Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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5 GEN PILLOW RETROGRADE MOVEMENT s' a 1 reiojcei Vf are 5re towards or rf ZU i struggle and! lost three 3 leci ST i of the 1 4 8 ila iip Ime thu? 4 Post a 1 A ang lOtdif ered a aug 16 bj Loi $80000 reparing a gof stant for the purpose of roi) 1 a ps him 4 I where be Denver of Ch un hi iulv 4 id or disabled soldier the bounty to which thdse Woundeid 11 i'f'U? OOt Jta fWX General fr july liHdif abor'gniet go ria tic rressec 5 icai' a ii riiiction in bi subordinate pfficerssay aid he lie tj july 20 1 (tai if ler for the New York ire Zouaves not CA Artqjt Xi may 11 dee cargo least 5 il ts the conn aug 3 IQtdif JRTESIES i is all Hirer ft aug 8 lOtdif The 1ve The principal object of Secretary Mi lOtdif fitting pt and! sailing of slavei from Northern rt apg a a mil aog 3t 4 is 5 6 1 several trnnks which ire now at the United in twenty days after So in less than two damnation ol that gentleman fi T1 own upst two hat our is i 1 1 1 a 3 Confederal' ying ondhe jba I 4k4 attend a meet States haring th a a I rf A OSQUITO NETn SC piece Pink Btue 1H and Yellow Moqfita Hr tor sale by I to and Breckinridgers will IUD IWCUlji VUC paR7l9 1 are now opposed to a 7 of 4 1 I GTON is 0n the ing the' The Be on by 1 he se i Roi la ii lag officer existence I Motm takes Gib ITO States or otber and prevent the ps jn ffie service 1 i 10! Ml rested Police Stend it bout deetn eeriHc tkerration pjf the hanne ny confpenqe at of tlMit pkee itility (observed They with ju large tmritber oCciitizehs of Sjt 1 Iti was thought that Gen Stgel would go unin 4Iook Aug J4 Yt iAHD mttitnore tifnn1 AS oi tie ths raceivid iivernor Harris ii in ith 25000 men io CO lid DUfr' ana woutc re Louis Ville Auo 1 election show a majo LAIN! COLORED aelecti color aud Str! Jusf re 1861 ity and Unite I perate ne of 41 rt rtC savi who country is efa*gh'godj Arid the Mtfollowed by prompt positions i peijs have nil of Poland is to be suppressed $850000 ih specie 1 is 4 it it ill li 1 Union rebels timmits a It ar in I i mujateat ROM CALIORNIA 1 San rancisco Avot fwuwM 1 1 rictn name these caluninit was dull at the cloe on Siturday 1 and provisions dull The' political portant A dtbate on naval matters there was a desire the part sof! in value anj 7 Ifttdif The Morgrifown' a difficulty occurred amiwg the' portentous Mg tLH 'ainr sterdav itt hero uro tbe 8f1 I urnace and rSid at lowest notsible rs tea Ar delivered card length GacT avenue between thh and tneet Bence that the enemy were exoectug reiafbrcein Geib column which 'was approaching southeast: 4 I il The Knrlnpfield Home Guards were ot riu iu ere Vv rill I 411 WH3 IKVOgUV I'JBl VTT uai 1 JUrtm than Lebanon where rein lor cements would mee irll 1 'I Evenvnowit is said he is compelied to wait 1 10 eartons stitched linen Sturt tvles I Dbje on business con it has i PERK BROTHER i em svlvania avenue and street Ians i eze' wo' in I ARMY REGULATIONS i Au order has been issued from the Wai Department appointing the officers of the regular army who nie now on mustering duty in th principal cities ss disbursing offi cers of the fund appropriated by Congress for collecting drilling and organising volunteers under the act autho rizing the President to accept the seirrices of five hundred thousand men They will be charged with the payment of all proper claims presented to them under this act duly authenticated and certified by the various volunteer regi mental recruiting officers Camps of rendezvous and in struction for volunteers will be established at or in the vicinity of New York Harrisbuig Pittsburgh Cincinnati and other convenient places under the'charge of officers of the regular service 5 1 i JpeQUlTO NETS I Pennsylvania avenne aodKb fired aug8 KMif I i 8 PeiTJpfatildmK d3d so at once putting himself lag tne men on ro rne (inarge rWTRHBE HI141 Ifrll I hiirt and 1 be Expired wkbual a struggle 1 I Mcuroigei caa 1 mA loMreuBti and the pieces disabled pn tompelted to i abandon them long expected fleet caused great iensation levee was crowded as they steamed down and returned i' 1 1 1y ri ta 1 September abd rul hi i MIILlil xO TON'S lWkitofe 16 Odeon coer 4 and Avenue 4 LIE and CAREER MAigB JOHN Aadrc Adlutaul Genemisof tne BntiW 'Army in America by hargent 1 vol with iiJtrait'i pricel5J i Memoirs of the Life of Sir Welter Scott Bart 'Jy John Lflek hart a new edition umfdrm iSvith ti 11 Edition of Waveriey 2 volumes now realjv trice IA! i Ij HLANCUtABD MOBN ap 12 1 1 cor of Petfu avenue aud frth qtrtet A CARD 1 WE have dratdmoff all the eteonnts on onBooksl and we would respectfully aiffi earfiestly icit aiiwho are indebted to to vail at the earliest opportunity an! tn tike a settlement as wd meed every dollar due ni at! has time in order io lie prepared to meet one own (although the times krei hard) mature as feet (c eve rl We hope for a'libernl ryeponse I i I 1 jnne dl(tif 1 1 I 1 'W SHUSTER A CO ii i I GEO A TROS PARKER A CD I S' I this day libietl ifiiitj' ERSL1M Gut ded? Our i buys haptured ijy The enemy carried two id order leg whst' powder be could nt csriyt and destroy ither property which hl did nut wish huld fell into dollar whs provided for each recruit enlisted finder the author ty of the State to be paid to film on being mustered ifito tb' service of he United States A resolution was adopted Greeting the payment to the families of killed Lu VI GmKADACCa AUlUtvn LUC LfVUUIT WlllvU mvB soldier would be entitled by three months' service under the fict of April and May The( several town were authorized to appropriate and raise 'money for bounties' to visit to Now York at this time 1 to innf th A rr RMarahala of Northern eeaporta wiich to hold yesterday It 1 the intention of the Secretary of the Interio to a more 'complete system of eipionage than to prevent Port' Mr raaA jfenn ed upon by cur HcVy Said quietly reared linhtlv visited VI CrOobj receriKjsdi ifjjibons to Accomac iu4 up the aonl fj 1 I cavalry 1 bo re regulai Xirn Aiit Each fcagiment is to company of sharpshooter riLnurn It 1 rss I I 1 I 4 mat on it lus id pre ih force Any lUldah HOOPS AND SKIRTS newupple re need rata I I nJ Long medium and short blackjhiik Net Uffe styles' i 1 all kinds of Dry Qoohrfor gfineraMfomilg vrarisv An inspection of tock Solicited it incur ngbiigatifin tc yurctiasa aug 7 lOidif rom Louisrilte election show a inajoiy the Rebel Conslntu ion of 52OOQ add for Harrisfe Jveruur of about 3D 0 JO In i eq and wene1 desirous of dang something to proved it did not copffict with the i Jt Jt rented ithat the fiarhestnss ttrotxu ana isesr made a kratjeful iinpressiott AU 1 it Ell 3mLv4' irQUJv LUC AUUHliJ I IV intimidated br ibe or deceivtd hyipromise depending on tiipTature for fnlfiltpimt Out i 1 a I i 1 fin against gintbraaksf the ab 4 1 IM i OUR MINISTER Td klTRlAii 'jt'The apppitmeni jqf iIMr" jj Jrsji feistoriap as Stafe J(Iinitcfi to Mu5 ULtpetOtU LUIUUHJHUOUVU i t1 fi highest senie rio the fidfiimonrealth of i'lettfirk thus enordst in witness to to Mpdi usefulness 14 A Yew Confederate Jreek but Hamp North rabitiid i Ches struug and on Large nue to byjbe rebel in the rej vqudoun Height a 1 4 4 I A A 2' A I I UIHLC VUI VUL LAUjp rriiif(rfmnt a rn i i An officer Irmn Berl tl jjiuoruing state ist the fight ui uuev cuuBiBWM qTjuoui twenty nv prfinching therijVjer volley into our pnithie abutment of tiU tC'Jt bridge and a ir Rd and' lay in ther vessel net betweers ai id The Boston tlf present icrisis lias adhesion) tn the poli and Rebel Corigrea byvkfik thdtb trict Weliker to 5Q70 for Brigg Rebel? Cocgret and the ederal Congress Governor Harri ordi rs'y 'atuis belonging to tbi of Tefiui Hee to be kthe military author! kNashyiile Knoxville aiMS inphis I Thfi Macon Telegraph filLGvernor Harris il in retnent prepaid against Pillow at Newi 5000ft men in the field (m3 Pillow i lI I Outrages LOVISVILl (Kr) sJ3 nved frem Nuehvilfe Cfs 1 RHODE ISLAND LEGISLATION The Rhode Island General Assembly closed its extraissicnof days on Saturday A bountv pf fifteen ollarsy las provided for each recruit enlisted finder the i 1 I iTbe I arrest of the tvnue otton Sheeting and Pjllow Cottor a'd the proper qualities i I I tfe i I Tnble Linen Tewe's Napkin and Doyjfftis ip sllect qualities and sty lesi I i i I White and Colored Quilts and Conteipanes anrfens ties and sues I ii 10 hi White Marseille for vesta anti I Ail of the above at leBS lbttn our usual tariff grp ofitsl jf! One pnee only mirked pimp fismres henydjso purchaser is oven barged 1 I I 1 All parcels fur tbelintaiior properly paekedinee of enfirge TpkhiaS a hrayhru Penn aveifee and Nilh street i ii THE BATTLE NEAR SPR1NGIE I il 1 1 I uftfltr BuniUrfidld Miaannri fnrwi ah Ad hv xn pra witnaM I wjhleft Springfield on Sunday mossing and came Through tq I la on horseback 4 4 Qur army inarched out Springfield on riday even ing'! only 550p strvug the Home Guard remaining in Spfiingfieid! HI tj iQur forces lept on the prairie a portion of he night and abdut sunrise Saturday morning drove in the outpost of the lenfiimy Mud sfion after the attack became general i The attack was made in two columnf by Gens LyonaM StqrgfyQea' Sigel leading! a flanking toree of shout fine thousand men and four guns on the south of the ene tnjfe campj The fig btirsgedj from sunrise until noe or two in tii4 afternoon The rebel in overwhelming force charged Cpt battery three timu but were repulsed with jreat slaughter i I i Gen Lyon tell early in the day He had been previously weiunded in tlie lug and had a horse shot under him The aolonel of One of jtne Kansas regiment being diiabledj the cried taut General youjeoroe and lead He no official iltice thsfc other than half byeed from le Inion Terri tbe Confederate been evacuated i dip ed to be It it tjndentood Hint Gen Sumner be been ordered to raise without dels a celumn offive or ten thousand Cali fenrim and to march them into Texas and Arkarua He can get just such troops ns he desire the order reaches the Pacific sidel months Texas and Arkansas will Lave their hand full with the necessities of their fiwn positiofi! The Preaident has appointed Gefi lifnrnis to a BrigndierfOeneralship Th selection de cidedly one of the best so far made tai civil life is under? stood to I have been made without Gen solicitation or knowledge on the veryi proper representation of Senator LalhBm 4 1 i Major Wm McMichael of Philadelphia Penn (the son soCMorton McMichael Eq) who has served as an aid Gen Patterson and to jthe Goverufer ef PennylvafiinJ (inorganizing the three troopis) ha been appointed bn Assistant Adjutant General He hi earned an fib via ble reputation a aistaff Officer I i I' 1 1 Patriotic Sono Some capital oogs have recently been written TVi A Muzzy Esq of New York ha Just now published under copy right a popular patriotic song to the tune of Dixie We are permitted to repro duce one vere 1 There Trenton Princeton and Monmouth too Where 'Washington vith the Jrei Btue i Look away look awav look awifiy to Waahingtcn I There nunam Greene uou rtdatni too I And only one Arnold among the crew 1 I Look away look away look away to tne patriot band Chorus Then glad I'm for w'e Union i If Huzza huzza! On ground found i To fight and die for Huzza huzza fiuzza huzza (for Union ii Huzza huzza huzza huzza ifor Union Parson of thifi city Professor Amasa McCoy and Mr IL Sigourney have in letter to the author endorsed the songdu strong term (approval i ikrtv nd Union now and forevsr ons ana I 1IM insertrs Me4 1 i I all ri 4 RIDAY AUGUST 16 1S61 I i I 1 I 1 4 4T is I amenities of 4 i i SH ii that every reader? tnust have '( 1' 1 No 3 Cenrrt bet 7th and 8tla Wre s'L V'S' Anrinaif a Wortrf to VS'k'VWv Sa men on the road hieh it Is feared may be epntem CTeryt! in the in Onilnts fbrlthe Wastcrn Kivers 1 1 i Quart srNastfr Giniral's Off ce ashifigton Jure 17 1861 PROPOSALS are invited for 1 constructing Gunboats upon the Weeiern rivers SpeciticationB'will be immediately prepared and may be ex amined at the Quartermaster a Office ati Cincianati Pittsburgh and at this office 'Proposals from boat builders and engine builder alone will be considered i 1 i Elans submitted by bidders will be fiaken into consideration 1 i MEIGS Qhafrtermaster'Grfineral States Washington Inteliitrencer Star HepublicaniNewYcfrk He rald Times Tribune 'World Post Cincinnati Gazette Pitts burgh Gazette St Loui Democrat June Is CnoiCE Jut receirt this 1750 fairy celebrated atuall JBite eagafttred lapuy selected by him aun139tif GEO St THQS PARjrifcR A qp with his accustomed tea( izij generally land more 4rt2i against the United Stale! ot and before any Board the adjustment oLspoIiifef charge the entire ciaa asiniil eV to the year 18U0 with nkcdPp7 cr documents ana vors a fendJkc ATsTLoae requiring ide have their business 3 waK i st t4fcrri pma i turn jhuua i pf Notary Puck oi anv reauirecr Lents or odr pap? so long engugcl i i ct it Aaw Tianiwsew nw is omy and prompt ftall be tended nil JonBdi toihiacare annSsAj 5b enable him to rtmder riMto and ferihtie mor? 'iouB ho he with all the firms of offi I Oftreon ttmei Treasu Uai 'Stng 4i iy A BEARER DESPATCHES ARRESTED 4 i' I Mr Robert Muir Charleston! (8 C) a relative of the British Consul at New Orleans and said to be abearer of despatebe from Gen Dvis to thq Confederate Comroi sioners in Europe was arrested at New York on Wedne dsy morning a he wa about I to ieave that port on the European steamer Africa The Commercial Advertiser gives the following account of hi arrest Tbi morning a despatch was redeived tn tbi city from VV nshmgton advwingthe United Stake officer of this city to be on the alert for a person who left Charleston Eouth vBivuus Biew nay since and directing that he be taken into custody a they had received information which led them tp believe he was a bearer of despatches from Jeff Davis British Government A full description ot the indi vidual wa alu given and during the forenoon a number of the detective force from New York proceeded to Jersey City and took a position on 'the dock'where they could watch the steamer i few minute before the Africa sailed a gentleman who fully answered the description was seen to go on board And after he had entered his state rfiom a young gentleman waa sent by the officer to hi room who informed him that hi presence was required on the deck Mr Robert Muir ottCharlestonjSouth Carolina cousin of the British Consul fit New I Orleans who was the gentleman the officer as in searefij of soon made bis ap pearance and on gaiuing the deck vva taken into 'custody At first Mr Muir appealed greatly surprised and demand ed his release I officer expressed his intepitiore of taking him to New York and without any further ceremony the party proceeded to this city vfihere the accused was taken before tne united orates authorities Muir's baggage fifinsited of were removed from the' steamer and State Marshal's office Up01 hi ergon was found seve ral paper which showed ithat he was bearer of despatebe from the I Jtant The Ltveruool cotton market had experienced no in prices and Breadstuff were firm bw i generally unim had taken ulace in the British Pariiamentpn which Mr Lindsay announced that rance to come to an understanding with England in regfird to their respective naval forces and urged the Goyerfimeat to meet that de sire Lord Palmcrstocl however contended that such an arrangement with one Power wasj jmpractienble that all Naval Powers would liaye to be parties The reactionary movement in Italy hd? been' almost entirely suppressed A combined and siinuitfineous innvlemept iu several pro vinces had been attempted but it had bficn defeated Ad vice from Warsaw state that the office of Governor Gene ral of Poland is to be tupprfijed The Persia brought i TELEGRAPH RRESPONDENC Camp Wtslern Ari xJlkAl I tA A a ww irom wt and Webster road Itg jgi fr secretly organized bir county were lodged' wi Kelly dispatched Capfc? CHEESE HEMRINGS CODglSH ceived i I 200 euperior ndikimer coufity Ne w' illennga 10 barrh No Mackerel rj miO boxes saidices 1V0 eftiea fresh Qd ur sale by ang yu: ii I TJACON LARD1RICE Jut recei 1 J'tw pounds a tie miauling ixi icon is? st 5000 pouuds fine bhonlder i slii IJNiO pound efiiected unall PiecbtC 1 750 ponnds Smoked Bee fi i pounds Botogrfe Sausage Lti 10 barrels tine flavored Pick fed CucuCb? aa Inutaea a (Wa i rt 'VtoC '4 VS 9 4 I Chow ckow tPjckjeflfi ftni rfca Spice fjkod SauceBl i i 1 or sate by 4 i i i 4 i aaU nf GEp TIIOS PAKKER CQ I AR MMid Silver Wii Waiters Tbe above are unnsnully cheap 354 Penn aveqi july St TAECIDED BAR a Mannes otcaog lOtdif ibetilg confined tri tbpmaelve! 'bwieg to ih i fact seide of ederal trodps to hrld them in check HBrigadiJi General Sumxer command ng the Military rmed of ths (with aongijA After wjrich oldiers were smashed rvered to piece Ti ville companies are al sufferer jet urns from the Tet mation received ati hekiif wiers to the eff i duced the General to Col rne kiiotr i and nattarc 'Eilitary pohen rAif ttmirt in toil with he Tel els fid jiwhht i Mill more to be rngre'tte Iu a a A fe bk 4 laM bcCaW ilL Q1 1 Bcrivnt jletmcntitf I to unjvmal cornTaendation $14: ike equally bfilbngjofr 1 ri i 1 i iweaitn oi letters his diplomatic tiicferment a fife: fact that distinguished poatefh nori in oiir kfirvice are acTiiotimes 'vca 'hed iifiriugh otiei ithan liuety tjejad bf filiricaJ' a riK NEW Great exf edition Vith forty illustratiol by Jobs Mcfienan Esjri i Printed trohi the nfiuiusenpt of the? author injr4vanee fff its publication in Europe for hich priority CfeiJ lea Diki nas been paid tbe enermons surn of thounad dollars uniform Uiih all the other edition r4 Dickenstand for sale by I GfiiN Cdeon Budding A' rnvr 4petreet nna july 1 i Hvenue 1 ha hut imnnvof rnt e8rnT ra Arnni i iniris uriti ua as muvsu' rfr T' I rlL 'Vfl AvArtc 6A MITanflv riliaaamtii Ci4rt 1 All! 7 A I after the battle of: Bull Kiuji reseoUtig we al srtbnmfinitv Of the southern ittooos ijK 2 lVi '1 i A lUEdeU auu juiavuexa nuy lumeirsunu itibdt fcjundflittepl i We hate repeatedly oited I svAlnrttnSa 1 tt 9 ri1 ri triilutcs paifl ttbe amenities practised by Ilaei I 4 Lrti jL ICE ICE ICE JUST received per schooner Charter Oak one hundred and eighty Boston Ice A lo on the way and Expected to arrive this week bng Delaware schooners Crockford' John LenthaU Henry ('ardstolf and A all twelve hundred tons 1 MTnmRTnN Office corner 12th acd street VO trio irotUM 'll fiiilivencn Ihnt UiS rttmurs were ci culated ORC inc thB rivcr opposite Berlin frjnryivettsville for tb putfioze of erecting a battery to Etopj5tram Tin and othpr infer tc in set and TJ1ANCY COLORED LAWNS 12J cents per ard Black and White Lawns 12 cents per yard New lot opened to day: i Also our ustfel lull stock of Dry Goods in all tbe depart ment of family want i I Cotton Sheetings best qualities all widths Linen sneezings oest graues i i An inspection of ock it implies no obligation to fUAU parcel for the Interfer' carefully jptwked freeof 'charge T1TOV 'Xr UWflTllDU rLUXi kvaaL4b Pennsvlvania avenue and Sth street 1 1 II 'I I I 1 1 1 ij iTbe city of 'Whingtam whatever! uiay ibe te private srstimetit ofmupnber 'ol Rs thoroughly wltki fi enktary iurde there large enough rauiutfifi qrdefrj 0J CBhDic liJi tfte peceuities th? casej may XEGES OR IdRESSES iri fi ttt verv low prices fit BiCOTUERj The Death of Col arnh i commander of the an unexpected event Previous to the battle at Bull Run Col had been afflict ed with chills and feverii and on that day took his position st the head of his reg: merit against the 'advice of friends He was wotiuded in the'fictipn anq urk from the effect of bis premature expoaupe He dteiou Wednesday even ing at the hospital in thfi city wherfij he had received the kindest attention of physicians and iures Hi remains have been taken tq NewYork wpich city he wa very popular having been anifficer of the famou Seventh Re giment? 4 By an order from theDitrict Attorney to Marshal La moo several person wlip "were captured on vessels and boats down the river settle week ag6 were released from prison yesterday 1 CkmiMAL trial of yiurphy and other for the murder of Cynielit Boyd was continued yesterdsy Several witnesses for tbfi prosecution' were examined! Cairo August 12 1861 Geu Pillow i retreating There is no doubt! about this A scout direct from Madrid report hi army moving southward rom their talk tbesTenuewce force em barked Saturday evening aboard pine steamers immedi ately pushing down the river The scout say they talked of remont's coming against them with fifteen steamers They profess to respect Governor proclamation Their movement is unaccountable Yesterday they were thought to be coming north and had sent word to Charles ton secessionist to vacate the towh If Pillow ha goueAown inteadof up the river it may be that' he made the change to avoid possible interference! with his fleet of steamer by tbe gun boaU that he knew had passed! the bar New Albany These gun boats! have jiit arrived here tojiightl They are the light draught remodeled steamer Conestoga A Tyler and Lexington strengthened built into compartments with! caulked ceilings asd their bulwark carried up all around' With 12 inch timber Their armament consist of heavy guns and Lieut Phelps 8 NI come down in charge of tbe fleet Commander Rodgers 8 N' will arrive probably to night 'He i a son off Commodore Rodgers and is a gallant officer The arrival of this nene ana tne past the city Ci I A Pitchers Goblet Cup orks Spoons 4fcc J's ail ojt tne tntesr styles pi eupsunrquaniy i GALT BRO frfiwellere 1 1 us four doors wegt of Sia'i Hotfil tsuri I I I Ht 'III Tit "STRENGTHENING THE UOVERNMENT4 4 'I irrH III i IO 4 jc journal wuyqu givfn tofthe ederal Govern merit its rattiest mid atileijuppxtwitlibut jjedfeiiig itV adhesion) tn the poliiiicU principl es 'whfoli tb( pjisent in rpferriitq tfi certain doniditipu3iTChifhiitdeeniv eeriHat trej nrkservation Dt the harme ny 1 loval of tie! country nfrtrioticallv to sav I 'i 114 It is theobigation of sth tru cihfen tto doill ip! ii is A Lk w4k 4 A Am a 1 DifiVUCr te rett ici xav AUluiuuyii riiitioiH Zkthru ahifit? Aimv be idea'uate td the taaEL before if A rli rsa iiki sk a IT riat aiAb hAi jaf fC VU 3 4 a pa a asj kmiW 14 A if Ittere be a tefik plug it up bit nercr dver0h old I craft: i bfiund on al feriou cruise! 'and hfirtfethrHbuad in all heri timbers fir fifit Uhether her chaft bM fiiactiy correct tin net is4reightf wjih the most cirofihat ever floated pbfi set of tune wdK ill surely a safe haii bor snd sbehratr ajl the stprmsjof qfiri 4rheNewfYrk CofenierciuiiHdvertiser aftle)iite Hfian a supporter ofi thcApiniitiori iii its' number 4f! fhfi 40' 'instijiitl does! n'otlfies ttti'' prt tty clearly to PrefrideKd'0fJ United and Jleiujk fije Execiye Seits in1 this city wittingly fifihniv rjttoiit of in the public SrWie Ii says 11 city of Ijte piwer and control of the ederal CkyenMnenfeJ Thert 1 'carfy qut any i orders 1 rihici iei mat call for and arvery effecuviei Yet it isjclcar doubt that tbem the city wlwl are In contant niicfi fvij than good raue reports 1 Jl 1 5 lfiL 4hri Wtlt 1CU ra zr" i Ug with which such ill off unrid tumors jgien killed andis uh Cfd at UJ abfiit 100 horses io tbe 'i vvvirueiiue auu lira' otnu! anu okripev Gen Sigril nnsrefied back to Springfield iu god order after perfecting hi' arrangement gathering the baggage blowing up what' powder hei'could not carry: andj destroy ing other property which hredid net wish bouldi into iheihand of! the enemy jleft Springfield on Sunday fiight and eJcampedithirty nfile this side of tbfit place thelepemympt pursuing him The only' he itility observed during the day ws the firing of musket's rom si distance fit the rear guard a i Glen Sigel is feonfident he couldbave held Springfield Against the force he bad engaged but he ws fearful fif re ihforcenivrtts to tbe enemy from the southwest and that his line of coutiputlicatirei to woijldbe cut off i 0en Lynin began the attack upon the rficeipt'pf ifitelli geuce that' the enemy were expecting froui ven column which 'wu approaching from the dheiflgLt AV A LUA I Ji' 1 jingt White Ash All dther kinds if Gorijp World of all kinds prthSjy Terms cah 1 AM NOW RECEI4i £ferC White Aah Coal of Th winter aunolv wnl do wOlfsit atve 1 A deduction of 25 cenW ii delivered from the George bomUs aug Jtat 1 a 1 1 i 11 1 Lieut A 0 Agnail of Company Jones of Capt Wkikeria company Duer ani McGanagpn of Capt hrCook'8 cbtfipony Liut A Barktwa shot in tbfi leftjhifcnd The MisUiri irst and thi lows irst sufiored tiie most 1 General Price wr not killed There wfire rujmors on tad field tbaf Bea McCulloch was killed but the rebels dewed it fi 'I 1 0niSaturdiy night Dr Meucher and othef of ptir army wefit ith ambulances to the battle field from Spring fkd to ete about lihe killed and wounded They found tba eneiuyou the field and were considerately treated Gas Lyoni body had been treated ith great respect and whs brought pack with some rtf the wounded! to Springfield 4 Mj Sturgis took command the battle field after the death of Lyon Gen Sigel took command ajfter the faatpe OugTossiisivariously atimated at ffiom luO th 3uQ everai nunarea wounaea 4 ue enemy uom 1 qOV killrsil and TUI js sivioceivi uv uvm tsv' tbe Confederate and the Stars and Stripe IIUIJC I I fl 1 keived and fiirt ulnted ty a pjortam f(j M' I Ltih eectioris eserves iperhapsjipi'bAiregfiTdeid i As portentous higi of evil Jtiinlbs jufxonjiyyticiH hiveftlleM fibire rrct fiWeths8t4jef iive pro vet ft be fcufuljgWijidtesre jThfjMnte i 21 xL2j as reseau uui iinr upgrttyr mvu if uticiontTdfcted'1 Unfit hireilut't it in the ey of thiylejwoi jl ft equally etei that sjonsej of these spiea or inferuianfj Vt ptrtvnt ot eurotea potman are jiwr fletment of fa flcnirnmenl or haie accent to inrfrnatig tfaj to i talle roinii wiifc serrezjpl lag Ll: rlAaf4 slJiiD 1 Jrl HfrlrtSJ rrt huum nwnricT of the abinet a jAnaw the men ica ofrd loyalty to tfi GuTerajriefit iiii vvettianalile I'fAetes grit kwprn some CLinem ruia any are cieia ju of the Government whoae idisloyal sentiments is the Hcadiiof the Dtucritaeni iis ttkifh tfucg sent there are prvatp citizeufi who do pot conceal tbe4actlbM iiey are in correfpondesce with tbe enemy TfeilferzueH fian be made comparatively powerie fur misebiet iby £hg 'the door of publichrvlt agpst them and jtipe 1 tteg fire by their own ciniessioq amenable to fheirjebimtry laws fer giving aid and cotpfert tj the i I is evi that se8exS'AmHujtrfiwp'tlfie some Jthati Itavfe preceded it Ends abundant cs use ro 111 i i 1 Hi i I i toll' ii fRQM EUR0EE The st eamhip Persia has arrived at New York with iutel ligence from England the 4th ini L0CAL MATT Activity on the Canal ions interested in the canal trade will ba gratjted to i that measures have been adopted for a careful military guardianship through out the whole line of be Cbeaapyike anu Ohio Canal Many boat are now en jibe route 1 i St ArGCSTklte J3en remont kJ reorganization of the Tjiil distate Reserve CorA St IAiuis comprise fivt ry 7 of infantry wjtti'Xfic e0rif'A 0 hi tnu ivu 1 Bfiuauiiiv 4 I abti two 1 batteries of tbe troop to quteed to enlist for thy subject to tbe aaknrt tlonsfimd receive the fi'mZ pay as volunteer i reg rsta nsAera it jsv' I 4WL Wf US 111 ILXrl I Provost Marshal jta issued a pnocli calling uponxll goodiijkJue to obey the nule qeeuieu necestagy to PRZlL In order to insure a thft Dllhlirt fftfi Vsei! lstr as ill i and the military be used wtefi eitijl law pucs nvayraiiti ine puone satety vimauuu ui iuh oilier merit regardless of pereJu The Missourian and jv 'two secession pfi been suppressed Ai ifJ is The report tbat GpplTaee is man hint i 'Pilot Anov nua ui iue ueoiraf gut onoges on tbe tain railroad are untru4 1' Mo nroe fi nc99 asAM HUI1 1 scouts titterupted feat frt'yToJcro Hanitrion wtio uiyv upou oy vur wra quietly renfi LOU IB UJ Lieut reeei amoton icountie haveiLerlrii broken nn trade between the eastwnT western shores of apeake i In some 1 by there ws i and outspoken Union The new and formidtkls wiirks on th the land side of the ferfifiijWe rapidly progress quantities of commissaKj ordnance store epat arrive! i lil St Louis St Louis Aug pruclamati just been issued: 1 I HXfiQUAHTisKfiteTEreS I s4! jLV' Louis Aceusr 14 I herebv declare and ftef mutual law tor the Jee V' sfefSAiz A 5 uzrt IVUUU Ito Kjs Mil AteLUBl 4 UUHVI State Army is appoint rtficfivhM Marelil All jord era slu regulations issued by obeyed 11 CkRaxpAH sfejor General Comtriaadinc Majr (McKinstry 5vost Marshal hafi a '1 John A Brownlee the fefat tbe Board! of Commissioners and harw inted Basil Duke iq hi The lawi Of the city a'tfj will beexecuted 4 al Land trgtnta Road RichSionjo AUO Aug slid dccdrrpd on SuridkVJsXJ tou the hlanasli ni venteen miles from RntftShd Eight cars lokdei with soldier were smashed 'rvered to pieces Two election Col Wallace tbe Republican ci jt rity over Garfield at latest accou AVELLA AN1D MADONNA CLOTHS? 2 White CottontHoee 8 fid 1 51 0 pair Mechanical Cornets pij 4( i fi 100 pieees Pink Blue Yellow and White I iilpr sale Wyl cJtw I ilf I AVM ft i No 36 Central Stere between 7th and bcfstreefeg 1 ''opposite jleya MariSti AB NOVELS A large a4sortment4 War i Novela bV Grant Maxwell Gtejg other author Chbup editions fol? Camp readli 1 New Map of the Seat pf War 1 Just received at pHILP 'i i Metropolitan Buokatorei ii 332 Pennsylvania avenjir between Bin att441 uth street Li I 2s ft SHIRTING LINENS of the Bet grade fit lo price 100 pitces Shirting Cotton of fill iLe beatlnds iii vdjgue 5'1 pieeeeflne and medium Lineufi for shirt btfsims iroeozm vanaue uanasome re One price only marked in pfain ggure O' 3 Pennsylvania tjvenue and erfit july 20 litaiif 1 I i 1 mi Or 4 ADD HALL IMMENSE SUCCESS CRO M'DEn 1 tec i llie and Only CAMPBELL MINSTRELS Twelre Star Iter formers Will give their Scond Entertainmefetf This (riday) Evening Door open at 7 Cimmencing at Admisoun 25 cent i ORD Busifaeu Agent WASHINGTON' TilEATRK 'I i 11 1 riday Au grist 16 Mraf BENEIT 1 Mr RANK DREW 5 has kindly volurteredii I 4 Tbe performance to commeice with tbe Cc riedy of THE CORK LEGV 1 Kats Brie: Tennessee' 's 4 tart ar rived from tub rille iinfttjkt yesteidsy the liilit ry au thorities on tbe Nort fr ri'epnesree line searched the passeagere coining noniivAf I and took money from them amounting to $2000 i I le jJ: rzj far Young Ladies nt Cambridge MafeaWjifl will re open Thursday e'ep ierhber 28 nt nine i mayfli if 1 i Gen command ware passed on ''uesdi evening at fine uwenuMe river mey mue west oi romm u' rlairet Una eucauiicu tur mu inguk jfcws TELEGRAPHEb ROM WSHI1 i fine Commissioner ot ludianiASair Mr eve of leaving for Kansas Shd' Nebraska Diett'fd with tbst buresu JTheGovernine i tiiryrwest rtf tbe Mississippi 1 have entered jitsxy service The forte there having fte tbi United States troonis Indian I rl loyal have Jeen 1 A i 1 il I iidks of the1 above named Indian territory i far a the fjjovernment is advised have our Authority the occasional! and char ache of April and May The several towns were soldiers and theirTrmiie on the same footing that money fc towin' expense is appropriated find raised arid their past action in tbi respect was confirmed An act was passed 'authorizing dbe under advice of tbe Governor to bifiue the bonds of the State with semi annual coupons at six per cent interest for an umount not' exceeding $5001000 payable in tea years from the first pf October next but the State is I privileged to redeem them at any time after five years The sums allowed by the United State to the State in settlement of the war claims are by the present set de voted to the redemption of these bond) I The General Treasurer was empowered td hire $500 000 or lessi it not over six per cent and to renew said loan from tizrie to time the money to be (expended in raising and equipping troop under the provisions of the military I act pawed in April The Governor was authorized fv I employ si proper person to adjust military accounts between I tbe State and the United States I A reflation waa adopted! declaring that all political I parties Should unite in supporting the Constitutionally I elected Government oif the United States in the present I crisis jind pledging the best exertirtns and the entire I resources of the State and its people to preserve the Union I IThe thank of tbe Assembly were by resolution tendered I to the Governor for hi vigorous conduct in camp and field I and hfi iwgs presented with the piece of cannon belonging I to the Second Rhode Island battery and brought away I from tbe battle field at Bull Run i I i Tbe Assembly by resolution thanked Ambrose Burn I side late Colonel of the irst Regiment Rhode Island I Volunteers for hi gallant services find expressed its I litisfactjon that the National Government ha recognised I and rewarded those service the resolution also sigdif I a wish that in hi new capacity a Brigadier Genera! he I th ay be'placed in immediate command ot the Rbod Island I regiments i I THE WHEREABOUTS GEN WISE I The Cincinnati Enquirer qf Monday (gives the latest I news from tbe command of Governor Wise in the Kanawha valley Jt say I I Conimisaary Gibbs and others of our troops (arrived I yesterday direct from the ederal camp' near Gauley I River Virginia and from thetn we learn several interest I ins items in relation to the whereabout of Wise land his I rebel army and the present position of the ederal fpree I pn the Kfinawha River I Whein Wise retreated from Charlestown up through I Madden: Shrewsbury and Cannelton to Gauley Bridge be I had a force of three thousand seven hundred men two I thousand being volunteer from the Kanawha region who I claim thfit they enlisted for the defence and protection of I that part of the State from invasion by the ederal troops I When Wise had crossed the Gauley Bridge and then set I fire to it these Kanawha volunteers refused to proceed I further and in a body deserted and returned back to their I homes Wise with the remainder seventeen hundred I proceeded on to Lewfeburg hear which place hi email I army arejnow encamped Wie and hi staff are at 'White I Sulphur Springs a few mile from Lewisburg rusticating I This information of the whereabout of Wise and hi troops I was obtained by Major Hines land his scouting party who I followed tip the road to Mountain twenty five UAiice fiiuuu fijrauwj ai ugv 4tiB aisv uciirvcu vreu IB ar Staunton wiin ar lorce ot tour or nr tnonsana 1 tpen with intentions ot reinforcing General vyiae i I A Clarksburg letter Ljated the 9thto the Cincinnati ft re re re sx re I era Virginia is not large enough for the work cut out for lit The withdrawal of Ohio land Indiana three I men caused embarrassment and result may be very I mischievous 1 for more njien Gen James Demker of California has beenap I iBrigadiep General This gentleman has seen 1 varied service having been among the pioneers of Califor I nia He represented his State in CongreW for! oho term 1 was Commissioner of Indsan Affair for several years and I bi last public position WR that of Governor of Kansas He is a native of redencK Virginia 41 A severe skrmi took tyeteriay tbje rirmoat4S2n having bedn rfscei that Jf recession troops living inthei $few miles 'of Webster Geu) of the Vlrvintes Regiment with fifty znjpjf An Webster to djsann tbenL After scouting nearly tst MSbur hour he caihe tuddenlyi upon them at noon yehdy? and after an severe! a a i 'KA WV 11 1 I Dirt3 5natui rest te flight without sfjiss to his command cession troops number jbindred and werecci of some of the worst in thif coty Zach Cochrane late tf the county under ctfBuvn ruie i rom GeniAifr Banis's Col Headquarters By evening the freight tr' abbut 4 o'clock brougti utPikiiiff fit Hrtirlm that sereraLregiments nbels were Bpp hht opposite rerim III ITE COTjtON'ij WOOt AN L8 1 AND I Canton latmefe A full etek taf choiceXyades! at the Old price notwitUs Hiding all such goods ar dwjr advancing 'A CreAJC re UL AAZJ3 AA2i Penn avefrine and NitgiA street' 'j il tbe 1 JSsSnin LtJDEWIG VsILMS "Vljf ANTED TO: HIRE a respectable 'hrfe MAN Yt ateady and indnMri 'iis itets to take rt arge of and lie therw ik on thi precnsesiofsla country hotfefiLile in ut understand soiuelOjna ot garden worksuJ the Suye ama driv ing iiores Certiucate 01 gooU efiaraettr conduct: anti ability required 1'1 fs I Apply lo Mr UjX IlHtxASN at the coraeAilf Boundary and North Capitol Mreetre1 I btarj Crag qdlf 1 HUIE SILK GOODS SALC8 CONTINUED at the reduced notwitiistafiding all Good are dadv advancing in value a 4 I Ve oiler our usnfrl Jine stock ofi all kinds of Good fer the current want pt Imnili ') gqk i PERRY BROvJlER iPrrmeylvunja avenue and fms Street Ii PerrX ritrildfeg i i I in Jlr 4 1 4 MAtEER' ARREST 1 jTbe 'iMres ot'the Hpul Charges julKer trihiiM to fntniiih tnnWlof DeoulrtticHi and snirrtii ge ubbc pre4 Ai the lAdminlitratioha pot give i any Umatiou of tie motive vibich pitnpted its step tn ardfik gentleman tberejiaioi course authentic infcrmaiioc Ei tbo premises! but we pre4rnel there can Jbe onbi tii the unreliable nature of one among the iCOrisiigHticjih (which are pint jforwsrdliri prfibable explanation ii pb Itention Wa tU: rumfir tht Mr AjiXNpt rflexpeetedtf take charge of a regiment in the geryc os Mereoded istit'e imrriedistely qb talin We of eCTBZBe knowlnoihibgl rtf thje groundi on wnici i thsfij statement is made but fivbti we remember the fsSjed rtf i movement allowed to officers of tbe Upited Stakes Arrpy aid Navy whoin abandoning the service of theNahonal Government! wereknbwntfi do srtWith a vtewiolfefilqrmg I be military jsegvice of tbe Corfederate Goveruper wfi usy reasonably presuini that ngor on this score Would tbi be first (exercised fit tftifi late day toward i cirillau 4b Mr aulkner yhe frierid of the Admiraati atipfi4bld juitice to its wisdom and discretion Inlilris igt er careful tk assign! in bypotbfetieai explanation if it fcfifiductf auch and sufficient reasonsa at leaa merit of jteipg proiaiie 4 fc i HI Ijb rebukeil I The destruction of ifrfiwaper pffices i the Noff ii Mif bViConcord'iNek and' theother afrapgorj 5 for dleied syfejiitb fwith)tbe causC of ekivesjuit condemnation at the hand of tbe loyhlc ire 'that section Tb Bbiton A4TertMeG (whi spirit fif fiuithulendeby jTlrbinauehief tba Jhocute (secession rosy have i een able to acsnmplwa lopetrsto us inconsiderable in cdiEparison tbgcredit brought upott tfio national cause by euci fifits Sicredit brought upon tfio national cause ahilence a we tjow refer tb" i i i a CO I "re Vft We from Southern the IJOfo Mr jLYthe isfmbkr of captured nejar tba battle hid of Mamwii and pvr held da primmer ih iKiehn QKP a fevr agoby Messfi Kptt po I and Pvor who informed him that they i 1 I i i a i in n'f Tnnrrn in 1 ftter hi condition i Jfllitary regulatioai iwfe aitlemeq in 43 'present feuu 4 Mr Ely 1 jRow AMostr Go Wis ThejMortown of Tuesday says that shortly GenpVie! etacu Yted Charleston Va a difficulty oecfiirred a man the jfeoiip which resulted in ia general fight and Ge kiffind and 'UndlDgiof quite a number It appears that 8Dfl 500'bpd raised in Kanawha 'iertgnty and vizimty demajidrtd to where they were goilig and not getting a satirfa*gtoy zglsWer they mutinied and hence tbe fight after Which WJ' deserted in! a body and surrennprea io rt: rtt ni muryfc aemn mem tof vsariesum i anl provisions were scarce the men being reaucqd wmwna rauuus iiiii 1 Military TAfcr ics the guide complete niriunal and Drftl Rook for nse of all volunteer and militia ine 25 rente borsale yy If SHILLINGTON BougseUer Qdeon Budding corner of 4J street Snd eimsylvauiay enne ANQ STILISH LAWNS at 12 dfiats per yard rtpened to day wltfe ail bthvr kinds ofefcjry Goods for the goncrul nnd spedial wimts of famines and One price only murked iu plain figures i Strangers reeideids and eofcmr'jeJri are coally solicited to inspect our s'tock 1: it incurs no otugatton to gtrehare i I PERKY ii Pennsylvania aveoue and Njftah street july IrtUf' ij ft Building CONJUGAL LESSON Mr Tnl'atv I iu Mr Lullaby 4Mr To conclude with the ballad oj era 4 NQ SONG NO SUPPER DISSOLUTION pARTNERjlijIpi rpHE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existutjri tttsdert tbB firm and atyld of ilms A Co fis Lerebfrhtissolvedby mutual consent Lgorwiu i aloneaulhorfesid'to collect debts due said firm and: otherwise settle their i 4 ang 16 3t GAINS IN Shawls I nurve itUfilTHEK i ueah I i 4' i i I if 't $BRk BAUTtlER avenue and 9Ui street I lz Perry kA I VaZS ill IUMV IlkTSOOaK 1 i ember 28 nt nine 5 fl AxgusZ Ute PROPRIETORS and Periodicals espe cially euch aaare Jd to affinl entertalnmant and recreation to convalescett4 reeqaested to send tw tbuoffices many cpies of same a then heiiedolence and ability may in the militat'd hospi cali' Ts YM OLMSTEAp aug 1 8ecreary The Golden Gate ailejl on the 1st instant for Panama with two hundred and twenty five passengers and $l370W0 in treasure The total amount in treasurehipped henfie during July i $41270000 The Pony Expre arrived at the outer telegraph station last evening with St Lout dates tbe 25tb ultimo bring ing tbe first announcement of Jthe disastroui defeat of the rede al forces near Manassa i It ha cast a gloom over our loyal people who realize more generally that we are engage in a terrible war which may last for years i but which riiust be prosecuted till fivery foot of the Union I acknowledges one Government nq matter what the cost I On the evening of the 31t the Breckinridge Democrat attempted io hold fi mas meeting in San rancisco toratify the dominations of their Convention Their candi date fr Governor and Congress were to address the I meeting Some three thousand mien crowded Mhsic Hall I The speakers were present and addressed the audience I but wore prevented by storms of groan hisses and tiever I ending fhefrs for the Stars and Stripes and tte Union I The meeting was an evidence! thit there is no toleration I for secession mpathizer in San rancisco I I There have been several fire since the last Pony Ex press fine hotel' San Jose was destroyed I by fire en Thursday A of the 31st On the same evert I ing the Washington House on Davis street (together I wth some 'adjoining buildings' wete burnt Loi $80000 I Ail the German of San rancisco are preparing a gor I geons flag for Gen Sigel tte Lerolof tte late successful efr I gagement With tte rebels in Missouri I i A shipment of three hundred tons of copper pre from I Calavara county wilt be made lb tbe barquu Constantia I for South Wales where it will be smelted The vessel will sail in a few day The copper mines are assuming an im I portanl poaition among the mineral resource rtf tbo State I A considerable town fiat already grown up in the nei'gh I borhood I i i I It! being ascertained that California is entitled to one I more Repreentative in Congrera than the number now I nominated the Union Democratic 'State Central Commit I tee is called to meeB on the 15th it stant for the purpose of I taking into consideration the horn nation of a third candi I date on the Cougreionl ticket of the Union Democrat I It prpfiumed the Republican I fellow the example Only six of the? twenty one papers I that! supported Breckinridge last Tall are now opposed to I the jJniog Democratic tickets The rest sustain the Unifin I Democracy It i however that the I ndger will poll twenty thousand vote at the ensuing ndidate is UTidoubtedlv ected tfi Congress from Washington Territory Hi ma la dev rev i Division the Tacififi baa officially info well a the Government f4f rreporifitbt Col Van Dorn of the secession army ha I I 1 1 1 a ill 4 ewvll KI sUC UtK4 U1 LUHUXU KJUiAUItTA (between Sin Antonie and El PadtK from attempt to subjugate Lower California liplsted by the secessionist Capt Mpritg iarfiuCtionj fto bis subordinate pcicerssays is jrhis tnust not'bb allowed if in our power tpjprerent it irhereforej! should any exigency arise you wiij promptly il Ik ao rsfiAr K'Jrvpcr4iei4LU sa 'wits do alii in your power tfiicounteract execution pf any such purposes by the troops )n pe service affrhe States claiming to hare seceded irom'osir ederal Union" I i I Tie desgus of Col Van jDorn and other leaders for tte Wsiession! of tbe Northern States of Mexico and Lower California (depend for ttesi fulfilment ion tbp qo opert ton ot mg Mexican revoi ttioparj cniere nuso mr roe Ucfission filibuster have not met with ti sympathy they iiUtiicipated from: those source i 4 THE NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN Th negotiations betweeq tte Secretary of the Treasury itd the Ranks may bo regarded as mainly! concluded The Bank of Newt York Boston and Philadelphia take jtt once $0000 000 of thd 5jl0 Government ponds with the privilege of taking an equil sum im tie 15ti of OctO per and 4 further equal anjn: fin thel5thjof December nd other Government stocks or bond excepting those payable op demand to be! negotiated or paid i out until firn ary i 18G2 should tbe''lBankConlude fitake Whole amount named the Government reaervitfg tte right iiol syail itself of a national loan or a loan Europe! The ietfril areiuot fully perfected (but these will not interfere yvith the consummation of tfielgreatetcnt whifi is tty far tte mot itnpdrtaat place sin 1 tfie out Inieffect if pledges the entire capital ttq conn to tbe support of its military strength ind uiist in the Blind of efiry impartial perron be regarded asideteroun itfie resh*t the contektJ It will every where carry Ufihviction' of Tinte' i 4 ft I TiVYiTr SI a AcTWT ITT YXTri I I xiUjAaa VX A Ui 'LJ vrw I mile iA issued fry Ex Gorerrior Cjaiore I Jee or AiiaAnuri nrpra in some ox uiei neaiciu i Mabskra ft innrnhrtffi in a nf I of State of Missouri And if addressed thfi Jpepplq of I Commercial state that Gen Rosecrans's army in West that otate ree sians wn in assumption ituw jiiw vr eminent of the Staje has made way tpon Mis souri and after indulging fa sooue extravagant assertions relative to vi hat be call theusurpations of the Lincoln he declare tbe connexion of (the plate with tlnien iiindered in virtue oif the'discretionar Authority conferred upon him by the fail action to beiut'ject however to the ratification of the peopfe lat tbe baiidt boxg at such timei their impattialiverdirti eanjbebiained Missouri wji) no doubt be very much farpriped ij fipd bersef out of the Union so easily 1 1 H4 fVHAT'M ABILLinN? heNewi York Rreuipg Pgsasks: ft teMftSt a billion is a million million fi If trneariy ran true iu for weroiall tauiht that a thousand millions rench method of numeration ra use on the Continent 1 Cirtt ra thnnftand UlllUODB! OT LU00W0C00 according to tbe English ra's a VlwvSah ifiruViDC64 DUUOQ WH Ilin of milioM or 1000 000 OfW Lddors Pott i 1 Il A land ad se Louis 4uuuuwaw unirol Great Brittan land the unusu pruvroue GSk bestIgradesvarigus I Pillow Cottfir a'J theidlhs lol the 1 I I Is end Doyaja ip ana it yiee 1 i i i White and Colored Qmlti and Conteryiane rif'urqnalv and sues I I 1 While ManillejR (or vets and wp I One pnee only marked in plum ti antes henK nrr 5 I I I I wl rt prone i lv packed ftinee of Cfii PERRY rd dis the Governor Harris ord yairMaVms belonging lb i State ormeil fiersta ufopce from1 thfi Secesn prfisa saijr? mQUlls "'T jl ional troops Wards speh of th were i luuu miauicu if EiE 'fi 1 3 fa proportio i as nicn nre mof willing to sbeiivre fTd ttau good oftLeiu'ahrerfa4' is tLedaftgfilthat calculated tfi gxttei a savafie' ferocitv i ii 1 in fronty andj while cheer received a bullet in the! left east and1 fell from his horse He wm asked if he was i No not much but in a few minutes i I Gen Sigel fiad a very severe struggle and lost ttreeof has! feat gue i His artillery horse were shot in their har a and the piece disabled! He endeavored to haul them with a number of prisoners he bad taken but was fiaally apeHed jtoi abandon them first however spiking the ku nd disabling the carriage l' About oua fi'cfock the enemy seemed to be in great dis order and yetSueatirg and hetfifig fire to theij tram jbf bag gisge wagons Our force Were too much fatigued ard cur jupito pursue so the battle may be considered a drawn one The following is a partial list of thejkilledjland wounded fio jour ydei i I1 Capt Grate 'of the irst Missouri was killed Gen Sweeney was unaro latj rue leg jvoi asitcueii 01 of nraeersj was seriously wouuoe i wajs i arnriirflAri tkfill 4X1 f)ur Cait Grat "vtak vrruqdi iVolanteerg' the kd Reriously wouude Cant Hama eil ot the iwotiudsd Cant? Millfir rtf th a MiMdnri Kirta wa8 seriously woutidel Capt! 'Cavender wah wouhfed iu tael shoulder Capt Barks was sligbtly woundsd Col Dii lerii was wounded' in the left leg the ball JMrinjj through Capt Mcarlan of the Kantak irst was wounded supposed mortally his skull leiug tractured' I til The following Lieutenants belonging to ths! Kansas irst were Kuiew: i i i 'fcikeri company Doer ani McGanagon of Capt McCook's ngpony Ltut A Barker as shot in the leftifiand he most I ie rebels piece Pink Btue White re lor sale by I RILEY BRO jfi Opposite Centre Mar Agency JAshingtos JAMESIL of Baltimore) Jtsvuig made this city bis tftreja jiilt residence will amfeuake a a a ft 1 Jf rtlaiw iH xireutv iuc eci ucu Arty claims Cfiwrrets several Departments finereof feaioners hat may be raised fcr Jbther claims He has fiow la 3iit of renel oations poor to which inawapvn iota it's he has arcese tc those xtwy inutee Iv ottje nslrtwi tr laltoi fsatartA ea ti om expehaive in le he a vre rf I 4U Mit nenr to ly that 151U3M13 St iTnUUy mnuon received at behJqf yKer to the effect tilint the roint oi Kocks was nr by a strong repel 1 uuueu uuc ucuerai io vol uear npgim 'th Rhoda TfllftnH hfctfAa? i MV A viu ve Aas'K sew i 'About 1 but mt blue rocket vt sfr thci hv rh4 riulA in th 5C ltAu 1 tl ITSerht Sois probably a aiqnal' down the river 'r re iip lickfit! guard so ifite i the axv Ml urn York Regiment at rtrcsg d3tched a bttaluntuf his regi ment to the aid of tbe jcf' A Tbe enemy kwei er 'had UllZMl' V1IPU AIV WUC rtl lkJO eQ5 lZlfU 91 Wounded nor is it tbe enemy suffered any lo i Tbe same authority tbe force Lovfiusville consist five hfijulf' davalry supported wobab'y by considerable mtenvyj 'firX lt is not improbable that a Urge rebel force i dtryk'sed inland along tne Hotomac lint irom efiyAgtb'8 Shenandoah for the pur j' riu vumig vui jiulu prvivviiug mo iis icere irom me oppression line urenerui report cvuceatM rwor irinrAMMl aiene2tr the Potwmac the Point of Rcks I I i 's 1 1 1 I i I I i H'r4l'u w' i i 'IJ J'.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.