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Welcome to AP®︎/College Biology!
In this course you’ll explore the amazing world of biology through topics like biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, evolution, and ecology. To make sure you’re prepared with the fundamentals, we recommend completing high school biology before diving into AP Biology.
Structure of water and hydrogen bonding: Chemistry of lifeElements of life: Chemistry of lifeIntroduction to biological macromolecules: Chemistry of life Properties, structure, and function of biological macromolecules: Chemistry of lifeNucleic acids: Chemistry of life Cell structures and their functions: Cell structure and functionCell size: Cell structure and functionPlasma membranes: Cell structure and functionMembrane permeability : Cell structure and function Membrane transport: Cell structure and functionFacilitated diffusion: Cell structure and functionMechanisms of transport: tonicity and osmoregulation: Cell structure and functionCell compartmentalization and its origins: Cell structure and function Enzyme structure and catalysis: Cellular energeticsEnvironmental impacts on enzyme function: Cellular energeticsCellular energy: Cellular energetics Photosynthesis: Cellular energeticsCellular respiration: Cellular energeticsFitness: Cellular energetics Cell communication: Cell communication and cell cycleSignal transduction: Cell communication and cell cycleChanges in signal transduction pathways: Cell communication and cell cycle Feedback: Cell communication and cell cycleCell cycle: Cell communication and cell cycleRegulation of cell cycle: Cell communication and cell cycle Meiosis and genetic diversity: HeredityMendelian genetics: HeredityNon-Mendelian genetics: Heredity Environmental effects on phenotype: HeredityChromosomal inheritance: Heredity DNA and RNA structure: Gene expression and regulationReplication: Gene expression and regulationTranscription and RNA processing: Gene expression and regulation Translation: Gene expression and regulationRegulation of gene expression and cell specialization: Gene expression and regulationMutations: Gene expression and regulationBiotechnology: Gene expression and regulation Natural selection: Natural selectionArtificial selection: Natural selectionPopulation genetics: Natural selectionHardy-Weinberg equilibrium: Natural selectionEvidence for evolution: Natural selection Common ancestry and continuing evolution: Natural selectionPhylogeny: Natural selectionSpeciation: Natural selectionExtinction: Natural selectionVariations in populations: Natural selectionOrigins of life on earth: Natural selection Responses to the environment: EcologyEnergy flow through ecosystems: EcologyPopulation ecology: Ecology Community ecology: EcologyBiodiversity: EcologyDisruptions to ecosystems: Ecology Mastery unavailable Worked examples - 2015: Worked examples of AP®︎ Biology free response questions Mastery unavailable See how our course content aligns with AP®︎ Biology standards: AP®︎ Biology standards mappings Course challengeTest your knowledge of the skills in this course.Start Course challenge
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