritual with unwavering determination.


The Age of Change is upon us, and together, we'll usher in a new era, one where Sak'noth's presence will shine once more.



Journal Entry 35:The Final Frontier Science Fair


Today, I attended the Final Frontier's Science Fair, an event that amazed me with the boundless creativity and innovation on display. While I didn't participate in this year's fair, it was still an invaluable experience that has given me a fresh perspective on magitech and its endless possibilities.


As I walked among the exhibits, I couldn't help but admire the brilliant minds behind these inventions. From advanced runic Hover Bootsto the magnificence of the masterworkAether Staff, the fair showcased the incredible achievements of our time. It's a reminder of the limitless potential of magitech and the doors it can open for us.


I must admit, a part of me regretted not participating. Time constraints kept me from creating something new for the fair, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy as I witnessed the impressive creations of others. But I believe that every experience, even those where we fall short, can be a source of inspiration.


It was while examining a particularly innovative statue based off the 2-A Golemdesign that it hit me: an idea for how to properly upgrade the mana core for my own Golem. The fair had sparked my imagination, and suddenly, the solution to a problem I'd been pondering for some time became clear.


I now have a renewed sense of purpose and a clearer vision of how to enhance the Golemscapabilities. It's a reminder that even when we can't participate directly in something, we can still draw inspiration from it and use that inspiration to fuel our own advancements.


The Final Frontier Science Fair has reignited my passion for magitech and innovation. I'm excited to get back to work on the mecha, armed with fresh ideas and a deeper understanding of what's possible. Who knows what marvels we can achieve with a little creativity and determination?


Journal Entry 36: Harmonizing Shadows And Occult


Today brought an unexpected and intriguing encounter with Nashura, a fellow practitioner of the arcane arts. We crossed paths within the confines of my Manufactorum, a place where magic and machinery merge, a domain where I usually work in solitude. The encounter was brief, yet the outcome promises to be of great significance.


Our meeting was centered around the creation of a Soul Absorption Stake, a device designed to harness the essence of departed souls for various arcane purposes. Nashura's expertise in shadow magic and my knowledge of the occult made us a formidable team for this endeavor.


The atmosphere in my workshop was charged with anticipation and a sense of shared purpose. We began by selecting the materials, carefully choosing enchanted wood known for its affinity to the ethereal and Fel Arcanium, pulsating with latent magic. Each material brought its unique resonance to the project, aligning perfectly with the intentions we held.

Nashura's expertise in shadow magic became evident as she imbued the materials with a touch of darkness, binding them to her will with finesse. I marveled at her mastery of a domain of magic I had only begun to explore.


Our collaboration was harmonious, with each step of the ritual flowing seamlessly. We etched arcane symbols onto the stake, enhancing its connection to the otherworldly. The stake began to emanate an eerie energy, a testament to our shared craftsmanship.


As we neared the completion of the Soul Absorption Stake, I couldn't help but appreciate the knowledge and experience Nashura brought to the project. Our differing magical backgrounds merged seamlessly in this creation, and I felt a sense of camaraderie with a fellow mage that I hadn't experienced in quite some time.

Our journey culminated in the final step of binding our intentions to the stake. We whispered incantations that resonated with the ethereal, and I could feel the magic respond to our wills. The stake absorbed our shared intent, a convergence of shadow and the occult, sealing the pact we had made.


Our Soul Absorption Stake now stands as a testament to our combined abilities, a symbol of the potential that lies within collaboration between mages of different disciplines. I am intrigued by the possibilities this encounter has opened, and I look forward to further interactions with Nashura, a fellow seeker of arcane knowledge.


Evelyn, Magus of the Occult





Evelyn Nightshade’s Private Journal (25)Evelyn Nightshade’s Private Journal (26)

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09-11-2023, 04:40 AM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2023, 01:03 AM by Davetopia.)


Chapter Six: The Age of Change.

Journal Entry - Date: [Current Date]

Today marked a significant chapter in my journey into the realms of magitech and the arcane. I was joined by two formidable companions, Melione and Lord Eranath, as we embarked on a complex endeavor - the creation of a Mana Core for a magitech golem. Our goal was not just the construction of a mere object but the forging of something infused with the very essence of our dark and powerful magics.

In my personal workshop, we began by crafting the outer shell of the Mana Core. The Fel Arcanium we had created, dense and pulsating with the occult and demonic forces we wielded, formed the perfect base. With the assistance of Melione's occultic knowledge and Eranath's mastery of demonic magic, the Fel Arcanium was corrupted and imbued with a miasma of darkness and decay.

As I worked tirelessly on the core's center, the energy source that would breathe life into our creation, I couldn't help but reflect on the call of the Hel Tree. It beckons me to undergo a transformation, to become something greater, but the path remains shrouded in mystery. The Hel Tree's growth has been stunted by the inactivity of Fallon, a former ally. Frustration lingers at the limits of my current situation.

Eranath's words struck a chord with me. Mortals often underestimate the depth of emotion and suffering we, as beings of the arcane, demonic, and occult, endure. We are perceived as monsters, yet our existence is far more complex. Our shared sense of purpose in crafting this Mana Core, our defiance of mortals' misconceptions, bound us together in our task.

With the final piece, the Center of the Core, pulsating with eerie energy and etched with intricate runes, we completed our creation. The Magitech mechanism hummed with power, ready to be integrated into the Golem. We had fashioned something remarkable, a testament to our skills and our shared journey into the unknown.

As I conclude this journal entry, I can't help but wonder about the path that lies ahead. Will I truly become a Cambion, or will my destiny take an unexpected turn? Only time will reveal the secrets hidden within the depths of Helheim.

Evelyn, Magus of the Occult


Journal Entry 38: At Death's Door

I find myself reflecting on my recent conversation with Jegnal, one of the few Death Magi in Skarnfel. It's not often that I open up about my past, especially the enigmatic circ*mstances of my early life. Yet, there was something about Jegnal's curiosity and quiet demeanor that encouraged me to share my story.

As I recounted my journey from the Shadowlands to the Crimson Keep and the encounter with the Hel Tree, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. It's a tale filled with mystery, raw power, and a relentless drive to fulfill the visions bestowed upon me by the Hel Tree. Sharing it with someone outside my closest circle was both liberating and unsettling.

Jegnal, a fellow practitioner of the dark arts, listened attentively, his piercing gaze never leaving mine. He probed with questions, digging into the roots of my experiences. It was clear that he had his own share of knowledge and secrets, and I couldn't help but wonder what had drawn him to the path of the Death Magi.

In the end, our conversation left me with a sense of connection. In a city teeming with diverse beings and factions, finding someone who shares a similar fascination with the shadows and the unknown is a rare gift. It reminds me that even in a place as enigmatic as Skarnfel, bonds can be forged between kindred souls.

As I sit here, recording my thoughts, I can't help but wonder what else Jegnal and I might uncover together. Our meeting may have been a chance encounter, but I have a feeling that our paths will cross again, and that the mysteries we explore together will only deepen.

For now, I'll continue my work in the Manufactorum, pushing the boundaries of Magitech and the arcane. The visions of the Hel Tree still haunt my dreams, and the weight of my purpose in Skarnfel bears down on me. But with each day, I move one step closer to fulfilling the destiny that has been set before me.


Journal Entry

Today was a remarkable day of discovery and learning, one that unfolded within the shadowy realms of necromancy and the manipulation of undeath. My journey in understanding the intricacies of the dark arts took a significant leap forward, thanks to an unexpected yet enlightening encounter with one of Princess Hemwick's Undead, Sinesis.

As I ventured into my Manufactorum, a place where the boundaries between life and death are often blurred, I found myself confronted with the enigmatic presence of Sinesis. He had been in the service of Princess Hemwick, bearing the scars of numerous battles and encounters with shadow magi. However, it wasn't the scars on his skeletal form that piqued my curiosity; it was the opportunity to delve deeper into the mysteries of undeath itself.

My initial intent was to mend the damage inflicted upon Sinesis, particularly the loss of his vision, which occurred during an altercation with a shadow magi. Undeath and the reanimation of the deceased had always fascinated me, yet my knowledge in this area remained rudimentary. Sinesis presented a unique opportunity for me to expand my understanding of necromancy.

As I carefully examined the damaged skull of Sinesis, I realized the intricate web of necrotic energy that flowed through him. The art of reanimating the dead was far more complex than I had previously comprehended. With unwavering focus, I began the delicate process of repairing the damage.

Arcanium, a metal infused with magical properties, became my tool of choice. With the aid of an enhanced magitech kit, I crafted a Magitech Eye designed to reroute the flow of mana and restore vision to the Undead. The intricacies of this process, both mechanical and arcane, were mesmerizing.

Sinesis stood stoically, a silent observer of the procedure. His skeletal form remained still as I inserted the magitech eye into the vacant socket that once held his vision. The fusion of magic, metal, and death's essence was a sight to behold. With the Eye in place, Sinesis regained the ability to perceive his surroundings, albeit through a crimson lens of advanced magitech.

The successful completion of this procedure marked a pivotal moment in my journey. It wasn't merely the act of mending Sinesis's vision; it was the profound insight I gained into the nature of undeath itself. The intricate balance between life and death, the manipulation of necrotic energies, and the fusion of arcane and mechanical arts all came into sharper focus.

Sinesis, now equipped with his new crimson eye, serves as a testament to the boundless possibilities that necromancy and the manipulation of the undead offer. This experience has ignited a newfound passion within me to further explore the depths of necromantic arts and the mysteries of undeath.

My path is shadowed and fraught with peril, but with each step, I grow closer to unraveling the enigma that is undeath. The journey continues, and I am eager to see where it leads me next.


Quote:Journal Entry - Unveiling of Dolion

Today marked a pivotal moment in my exploration of the arcane arts, particularly the realm of necromancy. Merrett, my companion and mentor, unveiled a mesmerizing display of power that left me both awed and intrigued.

We ventured to a secluded chamber within my Manufactorum, a place where the line between life and death blurred. Here, a sealed casket held the body of an individual whose life had ended, likely due to illness. But my curiosity about the departed soul was overshadowed by the unfolding ritual.

Merrett, in his customary casual manner, lifted the casket's lid and gently placed the body on the floor. I watched in anticipation as he guided me through the intricate mosaic of etched runes that adorned the chamber's floor. Each symbol held a distinct meaning, representing ambition, greed, and purpose. These symbols would serve as the foundation of our ritual.

With confidence and authority, Merrett summoned forth a skeletal servant, a being bound by the power of necromancy to serve him. The process was both fascinating and eerie. It involved draining the corpse of mana, essence, and marrow, leaving behind a skeletal figure with just enough flesh to protect its vital functions.

What struck me most was the transformation in Merrett's demeanor during this ritual. His casual tone gave way to one of refined authority, an embodiment of the power he wielded. It was a stark reminder of the profound depths of necromantic magic.

The newly awakened servant, whom Merrett named Dolion, held great potential for our future endeavors. A suit of bluesteel armor was bestowed upon Dolion, hinting at the roles he would play in the battles to come.

As I observed this intricate dance between life and death, ambition and purpose, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The hunt Merrett spoke of was on the horizon, promising both peril and discovery. I am eager to see what the future holds as we delve deeper into the mysteries of the arcane and the uncharted realms of undeath.

This day, marked by the unveiling of Dolion, will forever stand as a symbol of the boundless possibilities that lie ahead in our journey through the arcane arts.



Evelyn Nightshade’s Private Journal (2024)


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