110859-morning-coffee-827-one-month-ago-today (2024)

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... I got to make this thread. A month! You kids get offa my lawn. :lol:Now, in true Old Man style, the chuckwagon is serving big time country-style breakfast.

with some coffee on the side ...

Wildstar on Exile-side Evindra was a bit of dorky fun last night. I signed Lola up to go on a safari with some of the Black Daggers through Algoroc. We all mentored down to 16 and hunted rare spawns for an hour or so. Good times and always great to pair up with the Daggers for a little RP-fun.Well, off to work. You crazy kids have a great day.

Ok I see you beat me to the punch Tex or hit return before me ...Make waffles or French toast ( spice it up with a tich of cayenne and clove and lime zest).This will be the base to wrap around:Eggs scrambled with chorizo, cumin, fresh thyme leaves and dash of tobacco and sautéed with onion, jalapeno and garlic.Wrap that in your waffles or between your French toast.Drizzle with maple syrup and sprinkle with powdered sugar ( or icing sugar for our EU friends ).Enjoy with your Favorite caffeinated beverage and kick back and hope the next patch will resolve your personnel bugs.;)

YES!!!!BREAKFAST FOOOOOD! *dives into breakfast*

On my way to work for the day so I wont be here to serve your daily does of snark. Lots of grumbles and cussing on the wildstar front last night. My wife is not a fan of whitevale, nor the saturation of mobs.I got her some heavy armor though.

  • A small drill machine bursts out from the ground and Moska hops out*

Ah, hello peopl - HEY! Save bit of food for me, won't ya bunnyhybrid?!

Good Morning All...Congrats on being first to the table this morning Tex. Nice to see you makin it again:)My breakfast is a couple coconut donuts from Dunkin Donuts and my daily mtn dew kickstart. Went home "sick" yesterday from first job. slept a majority of the day, then worked second job at night. One more long day today then maybe can play some Wildstar tomorrow after work.Did get to log in while i wasnt feeling well though. Chua Wiles got to 31 I believe. He also got a sweet yellow Robe lookin Costume to go with his hot yellow shades. He definately looks like a Chua pimp now. Might have to work on a them for his housing now. Playchua MansionHope you all enjoy your day. Happy Hump Day!

... I got to make this thread. A month! You kids get offa my lawn. :lol:Now, in true Old Man style, the chuckwagon is serving big time country-style breakfast.

with some coffee on the side ...

Wildstar on Exile-side Evindra was a bit of dorky fun last night. I signed Lola up to go on a safari with some of the Black Daggers through Algoroc. We all mentored down to 16 and hunted rare spawns for an hour or so. Good times and always great to pair up with the Daggers for a little RP-fun.Well, off to work. You crazy kids have a great day.

Just like that, I am in flashback to fishing and camping.God, I love fishing

On my way to work for the day so I wont be here to serve your daily does of snark. Lots of grumbles and cussing on the wildstar front last night. My wife is not a fan of whitevale, nor the saturation of mobs.I got her some heavy armor though.

Your wife's hot!

Your wife's hot!

She is. Her character isn't bad looking either.

Ok I see you beat me to the punch Tex or hit return before me ...

Good!You and your no picture-posting thread-making .... rassa-frassin-git-offa-my-lawn-with-your-IE-nonsense.Gonna wake up extra early tomorrow, too. Keep you varmints in line, show ya how it's done.Ya ding-dang scoundrels.

Hey all!Between the Nexus Report (TL;DR here) and the Dev Tracker lighting up last night with all kinds of new changes (you can find it here), a lot's coming to hopefully improve the playing experience in the game. Looks like they're pushing the next drop back to finally give us what we've all been asking for without having to wait.Work is about to be insane. Back on the longest project I've ever been on (wooohooo, it'd been going for years before I got here and still is only in phase 2 of 4).Got to play a little bit on Spenser last night, but the TL;DR and catchup on stuff at home kind of ate my time. Hopefully I'll get more time to play tonight!Anyone been on since the patch dropped? Notice any improvements?

You win soooo many brownie points for that response Arachanass ... well played.;)Well Tex,Learn to cook then. :P

  • A small drill machine bursts out from the ground and Moska hops out*

Ah, hello peopl - HEY! Save bit of food for me, won't ya bunnyhybrid?!

  • growls at the Chua, holding a thick piece of Texas toast in his mouth*" No leftovers for latecomers!" *reaches for the sausage gravy bowl and dips his egg biscuit in it*

"Getcher own!"

Well Tex,Learn to cook then. :P


This is where I do the opposite of what Arach did and say "well, that's what wives are for!"But then I'd get something thrown at me by the very lovely, and very tall woman, I share my life with. Who, I've discovered, apparently visits these forums regularly without logging in.I mentioned this thread a week or so ago, and she was like "Oh yeah, I love the Morning Coffee thread!"I was ... quite vexxed. Woman! This is my happy place! Don't be intruding all over my good times. A man needs his space!Yeah. I'm probably in trouble now. :D

Rocio,I made plenty for all .. oh wait did you scarf it all down? 0_o

Tex .. the best cooks are men!

  • ducks*

Also, for perusal, the patch notes.

Rocio,I made plenty for all .. oh wait did you scarf it all down? 0_o

  • takes a huge helping of fried potatoes* Breakfaaaast!!!!

I thought of a name, which I am going to try which is probably taken but I will try it none the less.and it's taken.sh*t!

OK .. you own me Arathian .. PM me the name. :P hehehe;)

  • takes a huge helping of fried potatoes* Breakfaaaast!!!!

Speaking of which ... did you guys ever read the original Dragonlance series? They had a recipe published for "Otik's Spiced Potatoes" a few years after it came out. Some friends and I recently rediscovered it and made a batch for one of our LARP campouts. Man, what a blast from the past.

Now I want to build an "Inn of the Last Home" on my plot.

Speaking of which ... did you guys ever read the original Dragonlance series? They had a recipe published for "Otik's Spiced Potatoes" a few years after it came out. Some friends and I recently rediscovered it and made a batch for one of our LARP campouts. Man, what a blast from the past.

Now I want to build an "Inn of the Last Home" on my plot.

I used to love those books. Then I got Neuromancer and... well... ever since I've been kind of a cyberpunk buff.But there wasn't anything as big and enjoyable as Dragonlance in the cyberpunk genre. And cyberpunk has kind of died off.

  • sigh*

EXCEPT IN THIS GAME! :D Thayd totally give me that Blade Runner vibe!

"mmm that looks good!" This Otik guy has my thanks!

Tex,I will raise you your potatoe hash for a more healthy root veg hash.Basically 1 Starchy potatoe to bind the mix then any "Sweet potatoe, yam, beat, turnip, carrot, parsnip, rutabaga, etc." mixed all together ( with olive oil, salt and pepper and fresh rosemary) or individually for a quite delightful hash.;)

Tex,I will raise you your potatoe hash for a more healthy root veg hash.Basically 1 Starchy potatoe to bind the mix then any "Sweet potatoe, yam, beat, turnip, carrot, parsnip, rutabaga, etc." mixed all together ( with olive oil, salt and pepper and fresh rosemary) or individually for a quite delightful hash.;)

  • looks up from his tater frenzy*

"I will eat that too!"

Tex .. the best cooks are men!

  • ducks*

Not all men know the difference between the stove and microwave, let alone how to cook on a stove :PGood Morning Everyone!P Scott Patterson ‏@OriginalPSP (via Twitter) Woke up to a message from a student at Columbine High School about me & @IRachelLara's speeches on video games.The young man who wrote the message has a good head on his shoulders. You can see the message here: https://www.facebook.com/OriginalPSP/posts/10204541362993361 Jeremy Gaffney is stepping down from his role as President of Carbine. You can read his message here: Breakfast was just Honey Nut Cheerios (I actually remembered the milk lol) and coffee.Didn't play last night. Just wasn't up to it with feeling like my head was coming off. Relaxed on the couch with hubby and watched some TV.Hope you all have a great day!

Oh, dear Cirnide ... this "cook" does.;)


Good morning! How's the science?No breakfast! Only anger! Been trying to collect all the lore on the Dominion side of things and the location of some of them is ridiculously unfair. On Farside, the Dominion has to go INSIDE the landing where you are at the mercy of patrols that will one-shot you, not to mention players that might want to outright kill you. Oh and did I mention that we have to go INSIDE your ALPHAX COMPLEX? You know, the place that links both bio-domes together? Yep. Still doable though! Where it becomes impossible is in Southern Grimvault. The last piece of the TFBTF "A Cleanup Crew" is at Spineridge Post, protected by a ranged sniper, a stalker and a medic all of which are level 60 and will gladly stop you from looting the tales. Mondo says get sacrificial idiot assistant. It is being considered. /rantTomorrow is judgement day! I get to interview a bunch of potential ER employee. I was given carte blanche too so I get to do whatever I want. That does not mix very well with my current state of mind though.

Bring donuts. They will be your slaves.

Rocio,What about Benyas .. with a nice powder sugar coating and having maple, and fruit compote dipping sauces?Yum, ... right?;)Nothing better than a hot "doughnut" .;)

Tex .. the best cooks are men!

  • ducks*

I'm liable to get tons of crap for this, but usually if you can think of any given profession the very best person to ever fill the road is as far as I can think, is always a man. Course that could be because men have been doing just about every job for far longer so it's just a matter of more people trying those jobs, and if you shoot enough bullets you are liable to get some good shots.Save maybe with computers as I believe one of the best, and first people to do anything with computers was a lady, Grace something, and I believe she was a honorary Rear Admiral in the US Navy.

Speaking of which ... did you guys ever read the original Dragonlance series? They had a recipe published for "Otik's Spiced Potatoes" a few years after it came out. Some friends and I recently rediscovered it and made a batch for one of our LARP campouts. Man, what a blast from the past.

Now I want to build an "Inn of the Last Home" on my plot.

Pretty sure I still have the Inn of the Last Home book atmy housesomewhere. It was a compendium that came out with all kinds of stuff, including those potatoes - which myboys loved oh so much.

First off...(and yes I know I use this one too much)

All of this breakfast has me questioning my asthma at my desk right now! Glad to see a more hearty affair this morning.Wildstar News: Due to a pregnancy situation involving my lady's best friend, we're watching her kid for the next couple days while she is in the hospital. This also shuts down most of my Wildstar time which kind of bums me out butc'est la vie. Hoping to maybe move my computer into our crawlspace without anyone knowing and just hiding out in there for a few hours at a time. Regardless, I hope everyone else's adventures into this crazy world we call Nexus is going swimmingly.

Grace Hopper.She spoke at my graduation in 1984 at Ohio State.;)She had a ship named after her where my friend in the navy was the first Captain. Captain Michael Selby. He was totally cool I am sure you all would like him.. SO cool Not a typical officer.:)Basically, "right now" there are more famous "male chefs" than women. It just an "age old adage" that is part sarcasm and part truth ( due to recognition ) that lends credence to the saying.In truth the best cooks are "moms".;)

I'm liable to get tons of crap for this, but....

Usually if you start a sentence off like that, it means your brain is applying the brakes to your mouth.Gender oppression is the biggest reason why men occupy the top spots in most fields you silly.

Rocio,What about Benyas .. with a nice powder sugar coating and having maple, and fruit compote dipping sauces?Yum, ... right?;)Nothing better than a hot "doughnut" .;)

Anything sweet and hot? I'm all over that! Gimme gimme! *Grabby-hands*

Grace Hopper.She spoke at my graduation in 1984 at Ohio State.;)She had a ship named after her where my friend in the navy was the first Captain. Captain Michael Selby. He was totally cool I am sure you all would like him.. SO cool Not a typical officer.:)Basically, "right now" there are more famous "male chefs" than women. It just an "age old adage" that is part sarcasm and part truth ( due to recognition ) that lends credence to the saying.In truth the best cooks are "moms".;)

I don't know, I'm not prepared to say my mother cooks better than they do at the Fat Duck. Even she's not prepared to say she cooks better than the people at Carraba's.One of my best friends from WoW is a chef at Disney. I think the reason more men are head chefs and tend to take a lot more important jobs is that, until very recently, it was only men who were to be judged solely on their professions. Women were judged by their children. It's only very recently that fathers are being held to account for their children's behavior without resorting to belting them and that women could live childless and be judged on the quality of their profession. Like, 1990s when that even started becoming a thing, and that's not even really a thing yet. My wife gets a TON of sh*t for not wanting to have children, from her parents, friends, colleagues, even random strangers. She's a teacher, she likes kids, she doesn't want to deal with more of them when she gets home.Works for me, I have a primal hatred of children only matched by those of wild male lions who will kill cubs of other males.But yeah, I think that mostly explains why it's only very recently that women started rising to positions of real power and prestige en masse even though they're a slight majority of the population. For all their lives, no one ever told them they should or could. Their purpose was to have babies. It was the purpose of men to have a good job, advance, and make money. I'm kind of glad that's changed, I wouldn't want to try to raise a family on my salary alone with the dollar where it is.

Oh .. I forgot to add,The reason you all know "bug" as a term related to computers was because during the first computers, which Grace Hopper was a part in the 1940's, an actual moth got trapped inside the computer and caused it to stop working until they found and removed it.;)

Good morning.So last night began my huge project of getting the house ready to pull up the carpet. I at least have to get the front two rooms carpet free before next weekend. I have lovely oak floors beneath these ratty carpets, so I'm hoping by revealing the true beauty in this house it will make things easier on me. Although it's a 3 day weekend, I have an aunt in town who I only see about once a year and one day is going to be spent with her. So... I need to get everything clean and then move furniture and pull up carpet and padding and clean the floors in 2 days time.In Wildstar news, I got Dott to 19. I do so enjoy medic a great deal now.

Oh, dear Cirnide ... this "cook" does.;)


I know you do. I have even tried a few of your recipes (with adjustments to my family's tastes). I am not an excellent cook, but am good. I like experimenting with my cooking to come up with 'new' recipes that my family will like. My Grandmother taught me all she knew about cooking:)Wonder if Wildstar will put a 'Food Network' kind of show into the game at some point. They could call it Protostar Delights and teach us how to use every day Nexus ingredients to make a 7 course meal.

Glad you enjoyed my suggestions Cirinde! :D

Grace Hopper.She spoke at my graduation in 1984 at Ohio State.;)She had a ship named after her where my friend in the navy was the first Captain. Captain Michael Selby. He was totally cool I am sure you all would like him.. SO cool Not a typical officer.:)Basically, "right now" there are more famous "male chefs" than women. It just an "age old adage" that is part sarcasm and part truth ( due to recognition ) that lends credence to the saying.In truth the best cooks are "moms".;)

That depends on the mom, but yeah that very well might be the case but those ladies often only cook for their family so they can be very talented and have very few people known about them due to no exposure.

Good morning.So last night began my huge project of getting the house ready to pull up the carpet. I at least have to get the front two rooms carpet free before next weekend. I have lovely oak floors beneath these ratty carpets, so I'm hoping by revealing the true beauty in this house it will make things easier on me. Although it's a 3 day weekend, I have an aunt in town who I only see about once a year and one day is going to be spent with her. So... I need to get everything clean and then move furniture and pull up carpet and padding and clean the floors in 2 days time.In Wildstar news, I got Dott to 19. I do so enjoy medic a great deal now.

That's kinda funny. We just got finished doing that in the two spare bedrooms. When we bought the house, the rooms were carpeted but the carpets had to be 15 years old. They were spare rooms, so nothing I was going to tackle right away. Steamed the carpets so they were sanitized and just left them. We just got done doing the floors in those rooms. When we took up the carpet and pad, there were gorgeous wooden floors underneath. Refinished em. Shined em up. Much better than carpet.In Wildstar news.. umm.. I logged in. Did some quick AHing. But Baby Koala was in no mood for not being held, so it was a night of her cuddling beside me in bed while we watched random TV and daddy worked one handed on his tablet.

D'awwwwww baby kins......... :wub:

Good morning, coffee posters.And good morning, coffee.Today, Nephele has been crushed under an avalanche of work. Her hand was seen weakly grasping at the air in a futile cry for help.Thanks to her superpowers, she may be down, but not defeated! She will return! Possibly with a slightly darker tone and a new costume, that's how these things work you know.If all goes well I get to play Wildstar tomorrow. And then allllll weekend long.... :DAnyway, must go plug in for first conference call of the day. World domination is serious business. See you all next time I can come up for air!PS: Lola is an honorary Dagger after last night, I think:)

PS: Lola is an honorary Dagger after last night, I think:)

She will be tickled pink. :D

Eggs scrambled with chorizo, cumin, fresh thyme leaves and dash of tobacco and sautéed with onion, jalapeno and garlic.

I sincerely hope you meant Tabasco... if not, eeew.

Wonder if Wildstar will put a 'Food Network' kind of show into the game at some point. They could call it Protostar Delights and teach us how to use every day Nexus ingredients to make a 7 course meal.

There's a food challenge mission in one of the later zones (Malgrave?) Only been through that area on my Dominion main.I had my typical workday breakfast: One multivitamin, 1000mg of Vitamin C, One glass of OJ and a bowl of Great Grainshttp://img2.findthebest.com/sites/default/files/623/media/images/Post_Foods_Post_Selects_Great_Grains-_Raisins_Dates_Pecans_Nutritional_Information_Chart_48818.JPG(won't let me post it as an image)Nothing real exciting ofc. Dinner will be Chicken, Sausage and Sun-dried tomatoes in a Brandy Cream sauce over penne.

Grace Hopper.She spoke at my graduation in 1984 at Ohio State.;)She had a ship named after her where my friend in the navy was the first Captain. Captain Michael Selby. He was totally cool I am sure you all would like him.. SO cool Not a typical officer.:)Basically, "right now" there are more famous "male chefs" than women. It just an "age old adage" that is part sarcasm and part truth ( due to recognition ) that lends credence to the saying.In truth the best cooks are "moms".;)

I'm a mom. My cooking is very "meh." I probably won't poison you. The food will be edible enough to keep you alive. But it's not going to win any prizes.

I sincerely hope you meant Tabasco... if not, eeew.There's a food challenge mission in one of the later zones (Malgrave?) Only been through that area on my Dominion main.I had my typical workday breakfast: One multivitamin, 1000mg of Vitamin C, One glass of OJ and a bowl of Great Grainshttp://img2.findthebest.com/sites/default/files/623/media/images/Post_Foods_Post_Selects_Great_Grains-_Raisins_Dates_Pecans_Nutritional_Information_Chart_48818.JPG(won't let me post it as an image)Nothing real exciting ofc. Dinner will be Chicken, Sausage and Sun-dried tomatoes in a Brandy Cream sauce over penne.

Oh, the cooking show thing is in Blighthaven at the Pell camp. It's like an Irob Chef parody, brought to you by Protostar. It was funny.

If Nexus had an actual TV line-up."Artemis Zin vs. Wild""Protostar Delights""Nexus' Next Top Model""Keeping Up with the Chua""Sons of Eldan Guns""The Eldan Factor""True Omni-Plasm""Bot Warz""Arrested Augmentation"...come to mind.

There is actually a tv listing in Whitevale. Chua tv listing actually lead me to the discovery that the Chua native language is Esperanto. Chua like tv novellas. Haha. :D

"The Strain" How could you forget that one?!

Morning all. Haven't been on the forums the last few days as I have been sick.I did get my main,Maldus, up to 42 over the weekend and my warrior alt to 37 over the last 2 days that i stayed home from work.Not sure how much I'll play on Maldus since my brother and I are leveling up together. It does let me satiate my altaholic tendencies when he's not on though.

If Nexus had an actual TV line-up."Artemis Zin vs. Wild""Protostar Delights""Nexus' Next Top Model""Keeping Up with the Chua""Sons of Eldan Guns""The Eldan Factor""True Omni-Plasm""Bot Warz""Arrested Augmentation"...come to mind.

I don't see Two and a Half Chua in there.

Oh, the cooking show thing is in Blighthaven at the Pell camp. It's like an Irob Chef parody, brought to you by Protostar. It was funny.

I remember that one. I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the end 'judging' lol

Hey all!Between the Nexus Report (TL;DR here) and the Dev Tracker lighting up last night with all kinds of new changes (you can find it here), a lot's coming to hopefully improve the playing experience in the game. Looks like they're pushing the next drop back to finally give us what we've all been asking for without having to wait.Work is about to be insane. Back on the longest project I've ever been on (wooohooo, it'd been going for years before I got here and still is only in phase 2 of 4).Got to play a little bit on Spenser last night, but the TL;DR and catchup on stuff at home kind of ate my time. Hopefully I'll get more time to play tonight!Anyone been on since the patch dropped? Notice any improvements?

Someone do it for me, I'm afraid to log in. Last night was very frustrating and I don't know if I can log in to see SS CDs still borked.:( I'm not brave enough.

  • growls at the Chua, holding a thick piece of Texas toast in his mouth*" No leftovers for latecomers!" *reaches for the sausage gravy bowl and dips his egg biscuit in it*

"Getcher own!"

Kaelish has no problem tugging the piece of Texas toast out of Rocio's mouth with a flick of her tail and darting off.

This is where I do the opposite of what Arach did and say "well, that's what wives are for!"But then I'd get something thrown at me by the very lovely, and very tall woman, I share my life with. Who, I've discovered, apparently visits these forums regularly without logging in.I mentioned this thread a week or so ago, and she was like "Oh yeah, I love the Morning Coffee thread!"I was ... quite vexxed. Woman! This is my happy place! Don't be intruding all over my good times. A man needs his space!Yeah. I'm probably in trouble now. :D

Ooooooooo.Someone just lost their digital man cave.

Speaking of which ... did you guys ever read the original Dragonlance series? They had a recipe published for "Otik's Spiced Potatoes" a few years after it came out. Some friends and I recently rediscovered it and made a batch for one of our LARP campouts. Man, what a blast from the past.

Now I want to build an "Inn of the Last Home" on my plot.

THAT is breakfast.

Rocio has been in a food-coma for a few hours. X.X

Rocio has been in a food-coma for a few hours. X.X

.-. I was in a stupor asleep and missed it all.Side question: are we literally the only ones using the RP category?

Good morning!

On my way to work for the day so I wont be here to serve your daily does of snark. Lots of grumbles and cussing on the wildstar front last night. My wife is not a fan of whitevale, nor the saturation of mobs.I got her some heavy armor though.

Since it looks like your wife's character is Dominion, there is a settler-built vent near the gate at Palerock Post that kinda looks like a large sewer grate with gas coming out of it. If she has her character run through the gas, it gives you a buff called Pheromone Spray that makes most of the irritating ambient creatures passive toward you for about 10 minutes. It makes running the first northwest part of that zone much more tolerable.

Not all men know the difference between the stove and microwave, let alone how to cook on a stove :P

To be fair, I know a few women who could burn water.

Gender oppression is the biggest reason why men occupy the top spots in most fields you silly.

To compound that problem, quite a few of the women I've worked with have been unwilling to negotiate and/or fight for their own benefit, so their professional circ*mstances are unlikely to improve. In contrast, most of my male colleagues are more outspoken when they feel they aren't being compensated or promoted appropriately.

Women speaking out understand that they are less likely to get what they want and more likely to get called something that starts with a b and ends with "You're fired." The struggle is real, homeys.

The struggle is real, homeys.

I dunno why but this made me spit out some of my coffee.

Good morning!To be fair, I know a few women who could burn water.

Definitely! My sister could burn water. Every time she asked us to go to her house for supper, I would make sure we were there before she started cooking lol.

Good afternoon, folks.This night until the morning, Cree went back to Exile territory.First in Thermock Post where she tried to apply as a dancer:

Unfortunately, despite the sign, a bouncer didn't approve of a Draken trying to warm up the Exile audience. And that guy seems to have been a shot put champion back in Gnox:

So, she decided to help a mechanic on her way to Thayd:

"Hmmm... not looking good. Did someone try to beat the trolling water again?"

"You're sure this time I won't end up naked with two Aurin ladies somewhere in an Eldan lab?"Guys, some of your sentries don't do a good job:

"Hmm, *coughs* Hello?"

"Draken here? *poink poink*"And I finally got to get a selfie with resident badass Kara:

And trooper Vog who sure seems to love his job:

And Roxy was happy to see a familiar face in the Crooked Corners:

And before I went to rest at my BFF Myala's house, there was something I encountered and I had and still have no idea what it is for. So, could you Exiles enlighten me about...:

...what exactly are you trying to capture with that? :blink:

Women speaking out understand that they are less likely to get what they want and more likely to get called something that starts with a b and ends with "You're fired."The struggle is real, homeys.

I don't think anyone's saying gender discrimination isn't as real as any other form of discrimination.It's just equally important that discrimination doesn't become a self-fulfilling cycle, because then it becomes infinitely more difficult to end.

Trust me I know what you're saying. But I don't know of many who would turn down money or wiuld refuse to ask for a raise given a comfortable open environment.If a lady is nervous about asking a boss for equal pay for equal work..... there's probably a reason.

Adds to the buffet:

So easy and so good!!In Wildstar news Dixie is almost 20!!

I dunno why but this made me spit out some of my coffee.

Because it's true.

I don't think anyone's saying gender discrimination isn't as real as any other form of discrimination.It's just equally important that discrimination doesn't become a self-fulfilling cycle, because then it becomes infinitely more difficult to end.

It's hard to not have a self fulfilling prophecy on this when we know, as a gender, that it is entirely likely we will be replaced with someone equally willing to have a job (like ours if we ask to be considered for a raise because we can do this, this, this, etc and this) for cheaper than what we were being paid (once we have 'experience' at a job and can start to ask for a raise, it's easier to can us and hire an entry level worker to go through the same motions).Unless we have some anchor, such as the companies that crutch themselves with only one person knowing the books, one person being familiar with the processing, or only one person knowing the inner workings of the company and not having any documentation, we can't safely ask for raises in today's world.

Good morning.So last night began my huge project of getting the house ready to pull up the carpet. I at least have to get the front two rooms carpet free before next weekend. I have lovely oak floors beneath these ratty carpets, so I'm hoping by revealing the true beauty in this house it will make things easier on me. Although it's a 3 day weekend, I have an aunt in town who I only see about once a year and one day is going to be spent with her. So... I need to get everything clean and then move furniture and pull up carpet and padding and clean the floors in 2 days time.In Wildstar news, I got Dott to 19. I do so enjoy medic a great deal now.

Ugh I hate pulling carpet!I don't know where you live or anything but when I pulled all the carpet from my house I learned that the garbage collectors have a size limit of 3 feet wide rolls or they will leave it.

  • cut, cut, cut, roll, duct tape*

Yet segregation has never happened on its own. You don't see a corporation of high powered women coming together to make like... "Chick-pfizer". Which I find interesting. I would have expected it to happen.. at least once. As for the struggle is real? What struggle? All you need to do is make lunches and have babies. Oh.. wait.. right.. NOT 1922 any more. Sorry! I'm insulated from this issue. I know it exists, but we're so terrified of lawsuits, that we go overboard to make sure it DOESN'T happen half the time.

Did you guys see this?! *back to Wildstar*http://youtu.be/tREji3vPDWwCRB_Non does the ALS bucket challenge.Edit: He doesn't censor his language.

Hi all you Morning Coffians!!In Wildstar, getting back to Crimson Badlands and Northern Wastes dailies on Thunderfoot after stopping playing on Evindra. And my Engineer is now level 28.

Can we drop all of this pseudo political crap?

Can we drop all of this pseudo political crap?

Yea! Stop talking about laws, bills and ... wait.. what? If you mean the gender stuff. That's Sociology. Not political science. That's the society you live in!

...once we have 'experience' at a job and can start to ask for a raise, it's easier to can us and hire an entry level worker to go through the same motions...

It's really, truly sad that today's job market is such that this is even possible. At one point, my boss threatened to do this to our whole firm when one of my coworkers asked for a raise.

Can we drop all of this pseudo political crap?

Consider it dropped. I didn't mean to make it into the discussion of the day. :mellow:

Can we drop all of this pseudo political crap?

Bahaha! Sure, buddy! :lol:

Yea! Stop talking about laws, bills and ... wait.. what? If you mean the gender stuff. That's Sociology. Not political science. That's the society you live in!

Basically things that ARE going to generate bickering. Can we not talk about them and more talk about the game or go back to food or whatever. Though I could talk more about the game if I could actually think of a confounded name.One time I tried a chua, and I couldn't help but think "ch-ch-chua!"

It's really, truly sad that today's job market is such that this is even possible. At one point, my boss threatened to do this to our whole firm when one of my coworkers asked for a raise.

I can't even imagine. I tried to do that, I'd get 7 very nasty emails about "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT'S GOING TO COST IN TRAINING?!" and then have cold coffee thrown at me. (Hot coffee would be a crime.)

On a WS note, I haven't logged in for almost a week.I think my medic needs a new home. Warbringer is depressing.:(EDIT: This is why I wasn't talking about WS.

Basically things that ARE going to generate bickering. Can we not talk about them and more talk about the game or go back to food or whatever. Though I could talk more about the game if I could actually think of a confounded name.

Playful sarcasm. :) But yea... you probably got a good call. Umm.. *channels wildstar* ooooouuummmmm... ooooouuuummmmmm... *snaps fingers* Aha! I just realized I'm going to miss the Halloween Drop! Sad face. Depending on the loot in it.. I may take November off instead of October.. lol. I'd take now off if I could, but my ticker is already running.

Can we drop all of this pseudo political crap?

If you look up, it was already dropped.

On a WS note, I haven't logged in for almost a week.I think my medic needs a new home. Warbringer is depressing.:(EDIT: This is why I wasn't talking about WS.

I would LOVE to long on, but every name I come up with is either taken or looks completely stupid to me.Part of me said "Why don't you name him Tendonistis, you certainly can't stop thinking about it!"Which I wish my mind would stop being a smart ass, damn my arms are sore and I haven't played ANY games for like 2-3 days WTF!

Basically things that ARE going to generate bickering. Can we not talk about them and more talk about the game or go back to food or whatever. Though I could talk more about the game if I could actually think of a confounded name.One time I tried a chua, and I couldn't help but think "ch-ch-chua!"

There are a couple variations of the name ChuaPet on my server. :DWhat kind of name are you looking for? Mine tend to be far too try-hard and overly thought out for most people's tastes, but I can try to help.EDIT: I find that having a theme helps, even if it's obscure and wacky. For Rift, I used names from Celtic mythology, for example. For WS, all six of my characters are intentional misspellings of architects' names.

I would LOVE to long on, but every name I come up with is either taken or looks completely stupid to me.

I'm not the only person with this problem!? When SWTOR started.. I starred at the login screen for TWO HOURS trying to figure out a name that I liked, wasn't already ganked and wasn't filtered.

I'm not the only person with this problem!? When SWTOR started.. I starred at the login screen for TWO HOURS trying to figure out a name that I liked, wasn't already ganked and wasn't filtered.

I just named mine after poets. I love my names :D Seeger, Spenser, Herrick, Audelay, Jonson, and Donne.

I would LOVE to long on, but every name I come up with is either taken or looks completely stupid to me.Part of me said "Why don't you name him Tendonistis, you certainly can't stop thinking about it!"Which I wish my mind would stop being a smart ass, damn my arms are sore and I haven't played ANY games for like 2-3 days WTF!

Seriously dude, MaxGauge.I may have watched too many cheesy action movies in the 80s and 90s.

Dropping things is good! Could not help it. This needed to be posted.All credit goes to Saucy Daikon and Huggable Eggplant on Imgur.

:lol: 10/10

There are a couple variations of the name ChuaPet on my server. :DWhat kind of name are you looking for? Mine tend to be far too try-hard and overly thought out for most people's tastes, but I can try to help.

Mostly I made a spellslinger exile I liked on stormtalon and you guys made me want to try evidnra but I don't really like the name I used last time as it was a mage from an obscure game and doesn't really gell with the whole space cowboy vibe I get from the class and want to run with as. Though I did have one I forgot to try which wasTycho from the first fallout game.

This arm pain is odd though, I thought inflammation made swelling? My arm isn't swollen but I swear there is a constant(well off and on) pain right in the tendons of my forearms, not in the hand but from wrist to where there turn into full sized muscles.

I just named mine after poets. I love my names :D Seeger, Spenser, Herrick, Audelay, Jonson, and Donne.

My typical go to names are either the Ghostbusters, Weapons Manufacturers or whatever book series I'm currently reading. In WoW, Ghostbusting was okay. SWTOR, filtered. W*, filtered. Same with most Weapons. And the book series I'm on had names that didnt' fit. So... I was like.. UMMMMMMmmmmm... lol.Then I decided to make a robotic medical device for my mechari medic. And then I was able to play. lol

Ugh I hate pulling carpet!I don't know where you live or anything but when I pulled all the carpet from my house I learned that the garbage collectors have a size limit of 3 feet wide rolls or they will leave it.

  • cut, cut, cut, roll, duct tape*

Well, that's the plan anyway. I'm going to be doing this on my own so it had to be small enough pieces for me to carry. I've looked up a really good tutorial by a DIY guy. My biggest fear is getting the nail strips up safely and without my kids stepping on one by accident.:(I wish real decorating was like in Wildstar. Wave your hand around and your furniture, floor, wall all floats around and resizes at will. That would be awesome. Sadly, it isn't.

My typical go to names are either the Ghostbusters, Weapons Manufacturers or whatever book series I'm currently reading. In WoW, Ghostbusting was okay. SWTOR, filtered. W*, filtered. Same with most Weapons. And the book series I'm on had names that didnt' fit. So... I was like.. UMMMMMMmmmmm... lol.Then I decided to make a robotic medical device for my mechari medic. And then I was able to play. lol

I considered schofield as that was a real solider name and was also the name to the specific revolver model variation he asked to be made of, what I believe was the S&W model 3. Then again, at very least gun companies are usually named after their makers/owners.Colt, Winchester(I would use this but I bet it's taken),Smith & Wesson, Glock, Mauser, Maxim, Browning, Uzi(though he SPECIFICALLY didn't want the gun named after him) Garand, I probably missed a few.

My typical go to names are either the Ghostbusters, Weapons Manufacturers or whatever book series I'm currently reading. In WoW, Ghostbusting was okay. SWTOR, filtered. W*, filtered. Same with most Weapons. And the book series I'm on had names that didnt' fit. So... I was like.. UMMMMMMmmmmm... lol.Then I decided to make a robotic medical device for my mechari medic. And then I was able to play. lol

I used Warcraft's name generator and just chopped and glued name bits together (Anatsumiro came from Anatsu and Sumiro, for example). Constantin Baracca's name came from looking up a few names of actual priests. I've used other names from books for characters, Roman Gunnar, Lexiss Tangent, Alexander Eis, Victor Giovanni, the list goes on. It's good to get a cool name together. I used the names of poets in this game because they seemed to fit so well.

I considered schofield as that was a real solider name and was also the name to the specific revolver model variation he asked to be made of, what I believe was the S&W model 3. Then again, at very least gun companies are usually named after their makers/owners.Colt, Winchester(I would use this but I bet it's taken),Smith & Wesson, Glock, Mauser, Maxim, Browning, Uzi(though he SPECIFICALLY didn't want the gun named after him) Garand, I probably missed a few.

  • thinks* Galil,Kalashnikova, Beretta, Gatling. *nods* There's a bunch.

I considered schofield as that was a real solider name and was also the name to the specific revolver model variation he asked to be made of, what I believe was the S&W model 3. Then again, at very least gun companies are usually named after their makers/owners.Colt, Winchester(I would use this but I bet it's taken),Smith & Wesson, Glock, Mauser, Maxim, Browning, Uzi(though he SPECIFICALLY didn't want the gun named after him) Garand, I probably missed a few.

Luger? And Ruger? Beretta? Derringer? Remington! Springfield! Winchester! Weatherby!Actually, don't use Weatherby, save that for an engineer.Edit: Still adding some names to try!

Holy crap Japan makes some weird games.

Holy crap Japan makes some weird games.

  • everything. Fixed.
  • thinks* Galil,Kalashnikova, Beretta, Gatling. *nods* There's a bunch.

I heard Beretta still has the files from their first firearm sale which was apparently, here I have it copied nowBeretta has been owned by the same family for some five hundred years. The Beretta company was established in 1526,[1]when gunsmith Maestro Bartolomeo Beretta[2]ofGardone Val Trompia(Brescia,Lombardy, Italy) was paid 296ducatsfor 185arquebusbarrelsby theArsenal of Venice.[3]The bills of sale for the order of those barrels are in the firm's archive.

Holy crap Japan makes some weird games.

Yes, Link and Isabelle in a Mario Kart game. Mind blown.

  • everything. Fixed.

Honestly I'm watching this thing on youtube about basically manmade pseudo vampires, that you kill, or die as you are one too, by beating the crap out of them then stripping them naked.

I heard Beretta still has the files from their first firearm sale which was apparently, here I have it copied nowBeretta has been owned by the same family for some five hundred years. The Beretta company was established in 1526,[1]when gunsmith Maestro Bartolomeo Beretta[2]ofGardone Val Trompia(Brescia,Lombardy, Italy) was paid 296ducatsfor 185arquebusbarrelsby theArsenal of Venice.[3]The bills of sale for the order of those barrels are in the firm's archive.

I still think you should name him Maximillian Gauge.

I still think you should name him Maximillian Gauge.

That would work better if the game was more steampunk. I also don't think their are any monocles or a top tale and canes, all things I would need to pull off that name.

That would work better if the game was more steampunk. I also don't think their are any monocles or a top tale and canes, all things I would need to pull off that name.

You do not need a monocle to pull off the name Max Gauge. You just need a five o'clock shadow, a mean jawline, bulging biceps, and a voice ground into pulverized gravel by years of smoking high quality cigars in smoke filled bars.And you should probably own a firearm with a larger-than-traditional bore.

Mostly I made a spellslinger exile I liked on stormtalon and you guys made me want to try evidnra but I don't really like the name I used last time as it was a mage from an obscure game and doesn't really gell with the whole space cowboy vibe I get from the class and want to run with as. Though I did have one I forgot to try which wasTycho from the first fallout game.

If you're rerolling on Evindra, Tex would kill me if I suggested WyattDerp, but it's probably already taken.;)Some other ideas:Jonah Hex (DC comics)Vindicare (Warhammer 40K)Sinon (SAO2 anime - she's got a rather tragic back story)Shiba (The Irregular at Magic High School anime)Gallandro (Star Wars universe)

That would work better if the game was more steampunk. I also don't think their are any monocles or a top tale and canes, all things I would need to pull off that name.

There's a sort of cybernetic monocle that you get in your account inventory...but I forget how you unlock it.EDIT: Cybernetic Eye Patch It's a reward for setting up 2-Step Auth.

And before I went to rest at my BFF Myala's house, there was something I encountered and I had and still have no idea what it is for. So, could you Exiles enlighten me about...:

...what exactly are you trying to capture with that? :blink:

Isn't it obvious?Chua.

Reezza got her name from the WoW generator. The original Reezza was a goblin Warlock. :DNames can be easy or hard, and important. I can't write without my names. Sometimes if you have something you already know about a character, it helps. Sometimes just going on a name generator and pushing "next" until you land something you like is the best way.

Isn't it obvious?Chua.

No wonder you haven't caught anything. Chua stupid enough to fall for that die in experiments at a young age. We call it scientific selection.

We've actually provided you with a ton of links, resources, and even name generators over the last few days of threads. If you can't find something in those, then I really don't know what else to say. -_-At this point, you should just try ManWithNoName, Nameless, or Placeholder.Breakfast today felt like a tea kind of morning because I'm getting a little sick, apparently. I had a chocolate chai latte from Starbucks with a gift card work gave me, and had some "Classic Perfect Oatmeal". I asked for it with extra water (more runny = more better), and so of course they gave me a fork to eat it with. o_OI managed to get a level last night on my Medic and found a Cubig farm with a Hot Beverage Requisitions manager. His dialog was pretty epic. I think I managed to get a screenshot which I hope to post later tonight. ^_^Today is my "Friday". Much WildStar will be had over the next couple days, I hope...Unless this turns into Flu and kicks my cupcake.-T.

My names are easy. Something about the character, with 'brit' on the end.CassybritEsperbritMeccybritetc. etc.

If you're rerolling on Evindra, Tex would kill me if I suggested WyattDerp, but it's probably already taken.;)Some other ideas:Jonah Hex (DC comics)Vindicare (Warhammer 40K)Sinon (SAO2 anime - she's got a rather tragic back story)Shiba (The Irregular at Magic High School anime)Gallandro (Star Wars universe)

Lol. I didn't know that one had a sequel,(SAO that is) I rather liked the first one and, the second seasonish? Granted it had the familiar but still creepy to me, culture gap that is Japanese cousin lust. Honestly they give ME crap about that cause I'm from Kentucky but that hasn't been socially acceptable in my entire lifetime, if it ever much was, and if so it had to be in eastern KY because of the Appalachias, and yet if anime is any indication it is pefectly socially acceptable in Japan to date first cousins and they are given NO flak for it.... wtf!

Names are my kryptonite too. I got lucky with both of my engineers.My spellslinger is named after a legendary creature from Magic the Gathering.My Granok engineer is named after a character from the Devil Kings franchise (Sengoku Basara in Japan)My Mechari engineer is named after the main villain of a sci-fi TV show.There's a TON of resources and options for names. You just have to find one that is not taken. I still wish I could have had Hexadecimal for my Mechari:(

We've actually provided you with a ton of links, resources, and even name generators over the last few days of threads. If you can't find something in those, then I really don't know what else to say. -_-At this point, you should just try ManWithNoName, Nameless, or Placeholder.....Today is my "Friday". Much WildStar will be had over the next couple days, I hope...Unless this turns into Flu and kicks my cupcake.-T.

Placeholster? :lol:...and no flu. Flu is no fun. :unsure:

I just named mine after poets. I love my names :D Seeger, Spenser, Herrick, Audelay, Jonson, and Donne.Seriously dude, MaxGauge.I may have watched too many cheesy action movies in the 80s and 90s.

Ooh, I just thought of a great one. MaxPower!Or if you don't like that one how about Hercules RockefellerRembrandt Q. EinsteinOr...Handsome B WonderfulAll courtesy of Homer Simpson. :D

Go with Baudelaire. Guaranteed success at being a dandy.

Names are my kryptonite too. I got lucky with both of my engineers.My spellslinger is named after a legendary creature from Magic the Gathering.My Granok engineer is named after a character from the Devil Kings franchise (Sengoku Basara in Japan)My Mechari engineer is named after the main villain of a sci-fi TV show.There's a TON of resources and options for names. You just have to find one that is not taken. I still wish I could have had Hexadecimal for my Mechari:(



I know right! Taken on Evindra though. I wish I knew who had it. I would buy it off for a few plats <.<

with some coffee on the side ...

I'm disappointed by your non-moving coffee, Tex. *shakes head*

Good morning everyone! I hope everyone had a good night.:)I haven't gotten to play WildStar much lately. My poor Chua has probably gotten so dusty...:( That's ok though. I'm still convinced that Chua should take dust baths. :P Xvira probably won't talk to me though. It has been so long since I have logged in on her. >.< I still still haven't gotten her the Trigger Fingers AMP yet though, so I can still use that bribe. :PI hope everyone has a good day on the forums! I'll try to catch up on the thread instead of actually working today.;)

Isn't it obvious?Chua.

Are you telling me... that Chua... are attracted to flowers?

Drusera, please explain how such an horrific concept can even exist in the universe!

Lol. I didn't know that one had a sequel,(SAO that is) I rather liked the first one and, the second seasonish? Granted it had the familiar but still creepy to me, culture gap that is Japanese cousin lust. Honestly they give ME crap about that cause I'm from Kentucky but that hasn't been socially acceptable in my entire lifetime, if it ever much was, and if so it had to be in eastern KY because of the Appalachias, and yet if anime is any indication it is pefectly socially acceptable in Japan to date first cousins and they are given NO flak for it.... wtf!

SAO2 is good so far, although they made a few odd choices with it (no spoilers).It's hard to know what is/is not socially acceptable in a culture based on their shows. I think it's safe to assume that anime pushes the boundaries the same way our TV shows do. Think about the rest of the world looking at American culture through TV shows like Jackass and Bridezillas.

There's a sort of cybernetic monocle that you get in your account inventory...but I forget how you unlock it.EDIT: Cybernetic Eye Patch It's a reward for setting up 2-Step Auth.

Bugger I LOATHE auths. I had one for wow and it is such a royal pain in the ass. The having it need me to verify whien because my router gave me a new IP that is one digit off is annoying enough.

Bugger I LOATHE auths. I had one for wow and it is such a royal pain in the ass. The having it need me to verify whien because my router gave me a new IP that is one digit off is annoying enough.

I consider it a small inconvenience compared to the number of people I know who've been hacked just since launch.

SAO2 is good so far, although they made a few odd choices with it (no spoilers).It's hard to know what is/is not socially acceptable in a culture based on their shows. I think it's safe to assume that anime pushes the boundaries the same way our TV shows do. Think about the rest of the world looking at American culture through TV shows like Jackass and Bridezillas.

I have seen it on quite a few so I'm guessing it's at least somewhat common. Now the SISTER thing I have seen in couple of animes. Pretty sure that's a messed up fetish. It's much easier to argue the cousin angle, those animes are almost always slightly ecchi so yeah guessing . SOA is fairly serious though, most of the time.

Bugger I LOATHE auths. I had one for wow and it is such a royal pain in the ass. The having it need me to verify whien because my router gave me a new IP that is one digit off is annoying enough.

I loath them as well, but I caved and did set mine up. I don't care for the eye piece but having a free mount is nice.So many people were getting hacked, I just decided it was better to be safe than sorry. It's actually not terrible.

But, there is a top hat in the game. Not sure how you get it, though.

I loath them as well, but I caved and did set mine up. I don't care for the eye piece but having a free mount is nice.So many people were getting hacked, I just decided it was better to be safe than sorry. It's actually not terrible.But, there is a top hat in the game. Not sure how you get it, though.

Isn't like like wow, how you have to put in a new randomly generated code from a smartphone or something every time? My connection isn't good enough for me to be able to put up with that. I remember having to try like 3 codes before I could log in when I got disconnected in the middle of a raid before.

I know right! Taken on Evindra though. I wish I knew who had it. I would buy it off for a few plats <.<

Because she's so happy!

Well I think it's about time I go to sleep for a bit. After that I think I'll try a few names I saw here.

Isn't like like wow, how you have to put in a new randomly generated code from a smartphone or something every time? My connection isn't good enough for me to be able to put up with that. I remember having to try like 3 codes before I could log in when I got disconnected in the middle of a raid before.

Yeah, it's like that. And it sucks your connection is do bad. This one seems to be that after the number changes you have a second or two to still push enter and get in. I'm slow at that stuff, so it's helpful to me.

I love names. I have never had a hard time picking out a name for any toon. Usually, I either pick a name and build a concept around it (Texarcana) or I pick a concept and work backward from there (LolaLopp).Tex has been my handle in a couple of other games. I thought I'd like Spellslinger (I don't) and originally Tex-Arcana was a punny name I wanted to roll with. Meh. Didn't work out, but I'd already made a name for myself here, so I stuck with it.Lola, on the other hand, was a three-fold name. She is LolaLopp because I wanted to either RP a Lopp or a crazy Aurin *raised by* Lopps. Lola Bunny was Bugs' girlfriend. Lopps are bunnies. Aurin can have bunny ears ... so it all kind of came together organically.That said, I've also been JackSkellington (Mordesh SS), DocBanner (big, green Granok Medic), BenGrimm (orange Granok Warrior), Threepio (gold Mechari) and several other pun-eriffic names.

My character's girlfriend's player is a huge brony and locked in PinkiePie and RainbowDash lol

My character's girlfriend's player is a huge brony and locked in PinkiePie and RainbowDash lol

*giggles because Rocio is a naughty naughty Aurin. Confusing poor Koala*

Girl plays boy who is in love with girl who is played by boy. Anyone want to help with aséancefor Dr. Freud? I've got a few questions for him on this one.

Girl plays boy who is in love with girl who is played by boy. Anyone want to help with aséancefor Dr. Freud? I've got a few questions for him on this one.

Yeah ... I ... I can't ...Yeah.I'm going back to work. :lol:

Xila doesn't get used as a main unless there is a character type that will fit her name. The very original Xila was a blond Selkie from Crystal Chronicles on Game Cube. Then in FFXI she was a blond Mithra thief, and that's where I became very attached to the name. In Aion there were only the 2 races, and mostly human looking. So, Xila was a mule. In WoW I had a human named Xilabow but eventually she got changed into a blood elf named Melysoni. My panda was named Xilapan. In FFXIV Xila was reborn as Xila Windchaser, and in ARR I changed her name to Xila Xiihn. I also changed her from blond to ice blue with light purple highlights. And her blue eyes, one is blue and one is purple, it also has a scar. Now in Wildstar Xila has pink hair and blue eyes. Aurin have the right look for her but the wrong personality as a society. Yola was Xila's "companion NPC" they added in FFXI (except I think it was actually Yoli, but things change, lol,) and in FFXIV Yola is one of Xila's retainers. So it's fun to have her as a playable character now.

Girl plays boy who is in love with girl who is played by boy. Anyone want to help with aséancefor Dr. Freud? I've got a few questions for him on this one.

I've actually wondered why more people don't play characters of the gender they find attractive. It seems like a logical choice when you spend so much time looking at them.

Yeah ... I ... I can't ...Yeah.I'm going back to work. :lol:

There's roleplaying, and then there's ROLEPLAYING.Reading about Rocio's exploits and knowing a bit about the player behind them makes me feel like such a newb at RP:)Props to you and Elona (Elora? I forget) Rocio:)

I've actually wondered why more people don't play characters of the gender they find attractive. It seems like a logical choice when you spend so much time looking at them.

I play whatever I feel like. Gender identity in a video game is ... kind of pointless.Girls can play Mario and guys can play Chainsaw Lollipop. It's a game. Play what makes you happy.

I've actually wondered why more people don't play characters of the gender they find attractive. It seems like a logical choice when you spend so much time looking at them.

Same reason "Fan service" creeps the hell out of me. I don't find animated pixels attractive. I typically go 50/50. Simply because I like variety.

I play whatever I feel like. Gender identity in a video game is ... kind of pointless.Girls can play Mario and guys can play Chainsaw Lollipop. It's a game. Play what makes you happy.

Agreed.I'm a guy in the real world. The Nephele character/avatar is female, but two of my other three characters are male. I am perhaps odd (or maybe not so much) in that I develop a persona in my head, and then build the character around the persona:Nephele is the organizer and protector. She's the serious one, the scientist, the strategist.Talaen, my spellslinger, is the explorer (and is one). He's the one that always wants to go see what's over that hill. He's also the one most likely to charge in, guns blazing.Corriban, my esper, is the innocent. She's an aurin and doesn't really have many goals other than to find pretty places that she can take a nap in, chasing flitterflies, and other semi-childish pursuits. She's also super-idealistic and prone to get very very upset in the face of any injustice.My last - Skarne, my warrior, is really not all that fleshed out yet. But he's the avenger - the one who will go take out the bad guys to prevent them from doing any further harm. I like to think of him kind of like a samurai. A very big, granok samurai.

Girl plays boy who is in love with girl who is played by boy. Anyone want to help with a séance for Dr. Freud? I've got a few questions for him on this one.

No need for Freud. Seems like a good match to me.

There's roleplaying, and then there's ROLEPLAYING.Reading about Rocio's exploits and knowing a bit about the player behind them makes me feel like such a newb at RP:)Props to you and Elona (Elora? I forget) Rocio:)

I suck at playing girls. I've tried, but I can't do it. I've played a sociopathic hitman from a made up tribal culture in a made up mafia in a made up city and made people laugh, cry and cringe. I get no impact from the women I tried to play. There's just something in the female nature I can't hit. I guess I do okay, but it's so far below my standard that I feel ashamed when I do it.Luckily, I've got a lot more lateral range to my RP.

No need for Freud. Seems like a good match to me.

That's actually the reason for Freud. Nature / Nurture. etc etc.

I suck at playing girls. I've tried, but I can't do it.

Funny, I have a good time being Lola ... but not because she's a female. She's just too damn hilarious. I "hear her" in my head. To me, she sounds nothing like the game voice. She's more like ... my youngest daughter, if I let her drink three shots of Espresso.

I tend to play girls because a guy avatar feels clunky to me. I often don't like the way they move or how they look. It's not always the case though, but 98% of the time I'll make a girl over a guy if I have an option. Some of my favorite guys I've made are Lantus the Barbarian in Age of Conan. My little wood elf Druid in EQ (which I forgot his name,) and of course, Dox'a Xiihn, Xila's little brother in FFXIV:ARR. I always wanted a brother. :P

Thanks for the props! People are floored when they find out I'm a woman, no matter what I play. I love it!For the record, if I wasn't completely enamored with my character, would I roleplay him? Write 15 chapter fanfictions of him? Pay RL money to commission art for him?Of course not! But its not a sexual thing. It's a literary love.He's a powerful muse that is powering my pen at the moment. Other muses have existed, Sheena Silverbay of the Empire in FFXII, Hiir Noivl the spoiled aristocratic lalafell in FFXIV, Bronzerider J'yan and his Dragon Rexroth in Dragonriders of Pern.I adore Rocio and it shows in his depth of character, not in some bizarre anime fanservice fantasy.

I am decent-ish at roleplaying either gender. Somewhat androgynous IRL so perspective! <.<Also, ladies and gentlemen, I give you a reason to hate the big city: daily mailbox spam in cellphone quality. I receive that five times week.

Same reason "Fan service" creeps the hell out of me. I don't find animated pixels attractive. I typically go 50/50. Simply because I like variety.

I was talking more on the "aesthetically pleasing" end of the spectrum rather than "sex object."I tend to make a 50/50 mix as well, but that's more because I like armor mixing, and there aren't generally enough options to support a full range of characters of one gender.

Bozzie is my male character in WildStar. I love playing him too. :PLike Xila, I play female probably 98% of the time, but I have no problem making a male character from time to time. It certainly doesn't feel "weird" or anything. I'm playing a character in a game. It's not me. It's Bozzie. HE is a Chua. HE is a male. I don't see why it should feel strange to play another gender character.I typically play females because it's easier to play what I know and I can make more in depth characters with elements of my personality in them. But it's fun to do that for male characters sometimes too.:)I agree with the statement that player gender vs. character gender is completely irrelevant.

I'm pretty gender fluid so I tend to have characters that are pretty fluid themselves.Ro, you say 'bizzare anime fanservice fantasy' like it's a bad thing. Zid isn't just meant to be an extension of myself he's totally meant to be objectified lol mostly because I don't have an issue with people objectifying myself or my character as long as they're someone I'm friends with, and I know they're doing it in a respectful way (if that makes any sense).

objectification of the cuter gender

>.< lolThe irony. It's killin' me. <3 lol

I'm pretty gender fluid so I tend to have characters that are pretty fluid themselves.Ro, you say 'bizzare anime fanservice fantasy' like it's a bad thing.

Fan Service will get me back on the topic of the objectification of the cuter gender. lol. So... umm.. hey look! *points* Ummm... STUFF!

I play only female characters, except for Chua of course. Here's my Aurin:

I love the fact that I play Chua most of the time yet my hair irl is pretty Aurin lol

>.< lolThe irony. It's killin' me. <3 lol

Hey. It's not my fault the government tried to jam a scientist into the body of a grunt.

My overgrown imagination does what it wants. I try not to question it.Sometimes its hard. Like right now, official lore states that Espers are not detailed mind readers and also can only move things with the projections their mind creates.Given the fact that you have abilities like "Psychic Frenzy" and "Telekinetic Strike" and my character is floating and flying around, when I write there's a cognitive dissonance.As a result I am bending the spoon in the lore, giving Rocio talents and abilities he's not supposed to have. Because the lore makes no sense.I've asked Pappy about these things. He hasn't responded. I don't want this to turn into writer versus writer, but seriously, how is Fade Out not Telekinesis?

I'm pretty gender fluid so I tend to have characters that are pretty fluid themselves. Ro, you say 'bizzare anime fanservice fantasy' like it's a bad thing. Zid isn't just meant to be an extension of myself he's totally meant to be objectified lol mostly because I don't have an issue with people objectifying myself or my character as long as they're someone I'm friends with, and I know they're doing it in a respectful way (if that makes any sense).

Baah no offense intended! I mean that... but I have no such feelings and frankly I don't understand it..... :wacko:

Baah no offense intended! I mean that... but I have no such feelings and frankly I don't understand it..... :wacko:

I was teasing about the fanservice stuff. Most of the time I find that sort of thing cringeworthy. It's one thing when it's something the person who is the subject of it is OK with. It's another thing entirely when it's something that engenders the non-consensual objectification of others. Just because my character enjoys being a bit of a tease for their close personal friends does not make it OK for society as a whole to treat anyone in a disrespectful or demeaning manner.

Oh ok good, I'm glad we're still good.Also for the record, Rocio is like half my age, people. My giving him bedroom eyes would be creepy in every. Sense.

No offense to the writers but I suspect that they're making it up as they go along. The story tends to be one of the last things written when it comes to games like this. I mean when Blizzard North was working on Diablo (the first one) it wasn't until the game was almost finished that they realized they ought to have some kind of story for it.

Also for the record, Rocio is like half my age, people. My giving him bedroom eyes would be creepy in every. Sense.

"Up next on 'Desperate Houseaurin'..." :P

Details are devils aren't they?My guess is they don't want some mega-Esper ending the war too early by making the opposing faction into mind slaves or exploding their heads with a thought.But that said, the game needs to line up with the lore. Wildstar has a very robust plot for a fresh MMO, better thab Square Enix's initial attempt at 14.

Also, I'm working on something new. Some gift art for a friend. I learned how to use 'steady stroke' in sketchbook pro. I facepawwed when I figured it out. The button for it was right in front of me all along. It smooths your lines as you draw them so that they look cleaner. This saves me a TON of time since my hand is shaky. I'm not so good with doing anything 'straight' XDObiedobie (the figure with their arms rasied) belongs to Van-Weasel. I love the character. Obie & Zid are very similar in appearance & overall concept save their being different species hence the similarity to my character.

Kytar, the Hopper story is slightly off. The term bug had been used well before Hopper and the Mark II, that said she commented that they were 'debugging' said system when they removed the moth.Had the enchillada's with egg on top for lunch today, was delish.I play male and female characters, depends on what I'm going for character-wise, that said most MMO characters are female. Back in 90's and early 00's, I'd play opposite gender of my Girlfriend at the time online (we met on FurryMuck back in '91, later moved on to other environments before breaking up), and enjoy the attempts to properly romance each other. :PWildstar wise, the safari was a bit hectic, and I kept dropping out of character for Kershae (She barely talks, and then never above a whisper.) Enjoyable enough though.Canstrae is having an interesting time in Malgrave...

I learned how to use 'steady stroke' in sketchbook pro.

I love using these kinds of features. :P No matter how hard you try, there is always some waviness to the lines you draw. It's so nice to have programs steady them for you. :DOne of the main reasons why I stick to digital art. I'm terrible without a computer to help me. xDI still want to make more WildStar related art, but I'm bleh at illustrating.

I love using these kinds of features. :P No matter how hard you try, there is always some waviness to the lines you draw. It's so nice to have programs steady them for you. :DOne of the main reasons why I stick to digital art. I'm terrible without a computer to help me. xDI still want to make more WildStar related art, but I'm bleh at illustrating.

I'm OK at traditional it's just a lot harder for me. I've had my tablet since August of last year (it was my 39th b-day present), and since then I've done more art in a year then I have in the 39 years previous. Took to it like a roo takes to water.

I love using these kinds of features. :P No matter how hard you try, there is always some waviness to the lines you draw. It's so nice to have programs steady them for you. :DOne of the main reasons why I stick to digital art. I'm terrible without a computer to help me. xDI still want to make more WildStar related art, but I'm bleh at illustrating.

Funny thing there is a friend of mine was an architect and they actually had to run a script in Autocad to cause the drawings to appear hand drawn. They discovered that clients would be hesitant to ask for changes to the design if it looked like it was done on the computer...because they thought that altering the computer drawing would be harder than the hand-drawn one!

Funny thing there is a friend of mine was an architect and they actually had to run a script in Autocad to cause the drawings to appear hand drawn. They discovered that clients would be hesitant to ask for changes to the design if it looked like it was done on the computer...because they thought that altering the computer drawing would be harder than the hand-drawn one!

That's actually really funny. xD I frequently need to make adjustments to a picture on the computer to make it look hand drawn again (which is funny. I draw it, scan it, trace it in the computer, clean it up, then work to try to make it look hand drawn again. >.<) But I do that for the style of it. It's trendy now and I think it looks good.I can't believe that someone has to do it because people think a computer drawing is harder to change than a hand drawing though. xD

That's actually really funny. xD I frequently need to make adjustments to a picture on the computer to make it look hand drawn again (which is funny. I draw it, scan it, trace it in the computer, clean it up, then work to try to make it look hand drawn again. >.<) But I do that for the style of it. It's trendy now and I think it looks good.I can't believe that someone has to do it because people think a computer drawing is harder to change than a hand drawing though. xD

Not sure they still do. This was back in the 90's before most people had the computer exposure they do now. heh, my 3rd grade teacher used to chastise me for turning in rough drafts because they were typed, 'you can't edit typed documents!' I had to bring my C=64 in to class and demonstrate word processing and printing to convince her you could.

I am afraid. Our computer programs are showing signs....

Microsoft just said "Screw your homework."

Funny thing there is a friend of mine was an architect and they actually had to run a script in Autocad to cause the drawings to appear hand drawn. They discovered that clients would be hesitant to ask for changes to the design if it looked like it was done on the computer...because they thought that altering the computer drawing would be harder than the hand-drawn one!

We have that functionality in Revit 2015 now. Because people want their computer graphics to look hand-drawn for some reason.These are people who never dealt with hand drawings. Nothing makes you appreciate Revit quite like getting a set of hand drawings and finding out they're fudged; they don't match. And you don't know which page was used during construction.

Not sure they still do. This was back in the 90's before most people had the computer exposure they do now. heh, my 3rd grade teacher used to chastise me for turning in rough drafts because they were typed, 'you can't edit typed documents!' I had to bring my C=64 in to class and demonstrate word processing and printing to convince her you could.

Yeah, someone disillusioned the clients at some point. Now we have clients who think we can generate 3D models of the universe by simply pressing a button."I want my blueprints in the form of a pop-up book." :rolleyes:

We have that functionality in Revit 2015 now. Because people want their computer graphics to look hand-drawn for some reason.These are people who never dealt with hand drawings. Nothing makes you appreciate Revit quite like getting a set of hand drawings and finding out they're fudged; they don't match. And you don't know which page was used during construction.

Or fudged CAD drawings... The ways some people get around drawing things properly are just astounding.

Or fudged CAD drawings... The ways some people get around drawing things properly are just astounding.

Yeah, you have to really work at fudging things in Revit. At least, if something looks horribly wrong in Revit, it's probably because something is happening you didn't take into account.Like when I had a staircase going through a closet from the floor below in college. Thank you, Revit.

"I had a dream that a friend had a blueprint popup book! It was the book of my dreams!"

Yeah, you have to really work at fudging things in Revit. At least, if something looks horribly wrong in Revit, it's probably because something is happening you didn't take into account.Like when I had a staircase going through a closet from the floor below in college. Thank you, Revit.

Oh, were you working on the Winchester Mystery house?;)

Oh, were you working on the Winchester Mystery house?;)

No, it was an apartment/hotel project for studio. It was a later reworking of this thing...

Did that in FormZ for rendering since I didn't know how to render in Revit (I used it for my certification classes though, since I was teaching myself the basics). That's what it looks like in the broad strokes.

So... had a meeting with our IT folk who will be interfacing with outsourced IT folk. I think I just told everyone that everyone's puppy had some form of terrible parasitic disease and their mothers were just convicted of being West Ireland Drug Mafia Kingpins for Sheep. "They need to be escorted?!" #giant room of sighs. "What do you mean they have to use OUR machines while they're here?!" #giant annoyed sounds. Wildstar... Wildstar... anyone know how long it takes to get 100 EGs? Like.. how many daily runs?

Me? I would have been like: People?! Will there be food?!

So... had a meeting with our IT folk who will be interfacing with outsourced IT folk. I think I just told everyone that everyone's puppy had some form of terrible parasitic disease and their mothers were just convicted of being West Ireland Drug Mafia Kingpins for Sheep. "They need to be escorted?!" #giant room of sighs. "What do you mean they have to use OUR machines while they're here?!" #giant annoyed sounds. Wildstar... Wildstar... anyone know how long it takes to get 100 EGs? Like.. how many daily runs?

I will see your IT issues and raise you.... One of my shipping guys just came into my office and called me "Sweetie" ....seriously >.<I need to kill some stuff in Wildstar.

Me? I would have been like: People?! Will there be food?!

  • hrmphs* I even brought donuts! FILLED DONUTS! FROM A BAKERY! And the IT bunch was still grumpy. Next time I'm telling them we're throttling all the ports required to run the World of Warcraft and Steam.

I loath them as well, but I caved and did set mine up. I don't care for the eye piece but having a free mount is nice.So many people were getting hacked, I just decided it was better to be safe than sorry. It's actually not terrible.But, there is a top hat in the game. Not sure how you get it, though.

I have always used an authenticator on my games. Have never been hacked. Even though they can get annoying.The top hat and monocle are from the gamescon code they gave out during gamescon. They are having some giveaways for those of us who did not go. But, don't know when they will happen.My main character is SpousalUnit. But usually use variations of names starting with Ciri (Cirinde, Cirinity, Cirious, Cirindipity, etc.)

I will see your IT issues and raise you.... One of my shipping guys just came into my office and called me "Sweetie" ....seriously >.<I need to kill some stuff in Wildstar.

Were you on the Coffee chat in game when I discussed 50 Shades of Koala? Not for public discourse.. but yea.. totally get that "What did you just say, willus?" moments.

I will see your IT issues and raise you.... One of my shipping guys just came into my office and called me "Sweetie" ....seriously >.<I need to kill some stuff in Wildstar.

One of these days......POW! Right in the kisser!

To all you AH savants in this thread... when is the best time to list a rare item? I'm thinking during primetime when more people are on, but majority could be out raiding or doing whatever instead of doing AH business.I'm not an AH player or game economist, so I already screwed myself out of 20-30p, by not waiting to list it, and well... misinformation about the patch. My bad on both accounts, though no point sulking over spoiled milk (or trying to anyway!) /sadpanda

Just wanted some input from the smarter people here haha.
  • growls at the Chua, holding a thick piece of Texas toast in his mouth*" No leftovers for latecomers!" *reaches for the sausage gravy bowl and dips his egg biscuit in it*

"Getcher own!"

Grrrr...you still got leftovers somewhere...know that for certain! Gimmie gimmie! Or I make you!

To all you AH savants in this thread... when is the best time to list a rare item? I'm thinking during primetime when more people are on, but majority could be out raiding or doing whatever instead of doing AH business.I'm not an AH player or game economist, so I already screwed myself out of 20-30p, by not waiting to list it, and well... misinformation about the patch. My bad on both accounts, though no point sulking over spoiled milk (or trying to anyway!) /sadpandaJust wanted some input from the smarter people here haha.

Friday. A lot of people don't play until the weekend. Drop it on the exchange Friday night.Or just whenever. I don't wait. Even on Domside Evindra, all the auctions and CX posts I dropped on Monday have sold save two. Even the plushie.

To all you AH savants in this thread... when is the best time to list a rare item? I'm thinking during primetime when more people are on, but majority could be out raiding or doing whatever instead of doing AH business.I'm not an AH player or game economist, so I already screwed myself out of 20-30p, by not waiting to list it, and well... misinformation about the patch. My bad on both accounts, though no point sulking over spoiled milk (or trying to anyway!) /sadpandaJust wanted some input from the smarter people here haha.

My primary list day is Saturday morning / Friday REALLLLLLLY late night if needed. That way my two days of listing covers the primetime weekend. I also check if I have competition. If I don't, okay. If I do, I compare the prices. If it's too low, I'll bank and save for the following week. If it's right on target, I'll 10% undercut and go for someone who will hopefully think that is "a deal". Just remember, you don't have to sell just to sell. Kind of like my 7 Raiden hats in my bank. They'll be there for a LOOOOOONG time. lol

Grrrr...you still got leftovers somewhere...know that for certain! Gimmie gimmie! Or I make you!

  • flails his hands like a karate Esper*

"You wanna?! You want some of this?!"

I wish I was better at drawing. And I wish I could draw better with my tablet. And I wish drawing with my tablet didn't require my smallest one to be sleeping, because Baby Godzilla will break my tablet.

I wish I was better at drawing. And I wish I could draw better with my tablet. And I wish drawing with my tablet didn't require my smallest one to be sleeping, because Baby Godzilla will break my tablet.

Interesting place to have the men's restroom...

  • snip*

Interesting place to have the men's restroom...

It's actually perfect. The man can hide while the woman decides which one she wants and still be in hearing distance ... so my hubby says:)


Needs the typical sign: "Please do not take merchandise into restroom."

It's actually perfect. The man can hide while the woman decides which one she wants and still be in hearing distance ... so my hubby says:)

Having grown up with my dad, it actually gives me flashbacks to being a teenager, and him asking as loudly as possible "Do You Need A New Bra???!!!!" Just to make me embarrassed on purpose. XD

Having grown up with my dad, it actually gives me flashbacks to being a teenager, and him asking as loudly as possible "Do You Need A New Bra???!!!!" Just to make me embarrassed on purpose. XD

My sister used to do that to me all the time. The little twit!If she played Wildstar her character name would be EvilSister:)

So... had a meeting with our IT folk who will be interfacing with outsourced IT folk. I think I just told everyone that everyone's puppy had some form of terrible parasitic disease and their mothers were just convicted of being West Ireland Drug Mafia Kingpins for Sheep. "They need to be escorted?!" #giant room of sighs. "What do you mean they have to use OUR machines while they're here?!" #giant annoyed sounds. Wildstar... Wildstar... anyone know how long it takes to get 100 EGs? Like.. how many daily runs?

100 EGs? 3 and 1/2 days if just doing the CB and NW ones.

Wildstar... Wildstar... anyone know how long it takes to get 100 EGs? Like.. how many daily runs?

The weekly cap is 150, and if you do all of the dailies in Crimson Badlands and Northern Wastes, it nets you approximately 30% of the weekly cap.So, it should take you two days of doing both zones, and part of the third day.If you add in the Blighthaven dailies, obviously it'll be quicker than that.

  • hrmphs* I even brought donuts! FILLED DONUTS! FROM A BAKERY! And the IT bunch was still grumpy. Next time I'm telling them we're throttling all the ports required to run the World of Warcraft and Steam.

When my boss brings donuts, I know I should've taken the day off.

Interesting place to have the men's restroom...

Is this not what guys want to see on their way to the only bastion of masculinity in a store?

The weekly cap is 150, and if you do all of the dailies in Crimson Badlands and Northern Wastes, it nets you approximately 30% of the weekly cap.So, it should take you two days of doing both zones, and part of the third day.If you add in the Blighthaven dailies, obviously it'll be quicker than that.

I like your math.2 1/2 x 30 > 100.And BTW - Cap is 140.

It's actually perfect. The man can hide while the woman decides which one she wants and still be in hearing distance ... so my hubby says:)

Try to be the hubby that's typically in a trench coat, slacks, button down with tie and wearing sunglasses. I cannot tell you how many times I've been shadowed by store security while waiting for my wife to find "good fits". Because she always wants to "get shopping out of the way" as soon as I get home on the weekends.

I like your math.2 1/2 x 30 > 100.

I like my math, too.30% of the 150 cap is 45 EG.45 x 2.5 is indeed > 100.


Calculator Duel! ROUND ONE.....

:o :o :o :o :o FIGHT! :o :o :o :o :o

I like my math, too.30% of the 150 cap is 45 EG.45 x 2.5 is indeed > 100.


Oh yeah. I take it back (was thinking of 30, not 30%). BTW - cap is 140.And, just another point. When I do them, it rewards me around 26%.

I like your math.2 1/2 x 30 > 100.And BTW - Cap is 140.

I like my math, too.30% of the 150 cap is 45 EG.45 x 2.5 is indeed > 100.


So.. my brain just lost English cohession. I looked at the word "Fight" and I was like.. WTF is that word? Did I spell that right? FIGHT looks so weird when you think about it.. I was like.. ummm...싸움!

My sister used to do that to me all the time. The little twit!If she played Wildstar her character name would be EvilSister:)

Haha, this makes me think of my favorite Teen Titans Go where Starfire finally gets the rage at her evil sister. You should watch it. The episode is called Mr. Butt. On a related note, that episode taught Baby Godzilla how to say: "Shut u and be a man!" /facepalmBut, Baby Godzilla is cute and good at building things (before smashing them,) and he's smart. I'm starting to think he's a Chua.

Oh yeah. I take it back. BTW - cap is 140.

One point to each side. lolIf you're only getting 26%, then you're likely missing a quest, as it seems pretty consistent for me. Only reason I pay attention is that I hate dailies.

So.. my brain just lost English cohession. I looked at the word "Fight" and I was like.. WTF is that word? Did I spell that right? FIGHT looks so weird when you think about it.. I was like.. ummm...싸움!

There've been days when I've done that to my own name. :wacko:

Calculator Duel! ROUND ONE.....

:o :o :o :o :o FIGHT! :o :o :o :o :o 



Is that your rotation?

Is that your rotation?

X is giving us the value of x.


Is that your rotation?

No, it's from the movie Clue when they are all fighting over if there is a bullet left in the revolver. It's how many shots have been fired in the course of the film. :D

Calculator Duel! ROUND ONE.....

:o :o :o :o :o FIGHT! :o :o :o :o :o

My rotation is 2, R, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 1, 4, 4, 4, mob dead.Guess the class and the abilities for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5:)

Is that your rotation?

I'm pretty sure that's Xila speak for...

The Xila Headstomp.

No, it's from the movie Clue when they are all fighting over if there is a bullet left in the revolver. It's how many shots have been fired in the course of the film. :D

such a good movie

Is that your rotation?

This is Wildstar.My rotation is the same as everyone elses.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2

My rotation is like "I haven't pushed this button in a while." :PMy brain is too chaotic to remember to do things in the same order over and over. I still get the job done, though.

Calculator Duel! ROUND ONE.....

:o :o :o :o :o FIGHT! :o :o :o :o :o 

Insert Coin!!!

I'm pretty sure that's Xila speak for...

The Xila Headstomp.

Bwahaha Actually, it's my go to when people are arguing in math.

This is Wildstar.My rotation is the same as everyone elses.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2

Ha! Not my medic! My medic is....Activate 8 Buff. Hold Mouse 4... 5... Mold Mouse 4.... Oh! MoO! 4! CRIT! Press 2 and 3! ...back to Hold Mouse 4 until they die.

Aftermoon!I'm late to the party today super stressful work day taking over new responsibilities so I may be quiet on the forums until that gets "normalized"Scott's Wildstar News Jacosta is 38! - I still love the character! No real desires to roll an alt. I think Draken are the sweet spot race for me in this game!Housing - got the interior of Jacosta's house looking EPIC! Throne room looks bad are! The Torture Room in the basem*nt looks super unsettling! Still trying to figure out if I want to do a massive arena or skybase on the Plot.So that's it for now tonight I'm going to try to get as close to 40 as possible!See some of you in game.tonight!

This is Wildstar.My rotation is the same as everyone elses.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2

Not me!1 is jump.

Not me!1 is jump.

Boing! Boing! Boing!

Aftermoon!I'm late to the party today super stressful work day taking over new responsibilities so I may be quiet on the forums until that gets "normalized"Scott's Wildstar NewsJacosta is 38! - I still love the character! No real desires to roll an alt. I think Draken are the sweet spot race for me in this game!Housing - got the interior of Jacosta's house looking EPIC! Throne room looks bad are! The Torture Room in the basem*nt looks super unsettling! Still trying to figure out if I want to do a massive arena or skybase on the Plot.So that's it for now tonight I'm going to try to get as close to 40 as possible!See some of you in game.tonight!

Oh! Ha! Speaking of SoA!

We need to teach you to sing Lionel Richie.. because I saw that commercial.. and I was like.. "He looks familiar." Then I was trolling the forums.. and was like.. Woah! I think that might be Scott's Dad! LOL

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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